English 12B

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Which options most effectively explain why Christ, or the Panther, is portrayed as having a "sweet odor" in Physiologus? (Select all that apply.)

"Sweet odor" represents the alluring power of faith that people have in Christ. "Sweet odor" represents Christ's purity and virtuousness.

Unit 1 Lesson 1


Which response most accurately states the definition of theme?

A story's theme is the central message or universal truth that the author conveys through the characters and plot.

Read the passage. "Walk two blocks south—" began Megan, but Chantelle cut in. "Actually, it's two blocks north," said Chantelle. "Hey, stop interrupting!" said Megan. "I was interjecting," answered Chantelle. Which response most accurately explains why Chantelle said she was interjecting, rather than interrupting?

Interjecting and interrupting have similar denotations, but interjecting has a more helpful connotation.

Which excerpts from Physiologus most effectively support the portrayal of Satan's dwelling as having a monstrous and menacing atmosphere? (Select all that apply.)

Straight to the bottom deep he drags his prey; He, guest of ocean, in his watery haunts Drowns ships and men, and fast imprisons them Within the halls of death. Donning the mystic helm Of darkness, with his prey he speeds to hell, The place devoid of good—all misty gloom, Where broods a sullen lake, black, bottomless

Re-read "The Partridge" section, in its entirety, from Physiologus. Which option most effectively depicts the symbolic meaning of this section?

The partridge symbolizes the ultimate goal—attainment of heaven—and the many spiritual journeys people undertake to reach it.

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. Then when the crafty fiend perceives that men,Encamped upon him, making their abode,Enjoy the gentle weather, suddenlyUnder the salty waves he plunges down,Straight to the bottom deep he drags his prey;He, guest of ocean, in his watery hauntsDrowns ships and men, and fast imprisons themWithin the halls of death. Which options most accurately explain the implicit meaning of this passage?

The seamen are oblivious and do not have a good understanding of Satan's powers and schemes. Thus, they are unknowingly putting themselves in danger because they want to rest and enjoy the beautiful landscape. Satan enchants the seamen by luring them into what they think is a safe shelter. However, Satan is only deceiving and tempting them, so once they give in, he can claim their souls and drag them to hell.

Which excerpts from Physiologus most effectively support the implied message that people often stray from the virtuous path because they give in to earthly temptations? (Select all that apply.)

There she sits, Warming a stranger brood, until at last The eggs are hatched. But when the stolen chicks Are fledged, they straightway fly away to seek Their proper kin, and leave the partridge there Forsaken.In such wise the devil works To steal the souls of those whose youthful minds Or foolish hearts in vain resist his wiles. Such is the way Of demons, devils' wiles: to hide their power, And stealthily inveigle heedless men,Inciting them against all worthy deeds, And luring them to seek for help and comfort From unsuspected foes, until at last They choose a dwelling with the faithless one

Read the paragraph. Today, when Julie walked by one of the houses in her neighborhood, she was furious and heartbroken because she saw five dogs bound in fetters in a backyard, and it was 115 degrees outside. She immediately called the Humane Society and reported this animal cruelty. What evidence from this paragraph provides context clues that help define the word fetters? (Select all that apply.)

animal cruelty five dogs bound

Read the paragraph. Because Angela had an intense three-week training period for the upcoming dance competition, with only a few hours of sleep here and there, she wholeheartedly welcomed one week of quiet repose in her grandma's secluded cottage. Which context clues most accurately help define the word repose? (Select all that apply.)

quiet secluded

Read the sentence. After she gave the lecture on molecular geometry, Dr. Jones realized that she would have to expound on the subject at greater length because the students looked confused and gave blank stares when she asked if there were any questions. What is the meaning of the word expound as it is used in the sentence?

to explain in detail

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. Fair is he, full bright And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes Tell us how Joseph's many-colored coat, Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade, Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men's eyes That looked upon it. Which options most effectively explain the implied meaning behind this description of Christ?

Christ radiates a unique and magnificent presence that is unparalleled.

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. So, in this fleeting earthly time, each man Who orders heedlessly his mortal life Lets a sweet odor, some beguiling wish, Entice him, so that in the eyes of God,The King of glory, his iniquities Make him abhorrent. Which words from the text most effectively help indicate the meaning of the word iniquities as it is used in this passage? (Select all that apply.)

Make him abhorrent beguiling wish

Read the sentence. He claims that he bears no malice toward anyone, but he spent all his energy making everyone's vacation stressful and frustrating. How does the word malice function in the sentence and what does it mean?

Malice functions as a noun, and it means "a desire to cause harm."

Read the sentence. Deep in conversation, Mark and Jesse meandered down the road. Which response most clearly distinguishes the denotative and connotative meanings of the word meandered in this sentence?

Meandered has a denotation of "walked," and has a connotation of relaxation, showing that the boys are more focused on the conversation than on where they are going.

Read the stanza from Pablo Neruda's poem "Don't Go Far Off." Don't leave me, even for an hour, because then the little drops of anguish will all run together, the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift into me, choking my lost heart. Which option most effectively explains the implicit meaning of this stanza?

The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover's potential absence will cause him pain and suffering.

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. The partridge lays no eggs, Nor builds a dwelling; but instead, she steals The well-wrought nests of others. There she sits, Warming a stranger brood, until at last The eggs are hatched. But when the stolen chicks Are fledged, they straightway fly away to seek Their proper kin, and leave the partridge there Forsaken. In such wise the devil works To steal the souls of those whose youthful minds Or foolish hearts in vain resist his wiles. But when they reach maturer age, they see They are true children of the Lord of lords. Then they desert the lying fiend, and seek Their rightful Father, who with open arms Receives them, as he long since promised them. Which option most accurately states an inference that can be made about the story of the "stolen chicks"?

Though people often stray from God and are tricked by Satan, they can always turn back from a life of sin to a life with "Their rightful Father."

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. Fair is he, full bright And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes Tell us how Joseph's many-colored coat, Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade, Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men's eyes That looked upon it. So the panther's hues Shine altogether lovely, marvelous, While each fair color in its beauty glows Ever more rare and charming than the rest. Which response most accurately identifies a literary device used in the reference to "Joseph's many-colored coat"?


Read the paragraph. Upon visiting Croatia, Anabelle was impressed with its bountiful natural resources. She had a relaxing time on its multiple beautiful beaches and ate copious amounts of fresh produce from its fertile fruit orchards and vegetable gardens. Which words used in this paragraph are evidence that provides context clues that help define the word bountiful? (Select all that apply.)

copious multiple fertile

Which option provides an accurate definition of the term explicit?

directly stated

Read the sentence. The English teacher surprised everyone by inviting a renowned guest speaker—who has several patents of her own and who wrote a book about protecting patenting rights—to give a speech during the school's career readiness week. What is the meaning of the word renowned as it is used in the sentence?


Read the passage. Anthony sprinted from the parking lot, tightening his tie as he ran. Here he was, about to have his first job interview, and he was late! He pushed open the door and almost dashed through. However, he saw a man appear at the corner. The man had white hair and was walking with a cane. Anthony knew the seconds were ticking by, and he was getting later and later, but he felt bad thinking of letting the door close before the man reached it. Trying not to check his watch, he opened the door wide and waited while the man walked slowly through. Anthony speed-walked through the office, around a corner, and toward the receptionist. She smiled when he introduced himself and said, "Welcome. Your interviewer, Mr. Bryce, is a few minutes late himself. He should be here in a moment." Just then, the white-haired man walked around the corner. The receptionist said, "Oh, good morning, Mr. Bryce!" Mr. Bryce smiled at her and said to Anthony, "You must be Anthony. I noticed you were so considerate earlier, when you held the door for me. You're certainly making a good first impression. Let's begin your interview." Which responses most effectively identify a theme of this short story? (Select all that apply.)

A theme of this short story is that if you put people's needs ahead of your own, others will take notice and will respect you for your compassionate behavior. A theme of this short story is that you should always choose to behave with courtesy because you never know how someone you encounter might be involved in your future.

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. The third day Christ arose from out the grave, For three nights having suffered death for us, He, Lord of angels, he in whom alone Is hope of overcoming. Far and wide The tidings spread, like perfume fresh and sweet, Through all the world. Which response most accurately infers the meaning of this passage?

Christ's power exceeds the power of death.

Read the excerpt from Physiologus. Such is the way Of demons, devils' wiles: to hide their power, And stealthily inveigle heedless men,Inciting them against all worthy deeds, And luring them to seek for help and comfort From unsuspected foes, until at last They choose a dwelling with the faithless one. Which response most accurately describes how Satan baits his victims, based on this evidence?

Satan deceives his victims by tricking them into blindly believing his lies and following in his path.

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