English Group - Set #6 - Shopping (Conversation)

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Customer: It's too small/big/wide/tight/expensive.

Salesperson: Let me see if we have a different size, or something less expensive.

Customer: Have you got any cheese?

Salesperson: Near the bakery, in the deli aisle

Customer: Do you sell...?

Salesperson: No, but if you try... I think they do.

Customer: Have you got this in another size/colour?

Salesperson: No, currently we are all sold out.

Customer: I don't like it.

Salesperson: OK, can I help you with something else?

Customer: I'll take it.

Salesperson: OK, you can pay at the cash register.

Customer: That's all for today. That's it. Thanks.

Salesperson: OK. Come back again.

Customer: Could you tell me where the ... is /are?

Salesperson: On aisle 13 at the corner of the store near accessories

Customer: May I ask you something?

Salesperson: Please, if I don't know I can help you find someone who does.

Customer: May I try this on, please?

Salesperson: Sure, the fitting room is in the corner of the store.

Customer: Could I have a (plastic) bag, please?

Salesperson: Sure, there is a small charge for the plastic bags. it's 5 cents.

Customer: I'm afraid I don't have any change.

Salesperson: That's fine. Please wait while I exchange some bills with the next teller.

Customer: Where is the check-out?

Salesperson: The check-out counter is over by the entrance.

Customer: Where can I buy a newspaper?

Salesperson: The newspapers are at the checkout stand.

Customer: Where can I find the...?

Salesperson: They are in that section (points)

Customer: Do you accept credit cards?

Salesperson: Visa, and MasterCard. Not Discover or American Express. Did you want to pay with a credit cards?

Customer: I'd like a bottle of milk, please.

Salesperson: We have cartons in the dairy section

Customer: I am looking for a pair of trousers, sport shoes, a DVD...

Salesperson: Well, we have some of those items, let me call a someone from that department

Customer: It's not quite what I wanted.

Salesperson: Well, we may have another like this but in a different color.

Customer: It doesn't fit/suit me.

Salesperson: Well, we may have something different in the discount section.

Customer: Could you help me?

Salesperson: What are you looking to buy?

Customer: Could I have a receipt, please?

Salesperson: Yes, did you want a gift receipt too?

Customer: Excuse me, can you help me find, or tell me if you have...?

Salesperson: Yes, here let me show you.

Customer: I need ...

Salesperson: Do you know what color, or style you want?

Customer: Where can I find some vegetables?

Salesperson: Do you want fresh, frozen of canned veggies?

Customer: Where can I try this on, please?

Salesperson: Go down this aisle, and then left to the Men's section. The dressing room is on the left.

Customer: Do you work here?

Salesperson: I do, how can I help you?

Customer: Do you have these in a size smaller/ bigger, too?

Salesperson: I thing we have those in a smaller size, but maybe a different color

Customer: I'm size ...

Salesperson: I think that's a size... let's look at the sizing chart.

Customer: Do you have any...?

Salesperson: I'm not sure, let me look it up...

Customer: How much is this sweater?

Salesperson: It's $120.00, but we are having a 30% off sale.

Customer: How much is it?

Salesperson: It's 50% off.

Salesperson: How can I help you?

Customer: Do you have...?

Salesperson: That comes to.... .

Customer: Excuse me, how much?

Salesperson: You're welcome.

Customer: Have a good day.

Salesperson: That's 15 $ altogether.

Customer: Here's a 20.

Salesperson: It's on sale.

Customer: How much is the sale price?

Salesperson: Are you looking for something in particular?

Customer: I am trying to find....

Salesperson: You don't happen to have any change, do you?

Customer: I might, let me look. I'm sorry, I don't.

Salesperson: What size do you need?

Customer: I'm not sure do you have a measuring tape?

Salesperson: What size are you?

Customer: I'm not sure. I only know my size in the UK sizing system. I'm a....

Salesperson: How much/many would you like?

Customer: Is there a discount for buying more than one?

Salesperson: Would you like a bag?

Customer: No, I have my own.

Salesperson: Is someone helping/assisting you?

Customer: No, can you help me?

Salesperson: Is that everything?

Customer: No, that's all.

Salesperson: Did you find everything okay?

Customer: Not at first but then your salesperson helped me.

Salesperson: Did you find what you were looking for?

Customer: Not everything, but I did get the gifts I was looking for.

Salesperson: Here's your change.

Customer: OK, I think you forgot 5 dollars. The price was 35, and I gave you 50. There is only 10 dollars here.

Salesperson: Please pay at the check-out.

Customer: OK, and where is that?

Salesperson: The fitting rooms are over there.

Customer: OK, do I need a key?

Salesperson: Sorry, we are out of ...

Customer: OK, when do you think you will restock?

Salesperson: Here you are.

Customer: Perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for.

Salesperson: The T- Shirt suits you very well.

Customer: Really? It seems a little tight.

Salesperson: I'll take this to the check-out for you.

Customer: Thank you, you have been very helpful today.

Salesperson: Here you are./Here you go.

Customer: Thank you.

Salesperson: Shall I gift wrap it?

Customer: That would be nice. What is the cost?

Salesperson: How about one of these?

Customer: That's not exactly what I'm looking for, do you have something like this but...

Salesperson: Buy two for the price of one.

Customer: What is the price of first one?

Salesperson: They are over there.

Customer: Where exactly?

Salesperson: May I help you?/ Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I am looking for...

Salesperson: Would another colour do?

Customer: Yes, I would prefer...

Salesperson: Anything else?

Customer: Yes, can you tell me what your return policy is? And can I get a gift receipt?

Salesperson: Would you like to try it on?

Customer: Yes, is there a dressing room?

Salesperson: Did you find everything you needed?

Customer: Yes, thank you.

Salesperson: Will that be all (for today)?

Customer: Yes, though can you add this pack of gum to my purchase?

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