Earth/Space Sections 23.3 and 23.4

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Which Jovian planets have rings?

All of them

What kind of atmosphere does Jupiter have?


What is similar between Saturn's moon Titan and Neptune's moon Triton?

Only moons in solar system to have substantial atmospheres/dense gaseous covers

Where do long-period comets come from?

Oort Cloud

What are Jupiter's rings made of?

Smoke like particles and fragments from moons

Where do comets rarely go?

inner solar system

What are comets?

small bodies made up of rocky and metallic pieces held together by frozen gases

What kind of core does Jupiter have?


What is Jupiter's Great Spot?

Cyclonic storm

What causes the bands on Jupiter?

Different elements and wind

Where do short-period comets come from?

Kuiper Belt

What is a meteorite?

any portion of a meteoroid that reaches Earth's surface

How much bigger is the mass of Jupiter than all the other planets and moons combined?

2.5 times

What are the orbital periods of asteroids?

3 to 6 years

How many moons does Jupiter have?


How long is Halley's Comet's orbit?

76 years

What would cause Uranus's special axis?

Altered by giant meteoric impact

What is the most prominent feature of Saturn?

Complex rings

Why isn't Pluto a planet?

Doesn't clear neighborhood around orbit

What are the two categories of ring densities?

Faint rings composed of fine particles that are widely dispersed and thicker, or tightly packed rings that contain moonlets ranging in size

Where does Pluto occasionally travel?

Inside orbit of Neptune

Which of Jupiter's moons is volcanic?


What is special about Uranus's axis?

Nearly parallel with plane of orbit (looks like it's rolling)

What is Neptune's Great Dark Spot?

Rotating storm

What is a dwarf planet?

Round object orbiting the sun that hasn't cleared the neighborhood around its orbit

How fast are the winds on Saturn?

Up to 1500 miles per hour

Which space craft discovered Jupiter's moons?

Voyager 1

Where are most asteroids located?

between orbits of Mars and Jupiter

What kind of orbits do most Kuiper belt comets have?

circular orbits that are roughly in the same plane as the planets

What is the largest asteroid?

dwarf planet Ceres

Where did asteroids probably originate?

from larger bodies (planets)

What is a coma?

fuzzy, gaseous component of a comet's head

Where do most meteoroids originate form?

interplanetary debris that was not swept up by planets, material form the asteroid belt, or solid remains of comets that were once near Earth

What is a meteor?

luminous phenomenon observed when a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up (shooting star)

What can be detected with a coma?

small glowing nucleus with a small diameter

What is the Oort cloud?

spherical shell around the solar system

What do comets revolve around?

sun (in elongated orbits)

What do some comets develop?

tails made of ionized gases and dust

Where do tails of comets point and why?

tails point away from the sun because of solar wind and radiation pressure

How many moons does Neptune have?


What is the largest moon is the solar system (which is one of Jupiter's moons)?


What causes planets to not clear the area around their orbits?

Gravity is too weak to attract debris

How many moons does Pluto have?

1 (Charon)

How many moons does Saturn have?


Name 4 of Jupiter's moons.

Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto

What are moonlets?

Particles of ice and rock that collide frequently

What is Saturn's largest moon?


Which moon has retrograde motion?


How fast are the winds on Neptune?

Up to 1000 kilometers per hour

What is Halley's comet?

most famous short-period comet

What is an asteroid?

small, rocky body that orbits the sun and whose diameter is greater than 10 meters

What is a meteoroid?

small, solid particle that travels though space

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