EC-6 Fine Arts

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Addiction is characterized by all of the following symptoms except -

Ability to control the addictive behavior

The terms right, left, up, and down refer to which movement concept?


Which one of the following is not an environmental impact on the mental/emotional health of a child?


The ultimate responsibility for injury prevention rests with the -


Good teaching units should contain -

Information on sources of resource materials

Students with asthma -

May present special challenges in class activities

The aim of health education includes all of the following EXCEPT -

Motivation toward goals

An integrated arts unit would be best facilitated by studying what genre?


One of the most important elements in painting and drawing is line. In visual arts there are several concepts related to line. Select all that apply.

Outline, Contour, Implied

Which one of the following is not part of the teacher's responsibilities in emergency situations?

Provide medication to the victim

Which of the following examples best represents an industrial application of music in society?

The use of a work song to coordinate the striking of spikes in the building of railroads

All of the following are true about chronic diseases except -

They tend to come on suddenly

The best way to prevent contraction of a sexually transmitted infection is to -

Be abstinent

Collage in art making is a technique where shapes, cut outs, forms and/or objects are layered onto a surface were smooth, textured or low-relief effects can be created in a design. What would be several techniques used in collage to create actual texture and low-relief on the collage surface? Select all that apply.

Braiding, Crimping, Folding, Curling, Pleating

Mr. Barry wants to teach a lesson on block printmaking. Block printing is carving from a block or surface that is inked and printed. What three tools would be most appropriate to create a block print? Select all that apply.

Brayer, Ink, Cutting tools

Middle school choral director, has programmed two short scred works by Bach and Palestrina for the fall concert for her top choir. Wanting to challenge her students to incorporate multiple levels of thinking, she is planning to include activities that engage her students at each level of thinking identified in Benjamin Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy. What order or level of cognitive processing would be identified with a student, either by looking at the scores or listening to recordings, being able to distinguish between vocal music by Handel and di Lasso?


After participating in an exercise program, individuals should expect their resting heart rate to _______________, reflecting a positive training adaptation.


James, a student in Ms. Harrod's art class asks her to draw an eye in a portrait he is working on that he feels he can't get quite right. What action should Ms. Harrod take to help him?

Demonstrate for him how to draw an eye and its attributes; ;have him follow and then have him practice it several times before he tries again on his final drawing

Usually serious bleeding is best controlled by -

Direct pressure on the wound

Mr. Timmins is working with his fifth grade social studies class to prepare and perform a play about Veteran's Day. He has communicated information about the performance to the principal, the families of the students, and the other fifth grade teachers. He helped the children research and write the script for the play and has guided them in making decisions about the scenery and the costumes. Which of the following describes Mr. Timmins role in his class's Veteran's Day play?


What instrument is most closely associated with the music of the western Africa?


Kindergarten class is moving to a selection of western art music. Throughout the selection the children are walking around the room and either placing their finger over their mouths (shhh) and squatting or cupping their hands around their mouths (shout) and standing as the music plays. What element of music do these motions reinforce?


Cubism was introduced by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. Look at the following work by Pablo Picasso and select from the answers below the attribute that best describes cubism.


It is April in South Texas and the students in Mr. Hamilton's physical education classes are complaining about the sun and heat. Motivation to participate is slipping. What actions should Mr. Hamilton take?

He should reduce the level of activity to one suitable for the heat, utilize whatever shade is available, and increase water breaks

Listed below are several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Which of the following can be changed? I. Tobacco II. Heredity III. Age IV. High Blood Pressure V. Gender VI. Physical Inactivity VII. Social Factors VIII. Ethnicity

I, IV, VI, and VII

Relaxation breathing refers to -

Inhaling deeply and rhythmically to relieve tension and increase oxygen levels in the blood

Diabetes is the result of insufficient Insulin production by the body's pancreas.

Insulin Pancreas

Lack of physical activity is considered as important a risk factor for heart disease as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking

Lack of physical activity

Risk factors for depression in young adolescents include all but which of the following?

Nutritional balance

What musical term is a direction for the performer to pluck the strings of an instrument rather than use a bow?


Mrs. Walker, the music teacher in Scarborough Elementary, shows her students a staff with music notation where the notes are purposely not grouped into bars or measures as shown above. Observing the staff in the exhibit, what type of note gets one beat in a 4/4 time signature?

Quarter note

Space is the area inside; around; or between objects in an artwork


Which one of the following is not a classification of a wound?


Which of the following refers to a popular music genre originally from southern Texas, which incorporates a bajo sexto and accordion?


Physical education teacher has taught his students a variety of non-locomotor skills. The students are in elementary school and have excellent motor skills. Which of the following sets of skills was taught to these students that would be classified as non-locomotor?

Twist, sway, bend, curl

When teaching sexuality education, the teacher should -

Use age appropriate language

Ms. Hill asks her students to examine the image of an artwork she projects on the board. Her goal is to engage her 5th grade students in a meaningful discussion about Franz Marc's artwork. What type of questions should Ms. Hill ask to get her 5th grade students thinking and talking about the image?

What do you see in this artwork? What do you see that makes you say that? What else do you see?

Primary emphasis in elementary school health education curriculum should be placed on all but one of the following content areas -

World health

Theatrical dance performance is an ideal way to introduce the concept of the history of diverse cultures to students. The teacher wishes to choose the best ways that she can illustrate dances from other cultures and introduce diversity through performance to her students. She decides that this can be accomplished through a combination of activities. Which of the following activities will provide the best results for the goal set by the teacher? Select all that apply.

1. Identify dancers whose expertise includes performing dances from diverse cultures, and invite them to class to demonstrate. Involve the students in the experience having them attempt to perform the various dances 2. Locate film and online clips of native dancers representative various countries and play them for the students. Follow this by having the students attempt to imitate the various dances that they see on the clips.

A middle school teacher wishes to produce a play. However, there is no designated auditorium in his school with lighting and sound equipment. In fact, when there are assemblies, the students are gathered in the gymnasium. Since he is used to presenting plays in a traditional theatre, he gives up and decides to teach theatre through other instructional means rather than through actual play production. If he had thought more creatively, he might have realized that plays do not necessarily need an auditorium in order to be effectively presented. Of the following choices, which is the least likely to become a space in which a play can be presented?

A large hallway in the school could be used after school hours for rehearsal and performance of a play

Robert S. Fink's asked the research question. Does training in imaginative play influence the imaginativeness of subsequent unstructured free play among kindergartners? A commentary on the results of the study concluded, The study provides evidence that given appropriate modeling and resources, the imaginative play of young children can result in important developmental gains in contrast to play under mock training experience or in the typical routines of the kindergarten classroom. This study offers useful guidance for classroom activities, and supports the existing research on the ability of imaginative or dramatic play to enhance psychological and intellectual development. from this commentary, the elementary school teacher can conclude that -

A strong case can be built for including drama activities in kindergarten

Mrs. Tan has been integrating creative drama activities into her fourth grade Social Studies curriculum. Last week, the children developed a pantomime to share what they learned about the dust bowl and the Great Depression. Pantomime is usually defined as acting without words. Which of the following creative drama activities would Mrs. Tan assign is she wanted the children to share what they know about Texas ranching through acting without words and without motion?

A tableau

Attitudes, feelings, and values regarding health objectives to be achieved in teaching fall within the ___________ domain.


Fourth grade teacher has been talking with students about ways in which music can influence people's emotions and behavior. For a related activity, the teacher video tapes a television commercial that features music as a significant element. The teacher first has students watch the commercial with the sound muted. Then he rewinds it to replay with sound. Which of the following instructions to the students before replaying the tape would best prompt students' reflection on the targeted topic?

After you've watched the tape, think about the mood that you associate with this commercial

Sue, high school choral director, has programmed two short scred works by Bach and Palestrina for the fall concert for her top choir. Wanting to challenge her students to incorporate multiple levels of thinking, she is planning to include activities that engage her students at each level of thinking identified in Benjamin Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy. What order or level of cognitive processing would be identified with a student recognizing a suspension and describing/identifying the elements that comprise the suspension?


Rebecca is a second grader who is struggling with keeping up with a cutting activity necessary to complete an artwork. Which approach would be most helpful for Rebecca when considering future projects that require cutting?

Ask her regular teacher to give her more opportunity to practice while not in the art classroom

Jackson Pollock was an artist known for "Action Painting". He dripped and poured paint on large surfaces to create art that did not represent anything specific, called non-objective art. Which of the following artworks does not represent a non-objective art?


Mrs. Gibson is taking her second graders to a community performance of the nutcracker. Because this is a new experience for most of her students, she is teaching them about theatre conventions and audience behavior. She explains that when the performance has ended the stage curtains will close. When the curtains open again, the actors will return to the stage, one or two at a time, to bow to the audience's applause. In the theatre, this is called the -

Curtain call

Debbie Sabo is in middle school. She enjoys the team sports and is currently participating in a basketball unit during physical education class. Debbie's teacher has completed teaching the dribble. Debbie keeps her body weight low, knees bent, heads up and eyes on the ball. Debbie keeps the ball in front and to the side of her knee. Her fingers and wrist control the ball. However, as Debbie dribbles down the court, another player easily steals the ball from her. Which of the following corrective feedback tips will Debbie's teacher most likely use?

Debbie, keep your eyes ahead rather than on the ball

What is most likely to result from sedentary lifestyle?

Decreased range of motion in joints

Mr. Rodriguez is showing the artwork of Paul Klee to his class. He is teaching the students about stylized landscapes. He wants the students to integrate math with the project and create their own landscapes in the style of Paul Klee.

Divison, Linear Measurement, ratio/proportion, create

Which one of the following is not an advisable method to use in health teaching in the intermediate grades?

Experience charts

Which one of the following might be a possible sign of physical neglect of a child?

Falls asleep often in class

Which of the following best describes the best sitting posture for singers?

Feet flat on floor, shoulders back, head and chest up, back slightly forward

The influence of mariachi music on the popular music and folk music of Texas is most directly related to the state's -

Geographic location

When drawing with pencil (graphite) it is appropriate to select from a range of pencils to create various lines and effects. The pencil grades include a number and the letter H or B or both letters. Select from the following to complete the phrase:

H means Hard and B means Black

Mrs. Gayle is teaching floor exercise routines to her physical education students. The students have mastered a variety of tumbling skills so they have a rich source of skills to use in routines. After several days of teaching, the students are performing satisfactorily. Dianne, one of Mrs. Gayle's students, is able to perform many isolated skills but struggles with remembering the sequence of a floor exercise routine. How should the teacher help this student?

Have Dianne complete two components of her routine, then three components, etc. Gradually Mrs. Gayle should increase the length of the sequence as Dianne demonstrates success

Candice, a second grade student, wants to add more objects to a collage artwork that she has already completed in class. She is excited about what she has created and wants to do more because she likes the collage process. In teaching Candice to think aesthetically and perceptively about why she should or should not add more objects to her collage what question should the teacher ask to help Candice think more critically to see if the additions would enhance or take away from the finished work?

How will adding these objects make your finished work better?

Mrs. Elliot teaches at an arts magnate school. The drama students are working on their annual one act play festival. This is a yearly project in which the students choose the plays, direct, design, work back stage and act in a series of plays on a unit set. Therefore, the design students need to agree on the design of the unit set and then add pieces for their particular show which work with the individual play's directional approach. To help the scenic design students think creatively, she reads them a quote from the famous American Theatre designer, Ming Cho Lee: By reading to the design students this statement, Mrs. Elliot most likely intends to:

Inspire the design students to think of creative ways to work with the director to design added pieces for the unit set that will be exactly right for the particular one act play

A teacher wishes to introduce theatrical sets and properties to the students to help them understand that scenery and properties are best when used to support the characters, environment, mood and action of the play. To introduce this concept, she explains that Robert Edmond Jones, the most famous theatrical designer of the first part of the 20th century. Unlike many designers before him, integrated designs into telling the story of the play rather than have them be admired apart from the play. To illustrate, she reads some of his more famous quotes: From these quotes and the teacher's explanation, the students can conclude that the following statement is correct -

Is is important that the scenery, lighting and costumes do not overpower the actor, but help him to present a strong and convincing interpretation of the character

In soccer, it is the goalkeeper's job to prevent the ball from going into the goal. Mr. Kirk is working with a squad group of 7 to train them as goalkeepers. These students have learned the following cues: Stand about 3 feet in front of the goal line and in the center of the goal; keep feet slightly apart in an easy stride; keep knees easy; carry weight evenly on balls of feet; follow field play with eyes; and keep a position of readiness. Now that Mr. Kirk has trained his goalkeepers, which of the following coaching suggestions is he least likely to use?

Kick on the fly as often as possible

The two works by the artist Ida Applebroog, shown above, emphasize the following elements of art -

Line and shape

Deborah Kelly teaches elementary physical education to grades pre-k through second grade only. She teaches a movement education program that includes a four-year scope with an age-appropriate sequence. Which of the following areas is Ms. Kelly most likely to focus on throughout this program?

Locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

When the theatre teacher, at any level of elementary, middle, or highh school asks students to give all the reasons they can think of as to why costumes in theatrical productions are important, they will get many valid answers, and of course, some that are not true. Of the answers below, which one would not be considered to be a basic function of costumes in a play?

Make the actor or actress look handsome or beautiful at all times

When a significant health development is reported in the media, teachers should -

Make the most of the teachable moment and include it in a current class discussion

Miss Candance teaches middle school physical education. She is currently teaching the team sport of volleyball. All basic skills have been taught and the students are now engaged in game play. As Miss Candance observes and monitors the on-going game she notices that quite a few serves are hitting the net. What should Miss Candance do to improve the serve?

Miss Candance should hold a class clinic that focuses on execution of the serve

In what countries does overtone singing have its strongest association?

Mongolia and Tuvan

In the following artwork of Ives Klein, Anthropometrie (1960) what word best describes the use of color.


Which of the following is not a reason that an elementary physical education teacher would avoid teaching her students to train for a marathon?

Most elementary students get enough exercise through free play at home

Mr. Holcombe is teaching a unit in ball handling to his second graders. This is the first class lesson of the unit. Every two children have been given a basketball for lesson use. Mr. Holcombe begins the lesson with a passing and catching drill. The students end up chasing their basketball more times than actually passing or catching. The lesson skill objective of mastering the chest pass and catch is not being met. What should Mr. Holcombe do to correct this situation?

Mr. Holcombe should change from basketballs to a smaller, more manageable ball, and teach self-catching and ball manipulation before addressing the pass and catch partner drill

In a post production meeting at Mr. Miller's middle school, those involved in the student directed production of the one act play, Poison Passion and Petrification by George Bernard Shaw, met to discuss what worked in the production and what issues seemed to emerge that could have been handled better. This type of meeting is often called a post mortem. During this meeting, It became apparent that one of the mistakes that happen during a performance was that the student director told the light board operator that he wanted a blackout to happen earlier than the night before. When it came time for the cue, the light board operator told the stage manager that she needed to call the cue earlier because the director asked the light board operator to go to black out sooner. The stage manager, on headsets, told the operator that this was news to her, and to hold the cue until she called it. The light operator got into a discussion with the stage manager, again over the headsets, and what happened was that ultimately, the cue was not only called earlier, but the blackout happened later than even the original cue indicated. This definitely weakened the dramatic moment. Ultimately, who was least at fault in this situation?

Mr. Miller

Mrs. Hadley is teaching her elementary students the concept of symmetrical balance in the art classroom and shows various examples of symmetry in the natural environment. What lesson idea would best help her integrate science content and art content together in a lesson?

Observing butterflies, learning about their body parts, documenting their colors and wing patterns and then creating a butterfly using cutting techniques for symmetry and balance

Another name for head lice is -


Mrs. Henry teaches elementary physical education for grades 1 through 5. Her principal asked her to observe Crystal during kindergarten motor period. Crystal is 5 years old and this is her first year in school. Next year, Crystal will receive daily physical education instruction from Mrs. Henry. During the observation, Mrs. Henry notes that the following conditions are present as Crystal plays: Confuses up and down directions, uses right arm more than left, cannot hop rhythmically, runs/walks with awkward gait, and cannot keep balance in squat position. What type of problem is Mrs. Henry most likely observing?

Perceptual motor problems

Ms. Haley's is beginning a ceramics lesson in her 4th grade class where students will use three common hand building techniques to create a bowl. Select the three most dominant techniques common to hand building clay at the elementary school level? Select all that apply.

Pinch, Coil, Slab

Mrs. Johnson teaches prekindergarten in the Plano Independent School District. She knows that formal, scripted drama is not appropriate for her four year old students. Instead, she regularly includes creative drama activities in her curriculum. In creative drama, the focus is on the benefits of dramatic experiences when there is no pressure to perform. Creative drama is -


Mr. John is showing his 6th grade art class Van Gogh's painting Bedroom at Arles, 1889 and discusses not only the history of Van Gogh's himself and his painting but also the attributes of the room itself and its design elements. He wants his students to create an accurate 3-D diorama of their own bedroom with creative embellishments using math and art skills. What principle of art and math skill would best fit Mr. John's goals of integrating math and art for this lesson?


John, a sixth grade student, is looking at the work below, Untitled (Blooming: A scattering of blossoms and other things) by Cy Twombly. He has been asked to describe what creates unity in this work by Cy Twombly. Select the answers that best reflect what John's understanding should be about the elements that create unity in this artwork? Select all that apply.

Red, Drips, Flower forms

What is Brazil's classic popular music?


Ms. Mahoney is teaching shapes to a kindergarten class and is explaining the difference between geometric and organic shapes.

Square - Geometric Triangle - Geometric Leaf - Organic Hand - Organic Star - Geometric Snowflake - Geometric

What articulation is indicated in the notated example?


Which concept is best taught through the objectives listed below? I. Students keep time to music by using body movements II. Students demonstrate the ability to hear the difference between strong and weak beats III. Students keep time to music by playing instruments and singing IV. Students discriminate and respond to music that suggests different body movements

Steady beat

In order to assess her kindergarteners' understanding of story sequence, Ms. Rodriguez will have the children act out Esphyr Sloodkina's Caps for Sale after she reads it. Which of the following terms describes the activity Ms. Rodriguez is planning?

Story drama

What term is both a jazz style and a quality of jazz performance that stands in contrast to "straight" rhythm in music?


The following is representative of the Northwest Coast Art. This work of art is characterized but what visual elements? Select all that apply.

Symbolic form, Abstract shapes, stylized lines, balance

Tara is having trouble learning to skip. She is five years old and has no learning or physical development problems. Mr. Eagle, Tara's physical education teacher, has taught Tara and her peers how to skip. All but Tara are showing the expected progress. What should Mr. Eagle do?

Task-analyze Tara's skip and then provide reteaching

Fourth grade generalist teacher plays two short mp3 files in class; those are selections of dance music from two different cultures: Navajo and Filipino. Although both selections have a steady beat and vocal line, the accompanying instruments heard in the recordings are not similar. What might the teacher want the children to understand with this activity?

That both cultures had different instrument due to the region of the world in which they lived

The interchange shown above is between two characters from School for Scandal by the famous British playwright, Richard Brinsley Sheridan. It premiered at London's Drury Lane Theatre in 1977. It is considered by many to be one of the most buoyant and amusing of British Period Comedies. After reading the excerpt, which of the following design requirements are essential to a production of the play?

That lady teazle is dressed in a fashionable and elaborate period costume

When directing students in a play, the teacher must develop methods for helping students to interact effectively during rehearsal. There are various exercises that the teacher can employ to achieve this goal. One exercise is to have the students improvise dialogue that they believe is appropriate for the character being played and true to the situation. This aids in developing a set of character attitudes that should be maintained during rehearsal and performance of the actual role. Which of the following is most likely to happen when the teacher assigns this exercise to a serious group of acting students working on a particular play?

The actors will be encouraged to think about what they are doing and saying and will listen more effectively to each other

It is raining with no outlook for stopping soon. The school grounds and physical education fields are flooded. The physical education teachers must prepare for activities that can be completed in the classroom. Space will be restricted and the children will be anxious to let off steam. Which of the following activities would be appropriate for his situation?

The children should complete "chair" exercises that maximize movement in a limited space

Mr. Wrigley has noticed that Johnny, a third grade student, is having a lot of trouble striking a pitched softball with a wooden bat. Johnny had no problems striking a wiffle ball of a batting tee with a plastic bat previously. Although Johnny is tracking the ball visually and starts his swing on time, Johnny seems to be bringing the bat around too slowly and missing the ball because his bat does not reach the ball before it passes him. What is the most likely reason Johnny is missing the ball?

The implement itself (the bat) is too long or too heavy

There are many types of spaces in which theatre can take place. Some of these include various sizes of proscenium theatres, thrust theatres, classroom arenas, black boxes/studio spaces, theatres in the round, and various found spaces. Which of the following description best illustrates a found space?

The play takes place in a church

Sixth graders of a middle school do a play each semester. This year they cannot use the auditorium/theatre that they normally use because the middle school is being remodeled. So, they need to find another place to present their production of a non-flying version of "peter pan". The students, who traditionally design the scenery and properties, are anxious to begin their creative process. The costumes are designed by professional designers and sewn by seamstresses. The teacher/director is enthusiastic about the students beginning their process. However, prior to that happening, she knows that the very first thing, from a deisgn perspective, that must be decided is -

The space for the play must be selected and secured

Mr. Jefferies teaches physical education at a new school. He has developed a worthwhile program and has a great facility for teaching. Conditioning for physical fitness can be done inside or out as the instructional settings are excellent. This week, Mr. Jefferies' students have been participating in the early stages of his physical fitness program. The program includes walking, jogging, or running activities. By the end of the first week many of the students are complaining about muscle soreness. What most likely caused this problem?

The students failed to warm up and cool down properly along with progressing too fast in the conditioning program

Social studies and the drama teachers at a middle school decided to collaborate and find an effective means of combining drama and a study of social studies, and to develop dramatic exercises that would promote creative problem solving, develop verbal and nonverbal skills, provide training in leadership and teamwork, and provide a deeper understanding of specific social science concepts by engaging students in real world issues, and allowing them to formulate and advocate a point of view. They both felt that his would enhance the social studies curriculum and make it more relevant to students. In setting up this exercise, which of the following possible scenarios would be least likely to work well?

The students form a neighborhood council and have a mock open session with angry residents complaining about barking dogs

Ms. Gibbs is teaching a guided/directed drawing lesson to the students in her class to develop and learn skills they can then transfer to create other drawings. Guided/directed drawing would be best defined in what way?

The teacher leading a group of students step by step in creating a drawing where the teacher models each line and shape until the drawing is complete

Lacy is in the first grade. She attends physical education classes on a daily basis with her peers. Although Lacy demonstrates fine behavior she is often confused about what to do. What should Lacy's physical education teacher do to help Lacy?

The teacher should make certain that all directions, explanations and instructions for Lacy are delivered in a clear, age-appropriate manner

What compositional devices would most typically be described as providing dynamic contrast to a musical work?

The use of crescendo and decrescendo

As a generalist music educator, you may need to validate why music is an important part of the overall curriculum. If you were to communicate on this subject with a curriculum committee, what theory would likely be the best theory to reference to support including music in the general curriculum?

Theory of multiple intelligences

Select all that apply. Relationships contribute to wellness because -

They involve intimacy, or the sharing of feelings They involve social integration, or the sharing of worries and concerns The involve affirmation, or reassurance of self-worth

Good health characteristics of children include all of the following except -

Tires easily

Most theatre teachers understand how both sound and lighting are so important in creating the world of a play or musical, and how these design elements impact the actors and the audience. The most likely reason that a lighting designer might choose to use less light in a particular scene is:

To create a mood that feels dramatic and dangerous

The primary purpose of assessment in physical education is -

To provide meaningful feedback to the learner through an ongoing process

Mrs. Drexel is teaching her students how to jump rope. All students have their own ropes and ample space for instruction and practice. The students are working on a basic forward jump and the majority is being successful. Todd has control over the rope up swing of the skill but trips on the rope almost every time it swings down. What will Mrs. Drexel most likely observe when she watches Todd practice?

Todd is jumping with a rope that is too short

Mr. Dean is teaching softball to his physical education class. All of his classes are made up of students with a variety of abilities. There are many special needs children participating with general education students. Mr. Dean has asked the entire class to suggest ways he can modify the game so everyone may participate. The students are motivated and interested in adapting so game play can take place. Which of the following adaptations are the students most likely to suggest? Select all that apply.

Use a softer ball Move the bases to shorten the running distance

Value in art refers to the range of lightness to darkness


Herpes, genital warts, hepatitis B, and HIV are all sexually transmitted infections caused by -


A teacher ask her student to measure and mark 11 vertical lines 1 inch apart on a piece of 12-inch wide piece of cardboard at the top and bottom to create notches to start the _________ strings for a loom. She also asks students to separate the yarn into warm and cool colors and shuffle the yarn alternating in a 3/2 pattern, from warm to cool. The yarn being woven in and out is called the ____________.

Warp Weft

The image below is an example of Japanese Ukiyo-e (The floating world). This style is historically characterized by all of the following except -

Was a style capturing the imaginary and dreamlike nature in Japanese art

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