Ed Psych Exam

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Which best describes a student with an entity view of ability?

Joseph thinks that his low abilities in math are fixed and unchangeable, beyond his control

Which best reflects a psychosocial moratorium?

Lucas has few responsibilities for a few years as he explores different roles and starts to develop goals and a sense of his own identity.

Ms. Gallagher wishes to create an intrinsically motivating classroom. As she is trying to create a new lesson, which advice would you NOT give her?

Create tasks that let the students compete with one another

Flow describes the experiences of individuals who are motivated to engage in an activity to attain praise of an authority figure.


In self-determination theory, an individual with external regulation is one who has internalized extrinsic motivation.


Lyndon has practiced reading so extensively that he does it automatically without much thought, in any context in which he finds himself. This is an example of high-road transfer.


Mr. Henson praises his students often, usually saying to them, in a very sincere way, "good work!" and "nice job!" His use of praise is one of the most effective means of increasing intrinsic motivation.


Piaget did not regard social experiences as a vital factor for an individual's cognitive development.


Studying in the same environment they will be tested in does not assist in students' encoding and retrieval abilities.


The law of effect states that behaviors associated with satisfiers are less likely to occur again when behaviors associated with annoyers are more likely to occur again.


The main advantage to correlational research is that it allows one to determine cause and effect.


The most important characteristic of a philosophy of teaching is that it reflects opinions and perspectives attained by the teacher in the classroom.


Which of the following concepts involves the use of prior knowledge to perceive a particular stimulus?

Top-down processing

Which statement about self-esteem is most true?

Transition to middle school has a more detrimental effect on self-esteem for girls compared to boys.

Latent learning is unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior.


Metacognitive strategies, such as teaching students what transfer is, can increase the chance that transfer will actually occur.


Negative punishment and negative reinforcement do not have the same impact on behavior.


One very powerful aspect of potentially stressful experiences is their predictability.


The traditional gender binary refers to two sex categories, male and female, whereas now gender is increasingly seen as nonbinary. Select one: True False


To fully take advantage of what educational psychology has to offer, it is important for teachers to ______.

Understand scientific research and how they can incorporate it into their classroom practices

Which is the best tip for using consequences effectively?

Understand the function of attention

gender-role attitude

approval or disapproval toward societal expectations for one's gender

Students are constantly bombarded with sensory stimuli and information; however, according to the information processing model, only the stimuli that ______ can make their way to working memory.

are attended to

Contiguity learning is best defined as learning by _____.

association of stimuli with responses

gender constancy

at age 4 or 5, the awareness that people are permanently males or females, depending on fixed, unchangeable biological factors

______ are classroom strategies derived from scientific research. Select one: a. Educational practices b. Best practices c. Common-sense practices d. Evaluative practices

b. Best practices

Children with reading disability have been found to show increased activation in the ______ to make up for deficits in the temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal areas.

frontal regions

psychological moratorium

gap between childhood security and adult autonomy

social learning theory

gender identity is developed by observing others' attitudes and behavior

All of the following are guidelines for using praise effectively EXCEPT ______.

give praise frequently to all students in class

Which of the following areas of the brain produce new neurons during adulthood?

hippocampus and olfactory bulbs

The student most likely to be motivated after experiencing failure is one who ______.

holds an incremental view of ability

According to Erikson, at what point in development is a person most likely to develop a sense of generativity?

in Middle-adulthood

Learning is considered both ______ and continuous.


The two types of constructivism are often defined as ______.

individual and social

Ariana says, "I always love math class; learning how to solve problems is way cool!" She might best be described as having ______.

individual interest

Younger children are more likely than older children to have a particularly hard time dealing with divorce.


Parents who lack both control and responsiveness are best described as ______.


A teacher makes all of the following statements. Which is the best indicator that she has high teaching efficacy?

"Although many of these students have a lot of anxiety about math, I know I'm capable of helping all of them learn this algebra unit."

An elementary school teacher who wants to motivate students in math by providing process praise would be likely to say ______

"I'm impressed at the strategy you chose to arrive at the correct answer."

A high school Spanish teacher who wants to motivate students by using performance praise would be likely to write the following comment on a homework assignment ______

"The dialogue you wrote is very interesting and made use of all of our vocabulary words."

Phonological Processing

- Accurate perception & interpretation of sounds - "playing" with sounds


- where the axon meets the cell body - where the "decision" is made to fire or not fire

Guidelines for building sense of industry

1. be aware that activities which emphasize competition among students could lead to inferiority 2. Minimize comparison among students 3. Emphasize mastery of skills over competition 4. Have high expectations for all students

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

1. trust vs. mistrust (infancy) 2. autonomy vs. shame and doubt (toddlerhood) 3. initiative vs. guilt (Preschool) 4. industry vs. inferiority (school-age) 5. identity vs. identity confusion (Adolescence) 6. intimacy vs. isolation (young adulthood) 7. generativity vs. stagnation (Middle Adulthood) 8. integrity vs. despair (Late Adulthood)

During the ______ education shifted to teaching approaches that emphasized the teacher as a facilitator and involved knowledge construction (rather than memorization) and peer interaction.


What are some recommended ways teachers can help prevent performance-avoidance or work-avoidance orientations from developing in their students? (mod 15 quiz)


How does the inferior frontal gyrus contribute to reading ability? (Mod 5 quiz)

? quote from text: "contributes to understanding the meaning of words that are produced"


A cognitive perception about oneself

Which is the best example of an unconditioned stimulus?

A loud noise unexpectedly occurs next to your ear.

Crises are resolved independently of one another with one exception. Which best describes the stages that are linked, such that a positive resolution of one stage is relevant to a positive resolution of the other?

A sense of identity is needed to successfully resolve a crisis of intimacy/isolation.

Which of the following best illustrates an outcome expectation?

A student believes that studying leads to good grades.

psychosocial crisis

According to Erikson, the set of critical issues that individuals must address as they pass through each of the eight life stages.

Working Memory

Active manipulation of info in short term memory - selecting, coordinating, and processing.. incoming info - N-back, listening & computational span

When individuals do not show any self-regulation, this is referred to as ______.



An affective evaluation of oneself

An overstriver has a high hope for success and ______.

An excessive fear of failure

The "ABCs" of operant conditioning stand for ______.

Antecedent, behavior, consequence

Network theory suggests that information is stored ______.

As propositions, with links between related propositions

In expectancy-value theory, what of the following are two types of values?

Attainment and Utility

Which parenting style can help with deterring antisocial behavior among adolescents that live in low-income, high-crime neighborhoods?


Johnson is a middle school student. He tells his parents he will attend a party at a friend's house with no parental supervision. Although they are worried about it, Johnson's parents approve his request but tell him to call when he arrives at the party, and to be home by 10 p.m. This scenario best illustrates which of the following?

Authoritative Parenting

Which of the following disorders/disabilities is most closely associated with issues related to identifying and understanding others' emotions?

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Which best illustrates permissive parenting?

Becky and her parents are very close, and her parents do anything they can to show her affection, including not setting rules.

Why are best practices constantly changing?

Best practices change as new research findings present teachers with more effective strategies.

Which best illustrates elaborative rehearsal?

Blair needs to remember her new locker combination of 12-25-00, so she makes meaning of it by noting that it is like a Christmas date

Which of the following concepts involves piecing together specific characteristics of an object to get experience the object as a whole?

Bottom-up processing

At Rosemont High School, the teachers in the mathematics department typically meet before the school year starts to coordinate lesson plans in attempts to facilitate congruent learning across classes. Which of the following is this a characteristic of?

Collective Efficacy

Our interpretations of performance on a task, based on past performance and social norms, are referred to as ______.

Causal Attributions

Which is the best example of a student who has intrinsic motivation to work on a lab project?

Cherri does so because she is interested in learning more about the concepts involved and likes the challenge

Which best describes the sleeper effect?

Children whose parents have been divorced for many years may encounter difficulties again during adolescence.

Two students in Mr. Patterson's class have not been getting along for most of the semester. Mr. Patterson assumes that if he has the two students sit at opposite ends of the classroom, the issue between them will resolve. What kind of teaching approach is Mr. Patterson using?


What best describes what happens when a learned skill is no longer regularly used?

Connections between neurons weaken.

All of the following are techniques that teachers should employ within cognitive apprenticeships, EXCEPT ______.


Punishment works best on a(an) ______ schedule.


Another way to refer to person praise is ______ praise.


In a high school, a bell rings to signal to students that a new class period has begun. This is best described as a _____.


Which is the best example of the domain-specific nature of self-efficacy? (mod 16 quiz)

Daniel is confident about math and believes he can master the current unit, but does not believe he has the skills to succeed in other subjects.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of zero transfer?

Darnell is a junior in high school and is filling out taxes for the first time. He is not sure how to properly fill out the forms though he has received As in all of his math classes.

Which best illustrates overcorrection?

Darwin is caught sticking gum to the bottom of his desk, so she is asked to scrape thegum off of all of the desks in the room

Which of the following teaching strategies involves the teacher helping their students and giving them feedback while they are taking the test?

Dynamic Testing

Mary does not want to spend much time learning math. She thinks that she will not be able to learn because she is not smart enough. This best illustrates ______.

Entity view of ability

In behavioral learning theory, which best describes the primary force(s) behind behavior change?

Environmental experiences

Which best illustrates a fixed-ratio schedule?

Every three times a student earns an A on his homework assignment, Ms. Gonzales doesn't require the student to turn in the fourth assignment.

In identity development, a period of role experimentation and trying new behaviors, including contemplating morals and values, is most accurately called ______.


In attribution theory, the dimension of locus refers to ______ causes.

External and Internal

Boys are more likely to have higher entity beliefs than girls during elementary school.


Efficacy expectations are beliefs that particular actions cause particular consequences.


An effective means of creating an intrinsically motivating classroom is to use praise that orients students toward comparing themselves with others.


Which most accurately describes gender differences in motivation in elementary school?

Girls tend to develop an entity belief about their ability in general.

It is most accurate to say that the key characteristic that designates members of a minority group is that they ______ than the majority group.

Have less power

Temporal Lobe

Hearing and language

A student attributes her failure on a test to having missed several classes due to illness. What will happen to her expectations for doing well on future tests as a result of making this attribution to an unstable cause?

Her expectations will not change.

Which of the following examples best illustrates reflective practice?

Holly is always sure to ask her science teacher any questions she has after each lesson to gain a conceptual understanding of the processes that were taught.

A student appears to lack motivation while doing a math activity in class, so the teacher asks him, "How good are you at math?" The teacher is most likely trying to ______.

Identify low perceptions of ability in order to change attributions for success and failure

Mattie, age 4, reads a book about Clifford the Big Red Dog dressing up in an elephant costume for Halloween. Mattie believes Clifford has now turned into an elephant and is no longer a dog. Mattie's lack of understanding indicates she may have an issue with ______.

Identity Constancy

Which most accurately describes an assumption of behavioral learning theory?

If behavior has not changed, then learning has not occurred.

Ms. Smith understands that David is upset because he is crying. Neurons in Ms. Smith's ______ are involved in understanding David's emotional state.

Inferior frontal gyrus

Which is the best description of a specific view of transfer?

In general, the more elements that a new skill or behavior contains that are identical to an original task, the more learning will transfer to the new situation.

According to Erikson, at what point in development are a person's experiences with others most likely to help them develop autonomy?

In toddlerhood

A young child persists in calling asparagus and other green vegetables "celery" because they are green. The problem is that this child has ______.

Incorrectly Assimilated

Vivienne is in seventh grade. She is enjoying all of her subjects except math because her teacher stated "You will never be good at math" after she received a "C" on a math test. Vivienne may have problems mastering which of the following?


Process praise and performance praise are also called ______ praise.


When a high school student studies regularly because she has assimilated the process of studying into her identity as a student, this is known as ______.

Integrated Regulation

Which of the following represents the most internalized form of regulation?

Integrated Regulation

Which of the following statements about automaticity is most true?

It facilitates low-road transfer.

Which is the best definition of sensory memory?

It holds fleeting information that we register but do not yet process

Which is the best definition of working memory?

It maintains new information in a heightened state of activity until it is not attended to any more or moved to long-term memory

Which statement about disequilibrium is most true?

It motivates students to grow intellectually.

Which best describes the field of educational psychology?

It provides teachers with evidence-based knowledge from research and theory to support their daily decision-making.

When teachers provide students with short-term mastery goals, what happens to student effort?

It tends to increase

Which best illustrates an extinction burst?

Jeremy clowns around more than usual because he no longer seems to get desired attention from the teacher reprimanding him when he clowns around.

A student faces a difficult task that he has failed before. He becomes passive, seems unwilling to try, and does not seem to understand which of his behaviors can affect the outcome. Which of the following terms most accurately applies to this motivation problem?

Learned Helplessness

Which best describes the control dimension of parenting practice?

Limits and discipline

Which of the following disorders/disabilities is most closely associated with issues related to transferring and retrieving knowledge to and from long-term memory?

Math disability

In elementary school, boys tend to have more positive competency beliefs in which of the following areas?


Christine has not given much, if any thought, to what she wants to study in college because her parents, both veterinarians, have stated that she should follow their expectations and study veterinary medicine so she can carry on the family business after they retire. Christine is experiencing ______. (mod 3 quiz)

Maybe: Identity foreclosure

Which of the following illustrates overt aggression?

Michael punched a classmate over a quarrel.

In which instance would a researcher be most likely to use a quasi-experimental design?

Ms. Morris wants to infer whether being from an abusive home causes students to have poorer reading scores.

Which of the following examples best illustrates consolidation?

Ms. Post has her students review new information over several days.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of positive transfer?

Mirjana has learned that she can typically remember new concepts after she has studied her notes over a couple of weeks. She applies this studying pattern to all of her classes.

Alexandrina, an avid golfer, imitates a professional golfer's swing after watching her play golf on television. Alexandrina's act of imitation represents the _____ element of observational learning.

Motor Reproduction

Which best illustrates shaping?

Mr. Gao encourages her chronically tardy students to be in class on time by rewarding them when they are not as late as the day before.

Which of the following examples best illustrates explanatory questioning?

Mr. Jackson tells his students to teach new concepts to their family at home to help facilitate memory of new information.

Which teacher is best described as using a task-contingent reward?

Ms. Allison gives extra computer privileges to students who participate in a math drill if they stay for the duration of the activity.

How does neuroscience influence education indirectly? (Mod 5)

NOT: "It explains primarily the differences between those with cognitive deficits and those without cognitive deficits, so that teachers can understand how to educate both."

A person who feels comfortable and supported by trying new things probably has a sense of ______. (mod 3 quiz)

NOT: identity

Which of the following is a correct statement about the value of neuroscience data to educators?

Neuroscience can educate teachers on the relationship between the brain and environment and how this relationship effects development and learning.

Which statement about sensory memory is most accurate?

Not all information received by it is processed further.

A student's state of emotional arousal, observing the performance of others, and verbal persuasion are three influences on self-efficacy. A fourth influence is ______.

Past performance

A baby is born to Chinese parents in Asia and then adopted and raised by a White, middle-class family living in the rural Midwestern United States. Which most accurately describes the group status of this child?

Race is Asian, and ethnicity is Caucasian.

Which best exemplify measures used in educational psychology research?

Observations, interviews, tests

Which of the following uses of rewards is least likely to diminish intrinsic motivation?

Occasional use of unexpected rewards

What part of the brain is primarily responsible for processing visual information?

Occipital lobe

One technique teachers can use to reduce belief in fixed ability is ______.

Offering opportunities for improvement

Disequilibrium means that in response to new experiences, learners ______.

Perceive a discrepancy between it and their current understanding

Shawna wants to play piano in front of the music class, because her goal is to demonstrate that she is the best at piano. The best description of this is ______.

Performance-approach goal

The fact that the prefrontal cortex continues to develop until around the age of 20 is most consistent with which of the following theories? (mod 5)

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

According to research on praise, which of the following statements is true?

Process and performance praise can enhance intrinsic motivation because it tells students what they did well.

Which best describes mindful abstraction?

Recognizing and retrieving meaningful information to apply it to the new learning context.

Mrs. Kelly found a recent journal article that provided evidence supporting the use of "brain breaks" between lectures to promote student engagement and retention. Mrs. Kelly used what teaching approach?


Which best describe the three key elements of every educational psychology research study?

Samples, measures, designs

Which of the following is an example of bottom-up processing?

Sara cannot immediately interpret a piece of art, so she looks for shapes to try to understand what it represents.

Ms. Foster catches Eric spitting on the playground, against school rules. She hands him a cup and asks him to fill it up with spit. Ms. Foster's technique is called ______.


Which of the following concepts involves the capacity to focus on important information while ignoring distractions?

Selective Attention

Megan calmly awaits the teacher to pass out a chemistry exam. "I can handle this," she decides. "I'm good at answering these kinds of questions, and I've got the skills to understand all we did in the lab." Megan has high ______.


Short-Term Memory

Simple storage, up to 60 seconds, attention gets in, rehearsal saves it, forward & backward digit spans

The zone of proximal development includes ______.

Skills that a learner is on the verge of developing

Which is the best description of transfer?

Skills, strategies, and prior knowledge that influence new learning.


Social definition

Which best defines overlearning?

Students engaging in continued practice after they have demonstrated mastery.

Teachers should avoid the use of person praise because ______.

Students may begin to believe that their ability is fixed, causing them to give up when faced with failures

A teacher notes that homework is turned less frequently than she would like. She therefore begins offering extrinsic rewards for turning in homework. More homework is subsequently turned in, at which point she stops offering those rewards. Based on evidence from classic studies by Deci and others, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Students will turn in homework less frequently than they did before rewards were used.

The use-it-or-lose-it principle is most closely related to ______.

Synaptic Pruning

Which of the following environments is most likely to foster relatedness?

Teachers trust their students to walk to the bathroom, office, or other location on campus.

Mr. Smith lived in a two-parent home during the Great Depression era. His father worked at a bakery and his mother stayed at home and took care of him and his two sisters. Which of the following would be considered part of Mr. Smith's chronosystem?

The Great Depression Era

Which best describes locus of control?

The belief that the results of one's behavior is due to either internal or external factors

Which is the best description of a general view of transfer?

The intellectual challenge involved in rigorous Latin and geometry courses is thought to strengthen student minds when studying other subjects.

Which is most true of psychological punishment, such as humiliation?

The negative impact far outweighs the potential effectiveness, so it should never beused

Behavior, environment, and person are all aspects of which of the following concepts developed by Bandura?

The triadic reciprocal determinism model of causality

Which of the following are characteristics of autonomy-supporting parents?

They provide their children with opportunities to explore and master their environment.

Which best illustrates maintenance rehearsal?

Trey needs to remember his Social Security number, so he repeats it to himself over and over.

A child who cannot perform a math operation successfully without the help from someone more cognitively advanced is in the zone of proximal development.


A student can have a poor self-concept about an aspect of herself without it having any influence on her self-esteem.


A student who receives mathematics instruction that heavily relies on rote memorization is more likely to develop a narrow ability that will not transfer to new situations.


Occipital Lobe


Which of the following best illustrates internalization?

Wesley has always been motivated to do well on his math tests because he will lose his allowance if he does not earn good grades, but increasingly he has found himself wanting to learn math for its own sake.

Ms. Kacey is a single parent who works a full-time job. She has decided to look for a childcare facility to put her child in. Which of the following characteristics should Ms. Kacey look for to ensure she chose a quality care facility?

a facility that is very stable and has certified childcare professionals

Which of the following examples would typically involve effortful processing?

a high school student learning how to drive for the first time

Which of the following examples would typically involve automatic processing?

a middle school student correctly spelling his name on a homework assignment

gender role identity

a person's identification with the qualities regarded as masculine or feminine

Invisible Knapsack

a set of privileges and practices that white people carry around with them that largely protect them from everyday injustices

Which best illustrates a student's mesosystem? (mod 2 quiz)

a. Brett is in close contact on a daily basis with his family, his neighborhood friends, and teachers at school.

social skills

abilities to reason, think through, pick up cues, and make appropriate decisions with respect to interpersonal relationships

Flow is best described as ______.

an optimal level of engagement and absorption in a task

In a state of learned helplessness, an individual believes that

behavior is unrelated to consequences.

The law of effect most accurately states that _____.

behaviors associated with good consequences are more likely to occur again, and behaviors associated with bad consequences are less likely to occur again

Mrs. Abel believes that students from low-income families are poor readers. When some of her students from lower income families score well on a standardized reading achievement test, Mrs. Abel interprets their performance as due to luck because "poor students will be poor readers." Her thinking can be best interpreted as ______.

belief perseverance


biological identity

gender labeling

by age 2 or 3, children understand that they are either boys or girls and label themselves accordingly

gender stability

by age 3-4, child's understanding that sex identity is stable over time

Vygotsky would most likely agree that pretend play ______.

creates a learning situation where children behave beyond their current level, advancing their development

Which of the following is an example of a quasi-experimental design commonly used in research?

cross-sectional study

Researchers who have examined the influence of increased maternal employment outside the home have found few negative effects as well as positive outcomes.


Students from higher SES families are likely to have higher self-esteem


Transition to middle school is more detrimental to self-esteem of girls


Which most accurately describes the key feature of the central executive?

focuses attention on what is deemed important and acts as an information supervisor

gender schemas

focuses on thought processes

Which most accurately describes a factor that helps explain developmental trends toward extrinsically motivated learning?

decontextualized learning

Identifying a skill for improvement, setting a goal, practicing at a level above current skill level, and obtaining feedback on performance is an example of ______.

deliberate practice

Ages 2-6

do the most play

Terrill believes that he has the knowledge and skills to pass his algebra class. This is best described as a(an) ______ expectation. (mod 16 quiz)


Research indicates that self-concepts tend to be more positive for children who are ______.

elementary school girls or middle school boys

Autonomy-supportive teachers engage in which of the following practices?

encourage students to express opinions and preferences

identity moratorium

exploration without having reached commitment

According to Marcia, identity development should be discussed in terms of ______ and ______.

exploration; commitment

Teachers should present important information ______ in their lectures to help enhance their students' memory.


The main purpose for understanding the thinking underlying students' motivation is to ______.

foster academic intrinsic motivation

If a lower achieving student is in a classroom in which ability grouping occurs, the most likely outcome is that ______.

it will undermine his self-efficacy

gender identity

knowledge that one is female or male


matching sound to letter

A teacher who incorporates all four principles of instructional design to foster transfer will strive to develop automaticity of skills, motivate students to value learning, teach metacognitive strategies, and promote ______.

meaningful learning

Young girls have more positive self-concepts


Encoding is the process of ______.

modifying information to prepare it for long-term storage

In early childhood, friendships tend to be based upon ______.

moment-to-moment interactions

Mr. Young encourages his music students to develop individual interests and set mastery goals, and his enthusiasm during lessons often sparks situational interest. He particularly emphasizes which principle of teaching for transfer?

motivating students to value learning

Jackie takes ballet lessons. Later, she takes a different type of dance class and has difficulty in learning some of the movements because they are contrary to how she was taught to move in her ballet class. Jackie is experiencing ______ transfer.


What are the chemicals that are typically released into the synapse when messages are sent through the neurons?


A common distinction between cues versus prompts is _____.

nonverbal vs. verbal

Which student is most likely to be motivated to continue to work after experiencing failure?

one with an incremental view of ability

If a teacher could use only one of the following to craft effective lessons to promote automaticity, the teacher would emphasize ______.


Tommie attempts only very easy tasks, has low aspirations, rehearses responses, and cheats in an attempt to always ensure success and out of fear of failure. She is best described as ______. (mod 16 quiz)


Ideally, teachers want learning to result in ______ transfer.



posture, coordination, muscle tone, memory of skills and habits

Internalization is a ______.

process of acquiring more cognitive responsibility for a task

As teachers, we should attempt to foster friendship among peers early in students' development and continue to support peer-group formation throughout adolescence. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits?

promotes academic intrinsic motivation

A high school teacher wishes to implement classroom-level techniques for increasing student motivation. Which of the following should she do?

reduce the competitive atmosphere of the classroom by using cooperative learning

Which of the following is most likely to lead to effective low-road transfer?

reflective and deliberate practice

Which set of characteristics best describes the model characteristics that increase the likelihood that the model will be imitated?

relevance, status, and competence

Students in a history class have an assigned reading on George Washington, with passages containing very interesting information about his wooden false teeth and the primitive state of dentistry at the time. This is best described as an example of ______.

seductive details

Parietal Lobe

sensation such as touch, temperature, and pressure

Frontal Lobe

sense of smell, motor control, reasoning, and planning

Romantic and sexual attraction one has to others of the same gender, opposite gender, both genders, and/or neither gender refers to

sexual orientation

According to Erikson's theory, if a student fails to develop a sense of who she is as a person, a sense of self, it is most likely because ______.

she had so many responsibilities that she had no opportunity to explore different roles, consider aspirations or goals, or determine her values

As internalization increases, scaffolding should be ______.

slowly faded

One's level of social participation in activities and conversations is defined as ______.


In self-worth theory, a key distinction is between approaching ______ and avoiding ______.

success; failure

According to Erikson, the mastery of skills and competencies in elementary and middle school is primarily responsible for a person's later sense of industry or feelings of inferiority.


African Americans have higher self-esteem in comparison to Whites


Boys in general have more positive self-concepts in math & Science


Ethnicity plays a larger role for minority groups than for Whites


Girls score higher on global self-esteem until adolescence


Middle-school boys have higher self-concepts


Which of the following is likely to increase self-efficacy?

teaching and modeling strategies that students can effectively apply

Scaffolding is a ______.

temporary support for children to accomplish a task

The notion of a sensitive period suggests ______.

the brain has times when it is flexible, or prepared for learning, and can be modified by experience


the process by which axons become coated with myelin, a fatty substance that speeds the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron

identity achievement

the status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity following a period of crisis during which they consider various alternatives

identity diffusion

the status of adolescents who consider various identity alternatives, but never commit to one or never even consider identity options in any conscious way

identity foreclosure

the status of adolescents who prematurely commit to an identity without adequately exploring alternatives

All of the following are considered to be better predictors of cognitive and social development outcomes later in life than experience in childcare facilities except ______.

the teacher-child relationship

Eunice had trouble learning the formula for calculating the area of a circle, so she says it to herself over and over again while the teacher passes out the geometry test. Eunice is demonstrating ______.

the use of maintenance rehearsal

by age 6

there is enough cortical inhibition to sit still and pay attention for short periods

According to information processing theory, how many types of memory are involved in the learning process?


Extrinsic motivation is best described as engaging in an activity ______.

to obtain an outcome that is distinct from the activity itself

"Can I do this task?" is an example of a question relating to expectancy.


Overall, the most effective and efficient schedules for reinforcing behaviors that are already well established are _____.


A common distinction between cues versus prompts is ______.

verbal vs. nonverbal

Intrinsic motivation is best described as engaging in an activity ______.

when the reward is the activity itself

What you are thinking about right now is being held in which type of memory?


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