Enlightenment in England

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Gulliver's Travels (Links to an external site.). He has been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, which were to be put in phials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw inclement summers. He told me, he did not doubt, that, in eight years more, he should be able to supply the governor's gardens with sunshine, at a reasonable rate: but he complained that his stock was low, and entreated me "to give him something as an encouragement to ingenuity, especially since this had been a very dear season for cucumbers." Which phrase from the passage best helps the reader to identify the passage as a satire?

He has been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers

Which statements describe Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language? Check all that apply.

1. It includes over forty thousand definitions. 2. It includes information about word origins. 3.It offers excerpted examples of the words in literature.

Which statements describe what is found in a summary of a text? Select 4 options.

1. The controlling idea is included. 2. Central ideas are stated in one's own words. 3. Ideas are stated subjectively to include the writer's opinion.

Which characteristics of satire are evident in "A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)"? Select three answer options.

1. criticism of society 2. verbal irony 3. humor and ridicule

What must a reader consider to understand an author's purpose for writing? Choose three answers.

1.the topic of the text 2.the author's background and experience 3.the author's attitude toward the topic

Thoughts and Sentiments (Links to an external site.). After coming to England, and seeing others write and read, I had a strong desire to learn, and getting what assistance I could, I applied myself to learn reading and writing, which soon became my recreation, pleasure, and delight; and when my master perceived that I could write some, he sent me to a proper school for that purpose to learn. Since, I have endeavored to improve my mind in reading, and have sought to get all the intelligence I could, in my situation of life, towards the state of my brethren and countrymen in complexion, and of the miserable situation of those who are barbarously sold into captivity, and unlawfully held in slavery. Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African (Links to an external site.). The first part of my life was rather unlucky, as I was placed in a family who judged ignorance the best and only security for obedience.—A little reading and writing I got by unwearied application.—The latter part of my life has been—thro' God's blessing, truly fortunate, having spent it in the service of one of the best families in the kingdom.—My chief pleasure has been books. In these excerpts, how do both men use their personal histories to achieve their purpose?

Both men use their past experiences to show readers that they persevered and became accomplished readers and writers.

How can the topic "students and cell phones" be presented as an argument?

Cell-phone usage should be embraced at public schools as a means of information acquisition.

the Declaration of Independence (Links to an external site.). For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. What ideas are associated with the words taking, abolishing, suspending?

power and control

the Declaration of Sentiments (Links to an external site.). He has made her, morally, an irresponsible being, as she can commit many crimes with impunity, provided they be done in the presence of her husband. In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master—the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement. Which statement best describes the relationship between Stanton's diction and her purpose?

Stanton uses words with negative connotations to emphasize the persecution of women.

"A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)." I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavouring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the publick good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich. I have no children, by which I can propose to get a single penny; the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing. Which statement effectively uses a quotation to relate Swift's claim that he has no personal motive for making this proposal?

Swift explains that his new proposal will result in both "relieving the poor" and "giving some pleasure to the rich."

Gulliver's Travels (Links to an external site.). There was a man born blind, who had several apprentices in his own condition: their employment was to mix colours for painters, which their master taught them to distinguish by feeling and smelling. It was indeed my misfortune to find them at that time not very perfect in their lessons, and the professor himself happened to be generally mistaken. This artist is much encouraged and esteemed by the whole fraternity. Which analysis does the passage support?

Swift uses a false premise to create humor.

Which statement uses pathos as a rhetorical appeal?

The children's innocence touches the volunteers' hearts.

An author's is his or her reason for writing a text.


Gulliver's Travels (Links to an external site.). There was a most ingenious architect, who had contrived a new method for building houses, by beginning at the roof, and working downward to the foundation. Which is an objective summary of the passage?

When he meets a ridiculous architect, Gulliver is oddly impressed.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Links to an external site.). In this style, argue tyrants of every denomination, from the weak king to the weak father of a family; they are all eager to crush reason; yet always assert that they usurp its throne only to be useful. Do you not act a similar part, when you force all women, by denying them civil and political rights, to remain immured in their families groping in the dark? For surely, Sir, you will not assert, that a duty can be binding which is not founded on reason? Which statement paraphrases Wollstonecraft's argument?

Women are toiling in the dark, unaware of new laws that are being considered.

They say then that Love was the most ancient of all the gods; the most ancient therefore of all things whatever, except Chaos, which is said to have been coeval with him; and Chaos is never distinguished by the ancients with divine honour or the name of a god. To correctly paraphrase this sentence, Tamar should

restate it in her own words.

"A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)." A very worthy person, a true lover of his country, and whose virtues I highly esteem, was lately pleased, in discoursing on this matter, to offer a refinement upon my scheme. He said, that many gentlemen of this kingdom, having of late destroyed their deer, he conceived that the want of venison might be well supply'd by the bodies of young lads and maidens. The underlined portions of the excerpt are examples of verbal irony because

anyone who tries to better his country must be virtuous and patriotic, so Swift is simply explaining what is already obvious to the reader.

Congratulations on your eighteenth birthday and your graduation! Now what? Well, you can vote in the next election. This will allow your opinions to be heard and reflected in our country's government. You can look around your community and observe roads, parks, and public places with new eyes. You might notice improvements that could be proposed. Or you might take a minute to pick up litter that someone else has left behind. As an adult, as a tax-paying citizen, embrace opportunities to contribute to the greater good. What is the topic of the paragraph?

civic responsibility

"An Essay on Man (Links to an external site.)." Most strength the moving principle requires;Active its task, it prompts, impels, inspires.Sedate and quiet the comparing lies,Formed but to check, deliberate, and advise. Which word in the passage defines sedate?


When Bacon changes the definition of love in Of the Wisdom of the Ancients (Links to an external site.), he is

discussing the etymology

Samuel Johnson's preface to A Dictionary of the English Language (Links to an external site.). The two languages from which our primitives have been derived are the Roman and Teutonick: under the Roman I comprehend the French and provincial tongues; and under the Teutonick range the Saxon, German, and all their kindred dialects. The underlined word emerges as a key term in Johnson's preface because it

explains words' origins and variations.

Swift's "A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)." In "A Modest Proposal," Swift also implies that the Irish themselves have not done enough to improve conditions for their poor. This statement is

objective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions.

Samuel Johnson's preface to A Dictionary of the English Language (Links to an external site.). But to COLLECT the WORDS of our language was a task of greater difficulty: the deficiency of dictionaries was immediately apparent; and when they were exhausted, what was yet wanting must be sought by fortuitous and unguided excursions into books, and gleaned as industry should find, or chance should offer it, in the boundless chaos of a living speech. My search, however, has been either skilful or lucky; for I have much augmented the vocabulary. The excerpt claims that Johnson's work is significant because he

searched literature and found more words.

What is the author's purpose in writing "A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)"?

to draw attention to an issue that is plaguing his country

"A Modest Proposal (Links to an external site.)." I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasie, or a ragoust. Why did Swift most likely deliver his proposal in a casual manner?

to grab the reader's attention by using understatement to talk about brutal acts

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