End Behavior
Even Degree / Negative Leading Coefficient
State the Degree and Leading Coefficient
Even Degree / Positive Leading Coefficient
State the Degree and Leading Coefficient
Odd Degree / Negative Leading Coefficient
State the Degree and Leading Coefficient
Odd Degree / Positive Leading Coefficient
State the Degree and Leading Coefficient
Degree and Leading Coefficient
What determines the end behavior of a polynomial?
Positive 4th Degree as x ->-∞, f(x) -> ∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the degree, leading coefficient, and end behavior of this function?
Positive 5th Degree as x ->-∞, f(x) -> -∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the degree, leading coefficient, and end behavior of this function?
Positive Cubic as x ->-∞, f(x) -> -∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the degree, leading coefficient, and end behavior of this function?
as x ->-∞, f(x) -> ∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the end behavior of an even degree polynomial with a leading negative coefficient?
as x ->-∞, f(x) -> ∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the end behavior of an even degree polynomial with a leading positive coefficient?
as x ->-∞, f(x) -> ∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> -∞
What is the end behavior of an odd degree polynomial with a leading negative coefficient?
as x ->-∞, f(x) -> -∞ as x -> ∞, f(x) -> ∞
What is the end behavior of an odd degree polynomial with a leading positive coefficient?