Engine Performance

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A diesel engine is an example of a __________ engine. A. Compression ignition B. Combustion ignition C. Stirling D. Spark Ignition


According to ______ law, in a sealed chamber, the pressure and temperature of a gas are directly related to each other. A. Kirchoff's B. Pascal's C. Newton's D. Charles'


After replacing a cooling system component or hose, be sure to: A. Make sure the cooling fan comes on when first started. B. Pressure check for leaks. C. Check the water pump pressure D. Fill the system with water only.


Air cooling of engines is no longer used in automotive applications, because air-cooled systems: A. Are not emissions friendly B. Are heavier than liquid-cooled systems. C. Do not work well at higher speeds. D. Need special coolant pumps.


All of the following can be said about engine oil, EXCEPT: A. It keeps the metal parts from touching. B. It has a low coefficient of friction. C. It creates a protective layer between two metal components D. It causes the metal components to expand


An oil pump that is capable of delivering a large amount of oil than a stock oil pump is called a: A. Centrifugal pump B. High-pressure pump C. Nonpositive displacement pump D. High-volume pump


An overflow tank is used to: A. Recover oil that may be pushed out of the engine during periods of high heat. B. Recover gasoline that is spilled during fuel fills. C. Catch coolant that is released by the radiator cap when the coolant heats up. D. Catch oil from an overfilled engine.


As pressure rises in the cylinder, _____also rises A. space B. Vacuum C. Volume D. Temperature


Because of its design, the oil reservoir for a dry sump lubrication system can be mounted: A. In the oil pump B. In the fuel tank C. Away from the engine D. Inside the crankcase


Both steam engines and Stirling engines are known as _______ combustion engines. A. External B. Mixed C. Internal D. Partial


Down-flow radiators: A. Use tanks on the sides B. Allow for a lower hood profile C. Use tanks on the top and bottom D. Are more efficient than cross-flow radiators


Effort to produce a push or pull action is called: A. Force B. Work C. Energy D. Movement


In a wet sump system, oil is cooled: A. In the sump or oil pan. B. In a special oil filter C. In the valve cover D. In the oil galleries


In variable valve timing engines, the cam phaser is controlled by: A. The power train control module B. Centrifugal force C. A vacuum modulator D. The heat of compression


Lubricating oil that is used in engines is made by refining: A. Ground oil B. Crude oil C. Mineral oil D. Rig oil


Most full-flow oil filters will catch particles as small as _________ microns A. 100 B. 10 C. 50 D. 30


Most oil filters on diesel engines are typically ____________ those on similar size gasoline engines. A. Smaller than B. None of the answers listed C. The same size as D. Larger than


Most oil pumps are the _________ displacement type A. Negative B. Forward C. Centrifugal D. Positive


Most small four-stroke gasoline engines use: A. A wet sump lubrication system B. A dry sump lubrication system C. A pressure lubrication system D. A splash lubriation system


Roller rockers arms are used in engines to: A. Decrease friction. B. Take up valve clearance. C. Increase oil flow. D. Reduce valve noise.


Synthetic oils: A. Are made of refined vegetable oil. B. Are not good for cold climates C. Have high wax content D. Can operate at higher temperatures.


Tech A says that a gasoline engine is designed to operate at near or at maximum speed for long periods without damage. Tech B says that a diesel engine is designed to operate at near or maximum speed for long periods without damage. Who is correct?


Tech A says that if valve clearance is too small, the valve will make a ticking noise. Tech B says that if valve clearance is too large, the valves will be held for too long Who is correct?


Tech A says that if valve clearance is too small, the valve will make a ticking noise. Tech B says that if valve clearance is too large, the valves will be held open for too long. Who is correct?


Tech A says that in a two-valve combustion chamber, the intake valve in smaller than the exhaust valve. Tech B says that the exhaust valve can be similar, because the piston aids in pushing out exhaust gases. Who is correct?


Tech A says that most pistons are made of soft iron. Tech B says that pistons are usually made of an aluminum alloy. Who is correct?


Tech A says that movement does not have to occur to have torque. Tech B says that torque is a twisting force. Who is correct?


Tech A says that parasitic loss in an engine is caused by low fuel volatility. Tech B says that parasitic loss is caused by internal component friction. Who is correct?


Tech A says that piston clearance is necessary for lubrication between the piston and the cylinder wall. Tech B says that piston clearance is necessary for piston expansion due to heat. Who is correct?


Tech A says that spark ignition engines use glow plugs. Tech B says that compression ignition engines don't need spark plugs. who is correct?


Tech A says that the API service symbol is located in the engine bay to ensure the correct oil is being used. Tech B says that the API service symbol is located on the oil bottle to ensure the correct oil is being used. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the American Petroleum Institute (API) group 4 is the most common synthetic oil. Tech B says that group 1 oils are not suitable for use in automobiles. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) sets the performance standards for motor oil. Tech B says that the American petroleum Institute (API) sets performance standards for motor oil. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the internal combustion engine uses poppet type valves. Tech B says that the lobe of the cam is the egg-shaped part that pushes on the valve to open it. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the rotary engine does not need to convert reciprocal motion into rotary motion. Tech B says that the rotor is roughly triangular in shape and turns inside a housing. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the rotary engine is not an internal combustion engine, because it does not use pistons. Tech B says that a rotary engine gets three power pulses for each rotation of the engine. Who is correct?


Tech A says that the valves seal the combustion chamber so that the pressure created cannot escape. Tech B says that if not enough pressure is created in a cylinder, less power will be created. Who is correct?


Tech A says that too much valve lift will cause less air to flow into the combustion chamber. Tech B says that too much valve lift can cause coil bind. Who is correct?


Tech A says that turbocharging increase an engine's volumetric efficiency. Tech B says that supercharging decreases volumetric efficiency. Who is correct?


Tech A says that variable valve timing allows the engine to operate more efficiently and with more power over a large range than with a standard fixed-valve timing engine. Tech B says that the use of variable valve timing (VVT) enables some manufacturers to eliminate exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR) valves. Who is correct?


Technician A says that a two-stroke oil injection system uses a gravity-fed pressure system. Technician B says that a reservoir is not needed to store injection oil. Who is correct?


Technician A says that after completing an oil change, the oil change reminder will automatically turn off. Technician B says that in most vehicles, you will have to refer to service information to find the procedure for resetting the oil change reminder light. Who is correct?


Technician A says that an oil slinger is used in high-pressure oil systems. Technician B says that an oil slinger can be driven by the crankshaft or camshaft. Who is correct?


Technician A says that auxiliary coolers may be used to cool automatic transmission fluid. Technician B says that auxiliary coolers are used to help cool the engine coolant during periods of high temperature. Who is correct?


Technician A says that before checking the oil level, the vehicle must be on a level surface. Technician B says that the vehicle should be placed on jack stands. Who is correct?


Technician A says that belts are an important part of the cooling system if they are used to drive the fan or water pump. Technician B says that since the belt is made of rubber, it cannot be overtightened, so tightening it extra tight is a good insurance policy to be sure the belt won't slip. Who is correct?


Technician A says that compression pressures have to be lower in combustion ignition engines. Technician B says that the heat of compression ignites the fuel in a compression ignition engine. Who is correct?


Technician A says that coolant dripping on the floor in the passenger compartment is an indication of a bad evaporator. Technician B says that in order to remove the heater core, it may be necessary to remove the entire dash assembly. Who is correct?


Technician A says that coolant needs to be recycled properly. Technician B says that it is acceptable to dispose of coolant by pouring it down the drain or flushing it down the toilet. Who is correct?


Technician A says that electrolysis in the cooling system can be due to faulty grounds in the electrical system. Technician B says that electrolysis can be the result of improper coolant maintenance. Who is correct?


Technician A says that most oil pumps are positive displacement type pumps. Technician B says that most oil pumps are centrifugal type pumps. Who is correct?


Technician A says that oil pressure is monitored by an oil pressure gauge. Technician B says that oil pressure is monitored by an oil level monitoring system. Who is correct?


Technician A says that oil pumps can be driven by the camshaft. Technician B says that oil pumps can be driven by the crankshaft. Who is correct?


Technician A says that one job of the piston rings is to prevent blow-by. Technician B says that oil control piston rings help to allow oil into the combustion chamber to mix with the air-fuel mixture. Who is correct?


Technician A says that rigid hoses are needed for the cooling system to withstand the extreme heat of the engine bay. Technician B says that flexible hoses are needed for the cooling system to allow for engine movement. Who is correct?


Technician A says that the API service symbol is located in the engine bay to ensure the correct oil is being used. Technician B says that the API service symbol is located on the oil bottle to ensure the correct oil is being used. Who is correct?


Technician A says that the American Petroleum Institute (API) group 4 is the most common synthetic oil. Technician B says that group 1 oils are not suitable for use in automobiles. Who is correct?


Technician A says that the first parts of the engine to be lubricated are the crankshaft bearings. Technician B says that the rocker arms are the first engine parts to be lubricated. Who is correct?


Technician A says that the radiator pressure cap lowers the boiling point of the coolant. Technician B says that boiling coolant can lead to the engine seizing. Who is correct?


Technician A says that to measure pH, you should use a hydrometer. Technician B says that incorrect coolant pH can lead to electrolysis. Who is correct?


Technician A says that to properly check the coolant level, you must remove the radiator cap when the system is hot. Technician B says removal of the radiator cap is unnecessary, as the coolant reservoir is where you check coolant level on modern vehicles. Who is correct?


Technician A says that using a pressure tester is a very effective way of testing for leaks. Technician B says that when pressure testing the system, you should expect the system to hold pressure only for a few seconds. Who is correct?


Technician A says that when diagnosing a problem with an electric cooling fan, a digital volt-ohmmeter (DVOM) may need to be used. Technician B says that one benefit of a viscous clutch is that it cannot fail. Who is correct?


Technician A says that when installing an oil filter, you should tighten it with a filter wrench to prevent it from falling off. Technician B says that oil filters should only be installed by hand. Who is correct?


Technician A says that when removing the oil, it can be easy to confuse the oil drain plug and the transmission drain plug. Technician B says that drain plugs should be tightened to the manufacturer recommended torque specification. Who is correct?


Technician A says that when testing oil pressure using a manual test gauge, the engine should be completely warm. Technician B says that when using a manual test gauge, you should test the pressure at idle only. Who is correct?


Technician A says that when testing the oil pressure in an engine, you can install the pressure tester in the threaded passage for the oil pressure sender. Technician B says that if the engine makes noise, no pressure test is necessary, because repairs will not be possible. Who is correct?


Technician A says the bypass hose is used to regulate cooling system pressure. Technician B says that radiator hoses should be checked during routine maintenance. Who is correct?


Technician A says the pressure relief valve keeps the engine from becoming damaged if the oil filter clogs. Technician B says that the bypass valve prevents the engine from becoming damaged if the oil filter clogs. Who is correct?


The additive found in oil that minimizes that formation of air bubbles in the oil is called a(n): A. Dispersant B. Pour point depressant C. Viscosity index improver D. Antifoaming agent


The amount of slack between the rocker arm or cam follower and the valve stem is known as valve: A. Clearance B. Duration C. Timing D. Lift


The amount of time a valve stays open, measured in degrees of crankshaft rotation, is known as : A. Duration B. Dwell C. Overlap D. Burn time


The component that is responsible for opening the valves at the right time is called the: A. Camshaft B. Crankshaft C. Valve guide D. Timing chain


The component that stops excess oil pressure from developing is called the oil: A. Gallery B. Filter C. Pressure relief valve D. Pressure sending unit.


The component that stores kinetic energy from each power stroke and helps keep the crankshaft turning through nonpower strokes is the: A. Flywheel B. Harmonic balancer C. Connecting rod D. Distributer


The component used to regulate the operating temperature of the coolant is the: A. Radiator B. Heater core C. Thermostat D. Heater control valve


The cooling system component that is designed to circulate coolant is the A. Thermostat B. Cooling fan C. Radiator D. Water pump


The engine's oil pan does all of the following EXCEPT: A. Catch any oil leaking out of the engine B. Hold oil for the lubrication system. C. Seal off the bottom of the crankcase. D. Radiate oil heat to the outside ambient air.


The gasoline spark ignition engine and the diesel compression ignition engine are both examples of _______ engines. A. External combustion B. Internal combustion C. Two-stroke D. Rotary


The internal combustion engine has been in use in automobiles for about: A. 25 years B. 50 years C. 200 years D. 100 years


The main function of motor oil is to reduce ___________ between moving parts of the engine. A. Viscosity B. Friction C. Cooling D. Movement


The measure of how easily a liquid flows is called its: A. Flowability B. Polymer C. Elasticity D. Viscosity


The oil additive that collects particles that can block the system is called a(n): A. Pour point depressant. B. Detergent C. Antifoaming agent D. Dispersant


The oil additive that reduces the effect of oil churning in the crankcase is known as a(n): A. Antifoaming agent B. Detergent C. Pour point depressant D. Dispersant


The oil dipper for the splash lubrication system on a horizontal-crankshaft engine is usually mounted to the: A. Connecting rod B. Camshaft C. Cylinder head D. Engine head


The operating range of a an engine from start up to shutdown is called: A. Horsepower curve B. Torque curve C. Duty cycle D. Drive cycle


The passages that allow coolant to flow through the engine block and the cylinder head are known as: A. Hoses B. Water jackets C. Ports D. Galleries


The percentage at which a cylinder is filled with air when it is running is known as: A. Horsepower B. Volumetric efficiency. C. Compression D. Vacuum


The piston engine uses the ________ to convert the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion. A. Wrist pin B. Torque converter C. Camshaft D. Crankshaft


The rate or speed at which work is performed is called: A. Thrust B. Power C. Distance D. Force


The ratio of the crank gear to the camshaft gear is A. 2:1 B. 1:1 C. 3:1 D. 4:1


The reason oil levels may be low can be all of the following EXCEPT: A. Oil burning because of a clogged air filter. B. Oil burning because of worn piston rings C. Oil burning because of bad valve guides D. Oil leaks.


The ring lands are the areas: A. Between the ring grooves B. On top of the piston C. That support the piston pin D. Below the ring groove area.


The top radiator hose is typically attached to the: A. Transmission cooler B. Heater core C. Thermostat housing D. Water pump


There are two types of belt tensioners: A. Viscous and nonviscous B. Vertical and horizontal mounted C. Automotive and manual D. V-type and serpentine


There are two types of oil sump systems. These are: A. Positive and negative pressure systems B. High pressure and low pressure systems C. Dry sump and wet sump systems D. Low profile and standard systems


Twisting force is known as A. Thrust B. Torque C. Horsepower D. Energy


When force causes movement, _____ is done. A. Work B. Force C. Displacement D. Power


When installing a new oil filter, it is a good idea to: A. Clean oil from the mounting area and install the gasket dry. B. Wipe a small amount of oil on the new filter gasket. C. Wipe a small amount of contact cement on the gasket. D. Wipe a small amount of gasket sealer on the new filter gasket.


Which of the following is NOT a function of lubricating oil? A. Clean B. Seal C. Burn D. Cool

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