Education Exam

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Which of the following statements about curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is NOT true?

CBM is best used for summative evaluation

Which of the following is true about siblings of children with disabilities?

Children are deeply influenced by having a brother or a sister with special needs, but their experiences are varied

Teaching a student who cannot speak to use an alternative and augmentative communication device is an example of which type of intervention?

Compensatory intervnetion

Which of the following courts cases set the legal precedent for the civil rights for individuals with disabilities by ruling that "separate is not equal"?

Brown v. Board of education of topeka (1954)

Which of the following is recommended sequence for conductiong parent-teacher conferences?

Build rapport obtain information, provide information, summarize, and follow up

The ultimate approach to determining if a given skill qualifies as functional curriculum is to contemplate this question from the student's perspective:

"Will I need it when I'm 21?"

The AAIDD's critierion for "significant limitations of intellectual functioning" is an IQ score approximately

2 standard deviations below the mean

Credible studies indicate that at least _____ of school-aged children have significant emotional or behavioral problems that warrant intervention

3% to 6%

Which of the following is true about a cultural interpreter?

A cultural interpreter must have a basic understanding of the family culture she is representing

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Across all grade levels, females with learning disabilities outnumber males by a 3:1 ratio

______ functioning of individuals with intellectual disabilities include poor memory, slow learning rates, attention problems, difficulty maintaining and generalizing what they have learned, and poor motivation


IDEA defines intellectual disability as a "Significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in ____ and manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects a child's educational performance."

Adaptive behavior

Academic goals for individuals with intellectual disability should be determined by all of the following EXCEPT

Adhering to the general education curriculum

Which of the following laws extends civil rights protection of people with disabilities to private sector employment, public services, transportation, and telecommunications?

Americans with Disabilities Act

Which of the following statements is true? IQ tests

Are strong predictors of school achievement

Individuals with intellectual disabilities may exhibit deficits in cognitive skills. All of the following are areas of cognitive functioning EXCEPT


Which of the following statements regarding multi-factored evaluation is true?

IDEA requires that mulifactored evaluation reports provide information about the child's educational needs and how to meet them

Which two types of assessments are administered to meet the discrepancy criterion for identifying students with learning disabilities?

IQ tests and individual achievement tests

Which of the following is true about parents-as-tutors program?

Keep tutoring sessions short

Brain damage, heredity, biochemical imbalance, and environmental factors are all possible causes of which of the following?

Learning disabilities

Children with internalizing behavior problem are

Less likely to be identified for special education than students with externalizing behavior problems

Which of the following statements about marital adjustment for parents of children with disabilities is true?

Most families of children with disabilities experience average to above-average levels of marital adjustment

..... teams are composed of professionals from different disciplines who work independently of one another.


Which of the following three groups of students are proportionate identified for special education?

Native American, Native Hawaiian or other pacific islander, and African American

Which of the following is an externalizing behavior


an increased emphasis on collaboration between parents and teachers is influenced by which of the following factors?

Parents wanting to be involved

From 2002 to 2011, the number of students identified with learning disabilities decreased by 18%. Which of the following is NOT a likely reason for this decline?

Passing of the no child left behind act

Which court case challenged a state law that denied public school education to children considered "unable to profit from public school attendance"?

Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1972)

Most students with emotional or behavioral disorders

Perform 1 or more years below grade level academically

Normalization is a

Philosophy that people with disabilities should be integrated into everyday society to the greatest extend possible

Which of the following statements is not accurate?

Prevalence rates are similar from state to state

Students with learning disabilities are most likely to be referred for special education because of difficulties in which of the following areas?


The majority of students with learning disabilities are educated in which of the following placements?

Regular classroom

Educating students with disabilities with children who are disabled to the maximum extent possible is called which of the following?

Related services

An active listener does which of the following?

Responds to the speaker's message with animation and interest

Which of the following is a formal and systematic prereferral process that assesses how a student response to increasingly intensive instruction?

Response to intervention (RTI)

Which of the following means zero reject?

Schools must educate all children with disabilities

Common limitations in adaptive behavior skills for individuals with intellectual disabilities includes which of the following?

Self-care skills and social relationships

All of the following promote instructional and social inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities EXCEPT

Self-contained classrooms

What three criteria do most states require to identify students with learning disabilities?

Severe ability-achievement discrepancy, exclusion criterion, and need for special education services

What is the defining characteristic of a learning disability?

Specific and significant achievement deficits in spite of seemingly adequate overall intelligence

_______ means breaking down complex or multistep skills into smaller, easier-to-learn subtasks

Task analysis

Which of the following is an advantage of disability labels?

labels help make exceptional children's special needs more visible to policymakers and the public

Many people-inside and outside the filed of education-have detected the following problems with the nature of special education EXCEPT

lack of any progress toward providing equal educational opportunities

Which of the following are the three most prevalent disability categories?

learning disabilities, speech or language impairments and other health impairments

In what year did federal legislation include learning disabilities as a disability category under which students were entitled to special education and related services?


What percentage of school age children receive special education services?


Which of the following is NOT a key component of explicit instruction?

Discovery learning

_______ and fragile X syndrome are the two most common genetic causes of intellectual disabilities

Down syndrome

Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of intellectual disability?


Which of the following is NOT one of the five principles of effective communication with parents?

Encourage parents to share private family information that will help you understand the students' needs

Poverty, minimal opportunities to develop early language, child abuse and neglect, and chronic social or sensory deprivation are associated with _____ causes of intellectuall disability


Which term includes children who experience difficulties in learning as well as those whose performance is so superior that modifications in curriculum and instruction are necessary to help them fulfill their potential?

Exceptional Children

Research demonstrates the most effective interventions for teaching academic skills to children with learning disabilities are

Explicit instruction and learning strategies

Educators must remember that family involvement is important because which of the following factors?

Families know certain aspects of their children better than anyone

Intellectual disability is the ____ largest disability category after learning disabilities, speech or language impairments, other health impairments, and autism.


Which of the following is NOT an example of an open-needs assessment?

I need information about _______

Which of the following requires that students with disabilities be educated with students without disabilities and have access to the core curriculum to the maximum extent appropriate?


which of the following is NOT a major principle of IDEA?

Full inclusion in regular classrooms

_______ refers to families' strengths, resources, and insights

Funds of knowledge

The consultant teacher provides support to which of the following?

General education teachers and other staff members

There is growing evidence that a common factor may account for at least some family links with dyslexia. What is this common factor?


Which of the following terms refers to a problem or a disadvantage a person with a disability or impairment encounters when interacting with the environment?


Most studies conducted to assess the effects of labeling?

Have produced inconclusive often contradictory evidence and have generally been marked by methodological weaknesses

Which of the following is NOT identified as a reason for the overrepresention of ethnically and culturally diverse students in special education?

Having a teacher who is from a different cultural or ethinic group form the student being referred

Which of the following is one of the 10 guidelines for communicating with parents and families?

Help parents strive for realistic optimism

A _____ specifies parent-delivered rewards for the child contingent on her behavior or academic performance in the classroom

Home-school contract

Which of the following involves a group of people who must work together for the benefit of the child?


Which of the following are among the advantages of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) definition of emotional or behavioral disorder recommended over the IDEA definition of emotional disturbance?

The CCBD definition clarifies the educational dimensions of the disability

Which of the following is NOT an environmental risk factor associated with identification of emotional or behavioral disorders

The child's temperament

Difficulties with reading, writing, math social skills, and attention are characteristics of learning disabilities. However, specific and significant achievement deficits despite adequate overall intelligence are considered which of the following?

The defining characteristic

Prevalence estimates for emotional or behavioral disorders in children have varied tremendously because

The definition of emotional or behavioral disorders is not inclusive enough to capture all of the students who would benefit from special education services

All of the following statements regarding the financial situations of parents with disabilities are true EXCEPT.....

The extra costs of providing for a child with disability are usually covered by financial assistance from federal, state, and local agencies

All of the following statements regarding risk factors for emotional or behavioral disorders are true EXCEPT

The interplay of risk factors for emotional and behavioral disorders is complex, but the specific contribution of a given risk factor is predictable dependent on the nature of the student

For students with learning disabilities, learning to read and reading for comprehension are which of the following?

The most common problem

Why is adaptive behavior difficult to measure?

There is not universal agreement about which adaptive behaviors everyone should exhibit

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

There is professional consensus about what constitutes good mental health

In the three-tier RTI model, a student who is responding well to instruction in the regular classroom likely to be in which intervention tier?

Tier 1

Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for using guided notes?

To increase active engagement, require students to write as much as possible

Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of preferential intervention?

To increase the frequency of special education placement for children whose learning or behavioral problems are the result of inappropriate instruction

Which tends to be the most difficult step in the RERUN dialoguing approach?


Which of the following should include a statement of program modifications or supports for school personnel that will be provided for the child?

a statement of special education and related services

Which of the following statements is true regarding least restrictive environment?

a student cannot be removed from the regular classroom unless the IEP team determines that specialized instruction or related services the child needs to achieve his IEP goals cannot be provided in the regular classroom

Which of the following is a required component of the IEP?

an explanation of the extent to which the child not participate which children who are not disabled in the regular class

Which term refers to children who although not currently identified as having a disability are considered to have a greater than usual chance of developing one?

at risk

Which of the following is NOT a challenge facing the field of special education?

clarifying which students have multiple and severe disabilities

Which of the following statements regarding cooperative learning is true?

cooperative learning arrangements should include group goals and individual accountability

Advocates of full inclusion content that the LRE model does all of the following EXCEPT

directs attention to the services and supports people need rather than to physical settings

Which of the following explains why there is an emphasis on parent and family involvement in special education?

educational outcomes are improved when parents are involved

Which of the following is required for classifying or labeling?

for parents to know their child's disability

In the continuum of placement options, which of the following is considered most restrictive?

homebound or hospital

In this co-teaching format, both teachers teach the same content to two equal-sized groups of students

parallel teaching

Special educators design..... to keep a potential or minor problem from becoming a disability

preventive intervention

The most crucial variable in the effectiveness of special education is the

quality of instruction a child recieves

Disproportionate representation exits when a particular group

receives special education at a rate significantly higher or lower than would be expected based on the proportion of the general student population that groups represents

Which of the following means due process?

school must provide safeguard to protect the rights of children with disabilities and their parents

This level of preventive intervention is aimed at individuals with a disability and intended to prevent the effects of the disability from worsening

tertiary prevention

Educating students with disabilities with children who are disabled to the maximum extent possible is called which of the following?

the least restrictive enviornment

the statements "instruction received by many students with disabilities not only fails to take advantage of that knowledge, it often embraces methods scientific studies have shown to be ineffective" refers to

the research to practice gap

In most cases, the cause of a learning disability is


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