Endocrine Questions

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Which of the following statements about diabetes mellitus is false?

Both type I and type II are characterized by lack of, or low levels of, insulin.

The __________ is not an endocrine gland but it has a role in endocrine function.


T4 and T3 are __________ hormones that are mainly transported __________ in the blood.

monoamine; bound to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)

The division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for intense levels of activity and stress is the

sympathetic division

Which of the following is the last step in the sequence of events happening when cyclic AMP acts as a second messenger?

Enzymes are activated or deactivated by the action of protein kinases

Addison disease is a consequence of a tumor of the adrenal medulla. True or False


Hormones are normally secreted via ducts into the bloodstream True False


Hormones serve as intracellular messengers. True False


Testosterone is a gonadotropin. True or False


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events leading to the polyuria and dehydration associated with diabetes mellitus?

Hyperglycemia → glucose enters renal tubules → glucose transport maximum exceeded → glucose in urine raises osmolarity of tubular fluid → osmotic diuresis

What makes a cell responsive to a particular hormone?

The presence of a receptor for that particular hormone

Cholesterol is essential for the synthesis of steroid hormones. True False


Which of these is not a role of ATP in muscle contraction?

a. Allows the tropomyosin to move over, exposing the myosin binding sites on actin.

Which of the following is the correct abbreviation for the hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete? a. CRH b. GHRH c. GHIH d. APRH e. TRH

a. CRH

Which of the following is not a steroid hormone? a. Insulin b. Estradiol c. Aldosterone d. Cortisol e. Progesterone

a. Insulin

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) targets the _______ a. Kidneys b. Adrenal gland c. Anterior pituitary d. Hypothalamus e. Pancreas

a. Kidneys

Target organs most often regulate the pituitary gland via ______ a. Negative feedback inhibition b. Positive feedback inhibition c. Up- regulation d. Down- regulation e. Antagonistic regulation

a. Negative feedback inhibition

Growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion causes gigantism when it begins in childhood, but it is more likely to cause __________ when it begins in adulthood. a. acromegaly b. goiter c. Graves disease d. myxedema e. cushing syndrome

a. acromegaly

Cortisol secretion peaks between ___ and ___ a. early morning, noon b. midnight, early morning c. noon, early evening d. early evening, midnight

a. early morning, noon

The __________ secrete(s) a hormone as a response to hypocalcemia. a. parathyroid glands b. thyroid gland c. thymus d. pineal gland e. pituitary gland

a. parathyroid glands

Which of the following effects on a gland can be caused by a tumor?a. hypersecretion only b hyposecretion and hypersecretion c. hyposecretion only

b hyposecretion and hypersecretion

Which of the following is not a hypothalamic hormone? a. Antidiuretic hormone(ADH) b. Luteinizing hormone (LH) c. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) d. Somatostatin e. Prolactin- inhibiting hormone (PIH)

b. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Which of the following is NOT a role of cortisol? a. Promoting nucleogenesis b. Promoting protein synthesis c. Enhancing lipolysis d. Suppressing the immune system

b. Promoting protein synthesis

Steroid hormones are synthesized in the ___ of the cell. a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Golgi apparatus d. mitochondria e. nucleus

b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

The ______ secretes several hormones that stimulate the development of lymphatic organs and regulates development and activity of T cells (white blood cells). a. Thyroid b. Thymus c. Adrenal gland d. Spleen e. Parathyroid

b. Thymus

Calcium reabsorption by the kidneys is promoted by the hormone a. calcitonin b. calcitriol c. aldosterone d. cortisol e. ADH

b. calcitriol

Circulating hormones are mostly taken up and degraded by the _________ and the __________. a. liver; spleen b. liver; kidneys c. blood; kidneys d. spleen; kidneys e. adrenal glands; intestines

b. liver; kidneys

Which hormone stimulates glucocorticoid secretion? a. GHRH b. GHIH c. ACTH d. CRH e. TSH


Which of the following enters a target cell's nucleus and acts directly on the genes? a. Insulin b. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) c. Estrogen d. Glucagon e. Oxytocin (OT)

c. Estrogen

Which of the following is not the function of parathyroid hormone? a. It stimulates osteoclast activity b. It increases the rate of calcium absorption c. It increases the rate of calcium excretion d. It raises the level of calcium ion in the blood

c. It increases the rate of calcium excretion

The anterior pituitary is ____ than the posterior pituitary and has ___ connection to the hypothalamus? a. Smaller; no nervous b. Larger; a nervous c. Larger; no nervous d. Smaller; a nervous

c. Larger; no nervous

The posterior pituitary releases ________ a. Prolactin (PRL) b. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) c. Oxytocin (OT) d. Thyroid hormone (TH) e. Growth hormone (GH)

c. Oxytocin (OT)

The _____ secrete(s) a hormone as a response to hypocalcemia a. Thymus b. Thyroid gland c. Parathyroid glands d. Pineal gland e. Pituitary gland

c. Parathyroid glands

The presence of two peripheral efferent neurons in a pathway is typical of the ________ division. a. somatic b. sensory c. autonomic c. somatic and sensory e. somatic and autonomic

c. autonomic

The absence of iodine in the diet leads to __________. a. hypoglycemia b. hypoparathyroidism c. hypothyroidism d. hypoxemia

c. hypothyroidism

Glucagon increases blood glucose concentration and insulin decreases it. This is an example of _____. a. the cascade effect b. hormone clearance c. the antagonistic effect d. the permissive effect e. the synergistic effect

c. the antagonistic effect

Which of the following is not secreted by the pancreas? a. Glucagon b. Pancreatic polypeptide c. Gastrin d. Somatostatin (growth hormone- inhibiting hormone) e. Somatotropin (growth hormone)

e. Somatotropin (growth hormone)

The initial response to stress is called the _________ and is mediated mainly by __________.

alarm reaction; norepinephrine and epinephrine

The resistance stage in the general adaptation syndrome (stress response) is dominated by __________.


The ______ secrete(s) ______, which promotes Na+ and water retention a. Adrenal medulla; epinephrine b. Pancreas; cortisol c. Kidneys; corticosterone d. Adrenal cortex; aldosterone e. Thyroid; calcitonin

d. Adrenal cortex; aldosterone

Of the following hormones, which has more target cells in the body than the others? a. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) b. Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) c. Growth Hormone- releasing hormone (GHRH) d. Growth Hormone (GH) e. Oxytocin (OT)

d. Growth Hormone (GH)

When adenylyl cyclase is activated, a. ATP is consumed b. cAMP is formed c. cAMP is broken down d. ATP is produced e. ATP is consumed and cAMP is formed.

e. ATP is consumed and cAMP is formed.

Thyrotropin releasing hormone targets the _______ a. Thyroid gland b. Thyroid hormone c. Hypothalamus d. Posterior pituitary e. Anterior pituitary

e. Anterior pituitary

The zona fasciculata in the adrenal gland secretes ______. a. Glucagon b. Epinephrine c. Estradiol d. Aldosterone e. Cortisol

e. Cortisol

Which of the following is synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum? a. Aldosterone b. Cortisol c. Testosterone d. Calcitriol e. Glucagon

e. Glucagon

The infundibulum is a ________ a. Mass of endocrine and neural cells b. Portal system between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland c. Bulky nucleus composed of the paraventricular nucleus and the supraoptic nucleus d. Depression of the sphenoid bone that protects the pituitary gland e. Projection of the hypothalamus from which the pituitary gland hangs

e. Projection of the hypothalamus from which the pituitary gland hangs

The ___________ can be found as part of the epithalamus, near the superior colliculi of the midbrain.

pineal gland

According to the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, myosin heads pull on _______ filaments and _______.

thin; move the z-lines together

Negative feedback inhibition occurs when __________.

thyroid hormone (TH) targets the anterior pituitary

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