ECON Midterm 2

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If the government purchases multiplier equals​ 2, and real GDP is​ $14 trillion with potential real GDP​ $14.5 trillion, then government purchases would need to increase by​ ________ to restore the economy to potential real GDP.

$250 bil.

imagine that K. deposits $10,000 into her checking acc. deposit at bank A and that the requrired reserve ratio is 20% as a result of K's deposit, bank A can make a max loan of


according to the quantity theory of money, if the money supply grows at 20 percent and the real gdp grows at 5%, then the inflation rate will be


suppose bill gates deposits 20 mil. into his checking account at wells fargo bank. If the reserve requriement ratio is 0.1 what is the maximum change in the money supply

180 mil

if the required reserve ratio is 5 percent, then the simple deposit multiplier is


Suppose the equilibrium real federal funds rate is 2​ percent, the target rate of inflation is 2​ percent, the current inflation rate is 4​ percent, and real GDP is 2 percent above potential real GDP. If the weights for the inflation gap and the output gap are both​ 1/2, then according to the Taylor rule the federal funds target rate equals


Suppose that the equilibrium real federal funds rate is 2 percent and the target rate of inflation is 1 percent. Use the following information and the Taylor rule to calculate the federal funds rate​ target: Current inflation rate​ = 6 percent Potential real GDP​ = ​$14.99 trillion Real GDP​ = ​$14.69 trillion The federal funds rate is __________


open market operations refer to the purchase or sale of____________ to control the money supply

US Treasury securities by the Federal Reserve

Which of the following would cause the money demand curve to shift to the​ left?

a decrease in real gdp

hyperinflation is caused by

a high rate of growth in the money supply

An increase in the interest rate causes

a movement up along the money demand curve

​"I understand why the Fed uses expansionary policy but I​ don't understand why it would ever use contractionary policy. Why would the government ever want the economy to​ contract?" The government would want the economy to contract when real GDP is

above potential gdp and price level is rising

a central bank like the federal reserve in the U.S. can help banks survive a bank run by

acting as a lender of last resort

Fiscal policy actions that are intended to have long−run effects on real GDP attempt to increase​ ________ through changing​ ________.

aggregate supply; taxes

The increase in government spending on unemployment insurance payments to workers who lose their jobs during a recession and the decrease in government spending on unemployment insurance payments to workers during an expansion is an example of

automatic stablizers

Which of the following statements about the Social​ Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs is​ true?

costs are being driven up by the fact that americans are living longer and medical costs are rising substatially

the M1 measure of the money supply =

currency + checking account balances + travelers checks

Using the Taylor​ rule, if the current inflation rate equals the target inflation rate and real GDP equals potential​ GDP, then the federal funds target rate equals the

current inflation rate + the real equilibrium federal funds rate

When housing prices​ fall, as they did beginning in 2006 following the housing market​ bubble, consumption spending on​ furniture, appliances, and home improvements​ ________ as many households found it​ ________ to borrow against the value of their homes.

declined; harder

The tax multiplier is smaller in absolute value than the government purchases multiplier because some portion of the

decrease in taxes will be saved by households and not spent, and some portion will be spent on imported goods.

In the countries that have adopted inflation​ targeting, the inflation rate has typically


An increase in interest rates

decreases investment spending on machinery, equiptment , and factories, consumptions spending on durable goods and net exports

a bank is legally required to hold a fraction of its ______ as ______.

deposits; required reserves

The supporters of a monetary growth rule believe that active monetary policy

destablizes the economy, increaseing the number of recessions and their severity

The Federal Reserve cut the federal funds rate seven times between September 2007 and March 2008. What event led the Fed to make these reductions in the federal funds​ rate?

during this period there was a substantial reduction in the demand for housing

Why did the Fed help JP Morgan Chase buy Bear​ Stearns?

failure of bear stearns would lead to a larger investment bank failure commercial banks would be reluctant to lend to investment banks

Explain whether you agree with this​ argument: If the Fed actually ever carried out a contractionary monetary​ policy, the price level would fall. Because the price level has not fallen in the United States over an entire year since the​ 1930s, we can conclude that the Fed has not carried out a contractionary policy since the 1930s

false. a contractrionary policy could result in a lower interest rate of inflation rather than a fall in the price level.

To reassure investors who were unwilling to buy mortgages in the secondary​ market, the U.S. Congress used two government sponsored​ enterprises, ________, to sell bonds to investors and use the funds to purchase mortgages from banks.

fannie mae and freddie mac

For purposes of monetary​ policy, the Federal Reserve has targeted the interest rate known as the

federal funds rate

The interest rate that banks charge other banks for overnight loans is the

federal funds rate

The Taylor rule links the Federal​ Reserve's target for the

federal funds rate to economic variables

Monetary policy refers to the actions the

federal reserve takes to manage the money supply and interest rates to pursue its economic objectives

Expansionary monetary policy refers to the​ ________ to increase real GDP.

federal reserve's increasing the money supply and decreasing interest rates

the federal open market committee consusts of 7 members of the _____, the president of the federal reserve bank of new york, and _______.

federal reserves board of governors: four presidents from the other 11 federal reserve banks

Fiscal policy refers to changes in

federal taxes and purchases that are intended to achieve macroeconomic policy objectives

When housing prices​ ________ as they did beginning in 2006 following the housing market​ bubble, most banks and other lenders tightened the requirement for​ borrowers, making it​ ________ for potential home buyers to obtain mortgages.

fell; harder

The Fed uses a​ "core" price​ index, one that excludes food and energy prices to measure inflation. It does so because

food and energy prices have wide swings and are not related to the causes of general inflation

If the economy is falling below potential real​ GDP, which of the following would be an appropriate fiscal policy to bring the economy back to​ long-run aggregate​ supply? An increase in

govt. purchases

What are the gains to be had from simplifying the tax​ code?

greater clarity of the decisions made by households and firms increased efficiency of households and firms resources from the tax preparation industy freed up for other endevors

rapid increases in the price level, which is known as


Which of the following is a reason why we should consider the federal national debt a​ problem?

if the debt drives up inteest rates, crowding out will occure

there is a strong link between changes in the money supply and inflation

in the long run, but not in the short run

Using the money demand and money supply​ model, an open market sale of Treasury securities by the Federal Reserve would cause the equilibrium interest rate to


the purchase of 1 million of treasury Securities by the Federal Reserve, if there is no change in the quantity of currency, will cause Reserves at Banks to

increase by 1 million

Which of the following would be most likely to induce Congress and the president to conduct contractionary fiscal​ policy? A significant

increase in inflation

Which of the following statements about inflation targeting is​ true?

inflation targeting would make it easier for households and firms to form accurate expectations of future inflation, improving their planning and the effciency of the economy

The Federal Reserve cannot affect real GDP ​directly; therefore, the Fed typically uses the following as its policy​ target

interest rates

Which of the following would be most likely to induce the Federal Reserve to conduct expansionary monetary​ policy? A significant decrease in

investment spending

The tax increases necessary to fund future Social Security and Medicare benefit payments would be

large, and could discourage work effort, entreprenuership, and investment, thereby slowing economic growth

The situation in which​ short-term interest rates are pushed to​ zero, leaving the central bank unable to lower them further is known as

liquidity trap

If the probability of losing your job remains​ _________, a recession would be a good time to purchase a home because the Fed usually​ _________ interest rates during this time.

low; lowers

Buying a house during a recession may be a good idea if your job is secure because the Federal Reserve often

lowers interest rates during recessions

Your roommate is having trouble grasping how monetary policy works. Which of the following explanations could you use to correctly describe the mechanism in which the Fed can affect the economy through monetary​ policy? Increasing the money supply

lowers the interest rate, and firms increase investment spending

the fed is said to have a "dual mandate" because

maintaining price stability and high employment are the two most important goals of the Fed that are explicitly mentioned in the employment act of 1946

Beginning in​ 2008, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury Department responded to the financial crisis by intervening in financial markets in unprecedented ways. Which of the following is one of the unprecedented actions of the​ Fed?

making loans to primary dealers and holders of mortgage-backed securities

which of the following is a fuction that money serves

medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value

With a monetary growth rule as proposed by the​ monetarists, during a recession the rate of growth of the money supply would

not change

if credit card balances rise in the economy, then M1 will _________ and M2 will ____________

not change; not change

the three main monetary policy tools used by the Federal Reserve to manage the money supply are

open market operations, discount policy, and reserve requirements

Expansionary fiscal policy has a​ ________ multiplier effect on equilibrium real​ GDP, and contractionary fiscal policy has a​ ________ multiplier effect on equilibrium real GDP.

positive; negative

When the Federal Reserve was established in​ 1913, its main policy goal was

preventing bank panics

The top policy goal for Paul Volker when he became chair of the Federal​ Reserve's Board of Governors in 1979 was

price stability

The Federal​ Reserve's four goals of monetary policy are

price stability, high employment, economic growth, and stability of financial markets and institutions

Crowding out refers to a decline in​ ________ as a result of an increase in​ ________.

private expenditures; government purhcases

in 2008, the fed and the treasury began attempting to stabilize the commercial banking system through TARP by

providing funds to banks in exchange for stock

With the federal funds rate near zero and the economy still​ struggling, the Fed began buying​ 10-year Treasury notes and certain​ mortgage-backed securities to keep interest rates low. This policy is known as

quantitative easin

Under the monetary growth rule proposed by the​ monetarists, the money supply would grow each year at a constant rate equal to the long−run rate of growth of

real GDP

if the central bank can act as a lender of last resort during a banking panic, banks can

satisfy customer withdrawal needs and eventually restore the publics faith in the baning system

the process of bundling loans together and buying and selling these bundles in a secondary finacial market is called


in 2008, timothy geithner referred to investment banks, money market mutual funds, hedge funds, and other finacial firms engaged in similar activities as the

shadow banking systyem

The money market model is concerned with​ ________ and the loanable funds market model is concerned with​ ________.

short-term nominal interest rates; long-term interest rates

the ___________ the reserve ratio, the ______________ the money multiplier

smaller; larger

A former Federal Reserve official argued that at the​ Fed, ​"the objectives of price stability and low​ long-term interest rates are essentially the same​ objective." This is true because...

stable prices make it easier to plan for the future, so expectations can be stable, which makes it less costly to make loans

The Federal Reserve can affect directly its monetary policy​ ________, which then affect its monetary policy​ ________.

targets; goals

Which of the following best describes supply−side ​economics?

tax rates, particularly marginal tax rates, affect the incentive to work, save, invest, and therefore aggregate supply

In early​ 2008, the housing crisis and rising oil prices increased the risk of recession in the United States. What fiscal policy action was taken by Congress and the president to counter these​ events?

taxpayers were given rebates on taxes they already paid

the Federal Open Market Committee consists of

the Board of Governors + 5 of the Federal Reserve Bank presidents

which of the following are responsible for managing money supply in the United States

the Federal Open Market

Which of the following events was an important cause of the 2007-2009 ​recession?

the collapse of a housing bubble

The​ Fed's preferred measure of inflation is

the core personal consumption expenditures index

in response to the desrtuctive bank panics of the great depression, furture bank panics are designed to be prevented by

the establishment of the federal deposit insureance corporation

Which of the following is a monetary policy response to the economic recession of 2007-2009 and the accompanying financial​ crisis.

the fed expanded the eligibility for discount loans to firms other than commercial banks the fed provided loans directly to corporations by purchasing commercial paper the fed purchases large amounts of mortgage-backed securites

If the Fed raises its target for the federal fund​ rate, this indicates that

the fed is pursuing a contridictory monetary policy

The Federal Reserve responded to the 2008 financial crisis in several ways. Which of the following is not one of the ways the Fed​ responded?

the fed lowered the required reserve ratio on the demand deposit accounts in order to increase the amount of bank reserves

The hypothetical information in the table shows what the values for real GDP and the price level will be in 2017 if the Fed does not use monetary policy.Which of the following policies makes sense if the Fed wants to keep real GDP at its potential level in​ 2017?

the fed should lower the target for the federal funds rate

Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his followers belong to a school of thought known as monetarism. What do the monetarists argue the Fed should​ target?

the fed should target the money supply, not the interest rate, and that it should adopt the monetary growth rule

For the federal deficit to be​ lowered,

the federal govt. expenditures must be lower than its tax revenue

Suppose that the economy is producing below potential GDP and the Fed implements the correct change in monetary​ policy, but not until after the economy has passed the trough of the recession. Then

the feds exansionary policy will result in too large increase in real GDP

the quanitiy theory of money implies that the price level will be stable when the growth rate of the money supply equals

the growth rate in real gdp

the discount rate is

the interest the fed charges banks for loans from the fed

The use of fiscal policy to stabilize the economy is limited because

the legislative process can be slow, which means that it is difficult to make fiscal policy actions in a timely ways

Which of the following is not a viable monetary policy target for the​ Fed?

the money demand

Monetarists think that the Fed should use​ _________ as a target when conducting monetary policy.

the money supply

The Federal​ Reserve's two main monetary policy targets are

the money supply and interest rates

the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve are appointed by

the president

the major shortcoming of a barter economy is

the requirement of a double conincidence of wants

The federal government debt equals

the total value of U.S. treasury bonds outstanding

What is meant by​ supply-side economics?

the use of taxes to increase incentive to work, save, invest, and start a business in order to increase long-run aggregate supply

the quantity theory of money was derived from the quantity euation by asserting that

the velocity of money was fixed

If the​ Fed's policy is​ contractionary, it will

use open market operations to sell treasury bills

as was demonstrated in 2007, firms in the shadow bankinf system

were very vulnerable to bank runs

When is it considered​ "good policy" for the government to run a budget​ deficit?

when borrowing is used for long-- lived capital goods

Is it possible for Congress and the president to carry out an expansionary fiscal policy if the money supply does not​ increase?

yes, because fiscal policy and monetary policy are sperate things

A political commentator​ argues: ​"Congress and the president are more likely to enact an expansionary fiscal policy than a contractionary fiscal policy because expansionary policies are popular and contractionary policies are​ unpopular." Briefly explain whether you agree.

agree because expansionary fiscal policies create employment and increase GDP whereas contridictory fiscal policies impose an artifical recession in the economy

the use of money

allows for greater specilization, eliminates the double conincidence of wants, and reduces the trasaction cost of exchange

The decline in housing prices that began in 2006 led to rising defaults among which​ borrowers?

alt-A and subprime borrowers borrowers who had made only small down payments borrowers with adjustable-rate mortgages

money is

an asset that people are willing to accpet in exchange for good and services

moving along, upwards, the MD model is

an increase in the interest rate

Some spending and taxes increase or decrease with the business cycle. This event often has an effect on the economy that is similar to fiscal policy and is called

automatic stablizers

to increase the money supply, the federal reserve could

conduct an open market purchase of treasury securities

Fiscal policy is determined by

congress and the pres.

Which of the following is considered contractionary fiscal​ policy?

congress increase the income tax rate

In preparing their estimates of the stimulus​ package's effect on​ GDP, Obama administration economists estimated a government purchases multiplier of 1.57. This indicates that a​ $1 billion increase in government purchases would increase equilibrium real GDP by

$1.57 bil.

imagine that Christy deposits $10,000 of currency in her checking account deposit at bank a and that the required Reserve ratio is 20% refer to the scenario above. as a result of Christie's Deposit Bank as reserves immediately


The leader of the monetarist school and major proponent of a monetary growth rule was

Milton Friedman

When the Fed increased the volume of discount loans after the terrorist attacks of September​ 11, 2001, it was trying to achieve

Stability of the finicial markets

In October​ 2008, Congress passed the​ ________, under which the Treasury provided funds to banks in exchange for stock.


the real power within the federal reserve lies with the

board of governors

Which of the following is an appropriate policy for the fed to pursue if it wants to increase the money supply

buy us tresury bills

The aggregate demand curve will shift to the right​ ________ the initial increase in government purchases.

by more than

If the government increases expenditure without raising​ taxes, this will

cause the interest rate to increase, thereby, reducing private investment and crowding out the private sector increase the bidget deficit and require the govt to borrow additional funds

the larges prportion of the M1 is made up of

checking acc. deposits

Consider a tax cut which affects not only consumer disposable​ income, but also after−tax earnings from labor supplied to labor markets and from financial assets acquired through saving. In the long run we would expect this tax cut to

increase the level of real GDP

Suppose the government wants to maintain a balanced budget. To achieve this​ goal, when the economy falls into recession government would need to​ ________ taxes, which would cause aggregate demand to​ ________.

increase; decrease

A recession tends to cause the federal budget deficit to​ ________ because tax revenues​ ________ and government spending on transfer payments​ _________.

increase; fall; rise

a decrease i interest rates can _______ the demand for stocks as stocks become reletively ________ attractive investments as compared to bonds

increase; more

With an expansionary monetary​ policy, investment,​ consumption, and net exports all​ ________, which results in the aggregate demand curve shifting to the​ ________, increasing real GDP and the price level.

increase; right

The largest source of federal government revenue in 2014 was

individual income taxes

Inflation targeting refers to conducting​ ________ policy so as to commit the central bank to achieving a​ ________.

monetary; publicly announced level of inflation

The Federal Reserve cannot target both the money supply and the interest rate because it does not control

money demand

An increase in the price level causes

money demand curve shift to the right

which of the following is one of the most important benifits of money in an economy

money makes exchange easier, leading to more specilization and higher productivity

the quantity theory of money predicts that, in the long run, inflation results from the

money supply growing at a faster rate than the real gdp

according to the quanitiy theory of money, deflation will occur if the

money supply grows at a slower rate than the real gdp

An increase in government purchases of​ $200 billion will shift the aggregate demand curve to the right by

more than $200 bil.

It is​ ________ difficult to effectively time fiscal policy than monetary policy because​ ________.

more; fiscal policy takes longer to implement

The money demand curve has a

negative slope because an increase in the interest rate decrease the quanitiy of money demanded

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