English collocation in use advanced

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sense of achievement 60


a bide by a decision 11


surge of adrenalin ,60


take industrial action 11


utterly absurd


highest accolade 42


keep afloat 33


low-cost airline 26


mental agility 17


remote access your email 36


set off a firealarm 52


state an aim 10




ability demonstrate an - 17 proven - 17


abject - apology 22 - failure 4 - misery 4 - poverty 4 - terror 4


abrasive manner 45


absolutely - delighted 8, 57 - essential 30 - furious S9 - vital 31 - wonderful 8 have - no idea 6


abuse trust 40


academic year 17


accent broad - 2, 47 trace of an - 47


accomplished actor 29


account detailed - 22 exhaustive - 18 give an - of 10 open a current - 33


accumulate experience 44


achievements belittle someone's - 43 celebrate the - 42


acquaintance casual-. 4,0 make someone's - 9


acquire - knowledge 17 - a taste for 27


act - your age 45 - as a go-between 21 -as a referee 44-


act on - a suggestion 28 - a tip off 11


adapt to changing circumstances


addres verb - an issue .35 - a problem 49


address noun jot down an - '1


adhere - to beliefs - to ideals 11 - to a philosophy 11 - to principles 1 - to standards 30


adjourn - a meeting! -a trial 38


admiration express - ,60 profound - 60


admit defeat 59


adopt a method 48


advanced - computer skills 44 - knowledge 44


advantage key - 25 work to someone's - 60


advantages outweigh the disadvantages 55


adventure sense of - 26 thirst for • 26


adverse - reaction 37 - weather conditions 49


advice follow - 56 ignore someone's - 5(5 offer - 56


affect the bottom line' 5


affordable housing 5


after careful consideration 28


against - your better judgement 14 make a stand - 9 take a firm stance - 22


age act your - 45 feel your - 41 look your - 4S


age-oId tradition 23


agreed credit limit 33


agreement arrive at an - 30 in broad -2 broker an - 21 enter into an - 21 prenuptial - 42 reach an~ 30


ahandon -an attempt 52 - a policy 52


air a grievance 22


alight from a bus ]


all deny - knowledge 38 open - hour 32 with ~ due respect 5"8


all-star cast allay fears52 allocate - part of a budget 15 - resource 4 alternanve adjective - energy Source 31 alternative be ten with little Come up with an - 11 feasible - 48 amazing - chain of event'S 29 - degree of accuracy 48 ambition lifelong - 60 realise your - 42 amount inordinate - 50 large - 50 significant - (of) 50 small -50 substantial - (of) 50 ample room +6 ouree of am userne m:S critical nOli}' i 18 pent-up iltlg r 45 an no unce record profits IS annual traditiou 23 gi e a straight a nswer 58 ami-ageing properties 24 eager a nrici p.'ltion 28 'nil ecial behaviour 35 • pQk>g r abject - 22 give a full - 58 make an - 9 appea r incourr 38 put in an appearance 19 won up an pp tite ' put in an pplics ti(Jfl 30 greatly appre iate 8 step-by-step approach 48 ppro\lC a plan 30 ard L10U journey 26 run-down ar a 35 argument be drawn into an - 20 Jose an - 20 other ide of me - 55 thrust of an - 18 win an - 20 arises difficulty - 49 dispure - 21 opporeumty - 3 problem- 49 disband an army 39 cum ur fU ar amd 20 :11' us e someone's interest J make at rangernenn 9 • rriv at - an agreement 0 - a conclusion 28 thorough y ashamed 8 • for an exteesione L peers of the job 12 ca t aspe r ions 4 "se something's value 5 carry out a risk assc sment (I immense;l et 48 ssignmen hand in -6 suhmit - 6 give repeated • S. 1Ir n \ .58 asrronomieal fees 50 atmosphere convivial - 19 create an - 9) 19 evoke an- 29 pO'SOR the - 43 soak up - 11 attack come: under - 40 massive:heart -7 unprovoked - 39 spa re 0 a rtacks 3 atternpr a bandon an - 52 abortive - 56 make an - 9 artend - a formal. function 19 - school I 7 rrenrion hold someone's - 29 undi vided - 41 - anders I? have an artirud problem 43 stnnwllgly nrna tive 3 auburn hair 2 authority exercise « 30 lading - 17 in a position of - 30 all romati car 25 broad <1ven ue 2 aw ken you" intcres 29 award noun present an -42 award verb - damages 38 be aW3 rded a penaky 27 becom 'f ;)re 14 totally ~ \:,S )lnf: ,6 tribe of baboon. 54 baby have a - 41 newborn - 41 back adverb - in fashion 24 bring - memories 46 go -on a promise 58 pay - a loan 3 push - the frontiers 36 tradition dates - to 23 traffic tall - 25 back noun - of beyond 32 be glad to see the - of 57 bac up co elusion 18 I ad - language 20 create a - imp ession 9 on - terms 40 take something hadly49 btl 1<1nc • noun keep yOW' - 2.7 strike a - (between) 55 balance ve.rb - the books 5 bani h wrinkles 24 online ba nking 36 barbecue have a -19 organise a - 19 barrage - of insult 3 - of questions J loosely based on 8 bas ic prind ple 48 win the banle 5 b - awarded a p Dalty 27 - drawn into an argument 20 - given leave 22 - given a enreace 38 - gi ven a yellow card 27 - glad to see the bade: of 57 - on the go 57 - joined in matrimony 23 - lefr with tittle ~dteroa:tive 59 - open to offers 12 - rh only oprion open to omeone 2.8 - in poor health 37 - prospects for 13 - ill for a shock 59 - up for 57 - worth a try 56 bea r -left 25 - little resemblance co 55 - in mind 14 - a:striking resemblance to 55 - the suspense 29 thought of 57 not - comparison with 5S off the bra ten crack 26 become - aware 14 - a habit 41 h •d of rice 54 swarm of b es 54 behaviour antisocia I - 35 disorderJy - 22 good - 38 unacceptable - 45 put the past' beh i11d you 3 widespread bel ief 14 adhere to he lis 11 belittle someone's achievemen 43 claim h n fir 35 gi eit Yo'Llr be'.r shot 56 hcrrav om one's truse 43 58 again~t your better judgement 14 between dra w a comparison - 55 put some distance - 40 strike a ba lance 1-) bcvond :..reasonable dou be 38 back of - 32 change - recngnition 51 highest bidder 42 hill foot the-7 run up a-I. 33 flock of bird. 54 come as a hji of a shock 57 bi trerenemy 39 hiack economy 34 blarn - rest'S with 43 shoulder the - 7 b] nkexpression 45 bl sanrl obvious 8 playa blinJcr 27 weddedhh 23 bli sfull happy 1 lif a nlock de 39 blond hair 1 evere blow 49 take a bo r.5 ho ld experiment 29 bum h. rd someone with questions 20 b ne idl 43 heavy b mk i balance the hook 15 homing voice 47 bonsr - yltt• onfidence 45 - sa]e.s .5 - spaits 26 - profit 15 bored rigid 32 b Orf(.n heavil y 33 bon Ie up your feelings 9' affect tihe b rrcm line 5 boundless ,energy 45 hov co pressure 21 drop of brandy 54 spoilt brat 4 I breach nm~n in - of the law 30 b ell verb - a conrracs S8 hunk of [ rend 54 h eak noun - with tradidon 23 break !:.Mtrb - the cycle 35 - di plomadc relations 52 - through the defence 27 - tll • journey 26 - news 10 - a promise 58 - inroa run 52 - intQong 52 - a task down 48 aw and order brea k down 35 dawn break 5:2 eelarionship hrea k down 40 trouble hrca k om 21 mutter under your brearh 47 h r ed resentment S ridge the gap 55 bright idea 57 brin~ -[iO a close 52 - to 3 halt 52 -Iio justice 38 - SUI bility 39 bri Il~ back memories 46 hnng up the subject 20 broa h the subject 20 h oad -accen• 2) 47 - avenue 2 - generalisation 20 - hint 2 - range 2 - shoulders 2 - smile 2 in - agreement 2 I roker anagreemeat 21 brutallj hoaesr 57 bubbly personaltry 45 IUd~l;'f - doesn ~tstretch to 26 all care pad 0 a - 15 build on the success 34- build up - your strcength 37 - resisrance 37 derelict buildine 32 builJ UI ttaffi - 25 suspense - 2.9 burnpc ClOp 50 heavy bu rden 7 faceless hu rca II .ra . 0 burst noun -of e:fle!gy 150 burt lIerb - into laaghter 11 - into song 3 - into tears 11 bursting with energy 45 ge ff the bu . 1 bu inc' generate - 1S rna ouad« sense 15 stare your - 10 talk-10 bu tl ingcentre 32 knob of butter 54 hygon era 46 make colcul.nions 9' COIl! - fo1' a ceasefir 39 -, 101' a celebration 19 - a election 21 -:it hale to 52 cull ill .- a loan n - the receivers 15 ':111 nff - a matcl152 - a search 21. 52 ctm 'r face the dlol:lght of 57 31" au remade - 25 hybrid - 31 manual - 25 right-hand-dnve - 25 carbon offset - emissions 31 reduce your - footprint 31 card be given a yellow - Z7 swipe a - 36 after ca refu I consideration 28 carr a risk 49 a rry nn a con vers don 20 entry our - a risk assessment 30 - a urvey 6 carve a niche for yourself 12 case dismiss a - 38 make the - for 18 overstate a - 20 put the - for 18 '3_ nWi all-star - 29 star-studded - 29 cas verb - aspersions 4 - light: on a situation 7 - ill the role of 29 c. ual acq uaincance +0 suffer ca ualries 39 environmental a ra stroph • 3 era trophic resul 49 herd of cattle 54 ca ught in the crossfire 39 .tll,: establish. a - 53 primary - 53 root - 53 not - someone any trou ble 57 cautiously optanistic 60 release a 029 ceasefirc - Comes into effect 39 call for a - 9 cclcl rare the achievements 42- festival celebrates 23 call for a Iebrari n 19 imp se cen nrship 2 bustling cent re 32 a roaring ch 3inof events 29 chair acommittee 1.5 challenge face ttl- - 5 reli h a - 49 take up a - 27 tough - 5 eet th ha llenges 44 chan e fat - 7 have (got) the - 5 jump at the - 27 pass npa - 3 P eelou iu[ - 27 slim: - 7 hall e noun - come ab ut 51 - ta e place 1 dramatic - 51. force for - 35 fundamental- 5 ha ve a - of heart 12 implementa-51 irrever ibl climate - 31 it WQuLd make a - 51 radical ~ 51 sligbt -of plan 28 sweeping - 51 change verb - drmnatically 5 - fundamentaUyl '- ear 25 - imperceptibly 51 - radically 51 - beyond recognition 51 - the subject 20 - Y' ur ways 31 ch nged - man 51 - woman 51 make cha ngc:~ 51 ada pt to cha ngins circumstances 51 eh" nil ;1 of communicadon 58 switch channels 36 display charaet ri tics 45 rei cr a harg 58 trumped-up c:h. rges 38 Charm rustic - 32 have a. special - 26 heart-eo-heart chat 40 idle hart 'r 20 ch aP ource S child prodigy 41 eh iId huod ,riends 40 gifted children 17 wide cho ice 50 manageable chunk 48 pri.1 Ung of cinna mon4 d rcle of fr~ends 40 clrcu msta 11 e" adapt to ebanging - 51 extenuating -8 mitigating: - 2. 38 inner city 32 clarm noun fraudulent - cl im verb - benefits 35 .lap of thunder 47 la ri f)l a position 22 touch of cla 54: spotlessly clea n 8 dear adjec.t-ive - distinction 55 see yourself - objectives 5 lear 'verb - a debt 33 - your desk 13 dear up confusion 52 limsre current economic - 34 irreversible - change 31 linically proven 24 I e adjective - confidant 40 - friend 40 sources -to 42 doc noun bring ro a-52 cIose nff a sereer 52 cluucl your judgement 43 do e of garlic 54 go clubbing 19 d bavea'r iii. - 6 vital- 21 com -a phrase 9 - a term 9 cold shake off a - 37 streaming - 37 talks oll p e 52 ollar ral damage 39 launch a new collccrion 24, long-lasting 'oluur 24 rna come out of a - 37 fan into a - 37 come - under arrack 4:0 - out of a coma 37 - ro a conclusion 28 - a . a bit of a hock 57 not - to any harm 41 co me down heavily on 11 com ceasefire - into effect 39 change - about 51 dream - [[ue60 COl I.' LIp - with an alternative 11 - with an idea 2 S - re srandard 1 ,6 - w ith a Ugg~StiOD 1 live a .omforrn ble life 41 cornrnenr decline to - 22 air - 58 throwaway - 22 comrnita minor offence 38 com IIIirrnent honour <I - 16 make a-58 reaffirm a - .58 chair a c rnrnirtee 15 cornm 11 knowledge 14 cornm un ica ticm channel of - ss e rablish - 58 C mpar favourably with ;) mparisun not bea e ~ with 5.S draw a - between 55 pale in - 55 compel IinR reason en mpetiti 011 fierce - 15 heall:hy- 16 .omplainr grounds for - 16 handle a - 16 lodge a - 9 make a-6 take a - seriousl y 16 com plete - disaster 49 - snangef 40 ornplerel - dependent 8 - different: 8 - separate 8 near com pl rrion 52 fla wless com pi x1011 24 deal witb thecornplcxiries 48 co mpiy witb the law 30 COmprehen i\I~ knowledge 44 computer ad vanced - skills 44- good - skills 44 shut dawn a - 36 0"0 nrra the mind 48 concentratlon wavers 17 mounting oncem 3 concerted effort 6 on -Iu 'inn arrive at a - 28 om ro a - 28 foregon - 14 jump to <1-7 conclu ions back up - 18 jump to - 14 serious medical condition 37 con cliri011 adver e earbee - 49 cramped - 46 face severe weather - 26 poor an~tary - 35 cond UCt an inve dgation into a crime 6 holda press " n f or 'nee 21 close con llda nt 40 call fi dcm;:1: boost your - 45 have every - in 44 shatter someone' - 59 '011 fi ned space 46 nnferrn to safety regulations 16 con frnnr is;sues 18 confu inn dear up - 52 State of - 49 conge lC 1road 32 con eq uen ces dire - 53 disastrous - 31 face the - 53 On iderable - expenence 44 - reputation 29 under - pre sure 12 mer careful coni dera riun 28 on tartt - nagging 43 - struggle 49' COil rrucri vecriricism 28 consult <6 con 1I III rna te professional 29 network of conrac 12 conra in yOUT: excitemeat 2.6 hold someone/something in cnret pc 43 comes r a verdict 38 untracr breach a - 58 draw npa -], enter into a-58 terminatea-52 flady COl rradicr 1 in mal ked Untrn [ to 55 1.:0 Il rri 6uring factor 53 'omr] horion lasting - 46 make a _. control exer lse greater - over 28 by remote - 36 tighten COI1 t:ml s 30 ~. nver arion carry on a - 20 engage someone in - 20 hold a - ,20 lull in the - 52 it j my firm con icti on 4 convincing victory 27 convivial atmosphere 19 coo [ reception 45 cordial -elations 40 cure subject - 7 cost- urtjng mea ure 33 push up cos . 34 launch a c unrer-atta k 39 cour se - of medieation 3i enrol n a - 17 sign up for a - 7 stay the - 13 over e ...of time 46 appear in court 38 cover - every eventuality 28 - a ]otof grou d 18 cramped cond irions 46 systems crash 36 drivesomeon craz 53 cream cia h 0:£ - 54 dollop of - 54 luxury - 24 create -an anno phere 9 29 - a bad impr ion 9' - a good impressi 0 9' - an effect '. - an impresslo 9' - insta biliry 39 agreed cl"cJii limit 33 cred it-card fraud 33 crime conduct an investigation into 3-6 dig out info about a - ,6 invcstiga te a - 6 look into a - 6 prob a - 6 soaring - rare 38 go through a midlife risis 41 c rideal an ay is 18 cri icall ' ill 221 37 rrinci m coustrucrive - 28 mounting - 3 in-depth critique 18 bumper CWp 50 caught in the ros fire 39 r 'I dcd street 32 cry let OUt a - 47 strangled - 4-7 cul ural heritage 23 curh inflation 34 current - dri ving licence 25 -economic climate 34 op n a - aecuunt 33 run np cuerain 9 ell todj- I sentence J8 remand inc l.lstod y 38 take your cusromelsewhere 16 customer egular - 16 satisfied - 16 s]ippery - 43 lit noun power - '6 cur verb - through red tape 30 CIl t down on lu uries 33 cutting 'dgc design 36 puttogether a V 12 break tbe c de 35 collateral da mage 39 a vard d mag' 38 d. rnnging disclosure 22 perform a cian e 2 d nger grave - 49' mi nimis - 30 cb. h of cream 54 tradition d re back 110 23 daunting task 13 dawn breaks 52 dazzliru; - d' play 29 - smile 45 de I -easy 8 - keen 60 pronounce someolH: - 10 Jt;::tl with the complexities 48 Jl: h hasten someone's - 5 prema ure - 37 untimely - 37 Jc. rhl)' hush 47 re-open a de ha ~C' 12 J br dear a - 33 get into - 33 outstaodlng - 33 run up a huge - 33 write off a - 33 de adeselapse 46 decem night's sleep 7 the leeid ing factor 28 decision abide by a-I reach the - 18 de lare - independea 2 - outright hostility 28 - outriglu opposition 28 - som one the wi 11net 10' d xl in noun. - ill demand 15 experience a - 15 see a - 15 show a -15 de line verb - to comment 22 decrease showa-51 slight - 5 SUbstantial - 15 deep] offensive 8 defa uIr on I'epayments 33 d feat admit - 59 humi~i Iring - 21 efence break through the - 2 f p iog to sorneone's« 40 vi CIOUS - '8 amazing degree ofaecurar 'f 48 lengt y del ys 25 take delight in 60 absolutel y delighted 8) 57 ~uverl:i]edelin uent 41 delirirus ly happy 2; deliver a speech 21 demand noun declln in - 5 satisfy a - 5 demand verb - an explanation 53 d emunstra r an bility 17 hold a I rmonsrrark n 11 issue a dcni, I 58 dense traffic 25 J 'n all knowledge -8 depar from a pattern 1 dependent cornplere] - S entirely - 8 totally - 8 deplo ' troops 39 put down a d po it ,3 derelict building 32 deri v pleasure [rom 60 silence des ends 47 fit the job d criptio 13 get .'be reeognitioa you J 'serve 60 de ign cutting-edge - 36 eco-friendly - 31 de ign •r label 24 de irable place to live 3,2 desp rate esire 56 de ired effect 53 clear your de k 13 de perate desire 56 shape yout' destin, 46 d 't3 iIed account 22 dererrnlned effort 56 develop a. good relaf 0 shop 44 hail as atmajor development 25 devote energy to 56 traffic die down 25 diet go on a - 37 tick 1'0 a - 19 dif r widely 55 cliff renee make <II - 5 subd - 55 world of - 55 di rer•nt completely - 8 cnbrdy - S) .5 explore - way 48 fundamentally - 1 slightly - 8 :strikingly - 55 totally - 8 difficult handle a - situation 44 - to pin down 5 di fleulrjes experience - 49 have - 49 run intn - 7 diff! ulty -ari e 49 encounter a - 49 di£ out info about a crime 6 Jil and distant memory 46 wine and dine 19 wining and dining 19 dip - into, mergency fund 1t - into savings 11 break di plorn a ic relations 52 Ji re COllseq uences .$ . playa dir nick 43 the advantages-outweigh rh d i dva lUage. 55 d i a fh.'CfCd youth 41 disa rer - strikes 49 complete - 49 spell - 53 I.lI:ltnitigated - 29 disastrous consequences 31 disband an a my 39 damaging disclo ure 22 ofrer a d iscoun e 1 (5 make a di OV ry9 leave somethiog to sorneone's discretion 2B enter i to a di ell _ion 52 infectious diIi' ease 37 downrighe disgrace 43 thinly di guised 45 intense lislike 59 d isma I Iailure 29 dismi - a cas 38 wrongfully - 13 pu blic di: ( rder J di ord rl behaviour 22 di p:H:lging remark 59 growing di p" riry 55 J i5p' I a rumour 52 display noun dazzling - 29 put On 3. - 2J di play verb - characteri tics 45 d i~po sal of household waste 31 dis ru arises 21 everely d i ru pred 25 dim pti ve inllo:ence 43 disseminate in ormation H) dis enring voice 22 di nc put some - between 40 wi thin walking - 32 Ji. tan dim a d - memory 46 - echo 47 di tinction dear- 55 subtle - 55 dis tinguished scholar 17 di v rr traffic 25 dividcclop•, ions 14 pay dividend" 15 divlrc file for -11 messy - 42 divulge - a secret to - a source 10 do - a rQb~ hare U - plenty 'of ercise 37' -ese:arch 9 18 - the hopping 16 - the sjglus 26 - POrt 37 treme spor'ts 27 - a urvey Hi - work.!2 J edge the question SS pack of dogs 54 dol] np ofeream 54 dolphins pod 0 - 54 school 'of - 54 d om to failure S ' exceed the recommended do C' 37 doubt nagging -14 beyond reasons ble - . S doubts niggling - 4 plant - 53 (low illn:l d a ringtone 36 downrigln - rude 8, 45 - di grace 43 show a dU\ n wa.rd trend 51 d mean tL 11 measures: 35 dr, marie -change '~1 - shift S1 dramatically change - 51 increa c - 5 drat 3. compari, on between 55 draw up - a contract 3 - a list 3 -a schedule 28 be d r::l wn into an argumen 20 fill someone w"th dread 59 dream comes true 60 tl •~•S lormal- 23 wear traditional - 23 unde age drinking 35 dri e noun go on an economy - 1 fresh - 35 drive verb - recklessl - omeone crazy 53 driving current - licence 25 take your - test 25 valid - licence 25 drop - of brandy 54 - someone an email 57 - the sub] ect 20 drum up support 28 run dr 31 with all due respect 58 dull thud 47 dum p waste 31 reUeveomeone of their d 1I tie 1 residential ' ellings 32 dy fun tiona] family S l,;ag.r anticipation 28 earn a good living 2 undeclared earn iil •- 34 with ma rkable ea e 48 traffic eases 0 . 25 e3S. - option 48 dead - 8 take the - way out 48 take it - for a while watch wha you eat 37 distant I! ho 4:7 •~o•frLem:llydesign 31 "Lnnomic current - climate 34 uninterrupted - growth 34 • onnrn black ~ 34 go 00 an - drive 1 steer the - 34 highly cd ucatcd 8, 44 education Iormal « 7 good levelof - 44 cffe l ceasefirecomee into ~ 39 create an - 1 desired - 53 feel te fun - 53 ha ean - on 53 have a knock -on » effect. HI-$3 side - 37 effort concerted - 56 determined - S 6 joint - 56 make an - 56 require - 5 tcenuous - 56 team - 56 valiant - 56 decades cla p • 46 call an eleerion 21 mislead the electorate 22 herd of ek'pllanrs~4 takeyour custom d. 'where 16 email drop someone an - 57 remote access your - 36 emergency - meeting 1 dip into - funds: 11 respond to an. - 4,9' evidence emer es 22- CIII ISiSIOIl off'Set carbon - 31 vehicle - 31 flicker of ern uti on S4 wbole gamut of 'srrmrion 54 ~mp . promi 2:0 enc unrcr a difficulty 49 e nc. rei pa r.:di know ledge 44 I1d leu pply 50 make ene mie 9 bitter 10'11 'm r 39 energ a lrernative - OufCC 3 boundless - 4S burst of - 60 uudng with ~ 45 devot - to 56 renewa ble - 31 summon up the - 27 engage - someone in conve sation 20 - in nostimities 39 enloy - good Ilea lth 37 - great IlCcess42 ChOl'OUgbly - 8 nl ist be~p 48 mol on aeourse 17 t=1I er - into an agreement 21 - into a contract 58 - into a discussion 52 - into talks 21 - your P 36 nrerta inm 'nt provide - 5 so' rce of - 5 unbounded emb u iasrn 50 'mire! - d pe dent 8 - dif€er,en, 8) 55 - separate 8 passionate em rea ry 22 meet the: emry requiremems 17 environm nt harmfulto ,the - 31 stable - 41 envi ron m c nra I catastrophe 31 eprc - propo ri ns 50 sheer - andeur 26 simultaneous sq ua ri nn 5 install e uipment 36 ra bygone - 46 golden - 46 run errand 13 -'rror - of judgement 14 see rhe - 0 your wa:ys41 spo,t an - 49 eru rs riot - 35 violence - 39 violence '5 -3 late 39 e cape noun make an - 9 , cape verb - puaishreenr 38 absolutelye enrial 30 'sf. blish - a cause 53 - communication 58 - a geodrelationship 44 research ethics 18 tate of euphoris 60 event nuu:b23 e cnts amazing chain of - 29 eriesof - 29' cover every venruality 28 'ever_ OOVer - eventuality 28 have - confidence in 44 pander to sorneone's - whim 41 evidenc - emerges 22 give - 38 unreliable - 38 vok an atmospher - 29 ~. acropposite 55 exacting. standards 30 wildly e aggerat d 8 , ceed pectarions 4\ - he recomm nded dose 7 provide all, excellent service 16 take ex eprion to S9 exchange noun - rates fluctuate 51 1:):,11 Il~l! verb - new, 20 - plea a tries 20 '; d speculation 22 excirernen contain your - 26 flurry of - 54 social exclusion 34 ex .lusive - inter-view of 2 - restanrant 24, excru i lingl uncomfortable 24 feebJ ex II e 57 .er i, a noun do plenty of - 37 gentle - 37 '. rei c verb - authority 30 - gr ater control over 28 physical c .ertion 56 e hausnve account 18 vast C'xpn nsc 46 f:1iI misers bJy 3 failure abject - 4 dismal - 29 doom to - 56 fa intl ' :ridiculous 8 fair - comn ent 58 - few 50 - umbe "of), 50 fair E. I wedding 42 full 11OUf! experience <I - 15 ooa--5 show a -15 fall verh -, -ow a coma 37 - into a pattern 41 festi val f lis on 23 fal'if records 33 voice: f I 1:[<; 47 meteoric rise to f'Hn' 42 family -gathering 9 dystuncttonaJ - 35 low-income - 35 support a - <1. offshore wind arm 3• fa hion - victim 24 back in - 24 high-street - 24 whae's in - 24 new travel fast 57 fa t-r rack scheme 12 fat chance 7 ompare avourably with 55 fears allay - 52 fuel - 59 spark - 52 fea ible alternetive 48 movable feast 23 f~ hi, excu e 57 fed - your age 41 - the fuU diet 53 - peckish 24 I know the red ing 57 bottle up yonr feelings 59 astronomical .' SO get itchy feet 26 fertile imagination 14 fe rival - celebrates 23 - f~ns on 23 - marks 23 hold a: - 23 observe a - 23 fe rive -mood 23 - season 23 join (in~ the fC_fi iries 19) 23 reach fe er pitch 27 few falr - 0 good - SO field nmm raki the - 27 field verb - questions 58 fief' • ccmpeririou 15 figlu noun pick a - 43 fighr verb - for your Hfe 37 - :for surviva149 lull in the fighting 52 file for divo ce 1 fill - someone with dread 59 -, in a form 6 finarrcial acumen 44 lind - guilty 38 - not' guilty 38 - happiness 60 - a SiOJ ution 31 - time 19 finding present - 18 publish - 36 Fine lines 24 fini t number 50 fire tZQ1Ut set off a - alarm 52 fire verb - someones irnagineticn 29 firm - friends 40 it .s my - conviction t4 take a - sta ice again 22 fir. c-hnnd knowledge 18 shoal of lish 54 fi r a.djeclivc - for purpose 16 pretty - 27 fir noun - of j ealousy 59 fir verb - the job descri ption 1 - in with plans 11 take the flak 43 flat-sereea 36 nadir - contradict 1 - reject 22 f1aw les complexion 24 Ai kcr . -0£ emorion 54 - of hope ~4 - of interest 54 tumour flies around 20 flock - of birds 54 ,- of heep 54 widespread looding 31 49 110m a rule 30 tluc 1I. u~ - wildly Sl exchange rates - 51 hare prices - 5 temperatures - 51 flurry - 0 activity 54 ~ of excitement 4 - of snow 54 - ofspecularion 54 flying visit 19 foa m at the mouth J ha ven 'r the foggl esc idea 6 f II \\' advlee 56 food - miles 31 p~ain- 19 f I the bill 7 reduce your ca rbon foorpri nr 31 furt;C - for change 35 - for good 35 fun:gun conclusion 14 rc eeablc future 4,6 f rge new relation hips 40 complete a form 6 f rmal - dress 23 -education 1L7 attend a - ,'unction 9 restore to its f rmerglory 46 orrnul ate a theory 18 furthright manner 45 fortune spenda - 33 tell someon 's - 10 forward really look - to 57 ery much look - to 57 foul language 20 fo IIr-lerrer word 20 fr gi I • peace 39 fr me a question 58 credit-card frl'l ud 33 fraudulcatclairu 33 free - kick 27 - up time 11 go re .Ian e 12 fresh dri e riend .Eor life 40 Fri n Uy - mile 45 perfectly - 45 remain 011 - terms 40 friend childhood - 40 circle of - 40 clos - 40 firm - 40 lifelong - 40 make-1 to and fro 2 push back the frontier 36 give VCR[ to your fTli Eration 59 f ucl - fears 59 - peen lation 14 full - explanation 1S - marks 17 - refund '16 feel rhe - effect 53 give a - apology 58 the - glar e publicity 41 make a - recovery 37 qualify fu lJ 5 s urceo hm 5 aeeenda formal fun'ti Oil 19' fundamental change 51 1Inda mentally - dif~ rent \ 55 - similar S ,& change - 51 ource 0 funding 5 dip into cllle'l'genc:y funds 11 absolutely Iuriou 59 mounting fu ry 3 kick up a u 16 uturc foreseeable - 46 not-so-distant - 46 am noun modest ,- 51 gam verb - marks 1 - respeet J opening gambit 20 whole garnur of emotions 54 g P bridge the - 55 yawning - S5 clove 0 garlic 54 family garheri n 19 ga uge reaction 22 chaege gc. r 25 grind the gc: a r 25 broad gen rali ati on 20 gene r ii' speaking 10 gcnerare bu inc 15 stroke of geni II 54 g nd exercise 37 ge - into debt 33 - the hang of 27 - hitched 23 -itchy feet 26 - a message across 10 - a place 17 - your prioitics £'ght Z - intoreverse 25 - the sack 13 - the recogni tion. you deserve 60 :really - to someone 57 get uff tbe bus 1 ifrfor languages 5 •ifted children 17 girls' night Out 19' WVt:: - anaccoun.t of 10 - it your best shot 56 -, evidence 38 - a full apology 58 - someone a good send-off 57 - a loud laugh 47 - permission 30 - a reason 10 - repeated assurances 58 - som ne a ring 57 - astraight answer 58 - something some thought 14 - vent to your frustration 59 gi -n be - leave 22 be - a sentence 38 be - a yellow card 27 be gla J to see the back of 57 fun glai of publicity 42 raise your gla sses 23 hmm r - of hope 54 - of interest 54 - of light 54 - of understanding 54 restore to its former glor . 46 glo y magaziue 24 glowing - review 29 - tribute 42 ~ noun' be on the - 57 go flerb - dubbing 19 - On a, diet 37 -011 an economy drive 1 - freelanc ~ - 2 - hand in band with 7 - out for a mea] 19 - tbIO~gh a midlife crisis 41 - on the offe sive 39 - part-time 2 - through a phase 41 - into production •5 - into raptlll"eS 60 - into rehab 42 - SllOpping 16 - on strike 13 - trekking 26 - wild 27 not - to any trouble j 7 go back on a promise 58 go down l higtory 46 act as a. go• between 21 g :11 score all own - 27 state a - 10 it gil without saying 10 go [den era 46 gnod - behaviour 8 - cmpurer skills 44 - Ie 50 - knowledge 44 - level of ednca non 44 - number -(of~ 50 - size 50 create a - impression 9 devdQp a - cIa tionship 44 earn a - living 12 e .'Joy - health 37 establish a - relatioeship 44, force for - 3.5' give someone a - send 'off 57 with - naUficarions 44 really - 6 weU - 6 i'uicy go. ip 20 ha ve gor the hance 5 grab - a seat 5 - a !in;)lck6 gracious living 24 rraduate from university 17 grand style 24 sheer epic g randeur 26 grant permission 30 take for granted 41 grasp the importa ceof 4 gra e dange:l: 49 great - pleasuee 7)60 - significa nee 50 enjoy - 8U.OcesS 42 have - success 42 (of) - importance 1 SO place -, value-on 5 greater exercise -control over 28 exportS are ive times - than imports 15 greatly - appreciate 8 - influence 8 .introduce greenta ~ 3 I grid inca solable - 59 outpouring of - 59 air a gric\'<:ln c 22 fac a riHlng;58 11ri11J the gear 2.5 COver a leor of g ruun d 18 gr lind. for complaint 16 necessary gr. undwork 28 growing disparity 55 grow h e perience a - 15 see a - 15 show a -1.5 steady -4 sunlllJate - 15, 34 uninterrupted economic gruf - exterior 45 - yoke 47 grump old man 41 guilt)' find - 38 find not - 38 It I it b come a - 41 makea - of9 mlllt" fQr human ha hi ta rion 35 hall - as a major development 25 -ami 2 hair auburn-. 2 blond - 1 sun-damaged - 14 halt 1'IO'Ul"l bringro a - 52 call a - to 52 hair !letb - production 36 h nd noun go - in hand wirh 7 reject om 0 - 28 hand verb - in assignments 6 - in YOUl resignation 12 handle - ;3 complaint 16 - a difficult situation 44 Set of 1 nd leba r 2-5 suffer at the hand of 9 get the 1.Il~ of 27 mrea t hangs OVer 59 find happines 60 h PP. bLissfuU - 1 deliriously - 2 11 rd - slog 56 sounds like - WQr 4• h: rebrnin .J scheme 59' harm nOirCOlJlt(': to any - 4 not mean any - 57 harm fu I to the environment Jt ham e •stecbnology 36 judge someone har hly 14 hasten someone's death 59 have - a bsolut'cly no idea 6 - an attitude problem 4:3 - a ba,by41 - a barbecue I 9 - (gOt} the chance 5 - a change of heart 12 - difficulties 49 - an effect on 53 - e ryconfidence in 44 - an e perience 27 -aneye6r7 - great success 42 - a kr 0 k-on effect S3 - an obligation 30 - an operation 37 - a pany 9 - a quality 45 - relevanceto 4 - no [I~:specttfor 43 -asna' 6 - 3 special charm 26 - a stopover 26 -a whale of a time 27 - a word wi h 6 not - much luck 57 wreak havoc 53 hazy memory 41 head a ream 7 heal the ri 40 health be in poor - 37 enjoy good - 37 risk to public - 31 h '<Ilthy competition I 6 heap praiseon 42 heart -leaps 60 ha ve a change of - 12 learn by -17 massive - attack 37 op n your - to 20 with a light - 7' hea rt-to- he rr chat 40 sean ng heat 31 solar hearing 31 Ilea ilv - inHue:Dced 29 borrow - 33 come dow - on 11 hcuvv - b'ok 7 - burden 7 - rain 1 - r~spoDsibBity 7 - ttalfic2S - workload 13 hl.: rlr paceo ~ife 32 heed a warning 56 . mist hdp 48 herd - ofcartle 54 - 0 elephants 4 cultural h ri rage 2 ' high - hopes 60 -spercenrage 50 - risk 49 - turnover o• staff 13 hit the - street 24 spirits are - 16 high-d [ili~j( n TV 36 high- street tashio 24 high' r <aecol de 42 - bidder 42 natural hjghlighr 14 highl~t - educated 8) 44 - praised. 42 - recommend 29 - recornmen ded 8 - unlike~y S - alued 44 speak very - of 10 dUnk - Qf29 hik. • 'n prices 15 hinder progre s 49 broad hin 2 go down in hi WilY 46 hit - the high st eer 24 - the rocks 7 get hi [I,; hed 23 hold noun put someoneen - t 6 hold verb - someone's attention 29 - someone/somethingia coneempt 43 - a conversation 20 - a demonstration 21 - a festival 23 - a press eonference 2] - a position 12 horne leave - 41 second - 4-' there's DO phl:coe Like - 1 h ne your skiUs44 bwraU honest 57 honestly think 14 hono nr a commitment 16 hour. of laughter 47 hope noun: fJicke r of - 54 glimmer of - 54 vain - 3 hope verb sincerely - 57 very much - 57 hopelessl lost 26 hupl": high - 60 pill your - on 56 hopping mad 7 play ho t to 19 engage in hn rilitie 39 hosrilit declare outright - 28 open -45 wireless hf)t~ pet 36 pack of h und 54 hour long open lug - 32 openall-2 unsoclal - 13 eli posal 0 heal ehold waste 31 afforda ble hou sing 35 run up a huge debt 33 ~lUg"Iy popular look. 24 unfit: for human habitarion 33 humiliaring defeat 21 touch of humour 54 hunk of bread 54 overcome a. hurdl' 49' hurl insults 59 deathly hush 47 hu k~' voice 47 hvbrid ClIJ' 31 hYrlllrhei~ supporu the - 18 working - 18 idl.::l bright - 57 come up with an - 28 hay . absolutely no -6 ha en~t iihe foggiest - 6 laughable - 59 rough -'14 toy with an - 28 adher to Idl.'.l1~11 identity theft 33 idle -chatte 20 - threat 3 bone - 43 rural id IJ 32 profess. ignora nee 0 i nore someone's advice 56 ill - effects 53 critically - 12J. 37 ill e al su bstanee 35 rare illness 37 Im <Igi na ri 011 fertile - 14 firesomeone's - 29 irnrnen e assllt 48 rrnpa I igniftcam - 42 withstand ch. - 3 impart - knowledge 10 - wisdom ]0 change impercepri hi 51 irnplcrn 11 - a change 5 - a plan 28 trust SOmeone implici dy 44 import. n (." grasp th• - of 4 (of) great - 1) 50 of paramount - 44 I III P0l[S export are fi times greater than - 15 i.mpo . censorship 21 , ImpressIon Create an. - 9 create a bad - 9 create a good - 9 indelible - 29 lasting - 29 IIII pm ve men I marked -17 mcdest >- 51 room for - 17.51 show an - Sl make improvements 9 in-depth - critiqu 18 - interview 42. wildly inaecura re 8 ill CS • nr noise 47 not trust an inch 43 illite violence 3S in lerne 11r weather 2 mcom source of - S) 33 supplement yow: - 33 moon olable grief 59 in rea e 1U;)U1t modest - 51 shov an - 51 slight - 1 substantial - 15 incrca c verb -dramatically 51 - output 34 - significantly 51 -our stress levels 59 in d 1ible impress~ons 29 declare ind pen de nee 21 indetermjnare number 4 research indicate. 18 in Iigenous people 26 take indusrri I action 13 thriving industry 34 in fu "rio us disease 37 infinite patience 50 in fla ti 011 curh - 34 rampant - 34 in fI ucnce 1totm disruptive - 43 intlu no' verb greatly - 8 s:tl'ongly - 8 iuAu n d hea,v•ty - 29 strongly - 29 dig out ill 0 abouc a erime 6 inform lion dis;seminatc - 10 item of - 48 snippet of - 3 infrfnl: the regulations 30 show initiative t 7 inner city 32. protei innocenc 10 inordinate amount' 50 create insra bill t:}' 39 i'lSt II equipment 36 ill tanrl recall 48 .in•tigate measures 52 in 111t barrag of - 3 hurl « 59 intense dislike 59 in (l;11 1 persona] 3 interest amuse sorneone's - 1 awaken your - 29 flkke 0.1 - 54 glimmer of - S4 keen - 44 raise - rates 34 interest-free overd aft 33 intere p otnote-15 pursue your - 44 safeguard someoae's - 34- inrerper: on I.skills 44 interview exclusive - 42 in-depth - 42 inrrepid e plorer 26 introduce - green taxes 31 - a levy 34 - 3 neighbourhood watch scheme 35 - new legislation 30 - regul ations 30 see off an intruder 11 inV t in the long-term 34- inve tigete a cri e 6 inv igari n conduce an - into a crime 6 subiectte police - 6 touch of iron y 54 irr v rsible climate change 31 issue nou» address an - 3 confront an - 58 ra kle the - 8 take - with 22 is ue rJerb -" denial 58 - a statement 22 confront IS ue 18 ge itel feet 26 item ()If informatlo 48 simplkity it eIf 48 fit 0' iealousy 5.9' job aspects of the - 12 fit the - description 13 land a - 13 walk traight into a - 7 do a [oh-share 12 [oin - in the festivities 19, 2 - the staff 12 be [oined in matrimony 23 [oint effort S6 iur Je WIl - ae address 1 - a phone number 11 - a room number' 1 lomne}' arduou - 26 break the - 26 leg of a - 26 jump for ]0 60 iu lge someone harshly 14 iudgemenr against your better - 14 cloud your - 43 error of - 14 lack of ~ 4 lapse Q - 59 pass - on 14 poor -14 [ui Y gas ip 20 iump - at the chance 27 - to a conelu ion 7 - toconclusions 14 - for joy 60 justice - is served 38 bring to - 38 miscarriage of - 38 iuvenile del inq uent 41 kC'n - iote rest 44 dead - 60 k ep - afloat 33 - your balance 27 - your eyes peeled 26 - to the left 25 - a promise 58 - in shape .27 - Someone on their toes 7 k cp up - a foreign l nguag 1 - the tradition 23 ke ad vantage 25 free kick 27 kick u p a fuss 16 kiss and tell 42 kno I of butter 54 have a knock-on effoor 53 tie the kn Ot 23 I knov tile eeling 57 know ledge acquire - 11 advanced - 44 common -14 comprehensl e - 44 deny all- 38 encyclopaedic - 44 cxtensiv - 44 first-hand - 18 good - 44 lrnparr - 10 thirst for - 17 designer Iilbel 24 sweated T;lb ur 13 Iak •• experience 44 - of judgement 14- move up ~beladder 12 1<1 d a Job 13 language bad - 20 foul -2.0 keep up 3J foreign - 11 stro g - 20 gift for lang uages 5 t. p of jludgement 5'9 1 rge - a OUil~ SO .• number 50 - percentage 50 - . uanrit)' 50 la ring - contribution 46 - impression 29 think lateral! y 14 the kn 'f scores 27 give a loud Inugil 4-7 laughable idea 59' laughter bunt into -11 hots of - 47 launch - a counter-attack 39 - a new collecdo ' 24 .. a scheme 28 lavish lifestyle 42 law - and order break down 35 .in breach of the .• 30 COm ply with the ..•30 pass law 30 lay of staff 12 by Out the reswts 18 lead al'l.'Una:r 1 leading authority 17 leafy S l.l burbs 32 heart lea r 60 II.:. rn by heart 17 qui k I~arner 7 eat of learning 17 lcav noun matemity - 12 b given - :2.1: leave verb - s-omething CO someone's discJictlon 28 - unchecked 34 - bome 41 - room 46 le ft adjer:tive be - with little altt:tIlativ .59 bear - 25 left 'hOlm keep to the - 2- leg of a j OUI'ney 26 introduce new Icgi. 1. ricin 30 lengthy d Lay 25 let - out a cry 47 - someone i, on a SOCJ"cf42 -omeone out .f your sight 41 level good - of education 44 reduce your stress - 37 stoop to that - 43 increase your Stress I -vel 59 Ie y noen inrroducea - 34 I•vy rlerh - atax 34 licence cuerent driv ing - 25 valid driving - 25 lick: of paint 1 lie -is turned upside-down 51 fig rfor your - 37 fl'iendfOf - 40 hectic pace of - 32 live acomfortable - 41 shape sorneone's - 46 Ii long - ambitio' 60 - friends 40 Lavisb life ryle 42 t ifr a blockade 39 Iighr adiecNtJtt - reading 7 with a - heart 7 light noun cast - on a struatlo 7 glimmer of - 54 like sounds - hard work 48 there's no place - home agreed credit limit 33 push yourself to the limits 27 affect the bottom lille 15 fine line 2A 1?dde of lion. 54 list draw up a - 3 narrow the - down 13 litem U1re revie 18 little be left with - alternative 59 bear - resemblance to 55 peecious - chance 21 ]i c - a comfortable life 41 desirable place to -32 IJV up fa expectations t 1) 60 lore your live! ihood 13 living - w~ge 13 earn a good - 12 gracious - 24 make II: ••• 12 urban - 12 within - memory 46 loan call '[I a - n pay back a - 33 picturesq ue I • loll 2 swarm of lecu ts 54 lodg a complaint 9 long opening hours 32 long-la ring colour 24 I~)Ig- tanding teadieion 23 long-term - relationshi p 40 - solution 28 in vest in the - 34 look noun new season's - 24 hugely popular - 24 look llerb -, your age 45 - into a crime 6" really - forward to 57 very much - forward to 57 100 1 based On 8 widespread 10 ring 49 los' - anargument 20 - yourlivdihood 13 - your voice 47 not - any sleep over 57 hopelessly lost 26 lut cover a -o••gmund 18 take :up .8 - of room 46 take up a - of space 46 talk a - of sense 10 under a - of pressu~e .2 give a loud laugh 47 low-cost airline 26 low-inco me fumll y 35 luck not have much - 57 pure >- 60 Stroke of - 31 54)60 lull nmm - in the conversarion S2 - in the fighting 52. lull verb - someone to sleep 26 cut down on luxuri 33 luxury -cream 24 sheer - 24 hopping mad 1 glo sy magazine 24 m inrs in qualky 5 bail 3:S a In jar de ve]opment 25 m joriry overw helming - 50 secure a - 21 sliOl- 21 n ake - someone's acquaintance .9 - an apology 9 - arrangements 9 - an attempt 9' - calculations 9 -vthe case for 18 -change 5' - a commitment.) 8 a complaint 16 - a contribution 9 - a dif:ference S - a discovery 9 -an ettort 56 - enemies 9 - an escape 9 - friend 1 -a full reoovery 37 - a habit of 9' - lrnprovemecrs 9 - a living 12 -mistakes 1 4,9 - an offer 9 - a payment 33 - plans 28 - a plea 35 - a proposal 9' - a relationship wor k 40 -room for 9 - a SOQld 47 - sound busi ness sense 15 - a stand against 9 - a succ-ess 0 9. 42 - some su gesrions 9' - someone welcome 19 it would - a change 51 man changed - 51 grumpy old - 4 manageable chunk 48 manner abrasive - 45 fOil'thrig.bt - 45 man ual cal 25 narrow profit margins 15 marked - improvetuent 17 in - contrast to 5S m r - r play the stock - 1 target - 15 m rk noun full- 11 gain -1 mark ve.rb event - 23 festival - 23 rna siv - heart attaek 37 - overdose SO rna teo r new skills 13 call off a m tell 52 man.rnit leave 11- be joined in rnarrimon y 23 weigbty matter 7 mature stade t 17 meal go out for a - 19 rustle up a - 9 not mean any harm 57 cosr-cutring' mea me 33 me If" draconian - 35 iastigare - 52 serious med ical conds .on 37 COurse of medication 37 practise medicin . 12 me t - ~he challenges 44 - the entry requirements 17 - ith a tony silenoe4 7 - with success 4 - <11. target 15 meenog adjQur a - 2 emergency - 15 pencil in a - 13 member of staff 12 rncrnori bring hack - 4:6 ekindle - 4 memory dim and distant - 46 azy -41 within living - 46 menial tasks 1 men raI agility 17 get a: message across 10 me: y divorce 42 mC'rc~ric rise to fame 42 adopt a meth ad 48 in ehe midd Ie of nowhere 2 go theougha III it!life ceisi 4 mildly urprised 8 food mites 3t pass a mile t ne ~ mind bear in-14 concentrate the - 4 S mindless violence 43 ml.lllITIl se - danger 30 - a risk 49 minor - niggles 43 ommit a - offence 38 mall minnriry 50 mi arr iage of iustic.: 8 professional mi cond uct 1 fail rniserabl 3 abject misery 4 mi. k:lc!the electorate 22 rm - 3. penalty 27 - the point 58 make mis " k 1, 49 mitigaring - circumstances 2) 38 - factor 2 modesr - gain 51 - irnpro ment 51 - increase 51 - recovery 51 senior rn omen [ 4 m ney recovery of - 21 value for - ,6. 34 eribeof mon ke .54 festive moud 23 provide moral support 40 set th wheels tit mori on 53 spectacular mountains 1 mounting - concern 3 - criticism - fury 3 foam at the mouth 3 mova ble f a t 23 move IIp tbe ladder 12 mov sideways.25 muffled voice 47 store music 36 III U rrer under your breath 47 nagging adjective - doubt 14 i1 gging noun' COnstant - 43 narrow adjective - profit margins: 15 nil rrO\ verb - the list dow n 13 11<'1 't'\' - piece of werk 43 - shock 59 n. ri 11W LJe search 21 muurol - highlights 24 - talent 17 nea rcompletion 52 necess: rv g roundwork 28 needles to ay 10 negori ate a settlement 21 ~ok'Oduce a ncighbourhooJ watch cheme 35 pre-wedding nerve 23 nerwurk - of contacts 12 social - 40 n,,"W - easoa's look 24 forge - relation h:'ps 40 introduce - legislation 30 launch a - collection 24 maste - sk 'Us 13 newborn baby 41 new 1. qualified new - travel fa t 57 break -10 exchange - 20 next -da service 6 carve a niche 0 your if 12- minor niggles 43 ni ling doubts 4 night girls' - out 19 decent night'. sleep 57 no have a'bsolut Iy - idea 6 have - respect fur 43 rheee's - place like home 1 wouldn't say - to 10 ineessaOC noi e47 receive a n nnination 42 talk non en e 10 the not- o-disre nr future 46 notify the police 10 novel solution 35 Rye! value 5 in the middle of nowhere 2 nurnl r fair - (of~ 50 finite- 50 good - (of) 50 indeterminate - 4 jot down a phone - 11 jot down a room, - 1 . large - 50 opposite - 12 significant - (of) 50 small. - 50 ub tandal - (of) 50 set yow: elf clear obiecrives 15 have an h1ig.< li n 30 observe a festival 23 render obsolete obtain permission 30 blatantly ob IOU!' 8 special cca 1011 19 (l casional twinge 41 oc ILIr• problem - 49 rhoiught - t 57 (I f the beaten track 26 commit a minor ffc" 38 offen sve deeply - 8 go on the - 39 s~ightl - 8 nf 'r 110'41' make an - 9 tempting - 12 o cr verb - advic 56 - a discount 6 - an explanation 58 b opt' n to offers 12 :>fficc resign from - 21 uk up - 1 offser carbon emissions 31 offsho re wi nd farm 31 grumpy 01d man 41 ( rt oming traffic 25 IIIinc - banking 6 - hopping 16 be til: onl y option open to someone 28 open adjective - all hours 32 - hostility 45 be - rooffers 12 b me only option - to someone 28 open uerb - a current 3COOunt 33 - your ht'<lIl' to 20 pc fII Ilg - gambit 20 - remark 52 long - hour 2 have an operation 37 divided opinions 14 opponent see off an - 11 a vociferous - 12 )ppnrl"lI nity - arises 3 extend - 34, pa up an - 3 opposite - number 12 exact - 55 polar - 5 declare ourrlghropposition 28 ca U(ously o pri mist ic60 option be the only - open to someone 28 easy -48 viable - 48 ord r noun Law and - break down 35 place an - 16 totally lit of - 43 srder verb - a takeaway 19 irgan i a barbecue 19 startling originality 29 the rn r side o.r theargument 55 pending the Oil IIIe 5 provoke an urcry 53 broad outlln 2 outpouri ng of grief 59 ~ncrea8e outp ut 34 ourrighr declare - hostility 28 declare - opposition 28 ~lltst mding debt 33 the advantages UfW igh the disadvantages 55 ov r - rheeou rse 0 dm' 46 exercise greater cont~Ql- 28 not ~oseay deep - 57 rake priori" - 12 threat hangs - S9 oven: me a hurdle 49 }vl:rdos' massive - SO take an - 37 overdra intere r-free - 33 run up an - 33, over -tate a case 20 unpaid overtimc 1.3 overtu m a verdict 38 overwhelmia I maj01'ity 50 score an own goa l 27 hectic paceof life 32 pack - of dogs 4 - of hounds 54 - of wolves 54 lick of paint I pa Ie in comparison 5 pander to someone's every whim 41 of p_ ram mnr importance 44 vacant park i11g space 46 all ocate pa ftof a blilJdget 15 go pa rr-rime 12 parr have a - 9 end out a search - 26 surprise - 19 throw a -19 pa ::; - judgement on 14 -Jaws 30 - a milestone 5 pll up - a chance 3 - an opportunity 3 pa s ionae entreaty 22 put the p. [behind you 3 infinite patience 50 patt rrn depart from a. - 1 fall into a -41 wea er pattern 31 plI,. - dividends 15 - tribute to 4: - someone a vis+t 19 pay back a loan 33 make a pa ymenr 33 p C' fragile - 39 restore - 39 feel P' kih 24 keep your eye: peeled 26 penalty be awarded a - 27 miss a -17 penci I in <I meeting 13 p nding - the outcome- - the response 5 - the results 5 p 'In-up anger 4 indigenous people 26 per enraee rnall » 50 high - 50 larg.e - 50 P 'rfeef 110tm the - venue 19 perfect tlerb - a techn ~quc4 S perfectly f:r.iendly 45 perform - a dance 23 - a task 44- put up a pe rromm nee 27 perrn IS5I Ul1 give - 30 grant - 30 obrain - 30 seek - 22) 30 intensely person al 3 p .rsonaliry -traits 45 bubbly~4S go through a pha 41 adhere to a phllosophy 11 jot down a phone numb r 11 coin a phrase ~' physi < I exertion 56 pick fight 4- picture que -location 2 - town 2 - villa .eI. 2 nasty piece of work 43 pill: n the pounds 14 pm ~ yOIH' hopes on 56 difficultlio - down 5 enter your 1.'1 36 reach ~ever pit h 27 place nOlm chan e rakes - 51 desirable - to live 32 get a -17 secure a - 17 there's no - like home 1 pla uerh - great value on 5 - an order 1 plain - f d 19 - truth 3 plan approve a - 30 :implement a - 28 slight cha n:ge 0 - 28 unveil a - 28 plan fit in with - 11 make - 28 pi nr doubts pla to ni relationships 40 pI. ~' - a blinder 27 - a dirty trick 43 - host to 19 - the stock market - truant 17 make a plea 35 exchange plcasantnc 20 plea ur derive - from 60 gr at - 57 60 do plenty of exercise 37 plummeting profits 34• pnd -0' dolphins 54 - of whales 54 point mi the - 58 strong. - 45 take someone's - 58 unique. elr 'g - 15 refuse point-blank 22 poison the atmosphere 43 pol ropposite 55 police notify the - 10 SU bject to - lnvestiga.tion 6 bandon a pol ic 52 poor ..•judgement 14- - quality 16 - saniraryconditions 35 be in - health 37 hugely pupulnr too' 24 pose a threer 49' position . a -0' authority 30 clarify a; - 22- holda -12 take up a post 12 prese v f (' posrcrit' 46 realise yom poten rial 13 pile on the pound 24 abject p( verrv 4: power -cut 36 esto e - 36 seize - 21 39 practi •a lvalue 5 put into pra rice 28 prncris t.: medicia 12 heapprai e olil42 c "gbly prai d 42 pre-emptive trike 9 pre-wedding. nerves 23 pre iou litdeeha nee 27 t rminate a pregn ~mC' 52 l remaru re death 37 r snuptial agreement 42 pre p~ra rions are uaderway 28 pre em - an award 41 - findings 18 P re 'I.: rvc for posterity 46 hold 111 pre conference ressure bow to - 21 under consid ra ble - 12 under a Jot of - 12 wjthstand - prerr I fir 27 price hike in - 15 share - Ilucruace 5 pride of r ns 54 prima ry cause 53 pri rne-ti IIIe television 21 basic pri nci p Ie 48 adhere to principles 1, 11 get your priorities right 12 take pri ori l)' over 11 pr be a crime 6 problem - ari es 49 - occur •49 address a - 4.9 face <I - 49 have an attit'IJd~ - 43 tack: le a - 49 wrestle with 3 - 14 weighty pr• )h]e In. 7 ssandardis procedure 30 pro laim a victory 21 child prod igy 41 produce •re ulr 53 produ tion go, into - 5 halt - 36 pro fess ig,no:rana= 10 proks ~onaladiedwe - misconduct 13 prefes 10rral nmm consummate - 29 pr ~fir narro - margtu 15 tum in 3 - 9 pr ~Ilt announce record - '15 boost - 15 plummeting - 34 pm olllldadmi.ra(oD 60 hinder progre s 49 prouns break a - 58 mp - 20 go back on a-58 keep a - -8 cash - 20 P romore interests IS prornpr - service 16 -pecuJation 53 pronounce so eone dead 0 public pron IInccrnenr 22 speak pruperlj 10 anti-agel I1g Propertie: 24 epic proportjon SO make a propo • I 9 propo a wast 23 bep ro peel' for 1 prot '_r 1ID.lm stage a - 9 prote f~erb - innocence 10 Pmud tradition 23 proven - ability 17 clinically - 24 provide - entertainment ,5 - an excellent service 16 - an planation 22 - moral upport 40 - a rerionale 18 - a reference for 44 - relief 3S - shelter 35 •...simultaneous translation 5 - a soludon 56 prov )kc an outcry 53 public - disoeder 35 - pronounce ent 22 - spending 34 reliable - transport.32 . isk to - health 31 fuji glare of pLI blkity 4:2 publish - findings 36 - research 36 escape purnshm "1138 pure luck 60 purpose lit lor - 16 ense of - 60 state a - 10 pI.!r~ne your interests 44 pu_h - back the &ontiers 36 - up costs 34 - yourself to the limits 27 put - tbe case for 18 - some distance between 40 Someone on hold 16 - the past behind you 3 - into practice 28 - a question to someone 58 - a. stop to 52 - together a CV 12 not - someone to any trouble 57 put dm n a de.posiit 33 pu in - an appearanoe 19 - an appllcation 30 jm on - a dispfa y 23 - standby 26 - lOll 38 1lU'!: u p a deeermieed per ormance 27 with good qualifica rion 44 qualif •d newly - 5 well-44 qualh y fuUy 5: quali have a - 45 maintain - 1 i 5 poor - 16 spend - time 19 top - 16 quantity large - 50 he r - 50 signmcant - (ofl SO small - 50 ubsrantial - (of) 50 unknown - 0 quell unrest 52 quesTIon dode the - 58 frame a-58 put a -~o someone 58 tough -20 1.111• trons barrage of - 3 born bard someon w' til - 20 field - 58 qu ick learner 17 quirt backwater 32 radicol change 1 change rudi all r 51 ram - sets in 52 heavy -1 raise - you r glasse 23 - interest rate 3•4 - your voice 47 rampant imla.tjon 34 range broad -2 Stunning - 24 wid - 50 go into rap rure - 60 rare illness 37 rash promise 20 rat exchange - fluctuate 51 ra ise Interest - 34 oaring crime - 38 provide a rationale 1.8 re-open a debate 22 re-ach - agree rnent 21 30 - the decision 28 - fever pitch 27 r -.:lien m adverse - 37 g.3Juge - 22 read a. subject at univers ',ty 17 reading background - 18 l~g]u- 7 reo firm a commitment 58 reali, C' - your ambition 4:2 -your potential 13 rcall - get to' someone 7 - look forward to 57 renethe rewards 56 reason compelling - 53 give ,I - 10; 53 simpl - 57 beyond reascnabl doubt S instantly r •c~II 48 receive a nomination 42 call in the rec 'iver 15 0001 rcccl'fiul1 45 drive recklessly 3 recogn iti on change beyond - 51 get the - you deserve 60 recommend highly- 29 thoroughly - 29 wholeheartedly - 44 ret: rnmended exceed the - dose 37 highly - 8 announce recu rJ profits 15 falsify re )I'd. 33 rccn cry - of money 21 make a full - 37 modest - 51 rccv Ie waste 31 Cut ehrough rt:ll tape 30 r .du e - your carbon footprint 3i1 - your tress led 37 act as <I refe ret: 44- prov lde a re co renee [or 44 take up ref,ir nee 13 full refund 16 r .fu C point-blank 22 urban rege nerari on 32 re~i me topples 21 regular - customer 6 - update 22 regu larion confer to safety - 16 infringe the - 30 introd lice - 30 go into reha 41 silence reign 47 reject ...a charge 58 - out of band 28 flatly - 22 rekindle memories 41 reluriun breakdiplomatic - 5Z cordial - 40 r larionship - breaks dow 40 develop a:good - 44 esrabl ish a good-. 44 long-term - 40 make a - work 40 stable - 40 rei rionshi r forge new - 40 platonic - 40 release a CD 29 ha ve relevn 11 • to 4 reh n hle - pu blic transport 32 - source S r"lid provide - 35 sigh of - 60 welcome - 57 relieve someone of their duties 1 r lish a challenge 49 rernam - On criencUy terms 40 - cnchaoged 51 reo rna 11d in custody 38 disparaging remark S9 ith rerna rka bIe ease 48 opening r '11 a rk 52 r 'mme .adject:i,ue by - comrol 36 crnore verb - access vouremall ',6 render -obsolet 53 - speechless 4 renewable energy 31 default Ol11J repayment 33 give repe ted assurances 58 su bruit a repon 18 re pu tariun a considerable - 29 a well-deserved - 29 req 1I t an extension ,6 require erort 56 requirements meet theentry-, 17 satisfy' the - 30 research ~ ethics 18 - i dicaces 18 do - 9) 18 publish - 36 select a - topic 18 rc emblan c bear little - to S bell. a striking - to 45 breed r' .ennnent 53 residcnrial dweU'• gs 32 resign from office 21 hand in you . re igna ri 11 12 build up re Isrance 37 allocate reo urei: 34 re r' r ttOUn gain - 5 lave no - ~or 43 wt haU due - 58 respect verb - someone's wishes 41 respond - to an e" ergency 49' - weU to treatment 37 pending the re pOI . c S shirk respnn ibiliries 43 e pnnsibiliry heavy-7 'take on - 13 exclusive re. taurnnr 24 resrore - (0 its former glory 46 - peac 39 - power 36 the blame reo ts with 43 produce a re ulr 53 results catastrophic-49 layout the -18 pending [he - 5 reveal - a secret 42 - a talent 44 get into reverse 25 FC1W glowing- 29 Iitel'atnre' - 18 undergo a revi va I 51 su b tantiaJ rewa rd 21 reap the rewards 56 bed of rice 54 rich - source 5 - tradition 23 Stinking - 8 ri feu Iou faintly - 8 utterly - 8 heal the rift 40 get yo,ur priorities righ r 12 right-h. nd-drjve car 25 bored rigid 32 lve someo - a ri11~ 57 download a rinu une 36 ri or erupts 35 rise experiener a - 15 see a - 15 show a-15 meteoric - to fame: 42 ri in~ unempleyment 4 risk - to pu bUe heaJch 31 C)rrya ~ 49 carryout a - assessment 30 high - 49 minimise a - 49 congested rn !J 3,2 hit the ro k 7 cast in 'me ru] of 29 room - f-or improvement 17~51 ample -46 jot down a - number 11 leave - 46 make -Jor take up a lot of - 4 the root cause 53 ro ugh idea 14- downright rude 8 rule Hout a-O simple - 48 rurnour - flie around 20 dispela-2 spread a - 20 run no~~~ break into a-52 run verb - into difficultie - 7 .- dry 31 - errands 13 - smomhJy 36 - into trouble 7 run up - a bill 1. 33 - urtains 9 - a huge debt 3 - an overdraft 33 run-downarea 35 rural idyll 32 1"\.1 nc charm 32 ru rle up a mea19 get the ack 3 touch of sad ness 54 saf unrd someone's interests 34- conform m, fry regulations 16 boost ales 5 sr.ay the arne ~1 poor - all it:Iry conditions 35 3. shoal of sardine 54 use .T AV 36 s. JIsn dcuseomer 16 ari fy - a demand 15 - the reqoirements 30 dip in~ s vings 11 say needless to - 10 not -a word 10 wouldn't - no to 0 it goes without sa ing 0 • chedulc draw up Oil - 28 stick to a - 28 hC:tllc fa t-track - ,.2. harebrained - 59 Ineeod lice a neighbourhood watch - 35 launch a - 28 tree-planting - 32 di fnguished holar 17 win a scholarship 7 chool - of dolphins 54 - o.f whales 54 attend - 17 ,U.lr• noss» - stands at 27 'ore verb - an Own goal 27 me late t cor• ~27 ard. call off at - 21 51 na ion wide - 21 send Oil r a - patty 26 "aring beat 31 season festive - 23 new •..'s ~ook24 • t - o:f learmflg , 7 grab a - 5 xond home 41 SiC ret divulge a - 10 let SOmeone inc on a - 42 revea I a - 42 tell a -10 cure - a majority 21 - a place '7 see - a decline 15 - the-error of your way 41 - a {:aU15 - a S~owdi 15 - off an ~ntl'udern - off an opponent 1t - a rise 15 be glad to - the back of 57 •eek permission 22, 30 seize power 21, 39 ,do 3, research topic 18 S~II a story 42 unique elli n point 1,5 lead a sem i11ar 1 end out a search ~rty 26 giv - someone a good SJ ndo ff 57 senior noment 41 sense - of achievement 60 - of adventure 2,6 - of purpose 60 make sound business - 15 talk a lot of - 10 enrenee be given 3! -38 custodia] - 38 serveour a - 3 S enri mental value 4 .parare complerel - 8 enriFdy - 8 torally-8 eriesefeven 29 eriuu medical condition 7 'rio .1y take a complaint - 16 take someone - 20 I'Ve Out a. Sentence 38 justice .s ervcd 38 service next-day - 16 prompt-16 provide all excellent - 16 unrivalled. - 24 et adleetitle - text "1 er nOlln - of handlebars 25 • t r;.erb - yourself dear 0biectives 15 - off a fire alarm 52 - a trend 24 - the wheels in motion 53 - to work ram ~C'rs in 52 negotier a scrrlcmenr 21 seve e -' low 49 face - weather oou(ftions 26 c\'e1!ely disrupted 25 hake off a cold 37 -b I'll; tlOun keep in- 27 hape verb - yourdesdny 46 - somoone)slif 46 hare prices Huctuate 51 .h rp wit 45 ~ign up for a course 17 g 'eat ignifican e 50 ignillcJ.nt - amount (of) 50 - impact 42 - number (of) 50 - quanfty ( f) 50 increase signi candy 51 silence -de end 47 - reigns 47 meet with a stony - 47 fundamentally ttl'lil r 55 simple - reason 57 - rule 48 - truth• "trnpliclf)" itself 48 S L '11 U IL. ncout -Iilquation 5 provide - translation J incer .jy hope 57 situation cast light on a - 7 handle 3. difficul!t - 44 size good - 50 sheer - 50 skill advanced computer - 44 goo d oompul:er - 44 hone your - 44 i rerpersona I - 44 master new - 1 h.: 'p decent n'ght's - 57 not lose any - over 57 lull someone to - 26 light - ch<1JQge 0 plan 28 - decrease 15 - increase 15 slightly - different 8 - offensive 8 lim - chance 7 - ma] ority 21 standard lip 3 Ii p pery cuse mer 43 hard I >g 56 lu your words 47 111< Ll - amount 50 - minority 50 - number 0 - percentage 50 - quantity 50 mile broad - 2. dazzling - 45 rie.nd]y - 45 arm - 45 run . mourhly 36 s.n.ck gr a-6 have a - 6 tasty snacks 24, snippet of information 3 Rurry of now 54 "0 k up atmosphere 11 . O~H~11g crime reres 38 te perarure a r 3 udal - excl usion 34 - fabric 35 - network 40 - whizl19 o t whisper 47 ola r heating 31 solution find a - 31 ]ong~te£'m - 28 novel •..3S provide a - 56 song break in Q - 52 burst into •..3 ound adjective make - busin s seas 5 souud noun - travels 47 make a - 47 ound like hard work 4 S SDUiCC - of amus ment • - of enrerreinment 5 - oHun 5 - of funding 5 - of 'no me 5,33 alternativeenergy - cheap - 5 d•vulge a - ')0 reliabJe - 5 rich- 5 valuable - 5 sources elos e 00 42 space confined - 46 herrof - 46 take up a I of - 46 vacant parking - 46 wast of - 46 park ears 52 pare - of attacks 3 39 -oEth h3 speak: - properly 10 - V ry highly 0 10 peaking generally - 10 trictly - 0 specie] - occasion 1!:l itave a - charm 26 pectacul a r mountains 1 specm u ~ rl. soecessfu I 29 specul ation -it - 22 flurry of - 4 fuel - 14 prompt - 53 deli ver a pe .ch 2 j render pe-echie, 4 spelldisaster 53 sunny sp II 26 spend - a formne 33 - quality rime 19 public sp "rtdin£,4 shiver down your spine 60 pirit - arc high 26 boost -16 po ilt brat 41 d port 37 do extreme sports 27 poran error 49' -pot! ssI)' dean 8 spn "ad a rumoor 20 sprln~ - to someone's defence 40 - a surpri e on t 9' prinkling of cinnamon 4 bring tal ilil)' 39 -t<lhh' - environment 41 - relationship 40 taff high turnover of - ' 3 join the - 12 Ia-rof - 12 member of - 12 stag - a protest 9 - 3. strike 13 take a firm stance against 22 sta nd noun make a - against 9 rand verb - the (est of time 40 - tria] 38 come Dp to tanda rd 16 srandardi • procedures 30 • nd. rds - shp 3 adhere to - 30 :Xacting - 30 put on. tandb 26 score stands at 27 srar-seudded C3'St 19 startlin originality 29 rare 1wun - of 'confusion 49 -of upho ia60 ina - of shock 59 stat :f),erb - an aim 0 - YOUf business I 0 - a goal 10 - a purpose 10' issue a r rem n 22 sta - [he course 13 - the same 51 tea d growth 34 tee the eeonomy 34 sre (l'- hy-5 ep approach 48 stick - to a diet 19 - toa schedule 28 ti mulare growth 1•~ 34 stinking rich 8 play the stock market 1 stn kpile 'weapons 39 meet with a I n silence -4'7 HJ p to t1nat level 43 put a: 'f}P to 52 have 3 smpovcr 26 tore music: .36 sell a stnry 42 tr iglu - Astndent 17 give a - answer 58 walk - into a job 7 in asrr igh f rward way 48 complete stranger 40 trangled cry 47 stubborn treak 4S trearnlng C Id 37 treet dose oIf a-52 crowded - 32 hit the bigh - 24 rrengrh bu'd up your - 37 test of - 21 5rrenuou effort 56 rr increase your - level 59 reduce your - level 37 bud~ doesn't rretch to 26 liuktl,'sp aklug 10 strike - a balanee between) 55 go 011 - 13 pre-emptive - 9' stage a - 13 surglcal « 39 disaster tri kc 49 bear a striking resemblance to 45 rrikingly differenr 55 trcke -of genius 54 - of luck 3 54 60 - 0 work 54 strong - language 20 - point 45 tronglj - influence 8 - influe ced 29 s rcgglc constant - 49 uphiU - 56 stu bl )rrl streak 45 nick in traffic 25 student manu:e-17 straight A - 17 undertake a rudy 18 running range 24 runrringl attractive 3 grand style 24 ubj .cr adjective - to police inve-stigatioo 6 ubjc r noun bring up the - 20 broach the - 20 change the - 20 core - 7 drop the - 20 read a - at uni .ersity 7 submit - a signments 6 - a report 18 "u b. ri he to the theory 14 illegal lib t. n ~ 35 ubstantial - amount (of) SO - decrease 15 - increase: 5 - number (of~ 50 - quantity (of) 50 - reward 21 • ~l tle - difference 55 - distinction 55 leafy 'uburb 32 U c "S:' build on the - 34 enjoy grea ~ 42 ave great - 42 rna e a - of 9' 42 meet with-4 ~lm.:cs ful extremely -60 spectacular! y - 29 • LIddell shift 51 suffer - casualties 39 - at the hands of 59 •uggesrion act on a - 28 COme up with a-I tentative - 28 make some '1I~ ~"finll 9 •urnrrr n up the energy 27 LI n-tt rnaged hair 24 lim, spells 26 upplernent your income 33 endless suppl 50 upporr t!01m. drum up - 28 provide moral - 40 !>upporr tltl'b - a amUy 41 - the hYPQtihes' 18 ur c of adrenalin60 sUTgica [tr'ke 39 turpri • - party 19 spring a - on 19 rniMly urpri ed S ur I;y carry OUt a - 16 do a - '6 fight for survival 49 u pense - builds up 29' bear the - 29 \ arm - of bees 54 - of locusts 54 ~\ e 1;'(1 labour 13 wee ping change 51 wip 3. card 36 . wi tell channels 36 ysrerns crash 36 tackle ~ the issue 1S - a problem ,49 tr'4ffic tails back 25 • ke - s m~hing badly 451 - a boat 5 -sa complaint se'r~ously 16, - your Custom elsewhere 16 - d light On 60 - your driving rest 25 - i,t easy for a whi le 3 - the easy way Out 48 - exception to 59 - the field 27 - a fum stance against 22 - the flak 43 - for granted 41 - in dusrrial action 13 - issue witb 22 - an overdose 37 - someene's point 5 - prio ity over 12 - someone serious Iy 20 - a sideswipe 59' - tbe time to 48 - the view that 14 - something t!h long wa,y 40' rake on ;esponsibi[~ty 13 ta ke up - a chaUeng-e 2,., - office 11 -a pot'i2 - references 13 - a lot of room 46 - a ]01' of space 46 ceder a takcawav 19 change ta ke pLa:ce51 f:llm natura] - 17 reveal a - 44 talk - business 10 - non ense 10 - a ]ot ot sense 0 talk - collapse 52 enter into - 21 cut through red ra pe 30 ~nrgcr - market 15 meet a - 1 rask break a - down 48 dauneim - 13 perform a - 44 menial tasks 13 acquire a ra te for 27 i1. t)' snacks 24 Lvy a t. x: 34 inteoduce green ra c. 3'1 bail a fa i 31 t\;;1111 - •effort 56 -01 experts 1 head a - 7 work as a. - 13 wearand tar 3'6 burst into tears 11 perrect a r chnique 48 harness tech no logy 36 prime-time f levi ion 21 rcll - someone's fortune 0 - a secret 10 kiss and- 42 rcmrcr:nurl::' soars 31 remperatures fluctuate 51 tcmpring offer 12 tentative suggestion 28 coin a term 9 terminate - a COntract 52 - a pregnancy 52 terms on bad - 40 remain on friendJy - 40 abject terror 4 rest noun - •of strength 21 stand th - of time 40 take your (driving} - 25 teo 'f 1Jerb - a theory 18 see ft:. 17 identity the r 33 pate of the th enr~' formula re a - 18 subscribe to me - 14 [est a - 18 there's no place like horne 1 think - highly of 29 - lateraJly 14 honestly - 14 thinly disguised 45 thirst - for adventure 26 - for knowledge 17 thoroughly - ashamed 8 - enjoyS - recommend 29 houghr - occurs ro 57 bear the - of 57 an' fae- the - of 57 give something some - 14 tum yOUT though - to dn at - hangs 0 er 59 idle - 3 pose a - 49 thriving indu try 34- rhro - a: sickie 13 - a party 19 rhrowawa comm n 22 thru t of an argument 18 dull thud 47 clap of thunder 47 tie the knot 23 righte [I controls 30 rime find - 19 free up -11 hav a whal of a - 27 over: the cour i - 46 spend q udty - 19 stand the test of - 40 tak the - to 48 exports are fi v tim' greater than impm'ts 15 act ana ti p- ff 11 propose a t a 't 23 keep someone on their toe 7 p,ut t ge ther a CV 12 weighty tome 7 top quality 1 select <I research to pic 18 egime roppl e 21 tOt !Iv - a~esome 6 - dependent 8 - different 8 - out of order 43 - separate 8 pic:t~uesquc;lOwn 2 touch - of class 54 - of humour 54 - of irony 54 - of sadness 54 rough - chellenge 5 - question 20 toxic waste 31 t Ywith an idea 28 trace of an accent 47 off the beaten track 16 tradition - dates back to 23 age-old - 23 a" ual » 23 break with - 2 . keep up the - 23 long-standlag - 23 proud - 23 rich -13 uphold a - 23 wear era, liri mal dr S 23 I:r.f~c - builds up 25 - dies down 25 - eases off 25 - tails hack 15 d ns - 25 di vert - 25 heavy - 25 oncom ing - 25 stuck in - 25 personality [mit.s 4 unde -go <'I, rransforma tion 51 provide ~muhaneous tran: lorion 5 reliable pubh trans or 32 tra els news - fast 57 ouad - 47 respond well to rrearrncnr 37 tree-planting scheme 32 go rrekk lug 26 trend show a downward - 51 show an upward - 51 seta - 24 trial adjourn a- 38 face - 38 put on - 38 stand - 38 rribe - of baboons 54 - of monkeys 54 tribute :Iowing- 42 pay - to 4 playa dirty t ick 43 troop deploy - 39 wlthdra w - 39 trouble - breaks out 21 nor elluse SOmeone any - 51 not go to any - 57 not pursomeone to any - 57 run into - 7 play truant - 7 uneasy truce 39 dream comes tru e 60 rrurnped-up charges. 38 rru f noun abuse - 40 berra s meone's - 43 58 win omeone' - 40 rrusr verb - someon e implicitly 44 not - an inch -4 . truth plain - 3 simpl - 3 be wonha try 56 rum your thoughts to 5 tum in a profit 9 life is tllfnt:d U tde-dewn 1 bigh turm vcr of staff 13 TV flat-screen - 36 high-definition - 36 occasiona I twin ge 4 . unacceptable behaviour 45 unanimous verdict 38 unl oundcdenmusiasm SO remain linch. Ilg •d51 lea ve uneh ecked 34 e cruciatingly un om f rta bII: 24 undec I. red earnings 34 underage drinking 35 UI deresrimare the value 0 5 undergo - a revival S1 - a eranstorrnation 51 glimmero under tanding 54 undertake a study 18 preparations are Underwa 28 LlIlcli id•d attention 41 u Rea truce 39 rising unemployrnenr 34 unexplored wilderness 2.6 un r for human ha biration 35 U 11in term pred economic growth 34 unique selling point 15 show of un it}' 21 u 11ive rsi ry graduate from - 17 read a subject at - 17 unknown quantity 50 highly ullli ely 8 unmirigar d di aster 29 unpaid overtime 1 llf'lPiUVukcd attack 39 1.1nre [i•. blc - evidence :3-8 - witness 38 quell unrc r 52 un rivalled servi e 24- un uci a 1 hours 13 un rimel)' death 37 unveil a plan 28 regular update 22 uphill struggle S6 uph ld a tradition 23 Hie is turned upside-down 51 show an upwe rd trend .51 lll..ban -living 32 - r generation 32 II e SATN V36 not liner a word 47 urrerly - absurd 8 - ridiculous 8 vacanrparking space 46 vain hope 3 valiant efforr 56 valid driving licence 2S v lua ble source :) vnlu . - for money 16~34 assess Siome:thjng's - 5 novelty - 5 place great - On 5 practical - j semimenral - 5, 411 underesti mate the - of highly valued 4-4 wide vari li n 5 wide v. ri ry 50 va [ expan e 46 liehid emissions 1 giv vent to your frustration 59 perfect \'1.: Ill!' 19' verdict coaeesc a - 38 overturn a - 38 unanimous - 38 iableeptien 48 lash'o' victim 24 vi tory eenvincing - 27 pro laim a - 2 I take the view bat 14 vigorou de£enoe ! 8 picturesqae village l violence - erupts 39 - escalates 39 incite - 35 mindle s - 43 vi it Rying - 19 pay someone a - 19 whirlwind - 19 'lit. I -due 2m absolutely -31 (J~1 rous opponent 22 voice - la.l~ers 47 booming - 47 dis endng - 22 gruff- 47 husky » 47 los you~ -47 muffired - 4


amazing degree of accuracy 4


financial acumen 44


flurry of • activity 54


get a message across 10


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