ELRC 2507

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Both cognitivists and constructivists recognize learning as:

A mental process

Which technology would support an auditory learner?

A podcast prepared by the teacher to explain content

Assistive devices are technologies that:

Address the needs exceptional students

Software that would support student report cards would be what kind of tool?


Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to the construction of learning objectives helps to ensure that:

All levels of cognition are addressed

Authentic assessment strategies are those that:

Allow teachers to use alternative methods to determine if objectives are achieved

One of the greatest advantages when integrating universal design for learning is:

Avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching and learning

The collection of theories that suggest learning is a set of acquired behaviors in response to the rewards, punishments, and withheld responses is the perspective held by:


In the evolution of education technology, the audiovisual movement:

Came into existence with the first motion media, early movies

Technology assists and supports the teacher in their professional lives by offering tools for:

Certification and licensure verification

While gifted students do not need technology support or remediation, they do need it to provide:

Continual and novel challenges to help maintain interest and motivation to meet their potential

Which of the following is not a word processing function widely used for teacher tasks?

Creating illustrative charts from numeric data

Which of the following is a primary capability of presentation software?

Creating virtual slide presentations that may also include graphics and multimedia elements

Technologies and their implementation strategies that recognize and target instruction to the varying abilities found in the same classroom are referred to as:


One of the key difficulties in using apps in the classroom for teacher tasks is:

Downloading them to individual devices is complex process in schools

Which is the most correct statement for the design-plan-act (DPA) planning model?

During the plan phase, specific daily lesson plans needed to completely the unit are described

While universal design originated in architecture, it is applied to exceptional learners by:

Encouraging teaching and learning strategies that accommodate diverse learner needs

While technology may add a layer of complexity to instruction, it call also

Enrich instruction

BYOD programs are useful approaches in schools since they:

Expand the availability of technology for students without requiring additional school funds.

"Exceptional students" refers to those students with a physical disability.


Artifacts are gird-like evaluation forms that promote the objective evaluation of achievement by students and their teacher


Classroom management software is highly valuable in the individual classroom but has little application for use at the district and school levels


Common Core Standards align to NETs in that they expressly identify technology competencies for students and teachers


For students with all manner of disabilities, while technology can offer improved engagement with content, it can do little to increase independence, participation, and success in classroom activities.


Freeware and shareware classroom management software has the advantage of no direct or indirect costs to teachers or schools.


Multiple intelligences can best be measured by the Standofrd-Binet IQ test


One of the greatest challenges facing teachers while lesson planning is determining learner needs


Presentation software is primarily valuable to teachers, but offers little of value to students.


Summative evaluation occurs throughout a learning unit.


Technology offers opportunities when used to address the array of special needs found in school populations, it has limited application to the needs to TAG and CLD students.


The 4Cs advocated by the Partnership for 21st Century learning include competence, communication, cooperation, and confidence.


The introduction of television into schools revolutionized education and the way that teaching and learning occurs today.


Using the latest technology is the first step to constructing instructional plans for 21st- century learners


Using the latest technology is the first step to constructing instructional plans for 21st-century learners


When creating an action planner, the most critical consideration is how well standards and objectives align


While classroom management software is useful for teacher tasks, productivity software is best used in a business environment


Word prediction software programs make an educated guess about the next word a student wants to type based on an outline they previously entered.


For special needs students, concept mapping software is useful to:

Help them see and organize their ideas

The theorist best known for the multiple intelligence theory is:

Howard Gardner

Standards impact technology integration by:

Identifying core technology competencies for students

National certification by the NBTs is a prestigious certification recognition that:

Indirectly includes a variety of teacher technology competencies

With reference to formative feedback:

It helps you to readjust your lesson while in progress

How does technology assist teachers in assessment of student learning?

It provides support tools for authentic assessment such as rubrics and portfolios

How does technology assist teachers in assessment and feedback?

It provides support tools such as rubrics and surveys

What is one of the more significant challenges to technology use that teachers face?

Lack of funding

Three of the key learner characteristics about which a teacher should be aware include:

Learning style, cognitive style, and types of intelligence

Which of the following technology resources support communication and collaboration?

Lesson planning software

When it comes to software and hardware upgrades, teachers:

Need to be fluent with multiple (current and older) hardware and versions of software

Which is not a correct answer about technology standards?

No national standards are not directly related to lesson plans

Which of these can enhance a student's deep learning?

Online discussion and debate

Which student characteristic is not among those that can normally help or hinder learning?

Pedagogy preference

Personal religious beliefs and cultural views that may alter a student's perception of the information communicated by a teacher are an example of the impact of:

Personal filters

Classroom management software is essential for educators and schools since it:

Provides technology support for required tasks such as attendance and grade reporting

Technology can help to address the diversity in a classroom by:

Providing alternative delivery of content to meet diverse needs

Technologies in support of comprehensible input benefit CLD students by:

Providing information in the second language that the learner is better able to comprehend

The tool in database management software that can help teachers find target student data quickly without having to examine multiple student's records is:


The writing process would best be supported for special needs students through the use of which of the following technologies?

Screen readers

The pedagogical cycle refers to the:

Sequence of instructional events that occurs during every lesson

Which students would be helped most by "talking word processing"?

Sight- impaired students

Low-tech adaptations for students with disabilities include:

Sticky keys and key guards

Mobile devices such as Apple's iPad, iPod touch, or other tablets can offer unique and beneficial visual, auditory, and tactile input for:

Students with physical mobility limitations

NETs standards articulate competencies for:

Students, teachers, administrators, and coaches

Which is accurate with reference to software suites?

Suites bundle several different productivity programs that offer a similar set of tools

Most states require that potential educators have technology skills within their:

Teacher certification requirements

In step 3 of the DID model, the strategies a teacher develops to communicate new content to his or her students are:

Teaching strategies

The ability to use common technology in our personal, academic, and professional life is:

Technology literacy

A potential challenge for integrating technology into the classroom is:

The culture of the school may not be conductive to technology integraton

One of the key challenges with technology implementation for special needs students is:

The need for collaboration between assistive technology (AT) personnel information technology (IT) personnel

To determine if instruction has met expectations, the teacher should compare student performance on evaluations and:

The objectives targeted by the lesson

The AECT defines educational technology as:

The study facilitating learning and improving performances by creating, using, and managing appropriate technologies.

Teachers should advocate for technology in their classroom so that

They have an opportunity to prepare students with essential 21st- century skills

One of the greatest challenges for teachers' planning is:


Which is not an online available tool that support lesson plan development?

Training in application software

A site license allows an organization to use appropriate software throughout an organization at any of its sites


An example of a teacher using technology to foster creativity is having students complete and share an online mind map


At online lesson preparation tool helps teachers to create well-organized, standards-aligned lesson plans


Computer technology can help talented and gifted (TAG) students remain engaged in the learning process even though it might be less of a challenge to master required content than for other students.


Computers provide tools that can empower students with disabilities to accomplish the same work as their peers without disabilities


From your unit design, you can easily extract your daily lesson plan and begin by focusing on one or two targeted daily objectives.


It is a continuing challenge for teachers to keep current on productivity software as there are multiple programs to master and updates in software are continuous


Learning styles are a collection of preferences related to how one learns


NCATE mandates that teacher education programs include experiences to ensure future teachers can utilize technology to facilitate students learning and support teaching and learning.


NETS'T standards assume that teachers have met the NETSS standards for students.


One of the challenges for teachers engages in planning is that districts require they align lesson objectives and standards


Productivity software is highly valuable to teachers for administrative tasks, as well as teaching and learning


Teacher and student training is a critical challenge when implementing technology in support of special needs learners


The role of technology in instructional planning is to support the teaching and learning strategies identified in the design and lesson plans


When examining teaching and learning as communication, one must consider the personal filters that can act as barriers to effective and accurate communication


With all the technology options available, for culturally and language diverse students, one of the biggest challenges is finding technologies that match their intellectual abilities to their English language skills


Which of the following is one application of classroom management software?

Up-to-date seating charts

Which of the following technology resources support communication an collaboration?

Video conferencing software

Which technology-based activity promotes critical thinking?


In spreadsheet software that is set up as a gradebook, the feature that allows you to see what a student grade might be if they score a 98% on their next test is called:

What if analysis

Which of these online resources can be used for learning through social networking?


The useful tool that creates graphic representations of numeric data in spreadsheet software


A disadvantage when working online with software such as google docs is that:

it requires the students to maintain continuous, uninterrupted online access to use and save their work

The alternative input device that best assists students with mobility problems is:


Which of these online resources can be used for learning through social networking?


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