Endocrine Study Set

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The nurse is assessing a client with hyperthyroidism. For which signs and symptoms should the nurse assess the client? Select all that apply.

1. Amenorrhea 4. Flushed appearance 5. Short attention span Amenorrhea is due to hypothalamic or pituitary disturbances associated with hyperthyroidism. The skin is warm and flushed because of a hyperdynamic circulatory state. A short attention span is related to altered cerebral metabolism from excess thyroid hormones. Hypertension is associated with hyperthyroidism;

Which clinical indicators can the nurse expect when assessing a client with Cushing syndrome? Select all that apply.

1. Lability of mood, 2. Slow Wound healing Excess adrenocorticoids cause emotional lability, euphoria, and psychosis. Hypercortisolism impairs the inflammatory response, slowing wound healing. Increased secretion of androgens results in hirsutism. Although a moon face is associated with corticosteroid therapy, ectomorphism is a term for a tall, thin, genetically determined body type and is unrelated to Cushing syndrome. There is increased bruising because capillary fragility results in multiple ecchymotic areas.

A client is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and is experiencing exophthalmia. Which measures should the nurse include when teaching this client how to manage the discomfort associated with exophthalmia? Select all that apply.

1. Use tinted glasses 3. Elevate head of bed 45 4. tape eyelids shut at night if they do not close Tinted glasses decrease light impacting on the eyes and protect eyes that are photosensitive. Elevating the head of the bed 45 degrees will promote a decrease in periorbital fluid. Taping the eyelids shut at night if they do not close reduces the risk of corneal dryness, which can lead to infection or injury

After surgical clipping of a cerebral aneurysm, the client develops the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). For which manifestations of excessive levels of ADH should the nurse assess the client? Select all that apply.

Hyponatremia, Weight Gain Excessive levels of ADH cause inappropriate free water retention; for every liter of fluid retained, the client will gain approximately 2.2 lb. Free water retention results in a hypoosmolar state with dilutional hyponatremia. Oliguria, not polyuria, occurs as ADH acts on nephrons to cause water to be reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate. Because of water reabsorption, blood volume may increase, causing hypertension, not hypotension. This increases, not decreases, as a result of increased urine concentration.

A nurse is caring for a client who had an adrenalectomy. For what clinical response should the nurse monitor while steroid therapy is being regulated?

Hypotension After an adrenalectomy, adrenal insufficiency causes hypotension because of fluid and electrolyte alterations.

A client with type 1 diabetes consistently has high glucose levels on awakening in the morning. What should the nurse instruct the client to do to differentiate between the Somogyi effect and the dawn phenomenon?

Measure the blood glucose level between 2 AM and 4 AM. During the hours of sleep, the Somogyi effect may be caused by a decline in the blood glucose level in response to too much insulin. The resulting hypoglycemia stimulates counterregulatory hormones, which precipitate lipolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis, which in turn produce rebound hyperglycemia and ketosis. Treatment involves decreasing the evening insulin. The dawn phenomenon is characterized by the release of counterregulatory hormones in the predawn hours, precipitating hyperglycemia on awakening. Treatment involves an increase in insulin

A client has had a resection of an aldosterone-secreting tumor of an adrenal gland. The client says to the nurse, "It will be good for me to return to work soon." Based on an understanding of the health problem, the nurse should:

Tell the client that returning to work is okay because the body has two adrenal glands; the tumor was on just one of the glands.

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