English final 2020
Define personal pronoun
A pronoun that refers to a particular person, group, or thing.
Define an action verb
A verb that describes an action
Define Adjectives
A word that describes a noun or pronoun
Define preposition
A word used to like nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.
"Although you were late to class, I forgive you." Find the subordinating conjuctions
Helping verbs: To be
Am is are was were be been
"Because I was thirsty, I drank a glass of water."
"Before he leaves, make sure his room is clean."
Subordinating Conjunctions join ___.
Helping Verbs: To do
Do Does Did
Helping verbs: To have
Have Has Had
Adverbs answer the questions
How? When? Where? How much? Why?
common personal pronouns
I you he she it
"I took my tomatoes on a walk" What's the personal pronoun(s)?
I, my
"Not only am I finished studying for English, but I'm also finished writing my history essay." find the correlative conjunction
Not only, but, also
Any words proceeding "a,an,the" is a ____.
Define prepositional phrases
Phrases that begin with a preposition and end in a noun
Indirect object cannot be in a _____ ___
Prepositional phrase
Define interrogative pronouns
Pronouns that ask a question
Define demonstrative pronouns
Pronouns that replace nouns indicating it in time, space, and distance.
Use the verb in a sentence and ask what. :Example "The fire destroyed the house and the car."
The fire destroyed what? The house and the car.
Common demonstrative pronouns
This, That, Those
direct objects are never in a prepositional phrase. True or false?
there can be more that one in a single sentence. True or False
Use the comma when a coordinating conjunction is joining________.
Two independent clauses
All sensory words are ...?
Adjectives answer the questions
What kind? How many? Which one?
conjunctions are
Words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together
Define Adverbs
Words that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb
"Your drink is fizzy and red." What's the personal pronouns?
Subordinating conjunctions signal _______.
a relationship between the clauses.
Direct objects follows an ________
action verb
A, an, the are always
"not" is always a ____.
"I forgive you although you were late to class."
"I drank a glass of water because I was thirsty."
Common Subordinating conjunctions:
because before since as although while whereas
"Jason bought the cool sports car last week." What's the verb? What's the direct object?
bought, car
"Jesse didn't have much money, but she got by."
There has to be a _______ object but not a _____ object
direct, indirect
Common correlative conjunctions
either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also
Common coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS)
for and nor but or yet so
Which comes first? A direct object or indirect object?
a noun phrase referring to someone or something that is affected by the action of a transitive verb, but is not the primary object
indirect object
coordinating conjunction allows you to
join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical rank in a sentence.
"Rolanda loaned Jan her book."What is the verb? What is the direct object? What is the indirect object?
loaned, book, Jan
Common personal pronouns
mine yours his hers ours theirs
direct object is always either a
noun or pronoun
"The aviation museum offers students a discount." What is the verb? What is the direct object? What is the indirect object?
offers, discount, students
"I'd like pizza or a salad for lunch." Find the coordinating conjunction
Define Correlative conjunctions
pairs of conjunctions that work together.
Define possessive pronoun
pronoun that shows ownership or possession
"We needed place to concentrate, so we packed up our things and went to the library."
so, and
"The gas station attendant sold Dirk a map." What is the verb? What is the direct object? What is the indirect object?
sold, map, Dirk
"The teacher stopped the fight on the playground" what is the verb? What is the direct object
stopped, fight
"Computers use electricity even if they are hibernating"
use, electricity
a direct object comes after the
Define a linking verb
verbs that link the subject of a sentence to a noun, pronoun, or predicate adjective
direct object answers the question
what or whom