Educating all Learners Questions

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Which of the following does not accurately reflect the 504 designation?

A 504 plan is the same as an IEP and they can be used interchangeably.

In which of the following situations would a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) be appropriate for the student?

A student is always rushing through work and submitting incorrect answers with repeated careless mistakes. A student is consistently late for school with different excuses.

At the year's beginning, a new teacher becomes unsure about all of her responsibilities, including instruction and required documentation and record-keeping. Which of the following would be the most effective way for this teacher to secure help?

Ask the department head or team leader for advice and request a mentor teacher with whom to work.

A third-grade science teacher is teaching his students about the concepts of force and motion. He sets up the classroom with different stations, each engaging students in hands-on activities designed to experience force and motion science concepts. At one of the stations, he sets up a string between two sets of chairs with a straw attached to it. Balloons are attached to each, blown up, and then let go. Students race to see which balloon finishes first. Which of the following strategies can the teacher use to encourage active participation throughout the experiment?

Asking probing questions such as, "What do you think will happen if you fill the balloon up with more air?"

The LEA has the responsibility to identify, locate, and evaluate all students who reside in the state of Texas who are in need of special education or related services, including students enrolling in private schools. At what age can children begin receiving services?


In January, Eddie enrolled in a first-grade classroom. After a week, his teacher noticed that he got out of his desk and wandered around the classroom; he did not participate in classroom routines or sit with the group for morning reading or with his table group. She observed that his play activities were similar to a kindergartener or a younger child. She then reviewed the records just sent from his previous school, which noted that he had highly developed social skills and behaviors. In determining how best to work with Eddie and this situation, what is most important for the teacher to consider?

Children like Eddie often revert to less advanced play levels in response to stress, such as moving or family upheaval.

Which of the following advocacy strategies is recommended for increasing family and community involvement with ELLs?

Encouraging parents to read and tell stories to their children in their native language.

The following characteristics are elements of which component of IDEA? Instructional services designed to address the educational needs of students with disabilities as comparable to nondisabled students Instructional services to the maximum extent possible as to meet the educational needs with nondisabled students Standardized and established due process procedures Evaluation, placement, and reevaluation established procedures to ensure appropriate placement and classification of student with disabilities

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Mr. Martin is planning an instructional unit and wants to adjust the lesson to meet the needs of the English Language Learners (ELL) in his class. Each student has a varying level of English proficiency. What is the best strategy to adjust the instructional unit to meet the student's needs?

Make dictionaries accessible to the students and allow for additional time to complete the assignments while other students can work independently.

Which of the following descriptions is characteristic of a culturally responsive teacher?

Ms. Jones recognizes that in some cultures, children avert eye contact from adults out of respect for authority.

Mr. Michaels typically uses direct instruction as his primary means of teaching. At the beginning of the school year, his principal informs Mr. Michaels he will have four English language learners in his class. Of the following, which is the best adjustment Mr. Michaels can make to enhance his teaching style for the English language learners?

Prepare multimedia presentations with visual images to coincide with his lectures.

Which of the following federal mandates helps remove barriers to education by ensuring a free appropriate public education (FAPE)?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

A first-grade teacher is teaching her class about the five senses, and how they can be used in everyday life. She introduces an activity in which students use one sense at a time to identify different objects. She starts simple, by having students identify objects by sight. Then, the students smell scented candles and identify the smell. Next, she plays some animal noises for the students to identify by sound. For touch, she has the students reach into a bag and identify objects based on how they feel. The activity continues into snack time, during which she offers students bites of different foods to try. What does the teacher do effectively in this activity to promote student learning?

She embeds developmentally appropriate activities into classroom routines.

In discussing the state assessment, State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR), the parent wants to understand how it would be supported in the IEP. Which response should the ARD committee chair offer the parent?

The IEP objectives closely align with the STAAR assessment for all students.

How should the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) be reflected in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

The IEP objectives should try to align as closely as possible with the appropriate TEKS.

A new teacher will be working at a school that has many types of professionals on the staff, including paraprofessionals, speech/language therapists, and school psychologists. Due to the nature of the student population, many of these professionals will be in and out of classrooms on a regular basis. What is the best way for the new teacher to form relationships with these professionals?

The teacher should meet with professionals who will regularly be in his/her classroom to learn more about their roles and how to collaborate effectively to support student learning.

A third-grade teacher is planning an assessment on a class novel. Considering universal design for learning (UDL) principles, which of the following assessments would be best for the teacher to administrate?

a choice board in which students share what they learned using different methods (song, poem, etc.)

In which of the following situations might a student's culture affect their ability to learn?

a student who recently moved from South Korea is asked to work independently

In planning a lesson for her English language learners, Mrs. Sims wants to ensure their language needs are being met. In making accommodations to the instruction, Mrs. Sims should remember it is most important to:

address the same instructional objectives and goals in the original instruction.

A teacher sets up her classroom so that individual areas of the room highlight new content every week. One area has tactile materials children can pour, stack, and manipulate in different ways. Another area has reading material related to the week's lessons. A third section is set up like a house, with a pretend kitchen and other household items. Every day students are given unstructured time after recess to choose an area to spend time in. This classroom set up best demonstrates the understanding that:

children learn through play and self-initiated exploration of objects and materials.

The best way for a first-year third-grade teacher to familiarize themselves with the curriculum they will be teaching is to:

consult with other experienced third-grade teachers at the school.

Johnny has documented learning disabilities and he receives special education and related services in the regular classroom. His teacher, Ms. Spencer, has been following the accommodations and modifications noted in Johnny's IEP, but she is concerned that the accommodations and modifications of Johnny's IEP are not appropriate for him. The annual meeting of the ARD Committee is not scheduled for another three months; however, in consideration of Ms. Spencer's concerns about what she considers inappropriate accommodations and modifications, she should:

continue to use the accommodations and modifications required by the IEP but also request for the ARD Committee to meet before the scheduled annual meeting. Then, the committee will have the opportunity to reevaluate Johnny's IEP.

Abdul recently arrived in the US from Kenya. During his second week in prekindergarten, his teacher observed Abdul gently touching his new friends on their shoulders and heads while playing games. One afternoon, Thomas, one of the more rambunctious children, grabbed Abdul's hand off of his shoulder and pushed it away while yelling, "Don't touch me!" Which of the following culturally responsive practices would be the most appropriate way for the teacher to respond to this situation?

discussing classroom expectations with students and role-playing rules about personal space and physical contact in school settings

A social studies teacher wants to create a living museum in which students dress up as historical characters and give mini-presentations when visitors approach their station. The teacher would like to invite the community and parents. Which of the following should be the first task to complete on an action plan for implementing this project?

discussing plans with campus administrators

A diverse elementary school has set a goal to increase parental involvement over the course of the school year. The leadership of the school would especially like to engage parents of English learners (ELs). To help meet this goal, a third-grade teacher has taken several steps to invite parents to become part of the classroom learning environment. The teacher has sent home monthly newsletters, kept the class website updated, and called parents regularly. Despite these efforts, only 10 parents came to a recent open house. To establish better parent-teacher relationships, the teacher should:

ensure parents are able to receive, read, and understand all forms of communication coming from the school.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), public and charter schools have an obligation to:

find, test, and provide necessary disability services to children from birth to transition.

A kindergarten teacher is teaching her students how to identify different shapes. She provides each student with a set of pattern blocks and then announces, "Choose 2 triangles, 4 squares, 1 large red circle, 2 small blue circles, 2 diamonds, and 1 rectangle. I'm imagining a dinosaur. Can you make it?" This activity best demonstrates the teacher's understanding that:

games are an effective way to promote learning in children.

Which of the following exceptionalities does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 not protect?


Which of the following best promotes professional collaboration and mutual support?

grade-level teachers meeting with elective teachers to integrate curriculum

A first-grade teacher is conducting a series of lessons on life cycles, beginning with the butterfly. While introducing the unit, she notices the students are not very interested in the information being presented. The teacher could increase student engagement in the material by doing which of the following?

grow a chrysalis in the classroom and release the butterfly in a few weeks

A science teacher wants to try a new educational social app for students to engage and help each other with concepts. They can post questions to a private board and respond to others. The teacher will monitor exchanges. Which of these people on campus would be most helpful in planning the use of this app?

library media specialist

A third-grade teacher notices that although her students seem to understand the content during classwork and discussions, many of them don't do well on traditional assessments. Based on principles of universal design for learning (UDL), which of the following actions would be most effective for this purpose?

offering students alternative ways to demonstrate their understanding

A second-grade teacher wants to optimize student engagement and motivation. Based on principles of universal design for learning (UDL), which of the following actions would be most effective for this purpose?

offering students choices in their learning

A second-grade teacher is planning to introduce a new science unit. A recent pre-assessment shows most students in the class are unfamiliar with the unit's contents. Based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which of the following steps should the teacher take to maximize each student's learning potential?

present information in multiple ways (visually, auditorily, etc) to account for students' various learning styles

All of the following are principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) except:

providing multiple means of cooperation.

All of the following are ways that schools can reasonably eliminate barriers to family involvement in school affairs except:

providing weekly check-ins on student progress.

A third-grade student with learning disabilities requires constant redirection when working in collaborative groups. The teacher requests the special education teacher begin the initial evaluation process. What is the best response to provide the general education teacher?

refer the teacher to the RtI process

A kindergarten teacher approaches a table of students using math manipulatives to complete a subtraction worksheet. Question one reads: 12 - 7 =____. The students use the manipulatives to fill in the correct answer, 5. Question two reads: 12 - 2 =_____. The teacher asks the students, "Which is smaller? 7 or 2?" The students say, "2." The teacher replies, "So, which answer will be smaller, question one or two?" This teacher's conversation is showing her ability to:

scaffold instruction to build student understanding.

A language arts teacher wants to use the library for her students to do research. Prior to visiting the library, the teacher and librarian meet. What should be the primary focus of their meeting?

student learning goals for the project

A kindergarten class is taking part in several science stations. One group is dropping various objects in a tub of water to see if they will float or sink. Before dropping the object in the water, the group records their prediction (sink or float) on a recording sheet. One of the students says, "Oh no! The keys are sinking." The teacher walks over with a stapler and a sheet of paper and says, "Wow! I wonder what these will do then? What do you think?" Through these questions, the teacher uses this spontaneous learning opportunity to:

teach students how to apply experiential findings to new scientific questions.

In this modern day of nontraditional households, the IEP committee must fully understand and interpret the meaning of the word "parent." A parent can be considered any of the following except:

the student's long-term babysitter or nanny

It is the beginning of the school year and a second-grade teacher is setting up a classroom using the principles in the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines. Which of the following elements should the teacher include when designing the instructional space?

varied options for seating

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