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Rebelling against gender restrictions, __________ developed a philosophy of socialized education.


In what way were the concerns of medieval education most closely related to those of Greek and Roman education?

Although the medieval "elite" had come to be defined as a religious elite, the primary purpose of education was still to provide a strong foundation based in the teachings of the ancient philosophers and those of the church.

Which of the following presents the greatest obstacle to teachers' gaining the kind of autonomy suggested by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards?

Because education is a public enterprise and a public responsibility, citizens and their elected officials will be slow to turn control over to teachers

What are the two main ways this session recommended for teachers to include religion in the classroom?

Give proper attention to religion in the curriculum and create a welcoming environment for religious expression.

What passage from the Bible did Martin Luther King, Jr. quote in his "I have a dream" speech?

Isaiah 40:4-5

Which educational theory views education as part of a larger effort to reform American society and politics?


In 2006, the average teacher's salary was ________________ below that of comparable workers.


In the past decade, nearly ________children have been killed in or around schools due to violent behavior.


_____________ percent of teachers leave the profession in the first five years.


When considering the average salary range of teachers, __________ can be expected.


Women currently constitute ______________ percent of college enrollment.


What did Thomas Jefferson say we should not remove from our nation?

A conviction that our liberties come from God.

Which of the following statements represents findings about teacher-preparation programs from recent reports (Educating School Teachers)?

A majority of programs have inadequate curriculum and low standards.

Choose the best explanation for what Benjamin Franklin meant by his statement "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

A self-governing nation needs its citizens to govern their own moral behavior.

Problems with violence and delinquency are particularly acute among _________________

African American males

Because of Jane Addams' work with immigrants in Chicago, teachers now see the importance of ____________.

All of the above

Which of the following did Martin Luther recognize to be an agent of reform?

All of the above

As a high-school social studies teacher, you believe your students lack enough heroes and role models. You begin collaborating with an English teacher at your school to have students turn aspects of their family histories into epics that highlight the positive characteristics and admirable actions of male and female family members. In having students write, share, and discuss these personal epics, you are following most closely in the educational footsteps of which of the following groups?

Ancient Greeks

Who developed the concept of realism, which asserts that reality is outside of our minds?


What does "explain by attribution" mean?

Attribute religious beliefs or quotes to their sources.

How many Americans claim Christianity as their religion?

Between 70% and 75%

The first three Teacher Residency programs established in America were in which three cities?

Boston | Chicago| Denver

The teaching of Latin utilizing the student's vernacular language was emphasized by


The first four topics can be summarized using the acronym C.A.L.M. to explain why teaching about the Bible and Christianity can be done in public schools. What does C.A.L.M. stand for?

Culturally accurate, Academically expected, Legally supported, Morally imperative

In your elementary classroom, you use hands-on methods that encourage students to inquire for themselves about various ideas and problems in the curriculum's subjects. Several parents have criticized your approach, saying that you pay too little attention to systematic subject-matter learning. You have a great deal in common with which famous educator?


New York's educational system found its roots in the Reformed Church of the __________ colonists.


You teach French. Instead of drilling students in French grammar and vocabulary, you like to emphasize conversations in French, discussions of French authors and literature, and games and contests that make learning interesting. With which of the following historical figures do you have the most in common?


Students cannot express their faith in their class work and homework.


Unfortunately, Christian music does not sell as well as Jazz music.


You just took a job teaching in a primary school. The principal has told you that the school's mission envisions each classroom becoming a "prepared environment" for encouraging self-development and socialization. These ideas are based on

Froebel's view of the kindergarten.

A four-year-old disadvantaged child living in the inner city would probably be eligible for

Head Start

Which is the fastest growing minority population in the United States?


What are the three American values expressed on our coins?

In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum, Liberty

From the conversation with Attorney David Cortman, when can you initiate talking about Christianity?

In an education-related context.

What did Dr. William Jeynes conclude was the connection between Bible knowledge and academic achievement and behavior?

Increased Bible knowledge is associated with higher levels of academic achievement and positive behavior.

What did this session point out about the concept that our rights come from God?

It is an American value expressed in every century of the nation's history.

The main point of this session is what?

It is reasonable for schools to teach about the cultural influence of Christianity.

Religious Freedom Day is celebrated on what date each year?

January 16

The education pioneer who suggested that teachers should design their classrooms as learning centers stocked with materials that engage children's curiosity and stimulate their explorations was

Jean Piaget.

According to much of the research on student roles, which of the following children is most likely to be perceived by teachers as a "model" student?

Joy, who quietly and efficiently does everything she's told to do

What does the introduction to "The Bible in State Academic Standards" reveal?

Masschusetts students are expected to explain the Gospel

In which field of study has there been a persistent shortage of teachers?

Math and science

Preplanned materials and learning exercises designed to develop the practical, sensory, and formal skills of children were designed by


When considering a defined body of knowledge as a characteristic of a profession, which of the following statements accurately describes a criticism of teacher preparation programs?

Not enough pedagogy courses are required.

In the acronym HOUSSE, the "O" stands for which of the following?


Which statement accurately describes trends in the African American community?

Overall status and income have increased, yet many are sinking deeper into poverty. The rate of enrollment in colleges remains low.

_______________ do not permit collective bargaining.

Private schools

___________ helps explain why some students with low socioeconomic status refuse to conform to school expectations or to comply with their teacher's demands.

Resistance theory

Sarah believes that schools too often get in the way of meaningful education. She wants to start her own school where children will have fewer textbooks and rules and more unstructured, firsthand experiences with the world. Which of the following theorists is most relevant to Sarah's beliefs?


What are the three views in the spectrum of viewpoints regarding schools and the separation of church and state?

Separation, Integration, Evangelization

To become certified in his state, Bill had to pass a test that included reading, writing, and mathematics. What is the reasoning that is most likely to have led to this requirement?

Teachers must be competent in basic skill areas if they are to perform effectively in their jobs.

What did the report "Hardwired to Connect" recommend to those serving young people?

They should promote the moral and spiritual development of children.

Understanding the Bible helps students with English literature courses in college.


The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) states that the low proportion of minority teachers constitutes

a devastating crisis.

A parochial school teacher was fired without receiving any written information regarding the charges. This action is probably legal because

a parochial-school teacher does not necessarily have the same civil rights as a public-school teacher.

"Teach for America" is

a program to recruit non-education majors into temporary teaching service in urban school districts.

According to the introduction of "The Bible in State Academic Standards" teachers should help students understand the phrase "one nation under God" as a...

a reflection of one of America's core values.

In recent measures of occupational prestige, teachers rank

above the ninetieth percentile.

Rousseau broke with many educational philosophers in his belief that

adult coercion negatively influences children's development.

On the basis of court rulings, a science teacher cannot teach creation-science and evolution-science together, because this approach would

advance a religious doctrine.

Advanced schools in ancient Egypt were established to prepare

all of the above

Preparing a good teacher in a "defined body of knowledge" often results in _______________ being a part of the teacher preparation program.

all of the above

The hornbook was primary designed for children to memorize

all of the above

The term "highly qualified teacher" implies a teacher must have ____________.

all of the above

When dealing with bullies, a school might best

apply behavioral contracts

Minority groups in the teaching profession

are likely to decline as a proportion of the total teaching force.

In the late nineteenth century, the federal government provided education for Native Americans with the purpose of

assimilating Native Americans into the white society.

The child depravity theory held that the corruptive weakness of children could be corrected by

authoritarian teaching techniques.

The minimum educational requirement that all states require of teacher is a(n)

bachelor's degree

Up until about 1960, subcultures in the United States were expected to

be assimilated into the national mainstream.

Concentrated poverty schools are located in

big cities

When identifying and enforcing standards of conduct, teachers have

broad authority as interpreted by the courts.

Students who object to saying the pledge of allegiance at school

cannot be compelled to do so.

Teachers who have tenure

cannot be dismissed without cause

Katherine, an elementary school teacher, believes that children are by nature prone to mean and unruly behavior and that part of a teacher's job is to be a firm disciplinarian to help children overcome these tendencies. Katherine's ideas are most similar to which of the following?

child depravity theory

Over thirty-four states legally require _____________, while it is permissible in eleven states.

collective bargaining

Educators who adopt the environmentalist position concerning the development of intelligence would probably support

compensatory education.

Elaborate language typically includes

complex grammar

Ken, a school board member in a segregated district, chairs a committee that is planning a voluntary desegregation strategy for a portion of his district. Which of the following plans would be most appropriate for his committee to consider?

controlled choice

The change that opened the door to the high-school movement was

court rulings enabling tax support for public schools.

The curriculum and activities that Dewey proposed for schools

culminate in reflecting on and testing the consequences of action.

Merit pay is given to a teacher who has

demonstrated superior performance.

It has been difficult in some communities to implement ________ due to long bus rides to other schools and large central-city districts with 50 percent or higher minority enrollment.


Court rulings indicate that when they are establishing dress codes for students, schools should

determine the educational purposes for any such restrictions.

The division and rivalry of the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers is often seen as

detrimental to the teaching profession.

Desegregation and integration are different in that only integration includes

development of positive interracial contact.

During the civil rights movement, many people found the need to improve educational opportunities for __________________.

disadvantaged students students with disabilities

The rules and principles that a district must follow when attempting to dismiss a tenured teacher are mandated by the

due process guidelines.

Funds for compensatory programs can be used for

early childhood education only. psychological and social services only. bilingual education only

Schools in New England were designed to contribute to a person's`

economic productivity.

The variables used to identify social class include

education, housing price, occupation and income.

Children learn the group's language and skills and assimilate moral and religious values through ________.


Teacher education classes that deal with methods of instruction focus primarily on


________________focuses on the knowledge of knowing and what we base our knowledge of the world on.


The educational theory that emphasizes the authority of the teacher and the value of the subject-matter curriculum is


A course examining the moral values and rules of right conduct deals with


Axiology is focused on appropriate and inappropriate behavior and evaluates what subdivision(s)?

ethics and aesthetics

Because teachers reward passive behavior, elementary-school boys often

exhibit high rates of alienation.

Research on teaching in "African-American English" or other dialects has shown that

findings about the benefits of such programs are inconclusive.

The aim of perennialism is to

foster a student's intellectual development.

During the Reformation, Protestant religious educators sought to

free themselves and their followers from papal authority.

For the existentialist educator, values are

freely chosen

In terms of the socioeconomic levels children will achieve as adults, children raised in poverty tend to ______________________.

freeze in the same levels as their parents

Often, homeless children who attend school

have low academic achievement

The students most likely to attend college are those with

high achievement from upper-income families.

Drug and alcohol use by school-age children may

impede their transition to adult life.

Achievement of low-income minority students is likely to _____________ when students attend a middle-income nonminority school.


The purpose of Title I is to

improve the education of economically disadvantaged children.

A nuclear family can be described as one that

includes two parents living with their children

Recent polls taken in 2008 indicated that the level of job satisfaction of teachers since 1984 has __________.


Which of the following has most significantly increased the prestige of teaching in the eyes of the public?

increased level of education of teachers

Rousseau originally believed that people were "noble savages," ________________________.

innocent, free and uncorrupted.

According to Gallup, average church attendance in America has historically been what

just over 40%

Progressive educators focus their attention primarily on the


Pragmatists such as Dewey see the school as a local community of _______________ connected to the larger society.

learners and teachers

Which of the following concepts is most closely related to inclusion?

least restrictive environment

Large southern plantations affected schooling for blacks and poor whites by

limiting opportunities for their education.

In colonial times, the town school was

locally controlled

The new working class is best identified as _________________.

lower class

Which of the following desegregation plans represents the most voluntary approach on the part of parents to move children to another school?

magnet schools

The growing trend towards caring for students with special needs is increasing. The practice of ________ in a regular classroom is a growing trend for full inclusion.


An instructional media teacher who regularly videotapes copyrighted TV programs for use by classroom teachers in his middle high school is violating copyright laws if he

makes the tapes without an advance request from one or more teachers.

Thomas Jefferson's Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge is an important benchmark in the history of public education because it

marked a transition in the broad purpose of schooling from religious instruction, as had existed in the colonial period, to public schools based on the needs of a democratic society.

Your high school has a media center that makes an excellent meeting facility, and your school regularly lets student groups meet there. A student-fundamentalist Bible club has asked permission to assemble in this room for its weekly after-school meetings. Legally, your school

may safely refuse this group only if it discontinues all other extracurricular activities

A state's view on teacher strikes is that __________________.

most prohibit it

The precedent set in the case of Honig v. Doe established that disabled students

must remain in their current placement and undergo official hearings prior to suspension for violent actions.

Mortimer Adler's Paideia Proposal advocated

one high-quality curriculum for all students.

According to Coleman's study in 1961, students with high prestige in high school include

only those who are athletes. only those who own nice cars. physically attractive students only.

Postmodernist critics who attack the perennialist notions of education, such as the "Great Books" approach, do so on the grounds that

perennialist approaches to education are restricted to unchanging knowledge from certain times and contexts only.

The middle school was designed to

permit a gradual transition from childhood to adolescence.

Counselors point to all of the following as meaningful ways for teachers to reduce on-the-job stress levels, except:

pharmacological intervention

Teachers need to be familiar with the legal principle of fair use when

photocopying materials for classroom use.

Research indicates that the achievement of rural students is hampered by

poverty and inequality.

Karen sees the world and everything in it as a laboratory for learning. She believes her students learn best when she poses problems they have to solve by interacting with a real-world setting. Which of the following views is closest to Karen's beliefs?


Comenius sought to develop an efficient method of instruction based on the

principles of child development

The fact that there is no agreed-upon body of knowledge for teaching is a limitation when professional organizations try to increase teachers' accountability.


When Thomas Jefferson tried to establish public education in Virginia, his primary purpose was to

promote a knowledgeable citizenry.

The G.I. Bill of 1944

provided federal funds for veterans to subsidize their education

Normal schools were important for women because they

provided opportunities for higher education.

People who have common ancestry and physical characteristics are members of the same


A recent emphasis on improving students' thinking and comprehensive skills emphasizes _________________ as a central theme in teacher education.

reflective teaching

Generally speaking, the effect of class on student achievement tends to`

remain a barrier to academic achievement among the lower socioeconomic classes, even through college and university education.

Merit pay is often considered a(n) __________________ for superior performance.


The Sophists broke with traditional Greek beliefs about education in that they

saw education as a means by which groups that were not part of society's elite could become part of the elite.

The methodological approach that involved theological and philosophical scholarship and teaching is called


With the U.S. Supreme Court's recent emphasis on the reasonableness of school policies, more responsibility falls on

school officials.

In an effort to reform society, educators during the Age of Enlightenment tried to create a new pattern of schooling based on

scientific inquiry and reason.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

segregation violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

An individual who is prepared to function first as a young person and then as an adult is


Increasing polarization of the African American population is especially evident in

socioeconomic status.

Which group tended to have the greatest access to educational opportunities in colonial America?

sons of the upper class in New England

Herbart was noted for incorporating history and literature into the curriculum. He did this to

study the lives of great people of the past and how they made their moral decisions

The Greek approach of having the student immersed and participating in society can be described as

the Socratic method.

In cases heard by courts, only ______________rulings can be applied nationally.

the U.S. Supreme Court's

In cases involving teachers' freedom of expression, courts have considered

the behavior and the results.

Progressive educators stress that all learning should center on

the child's interests and needs.

The educational efforts of people such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Noah Webster most directly culminated in which of the following?

the development of the common school by leaders such as Horace Mann during the nineteenth century

An important Greek and Roman contribution to Western education was

the focus on the role of education in improving society's political well-being.

According to proponents of the environmental disadvantage theory,

the most rapid development of cognitive skills occurs during the preschool years.

For John Dewey, education's sole purpose is to contribute to

the social growth of the individual.

When signs of child abuse are recognized by a teacher,

the teacher is required to report the abuse to the proper authorities.

You know a tenured teacher who was recently fired for insubordination. She is suing her district for damages, claiming that she was not insubordinate and that the district's action has done irreparable damage to her good name, reputation, and integrity. This case is most likely to focus on

the teacher's liberty interests under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The peer group behavior of boys and girls at the elementary and junior-high levels stresses

traditional role expectations for boys and girls.

Education in preliterate societies focused on

transmitting culture.

The ancient Egyptian civilization was characterized by _____________.

tribal kingdoms, rule by pharaohs, and located on the riverbanks.

It is legal and good to encourage students to consider their faith-based values when making decisions.


Students can pray, read their Bibles or other religious materials, and talk about their faith at school.


The National Association for Music Education's official policy is that "the omission of sacred music from the school curriculum would result in an incomplete educational experience."


The _______________________ are often the third or fourth generation to live in poverty and depend on public assistance.


Urban teachers prefer to join the AFT primarily because of the organization's

use of traditional union tactics.

Because of their acceptance of the child depravity theory, colonial teachers

used firm, harsh discipline.

In general, research on the impact of desegregation shows that

where schools have been successfully desegregated and integrated, there is some evidence of both increased academic achievement of minority groups and better relationships among ethnic groups.

You have just finished college and obtained certification in a northeastern state, but you have decided that you would like to teach in the Southeast. What do you most need to know if you want to become employable in a southeastern state?

which reciprocity agreements are currently valid in the state in which you are now certified

Teachers can organize prayer groups...

with other teachers during lunch.

A major contributing factor to the number of latchkey children is the increase in the number of

working mothers.

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