English 2

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The outcomes are what the business wants or needs to achieve. The outputs are the actions or items that contribute to achieving an outcome.


conception. An idea or a plan for something

Замысел, идея

adhesion/adherence "Strong adhesion to wet surfaces is one reason why we use this expensive glue." (Here, adhesion means a physical bond between two things. This is the more common meaning.) "The teacher was criticized for her adhesion to outdated teaching methods." (Here, adhesion means support of something or faithfulness to something.) "His adherence to a no-carb diet impressed everyone who knew about his old eating habits." (Here adherence means following the rules of something. Adherence is almost always used in this way.)

Прилепания/приверженность, верность

embarrassed, ashamed. Embarrassed basically means shy/shame. For example I would get embarrassed if I were giving a presentation and messed up. Or if someone made a joke about me in front of a lot of people. It's when you're around other people and you feel uncomfortable because of something. Ex: I embarrassed myself at lunch when I spilled my drink. Ex: She embarrassed me by telling everyone I was antisocial.

Смущенный, стеснительный

endure(endurance) /resist/withstand You withstand the crying baby on the plane but you endure sitting in your seat for 7 hours.

Терпеть(выносливость /сопротивляться/выдерживать

İmpact It means several things. First, to make contact with or hit. "The bullet impacted the wall." "The glass broke on impact." Second, to have an affect. "That film really impacted me." "That story had quite the impact."



арендатор, жилец

poverty It's means not having enough money to buy Food. Poor condition. Poor. Having little money/support. poverty is another word for poor. It's a term commonly used to describe some one's living conditions. For example: She used to live in poverty. Basically your calling someone poor.

бедность, нищета


бесполезный, никчёмный

subsequent/ly consequent - result or effect of something subsequent - this is just one thing following another consequential Subsequent: coming after something in time. Next: coming immediately after Following: coming after or as a result of something After swimming 8 laps, Mary subsequently developed swimmers ear. John did not study, subsequently he failed the test I planted a seed and subsequently a tree grew I ate lots of cake and subsequently I gained 3 pounds

более поздний, последующий, следующий

majority majority means like the most of something. For example, if you have ten friends voting on whether to get pizza or not and seven people said yes, then the majority of your friends said they want pizza


dread/afraid afraid is being scared of something. dread is more or less not wanting to do something for fear of. for example : "I'm afraid of heights." "she dreads going in front of crowds." "I dreaded being in my Organic Chemistry class."


ultimately/eventually They can both be used in the same way but eventually is used more. Ex: I will get there eventually. I will get there ultimately. Both of these are fine but I would use the first one, it sounds more natural! Don't worry, it'll get done eventually. I know we'll get there eventually. He hesitated for days, but ultimately/eventually decided to go through with it. (Either is fine here, but I like ultimately better) Building a giant castle ultimately bankrupted the nation.

в конечном счете, в конце концов


вертикальный, прямой

bahave It refers to the way someone or something is acting, for example, to behave badly or to behave in a good way, but depends on context. Parents might tell their children: "Behave!" if they are being naughty, to say they must be good in a situation. Examples: "Why do you behave this way?" "My car behaves strangely when turning."

вести себя

interacted/communicate Interact basically means to communicate with others for example "try to interact more with the others" is the same as "try to talk more with the others" :)) hope that helped you!


scrutiny scrutiny- under careful watch or consideration "You are under scrutiny." (you are being carefully watched, usually by superiors) "I scrutinized every detail." (I paid careful attention to every detail.)

внимательное изучение

exposure Exposure means being open to something.. Parents like to take their children on trips to help them gain exposure to other cultures. The doctor is saying we're sick because of the unknowing exposure to the virus. The meanings are the same. In some cases, it's more natural to talk about normal exposure (like a house, or a garden) using "exposure to the sun." For example, "Our garden has exposure to the sun for most of the day." I would also say "exposure to sunlight" instead of "exposure to the sunlight".

воздействие, подвергание

perceive Examples: 1. With our five senses (smell, sight, sound, touch and taste), we perceive(воспринимаем) the world around us. 2. If you listen carefully, you can perceive(почувствовать) a small difference between the pronunciations of "world" and "word". 3. I perceive(чувтвую) a hint of sadness in your voice today. What's wrong? Are you okay? 4. I perceived(почувствовал) a movement in the bushes. It was dark and foggy so I couldn't see anything. I think it was a cat.

воспринимать, почувствовать

Perception/perspective It means what is your understanding of the subject by observing at it Perception is more like impression and idea, whereas perspective is similar to opinion/point of view (more comprehensive). My perception of the American dream vs. My perspective on trump being elected they're quite similar but perspective is more about how you see something and it's usually followed by the preposition "on" and sometimes "of" , e.g. "she had a different perspective on the refugee crisis than I did" whereas perception is more your thoughts, ideas and understanding of something and it's followed by "of", e.g. "my perception of the situation is that she is angry at him". Perspective- this is how you see, feel, think things but on your side of the story. Example of this is the famous "What do you see a 9 or a 6?" picture. Where one man stands at the bottom and the other one at the top. So one of them said 9 and the other said he saw 6. Perception- is the same as perspective but this is used in a literal sense or only on the things that you can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. Perspective and Perception is something that you call as synonymous or words with different letters but have the same meaning. But just like I said perspective is mostly used on abstract things or things you cannot see but you can feel.

восприятие, осознание, представление о чем-либо



subsequently/afterwards Afterward' indicates something happening later in relation to another action. 'Subsequently' indicates something happening later relative to time. It's derived from 'sub' which is lower or later, and 'sequence' which is linear order. "I started cleaning the dishes and afterwards cleaned the fridge", one action 'after' the other. "I started cleaning the dishes and subsequently cleaned the fridge", I moved in order of time from cleaning the dishes, and later in time I cleaned the fridge. Could have done things in between.

впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом

Rob To steal (from something). To take other person's property without permission. They robbed a bank.

грабить, воровать



worthy Like you deserve it He was worthy of the trophy He deserved the trophy

достойный, заслуживающий


жестокость, насилие

swamped with work "I'm going to be swamped at work today since I was home sick yesterday To be swamped is like you were overburdened with a lot of tasks all at once

завален работой

Suffocated "To suffocate" is when you can't breathe because you're in a place that doesn't have air (maybe underwater or in outer space) "To choke" is when you can't breathe because someone or something is in your throat (maybe someone is grabbing your neck or food is stuck in your throat)


entrenched Firmly established, unlikely to change (1) The enemy has entrenched itself in that area. (2) The new laws have already been entrenched in the minds of the unwitting population.

закрепившийся, укоренившийся

remarkable Amazing or impressive Remarkable achievement Remarkable = worthy of attention Incredible = almost unbelievable I had an incredible experience climbing the Mount Everest. Your essay is remarkable, it really impressed me.

замечательный, удивительный

solely In the following sentences there is no difference. That is solely your responsibility. That is only your responsibility. But, only can also mean just that much. You only have five minutes left. There were only three people. Solely wouldn't work for these sentences The two words are very similar. However, solely is typically used to convey a sense of responsibility -- that one person, alone, is responsible for something. Hope that helps. His rank was based solely on merit. (The thing that was important for him getting his rank was his merit) She did not write solely for money. (She was not just writing for money but for other reasons as well) He was only a baby when his father died. (His age might be different now, but at the time his father died he was a baby) The club is for women only. (As long as you are a woman, you can enter the club)

исключительно, только


коллега, партнер

particular "In particular" means "specifically" and is used in certain situations to tell someone that there are a lot of details about something you said that you could describe, but you want to talk about just a few of them in a lot of detail. Something specific, different. For example: I love this because it's particular Or: do you have any particular


numerous Numerous is also for countable things, but is more focused on the number than many. For example, we can say 'I have many of them', and also 'I have a numerous amount of them'. it sounds more natural to say 'numerous amount of ' in that example but as a simple adjective, we can just say both I have many books I have numerous books


throughout over the course of". It means something happened continuously during an event. "It was sunny throughout my stay at the beach" means it was sunny during the entire time I was at the beach. During the whole time "The baby was sleeping throughout the whole movie"

на протяжении

designate(assigned, appointed) to give someone a job . to have something to do ..to tell someone to do something ...you have been given a job to do .an instruction to carry out designate means select someone to do something. or to select something for a task. I will designate Sam as the leader for today. Sam will be appointed as the team lead for this project. Who will be our designated driver for the party tonight. They are going to designate you to do the speech

называть, обозначать

aiming at It depends on what you're saying. I'm aiming at is specific like, "I'm aiming my gun at the thief." I'm aiming to is more like when you are talking about a goal. "I'm aiming to get a high score on my final exam." I try to learn and evolve every day aiming at a better result in my work and consequently reaching the satisfaction of my friends and clients.

направленный на


насильник; виновный в изнасиловании

commissioned to commission something = to pay someone to do something for you "the dossier, which was commissioned ... by the research firm" = the research firm paid someone to make the dossier

облечённый полномочиями; получивший поручение

exacerbate I could see that he was already angry, so I left him alone to keep from exacerbating the situation

обострять, усугублять

mindset Way of thinking 1. This girl has a strong mindset. 2. The kids mindsets are weak.

образ мышления

ordinary and extraordinary Ordinary means that your just like everyone else; you have no distinctive features that makes you stand out. Extraordinary means that you are different from everyone else and have features that make you stand out in a good way. unusual means it's not normal extraordinary is like it it's better The taste of this noodles are unusual... It's a little negative like a more polite way to say it's weird. It could be said like it taste like noodles but it's different. i don't like it. This noodles are extraordinary! This is a positive comment. like this taste special but I like it. it's good. but it still is noodles. it is normal but different

обычный, обыкновенный/необычный, необыкновенно

tremendous. Tremendous means very impressive or big in size.. It means "very big" (très grand en français) Eg The elephants we saw at the zoo were tremendous. You could also use it figuratively eg "He put in a tremendous amount of effort for his essay." Both, but I don't use it often. It's just a big word. You can say "he had a tremendous amount of money" but why go through the trouble when you can just say "he had huge amount of money" I'll just say use it in essays or something like that so you sound intellectual.

огромный, гигантский


определение, решительность

fundamental Keep up = keep pace with me/us Probably = most likely Fundamental = basic, important Basic is usually a smaller scale of generally accepted things "the basic numbers are 1-10" Fundamental is completely essential, it's the foundation of a thing "amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of life" Fundamental: It is the core/most important idea. It is the foundation for the rest of your ideas. Without it, you could not have the other ideas. They all start with the fundamental principle/idea. Basic: This can mean "simple" or "not detailed". It is just what you need, and nothing extra. "It's nothing special. It's just a basic phone case." "I won't go into detail. I will just tell you the basics."

основное, фундаментальное (уравнение)

pivotal The importance to the development or success of something. Think of pivotal as VERY important, that which you cannot do without. "He was a pivotal figure in the making of the Atom Bomb."

основной, центральный

distract, distracted It means to take the focus off of something. For example: "you distracted me with cookies while you set up the party" or something like that


desperate, We are in desperate situation To need something badly. If I was about to lose my apartment because I couldn't pay rent, I would say "I am desperate for money" It means that you can't wait for something or to do something, it's like when you are waiting for something for long and feel like you can not wait anymore.

отчаянный, безнадежный, Мы в отчаянном положении

embrace "hug" means the same but "embrace" is much more formal "I watched my sister embrace her son for the last time" you can also use it metaphorically: "Trump embraces the values of racism and xenophobia"


obvious/ly It means something that's clear and doesn't need explaining. "It's obvious that the baby is crying." "The sky is obviously blue." "That person obviously has black hair." My brother obviously likes her. It is easy to see that my brother likes her, everyone can see that.

очевидно, явно

stunned, I am so stunned(devastated) It means you have no word or you are surprised Stunned is when you are shocked. "I was stunned when the girl slapped me" And devastated is the feeling of grief and sadness. "After the death of my dog I felt devastated"

ошеломлённый, потрясённый



overrun Example. You come home and discover thousands of ants in your kitchen. Far more than you can deal with by stepping on them. You could describe your kitchen as overrun with ants.


maltreat/mistreat Technically, "mis-" means "wrong" and "mal-" means "bad" so it's a very subtle difference. The two words can be used interchangeably but "maltreat" can be more specific towards violence and abuse. I think "mistreat" is used more commonly

плохое обращение



expose To make something visible or to bring attention to it. Example His armor fell off, leaving his body exposed. I will expose his secret to the world. "Her secret was exposed to everyone It can also literally mean to reveal something that is normally hidden: The pervert exposed his penis on the bus. expose is the verb; exposure is the noun. He is exposed to the sun. Too much exposure to sunlight can damage your skin. Expose - make something visible by exposing it (e.g uncover information or show something that was previously concealed) "I exposed the truth about them." "The contents of the letter were exposed." Reveal- making a secret known to others "I revealed to them my secret collection of napkins." "She revealed the truth behind their relationship."

подвергать, разоблачать(İfşa edin) /раскрывать

expose. He is exposed to the sun. Too much exposure to sunlight can damage your skin.

подвергать. Он подвергается воздействию солнца. Слишком сильное воздействие солнечного света может повредить вашу кожу.


подводить итог, обобщать

to sum up/summarize /in conclusion To sum something up is to put all the contents of a story or situation into a short sentence or paragraph. Example: "Long story...................To sum it all up we went to the tsutaya after getting coffee at Starbucks." "Sum it up in only 10 words! I don't have much time!" "In conclusion" = This is very similar to 'to sum up', but usually is followed by another point in support of the case you are trying to make. Example: " 'In conclusion', the matters covered here today will not go without notice by the public." "To sum (everything) up" = This would be best used if you had given a longer speech, as a way to clarify what the overall theme or subject was. Example: " 'To sum everything up', I believe that we should move forward with construction of the new site." "All things considered" = This would be best used to help illustrate a decision that is being made between several things. Example: "I have been offered a position at a different company for a higher salary. But, I might be up for a promotion at my current job. 'All things considered', I will stay with my current employment."

подводить итоги

suspect Suspect when it's used as a verb means that you think someone did something bad. Like " I suspect that Greg took my last cookie because there are cookie crumbs on his desk. "


insight Insight is when you have a special knowledge about something. Examples- Since I teach high school, i have a lot of insight about teenagers. It means deep knowledge about something. Usually, someone who is insightful has some advanced knowledge on a subject that will benefit others who want to know about it.

понимание, проницательность, интуиция

striking She has striking beauty She is very beautiful Striking has a couple meanings or uses. -Striking meaning the person or thing is very attractive or nice looking ... "He is very striking." -Striking as a verb similar to "hit or hitting" -"He is striking the wall as hard as he can

поразительный, изумительный,

Consistency it means keep doing something without stopping or giving up .. Your daugter is very consistent with her work ( which means she always does it or she never does it) it could mena both but as long as she is consistent

последовательность, постоянство

constant/consistent/constantly Constant means always there, always present, sometimes it can mean staying the same The dictionary definition of 'consistent' is 'acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.' This word is mostly used in a positive/good way: E.g John is a diligent student. He is very consistent in doing his homework. 'Constant' means 'occurring continuously over a period of time'. It can be used both in a good and bad way: E.g Jane is my constant companion. She goes everywhere with me. My mother is a constant nagger. My mother constantly nags at me, telling me to get married soon. If I play music every day at 5 PM, that is consistent (it occurs with regularity according to some pattern or schedule; the same thing occurs every time). If I play music throughout the whole day, that is constant (it occurs or remains the same throughout the whole time period). constant = never stopping consistent = never changing The drummer is playing consistently. = his playing is the same every time The drummer is playing constantly. = the drummer never stops playing


funeral it is a ceremony when someone dies


overcome Overcome is something that you try to succeed, solve, master for problems... Second meaning is defeat your opponent. such as beat, defeat, overpower or conquer your opponent...

преодолеть, побороть

adherence/persistence Persistence means to keep going/trying despite obstacles(препятствие). Adherence means to conform(соответствовать) /attach. Adhesive is glue. The tape adheres to the wall. There was not much adherence with the law. She persistently made her point. He persisted until the end and finally finished the race. Persistent = not stopping Insistent = demanding something, extremely earnest about one thing persistent means to insist,to not stop at doing or at something example she is so persistent about leaving the hospital means she really wants to leave.... consistent means to repeat or continuously doing something example she has been consistent on taking her drugs So a persistent person means someone who doesn't give up easily

приверженность/упорство, настойчивость

attraction attractive this building is very attractive he is a very attractive person fascinating this building is very fascinating he is a very fascinating person


inherent The problems you mentioned are inherent; we can do nothing about. * Some nations have inherent generosity towards their visitors. * Compassion(сочувствие, сострадание) is actually an inherent human quality. * Every job has its own inherent risks including firefighting.

присущий, неотъемлемый, свойственно


противоречивый, не регулярный

lasting Lasting means enduring for a long period of time. Or in simpler words durable, long-lasting, strong. Lasting means long-term and enduring for a long period of time. "If we don't do anything to combat global warming, there will be long lasting consequences." "She got scared by a clown as a kid and it had a lasting affect causing her fear of clowns."

прочный, длительный

evolve To become something more than a thing originally was. Your understanding of English is evolving as you learn, for example. It is mostly commonly applied to the advancement of life on earth from simple life forms to more complex ones. A dog is more evolved than a plant, for example.

развиваться, эволюционировать

differentiate/distinguish Distinguish is to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another And Differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are compared I hope this helps I can try and find an appropriate sentence for the two words for you if you would like Examples: My sister and I have different color hair. I can't differentiate between you and your sister. Distinguish is used in the context "I can't distinguish what that is" in this sentence I used it in a way that resembles the words "figure out." and differentiate is very different. differentiate is a verb, so it is an action. Here it is in context "I can't differentiate these four apples" I used it in a way that resembles "different" but "different" is not a verb. Differentiate basically means "find the difference



распространение, расширение

expansion/expand Expand = gets bigger all around Extend = gets longer A balloon expands A ladder extends

распространение, расширение

uncommon Okay, I understand you. We don't have a specific expression for this in American English. However, you could describe a situation like this: "The miscommunication only continued to worsen." Or, if two people are misunderstanding each other, and the conversation becomes unproductive, you can respond like this: "I don't think this conversation is getting us anywhere."

редкий, необычный


ремонт, реконструкция, обновление


решение (задачи, проблемы)

coupled Coupled, in this example, means connected to. It can also mean paired with


randomly That weird woman randomly showed up at my job last night" "I've assorted the candy in the bag randomly, so there is no order to them" "Before the teacher finished asking her question, I randomly blurted out the answer"




compatibility You should check your computer's compatibility with the device before you purchase it.

совместимость, взаимное соответствие; взаимозаменяемость


сообщество, община



composed of The prepositions ("of" and "by") change the meaning. Composed of = made up of Composed by = produced by (usually in the field of music)

состоящий из

Midst/Among Midst is typically used when talking about a certain point in time: The river passes through the midst of the city. We are in the midst of a terrible war. The region is currently in the midst of a terrible drought. They were in the midst of remodeling their house. "Among" is usually used when talking about a physical location, or as a meaning close to "throughout" (as in the last sentence): The house is nestled among the trees. The ball was hidden among the leaves. There were ducks among the geese. There were several hecklers scattered among the crowd.

среди, посреди, между

clash When two elements of something don't go together at all, negatively affecting that thing as a whole. Often it's used when two elements of something are both too prominent. Examples The polka-dots and stripes in your outfit are clashing patterns. The colors red and brown seem to clash with each other in this painting. They are both too intense. In this song, the aggressive melody of the saxophone clashes with the high-pitched vocals of the choir. Listeners are confused.


meanwhile/in the meanwhile (At the same time, On the other hand or during "In the meantime" means "until [event] happens": "School starts in a couple months but in the meantime I want you to practice your math skills so you don't forget them." "Meanwhile" means "while one thing is/was going on, here is what is/was happening elsewhere." Katie was working hard practicing her math skills. Meanwhile, her little sister was playing happily at the park. It's what you say whilst another thing is going, for example "I went to the shop, meanwhile my brother was heading to school". Or it can be used to compare people's current emotional states rather than what's actually (physically) happening. For example "My parents are both really happy meanwhile I'm sad because im struggling with work and money". Does this make sense? It can refer to the period of time before an event happens. For example, "I have a meeting in 2 hours but meanwhile, I will take a nap." It can also mean "at the same time". It is usually at the start of the sentence and a comma(,) comes after it. Example: I walked on the way home. Meanwhile, the rain started pouring (It rained while I was on my way home)

тем временем, между тем

in plain sight

у всех на виду

in plain sight Plain sight means easily seen. So you could say "I don't know how I didn't see my hat because it was in plain sight." Or "How did you not see that it was in plain sight"

у всех на виду

magnified (reinforce, exaggerate, boast) Magnify is to make bigger, reinforce is to strengthen. Examples: I can magnify the photo to see the details more clearly. If I reinforce the paper, it will not be easy to tear. magnify- to zoom in or to make appear larger. Ex: I need increase the magnification to see this microscopic specimen. Reinforce- to make stronger Ex: The building needed to be reinforced to comply with the amended regulations "She exaggerated the amount of homework she had to get out of going to the party." (She lied about having a lot of homework to get out of going to the party.) "Exaggerate" can mean "to make a big deal out of something that is not actually a big deal". "She boasted about her good grades." To boast is to brag! "She magnified her problems at work by speaking out aggressively." (She made her problems worse.) "Magnify" is when you make something a bigger issue.

увеличивать, усиливать (хвастаться)

commissioner commission is when you pay someone for work, like if you "commissioned a painting". commission is payment/fee received for goods and services A member of a commission. Someone commissioned to perform certain duties. An official in charge of a government department, especially a police force. Someone who commissions something


strengthening It simply means to gain strength or become stronger.

усиление, укрепление

refine Example: I have refined my work. I am developing my work Refine means -improve (something) by making small changes, in particular make (an idea, theory, or method) more subtle and accurate.-. Improve means-make or become better-.


affiliate A company that is primarily owned by Microsoft is an "affiliate" company He is the counter person of our affiliate in US and has an experience going to introduce into some Japanese Company so could you please contact with him for future progress.

филиал, отделение


хватать, схватить

worth It means the value of something. For example, "How much is this table worth?" or "You are worth a lot. Worth is the value of something. i.e. That watch is worth a lot of money. For example 'I bought an expensive item for cheap it was worth it' so your clearing that the thing you bought, is money well spent. You can use it different forms to i hope you understand



челюсть, пасть

bottom line As an expression, "the bottom line" usually means "the final and most important factor". It is usually used to summarize the most important implication of a complicated situation. For example, someone might say, "The company has been losing money for a long time, and our investors are nervous. The bottom line is that without more customers, we will go bankrupt."

чистая прибыль \ конечный результат деятельности

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