ELNEC Quiz Review

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Which of the following patients should advocate for getting a palliative care referral? A A 32-year-old female newly diagnosed with breast cancer B A 65-year-old male with kidney stones C A 49-year-old male with fibromyalgia D A 10-year-old female with a broken leg

Answer A is correct.

What is the most common adverse effect related to the use of acetaminophen? A Respiratory depression B GI bleeding C Liver dysfunction D Constipation

Answer C is correct

What should drive decision-making in palliative care? A Finding a cure for the illness B The patient's goals of care C The need for end-of-life care D The wishes of the inter-professional team

Answer B is correct

Mr. Johnson tells you that taking one tablet of his opioid medication was no longer controlling his pain so he increased it to two tablets. He states that taking two tablets provides much better pain relief than one tablet did. What behavior does this represent? A Addiction B Physical dependence C Substance abuse D Tolerance

Answer D is correct

Which disease and dying trajectory best represents the course for a person with Alzheimer's disease? A Sudden death B Steady decline C Short disease trajectory D Progressive deterioration

Answer D is correct.

The majority of hospice care is delivered in: A The home B Residential facilities C Hospitals D Inpatient hospice facilities

Answer A is correct.

One of the nurse's most important roles in caring for seriously ill patients and their families is: A Working alone, as the nurse is the one who knows the patient best B Integrating non-traditional therapies not yet supported by evidence C Providing listening and presence D Advocating for aggressive medical treatment until the last day of life

Answer C is correct.

Which of the following describes palliative care's philosophy and delivery? A Care is provided by one healthcare provider, usually a nurse. B Palliative care is offered when the patient no longer wants treatment for his or her disease. C It supports the patient and family's hope for quality of life and dignity. D The focus is only on the final six months of life.

Answer C is correct.

You are asking a nursing student to describe the assessment of a patient for dyspnea as part of end-of-life care. Which statement by the student indicates understanding of the best method to assess for dyspnea? A "I will auscultate my patient's chest." B "I will take my patient's respiratory rate." C "I will ask my patient about his breathing." D "I will check my patient's oxygen saturation."

Answer C is correct.

Mr. Rodriquez tells you that he is very frightened by not knowing what happens after death. Which domain of quality of life is being affected by his serious illness? A Physical B Psychological C Social D Spiritual

Answer D is correct.

Mrs. F., a 78-year-old Italian woman, is caring for her husband who has end-stage COPD and is experiencing anorexia and cachexia. She tells you that she is so upset that he won't eat her pasta anymore, which was "always his favorite." She cannot understand why he doesn't like it anymore. Which of the following is your best response? A "I don't know why he wouldn't eat it. You have brought some to our unit and it is wonderful." B "Don't take it personally Mrs. F - maybe you should stop pushing him to try to eat." C "Maybe you should change your recipe and try making it a little blander for him." D "Food is such an important way that we show we care; it must be so hard for you that he doesn't feel like eating."

Answer D is correct.

Which of the following demonstrates the impact serious illness has on the social domain of quality of life? A Financial burdens resulting from the high costs of medical care B Depression related to the possibility of dying C Severe nausea and vomiting D A loss of hope

Answer A is correct.

A 92-year-old patient dying of end stage heart failure tells you that she is worried that her life had no meaning. What member of the palliative care team would you want to be sure is involved in her care? A The physician B The chaplain C The advanced practice nurse D The occupational therapist

Answer B is correct.

John's lung cancer is causing him severe shortness of breath. Which pharmacologic intervention would be of most benefit for his dyspnea? A A benzodiazepine like lorazepam B An opioid like morphine sulfate C A cough syrup containing a cough suppressant D A diuretic like furosemide.

Answer B is correct.

You are teaching your colleagues about myths and realities of communication in palliative care. Which is a correct statement about communication? A "We can never give someone too much information." B "We communicate only when we choose to communicate." C "The majority of messages we send are non-verbal." D "Communication is primarily words and their meanings."

Answer C is correct

Mrs. Smith is suffering with severe bone pain from metastatic cancer. Which domain of quality of life is this affecting? A Physical B Psychological C Social D Spiritual

Answer A is correct.

Which of the following statements is true about serious, chronic illnesses? A The majority of annual U.S. healthcare spending goes toward on chronic illnesses. B Very little annual U.S. healthcare funding is spent in acute care admissions for chronic illnesses. C Much attention and financial support goes toward improving quality of life for persons with chronic illnesses. D The focus of serious illness is often on improving quality of life rather than finding a cure.

Answer A is correct.

Which of the following statements best describes hospice care? A It can only be provided in the patient's home. B Hospice supports the patient and family through the dying process. C Hospice care focuses on continued disease-modifying treatment. D It is not covered financially by Medicare, Medicaid, or most private insurance companies.

Answer B is correct

You are talking with the parents of a 2-year-old boy diagnosed with leukemia about pain management. Which statement indicates an understanding about pain management in children? A He may require less analgesia since he has limited memory of the pain. B He needs to be assessed carefully so that he gets enough pain medication. C He doesn't have full pain sensitivity due to an underdeveloped nervous system. D He is at risk for addiction due to his early exposure to pain medications.

Answer B is correct.

You are teaching a patient how to take her new prescription for morphine, an opioid pain medication. Which of the following teaching statements reflects an understanding of potential adverse effects? A Only take this medication if you are really suffering. B This medication causes constipation, so you need to take a laxative to prevent that. C This is the medication they prescribe when you are getting near the end of life. D Be careful with these medications because they can cause addiction.

Answer B is correct.

You are entering a room to administer a medication to your patient and as you come in you find that the three family members and the patient are all crying. What should you do next? A Leave the room and come back with the medication when everyone is feeling better. B Apologize for intruding and let the patient know you are nearby if he needs you. C Remain silent to give permission to talk with you, holding off on the medication initially. D Administer the medication and then ask if everything is ok.

Answer C is correct.

Mr. E tells you he is feeling "down" about his new diagnosis of advanced lung cancer. In which of the domains of quality of life does this statement reflect that he is suffering? A Physical B Psychological C Social D Spiritual

Answer B is correct.

Mr. G had a meeting with the physician this morning about his wife's condition. He was told she has weeks to live and that they should consider hospice. You have known Mr. and Mrs. G for about 6 months, as she has been in and out of the hospital frequently. Mr. G asks to talk with you because he is upset about this news. Your best initial response is: A "I wish this news was different for you and Mrs. G." B "I know you are upset but don't worry, there are lots of things we can do for Mrs. G." C "Hospice is a great program and Mrs. G will get great care from their team." D "Mrs. G is so sick; you don't have any other options."

Answer A is correct

You are teaching the son of a 65-year-old male patient with cancer about his father's anorexia. Which statement by the son reassures you that the son understands your teaching and ways to help his father? A "We can offer Dad small, frequent feedings rather than large, overwhelming meals." B "We need to limit Dad to a high protein diet so he gets good calories in." C "I need to insist that Dad eat at least half of every meal we give him, even if he doesn't feel like eating." D "Since Dad isn't eating, it's probably time to put in a feeding tube, whether he agrees or not."

Answer A is correct.

You have been the pediatric nurse caring for a young boy with a malignant brain tumor who just died on your unit. The parents are in the room with their son and ask you if you would stay with them. Your best response is: A "I am here and I will not leave you until you are ready for me to." B "I have to take care of my other patients, but I will be back to check on you in a few minutes." C "I am so sorry this has happened to you." D "I know you are sad but your son is in a better place now and is no longer suffering."

Answer A is correct.

You are asked to describe palliative care to a family member. Which of the following statements would be best to include in your discussion? A Palliative care's main purpose is to improve pain. B Palliative care supports the patient's goals of care. C Palliative care is end-of-life care for the imminently dying patient and his or her family. D Palliative care is curative care.

Answer B is correct

Geraldine is an 80-year-old woman with Parkinson's disease. She is still functioning at home and is able to safely care for herself. Ever since her diagnosis she has been extremely anxious about her disease and how debilitated she might get as it progresses. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate to help treat her anxiety? A A benzodiazepine like valium B Active listening and presence as she talks about her fears and concerns C Activities to distract her from her anxiety so she won't dwell on the future D Suggest she go to an exercise class to preserve her balance and strength

Answer B is correct.

What type of pain are antidepressants and anticonvulsants most beneficial for? A Visceral nociceptive pain B Neuropathic pain C Somatic nociceptive pain D Acute pain

Answer B is correct.

Roland was just told that his therapy for advanced prostate cancer is not working. He asks you, "Why is this happening to me?" What is the most appropriate response? A "I don't know. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't." B "Perhaps you're being tested and this will make you a stronger person." C "I'll ask the doctor to more fully explain the disease process." D "If I were you, I'd explore additional therapies and treatment options."

Answer A is correct.

Which of the following individuals would be at highest risk for the under-treatment of pain? A An 87-year-old male with osteoarthritis B A 40-year-old female with cancer C A 29-year-old female with a history of GI bleed D A 54-year-old male with good prescription coverage

Answer A is correct

Symptom management in older adults with serious illness is complicated because: A They never take their medications correctly. B Many have multiple comorbidities. C They tend to ignore their symptoms. D They like to over-report the severity of their symptoms.

Answer B is correct.

Mr. Jones is struggling with fatigue from his advanced heart failure. Which of the following referrals would you recommend to help him with this debilitating symptom? A Occupational therapy B Social work C Psychology D Respiratory therapy

Answer A is correct.

Mr. S. has stage IV lung cancer and was admitted to your unit yesterday because of shortness of breath. His breathing has improved with treatment and you tell him you are hoping to get to know him better so you can provide the best care possible. Which of the following statements reflects your interest in getting to know him? A "Can you tell me what has given your life meaning?" B "Do you know much about your disease?" C "Is your cancer treatment helping you?" D "If I can do anything to help you, let me know."

Answer A is correct.

Joey is a 3-month-old who has a serious illness and will probably die in the next few months. His mother is concerned that he looks like he is in pain whenever she has to change his diaper. Your best response to her is: A All 3-month-old babies hate to have their diaper changed, he is just responding normally. B Don't worry, Joey is too young to feel real pain. C Can you explain to me what Joey looks like that makes you concerned he is in pain? D I will ask the doctor if it is possible for him to have pain with this illness.

Answer C is correct.

Mrs. Woodrow tells you that her mother has been staying with her and is having difficulty sleeping due to poorly controlled pain. Which quality of life domain is Mrs. Woodrow's mother struggling with? A Social B Psychological C Physical D Spiritual

Answer C is correct.

During your pain assessment, Lenora describes her pain as an aching and cramping pain in her lower abdomen. What type of pain does this usually describe? A Psychological pain B Neuropathic pain C Acute pain D Nociceptive pain

Answer D is correct.

During your assessment, you notice Robert, who has a diagnosis of dementia, rubbing his right shoulder. What should you do next? A Ask Robert if he is in pain. B Apply heat to the shoulder. C Contact Robert's healthcare provider to order an x-ray. D Give Robert pain medication.

Answer A is correct.

Jack is a 6-year-old who just died at home with hospice from an aggressive type of brain cancer. His parents and his 12-year-old sister are having a very difficult time dealing with this terrible loss. Which of the following would be a help to them after Jack's death? A Hospice bereavement care B The American Cancer Society C The hospital's child life worker D The pediatric oncologist

Answer A is correct.

Mr. T. is taking an NSAID for bone pain. Which of the following statements suggests he may be experiencing a worrisome side effect from the NSAID? A My eyes have been very itchy and irritated lately. B Yesterday I had an episode of black, tarry stools. C I noticed that my skin has gotten very dry. D I am having trouble urinating.

Answer B is correct.

You are taking care of a 68-year-old woman who has advanced metastatic breast cancer. She tells you that she is afraid she is dying and won't be alive to see her first grandchild born in four weeks. You pull up a chair to talk with her and say: A "Try not to think like that, the baby will be here soon." B "Can you tell me more about what you are most afraid of?" C "I know you will make it; you are such a fighter!" D "You have something so important to live for, so just hang in there." Answer B is correct.

Answer B is correct.

You are working with Mr. T who has just been told his heart failure is getting worse. You go into his room to see how he is doing after the team has shared this information with him. He is staring out the window, looking sad. How do you start your conversation? A "Isn't it a beautiful day today Mr. T.?" B "I saw that the team was just here, can you tell me about their conversation with you?" C "Are you feeling ok?" D "I heard you just got bad news, but I know of someone just like you who lived for three more years."

Answer B is correct.

You are caring for a patient who is in the advanced stages of AIDS. The patient is reporting severe fatigue. Which finding is commonly associated with the symptom of fatigue? A Normal thyroid function B Normal hemoglobin and hematocrit levels C Sedating medications D Adequate muscle strength and tone

Answer C is correct.

You are performing a pain assessment on Matilda. Your assessment reveals that Matilda has pain rated as a 5 in her left hip that worsens with movement. She has been having this pain off and on for the last three years. Which of the following pain assessment components have you not addressed in your assessment? A Duration B Intensity C Alleviating factors D Aggravating factors

Answer C is correct.

You have been assigned to care for a woman who was recently admitted for advanced cancer, and who reports ongoing fatigue. Her husband offers observations about his wife's fatigue. Which statement by the husband indicates the most correct understanding of his wife's fatigue? A "She sleeps quite a bit, so she shouldn't be as tired as she is." B "She's lost some weight. I know she'll feel better if she eats more." C "She's been in pain. If we control that maybe, she'll have more energy." D "She seems moody, so we need to cheer her up and make her laugh."

Answer C is correct.

John tells you that he doesn't want his wife to know that he has cancer. You sit down to talk about this with him. You begin this conversation with: A "Why not tell her John? She probably already suspects it since you have been so sick." B "It is your right not to tell her, it would probably just upset her anyway." C "Maybe we could have the doctor tell her so you don't have to." D "Can you tell me what it is about your wife knowing about the cancer that is bothering you?"

Answer D is correct.

Ms. H's family is in the waiting room of the intensive care unit. Ms. H is very ill and the family has been told she will probably die during this hospital admission. You are walking by the waiting room and you see that they are all seated together, crying. What is your best response? A Leave them alone to give them private time to do their grieving. B Find a social worker to go into the waiting room to see if they need anything. C Call the hospital chaplain to visit them and offer prayers. D Go into the waiting room, sit next to them, and give them time to talk with you.

Answer D is correct.

During your pain assessment, Randall describes his pain as a burning pain in his lower extremities. What type of pain does this describe? A Neuropathic pain B Spiritual pain C Nociceptive pain D Acute pain

Answer A is correct.

Which of the following is an important way nurses can improve palliative care access for those who should receive it? A Being knowledgeable of the benefits of palliative and hospice care B Remembering that palliative care is for any patient who is in the hospital C Discouraging the use of palliative care in the seriously ill pediatric population D Advocating for palliative care only when the patient is close to end of life

Answer A is correct.

Which of the following patients should never be given an opioid medication? A Mrs. Smith who reports developing a rash, hives, and shortness of breath after taking an opioid for dental work B Mr. Rich who reports severe nausea and vomiting with previous use of opioids for pain C Ms. Jones a 27-year-old with a history of substance abuse D Mr. Hanover who is 72 and has end-stage heart failure

Answer A is correct.

Mr. Jones is taking two oxycodone/acetaminophen 5/325 mg tablets every four hours for bone pain related to metastatic cancer. His pain is a constant 6 on a 0 to 10 scale. Since the current regimen is not meeting his goals, and is keeping him from moving, you decide to call his physician. The doctor suggests increasing the medication to two tablets every three hours around-the-clock. What would your action be? A Accept the orders and provide education to Mr. Jones on the change. B Accept the orders but tell Mr. Jones to continue taking the medication every four hours. C Tell the physician that this medication is not appropriate for this type of pain. D Question the safety of the total daily dose of acetaminophen that Mr. Jones would be taking.

Answer D is correct.

Mrs. Smith has end-stage COPD and is admitted with severe dyspnea and is started on morphine sulfate. Which of the following statements by her husband demonstrates he understands the use of morphine in patients with COPD? A "Morphine is addictive and I am worried that she will become an addict." B "We have to be really careful with this drug because I have heard it could make her stop breathing." C "My wife has a lung condition and morphine prevents her lungs from causing her pain." D "The morphine is being used to treat her shortness of breath."

Answer D is correct.

Ms. P is offered hospice care for her end-stage cardiac disease. Which statement reflects a need for the nurse to provide further education? A "I know I am close to the end of my life." B "My family would really benefit from hospice just as much as I would." C "My friend had hospice care and her only wish was that she'd had hospice care longer than two months." D "Why would I get hospice? I thought hospice is really for patients with cancer."

Answer D is correct.

You are caring for a patient who just had surgery that revealed stage IV ovarian cancer. She does not know her diagnosis. Which action should you take in preparation for the patient to be told her diagnosis? A Make sure all team members are able to be present. B Find a neutral, non-threatening location in which to tell the news. C Make sure that appropriate medications for anxiety are prescribed. D Find out how much the patient and family want to know.

Answer D is correct.

You are speaking with the family of a patient recently diagnosed with end-stage heart failure. How can you best demonstrate attentive listening? A Interrupt the conversation to clarify what the family member means. B Use yes and no questions to enhance the flow of conversation. C Begin by telling the family the facts about end-stage heart failure. D Use non-verbal signals such as nodding one's head and eye contact.

Answer D is correct.

Which of the following statements reflects the importance of learning about palliative care as a student nurse? A Future employers expect you to have education and training in palliative care services. B The need for palliative care services is declining with the advances in technology. C Unless you work in hospice, you probably won't care for patients with life-limiting illnesses. D Opportunities for education and training in palliative care are only for physicians.

Answer A is correct.

Mr. G has just been told he has a serious illness. Which of the following statements reflects respectful communication with him about his treatment and illness? A "We will decide which treatment options are best for you Mr. G." B "It is important that we understand what your hopes are for your treatment of this illness." C "Treatment will be difficult; you just have to be strong and get through it." D "This disease is terminal and there is nothing we can do for you."

Answer B is correct.

You are caring for a patient in end-stage renal disease. The patient has no apparent family or support systems. The patient is taking prescribed opioid analgesics for pain management yet continues to complain of feeling tired. The patient states, "I wish it would all end." Which action should you take first? A Evaluate the patient further for depression. B Obtain an order to increase pain medication. C Provide diversionary activities to improve his quality of life. D Assess the patient's spiritual needs.

Answer A is correct.

You are caring for the following four patients. Which patient is at the highest risk for developing constipation? A A 48-year-old with metastatic cancer of the breast on high doses of opioids for pain. B A 76-year-old who has had a recent history of diarrhea associated with a C-difficile infection. C An 85-year-old with hepatic encephalopathy who is receiving lactulose to manage high ammonia levels. D A 62 year-old with ulcerative colitis.

Answer A is correct.

You are planning to assess the emotional and spiritual needs of a patient in the advanced stages of HIV/AIDS. Your first action to open the communication process should be to: A Find out if the patient feels like talking. B Sit close to the patient to demonstrate empathy. C Move the patient to a setting that ensures privacy. D Discuss medical issues first to relax the patient.

Answer A is correct.

John is admitted to the hospital for a pain crisis from his sickle cell disease. He usually takes morphine 30mg every 12 hours by mouth. He states his pain is a 10 on a 0-10 scale. You tell your colleague that his pain can't be that bad because he is watching television and talking on the phone. Which important principle of pain management are you violating? A If the patient is able to use distraction to manage pain, it is not too severe. B Pain is a subjective experience and is what the patient reports it is. C Numeric pain scores do not work well for patients with chronic pain. D A patient who is really reporting a pain score of 10 should be moaning and crying.

Answer B is correct.

Mr. T's wife tells the nurse she doesn't want him to take the morphine the doctor ordered for his cancer pain because she heard from a friend that he could stop breathing because of it. Your best response would be: A The side effects of these strong narcotics are scary- you should watch his breathing carefully. B Breathing problems are rare when these medications are used as ordered. C That is just an old belief that you don't need to worry about. D It could happen, but the most important thing is that he needs to take the medication for pain.

Answer B is correct.

Mr. X has end-stage liver cancer and multiple organ failure. He wants to be home and comfortable. Which intervention -would be most appropriate to offer him? A Admission to the ICU to get his organ failure under control B Hospice services C Home care with a nursing expert in rehabilitation services D Placement in a nursing facility for 24-hour nursing care

Answer B is correct.

Which of the following statements about dyspnea in patients at end of life is true? A Dyspnea is a rare problem in patients with advanced serious illness. B Dyspnea may be relieved by a cool fan blowing on the patient. C Dyspnea is best treated by putting the patient on oxygen. D Dyspnea is assessed primarily by the patient's respiratory rate. Answer B is correct.

Answer B is correct.

Which of the following statements reflects that you are responding appropriately to a conflict between you and a physician regarding a patient's decision to stop chemotherapy? A "Why can't you understand that this patient has had enough?" B "This decision is the patient's decision - it is not ours to make." C "Just because there is a chemotherapy available, it doesn't mean you have to give it to her." D "I am so tired of you doctors continuing to treat patients who are ready to let nature take its course."

Answer B is correct.

Yolanda has osteoarthritis of the left knee for which she is receiving acetaminophen 1000mg every six hours. She rates her pain at a 4 every time you ask. What do you think an appropriate next step would be at this time? A Ask the IDT if Yolanda would benefit from an antidepressant for pain. B Ask Yolanda what an acceptable pain score is for her. C Discuss adding an immediate-release opioid with the IDT. D Discuss increasing the acetaminophen to every four hours with the IDT.

Answer B is correct.

You are caring for Ms. P, a 55-year-old woman with cancer. She received pain medication less than two hours ago. A nursing assistant reports that Mrs. P is complaining of pain again. The nursing assistant says, "She can't be hurting as much as she says she is." What is the most appropriate response? A I just gave her pain medication. She can't need anything again so soon. B Pain is whatever the patient says it is. Let's assess her further. C Maybe she is just drug-seeking. D I will tell her gently that she must wait four hours between doses.

Answer B is correct.

You are caring for an elderly woman who has severe osteoporosis and is suffering with bone pain from several spinal fractures. She is in bed most of the day, on a low dose opioid for the most recent fracture, and is not eating or drinking much. Which of the following nursing interventions to prevent constipation is best? A Suggest her family bring her in a fiber supplement, since she has used these in the past. B Recommend a physician order for a scheduled laxative and stool softener. C Just assess her regularly for constipation as she is not eating much. D Insist that she increase her fluids to three liters per day as an intervention.

Answer B is correct.

You are developing a plan of care for a patient with cancer-related pain who is taking sustained-release morphine sulfate 30 mg twice a day, along with 15 mg of immediate-release morphine sulfate every three hours as needed for breakthrough pain. Which goal is important to include in the patient's plan of care? A Patient will remain continent of urine and stool. B Patient will have a bowel movement at least once every three days. C Patient will not experience dyspnea. D Patient will not use more than two doses of breakthrough pain medication per day.

Answer B is correct.

You are helping a new member of the palliative care team understand the ways the behavior of healthcare professionals can produce a communication barrier. Which statement by the team member indicates the need for additional education on communication barriers? A "I will complete a cultural assessment in order to understand the patient's communication preferences." B "I will keep an emotional distance in order to maintain a professional relationship with patients." C "I may not always know the answers to questions that the patient or family may ask." D "My lack of personal experience with death can make me reluctant to discuss death and dying."

Answer B is correct.

You are caring for a 76-year-old patient who is unresponsive and close to end of life from a massive stroke. The patient has a history of breast cancer and had been experiencing severe bone pain in her left hip prior to her stroke. How do you assess her pain now that she is unresponsive? A Ask the family to report a pain score, using a 0-10 numeric rating scale, for her. B Ask her anyway and see if she can nod "yes" to your question. C Assume she continues to have pain and assess for evidence of wincing or facial grimacing. D You don't need to assess this, as she is now unresponsive.

Answer C is correct

A colleague comes to you to talk about a conflict he is having with another healthcare professional. Which of the following would be good information to give him about handling conflict? A "Try to avoid conflict because it is such a negative experience." B "Make sure you display your own emotions during conversations with your colleague so he knows how strongly you feel." C "Check that the conflict is not about you and getting your own way." D "If the conflict is escalating, stay with the conversation until it is resolved."

Answer C is correct.

An 85-year-old patient with end-stage heart disease arrives unconscious at the emergency department after sustaining her third myocardial infarction. The physician has told the daughter that without resuscitation, her mother could die today. You find the daughter crying by the patient's bedside. Which intervention is most appropriate in communicating with this family member? A Ask the daughter if she would like more information about resuscitation. B Talk to the physician about explaining to the daughter what resuscitation actually involves. C Remain present with the daughter, using silence to impart comfort. D Assure the daughter that she does not need to stay with her mother.

Answer C is correct.

Jane, a 72-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease, tells you she thinks she doesn't want to continue dialysis anymore. Which of the following would be your best response to this statement? A "Of course you want to continue dialysis, it is keeping you alive." B "Don't talk like that, your family loves taking you to your treatments." C "That is a very important statement, can you tell me more about that?" D "I understand why you wouldn't want to do it; it is so exhausting for you."

Answer C is correct.

Mr. F has advanced prostate cancer with bone metastasis. He is unresponsive and is being cared for at home by his daughter. You are teaching the daughter about assessing her father's pain. Which statement by the daughter indicates an understanding of her father's pain status? A I'll have to guess when he is in pain since he can't tell me. B Now that he's unable to communicate, we can stop his pain medication. C Since he was in pain when he was conscious, I assume he's still in pain. D If he is not moaning, he's probably not experiencing pain.

Answer C is correct.

You are working on developing your communication techniques to use when talking to patients and families. Which of the following indicates you have a good understanding of important communication skills in palliative care? A "I should not use the words death or dying in my conversations." B "I should assume that the patient and family has understood what I've told them." C "I need to be sure to fill in any gaps in conversation with more information." D "I should acknowledge the emotions that the patient and family is expressing." Answer D is correct.

Answer D is correct.

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