English Vocab lessons #3-#4

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subnormal body temperature ex) With the temperatures mostly below normal, the poorly clad troops began to suffer from hypothermia.


tiresome because of lack of variety ex) The same menu was followed each day; the meals became monotonous.


underwater ex) Professional divers have been able to photograph a variety of subaqueous animals and plants.


useful in an "under," or subordinate, capacity; excessively submissive Ex) The minister who differed with the monarch's views was ousted and replaced by someone more subservient.

vocab #4

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abnormally high blood pressure ex) Hypertension is quite common. Almost every one of us knows someone who has high blood pressure.


abnormally low blood pressure ex) Do you have hypotension? My blood pressure, too, is abnormally low.


abnormally sensitive ex) Lori's feelings are easily hurt; she is hypersensitive.


afflicted with hypoglycemia (an abnormally low concentration of sugar in the blood) ex) Patients whose blood sugar level is abnormally high are hyperglycemic, and those whose level is abnormally low are hypoglycemic.


always the same; not varying in form, degree, or manner ex) The construction has not been of uniform quality; most of it is good, but some of it is poor.


being of one and the same opinion; showing complete acreement ex) On the matter of raising the dues, we were not unanimous; one member dissented.


being the only one of its kind; highly unusual ex) Donna's straight-A average is remarkable but not unique; two others in the graduating class have the same average.


being, living, or introduced beneath the skin ex) A first-degree burn reddens only the outer layer of the skin, with no subcutaneous damage.


below minimum standards; inadequate for some end; unproductive ex) Future increases in silver prices may make it economically feasible to reopen mines now considered submarginal.


beyond the requirements of duty; performed to an extent not demanded ex) Since I am not in charge, it would be supererogatory of me to give orders.


beyond what is natural or observable; not explainable by the laws of nature ex) Bloodless and fleshless beings, like ghosts and spirits, belong to the supernatural world, not the real world.


consisting of or having one legislative chamber ex) The Swedish legislature is unicameral, consisting solely of the Riksdag.


exceeding the standard or prescribed number; extra ex) If the only tooth you have ever lost was a supernumerary one, you still have a complete set of teeth.


excessive acidity, especially in The stomach. Ex) The indiscriminate taking of antacids to relieve hyperacidity can lead to serious consequences.


excessively active Ex) Let me warn you not to believe all the stories the child has been telling; she has a hyperactive imagination.


excessively fault-finding; captious ex) You always find fault with others and never say a good word about anyone. Why are you so hypercritical?


having a speed beyond that of Sound ex) A plane flying above 750 sound miles an hour (the speed of sound) is moving at a supersonic speed.


having many facets or aspects ex) Labor disputes are usually multifaceted: they involve wages, health benefits, working conditions, and many related matters.


having many sides; participated in by more than two participants (ant; unilateral, one-sided) ex) In 1911, a multilateral agreement was signed by Great Britain, Japan, Russia, and the U.S. on the hunting of seals.


having only one syllable (ant polysyllabic, having two or more syllables) ex) All the words in "all dressed up and no place to go" are monosyllabic.


having subsidiaries or operations in several countries ex) We deal with a multinational bank that has offices in the world's leading cities.


involving a combination of media, such as TV, radio, and newspapers ex) Companies that use TV and radio ads are multimedia advertisers.


learned treatise on a particular subject; scholarly article

monologue or monolog

lengthy talk by one person ex) In 1905, Albert Einstein published his first monograph on the theory of relativity.


make less sensitive ex) The patient received treatment to hyposensitize her to the pollen causing her allergic reaction.


not distinguishable as male or female; designed for both sexes. ex) The unisex clothes of the peasants working in the fields made it difficult to tell whether a particular individual was a man or a woman.


not quite lethal (death- causing); insufficient to cause death ex) The would-be suicide had taken a sublethal dose and death was therefore able to recover.


Believe in one or more God ex) when the hebrews first adopted the concept of one only one god) God, most of the other religions were polytheistic.


over or on the surface only; not profound or thorough ex) The injury is quite superficial: the underlying tissues have not been damaged.


person married to two or more mates at the same time ant monogamist, person with only one spouse at a time) ex) It was his third marriage, and not having been divorced from his first two wives, he was in fact a polygamist.


person of great and diversified learning ex) My knowledge is not encyclopedic. I am not a polymath.


person who speaks or writes several languages ex) Our guide was a polyglot who spoke English, Spanish, Creole, and Chinese.


providing instruction in many technical arts and applied Sciences ex) Degrees in engineering, applied physics, and industrial technology can be earned at polytechnic institutes.


railway whose cars are supported on or under a single rail ex) Monorails provide transportation over short distances in several cities.


reflecting many different Cultures. ex) In a multicultural city, one sees churches, mosques, and synagogues, and hears many foreign tongues.


small syringe with a hollow needle for making injections beneath the skin ex) Addicts may contract AIDS if they inject drugs with an unclean hypodermic.

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