Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of Engineering Review Material

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permutation vs combination

A permutation is an act of arranging the objects or numbers in order. Combinations are the way of selecting the objects or numbers from a group of objects or collection, in such a way that the order of the objects does not matter.

What is Nyquists thereom?

Fsampling = 2 * freq

Router vs hub vs switch REVIEW!!

router - network layer connecting networks for routing for IP addresses, connecting LAN - uses IP address to find most efficient path between nodes switch - data link layer connecting devices via mac address - unique MAC address assigner hub = physical layer

what is the method of separation of variables for a first order non homogenous differential equation?

separate integrate solve for y

what are the helpful triangle rules and when can they be used?

sin, tan, etc can only be used for right angle triangles

what is the integrating factor method for differential equations? WHAT ORDER DIFFY QS IS IT USED FOR? REVIEW


What is big O analysis?

worse case scenario

what do you need to remember to add after every integration?


what are the parts of a CPU and how does it interact with the components of a computer?

1. Program counter gives first first address to execute in the program, using adddress bus to communicate 2. The instruction decoder gets read in the first instruction, 0, by the data bus into the decoder passed to the data bus 3. instruction decoder decodes 0 to read I/O port 17 and place it in register A, and this is done using the read on the control bus commanding I/0 17 to read, passing 9 along to the register A using the data bus 4. PC switches to 1 and passed to address bus 5. on data bus, it reads in instruction 1 and passes to the instruction decoder 6. instruction decoder determines what to do, saying copy what is in A to to register B

what are the different kind of power electronic devices for voltage transformations?

AC/AC - transformer AC/DC - rectifier DC/AC - inverter DC/DC - boost (step up) / buck (Step down)

what are the registers in a microprocessor?

Accumulator - the accumulator is a register in which intermediate arithmetic logic unit results are stored. Flag - A status register, flag register, or condition code register (CCR) is a collection of status flag bits for a processor program counter - Usually, the PC is incremented after fetching an instruction, and holds the memory address of ("points to") the next instruction that would be executed. stack pointer - The Stack Pointer (SP) register is used to indicate the location of the last item p t item put onto the stack or pointing to the next location to store a register value. When you PUT something ONTO the stack (PUSH onto the stack), the SP is decremented before the item is placed on the stack. When you take something OFF of the stack (PULL from the stack), the SP is incremented after the item is e item is pulled from the stack. Stack is LIFO technique

what are the 3 bus types and how do they work?

Address bus - carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as primary storage and input/output devices. The address bus is unidirectional. Data bus - carries the data between the processor and other components. The data bus is bidirectional. Control bus - carries control signals from the processor to other components. The control bus also carries the clock's pulses. The control bus is unidirectional. (manages read and write)

what are the amplifcation regions for BJTs and MOSFETs respectively?

BJT = active MOSFET = saturation

batch data vs real time data processing

Batch data processing is an efficient way of processing high volumes of data is where a group of transactions is collected over a period of time - payroll and billing In contrast, real time data processing involves a continual input, process and output of data. Data must be processed in a small time period (or near real time). Radar systems, customer services and bank ATMs are examples.

What does the energy band mean for different materials?

EF closer to EC - N type EF closer to Ev - p Type

What are the energy levels of a material? how does it affect the outcome when it is an n type or p type material?

Ec = conduction band Ev = valence band Ef closer to Ec is n type Ef closer to Ev is p type

how do phase voltage relate to line voltages and currents for each configuration? (given in FE, just review) REVIEW for both configurations remember to look at the chart!!!!!!!!!!!!

ILn = Sqrt(3) Iphase <-30 Vl = sqrt(3) Vphase <+30 Line current = phase current in a wye phase voltage = line voltage in a delta

what is a static data structure vs a dynamic data structure?

In Static data structure the size of the structure is fixed. The content of the data structure can be modified but without changing the memory space allocated to it. static - array In Dynamic data structure the size of the structure in not fixed and can be modified during the operations performed on it. Dynamic data structures are designed to facilitate change of data structures in the run time. dynamic - arraylist, linkedlist

what is a scripting language?

In a simple manner, a programming language is an artificial language which allows communicating between instructions and machine (computer) while a scripting language is a form of programming language which helps to control one or multiple applications without the need of compilation

what is the JK flip flop and what is it used for?

J = set, & when 1, Q =1 K = reset, and when 0, Q = 0 JK = 1, toggle and switches the output

Explain N Type vs P type materials regarding the periodic table What group is a semiconductor in?

N-Type (doNor - group 5 to give extra electrons) P - Type (AccePtor - group 3 to take missing electrons) semiconductors - group 4 a material wants 8 valence electrons


PROM = programmed only once


RAM, which stands for random access memory, and ROM, which stands for read-only memory, are both present in your computer. RAM is volatile memory that temporarily stores the files you are working on. It is called temporary memory or cache memory. The information stored in this type of memory is lost when the power supply to the PC or laptop is switched off. ROM is non-volatile memory that permanently stores instructions for your computer. . The computer manufacturer decides the information of ROM, and it is permanently stored at the time of manufacturing which can not be overwritten by the user.

explain apparent power, real power, reactive power, and the leading lagging power factor (meaning, effect of pf, units) REMEMBER BOTH FORMS S CAN BE WRITTEN IN (how to find theta?)

S (Apparent Power = [VA]) = V I* = P+jQ => contains all information to power absorbed in a given load P (Real Power = [W]) = S cos(thetav-thetai) => comes from active element like resistors/ if a purely resistive circuit, Q (Reactive Power = [VAR]) = S sin(thetav-thetai) => comes from passive elements like capacitors and inductors Q= 0, for resistive loads (unity Pf) Q <0 = (-) capacitive loads, leading pf, leading current Q > 0 = (+) inductive loads, lagging pf, lagging current with voltage as refernce PF(power factor = [radians]) = cos(thetav-thetai) -> thetav-thetai are phase angles for voltage and current and need to be in degrees= P/S = Req/z Power Factor is a measure of how effectively incoming power is used in your electrical system and is defined as the ratio of Real (working) power to Apparent (total) power. you can find theta by pf = cos(theta) -> cos^-1(pf) voltage leading pf = negative theta voltage lagging pf = positive theta

What is the SR flip flop and what is it used for?

S = set, & when 1, Q =1 Q = reset, and when 0, Q = 0 both 0, memory, and previous output doesnt change

kmap pos loops vs sop loops REVIEW how to convert between them?!?!?

SOP = 1s - circle 1s and any terms you use, you fill in with the SOP POS = 0s - circle 0s and any terms you use, you fill in with 0s (A+B)*(B+C) puts 0s in those places circle most multiples of 0s demorgans law myst be used before using a k map to convert, just create the k map for that function and circle the opposite numbers if given pos, circle all the 1s to find SOP!!

what does a computer ALU do?

The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) is where the CPU performs the arithmetic and logic operations. Every task that your computer carries out is completed here. Even typing into a word processor involves adding binary digits to the file, and then calculating which pixels on the screen should change so that you can see the characters. The ALU's operations fall into two parts:

what is the purpose of a control unit?

The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.[1]

what is structured programming vs object oriented programming?

The main difference between structured and object oriented programming is that structured programming allows developing a program using a set of modules or functions, while object oriented programming allows constructing a program using a set of objects and their interactions

what does the program counter do?

The program counter, PC, is a special-purpose register that is used by the processor to hold the address of the next instruction to be executed. The PLA automatically updates the PC to point to the next instruction during the op-code decode cycle

Encryption vs encoding vs decoding

The purpose of encryption is to transform data in order to keep it secret from others The purpose of encoding is to transform data so that it can be properly (and safely) consumed by a different type of system, e.g. binary data being sent over email, or viewing special characters on a web page Hashing serves the purpose of ensuring integrity, i.e. making it so that if something is changed you can know that it's changed

what are the golden rules of op-amps and how are they typically solved?

V+ = V- and no current goes into either positive or negative terminals

What do you need to remember about Thevenin/Nortion theroems when solving for equiovelant resistnace?

Voltage source - short circuit current source - open circuit

what do you need to notice about the quadratic equation given in the FE handbook for Second-Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients? TWO THINGS

a and b are moved (Trying to trick you) - FACTOR OUT SO YOU HAVE 1 IN THE FIRST COEFFICIENT

explain when the value of a derivative is higher or lower

a larger slope is a larger derivative a smaller slope is a smaller derivative

What is a clock for flip flops?

a signal which repeatedly goes high to low for a certain period usually 50% duty cycle (50% high and 50% low) 25% duty cycle would be 25% high

How do you improve the power factor on a load? IF THREE PHASE, DO IN PER PHASE

add a capacitor bank on the primary voltage side because it calls for a smaller capacitance p is not gonna change so it enables you to find one using the old value! Q = V^2/X, x = 1/wc C = Q/V^2w

1s complment vs 2s complment vs signed magnitude

all positive are the same, so you only need to convert hte negative number if adding numbers in 1 or 2s complement, undo it by following the same process 1s comp addition of 1101 and 1011 1101 = -010 = -2 1011 = -100 = -4 -2+-4 = =6 => 1001 if it was twos complement, you would just subtract 1/add 1

What needs to be remembered when solving for PDF in a Z transform? what is an alternative way? REVIEW

both sides must be divided by Z when using the Z transform if there is not a z in the numerator to be factored, just divide the denominator by that z so there will be an extra term

What is the best way to approach demorgans theroem?

break the biggest/longest bar first

what topology does ethernet use?

bus topology

what is the percent voltage regulation formula meaning? how is it affected by leading or lagging Power factors? REVIEW

change in secondary terminal voltage under no load condition, or transformer's percentage of voltage change at the load side in transition from no loading condition to full loading condition Vnl = Il = 0 (open circuit) Vfl = IL != 0 (loaded) - RATED lagging pf = %reg>0 leading pf = %reg<0

what are the ports on BJT and what do you need to remember about it (both ways)? what is its working description? what happens for PNP vs NPN? REVIEW

collector, emmitter, base in Active mode, vbe = .7 or Veb = .7 in cutoff, VBE = 0 larger current applied to the base means a larger ICE

derivative of cos^2(x)

d/dx(cos(x)*cosx) cosx d/dx(cosx)+ cos(x) d/dx(cosx)

different multiplexing types REVIEW

digital is only TDM

y' = (diffy Q)


how do you find the eccentricity, focus, and dietrix of a parabola or ellipse? what do you need to do if it is not at the origin?

eccenticity = e if h,k != 0, then just in insert h&k in front and add or subtract depending on the orientation for example, focus of an ellipse at h,k is (h+-ae, k) and dietrix is x = h+-ae

what modulations are angle modulation?

freq modulation and phase modulations

how do you take a cross product?

i -j k

what is a general function, and how is a function categorized in a bijection, surjection, and injective manor? REVIEW

injection - some outputs without an input, but all outputs with an input only have 1 input! (EVERYTHING THAT GETS HIT GETS HIT AT LEAST ONCE) surjection - some outputs have multiple inputs (EVERYTHING GETS HIT AT LEAST ONCE) bijection - completely matched with none left over (EVERYTHING GETS HIT EXACTLY ONCE)

Explain the compiler vs interpreter vs assembler

inteperetor and compiler translate high level language to assembly language

what are the points of a MOSFET, and how does it work? what will need to be assumed sometimes for problems?

larger voltage at gate give larger current between drain and source ASSUME SATURATION

how do you determine when a counters switches states in a asynchronous clock? REVIEW REVIEW

look at inputs before it switches states draw line down from the clock pulse and look at the inputs before any changes occurs, even if the device before it is an input - only look before that clock pulse if multiple are going at the same time, use the inputs current state before the clock is triggerd USE VALUE BEFORE IT CHANGES IF BOTH ARE CHANGING AT THE SAME TIME

microprocessor vs microcontroller REVIEW

microprocessor - a single integrated circuit that accepts and executes code instructions for data processing and control - cpu on a programmable electronic chip microcontroller - an integrated system of single integrated circuits containing microprocessor, input/output devices, and memory - mini computers designed to control small features on a large system

time scaling affects of a function

multiplingy compresses dividing expands

what is n and r in ncr and npr?

n = total number of objects r = number of choosing objects

how many bytes in a TB, GB, MB, and KB? nibble?

nibble = 4 bits

what are the thevenin equivelants for gate region biasing for a MOSFET?

no current goes through the gate but still right the KVL

what are the components of a motor and what is the speed of each?

nsync = speed of stator n = speed of rotor slip is hhow much faster stator rotates than the rotoor

what is the d flip flop and what is it used for?

only depends on the D to store data

What is the poles vs zeros vs gains in an equation?

poles = denominator is 0 zeros = numerator is 0 gain = 20 log10(K) (constant)

primary memory vs secondary memory REVIEW

primary memory - main memory where data and information is stored temporarily; volatile - cannot be retained in terms of power failure secondary memory - external memory where data is stored permanently; non volatile - data can be retained in terms of power failure

explain incrementing/decrementing in a stack pointer

push - dec stack pointer pop - inc stack pointer

what needs to be rememberd when multiplying by pi?

putting into radians so remember to switch the calculator mode!

read vs write with I/O

read I/O into the CPU (input) write from CPU into I/O (output)

time shifting of a function

subtracting moves to the right adding moves to the left

What is per phase analysis?

use wye-wye connections only use phase values onle S3phase = 3 Ssinglephase = 3 Vph Iph^CC

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