ENT3006L Lab Practical

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where are the wings connected to

(connected to mesothorax and metathorax)


An animal whose body does not produce much internal heat

Which is not a way that insects obtain oxygen in an aquatic environment?

Collecting air bubbles that have accumulated underneath objects under water.

What is the order that lives in colonies in silken galleries spun in leaf litter, under stones, in bark and in epiphytic plants, and also has enlarged foretibia containing silk glands?


Which of the following are reasons that insects are frequently considered keystone species?

They often provide pollination services in an ecosystem They are usually responsible for a significant amount of nutrient cycling, as insects are often decomposers

How can threats to insects impact vertebrate populations?

Vertebrates like fish, birds, mammals and reptiles which rely on insects for food may find themselves unable to consume enough calories,

Why do aquatic invertebrates tend to more affected by pollution that terrestrial ones?

Water provides a mechanism for pollutants to enter the body of the invertebrates directly

What are the major internal and external portions of the female reproductive system? Of the male reproductive system?

Female: ovaries, ovaduct, common ovaduct, spermatheca, ovipositor, acessory glands male: 2 paired testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory ducts

Select all of the ectoparasites from the list below flea. tapeworm, milaria, mosquito, horn fly

flea, mosquito, horn fly

Select the insects which are vectors for human diseases fleas, jewel wasps, horn flies, mosquitos

fleas, mosquitos

What are the portions of the digestive system? How are they divided?

foregut - esophagus, crop, proventriculus midgut - gastric caeca, midgut, Malpighian tubules hindgut - ileum, rectum, anus

Which of the following are not part of the insect respiratory system? air sac, tracheae, ganglia, spiracles


Which of the following statements about ganglia is true? 1) ganglia control only the legs and wings of the insect 2) ganglia are openings in the dorsal vessel to allow in hemolymph 3) ganglia perceive and react to light 4) ganglia are found along the ventral nerve chord

ganglia are found along the ventral nerve chord

Which of the following are NOT secondary consumers lady beetles feeding on aphids, grasshoppers feeding on leaves, creeping water bug feeding on amphipods, preying mantis feeding on planthoppers

grasshoppers feeding on leaves

What are the modifications of insect wings? What are they for?

hemelytra - hemipterans, leathery elytra - wing cover, shields, sclerotized halteres - sensory organs used for stabilization

dorsal vessel composition

hemocoel (sealed to keep hemolymph in, called aorta) ostea (holes into dorsal vessel, called heart) hemolymph flows posterior to anterior

Insect blood is called [1]. It flows relatively freely throughout the body cavity named the [2]

hemolymph & hemocoel

Coleoptera are holometabolous, hemimetabolous, ametabolous, metametabolous


Which of the following orders does not have any aquatic species or life stages? hymenoptera, diptera, hemiptera, odonata


Match each of the following body parts to their correct insect order: Scaled wings, hairy wings, halteres, hamuli diptera, lepidoptera, trichoptera, hymenoptera

hymenoptera - hamuli lepidoptera - scaled wings trichoptera - hairy wings (caddisfly - moth-like) diptera - halteres

Which of these statements is correct? 1) insect nerve chords are dorsally located in the insect body cavity 2) insects have an open circulatory system where portions of the dorsal vessel act as the heart 3) the lining of the trachea does not need to be shed when insects molt their exoskeleton 4) hemolymph is pumped from anterior to posterior

insects have an open circulatory system where portions of the dorsal vessel act as the heart

What does the 'I' stand for in IPM?


The process by which sensory information is interoperated by the central nervous system, and behavioral decisions are made is called ________________.



it is a source of comparison, used to put any detected changes in the experiment into a context

dependent variable

it is the variable measured in the experiment, which changes in response to some known factor manipulated by researchers

The lip-like sclerite on the head is called the:


where to pin each order

lepidopteran - middle coleoptera - right elytra hymenoptera - slightly right hemiptera - upper right scutellum

Which of the following characters can be used to distinguish immature dragonflies from immature damselflies? number of caudal filaments, type of habitat, location of the gills, size of the hind wings

location of the gills

Pronotum composition

made of sclerites called nota (top), pleura (middle sides), sterna (bottom)

____ are the "jaw-like" structures used for chewing


Which of the following orders does not contain ANY eusocial species? mantodea, hymenoptera, blattodea, hemiptera, coleoptera


Males in the order ____ often have genitalia that resemble a scorpion's stinger (even though they don't sting).


Which two segments of the thorax are the wings attached to (in the correct order from most anterior to most posterior)?

meso- and metathorax

Aquatic Hemipterans and Coleopterans use their specially modified legs for swimming. These types of legs are called ____ legs.


Which structure is only able to detect differences in light and dark?


How long should you leave insects in your kill jar?

one hour or so

Which order of insects is not typically found in an aquatic habitat? orthoptera, plecoptera, hemiptera, coleoptera


______________ generations is a characteristic of social insects.


Match the kinds of symbiosis with their corresponding examples ants protecting aphids, sand flies drinking the blood of beachgoers, phoretic mites hitching a ride on a carrion beetle to their next meal parasitism, commensalism, mutualism

parasitism - sand flies drinking the blood of beachgoers commensalism - phoretic mites hitching a ride on a carrion beetle to their next meal mutualism - ants protecting aphids

Small insects can get enough oxygen through the more permeable parts of the cuticle by using

passive diffusion

types of mouth

piercing/sucking (herbivorous hemipterans) sucking/sipping (butterflies, pollinators) chewing/biting mandibula

Many aquatic insects carry atmospheric oxygen in the form of a permanent bubble to consume underwater. This bubble is called a ____.


In terms of thermoregulation, insects are:

poikilotherms and ectotherms

Which of these terms does not refer to a wing structure? proboscis, hemelytra, halteres, elytra


Which of the following is not part of the insect head? Frons, Pronotum, Gena, Labrum

pronotum (prothorax cover)

Where is the pronotum located?


Which type of sociality fits the following definition? "members of the same generation use the same composite nest and also cooperate in brood care"


Which characteristic of social insects fits the following definition? "Sterile (or less fecund) individuals work for the benefit of a few reproductive individuals"

reproductive division of labor

What is true about insect neurology?

sensory neurons connect to the central nervous system, where the signal is integrated and a decision is made about what response will follow

The common name for Collembola is____


active collecting methods

sweepnetting, dip netting, hand collecting, barking

Water striders, insects from the order Hemiptera, use what to maintain surface tension with the water and skim across the top?

tarsal hairs

The dorsal abdominal segments are called what?


What is a degree day?

the amount of development in 24hrs at the development threshold

independent variable

the variable manipulated by researchers, is not measured


they are the ways in which an influencing factor may be altered

_______ are silvery-white tubes that start at the spiracles and branch out into finer and finer like tree roots throughout the insect body.


Which of the following cannot be found on an insect head? Frons, Clypeus, labrum, trochanter

trochanter (second segment of leg located between coxa and femur)

"Save the bees" as a slogan became a useful tool in pollinator conservation, and help pique public interest in all pollinators, not just honeybees (T/F)


All termites are eusocial (T/F)


Caddisflies undergo holometabolous metamorphosis (T/F)


Collections are useful ways of monitoring insect populations and morphology over time, and frequently generate interesting scientific discoveries. (T/F)


Fleas are external parasites of mammals (T/F)


Hymenoptera have a haplo-diploid sex determination system where females arise from fertilized diploid eggs and males arise from unfertilized haploid eggs. (T/F)


Insects can be be host to a parasite, and a parasite themselves. (T/F)


It is best to determine where the insect should be pinned before continuing, because Orders may be pinned in different locations (T/F)


Mosquitoes are classified as disease vectors because they transmit disease-causing agents known as pathogens. (T/F)


Most populations have numbers around their carrying capacity (k). (T/F)


Once an IPM plan is in place, it requires constant assessment and monitoring. (T/F)


Parasitic insects do not just cause harm by parasitizing their hosts, but also through stress and fear of insects (T/F)


Pointing should be employed when insects are too small to be pinned through their thorax (T/F)


Replication and Consistency of Methods are the two main ways to control for variation in an experiment (T/F)


Small insects can get enough oxygen by passive diffusion through the more permeable parts of the cuticle. (T/F)


Species evenness is a measure of the relative abundance of species in an area, whereas species richness is just a measure of how many species there are (T/F)


Sweep netting is active collecting. (T/F)


Termites have a king and a queen, who mate constantly, whereas honeybee colonies have no king, and their queen mates only once in her life. (T/F)


The annual estimated value of insects to humanity in 2006 was $57 billion (T/F)


The three castes of honeybees are workers, drones, and queens. (T/F)


The tracheae and malpighian tubules are very similar in appearance but can be distinguished by color and location. (T/F)


The tracheal system delivers oxygen to internal organs and tissues (T/F)


There are ____ labels that are placed on each insect in your insect collection.


What are the three insect nervous systems and what do they do? (4?)

ventral nerve cord - connect ganglia (integration, innervation) peripheral nerve system - bring sensory signals to ganglia, carry effector signals from ganglia central nervous system - voluntary somato-gastric - involuntary

Which of the following are thought to be major contributors to the recent declines of insects? Widespread pesticide usage, Urbanization, and subsequent destruction of insect habitat, Manipulation of waterways for the decline of aquatic species, Research and educational collecting of insects

widespread pesticide usage, urbanization, and subsequent destruction of insect habitat manipulation of waterways for the decline of aquatic species

Which of the following are ametabolous orders? ephemeroptera zygentoma archeognatha lepidoptera hemiptera

zygentoma archaeognatha

Which order is always spread in your collection?


Which of the following are density-dependent secondary ecological effects? A forest fire decimates the habitat of a species of bark beetle, Increased pesticide use in an area leads to large insect die-off, A particularly harsh winter, which kills pupating insects in the soil, Only a few suitable places in an area to build beehives

Only a few suitable places in an area to build beehives

Parasites are different from parasitoids, in this important way: Parasites live inside their hosts, whereas parasitoids only visit their hosts to feed, Insects can be parasitoids, whereas they cannot be parasites, Parasitoids endeavor to kill their host to complete their life cycle, whereas parasites need their host alive in order to thrive, Parasitoids harm their host, in a way which directly benefits them.

Parasitoids endeavor to kill their host to complete their life cycle, whereas parasites need their host alive in order to thrive,

Which insect order should be preserved in a vial?

Siphonaptera juveniles non-insect arthropods, non-reproductive termites (without wings, thysanura) arhceognatha aphids,plecoptera psocoptera

passive collecting methods

burleisy funnel (soil living insects), pan traps (pollinators) pitfall traps flight interception trap (malaise)

What is the primary sense that insects use to detect the world around them?

chemoreception (taste/smell)

Which of the following might be considered soil microinvertebrates? collembola, termites (blattodea), caterpillars (lepidoptera), psocodea, odonata

collembola, blattodea, psocodea

Which of the following operations would an IPM strategy be appropriate for? house plants, community gardens, residential gardens, commercial farms

community gardens, residential gardens, commercial farms

Match the organ with its sense. Sight, touch, taste, smell gustatory receptors on tarsi, compund eye, hairs, antennae

compound eye- sight antennae - smell hairs - touch gustatory receptors on tarsi - taste

criteria of eusocial insects

cooperative brood care reproductive division of labor overlapping generations

The insect leg has six major components, from proximal to distal, named:

coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus, pretarsus

What are the functions of each digestive section, and which parts are covered by cuticle?

cuticle - hindgut and foregut foregut function - storage and mechanical digestion midgut function - chemical digestion and absorption hindgut function - reabsorption and excretion

Which of the following is NOT a part of an IPM plan?

determining the quickest treatment time

The "heart" is located where?

dorsal vessel

insects like mosquitoes and fleas, can be classified as this kind of parasite


What is the final step in a basic IPM program?


All bees are eusocial. (T/F)


Barking is a type of passive collecting? (T/F)


Behaviors which result from sensory stimuli are always simple reactions, and complex behaviors always arise from internal stimuli (T/F)


Berlese funnels are an active collecting method. (T/F)


Biological controls are usually the first place to begin when creating an IPM strategy, and they are simple and worry free to implement. (T/F)


Grazer insects feed by using feeding fans that they use to filter food. (T/F)


Hearing is common among insects (T/F)


Honey bees use waggle dance to tell the other workers that the food is less than 15 meters away from the colony. (T/F)


IPM is a sustainable approach to managing pests because the use of chemical pesticides is completely eliminated (T/F)


IPM is the dominant form of pest control in the United States. (T/F)


IPM's goal is eradication of pest species in order to prevent future pest control issues. (T/F)


Insect parasites, although harmful to us, rarely cause problems for larger mammals, like cows. (T/F)


Miami Blue Butterflies are threatened primarily due to high pollution in their native range, which is impacting juvenile development. This has led to them receiving legal protection from the Florida state government (T/F)


Smell (olfaction) and taste (gustation), are fundamentally different ways that insects experience the world, and the structures responsible for each work differently. (T/F)


The central nervous system controls the "involuntary" reactions of the insect and coordinates insect activity. (T/F)


The malpighian tubules are known to increase the surface area for nutrient absorption. (T/F)


Ametabolous insects have 2 life stages, holometabolous insects have 4 life stages, and hemimetabolous insects have 6 life stages. (T/F)

false ametabolous - 3 holometabolous - 4 hemimetabolous - 3

Delusory parasitosis is the term used to describe a general fear of insects. (T/F)

false entomophobia

Mark-Release-Recapture is a tool, useful for understanding energy's flow through a community (T/F)

false used to estimate the size of a population

The development threshold is the temperature above which no development will take place (T/F)

false development threshold - the temperature below which development stops

Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, three body regions and four pairs of jointed legs. (T/F)

false (3 pairs of legs)

Insects have ____ body regions

3 (head, thorax, abdomen)

where are the legs connected to

3 pairs of legs connected to prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax)

What percentage of known species are insects?


how many segments of abdomen and thorax are there

9-11 segments of abdomen, 3 segments of thorax

Which statement is FALSE ? An IPM program includes chemical control, and IPM program is exclusively a biological control program, an IPM program can be time intensive to develop, an IPM program uses a combination of techniques for pest management

an IPM program is exclusively a biological control program


an animal whose body temperature varies with the temperature of its surroundings, bask or burrow

Which of the following are not popular model insect species, often used in scientific inquiry? ant lions, in the order Neuroptera, drosophila melanogaster the domestic silk moth, in the order lepidoptera bombyx mori

ant lions, in the order Neuroptera

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