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Tim Berners-Lee

(born 8 June 1955) Englishman known as the father of the World Wide Web; in 1989, he proposed a global hypertext project based based on URIs, HTTP and HTML; he also founded the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C )in 1994 Tim Berners-Lee was knighted because of his remarkable invention, the World Wide Web.

Bjarne Stroustrup

(born December 30, 1950) Danish inventor of the C++ programming language Bjarne Stroustrup's non-research interests include general history, light literature, photography, and music.











Solaris, Linux, Google



ˈmiləˌterē The original backbone of the Internet is based on an old military network





trial , beta

ˈtrī(ə)l , بیتا





Guido van Rossum

(born Jan 31, 1956) Dutch inventor of the Python programming language Guido van Rossum has been working at Google since 2005, where he is allowed to spend half his day improving the Python language.


tip-i-kuh l

Gordon Moore

(born January 3, 1929) American co-founder of Intel Corporation and the author of a law later named after him which predicts the speed increase of integrated circuits over time Gordon Moore donated $600 million to Caltech in 2001, which is perhaps the largest gift ever to an institution of higher education.

Edgar Frank Codd

(August 23, 1923 - April 18, 2003) English computer scientist known for his work in inventing the "relational model" for databases, which is still in use today Edgar Frank Codd was known for pressuring IBM to introduce RBDMs to its customers, which later provided huge benefits to everyone.

John Warner Backus

(December 3, 1924 - March 17, 2007) American computer scientist known for leading the team who invented FORTRAN, the first widely used high-level programming language John Warner Backus was famous in computer circles for inventing FORTRAN, as well as his formal language definition called the Backus-Naur form (BNF)

Vannevar Bush

(March 11, 1890 - June 28, 1974) American Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, he coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare; he also came up with an idea called the 'memex' which was a forefather to hypertext. in 1949 Vannevar Bush wrote the important article, 'As We May Think', which laid out the fundamental properties and vision for multimedia and hypertext.

Seymour Cray

(September 28, 1925 - October 5, 1996) American supercomputer architect who founded the company named after himself; he quickly became known as manufacturing the world's fastest computers for over 30 years Before he died in a car accident, Seymour Cray predicted the decline of the supercomputer because of the tremendous growth in speed of the PC.

Yukihiro Matsumoto

(born April 14th, 1965) Japanese creator of the Ruby programming language, considered to be the most object-oriented language ever created Yukihiro Matsumoto is a member of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has served on missions

Steve Wozniak

(born August 11, 1950) American co-founder of Apple Computer, fifth grade math teacher, and famous for designing the first commercially successful home computer (Apple II) Steve Wozniak is a well-respected figure in the history of computing because of his love of people and technology over money.

Linus Torvalds

(born December 28, 1969) Finnish creator of the Linux operating system in 1991; his motivation was to create a Unix-like Operating System for the x86 processor as an alternative to Windows, which he described as a "broken toy" Linus Torvalds will go down in history as the father of Linux, the 'Unix for the masses'.

Ken Thompson

(born February 4, 1943) American co-inventor of the Unix Operating system in 1969 while working for AT&T; he also invented the 'B' programming language and worked on the UTF-8 character set Ken Thompson wrote many books including 1995's 'Plan 9 from Bell Labs'.

Richard Stallman

(born March 16, 1953) American freedom activist and founder of the free software movement, the GNU project, and the Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman is a renowned programmer and activist whose major accomplishments include: copyleft, GNU Emacs, and the GNU C Compiler.

Ralph Baer

(born March 8, 1922) German-American who was instrumental in inventing the Magnavox Odyssey, the first home video game console In the late 1970's Ralph Baer invented Simon, a very popular electronic game, which looks suspiciously like the Google Chrome logo.

James Gosling

(born May 19, 1955) Canadian computer scientist known as the father of the Java langage. James Gosling earned a Ph.D in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University with a doctoral thesis entitled, "The Algebraic Manipulation of Constraints".

Rasmus Lerdorf

(born November 22, 1968) Danish inventor of the PHP programming language, currently the world's most popular web programming language. Rasmus Lerdorf is known for inflaming object-oriented gurus by stating that procedural code is sometimes a better and faster approach for speed and scalability on the Web

Larry Wall

(born September 27, 1954) American programmer and author, most widely known for his creation of the Perl programming language in 1987. Larry Wall oversees development of Perl and serves as the Benevolent Dictator for Life of the Perl project.

Dennis Ritchie

(born September 9, 1941) American inventor of the C programming language Dennis Ritchie did a really good job when writing the C programming language in 1969, because it's still widely used today.













Alan Mathison Turing

(23 June 1912 - 7 June 1954) English computer scientist known as the "father of computer science"; inventor of a famous test, which is used as a empirical basis for what makes a computer a computer Alan Turing helped invent the 'Tunny' machine which cracked the Germans 'Enigma machine' encryption code during World War II.

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