ENGL 3740 Final Exam

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USAGE which are grammatically correct

- Neither Mary nor her brother has a dog. - The puppy lay down and took a nap. - No two dogs' nose prints are alike.

V & VP match each V to correct verb type

- linking - The Labrador Retriever IS the most popular breed. - ditransitive - Therapy dogs BRING healing to individuals and families. - intransitive - Miniature Schnauzers BARK often. - transitive - Dogs EAT meat, grains, and vegetables. - intransitive - Puppies SLEEP most of the day. - transitive - More than one in three US families OWNS a dog. - transitive - Dogs can LEARN more than 1,000 words.

V & VP change the VP to different tenses "he trains dogs"

- present progressive - He is training dogs. - past perfect - He had trained dogs. - simple future - He will train dogs. - past perfect progressive - He had been training dogs.

question types "House prices are dropping across the nation." 1. Yes/No Question 2. Wh-Question questioning the Subject NP. 3. Tag question 4. Embedded question

1. Are house prices dropping across the nation? 2. What is dropping across the nation? 3. House prices are dropping across the nation, aren't they? 4. I wonder if house prices are dropping across the nation.

declarative clause --> other types "You are serious." 1. Yes/No Interrogative 2. Imperative 3. Exclamative

1. Are you serious? 2. Be serious! 3. How serious you are!

How many NOUN PHRASES are in the following sentence: "The director of the program believes in its academic quality."


Let's add to our sentence now. How many constituents are there in "The boy in overalls sneezed"? Notice that the NP [the boy] has become the NP [the boy in overalls]. And keep in mind that Prepositional Phrases have an NP embedded in them.


q7: Identify the two prepositional phrases in the sentence He drove to the top of the hill. In Blank 1, enter the prepositional phrase headed by the preposition to. In Blank 2, enter the prepositional phrase headed by the preposition of.

# 1:to the top of the hill # 2:of the hill

Which one of the following would you judge to be in violation of subject-verb agreement rules?

One of the dogs keep barking all night.

Which of the following is a truncated passive voice sentence?

The cherries were eaten.

What is the full passive voice equivalent of the following yes-no question: "Did the wind destroy the barn?"

Was the barn destroyed by the wind?

Rewrite the following non-standard English sentence so that it conforms to the rules of standard English negation: We did not expect no visitors. (Please do not use contractions.)

We did not expect any visitors.

N & NP syntactic fxn of NP "Dogs give their owners unconditional love."

their owners - indirect object dogs - subject unconditional love - direct object

Which words constitute the ADVERB PHRASE in each of the following sentences? SENTENCE 1: Nan writes better than her brother. SENTENCE 2: They responded as quickly as possible. SENTENCE 3: However, their answers were confusing. SENTENCE 4: Jodie sat for a moment, painfully resisting the impulse to rummage through Walton's desk drawers.

# 1:better than her brother # 2:as quickly as possible # 3:however # 4:painfully

q6: Which words constitute the ADJECTIVE PHRASE in the following sentences? SENTENCE 1: Mary is tired of listening to her sister's complaints. SENTENCE 2: We are happy to see you. SENTENCE 3: Old buildings need renovation. SENTENCE 4: They considered the man incompetent.

# 1:tired of listening to her sister's complaints # 2:happy to see you # 3:old # 4:incompetent

active --> passive clauses 1. The city is constructing a new playground. 2. The tornado caused significant damage. 3. My school will host a group of exchange students. 4. The neighborhood association has invited the mayor to its meeting. 5. Will your office send the invitations?

1. A new playground is being constructed by the city. 2. Significant damage was caused by the tornado. 3. A group of exchange students will be hosted by my school. 4. The mayor has been invited by the neighborhood association to its meeting. 5. Will the invitations be sent by your office?

active --> passive with ditransitive provide 2 passive voice for following active "The school offered parents multiple options."

1. Multiple options [were] offered to parents by the school. 2. Parents [were] offered multiple options by the school.

q11: Which of the following sentences is compound?

Everyone loves clowns, but mimes are not universally appealing.

This question relates to rules of forming Yes/No and Wh-questions in English. When the auxiliary verb DO is added as an auxiliary verb in question formation in English (yes-no or wh-questions), where does it derive its tense and number?

It derives its tense and number from the main verb of the corresponding declarative sentence.

N & NP identify NP "Chihuahuas are born with soft spots in their skulls."

NP - chihuahuas NP - soft spots in their skulls NP - their skulls

exam 3 covers which topics?

barry ch. 8-10

N & NP identify N "This country has the highest dog population in the world"

country dog population world

In the sentence, "Gang violence has spiked dramatically on the streets of Compton, the small city in South-Central Los Angeles that has been plagued by gangs and drugs," indicate the verb form (with all its auxiliaries) which is in the passive voice.

has been plagued

What type of verb is "fly" in the sentence, "The plane flew over the clouds"?


USAGE identify the usage error "There's 400 million dogs in the world."

subject-verb agreement error - there ARE

Below are statements that could be used in reference to the difference between descriptive and prescriptive grammars.

- A prescriptive grammar is one that lays down the rules for English language usage, while a descriptive grammar synthesises rules for English usage from the language that people actually use. - A prescriptive grammarian is someone who creates normative or prescriptive sets of rules setting forth the current standard of usage for pedagogical or reference purposes. - A descriptive grammarian is someone who studies the structure of a language as it's actually used by speakers and writers.

Which of the following resources are available for you in the course content?

- Lectures with PowerPoint slides and audio. - Correct answers to important textbook exercises. - Online interactive practice grammar exercises/mazes.

AP identify adj phrases in each sentence

- My puppy was THRILLED TO SEE ME. - My puppy is VERY FRIENDLY. - Puppies need CONSISTENT training. - My dog is FASTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET. - My dog becomes EASILY BORED WITH HIS TOYS.

match sentences to discourse fxn

- interrogative - Is there a solution to this problem? - imperative - Don't let her trick you. - imperative - Focus. - declarative - We did it! - interrogative - Don't you live in a yellow submarine? - declarative - Adjectives are not easy to identify merely by their form. - exclamative - What a louzy job this is. - imperative - Remember to save your answers often. - interrogative - Where is your lunchbox? - declarative - We all live in a yellow submarine.

V & VP match each non-finite V to its type

- present participle - STROKING dogs releases the "feel good" hormone oxytocin - present participle - A dog's sense of smell is reduced by up to 40% when he is PANTING. - past participle - A dog's sense of smell is REDUCED by up to 40% when he is panting. - gerund - Therapy dogs bring healing to individuals and families by VISITING hospitals. - infinitive - The best age to BRING a puppy home is 8-12 weeks.

PRONOUNS standard vs non-standard usage

- standard - My neighbor promised to notify both my sister and me as soon as he has news. - non-standard - Let this remain between you and I. - non-standard - My supervisor and myself had a productive meeting. - standard - The only difference between her and her sister is determination. - non-standard - Him and I tied for first place. - non-standard - Gary and me have decided to join forces. - standard - He had to rely on himself to save the day. - standard - Allow me to be the first one to welcome you to our organization.

AP match adj phrases to their fxn

- subject complement - I am [quite enamored with my dog]. - attributive - A tapestry [beautifully stitched by hand] is worth the cost. - subject complement - Her eyes were incredibly mesmerizing. - object complement - I really wanted to paint it [purple]. - attributive - The [tired] puppy fell asleep by his food bowl.

active --> truncated passive 1. I will answer all my emails. 2. People asked numerous questions at the meeting. 3. Someone has left a note on your door.

1. All my emails will be answered. 2. Numerous questions were asked at the meeting. 3. A note has been left on your door.

negation 1. I have answered all my emails. (Please perform verb negation without using contraction.) 2. I found toilet paper at the store. (Negate this sentence by means of noun negation.) 3. Her dedication is questionable. (Negate by means of adjective negation.) 4. She is dedicated to her job. (Negate by using a partially negative adverb, i.e., perform partial negation.) 5. She will not answer my calls and she will not text me back. (Negate these compound clauses by means of the neither...nor construction following the rules for negating compound clauses in this way.)

1. I have not answered all my emails. 2. I found no toilet paper at the store. 3. Her dedication is unquestionable. 4. She is hardly dedicated to her job. 5. Neither will she answer my calls, nor will she text me back.

The following compound clause has been negated with verb negation: Smoking is not good for you and drinking is not good for you. Rewrite the sentence using "neither...nor" negation in two different ways. In one case, you will be compounding two clauses (this sentence goes in the first blank); in the second case, you will be compounding the subject NP (this sentence goes into the second blank).

1. Neither is smoking good for you nor is drinking good for you. 2. Neither smoking nor drinking is good for you.

punctuation correct the punctuation 1. Our trip to Quebec was tiring, however, we enjoyed it. 2. After our trip to Quebec, we had to rest for days. 3. We had to rest for days, because our trip to Quebec was tiring. 4. Because our trip to Quebec was tiring, we had to rest for days. 5. Our trip to Quebec was tiring; therefore, we had to rest for days. 6. We returned from Quebec, then we rested for days. 7. Our trip to Quebec was tiring, but we enjoyed it. 8. Our trip to Quebec was tiring; yet, we enjoyed it.

1. Our trip to Quebec was tiring; however, we enjoyed it. 2. Correct as is. 3. We had to rest for days because our trip to Quebec was tiring. 4. Correct as is. 5. Correct as is. 6. We returned from Quebec, and then we rested for days. 7. Correct as is. 8. Our trip to Quebec was tiring, yet we enjoyed it.

Examine the following text for examples of passive voice constructions: "Science fiction writer Octavia Butler died Feb. 28 at the age of 58. The cause of death has not been determined. Butler was considered atypical of science fiction. But she was also among the genre's most talented writers." List the sentences which are in the passive voice within the following answer boxes.

1. The cause of death has not been determined. 2. Butler was considered atypical of science fiction.

Identify the syntactic role of the adjective phrases (which are capitalized) in the following sentences. 1.Subject Complement 2.Object Complement 3.Prenominal Attributive 4.Postnominal Attributive

1. They are HAPPY TO BE HERE. 3. The CUTEST puppy is in the corner. 4. Here is something FUNNY. 2. I consider this decision PROBLEMATIC. 3. He is a BRIGHT kid.

q12: In the columns below, match each sentence with the type of DEPENDENT CLAUSE within it. 1.Relative/Adjectival Clause 2.Object Noun Clause 3.Subject Noun Clause 4.Adverbial Clause

1. This is a sentence which should be easy to analyze. 1. The underlying theme of Jhumpa Lahiri's sensitive new collection of stories is the fact that America is still a place where the rest of the world comes to reinvent itself. 4. If she arrives by 6, we will have time to visit Peter. 2. I hope she comes. 3. What you decide to do is your choice. 4. Once scoffed at as a luxury major, philosophy is being embraced at Rutgers and other universities by a new generation of college students as they try to make sense of their world. 4. I want to go because she will be there. 3. Whether she can perform with this orchestra remains to be seen. 2. I asked whether you are coming for dinner. 1. A plane just flew by, and for a few moments all we could hear was the engine's roar.

Each of the following sentences has a prepositional phrase. Indicate the grammatical function (syntactic role) of the prepositional phrase in each sentence. 1. Adjectival function (PP modifies a noun) 2. Adverbial function (PP modifies verb) 3. Adjective complement (PP modifies adjective) 4. Adverb complement (PP modifies adverb)

1. This is the solution to the problem. 1. The girl in the white dress is my daughter. 2. She has been traveling for hours. 2. We listened to her story. 3. He is afraid of snakes. 1. Tell me a story about pirates. 4. Fortunately for us, she arrived early. 2. We met in Paris.

Make the following sentence negative in two different ways: We went somewhere last night. Note: In the first blank, enter the sentence with indefinite negation (see p. 170). In the second blank, enter the sentence with verb negation. When negating the verb, do not use a contraction.

1. We went nowhere last night. 2. We did not go anywhere last night.

AP identify the adv phrase in each

1: Nan writes [better than her brother]. 2: They responded [as quickly as possible]. 3: [However], their answers were confusing. 4: Jodie sat for a moment, [painfully] resisting the impulse to rummage through Walton's desk drawers. 5: He types [slower than my grandmother]. 6: We [lazily] strolled down the boulevard. 7: They were [quite] exhausted by the end of the hike. 8: Memorizing grammar terms can be [terribly] uninspiring.

The next few questions focus on the number of phrasal constituents in sentences. Phrasal constituents are Noun Phrases, Verb Phrases, Adjective Phrases, Prepositional Phrases, and Adverb Phrases. Think about the sentence "The boy sneezed." How many phrasal constituents does it consist of?


In the sentence "The teacher invited Mary to a competition for gifted students," what syntactic role (grammatical function) does each NOUN PHRASE serve? 1. Subject 2. Direct Object 3. Indirect Object 4. Object of a Preposition 5. Subject Complement 6. Object Complement

2. Mary 4. gifted students 1. The teacher 4. a competition for gifted students

"The boy sneezed repeatedly." How many constituents does this sentence have? Notice that in this sentence the VP [sneezed] has become [sneezed repeatedly].


complex sentences identify dependent clause type 1. Subject Noun Clause 2. Object Noun Clause 3. Adverbial Clause 4. Relative Clause

3. She goes dancing whenever she finds an opportunity. 3. I have always liked winter, even when the weather becomes frigid. 2. I hope you will come visit me next week. 1. What we do is up to you. 2. He said that he will be there on time, 3. He arrived shortly after his brother left. 4. The relatives who come for Thanksgiving are fun. 2. Tell me if you would like me to help you. 3. I will invite you to the party if you promise to behave. 4. The neighbor who moved in next door is really nice.

Below are the phrasal constituents of the sentence "Monkeys with umbrellas prefer sunshine." Please match each constituent with its type based on the part of speech (lexical category) of the head of each phrasal constituent. 1. NP 2. PP 3. VP

3. prefer sunshine 1. umbrellas 1. sunshine 2. with umbrellas 1. monkeys with umbrellas

match underlined words to appropriate type 1. Coordinating Conjunction 2. Subordinating Conjunction 3. Sentence Adverb 4. Preposition

4. Before leaving, make sure you have all you need. 2. Don't forget to lock the door before you leave. 1. Park your car elsewhere or you may regret it. 1. It's best to arrive early for the line may be long. 4. Bring a book to read during the long hours of the flight. 2. If your flight is delayed, make sure to call me. 4. After the flight, call home. 2. It's best to arrive early because the line will be long. 1. I am excited about the trip, yet I fear I will miss home. 3. Leave early because parking may be hard to find at the airport; moreover, the security line is always long.

identify sentence type 1. Simple 2. Compound 3. Complex 4. Compound-Complex

4. He asked me whether he could come to the party, but I didn't answer. 1. The city raised taxes this year in response to the public's outcry. 3. Because the weather has finally improved, we will go for a hike. 1. Would you like to meet my children? 3. He is the student whose sister is a famous dancer. 1. I like stories about magical creatures in exotic settings. 4. He came for dinner, but he didn't eat because he wasn't hungry. 3. Have you seen all the results which were presented at the meeting? 2. I can't wait for the end of the semester, so I can get some rest. 2. You deserve a break, for you have studied really hard in this course.

Let's put it all together. The sentence is: "The boy in overalls sneezed repeatedly." How many phrasal constituents (phrases) can you count here?


q5: Match each pronoun to the appropriate term (type). 1.interrogative pronoun 2.personal pronoun 3.indefinite pronoun 4.universal pronoun 5.relative pronoun 6.reciprocal pronoun 7.reflexive pronoun 8.demonstrative

5. who (as in "I am the friend who knows you best") 2. your 7. himself 6. one another 2. mine 2. you 1. which (as in "Which do you prefer?") 3. anybody 6. each other 8. these 4. each

match each to following set of descriptive terms - active vs passive voice - affirmative vs negative - discourse fxn

9. Don't drop the groceries. 2. The solutions can be found in the Appendix. 8. Didn't you visit mom last fall? 4. Don't be fooled by his tricks. 5. Please exit the auditorium slowly. 1. Did you ask permission? 1. How many times did you call her? 7. I don't see you. 6. Can't the exams be graded automatically? 3. Children are not allowed in bars. 1. Active, Affirmative, Interrogative 2. Passive, Affirmative, Declarative 3. Passive, Negative, Declarative 4. Passive, Negative, Imperative 5. Active, Affirmative, Imperative 6. Passive, Negative, Interrogative 7. Active, Negative, Declarative 8. Active, Negative, Interrogative 9. Active, Negative, Imperative

Which of the following descriptions applies to someone we might call a descriptive grammarian or a descriptive linguist?

A linguist writing a grammar book of the Cherokee language.

Which apply to the following sentence: "The boys chose to ride horses all afternoon."

Affirmative, Active, Declarative

Which apply to the following sentence: "Please help me out with this problem."

Affirmative, Active, Imperative

Give an equivalent negative statement for the following sentence by negating the noun rather than the verb: Doesn't any proposal suit you?

Does no proposal suit you?

q8: Rewrite the following non-standard English sentence so that it conforms to the rules of standard English negation (keeping the "neither...nor" structure): He doesn't eat neither fish nor chicken.

He eats neither fish nor chicken.

Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

He seems happier than ever.

Which sentence has a NOUN PHRASE in SUBJECT COMPLEMENT position?

He will become a stellar athlete.

Which of the following is considered standard according to the strictest standard English rules for pronoun usage?

Here comes the woman whom I have been expecting.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated INCORRECTLY?

I try to make time to watch a movie once a week, however, I hardly ever have the time.

Which of the following sentences is standard according to the strictest Standard English rules for pronoun usage?

Let this remain between you and me.

Which sentence has a verb in the Future Perfect tense?

Mary thinks that he will have been late by the time she arrives.

CONSTITUENT STRUCTURE identify constituent types "The house on the corner belongs to Mary."

NP - the house on the corner NP - the house NP - Mary PP - on the corner PP - to Mary VP - belongs to Mary

Which apply to the following sentence: "They hadn't come by yet, had they?"

Negative, Active, Interrogative

Which of the following sentences is compound?

Neither did he return my calls, nor did he acknowledge my letter.

Which of the following sentences has a NOUN PHRASE functioning as an INDIRECT OBJECT?

She always gives her friends flowers on their birthday.

With that in mind, which of the following sentences has the following constituent structure: [NP [PP [NP]]] [VP [PP [NP]]]

The bicycle of Lance Armstrong is for sale.

Turn the following passive voice sentence into its corresponding active voice sentence. Make sure to keep the tense constant during the conversion. "The three little pigs were frightened by the big bad wolf."

The big bad wolf frightened the three little pigs.

q9: Turn the following active voice sentence into its corresponding passive voice using the verb "to be" as the auxiliary verb. Make sure to keep the tense constant during the conversion. "The three little pigs scared the big bad wolf."

The big bad wolf was scared by the three little pigs.

Form the appropriate tag question for the following statement: "The children had a good time."

The children had a good time, didn't they?

When a declarative sentence has two auxiliary verbs (as in, "He has been making a mess all day"), which auxiliary changes its place with the subject NP when forming the Yes-No question for that declarative statement.

The first auxiliary verb of the declarative

q4: Identify the phrasal constituents in the sentence: "The party continued after the departure of the guests."

The party, continued after the departure of the guests, after the departure of the guests, the departure of the guests, of the guests, the guests

Which of the following is generally accepted as standard?

The students had driven home by the time we left for school.

Turn the following active voice sentence into its corresponding passive voice using the verb "to be" as the auxiliary verb. Make sure to keep the tense constant during the conversion. "The big bad wolf had eaten the three little pigs."

The three little pigs had been eaten by the big bad wolf.

Given an equivalent negative statement for the following sentence by negating the verb rather than the noun: There is no reason to stay. (Once again, please do not use a contraction.)

There is not any reason to stay.

V & VP identify VP "More than half of all US presidents have owned a dog."

VP - have owned a dog

V & VP identify VP "Dogs see best at dawn and dusk."

VP - see best at dawn and dusk

Below are several possible analyses of the constituent structure of the sentence "Peter is the president of the organization." Which of these analyses is correct (keeping in mind that we are disregarding Determiner Phrases in this course)?

[Peter] [is the president of the organization] [the president of the organization] [of the organization] [the organization]

ADJ identify the adj. "A Star is Born is a 2018 American romantic musical film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper in his directional debut. The movie was a critical and commercial success."

adj - American adj - romantic adj - musical adj - directional adj - critical adj - commercial

PP identify syntactic role of each prepositional phrase

adj fxn - Students in this course learn about English phrase structure. adj comp - I am proud of my students' hard work. adj fxn - This is a course about English phrase structure. adv comp - Fortunately for me, I love my job. adv fxn - I prefer to study at night. adv fxn - Students in this course learn about English phrase structure.

ADV identify adv "A Star is Born relates the story of two lovers on dramatically differing paths: a famous man who's furiously racing to the bottom (Bradley Cooper in this movie) and a woman (Lady Gaga) who's soaring to the top. Cooper's passionate, thoughtful directorial debut is beautifully acted and fabulously shot."

adv - dramatically adv - furiously adv - beautifully adv - fabulously

Is the following sentence SIMPLE or COMPOUND: "Production of oil from the Gulf's shallow waters is declining, but deep-water production is on an upswing."


which examination is worth 20% of the final grade?

exam 5/ final

N & NP syntactic fxn of NP "New puppies have heat sensors in their noses."

heat sensors in their noses - direct object new puppies - subject their noses - object of preposition

Which is the constituent functioning as a SUBJECT in the following sentence? "Hiking in the woods early in the morning is always fun."

hiking in the woods early in the morning

q10: Which apply to the following sentence: "The ghost had never been seen before."

negative, passive, declarative

In the sentence, "New Orleans is working hard to recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina," what is the syntactic role (grammatical function) of the NOUN PHRASE "Hurricane Katrina"?

object of a preposition

Which of the following personal pronouns corresponds to the following description: first-person-plural possessive.


identify the following

participle - Let's hold OFF on that decision. preposition - She jumped OFF the diving board. adverb - Look UP at the sky. preposition - The words jumped OFF the page. adverb - She went OUT to walk the dog.

What is the tense of the main verb in the sentence, "Mary had been trying to call me for hours"?

past perfect progressive

CONSTITUENT STRUCTURE identify the phrasal constituents "Petting a dog lowers your blood pressure."

petting a dog a dog your blood pressure lowers your blood pressure blood pressure

PP identify the prepositional phrases "Bradley Cooper has something new to say in this version of A Star is Born, and Lady Gaga belts it out loud and clear to make this a definite contender in numerous categories during awards season."

pp - in this version of A Star is Born pp - of A Star is Born pp - in numerous categories pp - during awards season

In the sentence, "I headed up the mountain," is "up" a preposition, a particle, or an adverb?


What is the tense of the verb in the following sentence: "He has been driving around town for hours."

present perfect progressive tense

In the sentence, "The students elected Suzie president of the organization," which NOUN PHRASE is functioning as the OBJECT COMPLEMENT?

president of the organization

Determine whether the following sentence is SIMPLE or COMPOUND: "Every 17 seconds, a small armada of ships trawling 130 miles from the Louisiana coast fire powerful air guns toward the bottom of the sea in a hunt for the next big oil discovery."


Determine whether the following sentence is SIMPLE or COMPOUND: "The American Red Cross response to Hurricane Katrina was poorly planned, relied too heavily on inexperienced managers, and often failed to meet the needs of victims."


In traditional grammar textbooks, the constituent headed by a VERB is typically called the "predicate." What has been the term we for the phrase that is traditionally called the predicate of a sentence?

the verb phrase

CONSTITUENT STRUCTURE match each constituent with its type "Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet."

their feet - NP sweat through the pads of their feet - VP through the pads of their feet - PP the pads of their feet - NP of their feet - PP dogs - NP

What type of verb is "fly" in the sentence, "The pilot flew the plane"?


What type of verb is "chose" in the following sentence: "He chose Mary for this post."

transitive verb

An English declarative sentence requires at a minimum one Noun Phrase and one Verb Phrase to be grammatical. (This doesn't mean that speakers of the language will always express both the NP and the VP, but a missing NP or a missing VP is always at least implied). True or False?


In this course, weekly quizzes can and should be taken multiple times until you earn 100%.


To earn 100% for participation, you must post a minimum of 25 times throughout the term, preferably posting on a weekly basis.


Which of the following options identifies the relative clause in the sentence, "She approves of the man whom you intend to marry."

whom you intend to marry

Which is the form of the interrogative pronoun in the human possessive form? We use this form in questions, such as "___ book is this?"


N & NP syntactic role/ grammatical fxn of NP "Dogs are direct descendants of wolves."

wolves - object of preposition dogs - subject direct descendants of wolves - subject complement

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