Encountering the New Testament

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The controversial visit with Cornelius played a key role in helping Peter come to what realization?

Jewish customs forbidding contact with Gentiles wee inconsistent with following Jesus. When Cornelius and other non-Jews received the HSin the same way that Peter and other Jews did, Peter understood that the people of God were not limited to those of Jewish ancestry and social custom.

Why may have Paul mentioned the enemies of the Gospel in Rome even though they did not directly affect the Philippians?

1. Paul's triumph over such opposition gives the Philippians reason to take heart. 2. Paul may be aware of parallel opposition to the gospel at Philipp or elsewhere in Macedonia.

What are the 4 basic areas of concern covered by 2 Peter.

1. Sanctification 2. Scripture 3. Warnings against false teachers 4. The end of the age.

What were the eventual divisions of writings of the Old Testament?

1. Torah -Guidance, Teaching, Law - 5 books of Moses 2. The Prophets - Isaiah, Joel Obadiah, etc 3. The Writings - Historical writings, Psalms, Proverbs and such.

Combined with Luke's Gospel, the book of Acts makes up over what percent of the NT


Who is most likely the author of James?

James, the half-brother of Jesus.

List 7 criteria used by liberal scholars to find Jesus real words.

Multiple Source Attestation, Palestinain Environment, Aramaic Language, Dissimilarity, Embarrassment, Concensus of Scholars, Multiple forms of Statement.

In what way does the NT reflect continuity with the Old Testament?

NT writers make it plan that the God of Jesus Christ is identical to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God's righteousness is unchanged from OT to New. Human nature is fallen and in need of radical transformation in both great divisions of the bible.

What was the primary theme of Peter's sermon at Pentecost (Acts2)?


Name the Pauline Epistles

Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon

What error is addressed by Paul in Romans?

Salvation is earned by human merit.

Give a brief description of Samaria and how it came to be a place of mixed people groups.

Samaria was roughly the region occupied by the OT kingdom of Israel. It had been destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. but was later resettled by the king of Assyria with pagan peoples to replace the Israelites.

What is the purpose of the writing of Jude?

To urge the Christians to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

What questions made early Christians suspicious of Saul?

Was his turn to Jesus Christ genuine? Might he be pretending to follow Jesus as a way of gathering information to use against the Christians later?

What is the pilgrim idea Peter emphasizes in his epistle and how should we live our lives in response?

We are strangers here, on our way to our true home. We should live here as members of the world to which we ultimately belong, not as though enslaved by this one.

Who wrote the Epistle of Hebrews?

We do not know for sure

For what reason, in Paul's own view, was he "in chains?''

What had happened to him had really served to advance the gospel. He was in chains for Christ.

Which Roman emperors were specifically referenced by name in the NT?

a. Augustus b. Tiberius C. Claudius

Give two reasons why 1,2 Timothy and Titus are called Pastoral Epistles

1. All 3 letters show pastoral concern for their recipients, Timothy and Titus. 2. All 3 deal with pastoral matters involving the care of souls and the orderly conduct of God's people in the church as well as in the world.

What are the 3 basic sections of the book of Revelations?

1. Chs 1-3 The introduction and letters 2. Chs 4-19, The Unfolding of History up to the return of Christ. 3. Chs 20-22, The millennial reign of Christ and eternal new order.

What are the 4 basic points of theology touched on in the course of Jesus' preaching?

1. God, the kingdom of God, and Jesus relation to the kingdom. 2. The uniqueness of Jesus-his special relation to God, his special relation to other human beings , and his sense of mission. 3. Human life, Human sinfulness, and God. 4. The end of the age, the 2nd coming, and the life to come.

Why may the Gospels be trusted?

1. It took place while those who had known Jesus were still alive and the information could be traced back to them, because either they said it or they wrote it down. 2. According to the best evidence available from the early years of the church, 3 of the 4 Gospels are directly linked to the apostles, the 4th was dependent on eyewitnesses and those who had know Jesus from the beginning.

List the three theologies and religions of Paul's day and his argument against them.

1. Polytheism, Paul insisted that God is one. 2. Stoicism, Paul preached a God who was personal and accessible rather than impersonal and inscrutable. 3. Most pagan religion, Paul presented a God concerned with social morality and personal ethics.

What 3 statements from Lk 1:1-4 apply to Acts as well, and help to explain what Acts contains?

1. Reliable traditions about Jesus and the early Christian movement have been handed down by eyewitnesses. 2. Luke has made careful investigation of these experiences and reports. 3. Knowledge of and growth in the Christian Faith.

What 6 things does revival do?

1. Restores Faith in the Word of God 2. Restores Definiteness to the meaning of "Christian" 3. Advances the Gospel with Amazing Swiftness 4. Always has Moral impact upon communities 5. Changes Understanding of the Christian Ministry 6. Will change the public worship of the churches

What are the 4 major theories of interpretation of Revelation considered by the author?

1. The Historic premillennial view 2. The amillennial view 3. The dispensational premillennial view 4. The postmillennial view

As the canon as we now know it, emerged, what comprised the standard by which it was judged?

1. The Torah 2. The Prophets 3. The Writings

List 4 ways Paul sought to lend his readers counsel and aid in the 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians

1. The epistle confirms that hard times are part of God's plan for is people. It was identical to what Paul and Jesus had endured. 2. Paul encourages the new believers by commending their faith and love, which he remembers in his prayers continually. 3. Paul encourages by giving further instruction, He shows area of improvement. 4. Paul encourages his readers by giving them insight into the last things.

Religiously, how were the Samaritans similar to the Jews? How were they different.

1. They considered themselves to be Jews, They were monothesistic, kept the festivals, committed to the law, practiced circumcision, looked for a coming Messiah. 2. They did not acknowledge the Jerusalem temple, worshiped on Mount Gerizim, using only their own version of the Pentateuch as their bible and it is said that they did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

John the Baptist recognized himself as what?

A transitional figure who was a forerunner to the Messiah.

In 2 John, what is the basis for walking in love?

Abiding in the Truth

What is cultural literacy?

Acquaintance with at least the broad aspects of science, the humanities, and the fine arts. it also means familiarity with the beliefs, the social organization, moral traits of a society.

Give the scripture references for the 3 accounts of Saul's (Paul"s) conversion.

Acts 9:1-31, Acts 22:4-16, Acts 26:9-18

What is the central fact of Revelation

God exists, has created the universe, is guiding the course of its history, has overcome evil, and will bring everything to a triumphant conclusion in his own good time.

List 15 events that will precede Jesus' second coming?

Apostasy, the rise of antichrist, betrayal, earthquakes, false Christs, false prophets, false signs and miracles, famines, increase of evil, international strife, persecution of believers, pestilence, unparalleled distress, wars and rumors of wars, and worldwide proclamation of the gospel.

Why are the North Galatian and South Galatian theories important?

Because these two theories result in different dates and places of origin for the Epistle. They also result in different understandings of how Galatians relates to Acts.

What was the probably means by which Christianity reached Rome?

Christianity probably came to Rome first with Jews who heard Peters preaching at Pentecost and brought the gospel message back to the synagogues of the imperial capital.

What effect did the spread of the gospel have at Ephesus?

Christianity was damaging the local economy, especially the silver-smithing guilds, because idols were no longer selling at their former place.

What dominated the religious life of Ephesus?

Emperor worship, idolatry, and black arts of occultism and spiritism

What is the 1st and most distinctive feature of John's Gospel?

Emphasis on the divine glory of Christ - he is nothing less than God himself, incarnate in human flesh.

Who was the founder of the church at Colossae?

Epaphras, who was a native of the area and labored for its evangelization.

Name the General or "Catholic Epistles of the NT

Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1 & 2 & 3 John, Jude

What is the focus of Luke's gospel?

It focuses on history as the place where God's salvation was effected ad on Jesus as God's savior.

How does Paul address homosexuality/same-sex relations?

It is displeasing to God just like other sins outside monogamous marriage. It is an offense against God's law

What is the view of universalism?

It is the view that ultimately everything and everyone will be saved, even Satan, his angels, and demons, no matter how deliberately they reject God or the gospel.

How long did the second missionary journey last and how much distance was covered?

It lasted some three years and covered nearly 3000 thousand miles, much of it on foot.

What does the external evidence indicate concerning the place of the writing of the gospel of Mark?

It points to Rome as the most likely site of composition.

Why was Peter's visit to Cornelius a test case in the early church?

It raised the issue of the relation between Jewish religious practice and the necessary conditions for receiving forgiveness and new life through Jesus Christ. God used Cornelius to show that Gentiles who repented and believed in Christ were acceptable to God. They did not need to adopt Jewish social customs first.

What special place did women play in Jesus ministry?

Jesus was exceptional in his day in the way he treated women. He accorded them a dignity and respect that was virtually unknown among the rabbis of Palestine. All of the gospels record how Jesus welcomed the presence of women among the followers.

Galatians was written to what 5 churches?

Perga, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe

What does "testament" mean in the titles "Old Testament" and "New Testament"?

OT - Solemn Declaration NT - God's Saving Work in more recent times

What runaway slave does the Epistle to Philemon deal with?


List 15 ways that Jesus was the supreme authority?

Over people, paralysis and suffering, illness and disease, blindness, leprosy, the wind and the water, sin, demons, nature, history, the individual destinies of all human beings, his own destiny, his mission on earth, over space and time and the future, and over the temple.

What is the major practical concern of Hebrews?

That Christians not be intimidated by the difficult circumstances they face. They should rather stand firm in their devotion to Christ.

What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament?

The NT tells of the fulfillment of what the OT promises.

What is a consistent underlying theme in 2 Corinthians?

The Way to Gory is the way of cross.

What error is addressed by James?

The error that equates faith with mere assent to certain doctrinal truths like the existence of God. Authentic trust in Christ results in good works.

How is the gospel of John different from the Synoptics?

The gospel of John stands apart from them, if for no other reason than that at lest 90 percent of it lacks direct verbal parallel in the 3 synoptics. John also implies a 3 year ministry, as well as different aspect of Jesus teachings.

What can we learn from the focus on individual persons in Acts 8-12?

The impact on the Acceptance of Christ, the rebuke and even judgment for disobeying Christ. It also shows God's personal awareness and interest in the lives of all persons, whether Jew or Gentile.

What was at stake at the Jerusalem Council debate?

The question of how a person is "saved" forgiven of sins, enabled to further God's kingdom work on this earth, and privileged to enjoy heaven in the earth to come.

What was Matthew's basic purpose in writing his gospel?

The same as the underlying purpose of each of the gospel writers. He wanted to make sure that the truth about Jesus would never be lost.

What describes the situation in much of what has been traditionally called the "West"?

The survival of Christianity. Where once widespread but not compromised by materialism and the pursuit of pleasure and self fulfillment.

What does Paul address in the clear prescription for Christian living in the Epistle to Romans.

Their daily lives should reflect the beliefs about Christ that they have embraced.

What is the meaning of the word "hermeneutics"?

Theory and Practice Interpretation

What were the main theological beliefs of the Pharisees?

They developed a set of views based on the OT and their own oral traditions, both of which they considered equally authoritative but they didn't practice on what they preached. They believed in God, angels, and spirits, providence, prayer, the necessity for faith and good works, the last Judgment, a coming Messiah, and the immortality of the Soul. The problem was their legalism, their hypocrisy, and their unwillingness to accept the kinddom of God in Jesus.

What were the main theological beliefs of the Sadducees?

They rejected almost everything the Pharisees believed. The did not believe in angels or spirits, the resurrection, the last judgment, life after death, divine providence, or a coming Messiah.

What is ironic about Paul serving as teacher and missionary of the church at Antioch?

This multiracial church had been founded by Christians driven out of Palestine by persecutions instigated by Saul of Tarsus.

What is the New Commandment John emphasizes in 1 John?

To love one another

List 6 questions that knowledge of the 1st century Roman world can help answer.

What was life like, who were the reigning authorities, how was government set up and conducted, how did people view themselves, what were their hope and fears, what were the popular religions and outlooks?

At what point is the purpose of Jame's letter achieved?

When the church humbly accepts James message as a verdict on itself, and when God's people submit to God and relate to one another with the selflessness and compassion that James calls for.

What two-fold role did Antioch play in the life of Paul and the early church?

a. It modeled the ethnic diversity appropriate to the gospel that brings people of all backgrounds into the one family of God. b. It became the primary missionary church of earliest Christianity.

List the correspondence between Paul and Corinth

a. an initial letter from Paul to the Corinthians, now lost b. a letter from the Corinthians to Paul c. Paul's reply to their letter d. a subsequent "painful letter" e. a third letter from Paul to the Corinthians

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