English Quiz 2.2
Annie's salary was _____.
$25 per month
This play is set in the _____.
Kate told Annie that Helen was attempting to speak at _____.
6 months of age
boon (p. 85, dialogue)
A blessing
imp (p. 73, dialogue)
A brat
haymaker (p. 31, stage directions)
A punch
The Kellers lived in _____.
crone (p. 34, stage directions)
An old, ugly woman
ire (p. 51, stage directions)
What does Annie mean when she says, "I'll tell you what I pity, that the sun won't rise and set for her all her life, and every day you're telling her it will, what good will your pity do her when you're under the strawberries, Captain Keller?"
Annie is referencing how Helen's parents always give Helen everything she wants, but Annie realizes that Helen needs to be disciplined in order to become a strong adult.
What do Annie's flashbacks tell us about her past? How do you think Annie's past will affect the way she deals with Helen?
Annie's flashbacks show us that she was disabled as a child. They also show us how she was raised with her brother, protecting him it seems. It will affect the way she deals with Helen because Annie will be more understanding. Annie will also be more patient. Annie will be a great teacher for Helen because she is flexible and kind.
composed (p. 90, dialogue)
Appearing calm
haggard (p. 85, stage directions)
Appearing overworked
The story a person writes about his own life is called a(n) ...
A written account of a person's life, written by another person, is called a(n) ...
Helen's father
Who is Robert E. Lee?
Commander of the South
compelled (p. 45, dialogue)
Connived; swayed
contention (p. 85, dialogue)
aversion (p. 106, dialogue)
impudence (p. 8, dialogue)
The stage for this play is _____.
Divided in two areas
first word spelled for Helen
oculist (p. 6, dialogue)
Eye doctor
trepidation (p. 107, stage directions)
Annie told James that she considered ... to be the original sin.
Giving up
Thy symbol of Helen's acceptance of Annie's authority as teacher was _____.
Handing over the keys
Who is John L. Sullivan?
Heavyweight boxing champion
Annie Sullivan needed a ladder to get to dinner because _____.
Helen had locked Miss Sullivan in her room
Annie feared returning Helen to the house because _____.
Helen might revert to her old ways
Act II makes several references to the Civil War in which the United States fought with itself - the North versus the South. Do you think the recently fought Civil War has affected Annie and Captain Keller's relationship? How?
I believe that it may affect their relationship because they are still healing from the war. They do not seem to get along very well and argue regarding the well-being of Helen.
What did you think about the way Annie Sullivan handled her first day at the Kellers' house? Be specific.
I think Annie Sullivan handled it very well. She was welcomed by the family. She began teaching Helen. She was patient with Helen and was flexible with her teaching. She was very forgiving when Helen locked her in her room.
Imagine you are James. In what way is your life affected by Helen's disabilities? How does this make you feel?
If I were James, my life would change in several ways. My parents would be giving more attention to my younger sibling. I would be obligated to watch after my sibling. I would feel neglected by my parents. I would also feel maybe prideful because I would be healthy and my sibling is not.
The stage directions are very important in this act. A lot happens without dialogue. If you had to read this act without the stage directions, what events would you miss? What effect would it have on your understanding of the play?
If you read this play only with the dialogue, you would miss when Helen was fighting Annie and when Annie was watching Helen during breakfast. It would effect my understanding of the play because I would not have known the movement or thoughts of the characters.
Helen's half brother
Annie Sullivan's brother
Helen's mother
benign (p. 5, stage directions)
indolent (p. 5, stage directions)
parasol (p. 57, stage directions)
Lightweight umbrella
Annie Sullivan's teacher
Mr. Anagnos
In her letter Annie wrote, "The more I think the more certain I am that ... is the gateway through which knowledge enters the mind of the child."
spinster (p. 23, dialogue)
Old unmarried woman
serene (p. 88, dialogue)
Prejudice occurs when people make judgments about others before getting to know them. Explain the theme of prejudice in The Miracle Worker. Give specific examples of prejudice in the play.
Prejudice is shown throughout the play when characters assume wrongly of other characters. First, Captain Keller makes assumptions about Annie because she is from the north. Second, Annie makes assumptions about the Kellers because they do not discipline Helen. Third, other teachers wrongly accuse Helen of being unable to teach. Annie, on the other hand, sees her as an equal.
Ordinary speech or writing that is not poetry or verse is called ...
nonplussed (p. 48, stage directions)
Order the steps for reading a play by selecting the correct step from each blue box. first: second: third: fourth: fifth: last:
Read the list of characters, trying to picture each. Read the description of the set, trying to visualize it. Visualize details of the stage setting. Read the dialogue carefully to yourself. Read the play aloud or with friends. Try to analyze the characters.
interminable (p. 84, dialogue)
Seemingly endless
temperance (p. 42, dialogue)
Self control
A dramatic speech or monologue in which a character talks aloud to himself, revealing his thoughts or feelings to the audience is called a(n) ...
obstinate (p. 47, dialogue)
nincompoop (p. 47, dialogue)
Stupid person
acute (p. 2, dialogue)
Sudden and severe
The Miracle Worker by William Gibson was based upon facts taken from two books. Name the books and their authors.
The Miracle Worker is based on Helen Keller's autobiography, The Story of My Life and Nella Braddy's biography, Anne Sullivan Macy.
On which side did General Pemberton fight?
The South
Just like the keys symbolize authority, William Gibson also uses the water pump as a symbol. Often times, Gibson's stage directions say that light shines on the water pump or the light changes on the water pump. What does the water pump symbolize?
The water pump symbolizes Helen's ability to learn. When she pumped it successfully, water came out and her brain began to comprehend names.
relinquish (p. 111, stage directions)
To let go
mediate (p. 107, stage directions)
To settle an argument
True/false After the "miracle," another "miracle" happened for Annie when the voices from her past finally disappeared.
True/false Helen graduated from Radcliffe.
governess (p. 12, dialogue)
Name the two people that The Miracle Worker is about.
Two people that The Miracle Worker is about are Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan.
At that early age, Helen would say "_____."
laments (p. 105, stage directions)
The word which finally opened the door to meaning for Helen was ...
exile (p. 91, dialogue)
a forced separation from one's home
What happened during Helen's "miracle"?
a pitcher of water broke
After a fever, Helen Keller was handicapped in three ways: _____.
blind, deaf, mute
compunction (p. 52, stage directions)
feeling bad about having done something
Annie mentions three advantages that she has: _____.
her blindness Dr. Howe's work her youth
Annie taught Percy a new word which Helen did not know. That word was _____.
darning (p. 5, stage directions)
mending or repairing
tyrant (p. 90, dialogue)
one who has absolute power
When they first moved to the garden house, Helen: _____.
screamed and tore the room apart when she could not find her mother stumbled around looking for her mother
After the breakfast scene, Mr. Keller intended to _____.
send Annie back to Boston
Helen's doll was a gift from _____.
the children at the Perkins Institute
constitution (p. 1, dialogue)
the physical makeup of a person
indulge (p. 93, dialogue)
to allow or permit; to be lenient
disinter (p. 60, dialogue)
to bring out from being hidden; uncover
flanked (p. 4, stage directions)
to place something on both sides
When Helen wanted her mother, she would _____.
touch her cheek
Anne Sullivan _____.
was Helen's primary teacher