English 10 CP midterm quizlet

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What happens to Oedipus at the conclusion of Oedipus the King, Part II?

He pleads to be sent into exile.

Which best characterizes Creon's response when Oedipus accuses him of planning to usurp the throne in Oedipus the King Part I?

Creon explains reasonably why Oedipus is wrong to accuse him.

Which of the following is the best example of a person behaving amiably?

Dolores offered to share the last slice of cake with Mike.

The mood at the party had not changed; then suddenly, the visitors were gone.

at the party

What is necessary for people to enjoy being frightened, according to "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"

belief in the absence of any real danger

Which excerpt from "The Fall of the House of Usher" best captures the story's overall effect?

There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart—an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime.

According to the ode sung after the Oedipus-Teiresias episode in Oedipus the King, Part I, what does the Chorus believe will eventually happen in Thebes?

They believe that Apollo will eventually reveal the murderer.

Given the statements of the Chorus from the time Oedipus is revealed as the murderer until the end of Oedipus the King, Part II, which best describes the Thebans' attitude toward him?

They feel pitty

What can you infer about the brother and sister's economic status in "House Taken Over"?

They have enough money to live comfortably.

In "House Taken Over," which of the following details most clearly suggest that the narrator and his sister are nervous and afraid?

They intentionally stop thinking and They often cannot fall asleep and have trouble sleeping peacefully.

In "House Taken Over," what do the narrator and his sister do when the back section of the house is taken over?

They move into the other part of the house.

Oedipus the King, Part I ends in a long episode for Oedipus and Jocasta. What does their conversation in this episode most clearly reveal about their relationship?

They offer each other comfort and exchange confidences, revealing that they love and trust each other.

In Oedipus the King, Part II, what makes Oedipus sure that he fulfilled the prophecy?

the Shepherd's claim that he was given a child by Jocasta and that Jocasta was the mother of the child

In what place would a person most likely be gregarious?

A party

Which is the best definition of the Latin root -dict-?

to say or speak

How do "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "House Taken Over" differ in their approach to describing events, characters, and places?

"The Fall of the House of Usher" vividly depicts frightening events, while "House Taken Over" calmly depicts a growing threat.

Which of the following things would most likely be described as obscure?

A rare book

Which of the following sentences contains a technical term?

An arpeggio is a series of notes in a chord, played individually.

When does "Where Is Here?" take place?

on a chilly, damp evening at sunset

Which is the stimulus in the following situation? A basketball player trains shooting baskets for years. In a big game, at the end of the second half, a teammate passes the ball to him. The player sees that the clock is running down. Realizing that the game is almost over, he instantly decides to shoot, even though he is nearly at midcourt. He scores, and his team wins the game.

the clock

Which of the following best illustrates the meaning of inexorable? Base your answer on the meaning of inexorable.

the endangerment of a species due to the destruction of its habitat

After which event in "Where Is Here?" does the father announce forcefully, "The visit is over"?

the stranger's request to sit on the basement steps

"Where Is Here?" focuses mostly on which of the following?

the strong influence of the irrational on human behavior

In Oedipus the King, Part I, what instructions does Creon receive from the oracle?

Thebes must punish the murderer of Laius.

According to Oedipus the King, Part I, which is the most reasonable inference to draw about what kind of king Oedipus is?

responsible and considerate

Based on your knowledge of the meaning of the word parts -ion and -ive, choose the most likely definitions for retributive and retribution.

retributive: "having the quality of punishment" and retribution: "punishment"

Which of the following did the "Russian Ice Slides" described in "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?" pave the way for?

roller coasters

How are the houses similar in "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "House Taken Over"?

Both have long been in the owners' families and Both are large and reflect the wealth of the owners.

What is the most likely reason that the author chose Dr. Margee Kerr as the subject of her interview in "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"

Dr. Kerr is an expert on the topic of fear.

What is the best statement of one of the main ideas in "House Taken Over"?

Each time people avoid confronting their fear, they lose a little more of themselves, until, finally, they have lost everything.

Which conclusions can be drawn most logically from the information in "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?"

Fear is not always negative; it depends on the person and situation / The experiences very young children have can affect them for many years.

Which best explains why Oedipus insists that he has done the right thing by putting out his eyes?

He believes he must atone for his crimes before he dies.

In Oedipus the King, Part I, Oedipus asks Teiresias for guidance and help in finding the murderer of Laius. Teiresias replies "Alas! It is a miserable thing to be wise when wisdom brings no reward." Which best explains Teiresias' meaning?

He believes that identifying the murderer will only make matters worse for everyone.

Which words best characterize the stranger in "Where Is Here?"

He demonstrates mysterious and confusing powers.

I went down to the kitchen, heated the kettle, and when I got back with the tray of mate, I told Irene: "I had to shut the door to the passage. They've taken over the back part." After reading this excerpt how would you describe the narrator's reaction after the back section of the house is taken over?

He is surprisingly calm.

At the beginning of "The Fall of the House of Usher," what does the narrator do?

He travels to visit Roderick Usher at Usher's family home.

The stranger in "Where Is Here?" mentions his mother several times. Which of the following statements describes how he most likely felt about his mother while he was growing up?

In his childhood the stranger and his mother were very close.

At the end of "Where Is Here?," what effect has the stranger's visit had on the family?

It has left the father and mother quarrelsome and confused.

We had what we had on. I remembered fifteen thousand pesos in the wardrobe in my bedroom. Too late now. What does this detail suggest about the force or creature that has invaded the house of the narrator and his sister?

It is terrifying enough to make them forget valued possessions.

Which of the following is an aspect of the ending of "Where Is Here?" that most clearly shows that it is a modern Gothic story?

It leaves readers with questions about who the stranger was and whether the family has been changed.

At the beginning of "House Taken Over," how do the narrator and his sister Irene spend most of their days?

Knitting and cleaning

If a room can be accurately described as spacious, what must be true?

Many people must be able to fit in the room.

Which of the following events in Oedipus the King, Part II is an example of dramatic irony?

Oedipus and Jocasta rejoice to hear that Polybus died of natural causes.

In Oedipus the King, Part I, what causes the quarrel between Creon and Oedipus?

Oedipus believes Creon wants to seize his throne.

When Teiresias accuses Oedipus in Oedipus the King, Part I, Oedipus immediately assumes, without evidence, that he and Creon are traitors. Given the details of the play up to this point, what is the most likely reason Oedipus is so quick to accuse the others?

Oedipus cannot face the idea that he might have committed such a repulsive crime.

The man's thoughtful and pained expression conveyed an attitude of worry. Which word functions as a preposition?


The underlined words in the following sentences share the same denotation: "angry." Which underlined word has the least negative connotation? Base your answer on context as well as your knowledge of the word.

Passengers were displeased that they had to wait a few extra minutes to board the plane.

What claim in "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?" does Dr. Kerr support by referring to the child who was made to fear ordinary rabbits?

People can be made to fear almost anything.

In Oedipus the King, Part II, what news does the Messenger bring from Corinth? Choose two options.

Polybus has died of natural causes/ Polybus was not Oedipus' natural father.

Which situation most clearly illustrates a person who is having a cognitive problem?

Rita can't understand her grammar homework.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of what happens to Madeline Usher in "The Fall of the House of Usher"?

She appears to die, is mistakenly entombed, but then revives and forces her way to freedom before dying.

In Oedipus the King, Part II, why does Jocasta urge Oedipus not to interview the Shepherd?

She realizes that the baby she gave up to the Shepherd is Oedipus.

One of the main hormones released during scary and thrilling activities is dopamine, and it turns out some individuals may get more of a kick from this dopamine response than others do. Basically, some people's brains lack what Zald describes as "brakes" on the dopamine release and re-uptake in the brain. Which of the following best describes Dr. Kerr's use of words in this excerpt?

She uses scientific terms such as dopamine for precision but a simple comparison to "brakes" to help readers understand.

What is realistic about "House Taken Over"?

The brother and sister keep busy cleaning house and working on hobbies.

If a storm were to annihilate a building, which of the following would most likely be the result?

The building would be reduced to small fragments.

"I wasn't the one who opened the door to that man in the first place," the mother said.... [T]he father violently jerked his arm and thrust her away. "Shut up. We'll forget it," he said. "But—" "We'll forget it."

The dialogue shows that he would rather deny than understand the unsettling feelings caused by the stranger's visit.

She said, "We can't bar the door against him. That would be cruel." The father said, "What? No one has barred any door against anyone." "Put yourself in his place," the mother said. "He told me he didn't want to come inside," the father said. "Oh—isn't that just like you!" the mother said in exasperation. Which of the following statements best describes what the dialogue reveals about the characters in this passage?

The dialogue shows that the mother and the father see things from different perspectives and do not understand each other well.

Which of the following best describes the father's state of mind when the stranger in "Where Is Here?" wanders around outside the house?

The father is curious about what the stranger is doing but respects the stranger's desire to revisit his memories.

In the living room he [the father] saw that the lights were flickering as if on the brink of going out; the patterned wallpaper seemed drained of color; a shadow lay upon it shaped like a bulbous cloud or growth. Which of the following best explains what is taking place in this passage?

The father is detecting an otherworldly, unreal, and frightening presence.

In "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?," why does Dr. Margee Kerr caution against taking young people to a haunted house?

The fright they experience may create lasting bad memories.

How does the narrator's response to the supernatural events in "The Fall of the House of Usher" differ from the characters' response in "House Taken Over"?

The narrator in "The Fall of the House of Usher" is aware of the supernatural and seeks answers; the characters in "House Taken Over" do not confront their terror but try to ignore it.

In "The Fall of the House of Usher," which details of the house's interior seem to reflect Usher's appearance and the condition of his mind?

Usher's physical and mental deterioration is reflected in the gloomy darkness, lack of comfort, and old, worn-out possessions.

Which of the following is a defining element of Gothic literature that is clearly illustrated by "The Fall of the House of Usher"?

Weird or otherworldly occurrences

In Oedipus the King, Part I, what danger threatens the city of Thebes?

an epidemic of the plague

"That is the door leading down to the basement, isn't it?" [The stranger] spoke strangely, staring at the door. For a moment it appeared he might ask to be shown the basement but the moment passed, fortunately—this was not a part of their house the father and mother would have been comfortable showing to a stranger. Which of the following are aspects or elements of this passage that are also typical elements of the modern Gothic style? Choose two options.

an ordinary setting and a bizarre interruption of ordinary life

Which of the following gives the adverb form of clean along with its correct definition?

cleanly; "in a clean manner"

Humans are obsessed with death; we simply have a hard time wrapping our mind around what happens when we die. This contemplation has led to some of the most famous monsters.... Based on your knowledge of the meaning of the word parts -ion and -ive, choose the most likely meaning of the underlined word when it has an -ive suffix instead of an -ion suffix: contemplative.

full of deep thoughts

Lucy hesitantly peeked into the living room, not wanting to disturb her sleeping grandmother, who usually spent the afternoon napping in an overstuffed armchair. Which of the following gives an adverb from the sentence along with the adjective from which it is formed?

hesitantly (hesitant)

In what circumstance would a person's voice most likely be muffled?

if the person were wearing a scarf over his or her mouth

Which of the following situations best illustrates the meaning of oracles in ancient Greece? Base your answer on the meaning of oracles.

individuals who relayed messages from the gods

In the beginning of "Where Is Here?," what does the stranger say that he would like to do?

poke around

Haunted houses are great at this—they deliver a startle scare by triggering one of our senses with different sounds, air blasts, and even smells. These senses are directly tied to our fear response and activate the physical reaction, but our brain has time to process the fact that these are not "real" threats. Our brain is lightning-fast at processing threat. I've seen the process thousands of times from behind the walls in ScareHouse—someone screams and jumps and then immediately starts laughing and smiling. In this excerpt, why does Dr. Kerr mention that people often start "laughing and smiling" directly after a scare?

to show how quickly the brain can determine a threat is not real

What does the research cited in "Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?" show is the reason that people differ in their reactions to frightening situations, such as haunted houses?

variations in brain chemistry

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