Environmental Bio Final

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Potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco were are developed by humans many thousands of years ago by the genetic modification of wild nightshade species. Specifically, these crops were developed using... A. Selective breeding B. Horizontal gene transfer C. Epigenetics D. Natural selection E. Anthropogenesis

A. Selective breeding

From the perspective of human health, malnutrition is important because it... A. Causes the majority of birth defects B. Is the primary source of teratogens for most children C. is an important contributor to child mortality D. Is the second leading cause of death from emerging disease E. Increases the occurrence of infectious cancers

C. is an important contributor to child mortality

Scientific research that produces knowledge without any immediate practical use is specifically known as... A. Basic science B. Applied science C. Hypothesis-based science D. Descriptive science E. Retrospective science


Which one of the following age groups would most likely to lead to rapid population growth in the future if it contained the greatest relative abundance within that population? A. 0-15 years old B. 16-30 years old C. 31-45 years old D. 46-60 years old E. 61 years old and greater

A. 0-15 years old

The US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, along with other organizations such as the American Medical Association, have determined that GE crops... A. Are safe to consume B. Likely pose a risk to human health C. Pose a serious risk to human health D. Should be banned E. Have not been scientifically studied and therefore they cannot make any recommendations.

A. Are safe to consume

What is the primary cause of ocean acidification? A. Atmospheric CO2 dissolving in ocean water B. Increases in acid rain C. Increased erosion of acid-containing rocks D. Water draining into the ocean has a higher pH from industrial pollutants E. All of the above

A. Atmospheric CO2 dissolving in ocean water

Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer occurs when molecules of ozone are destroyed by chemicals such as... A. CFC B. DDT C. O3 D. PCB E. CH4


Which one of the following demonstrates the concept of the "tragedy of the commons"? A. Competing companies log as many trees as possible for financial gain until no trees are left B. Public forest land is sold to a privately-owned investor group C. Logging forests is dangerous work and ends up killing or injuring many workers D. A careless hiker accidentally starts a wildfire that destroys hundreds of acres of forest E. Government regulations lead to conditions that increase the risk of forest fire on public lands

A. Competing companies log as many trees as possible for financial gain until no trees are left

What do deserts and chaparral have in common? A. Dry and hot summers B. Dominated by abundant evergreen shrubs C. Both can exist as either the hot or cold variety D. Very small amounts of rainfall consistently throughout the year E. Very low biodiversity

A. Dry and hot summers

Which one of the following is not a biogeochemical cycle? A. Energy cycle B. Nitrogen cycle C. Carbon cycle D. Phosphorus cycle E. Water cycle

A. Energy cycle

Which one of the following is an example of inductive reasoning? A. Every lion you've seen on TV hunts gazelles, therefore all lions hunt gazelles. B. All tigers are mammals. All mammals are vertebrates. Therefore, tigers are vertebrates. C. Every lake contains water; therefore, Crater Lake contains water. D. Only plants have flowers. Tulips are a plant because they have flowers. E. The sun emits energy in the form of photons. Visible light is made of photos and thus light is a type of energy.

A. Every lion you've seen on TV hunts gazelles, therefore all lions hunt gazelles.

A population has unlimited resources and exhibits rapid and sustained population growth. This type of growth would be best described by which one of the following? A. Exponential B. Logistic C. Sigmoidal D. Parabolic E. Inverse

A. Exponential

You are working as a biologist for a team surveying biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest. You find a non-motile organism that grows in the soil, has eukaryotic cells, and is heterotrophic. Which one of the following could potentially describe this species? A. Fungus B. Animal C. Bacteria D. Plant E. Archaea

A. Fungus

Which one of the following would most directly prevent a dead zone from forming in a water body that is already experiencing eutrophication? A. Increase the O2 concentration in the water B. Lower the nutrient levels C. Increase the amount of algae and phytoplankton D. Increase the amount of bacteria that decompose dead organic matter E. Make the water more hypoxic

A. Increase the O2 concentration in the water

Adding water to a recharge area would have what practical effect? A. Increased amount of groundwater B. A more pronounced cone of depression C. Depletion of an aquifer D. Less infiltration E. Greater precipitation

A. Increased amount of groundwater

Which one of the following terms describes the complete set of chemical reactions that occur within cells? A. Metabolism B. Cellular respiration C. Calvin Cycle D. Bioenergetics E. Thermodynamics

A. Metabolism

The farmer adjacent to your land plants a single crop (soybean) over their entire 100 hectare field. This practice is known as a... A. Monoculture B. Crop plot C. Agriplot D. Rotational farming E. Millibar

A. Monoculture

Which one of the following is not a renewable source of energy? A. Nuclear B. Wind C. Solar D. Hydropower E. Geothermal

A. Nuclear

Approximately 97% of all water on Earth is found in what reservoir? A. Oceans B. Lakes C. Streams D. Groundwater E. Glaciers and ice caps

A. Oceans

Which one of the following would help remove more CO2 from the atmosphere? A. Planting more trees B. Burning less fossil fuels C. Increase the number of heterotrophs D. Decrease the number of autotrophs E. All of the above.

A. Planting more trees

What two variables most strongly contribute to the type of biome that exists in a particular area? A. Precipitation levels and temperature B. Type of producers and density of herbivores C. Amount of sunlight and annual rainfall D. Soil type and amount of O2 E. Distance from ocean and elevation

A. Precipitation levels and temperature

The 1980 volcanic explosion of Mt. St. Helens in the United States devasted the north side of the mountain and it's forests. The forests were demolished and replaced with volcanic debris that formed the new soil, free of any remnants of the previous ecosystem (such as seeds stored in the soil). Such an event would lead to which one of the following processes? A. Primary succession B. Secondary succession C. Tertiary succession D. Quaternary succession E. Pioneering succession

A. Primary succession

Use your knowledge of the relative energy content among trophic levels to answer the following question: A larger human population could be supported if all humans derived their food from which trophic level? A. Producers B. Primary consumers C. Secondary consumers D. Tertiary consumers E. Quaternary consumers

A. Producers

Which one of the following is most directly associated with radon? A. Radiation B. Endocrine disruption C. Birth defects D. Biological agents E. Biomagnification

A. Radiation

A species that you are studying has a type III survivorship curve. Which one of the following describes this type of curve? A. Survivorship rates are lowest during early parts of its lifecycle B. Survivorship rates are lowest during the late parts of its lifecycle C. Survivorship rates are highest during early parts of its lifecycle D. Survivorship rates are consistent through the lifecycle E. Survivorship rates are highest in the early and middle parts of its lifecycle

A. Survivorship rates are lowest during early parts of its lifecycle

You are working as an environmental toxicologist for the government. Your results indicate that a particular chemical causes birth defects. Which one of the following best describes the effects of this chemical? A. Teratogen B. Carcinogen C. Mutagen D. Endocrine disruptor E. Neurotoxicant

A. Teratogen

If you are concerned about biomagnification of toxins, which one of the following would you most want to avoid eating? A. Tuna (tertiary consumer) B. Seaweed (producer) C. Urchin (primary consumer) D. Sculpin (secondary consumer) E. Any photoautotroph

A. Tuna (tertiary consumer)

You are studying a river and notice that it contains chemical waste. You have thoroughly searched the entire length of the stream and ruled out that the waste is directly entering the stream. Instead, the waste must by entering by one of its many tributary streams. Because these streams empty into the river you are studying, they must be within the same... A. Watershed B. Irrigation district C. Riparian area D. Aqueduct E. Water zone

A. Watershed

Greenhouse gases are known to raise air temperatures by... A. absorbing infrared radiation B. creating heat through chemical reactions with atmospheric pollutants C. absorbing incoming visible light from the sun D. trapping high energy molecules and atomic particles E. releasing heat stored in high-altitude catalytic cycles

A. absorbing infrared radiation

Besides being long-lasting, persistent organic pollutants share which of the following characteristics: A. accumulate in higher trophic levels and are toxic B. accumulate in lower trophic levels and are toxic C. accumulate in higher trophic levels and are infectious biological agents D. accumulate in lower trophic levels and are infectious biological agents E. Are toxic and infectious

A. accumulate in higher trophic levels and are toxic

For individuals living in areas where no freshwater is available, which one of the following would produce water that could be used for drinking? A. desalination B. groundwater mining C. sublimation D. transpiration E. saltation

A. desalination

Coal, oil, and natural gas are created _______ and contain the remains of__________. A. over millions of years; algae and plants B. over millions of years; dinosaurs and other animals C. over hundreds of years; algae and plants D. over hundreds of years; dinosaurs and other animals E. instantaneously; comet fragments

A. over millions of years; algae and plants

You analyze a sample of carbon and determine that 6% of the carbon atoms in your sample have a mass number (atomic mass) greater than 12, (12 is the normal atomic mass of carbon). Based on these results, which of the following can you reasonably conclude? A. 6% of the carbon sample is a different element B. 6% of the sample is comprised of carbon isotopes C. 6% of the sample is comprised of carbon ions D. 94% of the sample is comprised of carbon radioisotopes E. 94% of the sample contains covalent bonds

B. 6% of the sample is comprised of carbon isotopes

By definition, what are you most likely to find in a biodiversity hotspot? A. A large abundance of endangered species B. A large number of endemic species C. Mostly eukaryotic species D. Extremophiles E. Heat-loving microbes

B. A large number of endemic species

During the middle of the 19th century, which scientist independently derived and proposed a theory of evolution that was similar to Darwin's? A. Gregor Mendel B. Alfred Wallace C. Isaac Newton D. Rachel Carson E. Niels Bohr

B. Alfred Wallace

Which one of the following directly produces CO2 but is considered carbon neutral? A. Wind B. Biodiesel C. Oil D. Coal E. Hydropower

B. Biodiesel

Burning sawdust that is leftover from lumber production and using it to generate electricity would be an example of which one of the following? A. Municipal solid waste B. Biofuel C. Biogas D. Bioethanol E. Biofission

B. Biofuel

The study of the distribution of the world's species both in the past and in the present is known by what term? A. Geology B. Biogeography C. Biodiversity D. Biogeomorphology E. Ecological Succession

B. Biogeography

Three carcinogens are equally harmful at equal concentrations. In a terrible industrial accident, 2 tons of each type of carcinogen were discharged into a river at the same time. The residence times of each pollutant is as follows: Chemical X = 2.8 days; Chemical Y = 3.5 days; Chemical Z = 17.2 hours. Which one possesses the greatest risk of exposure to the nearby community over the course of a week following the spill? A. Chemical X B. Chemical Y C. Chemical Z D. All chemicals provided equal likelihood of exposure

B. Chemical Y

Which form of symbiosis benefits one member of the interaction, but neither benefits nor harms the other member? A. Parasitism B. Commensalism C. Sequentialism D. Mutualism E. Natural selection

B. Commensalism

Two species have the same ecological niche. If they lived in the same habitat, both would compete until one species became predominant and the other became locally extinct. This process is summarized by which one of the following? A. Niche warfare B. Competitive exclusion principle C. Species selection principle D. Exclusion through competition theorem E. Exclusive ecological fractioning

B. Competitive exclusion principle

Which one of the following is an example of an emerging disease? A. Malaria B. Ebola C. Cancer D. Heart disease E. Leukemia

B. Ebola

Anthropogenic causes of acid rain are primarily due to which one of the following? A. Destruction of the ozone layer B. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of fossil fuels C. Emissions of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels D. Industrial emissions of acids E. Acids formed in the contrails of airplanes

B. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of fossil fuels

The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regarding enforcement and implementation of environmental regulations and policies is known as what? A. Quid pro quo B. Environmental justice C. Environmental equity D. Habeas corpus E. Ecologic inclusiveness

B. Environmental justice

Antibiotic resistance in organisms is the result of what process? A. Differentiation B. Evolution C. Emergence D. Succession E. Fixation

B. Evolution

Salinization is bad for farmers because it results in... A. Pesticide resistance B. Increased salts in the soil C. Nutrient-poor soils D. Blight E. Desertification

B. Increased salts in the soil

People and their culture that have existed continuously dating back to a time before their land was invaded or colonized by other societies are known as... A. Endemic B. Indigenous C. Exotic D. Incunable E. Invidious

B. Indigenous

An atom that has an electrical charge due to having a number of electrons unequal to the number of protons is considered a(n)... A. Isotope B. Ion C. Element D. Molecule E. Acid

B. Ion

Water is essential to life because it has many special properties. Which one of the following is a special property of water? A. It is able to covalently bond to other water molecules B. It is good at dissolving other substances C. It easily heats up. D. It easily cools. E. It has a low surface tension

B. It is good at dissolving other substances

Which one of the following is a consortium of oil-producing countries that hold a significant portion of the world's oil reserves (and thus influence global oil prices)? A. UAE B. OPEC C. UN D. CITES E. UNESCO


Which one of the following suggests that when the effects of a human activity are poorly understood, we must presume that some level of harm may exist to the environment, and thus must proceed with that activity carefully? A. Sustainability ethic B. Precautionary principle C. Environmental harm dictum D. Environmental injustice E. Presumptive principle

B. Precautionary principle

What is the function of the stratospheric ozone layer? A. Provides the biosphere with a source of elemental oxygen B. Protects against ultraviolet light C. Shields the Earth from high-energy cosmic rays D. Protects organisms from infrared radiation E. Creates UVB radiation for vitamin D synthesis

B. Protects against ultraviolet light

What single factor has most strongly contributed to the rapid population growth in the human population witnessed over the last 150 years? A. Increased fertility rates B. Reduced death rates C. Longer life spans D. Economic growth E. Increased morbidity

B. Reduced death rates

Secondary pollutants are pollutants... A. Emitted from non-point sources B. That are created from the reaction of primary pollutants and other chemicals C. That are less hazardous than primary pollutants D. That have reduced ability to stay aloft in the atmosphere E. Emitted by Class 2 polluters

B. That are created from the reaction of primary pollutants and other chemicals

Which one of the following measuring techniques would best enable you to determine the distribution pattern of a population of zebra? A. Track how many and which individuals use a central watering hole B. Use a drone to capture aerial photographs of their habitat range C. Employ a camera trap in the middle of their habitat D. Use the mark-recapture method E. Collect and analyze DNA from hair samples collected at 2 locations

B. Use a drone to capture aerial photographs of their habitat range

Which one of the following is not one of the four major classes of organic compounds? A. Nucleic acids B. Water C. Proteins D. Carbohydrates E. Lipids

B. Water

You analyze a soil sample for a farmer that has been dealing with fertility issues on her land. You find that it is deficient in all of the soil-derived macronutrients. Which one of the following is macronutrient derived from the soil? A. carbon B. nitrogen C. hydrogen D. iron E. oxygen

B. nitrogen

The atomic number for the element fluorine is 9 and its mass number is 19. How many neutrons does a normal atom of fluorine have? A. 0 B. 9 C. 10 D. 19 E. Impossible to determine with the information given

C. 10

The pesticide DDT is an example of which one of the following? A. Biological agent B. Atomic agent C. Chemical agent D. Capricious agent E. Inorganic agent

C. Chemical agent

Which one of the following processes would remove nitrates from contaminated water by converting it into nitrogen gas? A. Nitrification B. Nitrogen fixation C. Denitrification D. Assimilation E. Ammonification

C. Denitrification

You are the world's foremost expert on lizards. You have traveled the world extensively and have found that a particular species of lizard is found only in one desert near of the Chilean Andes. Which of following terms, with regard to its distribution, can be definitively applied to this species? A. Endangered B. Prokaryotic C. Endemic D. Disbursed E. Clustered

C. Endemic

The equal sharing of Earth's resources is specifically known as... A. Environmental justice B. Sustainability C. Environmental equity D. Ecological footprinting E. Mutualism

C. Environmental equity

Secondary consumers would eat which one following? A. Producers B. Plants C. Herbivores D. Carnivores E. Tertiary consumers

C. Herbivores

Ground-level ozone... A. Protects us from radiation B. Is a primary pollutant C. Is a secondary pollutant D. Reduces visibility but is mostly harmless to human health E. Is emitted from motor vehicles

C. Is a secondary pollutant

Which one of the following statements is false regarding selective breeding? A. It results in genetic changes in the offspring B. It is anthropogenic C. Is reliant upon modern, lab-based methods D. It can produce new traits over time E. It was responsible for creating many common crops, such as maize (corn)

C. Is reliant upon modern, lab-based methods

Biologists examined the effects of reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone National Park of the United States. They found that by preying on elk, wolves altered the foraging behavior of the elk; the elk spent less time browsing near streambanks. This allowed the regrowth of important vegetation, which had large positive impacts on the ecosystem at large. When a relatively small number of individuals, like wolves, have disproportionate impacts on the ecosystem, they are referred to as a... A. Foundation species B. Portal species C. Keystone species D. Cornerstone species E. Pivotal species

C. Keystone species

John Muir's position on the proposed development in the Hetch Hetchy Valley of California in the early 1900s would best match which one of the following? A. Frontier ethic B. Sustainable ethic C. Land ethic D. Ethos ethic E. Darwinian ethic

C. Land ethic

Which one of the following would be described as anthropogenic? A. Water backing up behind a beaver dam B. The dinosaurs going extinct C. Logging a forest D. A mudslide burying a stream E. A volcanic eruption

C. Logging a forest

Fertilizers applied to residential lawns and gardens can end up in water bodies through the process of surface run-off or movement through ground water. This type of pollution would be considered... A. Point source B. Bioremediation C. Non-point source D. Throughput sourcing E. Tangential

C. Non-point source

Which one of the following is not a naturally-occurring element that may be hazardous to human health? A. Lead B. Radon C. Phthalate D. Mercury E. Arsenic

C. Phthalate

The scientific consensus regarding global climate change is that these changes are... A. Caused by natural, Earth-based phenomena such as volcanoes B. Poorly understood and no scientific conclusions can be made at this time C. Primarily caused by human activities D. Caused by eccentricity in Earth's orbit and by changes in solar intensity E. No greater or different than changes seen in the medieval times

C. Primarily caused by human activities

Which one of the following is not true regarding nuclear power? A. Energy is captured from the radioactive decay of elements B. Nuclear power is considered an alternative fuel C. Radioactive wastes must be stored 2-5 years before disposal D. No CO2 is directly produced in nuclear power plants E. Nuclear power is used to produce electricity

C. Radioactive wastes must be stored 2-5 years before disposal

You are working as an astrobiologist for NASA and are asked to analyze the first ever samples returned to Earth from Mars. How would you recognize if organic molecules were present in the samples? A. Test for isotopes of carbon B. Look for the presence of hydrogen bonds C. Search for chemicals with carbon to hydrogen bonds D. Analyze the percentage of molecules with covalent bonds E. Measure the pH of the samples

C. Search for chemicals with carbon to hydrogen bonds

The grasshopper effect explains which one of the following phenomena? A. The mass migration patterns of insects that are similar to, and include, grasshoppers B. The lowering of nutrient capacity in soils due to the action of certain types of organisms C. The long-range movement of certain types of pollutants across different regions of the Earth D. The long-range atmospheric distribution of soil following tilling by farm equipment E. The spread of invasive species through international trade in potted plants

C. The long-range movement of certain types of pollutants across different regions of the Earth

The original source of energy that powers both wind energy and hydropower is... A. Precipitation B. Rotation of the Earth C. The sun D. Gravity E. Radioactive decay within the Earth's mantle

C. The sun

Which one of the following fulfills the definition of a hypothesis? A. Removing invasive species will result in greater biodiversity. B. Introducing invasive species will harm an ecosystem. C. Invasive species are non-native species that alter ecosystems. D. Introducing invasive species will decrease biodiversity by displacing native species E. Ecosystem productivity will decrease when invasive species are introduced.


You are working as a biologist and perform the "mark and recapture" technique to estimate the number of endangered lemurs living within a particular habitat. You initially capture 37 lemurs, marking them all before releasing them. Two months later, you capture 49 lemurs, of which 11 are those originally captured and marked. What is the estimated size of the lemur population, rounded to the nearest whole number? A. 60 B. 86 C. 97 D. 165 E. 407

D. 165

As Darwin recognized, populations evolve through natural selection when which of the following condition(s) are met? A. Variation of traits among individuals B. Competition for limited resources C. More offspring are produced than can survive D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What fundamental similarity is shared between the following energy sources: biogas and municipal solid waste? A. Both burn waste to generate CO2, which itself is burned to create electricity B. Both chemically transform waste into oil C. Both trap the heat generated from decaying waste and use it to generate energy D. Both rely on the generation and combustion of methane E. Both produce no CO2

D. Both rely on the generation and combustion of methane

What practice allows farmers to improve soil fertility, diversify their crops, and reduce pesticide costs by naturally breaking the cycle of weeds, insects, and diseases? A. Monoculture B. Biological control C. Crop sharing D. Crop rotation E. Soil tilling

D. Crop rotation

In the process of fracking, how is gas and oil extracted? A. Layers of earth are stripped away from the surface, exposing the fossil fuels B. Mining tunnels are created and the fossil fuels are extracted by teams working below ground C. Ocean sediments are mined and the fossil fuels are chemically extracted D. High-pressure fluids are injected underground to force out the fossil fuels E. Offshore drilling pads tap into pre-existing cracks in the Earth's crust

D. High-pressure fluids are injected underground to force out the fossil fuels

Which one of the following would not increase the amount of water in the atmosphere? A. Evaporation B. Transpiration C. Sublimation D. Infiltration E. Evapotranspiration

D. Infiltration

Which one of the following is not true regarding the "Love Canal Disaster"? A. It involved the improper storage of chemical waste B. It was one of several incidents that led to the creation of the Superfund C. A school was built on the contaminated site D. Many homes had to be evacuated due to contamination from various biological agents E. Many people living in the year reported serious health problems

D. Many homes had to be evacuated due to contamination from various biological agents

If you analyzed waste water directly after primary treatment, what would you notice? A. Harmful bacteria and other biological agents have been killed or removed B. The water is potable C. Much of the dissolved solids have been removed D. Many suspended solids have been removed E. The water is mostly sludge

D. Many suspended solids have been removed

Which one of the following would most likely live within the benthic realm of the ocean? A. Squid B. Tuna C. Phytoplankton D. Marine worm E. Shark

D. Marine worm

Which one of the following is most strongly associated with kinetic energy? A. Atomic force B. Static position in a gravitational field C. Chemical energy D. Movement E. Covalent bonds

D. Movement

Which of the following is not one of the five soil-forming factors? A. Climate B. Organisms C. Relief D. Transpiration rate E. Time

D. Organisms

Which one of the following regions has obesity rates that are lower than rates of undernourishment? A. Middle East and North Africa B. Latin America and Caribbean C. Europe and Central Asia D. South Asia

D. South Asia

A micro-organism is viewed through a microscope and is determined to be made of a single cell that lacks organelles. From this information, which of the following can you conclude? A. The organism belongs to Domain Bacteria B. The organism belongs to Domain Eukarya C. The organism belongs to Domain Archaea D. The cell is prokaryotic E. The cell is eukaryotic

D. The cell is prokaryotic

"Effective dose - 50%" describes which one of the following? A. The dose that results in 50% mortality B. The dose the results in 50% survival C. The dose that is 50% less than the lethal dose D. The dose that results in a significant response in 50% of subjects E. The dose that is 50% more than the minimal dose

D. The dose that results in a significant response in 50% of subjects

Which one of the following is not one of the four pillars of food security? A. Availability B. Access C. Utilization D. Transformation E. Stability

D. Transformation

Which one of the following is not a major cause of biodiversity loss? A. Habitat loss B. Climate change C. Invasive Species D. Zoonotic diseases E. Overharvesting

D. Zoonotic diseases

Changes in reflectivity of visible light affect how much energy enters Earth's system. What term is used by scientists to describe the reflectivity of a surface? A. Contrastivity B. Libido C. Mirror-effect D. Alluvium E. Albedo

E. Albedo

Which one of the following statements is false? A. There have been five mass extinctions preserved in the fossil record B. Some bacteria are autotrophs C. Current rates of extinction are higher than background extinction rates D. Speciation is the process of creating new species E. All living things can be classified into one of four taxonomic domains

E. All living things can be classified into one of four taxonomic domains

Which one of the following is not a predicted consequence of global climate change? A. Spread of diseases carried by insects, such as malaria B. Rise in sea levels C. Increases in the global average air and ocean temperatures D. Intensity of precipitation events will likely increase on average. E. All of the above

E. All of the above

With removal of groundwater, which of the following may result? A. subsidence B. sinkholes C. cone of depression D. decreased water table E. All of the above.

E. All of the above.

Which one of the following describes the use of organisms to control pests? A. Bioremediation B. Intercropping C. Species niche partitioning D. Vector control E. Biological control

E. Biological control

About 44% of the electricity in the US is produced from _________. It produces about twice as much CO2 as an equivalent amount of _______. A. Burning natural gas; coal B. Hydropower; solar C. Natural gas; Geothermal D. Hydropower; geothermal E. Burning coal; natural gas

E. Burning coal; natural gas

Which one of the following is consistent with the frontier ethic? A. Expanding the area covered by a wildlife sanctuary B. Protecting a natural area as a national park C. Sustainable logging of a forest D. Transferring ownership of forestland from private ownership to the federal government E. Extracting copper ore from mineral-rich deposit in a landscape rich in biodiversity

E. Extracting copper ore from mineral-rich deposit in a landscape rich in biodiversity

The majority of freshwater, whether accessible to humans or not, is contained in what reservoir? A. Ocean B. Lakes C. Streams D. Groundwater E. Glaciers and ice caps

E. Glaciers and ice caps

Bacteria that feed upon decaying organic matter in the soil would best be described as which one of the following? A. Eukaryotic B. Autotrophic C. Fungi D. Cyanobacteria E. Heterotrophic

E. Heterotrophic

Which one of the following is more indicative of conventional agriculture, and not sustainable agriculture? A. Biological control B. Intercropping C. Monocultures D. Integrated pest management E. Minimal tillage

E. Minimal tillage

The conversion of nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3) happens during which specific process? A. Ammonification B. Dentification C. Nitrification D. Nitrogenous cycling E. Nitrogen fixation

E. Nitrogen fixation

An important goal of integrated pest management is to reduce the amount of pests while also... A. Reducing the amount of genetically modified crops grown B. Reducing the amount of fertilizer used C. Introducing species that prey upon and destroy pest species D. Integrating market-based strategies for maximization of profits E. Reducing the amount of synthetic chemical pesticides used

E. Reducing the amount of synthetic chemical pesticides used

Which one of the following is an example of bioremediation? A. Adding chemical dispersants following an oil spill B. Growing large colonies of bacteria to produce antibiotic chemicals C. Mimicking the processes of natural in a laboratory or industrial context D. Removing invasive species that are overpopulating an ecosystem E. Using plants to remove toxic metals from soils following a mining operation

E. Using plants to remove toxic metals from soils following a mining operation

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