Encyclopedia of Counseling

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Which statement made by a group leader in a residential center for adolescents focuses on product rather than process?

"Ken has not stolen for a week and thus is eligible for supplementary tokens."

One trend is that women are moving into more careers that in the past were populated by males. Women workers are often impacted by the "glass ceiling phenomenon." Assuming that a counselor's behavior is influenced by the phenomenon, which statement would he most likely make when conducting a career counseling session with a female client who wants to advance to a higher position?

"Let's be rational: A women can only advance so far. You really have very little if any chance of becoming a corporate executive. I'm here to help you cope with this reality.

Which statement made by a doctoral-level counselor is illustrative of a leader focused on process rather than product?

"You wince whenever Jane raises her voice."

Linda Gottfredson's theory of circumscription:

(phase one: rule out certain jobs not acceptable for gender, stereotypes, and social class) and compromise (phase two: change mind, major etc. if career path is not truly realistic). This is a developmental approach taking one's childhood into account. Social space refers to the zone of territory of jobs where he or she fits into society

A t-score is different from a z-score. A z-score is the same as the SD. A t-score, however, has a mean of 50 with every 10 points landing at a SD above or below the mean. Thus a t-score of 60 would equal +1 SD while a t-score of 40 would be:

-1 SD

Which level of significance would best rule out chance factors:


The study that would best rule out chance factors would have a significance level of P =


In the social sciences the accepted probability level is usually:

.05 or less

You want to admit only 25% of all counselors to an advanced training program in psychodynamic group therapy. The item difficulty on the entrance exam for applicants would be best set at:


A career counselor is using a test for job selection purposes. An acceptable reliability coefficient would be _____ or higher:


An excellent psychological or counseling test would have a reliability coefficient of:


The standard deviation (SD) is the square root of the variance. A z-score of +1 would be the same as:

1 SD above the mean

In constructing a test you notice that all 75 people currently answered item number 12. This gives you an item difficulty of:


In a lifetime the average person has:

10-15 jobs

At the last count, approximately 43,000 U.S. citizens committed suicide during a single year making suicide the tenth leading cause of death. Worldwide the figure is an alarming 800,000 per year. Suicide often check in as the second- or third-leading killer of young people in the 15-24-year-old age bracket. Men commit suicide more frequently than women, however, women attempt suicide far more often than men. It is accurate to say that:

10-15% of all claims handled by the ACA liability insurance programs are related to suicide

The mean on the Wechsler and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence scales (SB5) ______ and the standard deviation is ______:

100; 15 Wechsler, 16 Stanford-Binet

Z-scores (also called standard scores) are the same as standard deviations, thus a z-score of -2.5 means:

2.5 SD below the mean

Identify the DSM code:


The same test is given to the same group of people using the rest-retest reliability method. The correlation between the first and second administration is .70. The true variance (i.e., the percentage of shared variance or the level of the same thing measured in both) is:


In World War II that Air Force used stanine scores as a measurement. Stanine scores divide the distribution into nine equal intervals with stanine 1 as the lowest ninth, and 9 as the highest ninth. In this system 5 is the mean. Thus a Binet IQ score of 101 would fall in stanine:


Most experts would agree that an effective adult counseling group has ______ members:

5 or 6 to 8

The Binet stressed age-related tasks. Utilizing this method, a 9-year-old task would be one which:

50% of the 9-year-olds could answer correctly

The client who would most likely engage in introspection would be a:

52-year-old, single, African American male school administrator

Kohlberg lists ______ stages of moral development which fall into ______ levels.

6, 3

The range is a measure of variance and usually is calculated by determining the difference between the highest and the lowest score. Thus, on a test where the top score was a 93 and the lowest score was a 33 out of 100, the range would be:


The WAIS-IV IQ test is given to 100 adults picked randomly. How many of the adults most likely would receive an IQ score between 85 and 115?


The variance is a measure of dispersion if scores around some measure of central tendency. The variance is the standard deviation squared. A popular IQ test has a standard deviation (SD) of 15. A counselor would expect that if the mean IQ score is 100, then:

68% of the people who take the test will score between 85 and 115

A researcher working with a personality test discovers that the test has a reliability coefficient of .70 which is somewhat typical. This indicates that:

70% of the score is accurate while 30% is inaccurate

We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these individuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?

A 13-year-old male middle school student

Holland's artistic type seems to value feelings over pure intellect or cognitive ability. Which of the following clients would be described via the artistic typology?

A 72-year-old part-time, male instructor A 29-year-old female fiction writer A 41-year-old singer for a heavy metal rock band

Which statement best reflects the position of neurogenesis?

A 76-year-old man signs up for a course in a chess and generates more neurons

There are four basic measurement scales: the nominal, the ordinal, the interval, and the ration. The nominal scale is strictly a qualitative scale. It is the simplest type of scale. It is used to distinguish logically separated groups. Which of the following illustrated the function of the nominal scale?

A DSM or ICD diagnostic category

______ would be an informal method of appraisal:

A checklist

Pick the best example(s) of the psychoanalytic concept of splitting:

A client who realistically perceives her therapist as only having good qualities A client who sees her therapist as all bad

In most instances, who would be the best qualified to give the Rorschach Inkblot Test?

A clinical psychologist

ACA ethical guidelines stipulate that a counselor can regain from making a diagnosis if the counselor believes the diagnosis could harm the client or others:

A counselor could refrain from making a diagnosis if it is in the best interest of the client A decision to refrain from making a diagnosis is ideally made in collaboration with the client, although the counselor has the final say

Which choice would most likely violate the counseling ethic or law termed "scope of practice?"

A counselor who is conducting a strict Freudian psychoanalysis with the client

A counselor is working with a client suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Which counselor would be most concerned about inducing REM/EM during the sessions?

A counselor who is using Francine Shapiro's EMDR

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was created by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death (ICD) was created by the World Health Organization (WHO). Which counselor would most likely be required to utilize one of these guidelines to diagnose a client?

A counselor who wishes to secure insurance (i.e., third party) payments

A counselor is screening clients for a new group at the college counseling center. Which client would most likely be the poorest choice for a group member?

A first-year student who is suicidal and sociopathic

All of the techniques listed below would be used by a behavioristic family therapist:

A functional analysis of behavior followed by operant conditioning Modeling Chaining and extinction

Transgender individuals have an attempted suicide rate which is approximately 25 times higher than the rate for the general population. A high percentage of transgender youth experience oppression and are physical assaulted. A transgender does not identify with the gender they were given at birth or the person's expression differs from societal expectations. What is cisgender?

A person who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth and hence by definition this person is not a transgender individual

Which measure would yield the highest level of reliability?

A very accurate postage scale

A counselor who has an interest primarily in testing would most likely be a member of:

AARC (Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling)

One group receives no assertiveness training, a second group receives four assertiveness training sessions, and a third receives six sessions. That statistic of choice would be the:


A counseling journal article should use documentation (i.e., references) that is based on:

APA style

The National Vocational Guidance Association was founded in 1913. It was fused with other organizations in 1952 to become the:


All of these conditions are V code diagnoses:

Acculturation problem Occupational problem Academic problem

Lifestyle, birth order, and family constellations are emphasized by:


______ emphasized the drive for superiority:


NBCC has developed a code of ethics to help counselors behave in a professional manner. The Code warns against stereotyping and discrimination. All of the following are examples of stereotyping and discrimination:

Advising an African American client to avoid graduate school because you believe the Jensen research regarding African Americans and IQ scores Advising a female client to avoid taking a management position because you feel women are generally nonassertive Advising a female client to avoid taking a management position because you feel women managers are too aggressive

A(n) ______ client would most likely have the most difficulty with self-disclosure when speaking to a white counselor:

African American male

John Krumboltz postulated a social learning approach to career choice. This model is based mainly on the work of:

Albert Bandura

Self-efficacy theory is based on the work of:

Albert Bandura

______ was a pioneer in the early history of family therapy:

Alfred Adler

Which theorist's (or theorists') work has been classified as a preface to the group movement:

Alfred Adler and Jesse B. Davis

Organ inferiority relates mainly to the work of:

Alfred Adler's individual psychology

The statement "Sibling interaction may have more impact than parent-child interaction" describes:

Alfred Adler's theory

Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, which is both a form of treatment and a very comprehensive personality theory. According to Freud's theory, inborn drives (mainly sexual) help form the personality. ______ and ______, who originally worked with Freud, created individual psychology and analytic psychology, respectively.

Alfred Adler; Carl Jung

The first intelligence test was created by:

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon

Donald Super's self-concept and developmental stage theory:

Also referred to as a life span, life-space model. Self-concept, as well as career/vocational maturity, influences one's career throughout the life span. His life rainbow helps clients conceptualize their roles as a child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, spouse, homemaker, parent, and pensioner. Super initially didn't believe he created a theory, but felt his work might be the basis for segments of future theorists. He felt mislabeled

Virginia was the first state to license counselors in 1976. The APGA (later AACD and now ACA) division that was initially the most instrumental in pushing for licensing was the:

American Counselor Education and Supervision

Lewis Terman:

Americanized the Binet

NBCC's Code of Ethics describe ethical issues related to private practice. This is an example of an ethical issue that needs to be addressed:

An executive director of a private practice who has his name listed on the practice's website as a counseling provider despite the fact that he is out of the country and is engaged in a research project for the next two years

A counselor is conducting a screening for clients who wish to participate in a counseling group which will meet Tuesday nights at his private practice office. Which client would most likely be the poorest choice for a group member?

An extremely hostile and belligerent construction worker

The black versus white IQ controversy was sparked mainly by a 1969 article written by ______:

Arthur Jensen

The acronym NLP is an abbreviation of:

Bandler and Grinder's neurolinguistic programming

Pick the most accurate statement:

Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning are commonly used to treat phobias, but are also utilized for clients with obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)

A counselor who fears the client has an organic, neurological, or motoric difficulty would most likely use the:

Bender Gestalt II

Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psychology movement?


Richard Nelson Bolles penned the bestselling job hunting manual in history titled What Color Is Your Parachute? The book, updated yearly, has sold over 10 million copies and is published in over 20 languages:

Bolles champions the idea of securing a network of persons who can help you with your job search

Roe recognized the role of the unconscious mind in terms of career choice. Another theorist who emphasized the unconscious processes in this area of study was:


When working with an African American family, the best approach would probably be:

Bowen's family therapy; Minuchin's structural family therapy; or Haley's strategic family therapy

The sequence of object loss, which goes from protest to despair to detachment, best describes the work of:


Pick the most accurate statement:

Brief solution-oriented therapy sometimes uses a treatment team behind a one-way mirror, nevertheless, it is not required

A college student who suffers from panic disorder types his symptoms and concerns onto a PC screen and then waits for the computer program to respond to question him further. The student engages in this practice for a 40-minute session per week. This is an example of:


Computers are now being used in various counseling settings. Counselors speak of computer-assisted counseling (CAC) and computer-managed counseling (CMC). An office that employs a computer to schedule clients would be an example of:


Which statement best describes the counseling profession's reaction to computer-assisted counseling and computer-managed counseling?

CMC has been well received since it cuts down time on paperwork, scheduling, and record keeping, but there is a mixed reaction to CAC as some feel it depersonalizes counseling

The most popular paradigm of mental health consultation has been proposed by:


Edgar H. Schein's eight career anchors theory:

Career anchors manifest approximately 5 to 10 years after a person begins work and guide future career choices. Career anchors are based on the self-concept, abilities, and what the person is good at. Originally, Schein identified five anchors, but now eight are used; (1) autonomy/independence; (2) security/stability; (3) technical/functional competence; (4) general managerial competence; (5) entrepreneurial creativity; (6) service/dedication to a cause; (7) pure challenge; (8) lifestyle

Empathy and counselor effectiveness scales reflect the work of:

Carkhuff and Gazda

The personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are associated with the words of:

Carl G. Jung

Psychotherapy of the absurd is primarily related to the work of:

Carl Whitaker

Virginia Satir is considered a leading figure in experiential family therapy. ______ is sometimes called the dean of experiential family therapy.

Carl Whitaker

Which therapist could best be described as atheoretical?

Carl Whitaker

______ are the leading causes of malpractice actions taken against counselors, therapists, and mental health providers:

Confidentiality and dual relationships

A TA counselor and a strict behaviorist are both in the same case conference to staff a client. Which technique would the two most likely agree on when formulating a plan of action?


Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma's developmental approach... aka the Ginzberg Group... or Ginzberg and Associates:

Created by an economist, a psychiatrist, a sociologist, and a psychologist. The first developmental approach to occupational choice. The developmental stages are: ages 11 and under - fantasy; early adolescents, ages 11-17 - tentative; and age 17 into early adulthood - realistic. Original hypothesis was that career choice was irreversible was later dropped

Nosology refers to a system of classifications. Name the nosological system(s) utilized by professional counselors who diagnose clients:


A counselor can utilize psychological tests to help secure a ______ diagnosis if third-party payments are necessary:


Which theorist would most likely asset that EQ is more important that IQ?

Daniel Goleman

A behavioristic marriage and family therapist is counseling the entire family together. She turns to the 18-year-old son who is attending community college and says, "You must complete your sociology essay before you can use the family car and go out with your friends." Which theorist is primarily guiding her intervention strategy?

David Premack's principle or law

The decision-making theory, which refers to periods of anticipation and implementation/adjustment, was proposed by:

David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara

The cognitive therapist most closely associated with the concept of stress inoculation treatment is:

Donald Meichenbaum

You create a career group to examine the clients' roles in life as a child, student, citizen, homemaker/parent, worker, citizen, and time spend participating in leisure activities (leisurite). You should use:

Donald Super's life career rainbow

You leave your practice to study mental health treatment in another country. Dr. Kline, another licensed counselor, is now the custodian of your records. This was clearly explained in your informed consent brochure given to the client during the first visit. The clients have Dr. Kline's contact information. Ethically:

Dr. Kline should contact each client when she receives the record

Dr. X recommends to his clients at the agency where he practices that he would rather counsel them in his private practice. Ethically speaking:

Dr. X is diverting agency clients to his practice and this is unethical

Some exams will split hairs and distinguish a dual-earner household from a dual-career household or family. The following statements is true:

Dual-career families earn more than duel-earner families

A dual-career family (or duel-worker couple) is one in which both partners have jobs to which they area committed on a somewhat continuous basis. Which statement is true of a dual-career family?

Dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working

If an ANOVA yields a significant F value, you could rely on ______ to test significant differences between group means:

Duncan's multiple-range, Tukey's, or Scheffe's test

Trait-and-factor-matching theory:

E.G. Williamson based on his knowledge of Frank Parsons, the father of guidance. Relies on tests and assessments to match traits, aptitude, and interests with a give occupation

A counselor who wanted to teach a client to produce alpha waves for relaxation would utilize:

EEG feedback

A counselor discovered that a client became nervous and often experienced panic attacks when she would tense her frontalis muscle over her eye. The counselor wanted direct muscle feedback and thus would rely on:

EMG feedback

A doctoral student who begins working on his bibliography for his thesis would most likely utilize:

ERIC, for primary and secondary resources

B.F. Skinner's reinforcement theory elaborated on:

Edward Thorndike's law of effect

Group members assume roles within a group. Which of the following are roles:

Energizer Scapegoat Gatekeeper

The philosopher most closely related to REBT would be:


The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was:

Erik Erikson

The term 'identity crisis' comes from the work of:


Trust vs mistrust is:

Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development

A counselor has an answering machine in her office. Which statement most accurately depicts the ethical guidelines related to this situation?

Ethical guidelines allow answering machines, but experts insist that unauthorized staff should not be allowed to listen to retrieve such messages

A popular cognitive consistency or balance theory in social psychology is ______ cognitive dissonance theory:


Which statement is true of African American families?

Fewer African Americans are getting married African Americans are less likely to be concerned about gender roles (e.g., men and women can cook meals or work outside of the home).

Irvin Yalom is a famous existentialist therapist and a pioneer in the group movement. He suggested these four group stages: orientation, conflict, cohesion, and termination. In 1977 Tuckman and Jensen reviewed 25 years of research and came up with five stages: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Which stage in Tuckman and Jensen's paradigm is similar to Yalom's orientation stage?


______ was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues:

Frank Parsons, the father of guidance

The word 'electic' is most closely associated with:

Frederick C. Thorne

A counselor who says he or she practices depth psychology technically bases his or her treatment on:

Freud's topographic hypothesis

______ and ______ would say that regardless of culture, humans have an instinct to fight.

Freud; Lorenz

Ap aptitude test predicts future behavior while an achievement test measures what you have mastered or learned. In the case of a test like the ______ the distinction is unclear:


_____ did research and concluded that intelligence was normally distributed like height or weight and that it was primarily genetic:


______ factors cause Down syndrome, the most common type known as trisomy 21.

Genetic (conditions passed through genes)

Developmental career theorists view career choice as an ongoing or so-called longitudinal process rather than a single decision made at one point in time. The pioneer theorists in this area - who were the first to forsake the matching models - were:

Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma

Which theorist was most concerned with maternal deprivation?

H. Harlow

The researcher who is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation is rhesus monkeys is:

Harry Harlow

Holland relied on a personality theory of career choice. Robert Hoppock's theory, based on the work of ______ is also considered a personality approach:

Henry Murray

Experimenters should always abide by a code of ethics. The variable you manipulate/control in the experiment is the:

IV or independent variable

A game is composed of transactions which end in a bad feeling for at least one player. Games are said to prevent true intimacy. Which other statement is true of games?

In a first-degree game the harm is minimal, but the level of harm is quite serious in a third-degree game

A counselor who possesses a graduate degree wishes to become a licensed psychologist. Which statement most accurately depicts the current situation?

In nearly every case, individuals trained in counseling departments would not be allowed to sit for the EPPP and thus could not become licensed psychologist

In the United States, a frequent practice is to see a perfect stranger for therapy:

In other cultures it would not be the norm to see a stranger and receive pay for providing help

John Krumboltz's learning theory or career counseling (LTCC):

Initially dubbed as a social learning theory. Four factors can be used to simplify the career development process: (1) genetic endowment and unique abilities; (2) environmental conditions and life events; (3) learning experiences (either Pavlovian, social learning theory, or Skinnerian); and (4) task approach skills (problem solving, cognitive responses, and emotional patterns). Research validates the original social learning theory, but additional studies are needed to back up the newer learning theory of career counseling

Which method of reliability testing would be useful with an essay test but not with a test of algebra problems?


All of the following describe the analysis of covariance technique:

It controls for sample differences which exist It helps to remove confounding, extraneous variables It statistically eliminates differences in average values influenced by covariates

A correlation coefficient between variables X and Y is .60. If we square this figure we now have the coefficient of determination or true common variance of 36%. What is the coefficient of non determination that shows unique rather than common variance?

It would be 64%

Ackerman is psychodynamic. Haley is strategic. Minuchin is structural. Bowen is intergenerational. Another well-known intergenerational family therapist would be:

Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (enunciated Naahge)

Classical conditioning relates to the work of:

Ivan Pavlov

The term 'group therapy' was coined in 1931 by:

Jacob Moreno, the father of psychodrama

Nathan Ackerman is considered a famous psychoanalytic family therapist; so are:

James Framo and Robin Skynner

Research into the phenomenon of career maturity reflects the word of:

John Crites

The frustration-aggression theory is associated with:

John Dollard and Neal Miller

As you walk into a professional seminar on career counseling you note that the instructor is drawing a hexagon on the blackboard. The instructor is most likely discussing:

John Holland

Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflects the work of:

John Holland

The terms 'introversion' and 'extroversion' are associated with:


The Kuder Career Planning System (KCPS) would be appropriate for:

K-12, postsecondary, and even adults

Ken's supervisor told Ken to do a meta-analysis related to treated children with sleep disorders:

Ken will use statistics based on numerous studies to investigate the issue

The statement "bad behavior is punished, good behavior is not" is most closely associated with:

Kohlberg's premolar stage at the preconventional level

Which of the following would most likely yield a perfect correlation of 1.00?

Length in inches and length in centimeters

John B. Watson's name is associated with:

Little Albert

Which case is not associated with the psychodynamic movement?

Little Albert

C. G. Jung, the founder of analytic psychology, said men operate on logic of the _____ principle, while women are intuitive, operating on the _____ principle.

Logos; Eros

IQ stands for intelligence quotient, which is expressed by:

MA/CA x 100.

Which of these factors is not delineated by Irvan Yalom as a curative factor:

Manifest dream content and insight into the unconscious mind

In a parametric test the assumption is that the scores are normally distributed. In nonparametric testing the curve is not a normal distribution. Which of theses tests are nonparametric statistical measures?

Mann-Whitney U test, often just called the U test Wilcoxon signed-rank test for matched pairs Soloman and the Kruskal-Wallis H test

In 1908, books by ______ helped to introduce social psychology in America:

McDougall and Ross

Narrative therapy (NT), which highlights stories in counseling, is associated with the work of:

Michael White, his wife Cheryl White, and Davis Epston

Minuchin would often mimic the family's style. This is known as:


Edmund Griffith Williamson's work (or the so-called Minnesota Viewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments such as the:

Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales

Wilderness therapy falls under the auspices of adventure-based therapy. There is no one set model for wilderness therapy. All of the statements below are true about wilderness therapy:

Most counselors believe stricter regulations should be put in place to avoid abuses Effective wilderness therapy settings use little or no force, confrontation, pr point level systems Reports of abuse and even death of youth have surfaced

Mrs. Kim wanted her daughter to attend a private school for gifted children who have very high intelligence. Mrs. Kim's daughter took the Otis-Lennon IQ test. Her t-score was 80. Kim's counselor knew that:

Mrs. Kim would be elated because her daughter scored exceptionally high and would be admitted

In the late 1970s, AACD (known as ACA since 1992) began to focus very heavily on professional credentialing. This led to the formation of the:


By passing the NCE, a counselor can attain the _____, given via NBCC:

NCC, a generic certification for counselors

As a private practice counselor your ______ would be most important in terms of filing claims:

NPI number

The theory of psychodynamic family counseling is primarily associated with:

Nathan Ackerman

The first studies, which demonstrated that animals could indeed be conditioned to control autonomic processes, were conducted by:

Neal Miller

Cybernetics is a concept used by family therapists. It is usually associated with the work of:

Norbert Weiner

Berne suggested three ego states: the Parent, the Adult, and the Child (P-A-C). The Parent ego state is composed of values internalized from significant others in childhood. TA therapists speak of two functions in the Parent ego state, the:

Nurturing Parent and the Critical Parent

The ______ are examples of aptitude tests:

O'NET Ability Profiler and the MCAT

A counselor who is interested in trends in the job market should consult the:


When career counselors speak of the OOH they are referring to the:

Occupational Outlook Handbook

A theorists who views developmental changes as quantitative is said to be an empiricist. The antithesis of this position holds that developmental strides are qualitative. What is the name given to this position?


In transactional analysis (TA), the ______ is the conscience, or ego state concerned with moral behavior, while in Freudian theory it is the ______:

Parent, superego

The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) could be called the Buckley Amendment on your exam since Senator James K. Buckley was a strong supporter. All of these facts are true regarding FERPA:

Parents have access to a minors child's educational records. Children over age 18 can view their own records A parent is able to have the educational record amended In situations involving imminent danger, a counselor could release information to protect the client, others, or ward off harm

The trait-and-factor career counseling, actuarial, or matching approach (which matches clients with a job) is associated with:

Parsons and Williamson

A preschool child's concept of causality is said to be animistic. This means the child attributes human characteristics to inanimate objects. Thus, the child may may fantasize that an automobile or a rock is talking to them. This concept is best related to:

Piaget's preoperational period, ages 2-7 years

All of these philosophers are existentialists except:

Plato and Epictetus

_____ is like looking in a mirror but thinking you are looking out a window:


Which group was most instrumental in opposing counselor licensure?


A behavioristic marriage and family counselor is counseling the entire family together. She turns to the 18-year-old son who is attending community college and says, "I know you like to play golf. Therefore, every time you cut the grass your father will take you to play golf. I am going to have you and your dad sign a contact confirming that you agree with this policy." Which principle is primarily guiding her strategy?

Quid pro quo

Hypothesis testing is most closely related to the work of:

R. A. Fisher

Albert Ellis is to REBT as Maxie C. Maultsby Jr., is to:


The 16 PF reflects the work of:

Raymond B. Cattell

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator reflects the work of:

Raymond B. Cattell

Which statement is true of the person-centered approach?

Reflection is used a lot yet the counselor rarely gives advice

Which statement is true of families?

Remarriage today is common

You have achieved the status of NCC. NBCC, nevertheless, feels you have violated professional ethics. NBCC can do any of the following:

Remove your name from the list of NCCs in the U.S. Revoke your NCC status Note in their newsletter that your NCC status has been revoked

Which counselor would most likely say that we choose a job to meet our needs:

Robert Hoppock

Today the Stanford-Binet is used from age 2 to adulthood. The IQ formula has been replaced by the:


A researcher creates a new motoric test in which clients throw a baseball at a target 40 feet away. Each client is given 100 throws, and the mean on the test is 50. (In other words, out of 100 throws the mean number of times the client will hit the target is 50 times.) Sam took the test and hit the target just two times out of 100 throws allowed. Jeff, on the other hand, hit the target an amazing 92 times out of 100 trails. Using the concept of statistical regression toward the mean the research would predict that:

Sam's score will increase while Jeff's will go down

Mark Savicka's career construction postmodern theory:

Savickas, who worked with Donald Super, is critical of most traditional theories. His work is heavily rooted in narrative therapy in which the client's life is viewed as a story he or she has constructed, and intervention focuses on recurring themes to re-author the story

The career anchor theory was espoused by:


The doctor-patient consultation model relies on four distinct stages: entry, diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation. In order for the doctor-patient structure to work, the consultee (i.e., the person receiving the consultation) must accurately depict symptomatology, trust the consultant's diagnosis, and carry out the consultant's directives. This model is associated most closely with the work of:


Glasser's theory was popularized in educational circles after he wrote:

Schools Without Failure

All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "levels:"

Semiskilled Semiprofessional/small business Professional and managerial

______ is behavioral sex therapy.

Sensate focus

All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "fields:"

Service Science Arts and entertainment

According to the cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger, a woman has an approach-appraoch conflict. She has her choice of a beautiful silver watch and an equally stunning gold watch. Both are different brands. She feels the silver model will be perfect for some of her jewelry and outfits while the gold is ideal for other jewelry and modes of dress. She chooses the silver watch:

She will read positive reviews on the silver watch - and possibly negative reviews about the gold model - after the purchase to justify her behavior and reduce post-decisional dissonance

The statement "the ego is dependent on the id" would most likely reflect the work of:

Sigmund Freud, who created psychodynamic theory

Pick the most accurate statement regarding patients diagnosed with cancer:

Since January 1, 2015 there is no official recognition that a diagnosis of cancer will affect a patient's mental health

Which statement is true?

Single life is short-lived for divorced parents. About 30% of all divorced persons are remarried within 12 months of being divorced.

______ believe that aggression is learned. Thus, a child who witnesses aggressive behavior in adults may imitate the aggressive behavior.

Social learning theorists

______ is associated with obedience and authority:

Stanley Milgram, a noted psychologist

All of the following are difficulties with career testing:

Stereotyping Most instruments take less than an hour to complete The counselor may rely too heavily on test results Many tests are biased in favor of white middle-class clients

In a random sample each individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected. Selection is by chance. In a new study, however, it will be important to include 20% African Americans. What type of sampling procedure will be necessary?

Stratified sampling would be best

Freud's theory speaks of Eros and Thanatos. A client who threatens a self-destructive act is being ruled primarily by:


______ was a prime factor in the history of multicultural counseling:

The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown vs the Board of Education, which outlawed public school segregation

All of these statements are ethnocentric except:

The Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceeds the figure in Mexico

Which statement is true of the trait-and-factor approach to career counseling?

The approach attempts to match the person's traits with the requirements of a job The approach usually relies on psychometric information The approach is associated with the work of Parsons and Williamson

A researcher wants to prove that structural family therapy is the most effective modality. She conducted a study a year ago using a significance level of .05. Several colleagues felt her significance level needed to come down. She thus ran the same basic experiment again with new people using a significance level of .01. Her chances of making a Type I error or so-called alpha error reduced. Now assume you compare her new research to her old research. What could you say about the possibility that her results will indicate that structural family therapy was not significantly different when in reality it truly is significant?

The chance of this occurring increases when compared to the first experiment

______ helped to popularize the multicultural counseling movement.

The civil rights movement

A statement of disclosure could include:

The counselor's qualifications, office hours, and billing policies Emergency procedures and therapy techniques utilized A statement that confidentiality is desirable, but cannot be guaranteed in a group setting

Which statement best depicts a major advantage of group work:

The group work setting is somewhat analogous to the communication and interaction of everyday life

Conversion or reparative therapy is intended to change sexual orientation and behaviors from gay to straight:

The literature in scientific and peer-reviewed journals does not indicate that a person's sexual orientation can be altered from same-sex attraction to opposite-sex attraction

In a counseling research study, two groups of subjects took a test with the same name. However, when they talked with each other they discovered that the questions were different. The researcher assured both groups that they were given the same test. How is this possible?

The researcher gave parallel forms of the same test

An important technique in structural family therapy is joining. Which statement most accurately depicts this intervention?

The therapist meets, greets, and attempts to bond with the family. The therapist will use language similar to that of the family and mimesis which means that he or she will mimic communication patterns

Which statement is true regarding Native American families?

They are a very diverse group as they belong to over 550 state-recognized tribes, with over 220 in Alaska Extended family and the tribe are very significant A high percentage of children have been placed in foster care homes, residential facilities, or adoption homes that are non-Native American

Which statement is true of Latino/a families?

They have a high unemployment rate, often live in poverty, and rarely earn high school diplomas or college degrees

A counseling test consists of 300 forced response items. The person taking the test can take as long as he or she wants to answer the questions:

This is most likely a power test

In your initial disclosure statement it was clearly explained to the client that she must pay her bill in a timely manner. She did not. According to ACA ethical guidelines you can terminate her:

This practice is ethical if you revealed this to the client in the initial disclosure statement

A new IQ test has a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 3. Tom scores 106 on the test. If he takes the test a lot, we can predict that about 68% of the time:

Tom will score between 103 and 109

______ and ______ created a program to help counselors learn accurate empathy:

Truaz; Carkhuff

______ seemingly is related to serotonin in the brain. Deficits of serotonin are thought to cause depression:

Tryptopan, an amino acid

Before ______ child psychologists studied the child, sociologist studied the family, anthropologist studied society, economists analyzed the economic framework, and political scientists investigated the political structure:

Urie Bronfenbrenner

Which is more important, validity or reliability?


Child-centered play therapy (CCPT) is experiencing rapid growth in popularity and spawning research. This modality was created by:

Virginia Mae Axline, an associate of Carl R. Rogers who penned Dibs In Search of Self

Experiential conjoint family therapy is closely related to the work of:

Virginia Satir

Correct treatment match-ups:

Vivitrol for alcoholism Lithium for bipolar disorder Suboxone for opiod dependence

Anne Roe's early childhood needs-theory approach

Vocational choice is related to personality development at a young age. Is the client person-oriented (teaching) or nonperson-oriented (computer programming)? Roe was influenced by Freudian psychoanalytic doctrines (the importance of the parent-child relationship) as well as Maslow. Roe's work has generated a wealth of research. Studies do not totally support this approach, however, it is extremely difficult to control the longitudinal variables involved. The Vocational Interest Inventory (VII) and the Career Occupational Preference System make use of Roe's fields and levels taxonomy

The best IQ test for a 22-year-old single male would be the:


The best intelligence test for a sixth-grade girl would be the:


The best intelligence test for a kindergartner would be the:


A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) answers the question:

Was the money wisely spent or does the counseling center need a new program?

Historically speaking, the first psychology laboratory was set up by:

Wilhelm Wundt, in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany

All of these theorists could be associated with the analytic movement except:


Counseling became popular after the 1931 publication of:

Workbook in Vocation by William Proctor, Glidden Ross Benefield, and Gilbert Wrenn

Another type of pre-experimental design is the one-group only posttest design. This is best depicted by:


Frankl is an existentialist. So are:

Yalom and May

You are counseling a 29-year-old man in your private practice who is seeing a primary care physician (PCP) for severe headaches:

You are not required to contact the PCP; however, attempting to secure permission to do so from your client would be considered the ideal course of action

Which of these responses is the best example of the double-blind concept used in Haley's strategic therapy? You are trying to help a client stop smoking:

You hypnotize her and tell her she will never smoke another cigarette again. After you awaken her you admonish her to smoke as many cigarettes as she can for the first three days

A client wants to read her record. What is accurate?

You should allow her to read the record or a summary of it because she has an ethical right to do so You should allow her to read the record realizing that it is best if you enter the information as soon as possible after the session and then sign and date the entry since your agency inputs the client's record on a computer, each entry will be dated and have a time on it. You could then print the document for her perusal

You conduct a true experiment. The results between the several groups are statistically significant. You have rejected the null hypothesis:

You should still provide an effect size (ES) statistic

A question on your comprehensive exam asks you to compute the coefficient of determination. You are given a correlation coefficient of .70. How would you mathematically accomplish this task?

You would square the .70

The term 'reentry woman' would best describe:

a 29-year-old female who was babysitting in her home but is currently working at a fast-food restaurant

You are a school counselor who wishes to refer a student with an orthopedic disability to a private therapist. In general, the best referral would be to:


A researcher performs a study that has excellent external or so-called population validity, meaning that the results have generalizability. To collect his data the researcher gave clients a rating scale in which they were to respond with strongly agree, somewhat agree, neutral, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree. This is:

a Likert Scale

A teenager in a residential facility has earned enough tokens to buy his favorite brand of candy bar. The candy bar is:

a back-up reinforcer

______ is a biofeedback device:

a bathroom scale

The model Krumboltz suggested is:

a behavioristic model of career development

A bimodal distribution has two modes (i.e., most frequently occurring scores). Graphically, this looks roughly like:

a camel's back with two humps

Madanes advocated pretend techniques that are somewhat paradoxical. An example might be:

a child who has panic attacks pretends to have one during the session and the parents pretend to help him

Person-centered counseling would prove least effective with:

a client who is not very verbal

It's easiest to empathize with:

a client who is similar to you

A counselor is using the memory device: IS PATH WARM? He is most likely working with:

a client whom he feels could be suicidal

In terms of diagnosis:

a client's behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another

According to Carl Whitaker:

a co-therapist is helpful

A classical experiment in social psychology was conducted by the social psychologist Muzafer Sherif et al. at a boys' summer camp near Robbers' Cave, Oklahoma. The important finding in this study was that:

a cooperative, or so-called superordinate, goal attained only by working in a joint manner, can bring two hostile groups together, thus reducing competition and enhancing cooperation

A sociogram is to a counseling group as a scattergram is to:

a correlation coefficient

Strategic family counselors often rely on relabeling or reframing. A client says his girlfriend yells at him ever time he engages in a certain behavior. The best example of reframing or relabeling would be:

a counselor who remarks, "Research seems to show that when she yells at you it is because she loves you so much. A woman often feels foolish if she hugs or kisses you in a situation like that."

Sex-role stereotyping would imply that:

a counselor would only consider traditional feminine careers for his female client, a male counselor would rate a female client's emotional status differently than he would a male client's

A group is classified as secondary. This implies that:

a difficulty or disturbance is present

A client who is having panic attacks is told to practice relaxing his jaw muscle for three minutes per day. The counselor here is:

a directive

NBCC ethics caution counselors against sexual harassment. An example of an ethics violation in this respect would be:

a female counselor who tells a male client how sexy his hairy chest looks when he leaves his shirt unbuttoned. The male client blushes and appears uncomfortable.

Gestalt means:

a form, figure, or configuration unified as a whole

Bowen popularized a three-generational pictorial diagram as a therapy tool. This is known as:

a genogram

Holland believed that:

a given occupation will tend to attract persons with similar personalities

One future trend which seems contradictory is that some experts are pushing for:

a greater reliance on tests while others want to rely on them less

Some theorists object to the word 'unstructured' in group work because:

a group cannot not have structure

A major limitation related to group work is that:

a group leader can lose control and members could experience emotional harm

A test battery is considered:

a horizontal test

The ordinal scale rank orders variables, though the relative distance between the elements is not always equal. An example of this would be:

a horse categorized as a second-place winner in a race

Experts firmly believe that a common weakness in many groups is:

a lack of goal setting

According to Eric Berne a life script is actually:

a life drama or plot based on unconscious decisions made early in life

A registry would be:

a list of licensed psychologists in the state of Illinois a list of CRCs in the United States

According to the Premack principle, an efficient reinforcer is what the client himself or herself likes to do. Thus, in this procedure:

a lower-probability behavior is reinforced by a higher-probaility behavior

One distinct disadvantage of an open group is that:

a member who begins after the first meeting has missed information or experiences

A group has:

a membership which can be defined, some degree of unity and interaction, a shared purpose

Balance theory postulates:

a move from a cognitive inconsistency to consistency and a tendency to achieve a balanced cognitive state

Postmodernist Tom Anderson, a psychiatrist from Norway, became disenchanted with traditional family therapy. He began using a radical approach based primarily on:

a one-way mirror and a reflecting treatment team

According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (also known as the Buckley Amendment):

a parent can see his or her daughter's middle school record an 18-year-old college student can view his or her own educational record

A reliability coefficient of 1.00 indicates:

a perfect score which as no error

The significance of the Little Albert experiment by John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner was that:

a phobia could be a learned behavior

A word association test would be an example of:

a projective test

According to the OOH, the highest-paying profession would be:

a psychiatrist

A researcher takes a group of clients and gives them a depression inventory. He then provides each client with two sessions of brief solution-oriented therapy and gives them the same depression inventory. A t test is used to compare the two sets of scores on the same people (i.e., the before and after measures of depression). This would be:

a related measures within-subject design

Social exchange theory postulates that:

a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than the costs

When a counselor reads the journal in this field, it becomes evident that:

a researcher/practitioner split exists in group work

Ethnocentrism promotes:

a sense of patriotism and national sovereignty, stability and pride, yet danger in the nuclear age

In the United States, each socioeconomic group represents:

a separate culture

Group therapy initially flourished in the United States due to:

a shortage of individual therapists during World War II

In psychoanalytic family therapy the word object means:

a significant other with whom a child wishes to bond

The ethical requirement to have a transfer plan in writing would apply to:

a situation in which a counselor became disabled a situation in which a counselor died a situation where a counselor moved to another state

Group specialists define role conflict as:

a situation in which there is a discrepancy between the way a member is expected to behave and the way he or she actually behaves

When a distribution of scores is not distributed normally, statisticians call it:

a skewed distribution

Tests are often classified as speed tests versus power tests. A timed typing test used to hire secretaries would be:

a speed test

The term skeleton keys as used in the Steve de Shazer's brief solution-focused therapy (BSFT) indicates:

a standard or stock intervention that will work for numerous problems

Today, the Stanford-Binet IQ test is:

a standardized measure

The MMPI-2 is:

a standardized personality test

Piaget is:

a structuralist who believes stage changes are qualitative

In a normal curve the mean, the median, and the mode all fall precisely in the middle of the curve. From a graphical standpoint the so-called normal or Gaussian curve (named after the astronomer/mathematician K. F. Gauss) looks like:

a symmetrical bell

To complete a t test you would consult a tabled value of t. In order to see if significant difference exist in an ANOVA you would consult:

a table for F values

A counselor decides to use biofeedback training to help a client raise the temperature in his right hand to ward off migraines. He would utilize:

a temperature trainer

Test bias primarily results from:

a test being normed solely on white middle-class clients

Client should know that:

a test is merely a single source of data and not infallible

From a purely statistical standpoint, in order to compare a control group (which does not receive the IV or experimental manipulation) to the experimental group the researcher will need:

a test of significance

When a counselor refers to a counseling paradigm, she really means:

a treatment model

The Heinz dilemma is to Kohlberg's theory as:

a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered

Francis Galton felt intelligence was:

a unitary factor

Most research in the area of career development and its relationship to students indicates that:

a very high proportion of students in high school and at the junior high or middle school level wanted guidance in planning a career. Career interests are more stable after college

Consulting is included in ethical guidelines. Consultation can best be defined as:

a voluntary relationship between a professional helper and a help-needing individual, group, or social unit in which the consultant helps define or solve problems related to clients, the client system, or work-related issue

A counselor wins the lottery and closes her practice without telling her clients. This counselor's course of action is best described as:


The x axis is used to plot the IV scores. The x axis could also be called the ______ on your exam:


Piaget's final stage is known as the formal operational stage. In this stage:

abstract thinking emerges and problems can be solved using deduction

Mr. Donald is seeing you for a gambling addition problem. Several years ago he won a huge amount of money at the casino from a slot machine. As soon as he pulled the handle he snapped his fingers. Now he always snaps his fingers after he pulls a slot machine handle. His superstition can best be explained by:

accidental reinforcement

State laws can govern title usage and practice, however, they do not govern:


REBT suggests the ABC theory of personality in which A is the ______, B is the ______, and C is the ______:

activating event; belief system; emotional consequences

In social psychology, the sleeper effect asserts that:

after a period of time, one forgets the communicator but remembers the message

PL 94-142 (the Education for All Handicapped Children Act) states that:

all children between the ages of 5 and 21 are assured free education handicapped persons are placed in the least-restrictive environment (LRE) an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed for each child

The word 'personalism' in the context of multicultural counseling means:

all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands

An Asian American counselor says to an African American client, "If you're unhappy with the system, get out there and rebel. You can change the system." This is the _____ viewpoint for coping with the environment:


There are behavioral, structural, and maturational theories of development. The maturational viewpoint utilizes the plant growth analogy, in which the mind is seen as being driven by instincts while the environment provides nourishment, this placing limits on development. Counselors who are maturationists:

allow clients to work through early conflicts

If a researcher changes the significance level from .05 to .001, then:

alpha erros decrease; however, beta errors increase

Type I and Type II errors are called _____ and ______ respectively:

alpha; beta

In the Galett Model the predicative system deals with:

alternatives and the probability of outcomes

You are the owner of a counseling practice. You make the sole decision which counselor receives the new referrals. According to new ACA ethics on fee splitting:

although many counselors believe this is controversial, it is unethical based on the fact that charging a percentage of the payment rate per client appears to be a kickback scheme similar to accepting a referral fee

According to researchers, groups are effective:

although researchers cannot pinpoint precisely why this is true

A valid test is _____ reliable:


The word dynamic means the group is:

always changing

A counselor who remarks that firstborn children are usually conservative but display leadership qualities is most likely:

an Adlerian who believes behavior must be studied in a social context; never in isolation

A group setting has a flexible seating arrangement in which clients are free to sit wherever they wish. In this setting it is likely that:

an Asian American leader and an Asian American client would sit close together a Cuban male client in a designer suit and an Asian male client in another brand of designer suit will sit close together

The interval scale has numbers scaled at equal distances but has no absolute zero point. Most tests used in school fall into this category. You can add and subtract using interval scales but cannot multiply or divide. An example of this would be that:

an IQ of 70 is 70 points below an IQ of 140, yet a counselor could not assert that a client with an IQ of 140 is twice as intelligent as a client with an IQ of 70

The NCE is:

an achievement test

Eleanor Gibson researched the matter of depth perception in children by utilizing:

an apparatus known as a visual cliff

Counselors who support John Holland's approach believe that:

an appropriate job allows one to express his or her personality

During a counseling session Mrs. Sander's 13-year-old daughter Jamie tries to speak. Mrs. Sanders says, "I told you not to say anything." Her daughter wants to know why she cannot talk. Mrs. Sanders replies, "Because I'm the parent, end of discussion young lady." According to the parenting typology of Diana Baumring, Mrs. Sanders is:

an authoritarian parent

Milgram discovered that normal people would administer seemingly fatal electric shocks to others when instructions to do so were give by a person perceived as:

an authority figure

A young Latino male is the victim of discrimination. His counselor remarks, "I hear what you are saying and I will help you change your thinking so this will not have such a profound impact on you." In this case the counselor has suggested:

an autoplastic method of coping

Bulimia is classified as:

an eating disorder than occurs primarily in women

Urie Bronfenbrenner is one of the codevelopers of the National Head Start Program. He proposed a theory if development that is:

an ecological systems theory

An interest inventory would be least valid when used with:

an eighth-grade male with an IQ of 136

In terms of group risks:

an ethical leader will discuss them during the initial session with a client

A counselor who is alcoholic and suffering from burnout could best be described as:

an impaired professional

A career counselor who relies on the constructivist viewpoint would emphasize that:

an individual's career choice is influenced by his or her personal story and attempt to construct meaning out of the world or work

Your client, who is in an outpatient hospital program, is keeping a journal or irrational thoughts. This would be:

an informal assessment technique

A group member who insists on asking other members inappropriate questions is known as a Peeping Tom or:

an interrogator

The DOT was first published by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1938. The first three digits in a DOT code referred to:

an occupational group

An association that naturally exists, such as an animal salivating (an unconditioned response known as a UR or UCR) when food is presented, is called:

an unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

C.J. Jung felt that society caused men to deny their feminine side known as ______ and women to deny their masculine side known as ______.

anima; animus

The word psychometric means:

any form of mental testing

The Harlow experiments utilizing monkeys demonstrated that animals placed in isolation during the first few months of life:

appeared to be autistic

A client tells his counselor that he has a choice of entering one of two prestigious PhD counseling programs. Kurt Lewin would call this an:

approach-appraoch conflict

The initial group stage has been called forming, orientation, or the preaffiliation stage. This stage is characterized by:

approach-avoidance behavior

A male client tells his counselor that he is attracted to "a gorgeous women who is violent and chemically dependent." This creates an:

approach-avoidance conflict

At its zenith the DOT listed:

approximately 20,000 job titles

The WAIS-IV is given to 100,000 individuals in the United States who are picked at random. A counselor would expect that:

approximately 68% would score between 85 and 115

Jung spoke of a collective unconscious common to all men and women. The material that makes up the collective unconscious, which is passed from generation to generation, is known as:


Elementary school counseling and guidance services:

are a fairly new development which did not begin to gain momentum until the 1960s

Approximately 40% of all elementary schools have shortened recess or playtime. Counselors:

are concerned because some research indicates that recess can have a positive impact since children are less fidgety on days when they have recess; especially if they are hyperactive

In a healthy group, members:

are flexible and can change roles

Edwin Bordin felt that difficulties related to job choice:

are indicative of neurotic symptoms

A client says she has always stayed home and raised her children. Now the children are grown and she is seeking employment. She is best described:

as a displaced homemaker

Carol Gilligan, although she was an assistant to Lawrence Kohlberg, was critical of his theory of moral development:

as she felt it was more applicable to males than females

A counselor identifies herself as an ABA practitioner. The technique she would be least likely to use would be:

asking the client to talk about his dreams as if the dream is occurring in the present

A family wants to see you for counseling; however, they have a very limited income and can't afford to pay. You therefore agree to see the family for free (i.e., pro bono). The term that best describes your actions would be:

aspirational ethics

You have impeccable training and experience as a counseling supervisor. One of your supervises comes in for her session and she is crying uncontrollably because her boyfriend told her he was breaking up with her. It is clear counseling would be beneficial and she asks you for counseling. You should:

assist her in finding an appropriate counselor

Existentialism is to logotherapy as ______ is to behaviorism:


Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to their offspring and:

assumes the normal person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, assumes that heredity characteristics are transmitted by chromosomes, assumes that genes composed of DNA hold a genetic code

John Bowlby as asserted that:

attachment is best explained via the Skinnerian principle

A client whose counselor pushes the alloplastic viewpoint may believe his counselor is simply:

attacking the system

A colleague of yours who is not a certified counselor behaves in an unethical manner. The ethical thing for you to do is:

attempt to rectify the condition via institutional channels, and if this fails report it to regulatory organization

An adept group leader will:

attempt to safeguard clients against risks work to reduce risks and dangers

An eclectic counselor:

attempts to choose the best theoretical approach based on the client's attributes, resources, and situation

One major category of career theory is known as the trait-factor (also called the trait and factor) approach. It has also been dubbed the actuarial or matching approach. This approach:

attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). The approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person

In the late 1930s researchers identified three basic leadership styles:

autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire

An alcoholic is given Antabuse, which is a drug that causes nausea when paired with alcohol. This technique is called:

aversive conditioning

When an adolescent complains about his or her parents in the group it is best to:

avoid taking sides but help him or her see the parents' point of view via a therapeutic technique such as role-playing

When a person has two negative alternatives, it is called an:

avoidance-avoidance conflict

Gestalt therapy emphasizes:

awareness in the here and now and dream work

A client says, "I lost my job and it's the most terrible thing in the world." This client is engaging in:

awfulizing and terriblizing, also known as catastrophizing

Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice:

based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need

The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is:

based on the work of Holland and yields scores on his six types self-administered self-score and self-interpreted

Allen E. Ivey has postulated three types of empathy:

basic, subtractive, and additive

Gay men and women:

basically have the same range of gender-role behaviors as do male and female heterosexuals

According to the risky shift phenomenon, a group decision will:

be less conservative than the average group member's decision, prior to the group discussion

A counselor created an achievement test with a reliability coefficient of .82. The test is shortened since many clients felt it was too long. The counselor shortened the test but logically assumed the reliability coefficient would now:

be lower than .82

You are a licensed professional counselor in one state but will soon relocate to another state. The new state informs you that they will grant you reciprocity or so-called endorsement. You will thus:

be permitted to practice in the new state based on your current credentials without taking another exam

A group of first-semester graduate students in counseling took an experimental counseling exam that was much more difficult than the NCE. All of the students scored very low. A distribution of their scores would:

be positively skewed

A displaced homemaker might have grown children or:

be widowed and seeking employment be divorced and seeking employment

Feminist therapy criticizes traditional therapies:

because they are androcentric (i.e., they use male views to analyze the personality) because they are gendercentric centric (i.e., they assume that there are two separate psychological developmental patterns - one for men and one for women). because they emphasize heterosexism and debase same-sex relationships

According to the Freudians, if a child is severely traumatized, he or she may _______ a given psychosexual stage.

become fixated at

Most experts predict that in the twenty-first century, theories of counseling and psychotherapy will:

become more integrative, since about 30-50% of all therapists say they are eclectic

A behavioristic family counselor suggests that the family chart the number of times that 6-year-old Billy says "no" when he is told to do something. The baseline of the chart would refer to the period:

before the behavior modification begins

Group planning occurs:

before the group begins and continues throughout the life of the group

The term 'contextualism' implies that:

behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs

A counselor who utilizes the term 'instinctual' technically means:

behavior that manifests itself in all normal members of a given species

Traditionally, ______ counseling has caused the most ethical concerns:


A counselor utilizes role-playing combined with a hierarchy of situations in which the client is ordinarily nonassertive. Assertiveness trainers refer to this as:

behavioral rehearsal

Nathan Adrian studied with B. F. Skinner. His job club groups are based on:

behaviorism based somewhat on positive reinforcement

A counselor suggests that her client join an assertiveness training group. Most assertiveness training groups are:

behavioristic and highly structured

Although behavior therapy purports to be highly scientific, it has been criticized on the grounds that it is simplistic, and does not deal with underlying causes. Existential therapy on the other hand, has been criticized for:

being too vague regarding techniques and procedures

In Freud's psychodynamic theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologist:

believe in man's powers of reasoning to control behavior

Our culture is more diverse than in the past. Multicultural counselors often work with persons who are culturally different. This means the client:

belongs to a different culture from the helper

A counselor instructs her client to read 'A Guide to Rational Living' by Albert Ellis and Robert Harper. This is an example of:


A professor of counselor education hypothesized that biofeedback training could reduce anxiety and improve the average score on written board exams. If this professor decides to conduct a formal experiment the IV will be the ______, and the DV will be the ______:

biofeedback; board exam score

TA life positions were made famous by Tom Harris's book 'I'm OK - You're OK.' The title of the book illuminates a healthy life position. The life position tells the counselor how a person goes about receiving strokes or recognition. A person categorized by the position "I'm OK - You're Not OK:"

blames other for misery

A leader who wishes to stop inappropriate discussion should rely on:


John Bowlby, the British psychiatrist, is most closely associated with:

bonding and attachment

In terms of parenting young children:

boys are punished more than girls

A man has a rare, highly contagious disease that is fatal. He is keeping it a secret and insists that he will never tell his wife. You should:

break confidentiality and tell his wife

The final group stage (also called the termination stage) is geared toward:

breaking away

A behavioristic counselor decides upon aversive conditioning as the treatment of choice for a gentleman who wishes to give up smoking. The counselor begins by taking a baseline. This is accomplished:

by charting the occurrence of the behavior prior to any therapeutic intervention

An 11-year-old child comes to your office with a black eye and tells you she can't remember how she received it. You have reason to suspect abuse. You should:

call the child abuse/neglect hotline

According to the human growth and development notion of plasticity every client you see:

can alter his or her traits at any point in the life span

Special career counseling groups can be set up. Some examples include a group with displaced homemakers or persons receiving public assistance. Groups of this nature:

can be very helpful

A client who takes a normative test:

can legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test

According to expert John Krumboltz:

career decision issues are crucial in terms of one's happiness

Talking about difficulties in order to purge emotions and feelings is a curative process known as:

catharsis and/or abreaction

You secure a job as the executive director of a family counseling agency. As you go through your files you discover that five years before you took the job the agency selected 100 families and counseled them using a strict behaviorist model. The agency took the next group of 100 families and counseled them using Satir's experiential conjoint family therapy model. Each family received 12 sessions of therapy and each family took a before and after assessment that accurately depicted how well the family was functioning. You decide to run a t test to examine whether or not a statistically significant difference is evident between the two approaches. This is:

causal comparative or ex post facto (i.e., after the fact) research

Three years ago an inpatient addiction treatment center in a hospital asked their clients if they would like to undergo an archaic form of therapy created by Wilhelm Reich known as "vegotherapy." Approximately half of the clients stated they would like to try the treatment while the other 50% state that they would stick with the tried-and-true program of the center. Outcome data on their drinking was compiled at the end of seven weeks. Today - three years later - a statistician compared the two groups based on their drinking behavior at the end of the seven weeks using a t test. This study could best be described as:

causal comparative research

A child who focuses exclusively on a clown's red nose but ignores the clown's other features would be illustrating the Piagetian concept of:


A client undergoing gestalt therapy who states "It is difficult to get a job in New York City" would be asked by the counselor to:

change the verbalization to an "I" statement

A group therapist is constructing a diagram to better understand the dynamics between subgroups and members. This is called:

charting a pictorial sociogram

Family counselors generally believe in:

circular/reciprocal causality (e.g., dynamics of family members)

Linda Gottfredson's developmental theory of career focus on:

circumscription and compromise theory

Counselors can more easily advise:

clients from their own culture

Counselors often shy away from self-reports since:

clients often give inaccurate answers

The three factors which enhance interpersonal attractions are:

close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs

A good guess would be that if you would correlate the length of CACREP graduates' baby toes with their CPCE scores the result would be:

close to 0.00

Groups can be open or closed. The two differ in that:

closed groups allow no new members after the group begins

Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with:

cognitive and attitude formation

Neuroscience seems to show that:

cognitive therapy could raise serotonin, the feel good chemical in the brain, just like antidepressant pharmaceuticals

Ted has always felt inferior intellectually. He currently works out at the gym at least four hours daily and is taking massive doses of dangerous steroids to build his muscles. The ego defense mechanism in action here is:


Key areas that often cause problems for the counselor's self-image are:

competence, power, and intimacy

The System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI) and 'Choices' are:

computer-assisted career guidance systems (CACG)

One major testing trend is:

computer-assisted testing and computer interpretations

A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known as:

concrete operations - ages 7-11 years

In Pavlov's famous experiment using dogs, the bell was the ______ and the meat was the ______:

conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus

Most ethical dilemmas are related to:


A client is demonstrating inconsistent behavior. She is smiling but says that she is very sad about what she did. When her counselor points this out to her, the counselor's verbal response is known as:


An African American client tells a white counselor that the dance she went to last night was "bad," though she literally means it was good. The counselor's misunderstanding could best be described as a:

connotative error

In Kohlberg's first or preconventional level, the individual's moral behavior is guided by:


The newest career theory would be:

constructivist and cognitive approaches

Ethical dilemmas rarely have clear-cut answers. Thus when a complex ethical situation manifests itself, it is best to:

consult with colleagues as well as ethical codes inasmuch as legal standards are very often based on the methods of fellow professionals in analogous situations

During a counseling session a 42-year-old male client threatens suicide. You should:

contact his wife and advise her of possible suicide precautions

A reinforcement schedule gives the guidelines or rules for reinforcement. If a reinforcer is given every time a desired response occurs, it is known as:

continuous reinforcement

In order for the professor of counselor education to conduct an experiment regarding his hypothesis he will need a(n) ______ and a(n) ______:

control group; experimental group

Reality therapy has incorporated:

control theory, later referred to as choice theory

Holland did indeed believe in career stereotypes. In other words the person psychologically defines himself or herself via a given job. Thus, a bookkeeper or a clerical worker would primarily fit into the ______ category:


Dr. X discovered that the correlation between the therapists who hold NCC status and therapist who practice systematic desensitization if .90. A student who perused Dr. X's research told his fellow students that Dr. X had discovered that attaining NCC status causes therapist to become behaviorally oriented. The student is incorrect because:

correlation does not imply causal

Dr. X discovered that the correlation between therapist who hold the NCC status and therapists who practice systematic desensitization is .90. A student who perused Dr. X's research told his fellow students that Dr. X had discovered that attaining NCC status causes therapists to become behaviorally oriented. The student is incorrect because:

correlation does not imply causal

Freud and Erikson

could be classifies as maturationists

According to Public Law 93-380, also known as the Buckley Amendment, a 19-year-old college student attending college:

could view her record, which included test data could view her daughter's infant IQ test given at preschool could demand a correction she discovered while reading a file

Your client was seeing Dr. Doyle for counseling for three years. The client has now stopped seeing Dr. Doyle and has an appointment to see you. You should:

counsel the client

A counselor advises a female to steer clear of police work as he feels this is a male occupation. This suggests:

counselor bias based on gender bias

APA is to psychologist as ACA is to:


One possible negative aspect of counselor licensure is that:

counselors may not be as creative during their graduate work and simply take courses aimed at fulfilling the requirements to take the licensure exam

Switching the order in which stimuli are presented to a subject in a study is known as:


A 72-year-old woman you are counseling in a family reminds you of your mother and this is bringing up unresolved childhood issues for you as the counselor. This is an example of:


A counselor who is obsessed with the fact that a client missed his or her session is the victim of:


You find yourself sexually attracted to a client. This is known as:


A counselor has an obese client imagine that he is terribly sick after eating a high-caloric, high-fat meal. The client then imagines a pleasant scene in which his eating is desirable. This technique is called:

covert sensitization

John Gottman is known for:

creating a paradigm to predict which marriages would likely end in divorce

America has been called the most diverse country on the face of our planet. Counseling a client from a different social and/or cultural background is known as:

cross-cultural counseling, multicultural counseling, intercultural counseling

Culture is really a set of rules, procedures, ideas, and values shared by members of a society. Culture is said to be normative. This implies that:

culture provides individuals with standards of conduct

John B. Watson is to cause as Mary Coover Jones is to:


Culture refers to:

customs shared by a group which distinguish it from other groups, values shared by a group that are learned from others in the group. attitudes, beliefs, arts, and language which characterize members of a group often passed from generation to generation

Counseling is a relatively new profession. The first counselor in the United States were not called counselors. They were:

deans and advisers employed after the Civil War in college settings to watch over young women


decreases the probability that a behavior will occur

A client goes to a string of 14 chemical dependency centers that operate on the 12-step model. When his current therapist suggests a new inpatient program the client responds with, "What for, I already know the 12-steps?" This client is using:

deductive logic

A counselor reveals information that is extremely damaging to a client's reputation. This counselor could be accused of:


Experimental is to cause and effect as correlation is to:

degree of relationship

A counselor educator, Dr. Y, is doing research on this classes. He hypothesizes that is he reinforces students in his morning class by smiling each time a student asks a relevant question, then more students will ask questions and exam grades will go up. Betty and Linda accidentally overhear Dr. Y discussing the experiment with the department chair. Betty is a real people please and decides that she will ask lots of questions and try to help Dr. Y confirm his hypothesis. Linda, nevertheless, is angry that she is being experimented on and promises Betty that Dr. Y could smile until the cows came in but she still wouldn't ask a question. Both Linda and Betty exemplify:

demand characteristics of experiments

A teenager who had his heart set on winning a tennis match broke his arm in an auto accident. He sends in an entry form to play in the competition which begins just days after the accident. His behavior is influenced by:



describes an individual with male and female sexual characteristics and possibly male and female internal or external sex organs

A statistical norm measures actual conduct, while a cultural norm:

describes how people are supposed to act

Freud (psychoanalysis) view of clients:

deterministic; people are controlled by biological instincts; are unsocialized, irrational; driven by unconscious forces such as sex and aggression

The 1950s was the age of tremendous stride in:

developmental psychology

Glasser's position on mental illness is that:

diagnostic labels give clients permission to act sick or irresponsible

A true/false test has ______ recognition items:


Most experts would agree that the Wechsler IQ tests gained popularity, as the Binet:

didn't seem to be the best test for adults

Two 18-year-olds are given the exact same dosage of an antidepressant medication. One indicates that the medicine makes her feel "great" while the other insists the intervention makes her "very tired." This can most likely be attributed to:

differential sensitivity

The ______ index indicates the percentage of individuals who answered each item correctly:


Simon and Binet pioneered the first IQ test around 1905. The test was created to:

discriminate children without an intellectual disability from children with an intellectual disability

A family member who is emotionally distant is:


A man receives a nickel an hour pay raise. He was expecting a 1 dollar per house raise. He is furious but nonassertive. He thus smiles and thanks his boss. That night he yells at his wife for no apparent reason. This is an example of:


The ABC theory of personality postulates that the intervention the occurs at D, ______ leads to E, _______:

disputing the irrational behavior at B; a new emotional consequence

Sybil was a famous client who has 15 personalities. At the time Sybil was said to suffer from multiple personality disorder (MPD). Today her diagnosis would be:

dissociative identity disorder

A counselor who is genuine:

does not role-play someone he or she is not, so as to be accepted by the client and does not change his or her true values from session to session

A large study at a major university gave an experimental group of clients a new type of therapy that was intended to ameliorate test anxiety. The control group did not receive the new therapy. Neither the client nor the researchers knew which students received the new treatment. This was a:

double-blind study

In terms of leisure time and dual-career families/couples:

dual-career families/couples have less leisure time

Aaron T. Beck, an ex-psychoanalytic psychiatrist who created the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a self-report questionnaire, also developed an approach known as cognitive therapy. Although cognitive therapy is similar to REBT, Beck insisted that:

dysfunctional ideas are too absolute and broad though not necessarily irrational

Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson agreed that:

each developmental stage needed to be resolved before an individual could move on to the next stage

A test format could be normative or ipsative. In the normative format:

each item is independent of all other items

Multicultural counseling promotes:


If you think of the mind as a seesaw, then the fulcrum or balancing apparatus would be the:


Unconscious processes, which serve to minimize anxiety and protect the self from severe id or superego demands, are called:

ego defense mechanisms

Construct validity refers to the extent that a test measures an abstract trait or psychological notion. An example would be:

ego strength

A person who can look back on his or her life with few regrets feels:

ego-integrity in Erikson's integrity vs despair stage

A counselor is confronted with his or her first Native American client. Native Americans (also called American Idians on some exams) are descendants of the original inhabitant of North America. After the initial session, the counselor secures several books which delineate the cultural aspects of Native American life. She discovers that there are 560 federally recognized tribes in the United States. This counselor most likely believes in the:

emic viewpoint

In the person-centered approach, an effective counselor must posses:

empathy, congruence, genuineness, and demonstrate unconditional positive regard to create a desirable "I-Thou relationship"

The human relations core for effective counseling includes:

empathy, positive regard (or respect), and genuineness

In the 1960s C. Gilbert Wrenn's book, The Counselor in a Changing World, urged counselors to:

emphasize developmental concerns rather than merely focusing on crises and curing emotional illness

A 16-year-old girl threatens to kill herself and you fail to inform her parents. Your behavior as a counselor is best described as:

en example of negligence, which is a failure to perform a duty, and in this instance is an obligation to protect the client

A family is seeing a structural family therapist because there is a huge argument every time the subject of the 16-year-old daughter's boyfriend comes up. The therapist says, "Okay, I want you to play like you are at home and act out precisely what transpires when the subject of your daughter's boyfriend is mentioned." The structural family therapist is using a technique called:


The order of the four processes that MI uses is:

engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning

Holland's theory would predict that the vice president of the United States would be:


One method of testing reliability is to give the same population alternate forms of the identical test. Each form will have the same psychometric/statistical properties as the original instrument. This is known as:

equivalent or alternate forms reliability

A practicum supervisor who says to his or her supervisee "You can deal with your Asian American clients the same as you deal with anyone else" is espousing the:

etc viewpoint, derived from the term 'phonetic' referring to sounds that remain the same in any language

The statement "All humans, from all cultures, all races, and all nations, are more alike than different" is based on the:

etic viewpoint

According to assimilation-contrast theory, a client will perceive a counselor's statement that is somewhat like his or her own beliefs as even more similar (i.e., as assimilation error). He or she would perceive any dissimilar attitudes as:

even more dissimilar (i.e., a contrast error)

Adler was one of the first therapists who relied on paradox. Using this strategy, a client (who was a student in a counselor preparation program) who was afraid to give a presentation in front of his counseling class for fear he might shake and embarrass himself would be instructed to:

exaggerate the behavior and really do a thorough job shaking in front of the class

When counselors state that privileged communication is "qualified," they actually mean that:

exceptions may exist

All of the following statements regarding reality therapy are true:

excuses are not excepted the unconscious is avoided therapy is concerned primarily with the here and now

Roger's approach is characterized as a(n) ______ approach:

existential or humanistic

Fankl (logotherapy) view of clients:

existential view is that humans are good, rational, and retain freedom of choice

The fastest growing clientele for professional counselors are persons:

experiencing marriage and family problems

The department chair was further amused by the poodle's tendency to be able to discriminate one CS from another. He thus told the students to teach the dog to salivate only to the horn on his Ford but not one of a graduate student's Chevrolet truck. In reality, the horns on the two vehicles sounded nearly identical. The training was seemingly unsuccessful inasmuch as the dog merely took to very loud barking. In this case:

experimental neurosis set in

The counselor's social power is related to:

expertise, attractiveness, and trustworthiness

A gay male protests that he is unhappy with his sexual preference and wants to lead a heterosexual lifestyle. He tells you that he wants a family and children. You should:

explain that homosexuality is not a mental disorder that needs to be changed

Your sexual attraction toward your client is hindering the counseling process. You should:

explain this to the client and then refer the client to another provider

Rogers emphasized congruence in the counselor. Congruence occurs when:

external behavior matches an internal response or state

During a family counseling session, a 6-year-old girl repeatedly sticks her tongue out at the counselor, who is obviously ignoring the behavior. The counselor is practicing:


In one experiment, a dog was conditioned to salivate to a bell paired with a fast-food cheeseburger. The researcher then kept ringing the bell without giving the dog the cheeseburger. This is known as:

extinction, and the salivation will disappear

Test scores on an exam that fell below 3 SD of the mean or above 3 SD of the mean could be described as:


Counselors who have good listening skills:

facilitate therapeutic surrender

In a new experiment, a counselor educator wants to ferret out the effects of more than one IV. She will use a ______ design:


Initially, Ginzberg and his associates viewed career choice as irreversible and the result of compromises between wishes and realistic possibilities. This theory identified three stages of career development:

fantasy (birth to age 11), tentative (ages 11-17), and realistic (age 17 to early twenties)

Roe was the first career specialist to utilize a two-dimensional system of occupational classification utilizing:

fields and levels

Statistically speaking, males typically use ______ and females use _____ to commit suicide:

firearms; poison

A client wants his records sent to a psychiatrist he is seeing. You should:

first have the client sign a dated release of information form that stipulates whether the information can be released once (or for what period of time it can be released) and then you can send the information

Super's life-span theory emphasized ______ life stages:


Perls suggested _______ which must be peeled away to reach emotional stability:

five layers of neurosis

A counseling agency decides to pay their employees once a week. The agency is using a:

fixed interval (FI) schedule of reinforcement

Ritualistic behaviors, which are common to all members of a species, are known as:

fixed-action patterns elicited by sign stimuli

Good multicultural counselors are:


Social cognitive counseling theory (SCCT):

focuses on how one's belief system impacts career choice

The ACA and the ASGW division recommend screening for potential group members:

for all groups

The NCE and the CPCE would be examples of a(n) ______ test:

forced choice

Group cohesiveness refers to:

forces which tend to bind group members together

Standardized tests always have:

formal procedures for test administration and scoring

The DSM-5 no longer uses a multiaxial classification system or GAF scale. Diagnostic codes have _____ digits:

four or five

A therapist who says to a patient "Say whatever comes to mind" is practicing:

free association

A short answer test is a(n) _____ test:

free choice

Existential counselors emphasize the client's:

free choice, decision, and will

A female group member is obviously not participating. A group member playing the ______ is most likely to mention this and urge her to participate:


The ______ may secretly wish that he or she was running the group:


A client who says, "I feel I cannot really become an administrator in our agency because I am a woman" is showing an example of:

gender bias

Counselors who work as consultants:

generally do not adhere to one single theory

You are counseling your first cousin for depression. This is:

generally unethical as it would constitute a dual or so-called multiple relationship

In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crisis occur?

generativity vs stagnation

In terms of genetics, Roe's theory would assert that:

genetics help to determine intelligence and education, and hence this influences one's career choice

Eric Berne created transactional analysis (TA). The model was popularized via his books 'Games People Play' and 'What Do You Say After You Say Hello?' TA therapists are most likely to incorporate ______ in the treatment process:

gestalt therapy

Eric Berne is to TA as Fritz Perls is to:

gestalt therapy

You are conducting a program evaluation (PE) for your 501(c)(3) nonprofit counseling agency. You should begin by:

getting the support of the staff, administration, and clients

When comparing girls to boys, it could be noted that, in general:

girls grow up to smile more, girls are using more feeling words by age 2, girls are better able to read people without verbal cues at any age

A new IQ test which yielded results nearly identical to other standardized measures would be said to have:

good concurrent validity

Group norms:

govern acceptable behavior and group rules

A counselor educator is teaching two separate classes in individual inventory. In the morning class the counselor educator has 53 students and in the afternoon class she has 177 students. A statistician would expect that the range of scores on a test would be:

greater in the afternoon class than the morning class

The ______ movement began in the late 1960s:


The study of group operations is often called:

group dynamics

Experts predict that in the future:

group leaders will be more like life-skills trainers

Group IQ tests like the Otis-Lennon, the Lorge-Thorndike, and the California Test of Mental Abilities are popular in school settings. The advantage is that:

group tests are quicker to administer

Some theorists feel that group therapy differs from group counseling (which is also called an interpersonal problem-solving group) in that:

group therapy, also dubbed as a personality reconstruction group, would be of longer duration

In some literature, group cohesiveness, or "we-ness," is known as:

group unity

What Jay Haley began investigating psychotherapy he:

had a degree in the arts and communication rather than the helping professions

The autocratic or authoritarian leader may give orders to the group, while the laissez faire leader:

has a hands-off policy and participates very little, with the group basically taking responsibility for itself

Overall, Rogerian person-centered counseling:

has been used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races

A mother insists on accompanying her 20-year-old daughter on a date. A structural therapist would assume that the family:

has diffuse boundaries

Regardless of culture, the popular individual:

has good social skills

Kohlberg's highest level of morality is termed 'postconventional morality.' Here the individual:

has self-imposed morals and ethics

In strategic family counseling the person with the power in the family:

has the authority to make rules and enforce them

A person who lives by his or her individual conscience and universal ethical principles:

has, according to Kohlberg, reached the highest stage of moral development and is in the postconventional level of self-accepted moral principles

In a children's career counseling group, the group will help the children:

have a sense of belonging share feelings and ideas engage in desirable peer interaction

A group leader who wishes to assess the impact of the group ideally would:

have an outside "observer" sit in during group sessions and consequently rate the level of behavioral change

A job test which predicted future performance on a job very well would:

have high criterion/predicative validity

Most research would suggest that a woman who has the same intelligence, skills, and potential as a man will often:

have lower career aspirations than a man

Most individuals believe that people whom they perceive as attractive:

have other positive traits

In the case of an individual who purchased a $50,000 watch, cognitive dissonance theory postulates that:

he or she might ignore positive information regarding other models and secure a lot of information regarding the $50,000 mode. He or she might focus heavily on negative information regarding rival models

Six persons attend a counseling group. After the group, five members praise the merits of a group assigned by the group leader. The sixth person, who has heard the opinion of the other five people, felt the activity was useless and boring. According to studies on social behavior, about one third of the time the sixth individuals would most likely tell the other five that:

he too felt the group activity was very helpful

Warren needs to conduct a study. His supervisor wants him to use a parametric inferential statistic. This means that:

he will need to use random sampling and the distribution is normal

Development is cephalocaudal, which means:

head to foot

Viktor Frankl is the father of logo therapy, which is based on existentialism. Logo therapy means:

healing through meaning

In a group, task roles:

help solve problems aid in terms of goal setting and keep the group focused are seen as positive

Maintenance roles, like task roles, are positive since such roles:

help to maintain the group

In the United States, middle- and upper-class citizens seem to want a counselor who:

helps them work it out on their own

A colleague of yours invents a new projective test. Seventeen counselors related the same client using the measure and came up with nearly identical assessments. This would indicate:

high reliability

After a dog is conditioned using the well-known experiment of Pavlov, a light is paired with the bell (the CS). In a short period of time the light alone would elicit the salivation. This is called:

higher-order conditioning

Some behavioral scientists have been critical of Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget's developmental research inasmuch as:

his findings were often derived from observing his own children

A distribution with class intervals can be graphically displayed via a bar graph also called a:


A family that is stable and reaches an equilibrium is in a state of:


Bibliotherapy is a form of:


Strategies that approach the group as a whole are known as:

horizontal interventions

The standard error of measurement tells you:

how accurate or inaccurate a test score is

In the early 1920s, Emory Bogardus developed a social distance scale, which evaluated:

how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups

When developmental theorists speak of nature or nurture they really mean:

how much heredity or environment interact to influence development

A model by Olson, Sprinkle, and Russell suggests that family functioning can be described in two dimensions - cohesion and adaptability. The family therapy term cohesion refers to the level of emotional bonding between family members. Adaptability refers to:

how rigid, structured, flexible, or chaotic the family is

Skinner (behavior modification) view of clients:

humans are like other animals: mechanistic and controlled via environmental stimuli and reinforcement contingencies; not good or bad; no self-determination or freedom

Eric Berne's transactional analysis (TA) posits three ego states: the Child, the Adult, and the Parent. These roughly correspond to Freud's structural theory that includes:

id, ego, and superego

In Minuchin's structural approach, clear boundaries are:

ideal - firm yet flexible

Jane feels very inferior. She is now president of the board at a shelter for the homeless. She seems to be obsessed with her work for the agency and spends every spare minute trying to help the cause. When asked to introduce herself in virtually any social situation, Jane invariably responds with, "I'm the president of the board for the homeless shelter." Jane is engaging in:


Freud felt that successful resolution of the Oedipus complex led to the development of the superego. This is accomplished by:

identification with the aggressor, the parent of the same sex

Although the task roles and maintenance roles are indeed positive, the group can suffer if the group is not flexible and remains in one or the other role too long since:

if a group gets stuck in task roles, interaction suffers if a group gets stuck in maintenance roles, little work (or tasks) will be accomplished

One major disadvantage of a closed group versus an open group is that:

if everyone quits, you will be left with no group members

A counselor decides to treat a client's phobia of flying utilizing Wolpe's technique of systematic desensitization. The first step in the anxiety hierarchy items would be:

imagining that she is calling the airlines for reservations

One distinction between flooding (also known as "deliberate exposure with response prevention" in recent literature) and implosive therapy is that:

implosive therapy is always conducted in the imagination

Prior to the 1960s most counseling took place:

in a dyadic relationship

Krumboltz's social learning theory is sometimes referred to as a cognitive theory because it emphasizes beliefs that clients have about themselves as well as the world of work. When Krumboltz speaks of self-observation generalizations he really means:

in career counseling your primary concern is the manner in which people view themselves and their ability to perform in an occupation

A wealth of research demonstrated that:

in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background

A screening for group members can be done in a group or privately. Although private screening interviews are not as cost effective or as time efficient as group screening, many group leaders feel that private screening sessions are superior:

in terms of counselor-client interaction

According to the fetal origins hypothesis, adult heart disease, some emotional disorders, and type 2 diabetes could be related to:

in utero malnutrition

The major trend that impacted upon the counseling movement in the 1980s:

included an emphasis on professionalism, certification, and licensing

Piaget's preoperational stage:

includes the acquisition of a symbolic schema

Cloe Maddens insisted that symptoms serve a function. A child, for example, sees that her mother is depressed. The daughter throws a glass cup to the floor to break it. This brings her mother out of the depressed state and makes her mother angry and powerful. This is known as:

incongruous hierarchy

Most experts believe that the number of multigenerational families with a child, a parent, and a grandparent living together will:


In experimental terminology IV stands for ______ and DV stands for ______:

independent variable; dependent variable

The trait-and-factor approach fails to take ______ into account:

individual change throughout the life span

Rogers (person-centered) view of clients:

individual is good and moves toward growth and self-actualization

One advantage of group work is that a counselor can see more clients in a given period of time. One disadvantage is that a counselor can be too focused on group processes and:

individual issues are not properly examined

Glasser (reality therapy) view of clients:

individuals strive to meet basic physiological needs and the need to be worthwhile to self and others. Brains as control system tried to meet needs

A researcher studies a single session of counseling in which a counselor treats a client's phobia using a paradoxical strategy. He then writes in his research report that paradox is the treatment of choice for phobics. This is an example of:

inductive logic or reasoning

Your agency used a collection agency when clients don't pay their bills. You should:

inform the client of this before the counseling begins

You are a middle school counselor at a public school. A child is threatening to kill another student and admonishes you to keep it a secret. According to the ethical principle of minimal disclosure the best course of action would be to:

inform the parents of the student in danger, inform the principal, and call the police immediately, discussing only material related to the threat

When a client becomes aware of a factor in his or her life that was heretofore unknown, counselors refer to it as:


In general, behavior modification strategies are based heavily on ______, while behavior therapy emphasizes ______:

instrumental conditioning; classical conditioning Skinnerian principles; Pavlovian principles

Skinner's operant conditioning is also referred to as:

instrumental learning

A person who has successfully mastered Erikson's first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson's final or eighth stage:

integrity vs despair

IQ means:

intelligence quotient

Career counselors refer to job shadowing and volunteering as ______ activities, while reading the job hunting book What Color Is Your Parachute? is ______:

interactive; noninteractive

Occam's Razor suggest that experimenters:

interpret the results in the simplest manner

Experiments emphasize parsimony, which means:

interpreting the results in the simplest way

One of the primary problems of counseling in the early 1960s was that it wrongly emphasized:

intrapsychic processes

A client who has incorporated his father's values into his thought patterns is a product of:


Holland's psychological needs career personality theory would say that a research chemist is primarily the ______ type:


A group leader who is counseling children under 10 years of age could best enhance the treatment process by:

involving parents and asking them for input

Ellis feels that ______ is at the core of emotional disturbances:

irrational thinking at point B

The most effective time interval (temporal relation) between the CS and US:

is .5 or half a second

Multicultural counselors often adhere to the emic viewpoint. The word 'emic:'

is a "culture-specific" perspective, from the word phonemic meaning sounds in a particular language


is a continuous process which begins at conception

Whereas a culture is defined primarily via norma and values, a society differs from a culture in that a society:

is a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a definitive territory

A counselor reading this book says, "I couldn't care less about passing my comprehensive exam." This:

is an attempt to reduce dissonance by denial, thus minimizing tension

The statement "Even thought my car is of and doesn't run well, it sure keeps my insurance payments low:"

is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions

Group career counseling:

is an international phenomenon. It is used in China with college students

The school psychometrician refers to Katie to you for individual counseling. She indicates that Katie's IQ is at the 50th percentile. Katie's IQ:

is approximately 100

The psychometrician calls you to tell you that she has another student, who has an IQ that falls near the 84th percentile. This student's IQ:

is approximately 115

A Type II error:

is called a beta error means you accept null when it is false

A counselor educator is running an experiment to test a new form of counseling. Unbeknownst to the experimenter one of the clients in the study is secretly seeing a gestalt therapist. This experiment:

is confounded/flawed

The fear of death:

is greatest during middle age

The tendency to affiliate with others:

is highest in firstborns and oldest children

A counselor peruses a testing catalog in search of a test which will repeatedly give consistent results. The counselor:

is interested in reliability

When counseling a client from a different culture, a common error is made when negative transference:

is interpreted as therapeutic resistance

The person who becomes overly reasonable:

is likely to engage in the defense mechanism of intellectualization

During a professional staff meeting, a counselor says he is worried that if techniques are implemented to stop a 6-year-old boy from sucking his thumb, then he will begin biting his nails or stuttering. The counselor:

is most likely an analytically trained counselor concerned with symptom substitution

Early vocalization in infants:

is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe

Midlife career change:

is not that unusual

Negative reinforcement requires the withdrawal of an aversive (negative) stimulus to increase the likelihood that a behavior will occur. Negative reinforcement is not used as often as positive reinforcement and:

is not the same thing as punishment

Psychoanalytic practitioners do not attack symptoms directly. Strategic therapy:

is pragmatic and often focuses on abating symptoms

Binge-eating disorder (BED):

is the most common type of eating disorder

In the dual-career family, partners seem to be more self-sufficient than in the traditional family. In a dual-career household, the woman:

is typically secure in her career before she has children

The concept of job clubs as promoted by Azrin et al:

is very behavioristic

John Holland's six personality and six work environments career typology:

is visually depicted with a hexagon that includes six personality types/work environments: realistic (machine shop worker or dog walker), investigative (researcher or chemist), artistic (singer or book author), social (teacher or counselor!), enterprising (sales personnel or business owner), and conventional (secretary or file clerk). RIASEC, if you will. Congruence between the person and the job is emphasized. Person is categorized using three digit codes such as SEC.

Cohesiveness, or group unity, is desirable. It promotes bonding and a sense of "we-ness" between group members. When cohesiveness is strong, nevertheless, it also can be negative as:

it can stunt creativity it can boost conformity

The problem with income-sensitive or sliding fee scales (based on the client's ability to pay) is that:

it is difficult to administer them in a fair manner

In terms of trust and therapeutic surrender:

it is easier to trust people from one's own culture, lower-income people often don't trust others from a higher social class, lower-income clients may feel that they will end up as losers dealing with a counselor from a higher social class

One major advantage of a closed group versus an open group is:

it promotes cohesiveness

You secure a state license and NCC status and open a private practice. Your cousin comes to the agency for supervision to get his state license:

it would be unethical to supervise him

In a culture-fair test:

items are known to the subject regardless of his of her culture

A 37-year-old white male states during a counseling session that he is working as a clerk at Main Street Plumbing. This verbalization depicts the client's:

job or position

According to Glasser, a positive addiction might be:


Carl Whitaker's interaction with the family could best be described as:

joining the family and experiencing it as if he were a family member

During a counseling session a client tells you in great detail how he robbed a convenience store six months ago. He got away with a huge sum of money and shot the owner. His descriptions are extremely specific and you believe every word he says. In reality, you are very familiar with the case because the police never solved it and it has been all over the radio and television stations in your town. There is even a huge reward to anybody who can help law enforcement agencies solve the case. Ethically you should:

just keep it confidential

The law requires clinicians to:

keep progress notes

A counselor is counseling an executive secretary. The counselor is writing a book and mention this to the client. the counselor suggests that as paying for the counseling might be a hardship for the client so the client could type the counselor's manuscript. This is:

known as bartering and unethical as described here

Gender issues impact career counseling such as a career segregation. Men are overrepresented in ______ positions while women often have ______:

labor and executive positions; pink-collar jobs

A family counselor treats an Asian American family exactly like he treats the Arab American families in his caseload. He also imposes values from his own culture on them. This counselor has been described in the literature as:

lacking cultural sensitivity culturally encapsulated

The Freudian developmental stage which "least" emphasizes sexuality is:


In regard to state law and privileged communication, counselors much be aware that:

laws are unclear and may vary from state to state

Coleadership, also referred to as cofaciliation, can be a disadvantage when:

leaders are working against each other; this can fragment the group leaders are intimate with each other leaders question each other's competence

Neurocounseling research indicates that the ______ is dominant ______:

left hemisphere; in most people

A counselor who is seeing a client from a different culture would most likely expect ______ social conformity that he or she would from a client from his or her own culture:


Most experts would agree that an effective counseling group for children has:

less members than an adult group

Parents who do not tolerate or use aggression when raising children produce:

less-aggressive children

The relationship that the therapist has with the client in reality therapy is:

like that of a friend who asks what is wrong

When a leader attempts to relate one person's predicament to another person's predicament, it is known as:


Face validity refers to the extent that a test:

looks or appears to measure the intended attribute

Roe's theory relies on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the sense that in terms of career choice:

lower-order needs take precedent over higher-order needs

Maslow, a humanistic psychologists, is famous for his "hierarchy of needs," which postulates:

lower-order physiological and safety needs and higher-order needs, such as self-actualization

The purpose of interpretation in counseling is to:

make the clients aware of their unconscious processes

Doing cross-cultural counseling:

makes counselors increasingly aware of cultural differences

A critical period:

makes imprinting possible and signifies a special time when a behavior must be learned or the behavior won't be learned at all

In adolescence:

males commit suicide more often than females, but females attempt suicide more often

Adler (individual psychology) view of clients:

man is basically good; much of behavior is determined via birth order

Jung (analytic psychology) view of clients:

man strives for individuation or a sense of self-fulfillment

Jung used drawings balanced around a certain point to analyze himself, his clients, and dreams. He called them:


Most scholars would assert that Freud's 1900 work entitled 'The Interpretation of Dreams' was his most influential. Dreams have:

manifest and latent content

Freud has been called the most significant theorists in the entire history of psychology. His greatest contribution was his conceptualization of the unconscious mind. Critics, however, contend that:

many aspects of his theory are difficult to test from a scientific standpoint

You refer a client to Dr. Smith. Ethically, Dr. Smith:

may not pay you a referral fee for sending her the client

You have written a very popular book on reality therapy. Now you are teaching a graduate course on counseling at a local university. Ethically, you:

may use the book as a textbook in your class

The most useful measure of central tendency is the:

mean, often abbreviated by an X with a bar over it

Formal diagnosis, also known as nosology, is most closely related to the _____ model:


The agency you work for insists that you diagnosis every client. Since this is in violation of the newer ACA ethics this would qualify as "negative conditions." You could handle this by:

meeting with your supervisor and executive director of the agency and discussing others ways to secure funding that go beyond the DSM reimbursement advocate for the client by explaining to the insurance company asking for the diagnosis that in some cases it is best that a diagnosis not be given. You could even teach the client to advocate for herself by having her inform the insurance company that a diagnosis might not be in her best interest show your supervisor, executive director, or insurance company/managed care firm the actual ACA Code of Ethics so they can see it in writing that the Code stipulates that "Counselors may refrain from making and/or reporting a diagnosis if they believe it would cause harm."

A major advantage of group work versus individual work is that:

members learn to give help in addition to receiving it and group sessions generally cost less (i.e., they are more economical) than individual counseling sessions

The following are correct:

men commit suicide more than woman women suffer from depression more than men autism occurs more in men than women

Berne (transactional analysis) view of clients:

messages learned about self in childhood determine whether person is good or bad, though intervention can change this script

In terms of research related to affiliation:

misery loves company, firstborns are more likely to affiliate than other children born later, people affiliate in an attempt to lower fear

In a basic curve or so-called frequency polygon the point of maximum concentration is that:


Regardless of the shape, the ______ will always be the high point when a distribution is displayed graphically:


A group therapist must make:

more decisions than an individual therapist

All of these statements are true about bullying:

more girls are bullied than boys more whites are bullied than minorities fewer students claim they are being bullied in recent years more students are bullied on social media than in the hallways

Billy received an 82 on his college math final. This is Billy's raw score on the test. A raw score simply refers to the number of items correctly answered. A raw score is expressed in the units by which it was originally obtained. The raw score is not altered mathematically. Billy's raw score indicates that:

more information is obviously necessary

Most counselor would agree that:

more public education is needed in the area of testing

The number of people in an open group is generally:

more stable than in a closed group

Infant IQ tests are:

more unreliable than those given later in life

The notion of the hidden jobs market would suggest that:

most jobs are not advertised

In regard to an individual's behavioral style or so-called modal orientation, Holland believed that:

most people are not pure personality types and thus can best be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic, Social, Investigative (RSI)

A ration scale is an interval scale with a true zero point. Ratio measurements are possible using this scale. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division all can be utilized on a ratio scale. In terms of counseling research:

most psychological attributes cannot be measured on a ratio scale

According to existential therapist Irvin D. Yalom:

most therapists are afraid of their own mortality and avoid the topic of death

According to the concept of occupational sex segregation:

most women hold low-paying jobs with low status

You are supervising a counselor-in-training and focusing on the OARS core skills. You are teaching her how to perform:

motivational interviewing (MI) created mainly by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick

Most experts would agree that a multicultural counselor's diagnosis:

must be done within a cultural context

Shoulds and oughts are ______ according to Ellis:


Most countries have an official language, a stated viewpoint, and a central government. This is reflected mainly by:

national culture

A counselor who is part of a research study will be counseling clients in the polar regions and then at a point near the equator. Her primary concern will be:

national culture and ecological culture

An exam has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20. Phil has a score of 90. His score would fall:

near the 98th percentile and the 9th stanine

Nine of the world's finest counselor educators are given an elementary exam on counseling theory. Needless to say, all of them scored extremely high. The distribution of scores would most likely be:

negatively skewed

In a projective test the client is shown:

neutral stimuli

A good practice for counselors is to:

never generalize on the basis of a single test score

In the 'Dictionary of Occupational Titles' each job was given a _____ digit code:


Many researchers have tried putting the UCS (the meat) before the CS (the bell). This usually results in:

no conditioning

Most experts in the field of counseling agree that:

no one theory completely explains developmental processes; this, counselors ought to be familiar with all the major theories

Matt was diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder (SSD), with predominant pain. It is safe to say that:

no physiological basis or medical condition can be found to explain his reaction

The follower goes along with whatever the rest of the group thinks. From a personality standpoint the follower is:


The school of counseling created by Carl R. Rogers, Ph.D., has undergone three name changes. Initially it was called ______, then ______, and in 1974 it changed to ______.

nondirective; client-centered; person-centered

A Japanese client who was reluctant to look you in the eye during her counseling session would most likely be displaying:

normal behavior within the context of her culture

A reliable test is _____ valid:

not always

You are treating a man who suffers from panic disorder. His panic attacks are so severe he cannot drive to work. After just three sessions he is not only driving to work but has taken up sky diving to demonstrate his progress over his fear. You would love to put his testimonial on your brochure to show how adept you are at treating this affliction. You should"

not ask him for a testimonial since it would constitute an ethics violation

A mother hides a toy behind her back and a young child does not believe the toy exists anymore. The child has not mastered:

object permanence and representational thought

The National Counselor Exam (NCE) is a(n) ______ test because the scoring procedure is specific:


TA is a cognitive model of therapy which asserts that healthy communication transactions:

occur where vectors of communication run parallel

A counselor doing multicultural career counseling should be aware:

of his or her own ethnocentric biases

Critics assert that gestalt therapy is an effective treatment that:

often fails to emphasize cognitive concerns

Statistics reveal that:

on average, a worker with a bachelor's degree earns over $10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma

The Solomon four-group is considered a true experimental design since each group is chosen via a random sample. When using this design:

one control group receives a pretest and one experimental group receives a pretest; the other control group and experimental group do not

Ellis most likely would not be impressed with a behaviorist's new animal study related to the psychotherapeutic process since:

only humans think in declarations (internal sentences that can cause or ward off emotional discord)

You are seeing a husband and wife for marriage counseling. During one of the sessions you decide to see them separately. The husband tells you he has seen an attorney because he is filing for divorce. He has not told his wife and indicates that he will not do so. You feel the wife has a right to know this because it will help her plan for the future. You should:

only tell his wife if he gives you permission

The Freudian Stages:

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

The y axis is used to plot the frequency of the DVs. The y axis could also be called the ______ on your exam:


An advantage of group career counseling over individual career counseling is:

other clients in the group can help you to rev up your motivation you get to help other clients and they get to help you participants can role-play situations such as how to answer questions during a job interview

An operational definition:

outlines a procedure

Gestalt therapists sometimes utilize the exaggeration experiment which most closely resembles:

paradox as practiced by Frankl, Haley, or Erickson

A counselor who repeats what a client has stated in the counselor's own words is using:


A neophyte counselor is afraid he will say the wrong thing. He thus keeps repeating the client's statements verbatim when he responds. This is known as:

parroting and is not recommended

Nondirective is to person-centered as:

parsimony is to Occam's Razor

Gerald Corey, who has written extensively on group therapy, believes _____ is necessary for an effective group leader:

participation in a therapeutic group and participation in a leader's group (even if the individual is well-educted and is licensed and certified)

A counselor educator has created a research study. He is using students as research subjects. This is commonplace:

participation or lack of it cannot impact the student's academic standing

In a traditional culture which places a high premium on authority figures:

passivity on the part of the counselor would be viewed in a negative manner, a client would be disappointed if he or she did not receive advice, assigning homework and teaching on the part of the counselor would be appropriate

According to the DSM-5:

pathological gambling is a disorder and is listed with Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

Perls (gestalt) view of clients:

people are not bad or good. People have the capacity to govern life effectively as "whole." People are part of their environment and must be viewed as such

The 1971 famous Stanford Prison experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo demonstrated that:

people conform to social roles

Ellis (rational-emotive behavior therapy) view of clients:

people have a cultural/biological propensity to think in a disturbed manner but can be taught to use their capacity to react differently

The superego contains the ego ideal. The superego strives for _____, rather than ______ like the id:

perfection; pleasure

Floyd Henry Allport created the concept of social facilitation. According to this theory, an individual who is given the task of memorizing a list of numbers will:

perform better if he or she is part of a group

A popular TWA career counseling model by Rene V. Dawis and Lloyd Lofquist uses the abbreviation PEC. This stands for:

person environment correspondence

Bandura (neobehavioristic) view of clients:

person produces and is a product of conditioning. Observation and modeling are extremely important

Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe, Brill, and Holland as ______ theorists:


Existentialists speak of three worlds, the Unwelt or the ______ world, the Mitwelt or the ______ world, and the Eigenwelt or the ______ world:

physical; relationship; identity

Both the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) are projective tests. The Rorschach uses 10 inkblot cards while the TAT uses:


Internal verbalizations are to REBT as ______ are to Glasser's choice theory:

pictures in your mind

a gestalt therapist is most likely going to deal with a client's projection via:

playing the projection technique

The id is present at birth and never matures. It operates mainly out of awareness to satisfy instinctual needs according to the:

pleasure principle, suggesting humans desire instinct gratification such for libido, sex, or the elimination of hunger or thirst

A client remarks that her depression is extremely intense. Her strategic counselor remarks, "It is very possible your depression is hopeless. It is possible you will never get over it." Her comment is an example of:


If data indicate that students who study a lot get very high scores on state counselor licensing exams, then the correlation between study time and LPC exam scores would be:


Johnny just loves M&Ms but doesn't do his homework. The school counselor thus instructs Johnny's mom to give the child a bag of M&Ms every night after he finishes his homework. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement

When something is added following an operant, it is known as a _______, and when something is taken away it is called a ______.

positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer

Rogers viewed man as:

positive when he develops in a warm, accepting trusting environment

An aptitude test is to ______ as an achievement test is to ______:

potential; what has been learned

A family counselor notices that the husband in a blended family is having obsessive sexual thoughts about a woman living down the street. A strict behaviorist would most likely:

practice thought stopping

In a counseling session, a counselor asked a patient to recall what transpired three months ago to trigger her depression. There was silence for about two and one-half minutes. The client then began to remember. This exchange most likely illustrates the function of the:

preconscious mind

When a counselor tells a client that the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) will predict her ability to handle graduate work, the counselor is referring to:

predictive validity

A fairly recent model to explain career development is the decision approach. The Gelatt Decision Model created by Harry B. Galett refers to information as "the fuel of the decision." The Gelatt Model asserts that information can be organized into three systems:

predictive, value, and decision

A couple tells a therapist using strategic family therapy that they have a quarrel at least once every evening. The therapist says, "Between now and the next time I see you I want you to have a serious quarrel at least twice every evening." This is an example of:

prescribing the symptom

R. K. Conyne suggested that group intervention is intended to:

prevent, correct, or enhance behavior

Primary groups are:

preventive and attempt to ward off problems

When you see the letter P in relation to a test of significance it means:


The Adult ego state:

processes facts and does not focus on feelings

Your supervisor wants you to find a new personality test for your counseling agency. You should read:

professional journals the 'Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook' classic textbooks in the field as well as test materials produced by the testing company

Program evaluation (PE) helps agencies, organizations, and centers make wiser devisions. PE takes place in a natural, rather, than a laboratory or controlled, setting and helps ______ answer questions posed via ______:

programs; staff

The significance of the 1958 National Defense Education Act was that it:

provided financial aid for graduate education in counseling expanded school guidance services improved guidance for gifted children

Gestalt therapy, a paradigm that focuses on awareness in the here and now incorporates:


The counselor who favors projective measures would most likely be a:

psychodynamic clinician

One impetus for counselor licensing was that:

psychology licensure bodies sought to restrict the practice of counselors so counselors could not receive third-party payments from insurance and managed care companies

Freud's stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson's stages are:


A major meta-analysis (a term coined by researcher Gene V. Glass) of 375 outcomes studies using effect size (ES) by Mary Lee Smith, Gene V. Glass, and Thomas I. Miller revealed that:

psychotherapy had a strong or so-called big effect, checking in at a .85

In terms of research and the group leader's personality:

qualities such as flexibility, enthusiasm, and common sense may be helpful to a very small degree

A male is supervising a female counselor for state licensing. He tells her that he will continue to supervise her as long as she has sex with him. This is an example of:

quid pro quo

A client remarks, "Hey, I'm African American and it's nearly impossible to hide it." This is illustrative of the fact that:

race is not the same as ethnicity

The statement "whites are better than African Americans" illustrates:


Unpleasant feelings after a person creates a game are called:


In the famous experiment by Harry Harlow, frightened monkeys raised via cloth and wire mothers:

ran over and clung to the cloth and wire surrogate mothers

The literature suggests these factors as helpful in promoting therapeutic surrender:

rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, and self-disclosure

The two basic classes of intermittent reinforcement schedules are the ______, based on the number of responses and the ______, based on the time elapsed:

ratio; interval

William Glasser, M.D., is to reality therapy as Albert Ellis, Ph.D., is to:

rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

Mark is obsessed with stamping out pornography. He is unconsciously involved in this cause so that he can view the materials. This is:

reaction formation

You are uncertain whether a test is intended for the population served by your not-for-profit agency. The best method of researching this dilemma would be to:

read the test manual included with the test

A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fit into Holland's ______ typology:


Viktor Frankl is to logotherapy as Willian Glasser is to:

reality therapy

Short answer tests and projective measures utilize free response items. The NCE and the CPCE uses forced choice or so-called ______ items:


Counselor certification:

recognizes that you have reached a given level of competence and thus are authorized to use a title

When a counselor speaks of what he or she believes must transpire from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, he or she technically is referring to:


A counselor educator decides to increase the sample size in her experiment. This will:

reduce Type I and Type II errors


reduces burnout and helps ensure safety is helpful when one leader is experiencing counter-transference

A counselor is seeing a client on a managed care plan. Unfortunately, the client has used up her maximum number of sessions for the year. The counselor is convinced that the client is in need of additional counseling, however, the counselor's agency will not allow him to see her for any additional sessions. The best plan of action would be for counselor to:

refer the client for continued counseling to a practitioner who will see the client whether or not she has managed care benefits

A woman comes to you for help with an eating disorder. You have no experience or training in this area. Ethically you should:

refer this client to a colleague who is indeed trained and experienced with this type of client

Respondent behavior refers to:


Therapeutic cognitive restructuring really refers to:

refuting irrational ideas and replacing them with rational ones

Mores are beliefs and social customs:

regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior

Systematic desensitization consists of these orderly steps:

relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, desensitization in imagination, and in vivo desensitization

A couple is having sexual problems that stem from anxiety. A marriage counselor who is a strict behaviorist would most likely:

rely on systematic desensitization procedures

An elementary school counselor is giving a child a standardized test. On several occasions the child says he does not understand what the counselor has said. The counselor should:

repeat the question, but talk more slowly

An exception to confidentiality, or what is termed as relative confidentiality, could occur when a client is suicidal. Suicidal warning signs include:

repeatedly joking about killing one's self giving away prized possessions after one has been depressed for an extended period of time a previous suicide attempt and a very detailed suicide plan for the future

Most therapists agree that ego defense mechanisms are unconscious and deny or distort reality. Rationalization, compensation, repression, projection, reaction formation, identification, introjection, denial, and displacement are ego defense mechanisms. According to Freudian's the most important defense mechanism is:


Suppression differs from repression in that:

repression is automatic or involuntary

The client's tendency to inhibit or fight against the therapeutic process is known as:


A strategic family therapist says to a family, "I don't know what else you can do to stop the bickering and fighting in your house." This is an example of:


According to gestalt therapists, a client who is angry at his wife for leaving him, and who makes a suicide attempt, would be engaging in:


A woman is having difficulties at her place of employment. Her husband turns to her in a session and says, "You're on your own, I've got my own problems." A structural family therapist would assert that the boundaries between this couple are:


A group leader who utilizes an abundance of group exercises is:

running a structured group

If an experiment can be replicated by others with almost identical findings, then the experiment is:

said to be reliable

The Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) is based on John Holland's theory. The test assumes that a person who is interested in a given subject will experience:

satisfaction in a job with workers who have similar interests

Ethics state that a counselor should ______ all clients for group counseling:


A family actually changes the structure of their family system. According to Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fisch the family has achieved:

second-order change that is more desirable than the first-order change

A stimulus which accompanies a primary reinforcer takes on reinforcement properties of its own. This is known as:

secondary reinforcement

The most effective method adults use to find jobs in the United States is:

securing information via ads in the newspaper

In Albert Ellis's rational-emotive behavior therapy, the client is taught to change cognitions, also known as:

self talk internal verbalizations

Weight Watcher is a:

self-help or support group, as is AA

In Piaget's developmental theory, reflexes play the greatest role in the:

sensorimotor stage

The schema (i.e., a mental representation of the real world) of permanency and constancy of objects occurs in the:

sensorimotor stage - birth to 2 years

The final stage suggested by theories of group stages generally deals with issues of:

separation and termination

During the initial session of a group the leader explains that no smoking and no cursing will be permitted. This is known as:

setting ground rules

A researcher wants to run a true experiment but insists she will not use a random sample. You could safely say that:

she could accomplish this using systematic sampling

The mean score on a new counseling exam is 65. The standard deviation is 15. Tanja scored a 35. This tells us that:

she had a z-score of -2

You are counseling a client from a different culture. She cannot move her right arm, but has been examined by some of the finest physicians and they cannot find any physical reason for her condition. The irony is that she is there to work on some personal issues but states forthrightly that the total lack of mobility in her arm does not bother her and thus is not an issue to deal with in counseling sessions. The most likely explanation would be:

she has a conversion disorder with la belle indifference

A woman who is in private practice mentions in her phone book advertisement that she is a licensed counseling psychologist. This generally means that:

she has a graduate degree from a psychology department

According to the foot-in-the-door compliance technique, which has two distinct steps, a counselor who needs to make a home visit to a resistant client's home:

should ask to come in the home

Experts in the field of multicultural counseling feel that the counselor's training:

should be broad and interdisciplinary

A career counselor who is helping a client design a resume:

should emphasize the importance of a cover letter

Most experts would agree that _____ is most threatening for clients as well as counselors:


Lifestyle and career development have been emphasized:

since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movement and are still major areas of concern

In a new study the clients do not know whether they are receiving an experimental treatment for depression of whether they are simply part of the control group. This is, nevertheless, known to the researcher. Thus, this is a:

single-blind study

Millie has a panic attack whenever she drives across a bridge. She has:

situationally bound panic attacks cued panic attacks

Holland categorized ______ personality orientations which correspond to analogous work environments:


The relationship a client has with a gestalt therapist would most likely progress ______ than the relationship a client would have with a Rogerian counselor:


Holland mentioned six model orientations: artistic, conventional, enterprising, investigative, realistic, and social. A middle school counselor is most likely:


SCCT stands for:

social cognitive career theory

Adler emphasized that people wish to belong. This is known as:

social connectedness

One problem with the interest inventories is that the person often tried to answer the questions in a socially acceptable manner. Psyshometricians call this response style phenomenon:

social desirability (the right way to feel in society)

In contrast with Freud, the neo-Freudians emphasized:

social factors

John Krumbolz proposed a ______ model of career development:

social learning behavioristic

When counseling Asian American families the best approach would most likely be:

solution-focused/problem-focused modalities

Critics of the Rogerian approach feel that:

some degree of directives is needed after the initial phase of counseling and more confrontation is necessary, though Rogers did encourage caring confrontations

A student tells a college counselor that he is not upset by a grade of "F" in physical education that marred his fourth-year perfect 4.0 average, inasmuch as "straight A students are eggheads." This demonstrates:

sour grapes rationalization

A client from another culture will:

speak to the counselor differently from the way he or she would when speaking to someone of his or her own background

A monolingual U.S. counselor:

speaks only English

A client who likes her flower-arranging job begins doing flower arranging in her spare time on weekends and after work. This phenomenon is best described as:


A woman sees her husband as all good sometimes and all bad at others. An analytically trained family therapist who believes in object relations would see this as:


Adaptability is the ability of the family to balance:

stability and change morphostasis and morphogenesis

Ethical guidelines were first created for the helping professions in 1953 when the American Psychological Association (APA) published their first code of ethics. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) created their code in 1960, and in 1961, the organization that is now ACA adopted ethics for counselors. Ethics always describe:

standards of conduct imposed by the ACA and NBCC

The department chairman found the poodle's response to his automobile horn humorous. He thus instructed the graduate students to train the dog to salivate only to his car horn and not the original toy bell. Indeed the graduate students were able to perform this task. The poodle was now demonstrating:

stimulus discrimination

In the famous Little Albert experiment, a child was conditioned to fear a harmless white furry animal. Historical accounts indicate that the child also began to fear a Santa Claus mask. This would demonstrate:

stimulus generalization

Several graduate students in counseling trained a poodle to salivate to a child's toy horn using Pavlov's classical conditioning paradigm. One day the department chairman was driving across campus and honked his horn. Much to the chagrin of the students, the poodle elicited a salvation response. What had happened?

stimulus generalization or what Pavlov termed irradiation

The anal retentive personality is:


Cloe Madanes and Jay Haley are associated with the ______ school of family counseling:


Albert Ellis is to REBT at Salvador Minuchin is to:

structural family therapy

Most experts would agree that overall:

structured exercises are less effective than unstructured techniques

Some research demonstrates that:

structured exercises with feedback early in the group served to improve communication between group members

When you conduct group career counseling:

structured groups work best

Studies indicate that:

students want more vocational guidance than they receive

A test can be defined as a systematic method of measuring a sample of behavior. Test format refers to the manner in which test items are presented. The format of an essay test is considered a(n) ______ format:


Evidence for the unconscious mind comes from all of these except:

subjective units of distress scale

Joseph Wolpe created systematic desensitization, a form of reciprocal inhibition based on counterconditioning. His strategy has been used in individual and group settings. When using his technique, the acronym SUDS stands for:

subjective units of disturbances scale

A client who becomes a professional football player because he unconsciously likes to hurt people would be utilizing ______ according to Brill's theory of career choice:


An aggressive person who becomes a professional boxer because he or she is sadistic is displaying:


Another career theorist who drew upon psychoanalytic doctrines was A. A. Brill emphasized ______ as an ego defense mechanism:


You have just made a landmark discovery which you feel could literally change the entire field of counseling and thus you write an article which depicts your findings. The next step would be:

submit the article to one publication at a time despite your conviction that the article must get published

Glasser felt the responsible person will have a ______ identity:


When the past us discussed in reality therapy, the focus is on:

successful behaviors

In terms of adolescents and career group counseling:

such groups are cost effective and promote peer identification

When development comes to a halt, counselors say that the client:

suffers from fixation

A counselor who favors a behavioristic mode of career counseling would most likely:

suggest a site visit to a work setting

In the general U.S. population:

suicide rates tend to increase with age

When a counselor reviews what has transpired in past counseling sessions he or she is using:


A group leader who asks each group member to recapitulate what he or she has learned during a given session is promoting:

summarization, the act of briefly stating what has transpired or discussed

A counselor who works primarily with older adults needs to be aware that:

surprisingly, financial security and health are the best predicators of retirement adjustment

The simplest form of descriptive research is the ______, which requires a questionnaire return or completion rate of _______ to be accurate:

survey; 50-75%

A master's level counselor lands an entry-level counseling job in an agency in a warm climate. Her office is not air conditioned, but the counselor insists she likes this because sweating really helps to keep her weight in check. This illustrates:

sweet lemon rationalization

A client remarks that he was just dumped by his girlfriend. The counselor responds, "Oh, you poor dear. It must be terrible! How can you go on living?" This is an example of:


Behaviorists often utilize N = 1, which is called intensive experimental design. The first step in this approach would be to:

take a baseline measure

A lesbian client wants to become heterosexual and asks for conversion or reparative theory. You explain that you ethically do not believe in this form of intervention. She asks you to refer her to a practitioner who will perform this type of therapy. You should:

tell the client you prefer not to refer her to a therapist who engages in this form of treatment. Discuss the potential harm and risks with the client emphasizing that this is an unproven form of treatment

All reinforcers:

tend to increase the probability that a behavior will occur

You have attempted to help a client for over two years with little or no success. You should:

terminate the relationship and initiate an appropriate referral

One method of testing reliability is to give the same test to the same group of people two times and then correlate the scores. This is called:

test-retest reliability

The trait-and-factor or actuarial approach asserts that:

testing is an important part of the counseling process a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriate job

Interest inventories are positive in the sense that:

that are reliable and not threatening to the test taker

Glasser suggested eight steps in the reality therapy process. The final step asserts:

that the client and counselor be persistent and never give up

One criticism of using cognitive-behavioral methods like REBT with families or individuals in multicultural counseling would be:

that the cognitive disputation could go against cultural messages

A counselor educator is giving a seminar on the DSM-5. She gives the students a handout and it lists hoarding disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder as both having the same 300.3 code. The most likely explanation is:

that this could be correct since two diagnoses can share a single code

Frankl's experience in Nazi concentration camps taught him:

that you can't control the environment, but you can control your response

The APGA, which became the AACD until 1992 and is now the ACA, contributed to the growth of cross-cultural counseling by:

the 1972 formation of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development

The type of mental health service provided to the client is coded via ______ and is generally required for insurance payments:

the AMA's Current Procedural Terminology (e.g., CPT 90844)

The APGA and APA had joint ethics guidelines for counselors and psychologists. This changed during the 1970s when:

the APA did not wish to credential master's level counselors or psychologists

Noted psychotherapy author and scholar Raymond Corsini once referred to the early 1940s as the "modern era" of group work. In the 1940s the two organizations for group therapy were created and group work became a legitimate speciality. The groups are:

the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) spawned by the work of Jacob Moreno in 1942 and the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) which resulted from the effort of Samuel Richard Slavson in 1943

You gave your client, Ester, a personality test and then shared your interpretation of the test with her. Your client was amazed at how accurate the test results were in terms of depicting her personality. She readily accepted the interpretation. The next day you discovered that you had interpreted the wrong test! The test you were analyzing was not Ester's but rather belonged to another client! Ester's behavior could best be explained by:

the Barnum effect

You are working as a counselor for a major university. A student wants detailed statistics about the average wages in her state. The best resource would be:

the Bureau of Labor Statistics website

A panel of investigators discovered that a researcher who completed a major study has unconsciously rated attractive females as better counselors. This is an example of:

the Halo effect

A researcher notes that a group of clients who are not receiving counseling, but are observed in a research study, are improving. Her hypothesis is that the attention she has given them has been curative. The best explanation of their improvement would be:

the Hawthorne effect

A counselor is told by his supervisor to measure the internal consistency reliability (i.e., homogeneity) of a test but not to divide the test in halves. The counselor would need to utilize:

the Kuder-Richardson coefficients of equivalence

The Child ego state is like the little kid within. The child may manifest itself as:

the Natural Child the Adapted Child the Little Professor

The most controversial aspect of Freud's theory is:

the Oedipus complex

Some support for Roe's theory comes from:

the Rorschach and the TAT

An elementary school counselor tells the third-grade teacher that a test revealed that certain children will excel during the school year. In reality, no such test was administered. Moreover, the children were unaware of the experiment. By the end of the year, all of the children who were supposed to excel did excel! This would best be explained via:

the Rosenthal effect or the experimenter expectancy effect

Erikson's middle-age stage (ages 35-60) is known as generativity vs stagnation. Generativity refers to:

the ability to do creative work or raise a family, the opposite of stagnation, the productive ability to create a career, family, and leisure time

Empathy is:

the ability to understand the client's world and to communicate this to the client

According to Anne Roe, who categorized occupations by fields and levels:

the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual's needs

Robert Kegan speaks of a "holding environment" in counseling in which:

the client can make meaning in the face of a crisis and can find new direction

A group participant wants to drop out of a group. Since the group is "closed" most experts would agree that:

the client is allowed to withdraw

According to Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum's congruity theory, a client will accept suggestions more readily if:

the client likes the counselor

The DSM-5 provides diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability (ID), formerly billed as mental retardation. It states that:

the client must have an IQ score of 70 or below on an individually administered IQ test and the onset of the condition must be prior to age 18. The client's ability to adapt to normal life in school, work, or family at home must also be impaired.

In intercultural/multicultural counseling the term 'therapeutic surrender' means:

the client psychologically surrenders himself and herself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts

At a case staffing, one career counselor says to another, "The client's disability suggests she can only physically handle sedentary work." This technically implies:

the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds

Existentialists focus primarily on:

the client's perception in the here and now

A male client who hates his job is trying desperately to be the perfect father, husband, and family man. This phenomenon is best described as:

the compensatory effect

A correlation/association between variables x and y is .50. According to the notion of effect size (ES):

the correlation is medium

In order to diagnose clients from a different culture:

the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture

A neophyte counselor discovers that her clients invariably give yes and no answers to her questions. The problem is most likely that:

the counselor is utilizing too many closed-ended questions

Genuineness, or congruence, is really:

the counselor's ability to be himself or herself

When comparing the autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire styles:

the democratic, or what Sam Gladding called a facilitator, is the most desirable

From a mathematical standpoint, the mean is merely the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores. The mean is misleading when:

the distribution is skewed there are extreme scores

The landmark 1969 case, Tarasoff v. The Board of Regents of the University of California illuminated:

the duty to warn a client in imminent danger

Behavior therapists often shy away from punishment because:

the effects of punishment are usually temporary and it teaches aggression

Freudians refer to the ego as:

the executive administrator of the personality and the reality principle

The most valuable type of research is:

the experiment, used to discover cause-and-effect relationships

One of the primary goals of Bowen's intergenerational family therapy is differentiation. Differentiation is:

the extent that one can separate one's intellect from one's emotional self

An intergenerational family therapist says she is concerned with the nuclear family emotional system. She is referring to:

the fact that although the current family in therapy has an emotional system, this emotional system is influenced by previous generations whether they are alive or dead

A married couple brings their two children to counseling for behavioral problems. The 14-year-old daughter stays out late and their 17-year-old son is using drugs. According to most marriage and family therapists the identified patient would be:

the family

In 1909, a landmark book entitled 'Choosing a Vocation' was released. The book was written by Frank Parsons. Parsons has been called:

the father of vocational guidance

Solution-oriented therapy as practiced by William O'Hanlon, Insoo Kim Berg, Steve de Shazer, and Michelle Weiner Davis focuses primarily on:

the future

The concept of universality (also called mutuality) applies to group treatment. In career groups we can safely say:

the group allows the members to see that others can be struggling with similar issues related to work, vocation, and career other members of the group are in similar situations

A group with more than one leader is said to utilize coleaders. Coleadership is desirable because:

the group can go on even if one leader is absent two leaders can focus on group dynamics better than one leader since two individuals will have better observational skills leaders can process their feelings between sessions

A client would generally feel the most suspicious of others in:

the group formation/exploration stage

The SDS (available online or in print) score will reveal:

the individual's three highest scores based on Holland's personality types

In a spiral test:

the items get progressively more difficult

Most experts would agree that the peak period of competition between the various schools of counseling and therapy (e.g., gestalt, behavioristic, reality therapy, etc.) was during:

the late 1960s

Super's life-span theory includes:

the life-career rainbow

A man yells at his wife and then slaps her, stating that she does nothing around the house. The woman begins crying and he puts his arm around her to comfort her. He then begins crying and says that he doesn't know how he can continue doing all the housework because it is too difficult. A TA therapist who analyzes the situation using Stephen Karpman's drama triangle would say:

the man has moved from the persecutor, to the rescuer, to the victim role

Group content refers to material discussed in a group setting. Group process refers to:

the manner in which discussions and transactions occur

In a career counseling session an electrical engineer mentions three jobs he has held. The first paid $10 per hour, the second paid $30 per hour, and the third paid a higher rate of $50 per hour. The counselor responds that the client is averaging $30 per hour. The client is using:

the mean

The median is:

the middle score when the data are arranged from highest to lowest

The most common measures of central tendency are the mean, the median, and the mode. The mode is:

the most frequently occurring score and the least-important measures of central tendency

Neuroscience supports:

the notion that empathy and exercise could benefit depressed individuals

In terms of the labor market:

the number of employees that employers want to hire goes down as salary goes up the number of employees willing to work for an employer goes up as the salary increases

Common archetypes include:

the persona - the mask or role we present to others to hide our true self. animus, anima, and self. shadow - the mask behind the persona, which contains id-like material, denied, yet desired

During the course of a family session you discover that the man and his 14-year-old son are putting pressure on mom to quit her job. Mom very much likes her work. In Haley's theory this set of dynamics would be called:

the perverse triangle

Existential theorists speak of phenomenology, which refers to the client's internal personal experience of events, and ontology, which is:

the philosophy of being and existing

When a structural therapist uses the term boundaries he or she really means:

the physical and psychological entities that separate individuals and subsystems from others in the family

A researcher gives a depressed patient a sugar pill and the individual's depression begins to lift. This is known as:

the placebo effect

Appraisal can be defined as:

the process of assessing or estimating attributes

Ginzberg and his colleagues now believe in a development model of career choice which asserts that:

the process of choosing a career does not end at age 20 or adulthood career choice decisions are really made throughout the life span career choice is reversible

When a counselor speaks of a probable outcome in a case, he or she is technically referring to:

the prognosis

One major difference between the psychology versus the counseling movement seems to be that:

the psychologists are working to eliminate practitioners with less than a doctorate, while the counselors are not

Group norms refer to:

the range of acceptable behavior within the group

When a researcher uses correlation, then there is no direct manipulation of the IV. A researcher might ask, for example, how IQ correlates with the incidence of panic disorder. Again, nothing is manipulated; just measured. In cases such as this a correlation coefficient will reveal:

the relationship between IQ and panic disorder

Existential counselors as well as Rogerian person-centered counselors adhere to what Martin Buber called the I-Thou relationship, which asserts that:

the relationship is horizontal

Researchers often utilize naturalistic observation when doing ethological investigations or studying children's behavior. In this approach:

the researcher does not manipulate or control variables

If a distribution is bimodal, then there is a good chance that:

the researcher is working with two distinct populations

There are two distinct types of developmental studies. In a cross-sectional study, clients are assessed at one point in time. In a longitudinal study, however,:

the same people are studied over a period of time

Everybody picks on:

the scapegoat

Fights between subgroups and members showing rebellion against the leader generally occur in:

the second stage known as the control stage of the transition stage

The most popular developmental career theorist is Donald Super. Super emphasized:

the self-concept

A hierarchy, or pecking order, among members occurs in:

the stage of storming, also known as the power-control stage

Mike takes a math achievement test. In order to predict his score if he takes the test again the counselor must know:

the standard error of measurement (SEM)

A counselor believes that clients who receive assertiveness training will ask more questions in counseling classes. An experimental group receives assertiveness training while a control group does not. In order to test for significant differences between the groups the counselor should utilize:

the student's t test

Piaget felt:

the teachers should lecture less, as children in concrete operations learn best via their own actions and experiments

When comparing a tertiary group with a primary or secondary group:

the tertiary group is more likely to deal with severe pathology

When professional career counselors use the term 'leisure' they technically mean:

the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations

A platykurtic distribution would look approximately like:

the upper half of a hot dog, lying on it's side over the abscissa

When a horizontal line is drawn under a frequency distribution it is known as:

the x axis

A major group dynamic is group development. This is usually expressed in terms of:

theorists of group stages

Mrs. Chance tells a family therapist that she pays all the bills, does all the cleaning, and brings in 90% of the family's income. Moreover, Mrs. Chance is convinced that her husband does not appreciate her or show her affection. According to the behavioristic principle of family therapy known as reciprocity:

there is a good chance that Mrs. Chance will consider leaving the marriage

P = .05 really means that:

there is only a 5% chance that the difference between the control group and the experimental group is due to chance factors differences true exist; the experimenter will obtain the same results 95 times out of 100

Colluders are apt to work at cross purposes when:

they do not meet between group sessions

One major criticism of interest inventories is that:

they emphasize professional positions and minimize blue-collar jobs

Self-serving or individual roles are negative inasmuch as:

they work against the group they serve the individual and not the group

Insurance payments are also called:

third-party payments

You wish to use an experimental treatment strategy. According to NBCC:

this could be ethical if you explain this to the client and the client agrees

You are supervising a licensing candidate who is primarily interested in marriage and family counseling. You are very attracted to her and have sex with her. According to ethics guidelines:

this is unethical

J. P. Guilford isolated 120 factors which added up to intelligence. He also is remembered for his:

thoughts on convergent and divergent thinking

Rogers felt that ______ for client change to occur:

three conditions are necessary

Lawrence Kohlberg suggested:

three levels of morality

Williamson (trait-factor) view of clients:

through education and scientific data, man can become himself. Humans are born with potential for good or evil. Others are needed to help unleash positive potential. Man is mainly rational, not intuitive

The family counselor explains to Mrs. Smith that the next time that 9-year-old Sally hits her little brother she must sit in the family room by herself. The counselor is using:

time-out, a procedure that most behaviorists feel is a form of extinction

The main purpose of a career group is:

to provide information to participants

Most experts in the field of group counseling would agree that the most important trait for group members is the ability:

to trust

The gestalt dialogue experiment generally utilizes the concepts of:

top dog, underdog, and the empty chair technique

T-groups often stress ways employees can express themselves in an effective manner. The "T" in T-groups merely stands for:


Occupational aptitude tests such as the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test Battery (ASVAB), and the O'NET Ability Profiler grew out of the:

trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling

When a client projects unconscious feelings toward the therapist that he or she originally had toward a significant other, it is called:


A person-centered therapist would:

treat all diagnostic categories of the DSM using the same principles

A question on the NCE or CPCE regarding a pre-experimental design uses the letters XO. The letters stand for:

treatment (x) and observation, measurement, or score (O)

The statement "Native Americans, also called the American Indians in some of the literature, have a problem with alcoholism and suicide" is:


The statement: "Males are better than females when performing mathematical calculations" is:

true according to research by Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin

Sensorimotor is to Piaget as oral is to Freud, and as _____ is to Erikson:

trust vs mistrust

When a group member is speaking, it is best for the counselor to:

try to face the group member

Although the length of group counseling sessions will vary, most experts would agree that ______ is plenty of time even when critical issues are being examined:

two hours per session

If a researcher utilized two IVs then the statistic of choice would be the:

two-way ANOVA or MANOVA

An achievement test measures maximum performance or present level of skill. Tests of this nature are also called attainment tests, while a personality test or interest inventory measures:

typical performance

Positive transference is to love or affection, as negative transference is to hostility, and as ambivalent transference is to:


Id, ego, superego is to structural theory as ______ is to topographical theory:

unconscious, preconscious, conscious

In psychoanalytic family therapy the term introjects really means that the client:

unconsciously internalizes the positive and negative characteristics of the objects within themselves

A counselor with a master's degree who is working for minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant due to a lack of jobs in the field is a victim of:


An experiment is said to be confounded when:

undesirable variables are not kept out of the experiment

A counselor is treating a woman for a mood disorder. The counselor has sex with the woman's daughter. This is considered:


You are a well-known cognitive behavior therapist who heads up a private practice in New Jersey. For the next two years you will be in Canada conducting a research project. Your practice has six other counselors. The practice is sending brochures to schools, agencies, and hospitals in an attempt to boost referrals. Your name appears on the front of the brochure as if you are available for referrals. This is:


A client asks you (and you have NCC status) for classical psychoanalysis yet you have no training whatsoever in this area. If you agree to analyze the client, you are:

unethical as this is misrepresentation

In gestalt therapy unexpressed emotions are known as:

unfinished business

Biological similarities and sameness are indicated by:

universal culture

A client says she has a tingling sensation in her hands each time she talks about the probability of marriage. A gestalt therapist would most likely:

urge the client to stay with the feeling

Measures of central tendency are used to summarize data. A counseling researcher wants to use a a measure of central tendency which reacts to every score in the distribution. He will thus:

use the mean, which has been termed the arithmetic average

Define ethnocentrism:

uses one's own culture as a yardstick to measure all others, conveys the notion that one's group is superior

In terms of leaving a custodian of your records:

using a mental health professional on staff or at another facility is preferable to using a lawyer or a CPA

Career groups are often considered a theme group. The best intervention in a structured career group would be:

using activities such as a game

A man says, "My life has been lousy for the past six months." The counselor replies, "Can you tell me specifically what has made life so bad for the last six months?" The counselor is:

using concreteness

An adept multicultural counselor:

usually supports the salad bowl model of diversity

In contrast with classical psychoanalysis, psychodynamic counseling or therapy:

utilizes fewer sessions per week, does not utilize the couch, is performed face to face

The most critical factors in test selection are:

validity and reliability

The most difficult intermittent schedule to extinguish is the:

variable ratio

As a gambling addiction counselor Laura is well aware that slot machines operate on a:

variable ratio schedule of reinforcement

Attending behavior that is verbal is also called:

verbal tracking

Strategies that focus on an individual member of the group are known as:

vertical interventions

An IQ score on an IQ test which was 3 SD above the mean would be:

very superior

Kia was given a new client with a morbid fear of heights. Her supervisor emphasized that he wanted her to use the most high-tech form of treatment available. Kia should use:

virtual reality therapy

In Piagetian literature, conservation would most likely refer to:

volume or mass

A 39-year-old female secretary you are seeing in your assertiveness training group reveals that she is plotting to shoot her husband. Based on the Tarasoff case you should:

warn the husband

A 14-year-old male threatens to blow up his parents' garage because he has been grounded. You believe this threat is genuine. You should:

warn the parents that their property is in danger

A counselor doing research decided to split a standardized test in half by using the even items as one test and the odd items as a second test and then correlating them. The counselor:

was testing reliability via the split-half correlation method

One of Adler's students, Rudolph Dreikurs:

was the first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice

An expert who has reviewed the literature on videos and violence would conclude that:

watching violence tends to make children more aggressive

Groups promote the concept of universality, which suggests that:

we are not the only ones in the world with a given problem

Murray Bowen is known for his work in intergenerational family therapy. When Bowen refers to triangulation he means:

when a dyad (i.e., two individuals) is under stress a third person is recruited to help stabilize the difficulty between the original dyad. This could even be a child placed in the middle of the conflict.

In cross-cultural counseling, structuring is very important. This concept asserts that counseling is more effective:

when the nature and structure of the counseling situation is described during the initial session

The in-basket technique would be best:

when you are on a hiring committee and assessing candidates for a managerial position

In the field of testing, validity refers to:

whether the test really measures what it purports to measure

Roe spoke of three basic parenting styles: overprotective, avoidant, or acceptant. The result is that the child:

will develop a personality which gravitates (i.e., moves) toward people or away from people

According to Virginia Satir, the individual displaying an irrelevant style:

will distract the family from the problem via constantly talking about irrelevant topics

A counselor who sports NCC after her name:

will need a specified amount of continuing education contact hours before she can be recertified, or she will need to take the NCE again

Privileged communication refers to the fact that anything said to a counselor by a client:

will not be divulged outside the counseling setting without the client's permission

The placater is a people pleaser under stress while the blamer:

will sacrifice others to feel good about himself will often say "if it weren't for you..." will point the finger at others to avoid dealing with his or her own issues

The Group IQ test movement began:

with the Army Alpha and Army Beta in World War I

A time-series design is a quasi-exerpimental design:

without randomly chosen control and experimental groups, which relies on multiple observations of the dependent variable (i.e., the thing you are measuring) before and after the treatment occurs

A counselor can assume that, in general:

women make less money than men for the same job most complaints against counselors for exploitation come from women complaining about male counselors women are not as comfortable as men when they are involved in competitive situations

According to the concept of sex-wage or gender-wage discrimination:

women make less than men for doing the same job

Lifestyle includes:

work leisure style of living

Counseling generally occurs in a clinical setting while consultation generally occurs in a ______ setting:


A woman who is being robbed:

would find that the number of people who would respond to her distress actually decreases as the number of bystanders increases

Daniel Levinson proposed a controversial stage-crisis view theory with several major life transitions. He:

wrote the 1978 classic 'Seasons of a Man's Life' and the 1997 sequel 'Season's of a Woman's Life.' Postulated a midlife crisis for men between ages 40 and 45

Assume that you have decided to refer a client elsewhere because you were unable to help her. Upon you mentioning this, this client insists that she has seen several other therapists and you are the finest one. Ethical guidelines would dictate that:

you are not obligated to continue the relationship

A malpractice or liability insurance company is least likely to defend you if:

you are sexually involved with a client

In an ipsative measure the person taking the test must compare items to one another. The result is that:

you cannot legitimately compare two or more people who have taken an ipsative test

You are a counselor in a state that does not legally support privileged communication. You refuse to testify in court. In this situation:

you could be in contempt of court

In a cyclical test:

you have several sections which are spiral in nature

You pass your exam and now have NCC status. You perform a battery of tests on your client. After you complete the testing you discover your client is in imminent danger. You receive a legal court order to turn over the test scores. You:

you must turn over the test records complete with the test scores

A Type I error occurs when:

you reject null when it is true

Virginia Satir felt that a major goal of therapy was to improve intrafamily communication (i.e., communication between family members). According to Satir, four basic patterns prevented good communication under stress. These defensive postures or stress positions are: placating, blaming, being overly reasonable, and being irrelevant. Placating means:

you try to please everybody out of a fear of rejection

Jay Haley believes in giving clients directives. You are counseling a family and during the session the 14-year-old daughter exclaims that she is suicidal. The best example of a directive would be:

you turn to the family and say, "If your daughter threatens suicide this week I want the entire family - including your daughter - to stay home and nobody leaves for the day."

If you compare group career counseling to noncounselor interventions:

you will discover that group career counseling is more effective

You are supervising a graduate student. The client she is discussing was raped and robbed several days prior to your session with the student. When you ask her your supervised for more information she says. "Well, I'm certain the fact that she was a carrying a very expensive handbag and wearing tight clothes was an issues." Based on gestalt psychologist Fritz Heider's concept of attribution theory:

your supervised is replying on dispositional attributions

According to the Yale research by Daniel J. Levinson:

80% of the men in the study experienced moderate to severe midlife crises and an "age 30 crisis" occurs in men when they feel it will soon

Imprinting - rapid learning during a critical period of development - is an instinct in which a newborn will follow a morning object. The primary work in this area was done by:

Konrad Lorenz

Which theorist would be most likely to say that aggression is an inborn tendency?

Konrad Lorenz

Who expanded on Piaget's conceptualization of moral development?

Lawrence Kohlberg

A counselor is working with a family who just lost everything in a fire. The counselor will ideally focus on:

Maslow's lower-order needs, such a physiological and safety needs

Kohlberg's second level of morality is known as conventional morality. The level is characterized by:

a desire to live up to society's expectations and a desire to conform

An empiricist view of development would be:


A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered:


From a Freudian perspective, a client who has a problem with alcoholism and excessive smoking would be:

considered an oral character

During a thunderstorm, a 6-year-old child in Piaget's stage of preoperational thoughts (stage 2) says, "The rain is following me." This is an example of:


Theorists who believe that development merely consists of quantitative changes are referred to as:


Piaget referred to the act of taking in new information as assimilation. This results in accommodation, which is a modification of the child's cognitive structures (schema) to deal with the new information. In Piagetian nomenclature, the balance between assimilation and accommodation is called:


A counselor who is seeing a 15-year-old boy who is not doing well in public speaking class would need to keep in mind that:

generally girls possess better verbal skills than boys and in general, boys have better visual-perceptual skills and are more active and aggressive than girls

To research the dilemma of self-actualization, Maslow:

interviewed the best people he could find who escaped "the psychology of the average"

The Eriksonian stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person is:

intimacy vs isolation - ages 23-34 years

According to Lawrence Koklberg, level 3, which is post postconventional or self-accepted moral principles:

is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level

Freud's Oedipus complex (or Oedipus stage):

is the stage in which fantasies of sexual relations with the opposite-sex parent occur and occurs during the phallic stage

Marital satisfaction:

often decreases with parenthood and often improves after a child leaves home

According to Jean Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third stage, known as concrete operations or concrete operational thoughts. This notion suggests:

one can undo an action, hence an object (say a glass of water) can return to its initial shape

Kohlberg's three levels of morality are:

preconventional, conventional, postconventional

Stage theorists assume:

qualitative changes between stages occur

Jean Piaget's idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is:

sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations

The tendency for adult females in the United States to wear high heels is best explained by:

sex-role socialization

Two brothers begin screaming at each other during a family counseling session. The term that best describes this phenomenon is:

sibling rivalry

Kohlberg proposed three levels or morality. Freud, on the other hand, felt morality developed from the:


In girls the Oedipus complex may be referred to as:

the Electra complex

In Harry Harlow's experiments with baby monkeys:

the baby monkey was more likely to cling to a terry-cloth surrogate mother than a wire surrogate mother

Equilibration is:

the balance between what one takes in (assimilation) and that which is changed (accommodation)

The word 'ethology,' which is often associated with the work of Konrad Lorenz, refers to:

the study of animals' behavior in their natural environment

Research related to elementary school counselors indicates that:

these counselors are effective, do make a difference in children's lives, and more counselors should be employed

The zone of the proximal development:

was pioneered by Lev Vygotsky

In Freudian theory, attachment is a major factor:

which evolves primarily during the oral stage

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