Ecosystem 4D

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Food web

Definition: a complex food chain showing how organisms are connected in their ecosystem Example: A food web is a big food chain that represents a more correct example of organisms in an ecosystem.

Food web

Definition: a complex food chain showing how organisms are connected in their ecosystem Example: Food web is similar to a Food chain but are connect in their ecosystem

Food web

Definition: a complex food chain showing how organisms are connected in their ecosystem Example: Producer:a flower is a example of a producer.Herbivores:a rabbit,and a mouse are examples of herbivores.Omnivore:a fox are examples of omnivores.Carnivores:a snake,and a hawk are examples of carnivores Decomposers: fungi is a example of a decomposer.

Food web

Definition: a complex food chain showing how organisms are connected in their ecosystem Example: a complex food chain showing how organisms are connected in their ecosystem


Definition: a living thing that gets its energy by breaking down dead things Example: Decomposers (obviously) decompose dead animals.


Definition: a living thing that gets its energy by breaking down dead things Example: Example: a mushroom is breaking down a dead cat


Definition: a living thing that gets its energy by breaking down dead things Example: Mushroom decomposing a bird.


Definition: a living thing that gets its energy by breaking down dead things Example: a decomposer gets its energy by breaking down dead organisms: EXAMPLE a musrom grows around a dead organism


Definition: a living thing that gets its energy by breaking down dead things Example: when a tree die mushroom Decompos it


Definition: a living thing that makes its own food with energy from the Sun through photosynthesis Example: A producer is a living thing that produces it´s own food and gives energy to other animals .


Definition: a living thing that makes its own food with energy from the Sun through photosynthesis Example: a living thing that makes its own food with energy from the sun through photosnththesis


Definition: a living thing that makes its own food with energy from the Sun through photosynthesis Example: a plant get its food from the sun and gives us oxygen


Definition: a living thing that makes its own food with energy from the Sun through photosynthesis Example: a producer is a living thing like plant and grass


Definition: a living thing that needs to eat to obtain energy Example: A consumer is something that like eat something or someone else like a hawk eats road kill.


Definition: a living thing that needs to eat to obtain energy Example: An example of a consumer is a snake.


Definition: a living thing that needs to eat to obtain energy Example: Consumers eat other animals to survive.


Definition: a living thing that needs to eat to obtain energy Example: a consumer is a living animal that needs to eat food to save its energy and gain energy


Definition: eats both plants and meat Example: A omniore eats both plants and meat.


Definition: eats both plants and meat Example: A omnivore is a animal that eats both plants and meat .


Definition: eats both plants and meat Example: Omnivores such as bears eat plants and animals.


Definition: eats both plants and meat Example: an omnivore is a animal that eats plants and meat. Example we are a omnivore.


Definition: eats only meat Example: A carnivore does not eat plants it only eats meat :EAMaple a lion eats a buffalo


Definition: eats only meat Example: Carnivores eat meat, usually other animals, to survive.


Definition: eats only meat Example: a carnivore is a animal that only eats meat.


Definition: eats only plants Example: Herbivores eat plants like berries, grass, leaves, etc.


Definition: eats only plants Example: a example of a herbivore is a bunny.


Definition: eats only plants Example: a herbivore is a animal that eats only plants a bunny is a herbivore

Food chain

Definition: how energy is passed from one living thing to another Example: A food chain is a little picture that shows what happens when a animal gets eaten or dies. EXAMPLE: When a plant is eaten by a rabbit ( herbivore) the rabbit might get eaten by a carnivore ( snake).

Food chain

Definition: how energy is passed from one living thing to another Example: a example of a food chain is: grass,rabbit,snake,hawk,mushroom.

Food chain

Definition: how energy is passed from one living thing to another Example: example: a bunny eats the berries the fox eats the bunny and then the wolf eats the fox then the wolf dyes and a mushroom decomposes it

Food chain

Definition: how energy is passed from one living thing to another Example: how a plant goes to a herbivore then the herbivore goes to a carnivore after awhile the carnivore dies and a decomposer decompose the carnivore and then it starts allover again

Food chain

Definition: how energy is passed from one living thing to another Example: the food chain starts out with a producers then a herbivore the herbivore then gets eaten by a carnivore then the carnivore is decomposed by a decomposer.

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