Education Standards

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academic content standards and curriculum guidelines

two kinds of documents usually define the formal program of study or the explicit curriculum are _ _ _ and _ _

Curriculum guide

A document prepared at the state or local district level that provides detailed information to help teachers plan instruction.

academic content standards

Formal, public statements of what students should know and be able to do in each of the content areas at various points in their PK-12 education. this is usually assessed in required standardized tests administered by the state.

teacher-proof curriculum

Highly prescriptive curriculum or instructional materials that can be implemented without independent thinking or decision making on the part of the teacher

explicit curriculum

The formal, official, public academic program of study that defines what students are expected to know as a result of being in school. Sets broad parameters for what you will teach.

standardized testing

Today _ _ functions as an extremely high-stakes event for teachers, schools, and school districts

First, because of the prominence of state academic standards, they must help assure that students meet the goals in the standards that are assessed on required tests. In other words, there is great pressure to align the curriculum to academic standards. Second, local curriculum developers must create a local curriculum that is responsive not only to standards, but also to local expectations and values

Today local curriculum development efforts have two things in common:

hidden curriculum

_ _ can be defined as all the things students learn by virtue of being in school that are not part of the explicit curriculum

A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform

a report that recommended strengthening high school graduation requirements, adopting standards, lengthening the school day, and increasing the rewards in and respect for the profession of teaching was "_ _ _ _ ". It led professional organizations to develop national academic standards in each of the content areas and prompted states to adopt academic standards.


although across standards can have a lot in common, especially due to the influence of the national organizations each state also organizes its standards _ Some standards may be organized by grade level, others by topic within a school level, and others by children's general developmental levels


curriculum originates from the latin word _ which means "the course to be run"

department of public instruction or the department of education

each state has an agency with a title such as the _ _ _ or the _ _ _ which is responsible for all aspects of education, including the development of academic standards.


ensuring the teachers are held responsible for their students' learning; using student learning as the measure of a teacher's effectiveness.

single national curriculum

most other countries differ from the US in that they have a _ _ curriculum which means they are centralized at the national level so that every teacher implements the same curriculum all over the country.

launch of sputnik

one of the best known examples of national influence on curriculum development occurred in the early 1960s, when, with the _ _ _ in 1957, the Russians beat the United States into outer space which cause a remarkable surge in federal funding for science and math

creationism v evolution

one of the best known longstanding examples of curriculum rivalry that continues today is one if _ versus _

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