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What is a noun?

A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

What is the antecedent?

A noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentence.

What is an irregular noun?

A noun that becomes plural by either changing their form altogether (e.g., "mouse" becomes "mice") or a noun that remains unchanged (e.g., "sheep).

What is a regular noun?

A noun that becomes plural by ending with "s" or "es" to their form. ° Coats ° Buses

What is a passive verb?

A passive verb indicates that the subject is not performing the action and is therefore "passive." Passive verbs always consist of at least two words, a form of the BE verb followed by the past participle. → The ball WAS THROWN by Monique.

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of/represent a noun/nouns.

What is a verb?

A verb is used to express either action or state of being (existence). → We SLEPT. → He CONSIDERED the idea


ACTION VERB → TRANSITIVE (subject follows verb) (felt)


ACTION VERB → TRANSITIVE (subject follows verb) (sounded)

What is to note about the verbs of sense and linking verbs?

All the verbs of sense can be used as linking verbs. The soup TASTED good. The soup SMELLED good. The soup LOOKED good. The soup SOUNDED good. The soup FELT good on such a cold day.

What are the forms of "be" for "be verbs"?

Am, is, are, was, were, being been. ° They WERE happy. The element that follows "be" may be an adverb of time or place.

IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: I doubt that anyone can do better. (I doubt that George can do better.)


IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: Whom did Steve call for advice? (In this case, rearrange the wording: Did Steve call Bill for advice?)


What is the "the" test for common nouns?

If the word can be readily modified by an adjective, then that word must be a common noun. Essentially, if "the" can be put immediately in front of a word and the result makes sense, that word is a noun. (This test is not perfect though!) ° The new dishes are (the) blue X (blue is not a noun)

What are impersonal pronouns?

Impersonal pronouns are those that do not reflect the characteristics of personal pronouns, meaning they cannot be changed to reflect first, second, or third person; singular or plural; or masculine, feminine, or neuter.

What are interrogative pronouns?

Inclusive of "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "what" when used to begin a question. → WHAT is the name of our professor? → WHICH is the Thermos that works? → WHOSE is this?

What are indefinite pronouns?

Indefinite pronouns refer to unspecified persons, things, or groups. They can be changed to become possessive in form.mThe familiar indefinite pronouns begin with "any," "some," "every," or "no." → "Many" are called, but "few" are chosen.

What is an abstract noun?

Intangible entities such as justice, love, philosophy.

What are intensive pronouns?

Intensive pronouns are optional forms used for emphasis. → The children THEMSELVES painted this mural. (Here, "themselves" is an intensive pronoun because it is used solely for emphasis.)

What are intransitive verbs?

Intransitive verbs are not followed by and object. A transitive verb can often serve as an intransitive verb when you simply delete the object. → He KICKED. → She WAVED. → The children RAN through the yard.

When does the fourth type of auxiliary, forms of DO, appear and how is it used?

It appears in special circumstances and is used when we phrase a question from a sentence that contains no other auxiliaries, when we make a positive statement negative, and when we want to add emphasis. ° STATEMENT W/O AUXILIARY: Dad likes oatmeal ° QUESTION FORMATION: DOES Dad like oatmeal? ° NEGATIVE STATEMENT: Dad DOES not like chocolate. ° EMPHATIC STATEMENT: Dad DOES like chocolate.

What can linking verbs often function as?

Linking verbs can often function as action verbs, depending on the sentence.

What are linking verbs?

Links an adjective, noun, or pronoun to the subject. Linking verbs can be replaced by a form of BE without substantially changing the meaning of the sentence. ° LINKING VERB FORM: "They SEEMED happy." → BE VERB: "They WERE happy."

Are "when," "where," why," and "how" interrogative pronouns?

No. These function as adverbs, not pronouns.

What are uncountable nouns?

Nouns that indicate entities that cannot actually be counted such as "flour" but can be understood as plural in some sense such as 5 cups (cups is countable) of flour.

What are countable nouns?

Nouns that indicate entities which can be counted ° "Cookies" → "Four Cookies"

IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: Mary gave her a lollipop. (Mary gave the child a lollipop.)


What are quantifiers?

"some," "many," "several"

What is an article?

"the" (definite, indicating no particular specification); "a" and "an" (indefinite, indicating a specific party)

What are demonstratives?

"this," "that," "these," "those,"

What verbs can be used as auxiliaries?

1. MODALS → (shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, have to, had to, ought to) 2. FORMS OF HAVE → (has, have, had) 3. FORMS OF BE → (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) 4. FORMS OF D0 → (does, do, did)

IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: Her mother is learning Spanish. (Jenna's mother is learning Spanish.)


Which auxiliaries always appear in the same order?

modal + HAVE + BE + main verb

What also qualifies as an indefinite pronoun?

Words that specify a number or amount also qualify as indefinite pronouns, such as "enough," "many," "both," "none," "each,"and the cardinal numbers such as one, two, three, and so on. → MANY of the flowers have already bloomed → TWENTY of the students gave EACH of the teachers a little SOMETHING as a parting gift.

IDENTIFY THE LINKING VERB VS THE ACTION VERB: a. The farmer grew sad as he talked about his childhood. b. The farmer grew corn

a. "Grew" is a linking verb because you can replace GREW with WAS b. "Grew" is a transitive verb because you cannot replace GREW with WAS and because an object follows the verb.

IDENTIFY THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN VS THE MODIFYING ADJECTIVE: a. Popeye would like some. b. Popeye would like some spinach.

a. Indefinite pronoun (The pronoun "some" stands alone) b. Modifying adjective (The adjective "some" modifies spinach).

IDENTIFY THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (PP) AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS IN DETERMINER FORM (PPD/PA) (POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES): a. That book is hers. b. That is her book. c. The cat licked its paw. d. The book is hers. e. Her book is on the table.

a. PP b. PPD/PA c. PPD/PA d. PP e. PPD/PA

IDENTIFY THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN VS THE MODIFYING ADJECTIVE: a. Wiggie would like that bully stick. b. Wiggie would like that.

a. modifying adjective (The adjective "that" modifies bully stick. b.demonstrative pronoun (The pronoun "that" stands alone.)

What is an active verb?

An active verb indicates that the subject of that verb is performing the action. → Monique THREW the ball.

What do "whose," "which," and "what" function as when they immediately precede a noun.?

As adjectives (determiners). → WHAT object is on the table? → WHICH Thermos did you just buy? → WHOSE garbage is this?

What are possessive pronouns in determiner form?

As determiners these pronouns act as adjectives because they provide more information about the noun that follows. First person, Second person, Third person & Singular/Plural → "Her" book is on the table. → The cat licked "its" paw.

What is an essential characteristic of the BE and Linking verbs?

By themselves, they cannot complete the thought of the sentence. Whenever we use a BE or linking verb as the main verb of the sentence, we must follow it with an adjective that modifies the subject or with a noun or pronoun that renames the subject. → Carla is here. (It is impossible to use "Carla is" as a complete sentence.

IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: I would like to buy that. (I would like to buy the computer.)


What are demonstrative pronouns?

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out a specific noun. There are only four demonstrative pronouns: "this," "that," "these," and "those." They indicate proximity! → THIS is a sucie boi → THESE are dirty dog toys → THAT is a sucie boi → THOSE are dirty dog toys

What are determiners?

Determiners are a diverse group of modifiers that proceed descriptive adjectives. The are noun-markers as they clarify the noun. ° The old house → "the" is the determiner and "old is the descriptive adjective.


EATING is the main verb here which can be classified as an action verb as it denotes action on the part of the subject ("toddler"). Since the verb is not followed by an object (the noun "table" is not the object of the verb but the object of the preposition "at") we can categorize the verb "eating" as an intransitive verb, and by extension the entire verb phrase "should have been eating" is intransitive.

What is the determiner test?

Even if the noun is not proceeded by a determiner, you can insert one as a test; if the phrase makes sense, the word that follows the determiner is a noun. → "John's" house, "his" house → "that" house → "which" house → "the house

What are possessive pronouns in pronoun form?

First person, Second person, Third person & Singular/Plural → The book is "mine" → The book is "ours"

What are personal pronouns?

Pronouns that indicate first, second, or third person; singular or plural; with masculine, feminine, or neuter gender.

IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: The children waved good-bye to one another. (The children waved good-bye to their friends.)


IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: Eleanor made herself sick with worry. (Eleanor made Eleanor sick with worry.)


IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: The employees preferred a supervisor who could be objective. (Mellisa could be objective).


What can reciprocal pronouns also be used as?

Reciprocal pronouns can also be used as determiners (adjectives) when in the possessive. → Nate and Sheena get on EACH OTHER'S nerves. → In our family, we have learned to put up with ONE ANOTHER'S crap.

What are reciprocal pronouns?

Reciprocal pronouns indicate reciprocity, either singular ("each other," meaning only two) or plural ("one another," meaning more than two). → They love EACH OTHER (This sentence indicates two people in love.) → They love ONE ANOTHER (This sentence indicates more than two people, perhaps a loving family.)





IDENTIFY THE PRONOUN: He jogs every day. (Mike jobs every day)


What is a concrete noun?

Tangible entities such as house, tree, computer.

What are objective pronouns?

The form used for the direct object (Joe understands ME), indirect object (Sally bought HIM a present), or object of a preposition (The company will do anything for THEM). → To determine the objective form you can use the pronoun that naturally follows the preposition "to": "to me," "to her," "to him," "to us," "to them."

What are normative or subjective pronouns?

The form used for the subject of a sentence ("she" is here) or the form used for the subjective complement (Who is "she"?)

What are reflexive or intensive pronouns?

The form used to REFER BACK to the antecedent (a noun or pronoun used earlier in the sentence). Reflexive pronouns are NECESSARY for clarity of meaning and end in -self or -selves. → Perry found HIMSELF alone in the room. → The children locked THEMSELVES out. → The queen saw HERSELF in the mirror.

What are possessive pronouns? What are their two forms?

The form used to show possession of a noun. Possessive pronouns have two forms, depending on whether they are acting as free-standing *pronouns* or as *determiners* before a noun.

What does the most basic classification of a verb require?

The most basic classification of a verb requires us to label it as either ACTIVE or PASSIVE.

What are relative pronouns?

The relative pronouns are "who" (and its variants "whoever," "whom," "whomever," and "whose"), "which," and "that." → The police officer WHO helped us was extremely courteous. → That piano, WHICH has been in storage during the winter, needs to be tuned. → Do not trust a wild animal THAT has been caged.

How do you determine the main verb in a verb phrase?

When you see a verb phrase, the last word in the phrase determines whether you have an action or a state of being verb. The last word in the verb phrase is the main verb.

What is a sentence with auxiliaries and a main verb? (example)

The toddler SHOULD HAVE BEEN EATING at the table → Note how a modal, a form of HAVE, and a form of BE all precede the main verb.

What are auxiliaries/helping verbs?

The verbs leading up to the main verb. They allow us to express various shades of meaning, including tense (when the action or existence indicated by the verb took place). THE MAIN VERB DETERMINES THE CATEGORY OF THE VERB AS A WHOLE.

What is form?

The way a word looks or can be changed to look.

What is function?

The way a word operates within a larger unit to help make meaning.

What word is convenient for identifying verbs?

The word WILL. If you can put WILL in front of a word and the result is grammatical, then that word must be a verb. → Noun: Should we get another (will) ROUND? Incorrect → Verb: The horses (will) ROUND the last post and head for home. Correct → Adjective: He put a small, (will) ROUND pebble in his pocket. Incorrect

What are third-person pronouns?

They literally replace specific nouns. ° Tarzan wondered where Jane was → HE wondered where SHE was.

What do second-person pronouns do?

They represent the hearer (or reader) of the sentence. → I see "you".

What do first-person pronouns do?

They represent the speaker (or writer) of the sentence. → "I" see you. (I is the first-person pronoun)

What are transitive verbs?

Transitive verbs are followed by an object indicating who or what receives the action. → He KICKED the ball. → She WAVED her hand.

What is the defining characteristic of all verbs?

Verbs (and only verbs) have tenses: present, past, and future. Unless a word can be used in these tenses, it is not a verb.

What are the categories of verbs?

Verbs fall into two large categories: action or state of being (existence).

What are possessives used as adjectives?

When nouns and pronouns are used in their possessive forms, they are functioning as adjectives and are no longer classified as nouns and pronouns per se. → "John's" car (noun) → "my" car, "your" car (pronouns)

What are the categories of nouns?

→ Abstract or concrete → (Proper or common) → Regular and irregular → Countable and uncountable

How do the categories of verbs further subdivide?

→ Action verbs ° Transitive verbs ° Intransitive verbs → State of being (existence) verbs ° Be verbs ° Linking verbs

What are the five subclasses of determiners?

→ Articles → Demonstratives → Number Words → Possessives used as adjectives → Quantifiers

What are number words?

→ Cardinal numbers: "one", "two", "three"... → Ordinal numbers: "first", "second", "third" (plus other words indicating order: "first," "last"...

What pronouns fall under impersonal pronouns?

→ Indefinite pronouns → Reciprocal pronouns → Interrogative pronouns → Demonstrative pronouns → Relative pronouns

What are other tests to know if something is a noun?

→ Make it plural or possessive ("Cabinets", the "cabinet's" handle) → Substitute a pronoun for it (Mark composed the "song" → He composed "it")

What pronouns fall under personal pronouns?

→ Normative or subjective → Objective → Reflexive or intensive → Possessive pronouns

What are the eight parts of speech?

→ Noun → Pronoun → Verb → Adjective → Adverb → Preposition → Conjunction → Interjection (not "functional) ° Not all words fit nicely into these categories! For example, water can be a noun, verb, and an adjective.

What are the two large classes that pronouns can be divided into?

→ Personal pronouns → Impersonal pronouns

What are the two types of nouns?

→ Proper nouns: The names of specific individuals or entities (normally capitalized) ° Everest → Common nouns: The names of generic categories °mountain

What are the two types of verbs?

→ Regular verbs: Form their past tenses by adding -ed and sometimes just -d if the verb already ends in an e ° Present: She always REMEMBERS to feed Wrigley. ° Past: She always REMEMBERED to feed Wrigley. ° Future: She will REMEMBER to feed Wrigley. → Irregular verbs: Form their past tense often by changing the vowel of the verb. ° Present: He always FORGETS to clean up. ° Past: He FORGOT to clean up yesterday. ° Future: He will FORGET to clean up.

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