Emerging Technologies

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3D Crime Scene Imaging

3D scanners and crime scene imaging reduce the risk of losing valuable evidence and give law enforcement a 3D assessment of a crime scene. 3D forensic technology replicates the entire crime scene before it is altered and allows detectives to analyze data at a later date. One popular technology, the Faro Laser Scanner, creates 3D documentation that replaces traditional crime scene sketches. Crime scene reconstruction can be revisited at any time which allows law enforcement officers to verify witness testimony or evaluate plausible hypotheses. Using 3D scanning forensic scientists can analyze line of sight, blood spatter, and bullet trajectories.

5G Cellular Technology

5G networks have much faster speeds,data capacity, andlower latency (delay times) than 4G networks. Designers are hoping for at least 20 Gbps download speed and 1 ms latency. Current 4G network download speed averages around 18 Mbps. 5G networks are likely to consist of networks of small cells, rather huge towers that send signals over great distances. Designers are still working on the technology and expect it to be available starting in 2020.

Nano Tech and Robots

A Nano Robot is a machine that can build and precisely manipulate things whose components are at a scale of a nanometer - of which I have no idea how small that really is! These machines detect diseases and can repair or manipulate damaged cells, potentially providing humans with longer lifespans.


A device that connects the body's nervous system to an artificial body part. "Sensy", a neuroprosthetic device being developed by SensArs Neuroprosthetics, hopes to allow amputees to feel again with their artificial prosthetics from their lost limbs. The Neuroprosthetics device can be implanted within the residual nerves of the amputee, or a healthy part of the nerves, in case of neuro-damaged subjects, restoring the natural-like flow of the neural sensory information. It empowers subjects to feel natural and complete sensations from the missing or non-functional limb.

Digital Twin

A digital twin is a dynamic software representation of a piece of equipment or system that emulates the original materials, measurements, component parts, and operational behavior. Smart components that use sensors gather data about real-time status, working condition, or position are integrated with a physical item. The components are connected to a Cloud-based system that receives and processes all the data the sensors monitor. This input is analyzed against business and other contextual data. The idea is to pair the virtual and physical model, allowing analysis of data and monitoring of systems to head off problems before they occur, prevent downtime, develop new opportunities, and even plan for future development using simulations. The digital twin will continuously learn and generate possible solutions for issues or improvements from the physical twin.

Artificial intelligence

AI is a branch of computer science that studies how to make computers behave and think like humans. The term was coined by MIT Professor John McCarthy. Currently no computers can exhibit full artificial intelligence, but computers like IBM's Watson are getting closer to full unassisted decision making. Two popular applications of AI are machine learning and natural language processing. Machine learning focuses on the ability of computers to learn without being programmed. Natural language processing is when computers can understand human speech exactly as itis spoken. Facebook shutdown an artificial intelligence initiative inAugust 2017 when its two robots developed their own language and became unintelligible to humans. (Very scary!)

Organ on a Chip

An organ on a chip (OOC) mimics a cell's tissue characteristics, physiochemical reactions, and vascular functions. These devices provide real time results compared to traditional lab testing. OOC allows scientists to test drugs, food, and cosmetics safely while eliminating outside factors. OOCs that are in use or in development include the heart, kidney, and lung.

DS and BDA and Their Impact on BI Decision makers

BI decision makers must adjust operational processes, corporate strategies and business models at lightning speed to leverage business intelligence instantly and take immediate action. Sound decisions are based on data thatis analyzed according to well-defended criteria. Suchdata typically resides ina database warehouse for purposes of performing statistical and analytical processing efficiently. As such, itis important to design and implement an effective data management strategy required for the development of advanced analytics and business intelligence. Making sense of data was once a cumbersome process requiring analysts to pull together multiple data sources and write the rules to generate business insights. Now, armed with modern data analytics tools such as big data analytics (BDA) and business intelligence (BI), executives are gleaning insights on the fly, sometimes even in real-time. Informed decision-making is required for competitive success in the new global marketplace which is fraught with uncertainty and rapid technology changes. Decision makers must adjust operational processes, corporate strategies, and business models quickly to leverage business intelligence and take appropriate action. Sound decisions are based on data that is analyzed according to well-defended criteria. Such data typically resides in a database warehouse for purposes of performing statistical and analytical processing efficiently. As such, it is important to design and implement an effective data management strategy required for the development of advanced analytics and business intelligence.


Blockchain is a way to structure data. Blockchain uses computer code that creates concatenated (linked together) blocks of transactions. This allows people to share a digital ledger across a network of computers. There is no need for a central sourceof control because no single entity has the ability to tamper with the records. The math built into the programming keeps everyone honest. Blockchain is considered an Internet of value based on a shared database

Cloud Collaboration

Cloud collaboration refers to working with others by using Internet-accessible services such as software as a service (SAAS) and shared data storage sites. Examples of Cloud collaboration include TurboTax for tax and investment filing, Quickbooks and NetSuite for bookkeeping and accounting, Quip, Airtable, and Atlassian for consulting and management, and Glasscubes and Uptime Legal for law firms.


Consumers increasingly expect access to services and products instantly. This is driven by consumers who are not concerned with physically owning products rather preferring to subscribe to on-demandservices such as Netflix and Spotify. Consumers also expect the products they want to purchase to be readily available when they need to purchase them. Amazon has capitalized on this new consumer trend with their Dash Replenishment Service. AmazonDash Replenishment Service (DRS) enables connected devices to order physical goods from Amazon when supplies are running low.


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that only exist on computers. Cryptocurrencies are transferred between peers. There is no intermediary such as a bank or other financial institution. Transactions or exchanges of cryptocurrency are recorded on a digital public ledger called a blockchain. Transactions are sent between peers from cryptocurrency wallets by matching up public codes which relate back to users' specific passwords. All transactions and ledgers are encrypted using cryptography (thus the name cryptocurrency). Cryptocurrencies are decentralized which means they are controlled by users and computer algorithms rather than a central government. New cryptocurrency is created by a process called mining. Computer users who are running software and hardware aimed at confirming transactions to the digital ledger are considered miners. Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies, but other cryptocurrencies exist such as Litecoin and Etherium. (I don't understand this concept, at all.)

Mining for Data Political Advantage

Data mining has become a valuable tool for political candidates and their campaign managers. It has changed how a traditional political campaign operates and has become an effective method to research and target voters. One of the most crucial advantages that data mining brings is the versatility of data that can be used for the campaign. Aside from voter demographic information, data mining can also be used to measure voter behavior and accurately predict a candidate's current status with the voters. Social Media in Politics Social media allows politicians increased access to voters without a news agency acting as an intermediary. Before social media, politicians had limited methods to contact voters directly. Thanks to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms, candidates can instantly and frequently transmit messages directly to voters. Politicians and campaign managers attempt to use social media to manage a candidate's or politician's image and promote political agendas.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is driven by the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is used as the name for all of the various things (cars,homes,devices,etc.) that are connected to the Internet. Due to the increase of IoT, data processing speed that has relied on the cloud has been decreased. This is because the cloud is centrally designed and deployed. As the physical distance between the user and the cloud increases, transmission latency also increases. This increases response times and slows the data transmission process.

Latency Issue

Edge computing works with the cloud to create faster data processing. Currently apps that run on the cloud are slow compared to apps that run on local machines (the Edge). This can be problematic for applications that need immediate feedback of information. Edge computing will help to solve the issue with latency because it decreases the amount of time it takes data to travel from a device and back. Self-driving cars have over 200 CPUs. All of the info from the car has to travel to a data center and back quickly. Currently cloud computing causes delays in the processing of information which can beproblematic. The proliferation of cameras used across the globe is also a consideration. It is predicted that there are a billion cameras across the globe used for public safety and for streaming of data. Currently, the cloud does not have enough upstream, bandwidth to support this.

Brain Computer Interface

Facebook Building 8 is an innovation driven business unit that focuses on creating consumer hardware products. One project Building 8 is working on is a Brain to Computer Interface (BCI) that could fundamentally change how we interact with and use technology. It allows for users to communicate with a computer using only their thoughts. Facebook revealed it has a team of 60 engineers working on building a brain-computer interface that will let a person type with just his/her mind without invasive implants. The team plans to use optical imaging to scan the user's brain one hundred times per second to detect what the user is speaking silently in his/her head, and translate it into text. The goal for this project is for the system to allow humans to type even faster than their physical hands, at upwards of 100 words per minute.

Skin Hearing

Facebook is exploring language learning through feel, where the deaf can hear through their skin. Prototypes let skin mimic the ear's cochlea to translate sound into specific frequencies for the brain. A test subject was able to develop a vocabulary of nine words they could hear through their skin. There is a possibility that one day a person could hear in one language and speak in another! Whaaaat?!?

Cyberattacks and asymmetric warfare

Facing an adversary that has an overwhelming nuclear and conventional weapons advantage leads many nations or groups to consider using cyberattacks. Asymmetric warfare occurs when traditional military strengths between fighting forces differs significantly. Cyberwarfare can level the playing field because it allows for sneak attacks that can strike a modern economy where it is most vulnerable. The extensive use of computers in delivering necessities such as water, electricity, transportation, and health care makes these infrastructure components targets for cyberattacks.

Smart Medical Wristbands

Google X has created a health-tracking band is intended to be a medical device prescribed to patients or used for clinical trials. The band is designed to provide physicians with minute-by-minute data on patients and will measure a variety of inputs including heart rhythm, pulse, and skin temperature. It can also track outside factors like noise and light. The Google X wristband is specifically designed to change the relationship between physician and patient with real-time diagnostics. Other smart wearables companies such as Fitbit, Apple, and Samsung are developing similar innovations.

Smart Contact Lenses

Google and Novartis International Global Healthcare Company have created wearable smart contact lens that measuring glucose levels in diabetics. The lens has an embedded ultra slim microchip as well as a small antenna. The microchip processes information about glucose levels from tears and sends that info to a smartphone.

Google DeepMind AI

Google is developing programs that can learn to solve any complex problem without needing to be taught how. AlphaGo Zero that can continuously learn new tasks based on previously programmed skills. DeepMind has developed machine learning programs that have proven to perform nearly as well as a human on various tasks, including playing chess. They are developing AI that can be used in Google's self-driving cars.

Medical delivery drones

ICARUS (Inbound Controlled Air-Releasable Unrecoverable Systems) is a disposable cardboard drone that is designed to deliver critical medical and other supplies.

Finger Reading

MIT graduate student Roy Shilkrot, developed a prototype of a reading device that is worn on the finger. It is a tool for visually impaired people who require help with reading printed material, as well as an aid for language translation. The device's camera points down from where it is worn on the finger. As the tip of the finger moves along the page, the camera gets a wide view of the print. Tones play if the user's finger deviates from the current line. The Finger Reader currently connects to an Android device and is still in the development stage.

Decision science (DS)

Making sense of data was once a cumbersome process requiring analysts to pull together multiple data sources and write the rules to generate business insights. Now, armed with modern data analytics tools such as big data analytics (BDA) and business intelligence (BI), executives are gleaning insights on the fly, sometimes even inreal-time. Informed decision-making is required for competitive success in the new global marketplace, which is fraught with uncertainty and rapid technology. With decision science tools such as big data analytics (BDA) and business intelligence (BI), executives gain insight on the fly. Training can encourage more people to use the BI application. changes.

Composing Music with AI

Many composers, such as Beethoven and Mozart, made use of mathematics to create magnificent music. Now artificial intelligence is using mathematical algorithms to compose original royaltyfree compositions. Some artificial intelligence algorithms, such as Amper, rely on musicians to enter data like song length, mood, and instruments. Others, such as Baidu's AI Composer, can use images and patterns to create music. Google's Magenta, still in development, seeks to use numerous different inputs, such as stories, images, and color to allow artists to create original music.

Enterprise resource planning challenges

One of the big challenges that large organizations face is the constant and rapid changes in technology. For example, integrating ERP with the internet of things (IoT) could equip businessesn with significant advantages such as providing timely information about their business state of affairs in remote locations, such as status of what the company manufactures, manages, purchases, and sells. To fully exploit these continually emerging technologies, IT managers will have to share the data they produce across their prevailing ERP applications, and deal with thetechnical challenges that these aging ERP systems present. With billions of IoT devices installed at disparate geographies and operating at the Edge, from autonomous cars and drones to door openers, air-conditioning units, and refrigerators, it is easy to see the explosion of data (Big Data) these IoT devices create. These massive amounts of data are continuously produced and readily available to be used by various enterprise applications. The challenge that ERP systems face is their ability to handle these enormous volumes of data generated by IoT in real time. IT managers will have to share the data they produce across their prevailing ERP applications.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing uses the power of atoms and molecules for memory and processing tasks. One of the keys of quantum computing is the quantumbit or qubit. A qubitis a basic unit of information that is similar to the 0s and 1s (bits) that represent transistors in computers today. Qubits are more powerful because they can represent both a 0 and 1 at the same time and can affect other qubits using quantumentanglement. This allows quantum computers to take shortcuts to the correct answers of certain types of calculations. Quantumcomputers could be much faster at running artificial intelligence programs and could also create more secure data encryption.

Hot Solar Cells

Scientists at MIT have created a photonic crystal that can capture more energy from the sun as heat energy. The heat captured by the crystals is converted into wavelengths of light that a solar cell can process. This results in a more efficient solar cell that can even produce energy after sunset. Researchers estimate that hot solar cells will be more than 2 time more efficient at producing electricity. Currently the production cost of a hot solar cell is very high due to expensive component parts that make up the cell.

Smart medical imaging software

Software is being developed by IBM which will assist radiologists with interpreting medical images such as CT scans. The software uses a patient's medical records and images from medical scans to suggest possible diagnoses andtreatments.

Business intelligence (BI) implementation

Some considerations must be made in order to successfully integrate business intelligence (BI) systems. Ultimately the BI system must be accepted by the users in order for it to add value to the organization. If the usability of the system is poor, users become frustrated and spend a considerable amount of time figuring out how to use the system, decreasing productivity. If the system does not add value to the users' mission, they simply don't use it. BI chances of success can be improved by involving senior management to help make BI a part ofthe organizational culture, and by providing the users with necessary tools, training, and support.

Video Contact Lenses

Sony patented intelligent contact lenses capable of recording and playing video controlled by the blinks of your eyes. On average a period of usual blinking is 0.2 to 0.4 seconds and, according to Sony's patent, sensors in the lens can tell the difference between voluntary and involuntary blinks. So, the user must deliberately blink for a longer period to activate the video recording; alternatively, it can be controlled from your phone. While recording the Sony lenses will keep track of every time the user's eyelids close, so that the resulting black screens can be deleted afterwards. These contact lenses will also take photographs, correct blurry images, manage auto focus, and be able to zoom, all from the control of your phone. The contact lenses will be able to view videos on existing platforms such as Netflix and YouTube.

Antiplagiarism Software

The Internet makes countless documents easily accessible and this leads many to be tempted to use the words of other writers as their own. Academic environments are particularly vulnerable to plagiarism and manual methods of detection are no longer practical. Software, using artificial intelligence, is often used to deter and detect plagiarism by thousands of colleges and universities. This software employs numerous techniques including string-matching, vector space retrieval, and fingerprinting. Fingerprinting compares substrings in the suspected document with substrings in a previously composed index of documents. String-matching works in a similar fashion except that it focuses on suffix vectors to make comparisons. Vector space retrieval uses word comparisons throughout documents to detect plagiarism. Commonly used antiplagiarism software include Turnitin, used by over 30 million students, Grammarly, and Unicheck.

Translator Devices

The science fiction dream of universal translators is coming closer. Pilot, from Waverly Labs, is a smart earpiece that allows the wearers to speak different languages, but still clearly understand each other. The Pilot consists of two earpieces and one should be worn by each person in the conversation. The earpieces are linked by Bluetooth to a smartphone that is connected through the Internet to the Pilot translation server. The One2One translator, by Lingmo, was developed using IBM's Watson artificial intelligence algorithms so that it translates slang and other nuances of language. One2One does not require an Internet connection. The ili wearable translator, by Logbar, translates Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin. Like One2One the ili does not require an Internet connection. The ili is a one-way translator, so it works best with questions that can be answered with yes or no questions.

License Plate Readers

These are devices that utilize character recognition to read vehicle registration/license plates. These readers give law enforcement officers a quick and effective way to track and find stolen vehicles. This automates the process of manually checking and entering license plate information into a database where checks on warrants or stolen vehicle records can occur. License plate readers can be affixed onto police cruisers, utility poles, or on freeway overpasses. The cameras can capture up to 1800 license plates per minute. The cameras are operational day or night. Every image that is captured is compared to the plates in a database. When a car with a stolen plate is identified, law enforcement is alerted to the location and make and model of the vehicle.

Self-Driving Trucks

These trucks are designed to go long distances on highways without a human behind the wheel. Otto' self-driving truck uses a lidar (light detection and ranging) system which uses a pulsed laser to gather information about the truck's operating environment. This information is fed to a computer which process the information and keeps the truck on its pre-defined course.

Business intelligence (BI)

This comprises the set of strategies, processes, applications, data, technologies and technical architectures which are used by enterprises to support the collection, data analysis, presentation and dissemination of business information. Business intelligence can be used by enterprises to support a wide range of business decisions - ranging from operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pricing. Strategic business decisions involve priorities, goals and directions atthe broadest level. In all cases, BI is most effective when it combines data derived from the market in which a company operates (external data) with data from company sources internal to the business such as financial and operations data (internal data). When combined, external and internal data can provide a more complete picture which, in effect, creates an "intelligence" that can't be derived by any singular set of data. Among numerous uses, business intelligence tools empower organizations to gain insight into new markets,to assess demand and suitability of products and services for different market segments and to gauge the impact of marketing efforts. When combined, external and internal data provide a more complete business picture.

Holographic storage

This data storage uses a split laser beam to write data onto photo-receptive substrates. Because the beam can strike receptors from different angles, many bits of data can be stored in the same physical location. Theoretically, holographic storage should be capable of storing gigabytes of data in a single cubic millimeter of space.

Machine Learning

This is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning extracts knowledge from data. There are three categories: Supervised learning- Humans teach the computer Unsupervised learning -Computer learns by itself Reinforcement learning -Uses data from past experiences to create learning Machine learning is closely related to statistics and data mining. Machine learning assumes you have a question you are trying to answer and the answer to the questionis found in the data.

Adaptive Learning

This is a new concept for today's educators. By using digital mediums as part of content delivery, adaptive learning can create a student's experience that can be modified based on the student's performance and how well thee student retains that information. Algorithms determine how well a student is performing and identify the student's knowledge gaps. These algorithms then determine when review is necessary to ensure retention. An adaptive learning product poses numerous questions to determine the student's prior subject knowledge. Studies indicate that answering questions, even incorrectly, creates learning, especially when students are provided immediate feedback. In adaptive learning students see different course material depending on what they already know. While students may view different material, the algorithms ensure that each student who completes the course has competency in all subject areas. Adaptive learning systems could easily change how all students are taught.

Predictive Policing

This is a type of machine learning that utilizes the power of information technology, geospatial technologies, and evidence based intervention models to reduce crime and improve public safety. With predictive policing, advanced analytics are monitored. This allows law enforcement to predict and react to crimes before they even occur. This type of machine learning is not meant to be a replacement for traditional policing but a tool used to augment traditional policing. This technology can also help to predict conditions in the financial markets.

Touchless Interactions Google Advanced Technology And Projects (ATAP)

This is an in-house technology incubator, created by former DARPA director Regina Dugan. ATAP is similar to X, but works on shorter projects, granting project leaders only two years in which to move a project from concept to proven product. Project Soli is a microchip that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions. The Soli chip will be Deepu Talla, VP of Nvidia, states that by 2020 over 1 billion cameras will be streaming data for public safety. This will require speeds provided by edge computing. The Soli chip will be embedded in wearables, phones, computers, cars and IoT devices. The Soli chip by ATAP incorporates the entire sensor and antenna array into an ultra-compact 8mm x 10mm package.

Collaboration Board MT Canvus Connect

This is real-time collaboration software that makes it possible for remote users to share, draw, manipulate, and input information on a single board. Using MT Canvus Connect you can simultaneously view images, videos, live feeds, browser sessions, remote PC connections, or smart device inputs. MT Canvus Connect is capable of operating in both Windows and Linux environments while also integrating with the latest meeting room technologies such as Microsoft Surface Hub and Cisco Spark. It was developed by MultiTaction and designed to help teams collaborate, globally, in near real time.


This memory and storage uses an advanced circuit element called a memristor. Where a transistor can only open or close, memristors have variable resistance based on the history of current that has passed through the element. A single memristor could replace many transistors on a chip. This means the chip could be far smaller and far faster. Flash technology, using transistors, is capable of access times of less than 25 nanoseconds. Memristor storage is theoretically capable of access times approaching 1 nanosecond. (Again, a concept that my brain cannot comprehend!)

Array of things (AoT)

This project in Chicago consisits of an network of 500 sensors used to collect data that can improve the quality of life of the citizens in the city. AoT will essentially serve as a "fitness tracker" for the city, measuring factors that impact livability in Chicago such as climate, air quality and noise. Each sensor has approximately 12 independent sensors that monitor temperature, barometric pressure, air quality, pedestrian and automotive traffic patterns, and noise. The sensors are designed to be mounted on the side of buildings and light poles. Sensors will feed information to an open-data platform using the Internet. Information will be made available through the City of Chicago open data portal.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

This refers to business management software that encompassesnearly all business activities in a corporation. This includes everything from production levels tothenumberofpencils requiredby administrative personnel. The data collected, stored, and processed by ERP software typically includes supply purchasing and inventory, production levels or service delivery, marketing information, shipping and payment information, financing records, and human resource management records. ERP software allows top management to gain visibility on all aspects of the organization. ERP, along with executive support software (ESS), gives a corporation's leaders tools to manage everything within the organization.

Facial recognition payment

This technology provides a secure and convenient method of paying for goods and services. The software compares the scanned image of the person's face to biometric information about the person that is stored in a database. If the image matches the information contained in the database the transaction can proceed.

Gene Editing Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeatsis (CRISPR)

This uses bacteria's immune systems to edit individual genes. Scientists can edit animal and plant cells and replicate human gene functions for testing. Diseases that CRISPR might be able to counter include HIV, cancer, Huntington's disease, and bacterial infections which are resistant to antibiotics.

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