Environmental Biology- Major Quiz 4

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Name one problem associated with urban sprawl.

Urban sprawl promotes the use of personal transportation because people must travel further and longer distances to get between their homes, their workplaces, and places of commerce.

Electricity may be generated from the ocean...

-By capturing motion of the waves. -Using the temperature differential between the surface water and deep water. -Using current and tidal flows to turn a turbine.

What are some control measures for thermal pollution

-Cooling towers -Wet cooling tower -Dry cooling tower -Cooling ponds -Spray ponds -Artificial lakes

Generating electricity from concentrated solar energy...

-Could create thermal pollution -Uses steam -May store heat energy to use at night.

Fossil fuels...

- Are non-renewable - Are an important raw material - Use creates greenhouse gases


- Is generated when coal is burned - Is generated mostly by burning fossil fuels. - Could cause thermal pollution.


- Is the most plentiful fossil fuel. - Is considered to be 'non-renewable' like nuclear power. - Produces 'greenhouse gases' when burned. -Was the first 'heavy duty' fuel for steam production.

What are some solutions and approaches to sustainability?

- Political engagement - Consumer power: Making choices on which companies to support as a consumer - Focusing on quality of life rather than quantity of items - Stabilize the population growth rate - Green technology - Mimic nature by utilizing feedback loops and circular flows of materials that generate little to no waste - Focus on a long term perspective - Limit urban sprawl - Define the difference between local and global strategies - Treat problems at the root cause rather than just symptoms (systemic solutions) - Research the problem and stay educated

Environmental problems from coal could be...

- Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during its combustion. - Acid mine drainage. - Environmental damage from surface mining.

Using falling water (hydroelectric) to generate electricity...

- Uses energy that ultimately comes from the Sun. - Is a 'clean source' of energy.

Generating electricity from nuclear energy...

- Uses steam. - Creates excess heat which enters the environment. -

Major uses for fossil fuels _______, is for __________

- petroleum, transportation -coal, electricity generation - petroleum, production of chemicals

The sun is the ultimate source of power for....

-Electricity generated from photovoltaic cells. -Hydroelectric power. -Electricity generated by fossil fuel combustion. -Wind-generated power.

Environmental problems from coal extraction and use could be...

-Environmental damage from surface mining. -Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during its combustion. -Acid mine drainage.

The Sun is the ultimate source of power for...

-Hydroelectric power -Wind-generated power. -Electricity generated by fossil fuel combustion

Explain what happens to produce two environmental problems from hydroelectric electricity production.

-It changes what used to be a flowing water ecosystem to a lake ecosystem, both behind and below the dam. Periodically releasing water from the reservoir often disturbs the riverbed below the dam. -The water released from the bottom of the reservoir is much colder than normal, with severe impacts on life below the dam. (this is a type of thermal pollution) -Dams block fish migrations (e.g. salmon) and the turbines kill aquatic life. There is a significant loss of land and soil, often that land is prime agricultural land or sacred land for indigenous people. -The new reservoir displaces all the terrestrial life that used to live there. Creating a new area of standing water provides habitat to a group of parasites and diseases that rely on large bodies of water (Schistosomiasis, mosquitoes, guinea worms). -Creating a large surface area of water increases water losses from evaporation. -Sediment always collects behind the dam and must be periodically removed (at great cost). -There is a potential for disaster from the dam bursting with catastrophic water release.

What are possible sources of thermal pollution

-Nuclear power plants -Coal fired plants -Industrial effluents -Domestic sewage -Hydro-electric power

Effects of thermal pollution

-Reduction in dissolved oxygen -Increase in toxicity -Interference in biological activity -Interference in reproduction -Direct mortality -Food storage for fish

Active solar heating systems...

-Require dedicated solar collectors. -Use pumps to move heat.

Problems with generation of electricity using photovoltaic cells could be...

-The inability to generate power at night -Initial expanse -Efficient storage of electricity for periods of time

Ocean thermal gradients...

-Ultimately gets its energy from the Sun. -Use the temperature difference between the surface and deeper water to generate electricity.

The process of hydraulic fracturing...

-Uses massive amounts of water. -Has dramatically increased production of oil and natural gas. -Threatens groundwater supplies. -Has created thousands of jobs

Geothermal energy...

-Uses steam to generate electricity -Is restricted to certain areas on Earth.

Generating electricity from nuclear energy...

-Uses steam. -Creates thermal pollution. -Produces radioactive wastes that last a long time.

Passive solar heating of buildings...

-Uses structures to store heat -Is based on architecture. -Is becoming more efficient than before.

Describe two ways that electricity may be produced from the kinetic energy of the ocean

-Wave motion that moves buoys or other structures that cause coils of wires to pass through a magnetic field, generating electricity. -Tidal turbines - where a dam is placed across a bay, forcing water through a turbine (and then spinning a generator) when the tide comes in. The water trapped in the bay after the tide goes out then goes through the generator again in the other direction. -Current turbines - These are similar to windmills but instead of wind turning the turbine, ocean currents do (like a water wheel). -Temperature differential - The different temperatures at the surface versus deeper in the ocean are used to compress a gas then expand it, turning a turbine.

Outline the process of hydraulic fracturing and explain environmental effects

A well is drilled miles deep into shale where gas and oil is trapped between the layers of rock. A lateral porous pipe is then run through the rock layer and a mixture of water, sand, and other chemicals is forced into the rock layers at very high pressure. This separates the rock layers, releasing the gas and oil, which is pumped back to the surface, where it is separated from the water and chemicals. A very large amount of water is required for each well, impacting the water availability to organisms. Leaky well casings often contaminate aquifers, destroying water supplies for those living there. The waste water and chemicals are toxic, and disposal often is incomplete. There is a release of natural gas, which is a very potent greenhouse gas, contributing to atmospheric warming. The infrastructure necessary to support the drilling and extraction creates habitat destruction, noise, and air pollution. Earthquakes from fracking occur.

Heating a structure using only architecture and orientation is termed ________________ solar heating.


What are the advantages of ocean electricity generation?

Advantages for all of these is that ocean motion is mostly constant (always tides and current), and have low environmental impacts (except the tidal dam).

Define the terms Ecosystem and Biome.

An ecosystem is essentially where animals, plants, and other living and nonliving organisms interact with the environment in the same place at the same time. A biome is a particular kind of ecosystem that is made up of similar plants and animals.

Name one renewable and one non-renewable resource.

An example of renewable energy would be solar and non renewable energy would be coal.

Describe how Ground-Source Heat Pumps (ground exchange) work to heat and cool buildings.

Basically, air-exchange heat pumps exchange (transfers) heat in one direction or another depending on the time of year. In the summer, it removes heat from the building and 'dumps' it to the outside air. In the winter, the heat pump takes the heat from outside air and 'dumps' it into the building, heating the building. Even though it may be cold outside, there still is some heat that may be extracted by the exchange unit. GSHP uses the ground as the exchange medium rather than the air. Because the ground' temperature is more constant, the system can be designed to be more efficient.

Outline the process of commercial electricity production from a typical coal 'steam plant'

Coal is burned to heat water to create steam. The high pressure of the steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator. The generator spins many coils of wire through a magnetic field, creating an electrical current.

Which fossil fuel has the most impact from its use and why?

Coal- the extraction adn burning processes create serious health problems. Mining: strip and contour mining can cause severe habitat degradation, acid mine drainage, and the release of tailings which can leach toxic chemicals into our water systems. Burning of coal can release fly ash, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. The use of coal release primary pollutants which, when released into our environment, can be converted into atmospheric acid. Thermal pollution from the water used to burn the coal as well.

Clearly describe the basic components, how they are connected (in order), and what each component does to commercially generate electricity for most of the United States.

Commercial electricity generation in the United States typically begins with coal. It is extracted and then transported to the electricity generation facility. From there, the coal is burned and used to heat water. The water then produces steam which is used to spin a turbine, which is then used to operate a generator which ultimately produces the electricity using the magnetic wire coils within the generator.

1. Describe (in order) 4 basic steps of hydraulic fracturing used to extract oil and natural gas. 2. Describe one environmental problem resulting from using this process.

Deep vertical drilling then horizontal drilling in specific rock layers. A casing surrounds the drill and sheaths the hole. High pressure of drilling fluids opens cracks in rocks. Sand in fracturing liquids holds cracks open. Gas and petroleum are removed via fracking fluids. Problem examples: Leaking of casings; escape of methane; pollution of groundwater; environmental destruction on the surface; disposal of toxic fracking materials and fluids; earthquakes; loss of water resources The first step in the hydraulic fracturing process is the drilling of a well very, very deep into the Earth until we enter the layer of shale where oil and gas are stored. From there, a pipe is positioned laterally into the Earth. Next, a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals is pumped through the pipe, into the shale layer at high pressures. Because of these high pressures, the oil and gas makes its way to the Earth's surface through the pipe where the oil is collected. There are several big problems that can result from hydraulic fracturing. One of which is the release of this underground gas. The gas is not contained and as a result, is released into our atmosphere where it contributes to our greenhouse gas levels. Along with this, we see water pollution. Often times, the chemical water mixture pumped into the ground can leak and make its way into our groundwater supply. This can pollute underground water unknowingly and effect many, many people's drinking water supply.

Outline the process of commercial electricity production from moving water.

Falling water uses the force of gravity to turn a turbine which spins a generator which generates electricity. There are two main ways to tap the energy from falling water. Store (impound) the water behind a dam (creating an impoundment or reservoir) and by diverting an existing river (run-of-river). ii. Both ways move the water through a turbine to spin a generator.

T/F: Coal produces electricity because when coal is burned, electrical radiation may be collected from the burning coal and used as energy.


Explain why most forms of energy humans use could be traced ultimately to the Sun.

Fossil Fuels were originally plants, which captured energy from the Sun. Burning them releases that energy. Hydroelectric uses falling water which was initially evaporated by heat from the Sun, which then precipitates and follows gravity to be stored and fall. Wind temperature differentials across the Earth's surface create the wind. Ocean waves, tides, and temperature differentials all may be traced back to influences from the Sun. Photovoltaic cells use photons from the Sun to create an electrical current. Animal power requires food, which ultimately comes from plants and so the Sun

Name one way that man has increased crop yields.

GMOs have played a huge role in the increasing of crop yields over the years. Genetic scientists and agriculturists are genetically modifying crops so that they can be resistant to pests, better able to grow in diverse climates, have longer storage lives, require less water and cultivation, or any combination of these.

Using heat from the Earth to produce electricity is termed ____________ energy.


Name the three ways geothermal energy is used to generate electricity.

Geothermal correctly refers to using heat from the Earth to produce electricity. Do not confuse it with Ground-Source Heat Pumps (ground exchange). The three ways geothermal resources are used to produce electricity are Dry Steam (steam is used directly from the earth), Binary (hot geothermal water is used to heat another fluid to run a turbine), and Flash Steam (rapid decompression of superheated water separates steam from water which then turns a turbine).

Explain how the energy we capture from hydroelectric could be traced ultimately to the Sun

Hydroelectric - uses falling water which was initially evaporated by heat from the Sun, which then precipitated 'upstream' and followed gravity to be stored and then fall to turn a turbine to spin a generator to generate electricity.

Name one alternative source of energy (not fossil fuels).

Hydroelectric power, using either the ocean's tides, waves, damns, or rivers.

What is the root of most environmental problems on earth?

Overpopulation ;)

Name two steps in the treatment of wastewater.

In the process of wastewater treatment, first the wastewater enters into a settling basin where organic matter is allowed to settle to the bottom. From there that matter is removed and the water settles again. After that, the water is mixed and areerated in order to allow aerobic bacteria to decompose and consume the final remnants of organic matter. From there, the water is clarified again and finally the effluent is expelled into rivers or lakes.

Fusion is the of ____________ atoms while fission is ___________ the of atoms.

Merging, Splitting

Explain why petroleum is such a valuable resource relative to daily life in developed countries by giving at least three reasons

Most petroleum is used for transportation using gasoline, diesel oil, and jet fuel. The other big use for fossil fuel is coal used for electricity generation. This is the most plentiful and least expensive fossil fuel and will continue to be used for many years. Petroleum also is invaluable as the raw material for the plastics that have become a central part of our everyday lives.

Name one way that natural selection is different from artificial selection?

Natural selection allows for nature to choose which individuals will succeed and which will fall short. Artificial selection lets humans choose and disregards the predetermined natural abilities and genetics.

What does non- renewable mean and what are the consequences of using non-renewable resources?

Non- renewable indicates that once a resource is lost, it is gone forever. It takes millions of years to make these non-renewable resources from organic matter so they are essentially out of reach for humanity. Nuclear resources are formed on a geologic time scale, so "new source" are not really a possibility.

What is nuclear fission

Nuclear Fission occurs when large atoms are split, creating two smaller atoms and releasing energy (heat) and neutrons. These neutrons then may split another atom, creating a chain reaction which releases ever-increasing amounts of energy. This is the form of nuclear energy used for power generation and transportation because it may be controlled by absorbing neutrons and slowing the chain reaction.

What is nuclear fusion

Nuclear Fusion is when two or more atoms merge to form a new atom. This becomes a release of large amounts of energy. Fusion usually occurs in smaller, lighter atoms. Thus, hydrogen is the 'most fusible', and also releases the most amount of energy when two hydrogens fuse to form helium. It is very difficult to contain and maintain, currently making it unavailable for power generation.

What two forms of energy humans use cannot be traced ultimately to the Sun?

Nuclear and geothermal sources of energy are not ultimately derived from the Sun

What two forms of energy humans use to commercially produce electricity cannot be traced ultimately to the Sun?

Nuclear and geothermal sources of energy are not ultimately derived from the Sun

Describe one way concentrated solar energy is used to produce electricity.

One way that solar energy is harvested through CSP is through the use of mirrors. Curved mirrors focus sunlight onto pipes filled with synthetic oil. The oil is heated by this sun's energy and is then piped into a facility where it is used to heat water, which produces steam, which turns a turbine that feeds into a generator to produce electricity.

Explain at least two differences between passive and active solar heating of structures.

Passive solar heating systems use architecture and exposure (or non-exposure) to the Sun to heat or cool the structure. Building design incorporates heat storage areas. The heat is then distributed by passive convection based on building design. The storage areas are usually large masses that will hold heat or 'cold', like water, concrete, or gravel. Active solar heating systems use active solar collectors and fans, blowers, or other distribution methods to move the collected heat around the structure. It is 'active' because it uses another source of energy to actively move the heat around. The solar collectors are designed to gather, concentrate, and transfer heat into the house. Active systems usually have 'backup' systems to heat water or the building in case there is not enough sun.

What is one method for conservation of petroleum?

Petroleum used in transportation is one of the main contributors to our petroleum depletion problem, as a result, the best solution would be to find alternative energy sources to power our vehicles like renewable electricity or solar.

Describe two problems from collecting energy from the wind.

Some of the drawbacks are noise, high initial costs, killing birds, and intermittent wind. Large wind turbines may generate a lot of noise, disturbing wildlife and people in the area. Wind turbines often are placed in areas where winds are constant and concentrated. The problem is that these areas also often are the favored migration routes for birds or hunting areas for large raptors (hawks, eagles). The wind does not always blow, and there are areas that could not support wind farms. Many people feel that wind turbines are an eyesore and disturb the natural aesthetics.

The energy we extract from fossil fuels ultimately came from the __________ .


What are the disadvantages of ocean electricity generation?

The big disadvantage is that the ocean is a very hostile environment for most materials (metals, wood, plastics). Thus, maintenance is high and expensive.

Name the "dirtiest" fossil fuel and explain why it is considered to be "dirty" by describing one explicit example of why it is considered "dirty" relative to the environmental problems it may produce.

The dirtiest Fossil Fuel is coal. It is "dirty" because of the processes used for extraction and burning of coal. Mining methods (surface & deep) create tailing piles and acid mine drainage which pollute and destroy waterways. Burning coal produces fly ash (carrying pollutants and carcinogens) and smoke. It also is the source for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulfur (SOx) which creates acid precipitation. The ash from burning coal has many dangerous chemicals. Carbon dioxide is produced when coal is burned. This is a greenhouse gas and a major cause of climate change and all of its environmental problems.

What is the hydrologic cycle?

The hydrologic cycle is the process by which water moves around the Earth. It consists of three steps: Groundwater, evaporation, and runoff. Groundwater is how the water is stored after it is precipitated. Evaporation is the conversion of liquid to gaseous form. And runoff is how the water moves across the Earth from land and into groundwater.

1. Define what thermal pollution is. 2. Describe one explicit example of how it may be produced 3. Explicitly describe one way to control thermal pollution. ("Not producing the pollution" is not a valid answer.)

Thermal pollution is the pollution of water sources by water that is significantly colder or hotter than the water source it is entering (this usually occurs because of hot water). This can often result from coal production plants. As we have discussed, in coal electricity generation plants, coal is burned to heat water to produce steam. However, after that water is used to produce the steam, it can be discarded and often is not cooled before doing so. When this water is released into natural water sources, it can severely disrupt aquatic life. One way we can reduce our thermal pollution is by installing cooling towers, both dry and wet towers. In this case, water would either be allowed to sit in a water tower and cool on its own or be run through a turbine like system that allows the heat to escape the water through its movement.

Explain why it is dangerous to base modern food production on the use of fossil fuels.

We have exchanged fossil fuels for food because the mechanization, irrigation, and fertilizers required to grow the amounts of food necessary to support us, all require the manufacturing and transportation systems based on the use of fossil fuels. Without the energy from fossil fuels we could not grow enough food. Since fossil fuels are non-renewable this system is not sustainable. When the supply of fossil fuels dwindles and eventually are exhausted we will not be able to grow enough food to support the human population. Thus, basing our food production on the energy from fossil fuels is dangerous because unless we change our current system, mass starvations will occur when fossil fuels are gone. (We're all gonna die!)

Describe two advantages of collecting energy from the wind

Wind turbines operate at very low cost (after the initial investment) and tap an essentially inexhaustible source of energy. Wind power is very clean.

Explain how the energy we capture from wind could be traced ultimately to the Sun.

Windmills - Temperature differentials on the Earth's surface create differences in air pressures (remember rising and falling air from earlier in the semester?) Rising air creates areas of low pressure and falling air creates areas of high pressure. These differences in pressure create airflows (wind) that move from high to low pressures.

the dirtiest fossil fuel is


T/F: One danger from using nuclear power to produce electricity is the possibility of a thermonuclear explosion (like a bomb).


the cleanest fossil fuel is

natural gas

T/F: Petroleum is the most versatile fossil fuel.


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