Eco Exam 2 Discord
The Federal Reserve consists of the Board of Governors and the---- regional reserve banks. typically,------- regional reserve bank presidents serve as voting members on the Federal Open Market Committee.
Suppose nominal spending growth is 6 percent and real output growth averages 2 percent. This implies that inflation averages---
In March 2020, when many became worried about COVID-19, the Federal Reserve responded by ----the monetary base and ---- the interest it pays on reserve balances.
Increasing; decreasing
Equilibrium in the standard macroeconomic model can be described by the equation MtVt=Pt(Yt*).A nominal shock refers to an unanicipated change in-------whereas a real shock refers to an unanticipated change in------
MV; y*
The Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index did not exceed the 2-percent trajectory plotted from January 2020 until
March 2021
To increase the monetary base, the Federal Reserve typically engages in ---- to ----- financial assets.
Open market operations; purchase
The production function in the standard macroeconomic model is Yt=Yt*+a[P, - E(Pa), where Yt denotes _----and Pt. denotes the-----
Potential Output; price level
Consider the following statements I. An inflation target anchors expectations about the future purchasing power of the dollar better than a price level target. I. Following a negative shock to nominal spending, a central bank committed to achieving its price level target will promote a fast recovery more effechvely than a central bank committed to achieving its inflation target. Ill. A price level target makes up for past mistakes, whereas an inflation target lets bygones-be-bygones.(which are true)
Statements I and Ill are trus
From April 2021 to November 2021, statements issued by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) indicate that its members generally agreed inflation would be---. Beginning in December 2021, FOMC members acknowledged that---- factors were contributing to inflation.
Transitory; both supply and demand
Headline inflation includes----. Core inflation includes----
all prices in the index basket; only food and energy prices
The----view suggests that the price level will return to trend as real output recovers. The-----suggests that the price level will remain permanently elevated
constrained supply; nominal spending
Prior to May 2020, the M1 monetary aggregate consisted of
currency and checkable deposits
The monetary base (MO) consists of
currency and reserves
After May 2020, the M1 monetary aggregate consisted of
currency checkable deposits, and savings deposits
in response to an unanticipated decline in potential output, a price level targeting central bank will--- and a nominal level targeting central bank will ----
decrease the money supply; leave the money supply unchanged
The political business cycle theory suggests that the central bank might improve an incumbent's re-election odds by surprising market participants with------monetary policy ahead of the election, which makes the economy appear to be performing better than it actually is. If timed properly,------inflation will not be realized until after the election.
expansionary; higher
In the absence of a monetary policy response, an unanticipated reduction in nominal spending will cause real output and the price level to their anticipated levels. As expectations adjust,
fall below; real output will return to its initial trajectory while the price level declines to a lower trajectory
Businesses tend to overproduce when the price level is------ expected.
greater than
headline inflation was---- core inflation from January 2020 to august 2022
higher on the average than
a country experiences ---- when the price level grows more than 50% per month
hyper inflation
Which of the following is not a real shock that contributed to high inflation in 2021 and 2022.
increase in monetary base
A decrease in the currency to deposit ratio (C/D)---the money multiplier. A decrease in the reserve ratio (R/D)----the money multiplier.
increases; increases
For a given money multiplier, an increase in the monetary base ---- broader monetary aggregates like M1. For a given monetary base, an increase in the money multiplier-----broader monetary aggregates like M1,
increases; increases
When inflation is lower than expected, borrowers and employers typically
lose, while lenders and employees gain
Governments in countries tend to rely more heavily on the inflation tax.
From 1988 to 2008, the monetary base grew at a continuously compounding annual rate of 5.7 percent. From 2008 to 2014, the monetary base grew at a-----rate.
much higher
According to the Phillips curve, there is a.----- relationship between inflation and-------
negative; unemployment
From January 2008 to October 2008, the Federal Reserve sterilized its lending to financial institutions and key credit markets by.----. In October 2008, it began-----.
selling Treasuries: paying interest on reserves
The standard macroeconomic model implicitly assumes that expectations adjust----following a nominal shock and .-----following a real shock
slowly; Quickly
Under a fat money regime, the purchasing power of money is ultimately determined by------
the central bank
When inflation expectations increase, the expectations-augmented Phillips curve shifts
Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps rejected the (naive) Phillips curve. They offered what has come to be known as an expectations- augmented Phillips curve, which captures the idea that-----
workers might be fooled by the central bank, but not consistently and persistently