English IV Vocabulary

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Degenerate n.

A corrupt wrongdoer

Synod n.

A council (especially of churches/church officials)

Moratorium n.

A formal delay/suspension

Genre n.

A kind/type of art

Repast n.

A meal, food and drinks for a meal

Pretext n.

A stated reason for doing something, an excuse

Perpetuity n.

A time period lasting through the ages, eternity

Parturient adj.

About to bring forth/give birth, pregnat

UNIT 5 :

Abscond, recondite, cryptic, apocryphal, aperture, overt, covert, context, subtext, pretext

Concordance n.


Hyperbole n.

An exaggeration for effect

Aperture n.

An opening/hole

Succor n.

Badly needed help/aid

Turbid adj.

Cloudy, confused

Apocryphal adj.

Coming from an unreliable source, untrue

Recondite adj.

Difficult to understand, hidden from understanding

UNIT 8 :

Discursive, concur, succor, obsequious, segue, ensue,incessant, concede, intercede, perpetuity, perpetuate

Covert adj.

Done in a hidden/secret manner

Extemporaneous adj.

Done without planning, improvised

Alacrity n.

Enthusiastic Quickness, Eagerness

Fruition n.

Fulfillment of an effort/desire

Aggregate adj.

Gathered into a whole, total

Incessant adj.

Going on without stopping, seemingly never ending

Diurnal adj.

Happening / Active during the day

Synchronous adj.

Happening at the same time as

Episodic adj.

Happening in parts/segments

Cryptic adj.

Hard to understand, having a secret meaning

Psychosomatic adj.

Having an effect on the body, but mental or emotional in origin

Psychotic adj.

Having severe mental illness to the point of disconnection from reality

Bucolic adj.

Having to do with country life/farms

Temporal adj.

Having to do with finite time/everyday life

Pastoral adj.

Having to do with the country

Rustic adj.

Having to do with the countryside, rural

Nascent adj.

In act of being born , growing

Diabolical adj.

Like or of the devil, very wicked/cruel

Gregarious adj.

Liking to be with other people

Esprit n.


Demure adj.

Modest & shy


Moratorium, demure, demur, extemporaneous, temporal, temporize, diurnal, sojourn, adjourn, anachronism, chronicle, synchronous

Segue n.

Movement from one thing to another, Transition

Innate adj.

Natural, present from birth

Fictive adj.

Not Real

Discordant adj.

Not agreeing or going well together

Methodical adj.



Psyche, psychosomatic , psychotic, pusillanimous, animadversion, inanimate, transpire,conspire, aspire, esprit, discordant, concordance

Overt adj.

Public, unhidden, open

Intransigent adj.

Refusing to compromise, stubborn

Agrarian adj.

Related to farming

Cognate adj.

Related to or coming from the same source

Solicitous adj.

Showing care/worry

Celerity n.


Emblematic adj.

Standing for another thing

Egregious adj.

Standing out sharply as wrong/bad

Cogent adj.

Strong and to the point / Convincing

Animadversion n.

Strong criticism/blame

Vehement adj.

Strongly emotional, Fierce/passionate

Peregrination n.

The act of traveling, a journey

Context n.

The circumstances/settings surrounding an event

Demise n.

The end of existence, death

Subtext n.

The hidden/underlying meaning of something

Psyche n.

The mind, especially as the center of a person's being

Repertory n.

The range of works an artist can produce or perform

Pusillanimous adj.

Timid/Cowardly, not brave

Concede v.

To admit that something is true, To give up

Concur v.

To agree in an opinion/decision

Intercede v.

To ask or plead with on behalf of another

Engender v.

To bring about/to produce

Resuscitate v.

To bring back to consciousness

Perpetuate v.

To cause to continue, to further

Transfigure v.

To change the form/appearance of

Ensue v.

To come after, to happen as a result of

Surmise v.

To draw a conclusion based on little to no info., to guess

Demur v.

To express unwillingness to do something, to object

Aspire v.

To have a strong desire to get or do something

Abscond v.

To leave in a hurry especially to escape the law

Remit v.

To make less/weaker , to forgive/pardon #JusticeforHarambe

Feign v .

To make up/ to invent

Perturb v.

To make worried/ upset

Conspire v.

To plan together secretly

Temporize v.

To put off making a decision, to stall

Incite v.

To stir up/to provoke

Transpire v.

To take place, to happen

Chronicle v.

To tell/write the history of

Assay v.

To test / Analyze

Obsequious adj.

Too willing to serve or obey

Exigent adj.

Urgent, Pressing

Turbulent adj.

Very excited/ upset

Discursive adj.

Wandering from one topic to another

Inanimate adj.

Without life, Not moving

Fruitless adj.

Yielding no positive results

Sojourn n.

a short stay/visit


cogent, exigent, assay, intransigent, incite, resuscitate, solicitous, perturb, turbulent, turbid, alacrity, celerity


degenerate, engender, genre, cognate, innate, nascent, transfigure, fictive, feign, parturient, repertory

UNIT 4 :

pastoral repast, aggregate,egregious, gregarious, agrarian, peregrination, fruition, fruitless, rustic,bucolic, idyllic

Idyllic adj.

simple & pleasant

Anachronism n.

something that seems to be out of its proper time

Inveigh v.

to attack strongly in words, to talk/write bitterly against

Adjourn v.

to formally bring to an end


vehement, inveigh, surmise, demise, remit, emblematic, diabolical, hyperbole, episodic, methodical, synod

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