Environmental Biology Test 3

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Volatile Organic Compounds

-Chemicals that vaporize in air -Wide range of chemicals -Natural of Anthropogenic


-Tiny solid & liquid particles suspended in air. -Clouds and fog -Size of particle determines residence time.


3 of the gases of the atmosphere include 1. Oxygen 2. Nitrogen 3. _______________ over 99% of atmosphere

Diversify crops/cover crops.

4 Basic Principles of Soil Conservation 1. Keep soil covered 2. Minimally disturb soil 3. Keep plant growth year round 4. ___________________________

consumer knowledge and understanding

4 General Categories of Challenges 1. New technologies: many still in development/early stage of deployment 2. Economies of Scale: Scale still small 3. Externalized Costs: subsidies for fossil fuels, pollution 4. Limited _____________________________________.


4 Types of Coal 1. Lignite 2. Sub-bituminous 3. Bituminous 4. _____________________

Irrigation Efficiency

70% of freshwater irrigates crops. ______________: Percentage of applied water that actually gets used by plants. Most arms less than 40%. Simple changes in practices & new technologies can decrease water use by 15-50%.


A kind of secondary pollutant that is facilitated by sunlight


A life cycle assessment by Sony indicates that greenhouse gas emissions over a 3.5 year life cycle of a phone are about ______________ CO2e


Abundant in crust, but absent from atmosphere. Organisms use this as phosphate. PO4

SO2 and NOx

Acid deposition in the troposphere causes acid rain, snow, fog. It increases acidity (lowers pH) which alters ability to uptake nutrients and allows toxic metals to go into solution from sediments (Ex: Aluminum) -Primary sources are ____________________ which come from power plants and vehicle exhaust.


Acroecosystems are prone to nutrient loss. _________________: Biomass removed from system.

Secondary Oil Recovery

Additional methods, injecting water to oil.


After the Montreal Protocol in 1987, CFC emissions have __________________.

weed/pest control

Agroecosystem management of pests involves -Managing crop environment can reduce pests. -Government regulation reduces pest import. -Crop rotation -Mechanical methods for ___________________________________________


Aluminum cans were first used in 1965. Many advantages & became widespread. Waste has become a widespread issue. 2014: 1.54 million metric tons of aluminum waste in US. Mining & refining aluminum uses energy & produces ________________.


Anopheles ___________ is the primary vector for the parasite that causes falciparum malaria. Larvae develop and mature in standing bodies of water. Females take multiple blood meals. In doing so, they transfer the parasite from infected to noninfected individuals.

Roads & Urban Development

Another cause of deforestation is -___________________________________:small portion of global deforestation. -Economic & Political Causes: agricultural subsidies and timber concessions, corruption, illegal logging

Fossil Fuel free

Automobile efficiency -Fuel efficiency: gasoline-electric hybrid, plug-in hybrid automobiles. -_________________: fuel cell, electric

UK and USA

Average annual particulate matter (PM10) exposure levels are highest in Iran, Mongolia, India, Pakistan, etc. They are lowest in ______________________.

Legionnaires' disease

Biological Contaminants or buildup of viruses, bacteria or fungi are a part of air pollution. ___________________________: bacteria that build up in air-conditioning systems, transmitted in aerosols to hotel lobby, many similar diseases occur.

Evenly Distributed

Biomass Advantages -Carbon Neutral: Recycling carbon in environment -Emits less NO2 and SO2 than fossil fuels -_________________

Land clearing

Biomass Disadvantages -Impacts on food supply -Inefficient choice of fuel crops -___________________


Biomass Energy Sources and Production -Energy contained in wood and other plant matter. Derived from solar energy (photosynthesis) Biomass can be burned to produce energy. EX: Wood, Charcoal, Crop Residue, Ethanol, ______________


Blood borne diseases include ___________ and Malaria (transmitted by mosquitos, cause by parasite Plasmodium. ((((((20/51)))))))))))

Water Reuse

Can conserve water and provide benefits. Municipal wastewater treated and reused for irrigation. Reduces need for water. Reused water has residual nutrients. Reduces fertilizer needs.


Caterpillars and gypsy moths feed on leaves of many trees and can completely ______________ them. Over several years, this can cause tree death.


Changing water pricing may enhance sustainable conservation. Removal of _____________ for farmers may encourage water conserving measures. Drip irrigation, irrigation improvements. Residential rates also effective. Flat rate vs. metered homes.

Secondary Air Pollutants

Chemicals & air particles that are formed by reaction of other chemicals or aerosols in the atmosphere. EX: Ozone

Primary Air Pollutants

Chemicals or particles directly released in air.

sustainable products

Choices can reduce environmental impacts and encourage sustainable agriculture. -Reduce food waste -Eat more plant-based foods -Eat local foods -Eat fresh foods -Eat seasonally -Choose ______________________ -Ask questions


Clear-cutting forests on steep terrain and fragile soil can produce severe erosion and very slow rates of reforestation. The loss of forests from such landscapes increases ______________.


Climate change and mosquitos cause an increase in the disease _________________________.

are recycled and can be used to make new cans.

Closed loop recycling is when aluminum cans _______________________________

coal seams

Coal is formed form plants hundreds of millions of years ago. Deposited in layers of sediment called ___________________________.


Comparing Environmental Cost -Environmental impacts difficult to quantify. -All primary energy sources have some environmental impacts (Air & __________ quality, ecosystem disruption, greenhouse gas emissions)

Chemical Pest Control

Competitors and pests are a major issue. (42% of all crops are lost to pests and disease.) ___________________: effective, yet some threats to human health (biomagnification: DDT)

Low Biodiversity

Composed of a few species (monoculture)

alternative crops

Conserving water in agroecosystems 1. Alternating methods: drip irrigations. 2. Plant-breeding programs: developing breeds of crops that use less water 3. Planting ______________________: jojoba


Construction materials emit many volatile organic compounds from paints, adhesives, synthetic fabrics, wood preservatives. ____________: fibrous material for heat/fire proofing. Breathing fibers leads to lung disease/cancer. Banned in 1973.

socioeconomic benefits

Criteria for sustainable forest management includes -biological diversity -productive capacity -ecosystem health & vitality -soil and water resources -global carbon cycles -__________________________________ -legal, institutional, & economic framework.


Currently fossil fuels meet _____ of the global energy needs.


Currently, we have 1. Permanent retrieval storage sits: special landfills that are monitored for leakage 2. Chemical Processing 3. High-temperature incineration 4. __________________:living organism breakdown


DDT was developed and was effective in controlling mosquitos that vectored malaria. Helped eradicate malaria from many regions of world. However, DDT affects ____________: reduced use, banned in some regions.


Deciding on appropriate primary energy source depends on many factors. -Cost -Availability -Conversion Efficiency -Environmental Impacts -________

flu-like symptoms

Deer tick cases have increased and causes symptoms like fatigue, bull's eye pattern rash, and _______________________.

only meager crops.

Deforestation and subsequent erosion have left Haitian soils with little organic matter or nutrients. The steep, poorly terraced slopes support _____________________


Diarrheal Diseases come from mostly poor sanitation or polluted water. Most die from ________________________________(Cholera)


Domestic animals are a significant portion of agriculture. 20% of Earth's pastures for animals. _____% of crops for animal feed. Trophic-level efficiency varies by species.

Ozone, O3

During the daytime, primary air pollutants such as NO2 and volatile organic compounds undergo a series of chemical reactions to produce _________________, a secondary pollutant that is toxic to humans.

unhealthy or code orange for sensitive groups like elderly or children.

EPA monitors levels of important air pollutants. 1,000 sites in 300 cities. EPA calculates air quality index (AQI). Each pollutant from scale (0-500) 100 regulatory standards Levels over 100 are considered _________________________________.


Each year, _____% of the world's forests disappear. Driven by multiple factors: agriculture, unsustainable harvest, road construction, and urban development.

energy efficiency

Energy conservation can help meet growing energy demands. Economic energy intensity (EEI): measure of overall ______________________. (Amount of energy used per dollar output, higher in industrialized countries)

using your car instead of mass transit

Energy consumption can be reduced by all of the following except

Primary Energy

Energy contained in natural resources. (Coal, oil, sunlight, wind, uranium)

Fly Ash

Environmental Impacts -Mining destroys habitats (Mountaintop Removal) -Mine tailing are acidic -Exhaust from coal fires (Numerous toxins, Mercury, CO2 -_______________:solid material waste


Environmental Impacts -Benefits & Costs are hotly disputed 1. Large open pit mines 2. Thermal discharge 3. ______________ 4. Radiation Leak 5. Spent Nuclear fuel 6. Does not release greenhouse gases


Environmental impacts -Environmental degradation (Fracking & exploration) -Drilling and transportation of oil (______________) -Emissions (Carbon monoxide, CO2, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, greenhouse gas emissions -Political turmoil

Impact Analysis

Environmental, economic, health, social, & cultural impacts of inputs and outputs.

pH buffering

Essential ecosystem services. -Supporting services: photosynthesis, nutrient movement, food webs. -Regulatory Services: temperature regulation, __________________________ -Provisioning services: drinking water, agriculture.


Extraction of goods or services from a forest.


Fly ash is solid waste and has high amounts of _____________. Released gases: NOx, SOx, CO2

higher prices

Forest Certification Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one of the independent organizations that certify and establish standards for forest management. Marketplace drives sustainable forest management. Certified wood products fetch __________________ through consumer demand.

carbon storage

Forest and greenhouses have gas emissions. Reforestation and forest restoration strategy for limiting global warming. Forests are used as ___________________. Less expensive than other carbon-reducing strategies.


Forests contain ________% of world biodiversity. Ecosystem and Economic Services -Flood prevention -Carbon Storage -Recreation -Wood/Paper -Air/Water Quality

displace food production

Future Development of Biomass -Cellulosic Ethanol: more efficient than corn based ethanol. Claims of 80-90% reduction of greenhouse emissions compared to corn. Still a small scale. Still may _________________________________.

Air Quality

Gases and small particles in atmosphere that influence ecosystems or human well-being.

Air Pollution

Gases or particles present in high enough concentrations to harm humans, organisms, or structures.


Genetically modified organisms (GMO) can improve yields, improve disease and pest resistance, addition of ______________: golden rice. Controversy still abounds in general public (labeling)

Pollution Free

Geothermal Energy Advantages -Reliable and relatively inexpensive -_____________________


Geothermal Energy Disadvantages -Can be overused -Start up cost high -____________________


Geothermal Energy Sources & Supplies -Uses heat energy from Earth's interior -Harnessed in 3 ways 1. Dry-steam power plants 2. _________________ power plants -Ground-source heat pumps (GSHP)


Geothermal Energy is expected to become important in available areas. New plants making reinjection efforts to sustain source. New installations in U.S. increasing _________% per year.

in USA

Half of the known oil reserves are in the Middle East. 18% in Venezuela 10% Canadian tar sands 2% ____________________


Handful of crop species. Species extremely productive from breeding, hybridization, and cloning. Genetic diversity _____________. Current efforts to maintain and improve genetic diversity ongoing.

uneven-aged management

Harvest Seed cuts ______________________________.

even-aged management

Harvest Clear-cutting ____________________________.


Hazards & Risks may be immediate or delayed. Grouped into 4 categories 1. Biological 2. Chemical 3. Physical 4. __________________ Latent Consequences: Delayed effects (Exposure to radiation)

brain and kidney

Heavy metal pollution in the troposphere comes from lead from fossil fuels. -This causes _________________________ damage. -Disrupts blood hemoglobin synthesis. -Amount of lead in atmosphere came from increasing technology from agriculture, smelting, and leaded gasoline.

damage nervous system

Heavy metal pollution in the troposphere comes from mercury from fossil fuels. -Normally present in small amounts from volcanoes, sea salt, dust. -Atmospheric concentrations have increased several fold in past 200 years. -Mercury uptake in plant and animal tissues causes buildup (bioaccumulation) which can _______________________________ or high levels can kill.


Humans began as hunter-gatherers. __________ years ago humans began to grow food.

Eutrophication, dead zones

Humans impact acroecosystems. Chemical fertilizer Source of increased nitrogen and phosphorus production advanced agricultural production. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus can act as pollutants. Aquatic ecosystems are extremely sensitive: ___________________________________.

Nonconsumptive Uses

Humans use over half of water flowing in Earth's streams. -_______________________: water use that returns to streams/aquifers EX: hydroelectric power, wastewater in septic systems.

O horizon

Humus: leaves or crop residues.


Hydropower -Sources & Production Constantly supplied by hydrologic cycle. -Common renewable energy use -Mainly used for electricity generation _______________: Dams creating reservoir Run of River: Portion of river diverted through powerhouse.

Continuous Electricity

Hydropower Advantages -Fuel & Pollution Free -Relatively inexpensive -Also provides flood control and water storage -___________________________

initial cost

Hydropower Disadvantages -Loss of land -Ecosystem disruption -________________


Hydropower _____ of global potential hydropower already being used. -New dams considered too costly to build. (Financially, Socially, Environmentally) -Many existing dams being upgraded

tar sands

In Alberta, Canada, large expanses of boreal forest are being cleared and the underlying soils excavated in order to produce oil from _____________________.

Diarrheal Diseases

In Poor countries the causes of death 1. Pneumonia 2. HIV/AIDS 3. _________________


In forests, only ____ million square miles of primary forest remain. 60,000km2 of this are cut annually. Secondary forest that replaces is less diverse and provides fewer ecosystem services. -Cutting & High Grading "Cutting the best & leaving the rest" -Fragmentation -Altered Patterns of disturbance (Fire suppression) -Non-native species (insects & diseases)


In the Stratosphere, UV light from the sun causes _______________ atoms to separate from CFCs. These atoms catalyze the conversion of O3 to O2. In the process, chlorine atoms are continually regenerated.

smaller ecological footprint

In the US, standards set by USDA for organic foods. Certified by independent companies for "organic labeling." Disagreement whether organic is "healthier." Does have _______________________________________________.


In the US, we use the most water for _____________________.


In the USA, ___% of fresh water used in municipal systems. Bathrooms and laundry rooms use the highest proportion. Toilets, washing machines, and showers are the biggest users.

significantly less than

In the USA, oil production is _____________ oil consumption

increased manyfold.

In the past 50-60 years, the Green Revolution took place. Improved plant breeding and techniques. Use of modern fertilizer and pesticides. Agricultural productivity ___________________________>


In the world, we use the most water for ___________________.

more polluted

Indoor air pollution is generally __________________ than outside air. Combustion by-products like carbon monoxide, nitrogen, sulfur oxides, VOCs, and particulate matter come from indoor burning and secondhand smoke.


Infectious disease and the environment -Environmental factors influence populations of disease agents and vectors. (Population size, movement, climate, water quality) _____________________

Tertiary Oil Recovery

Injection of CO2 steam to oil. (*Fracking*)

organic mercury.

Inorganic mercury falls by rain and turns to _________________.

Inventory Analysis

Inputs & outputs of energy, material, and pollutants.

Montreal Protocol on Ozone

International air pollution policy ______________________________: Aimed to reduce ozone destruction. Established timeline and protocols for phasing out CFCs and ozone destroying substances.

It contains heavy metals

Just purchased a new cellphone, why is it a bad idea to throw old one in trash?

half of the world's rubber

Latex is tapped from rubber trees (Hevea Brasiliensis) provides nearly __________________________.

Soil horizons

Layers of soil


Lighting & Appliance Efficiency -Incandescent vs. compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) vs. light-emitting diodes (LEDs). ___________________ mode.


Logging and rubber plantations led to _____________________.

C horizon

Lowest layer, bedrock broken up

ideal habitats for mosquito larvae

Luanshya is located in the Copper Belt Province in north central Zambia. The swamps and seasonally wet savannas of this region provide _____________________________________.

rubber, textiles, leather

MSW Stream is greatest filled with paper and paperboard. Second is food waste. Third is yard trimmings. Fourth is plastics. Next is metals and _____________________.


Management of the location and relative amounts of different forest uses.


Measuring Public Health Population level Statistics -Life Expectancy at Birth: Worldwide 70+ years (1950=____ years)


Measuring Public Health Population level Statistics -Mortality Rate Infant mortality: Percentage of infants that die before age 1 Worldwide 3.8% (1950:______)


Mine tailings contain ___________ which harms fish and other aquatic organisms


Mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and organisms.

A horizon

Mixture of organic matter and minerals.


Most important nutrient for plants. Plants modify soil ____________ to create essential compounds. (Amino Acids, Nucleic Acids)

virgin wood

Multiple strategies are needed to halt deforestation. -Improved agriculture practices. -Population management in forested regions -Reduced demand for _________________________. -Sustainable forest management -Reforestation -Sustainable economic development.


Natural Gas Use -44% _________________: production of plastics, fertilizers, synthetic fibers, firing of furnaces. -25% direct household energy. -31% (& growing) electricity generation (Natural gas-fired power plants release fewer pollutants and do not produce fly ash like coal fired.

MIddle East, Europe/Eurasia

Natural gas reserves are high in areas like ___________________.


New sources of cellulosic ethanol example: _____________


Non-wood forest products: hundreds of commodities come from forests. -__________________ -Food items (syrup, wild nuts, berries, herbs & spices) -Pharmaceuticals


Nowadays, human activities are the most important source of ______________ to the environment. Because ______________ is taken up by plants and animals and stored in their tissues, they play an important role in the cycling.


Nuclear Power -Sources and production uses heat generated by fission of atoms. Uses decay of uranium -Uranium found in many locations. Reserves for 120 years. Produces ____% global electricity.

Non-Point Sources

Numerous sources that produce a relatively small amount. Ex: Cars, Residential Fireplaces, Agriculture


Nutrient cycling consists of Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Micronutrients (Iron, __________, other)


Oak forests that are grown for high-quality timber may have harvest times that are longer than _____ years.

greenhouse gas emissions

Ocean Energy Advantages -Fuel & pollution free -Very low ___________________


Ocean Energy Disadvantages -Loss of land -Ecosystem disruption -Limited Geographically -Not yet ______________________

the moon

Ocean Energy Sources & Production -Takes advantage of tides, waves, & temperature differences. -Tidal Power: Driven by _______. Turbines turned as tides enter and leave bays. -Waves Power: uses kinetic energy of waves.

Crude Oil

Oil Extraction and Processing ________________ is pumped from reservoirs and sent to refineries.

Conventional Unconventional

Oil Reservoirs Two kinds ______________________: Permeable Rock (fractured and porous) that hold oil, historically most important sources. ________________________: Shale, Tar sands

heating oil

Oil Uses -15-16% non-energy products (Solvents, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Plastics) -70% converted to gasoline or diesel (internal combustion engines, cars & trucks) -7% converted to aviation fuel -7% _________________

Natural Gas production

Oil companies burned natural gas as waste in the past (Now natural gas is captured in pipelines.

Kerogen:precursor of petroleum

Oils formed under specific geological conditions (Found only in a few places). Formed from remains of microorganisms millions of years ago (______________). Became trapped beneath impermable rocks (oil reservoirs)

Improvement Analysis

Opportunities to reduce impacts

Primary Oil Recovery

Original flow of oil, first 20%.


Over the past 25 years, costs of wind generation has gone down 90%. Some wind farms can produce at 3 cents per kilowatt hour. Wind projected to grow rapidly. Predictions that wind will provide _____% of global energy in 2020


Over the past 50 years, the human populations surrounding Lake Chad has increased _____________, placing increased demands on its fisheries, grazing lands that surround the lake, irrigated agriculture in the former lake bed, continues to draw water from the lake, as do growing cities such as N'Djamena. The 4 countries that share the lake must negotiate transboundary issues that affect the water supply of the whole region.

pulp trees

Pace of deforestation is quickening. Causes: agricultural expansion, clearning forests for crops/grazing. Wood harvest: fuel wood, high-quality furniture wood. Paper demand is clearing old growth for fast growing ______________.

lake ecosystems

Paper mills cause pollution that has severely damaged _______________________.


Particles .002-.5mm


Particles 0.05-2mm


Particles less than 0.002 mm

fatty tissues in the body

Pesticides: wide range of toxic chemicals. Many pesticides of the past now banned. Many stored in ___________________: DDT, chlordane, pentachlorophenol. May lead to nervous and digestive system issues


Pharmaceuticals make up $_____ million. Cork makes up the smallest at $110 million.


Plant parts store carbs, proteins, and oils. Leaves consist of lettuce, spinach, cabbage, ___________. Stem consist of potatoes, celery, asparagus. Roots consist of carrots, beets, turnips. Fruits consist of peppers, apples, squash.


Plant requirements for photosynthesis essential. Light Water Essential Nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, _______________________)


Plantations of eucalyptus trees, which are grown for wood fiber, grow so rapidly that their rotation times may be as short as __ years.

stationary sources

Policies to control air pollution changed substantially over the past 60 years. Public outcry after tragedies. -Air Pollution Control Act: 1955 -Clean Air Act: 1963 which regulated emissions from _______________________________. EX: factories, power plants.


Political instability reduced tourism and led to _______________.

Alter sunlight

Pollution in stratosphere (Above Ozone) -No direct effect for human health -Can influence climate (Aerosols can cool Earth's surface) -_______________________ reaching Earth's surface. -Destruction of Ozone Layer (Increased UV radiation) Chlorofluorocarbons

Heavy Metal Pollution

Pollution in troposphere -Three types with greatest impact on humans/ecosystems. 1. Acid deposition 2. _______________________ 3. Smog


Poverty leads to further deforestation. By 1990, most of Haiti deforested. Less than __% of Haiti supports forests. Low water quality, flooding, landslides.

Trace Gases

Present in concentrations of part per million. -Some stable -Others vary widely in place and time


Primary Energy Sources Most to least 1. Oil 2. Coal & Peat 3. Natural Gas 4. Biofuels/waste 5. Nuclear 6. ____________

Secondary Energy

Primary energy is converted into another form (Electricity)

Renewable energy

Primary energy sources that are constantly replenished -Falling water -wind -sunlight -earth's hear -ocean tides & waves -biomass


Process of determining amount of forest goods or services to be used by humans (Sets take at a sustainable level)

lumber fuelwood

Proportions of wood products vary by region. North America uses the most __________. Contrast to that, South America uses the most __________.


Radioactive waste has two categories. 1. Low-level radioactive waste -Low amount of radioisotopes -Mostly from hospitals and labs -Greatest __________ of radioactive waste

Electricity Production

Rates or primary consumption vary by country. Consumption is broken into 4 sections 1. Transportation 2. Industry 3. Residential/Commercial 4. __________________________________


Recycle Reuse Reduce _______________


Relates to leaching and nutrient loss.

natural gas

Renewable energy includes all of the following except.

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)

Represents maximum amount of pollutant in water before quality is reduced. EPA requires states to report impaired waters that surpass this.

swine flu (H1N1)

Respiratory Diseases include: 1. influenza 2. avian flu (H5N1) in kidney cells 3. _______________________


Rural Haitians depend on domestic animals, especially ___________, for nutritional protein. However, these animals contribute to deforestation by eating most tree seedlings.


Selective clear cutting however, may be appropriate on _____________ slopes to regenerate forests in which the dominant trees like these pines grow best in full sunlight.


Since 1990, national average of SO2 concentration has _________________________.

vehicle exhaust

Smog is a problem for the troposphere and is a complex mix of primary and secondary pollutants. Industrial smog is caused by pollutants from coal burning, CO, SO2, and carbon soot. Photochemical smog is a certain primary pollutant that interacts with sunlight. Many come from ______________________________. NO, VOCs react with oxygen and water vapor in sunlight to create ozone and NO2.

Continual Disturbance

Soil more vulnerable to erosion.

Active Solar Technology

Solar Energy Sources and Production _________________ : uses mechanical devices. (Rooftop solar panels, photovoltaic (PV), solar water heater) Concentrating solar power system

Passive Solar Technology

Solar Energy Sources and Production _____________________ : uses solar energy without mechanical devices (Natural lighting and heating)

Few Environmental Costs

Solar Energy Advantages -Widely available -________________________


Solar Energy Disadvantages -Intermittent -Regional -__________________

natural systems

Solutions to issues of acroecosystems: mimic ________________________

Point Sources

Stationary, localized sources. Ex: Smoke Stacks, Power plant, Factory

B horizon

Subsoil: rich in clay from sand and silt weathering.


Taiga is for potatoes, wheat and corn grow in temperate forests or ______________________. Rice sugar cane, and banana grow in the tropical rain forest or tropical seasonal forest.


The 1970 Clean Air Act required that leaded gasoline be phased out by 1980. This has resulted in a _____% reduction in concentrations of lead in the air of U.S. cities.


The Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 set new standards to reduce __________________ emissions and established a cap and trade program for the reduction of SO2 emissions.

protected houses

The Cost of Genetic Homogeneity White feathered variety: high production of breast meat and rapid growth in crowded conditions. But, they must be artificially inseminated, hatched in incubators, and raised in ________________________. Bourbon red is an heirloom breed that retains the ability to fly, to find its own food, to mate, and to rear offspring.

Air Pollution Act of 1955 & Clean Air Act of 1967

The Killer Smog -Deadly Air Pollution -Donora, Pennsylvania, 1948 (Zinc-Smelting Factory) (Smog Common) -Weather conditions trapped smog for days -20 dead, thousands ill -Led to the ________________________ & ________________________


The Nephin Beg Mountains in Ireland had a forest that was cut for fuel and ___________________.


The U.S. Clean Air Act allows the EPA to set standards for acceptable levels of 7 important pollutants. 1. Ground level Ozone (O3) 2. Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 3. Particulate Matter (PM10) 4. Carbon Monoxieed 5. Sulfur Dioxide 6. Nitrogen Dioxide 7. ____________

725 kg

The average American generates about ________ of municipal soild waste each year 1kg=2.2 lbs


The average american uses 302-378 liters of water per day. Only ______ liters per day are needed for survival. 20-50 liters per day for basic human needs.


The deer tick is the ______________ for Borrelia, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease. This risk of Lyme disease is greatest in the suburban areas of southern New England, where fragmented forests and development provide ideal habitat for all of the animals that are part of this zoonosis. Those animals include deer mice, white-tailed deer, and humans.


The global water budget. Over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Water evaporates & precipitates. Precipitation has 3 fates. 1. Return to atmosphere: _____________________ 2. Flow over land: rivers, streams. 3. Percolate to ground water.


The greenhouse produced from most landfills is


The impervious surfaces of urban landscapes like (residential or urban) generate over __ times as much runoff as do forests, meadows, or agriculture, which have completely pervious (permeable) surfaces.


The system of land management used to grow domesticated plants and animals for food, fiber, or energy. Originated independently in several regions.

1. Pathogens 2. Metals 3. Nutrients

The three top impairments to water? 1. 2. 3.

Recycling Waste

There are many strategies for shrinking the waste stream and removing pressure from landfills. 1. Reducing Waste: Consumer choices 2. Reusing Waste: Goodwill, salvation army 3. _________________: Save resources and energy


Too little water causes overdrawing groundwater. Use of aquifers for agricultural and drinking water. Aquifers can be ____________.


Too little water causes overdrawing surface water. Throughout history, water diverged from lakes and streams. Overdrawing may deplete and _______ water bodies.


Too much water in urban systems is a challenge. Impervious surfaces: pavement, roogs, do not absorb rainfall. Water channeled through storm drains to bodies of water. (_____________%) of urban surface runoff goes into water bodies. (5%) of forested system runoff goes into water bodies.


Too much water is a problem for growing paved areas and deforestation reducing flood control ecosystem service. Single deciduous tree in NC can transpire _______ gallons per day.


Too much water: flood control. Flooding natural occurrence. Seasonal volumes of rain or snowmelt. Annual flood cycles support rich ___________________ areas like the Nile or Mississippi.

energy sources

Transition to renewable energy -Benefits Far fewer environmental Impacts Infinite ________________


Transition to renewable energy -General Challenges (Renewable diffuse and erratic, technology to harvest, infrastructure (currently nonrenewable provides __________% of energy)


US has about ___________ proven reserves of coal between the types.


Uranium extraction and processing -Uranium extracted by open pit mines. Uranium ore crushed into fine powder & processed into yellowcake. Yellowcake converted to gas and centrifuged to produce uranium fuel pellets. Fuel pellets packed into rods. 100-300 fuel rods packed into assemblies. ____________ assemblies make a reactor core.

Biological Pest Control

Use of predators and parasites to control pests.

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Uses chemical, biological, & cultural pest control to minimize crop loss.

hydraulic fracking

Using high pressure liquids to extract oil from rock such as oil shale is known as _________________

Industrial Solid Waste Facilities

Waste streams vary greatly across facilities. Usually collected and managed by private sector. (Some end up in _________________________ and some end up in municipal landfills


Water conservation consists of using less vs. using more efficiently. Behavior changes like shorter showers, faucet off while brushing teeth. Rainwater use through rain barrels, cisterns. _____________, water from non-sewage used for flushing, non-drinking uses.


Water efficiency reduces water consumption. Technology advances used. Government regulation/incentives (EPA WaterSense Program, 2006-2012 program saved ____ billion gallons. Improving appliances with low-flow toilets, showerheads.


Water is a disappearing resource. Lake Chad in Africa. 5,000 years ago area was much wetter. Lake has receded ever since. Lake has decreased over ____% since 1963 due to climate change, deforestation, and human overuse.

food production

Water is an important resource for _________________________.


Water is essential to plant growth. Water availability is determined by rainfall and soil factors. ___________________: first used 5,000 years ago. Water diversion and pumping has allowed crops to be grown where water is limited.


Water loss and leaks are a major issue. Leaks make up __% of household water. US and Canada city water system loss of 10-30%. Higher globally in places like Nigeria, Mexico, Armenia (>50% loss) Estimate for US: $3 trillion in water system infrastructure needed by 2035.

Dead Zones

Water pollution effects estuaries which are bases of watersheds where numerous pollutants may enter. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus cause eutrophication. ____________________: oxygen so low that few marine organisms can survive.


Water pollution effects lakes by nutrients accumulating from runoff. __________________: enrichment of bodies of water with excess nutrients. Algal blooms. Large amount of organic material decomposition uses up oxygen. Reduces biodiversity..

calcareous species

Water pollution effects oceans through acidification. Reduction in pH to increasing CO2 input. 25% of CO2 in atmosphere absorbed by ocean. Acidification limits calcification of many organisms. Slowing of coral growth. Loss of ____________________________________.


Water pollution effects oceans through dead zones. UN estimates over 200 dead zones. All associated with the mouth of a river. Major contributor to declines of many fish species. Nutrient pollution harms coral reefs. Mercury bioaccumulation in large fish. ___________ spills and discharge.


Water pollution effects streams by devastating biodiversity. Filter feeders are vulnerable. >50% of U.S. native freshwater mussels endangered or extinct. Heavy metals from mines. _____ is altered from mining tailings.

1.2 million

Water pollution of oceans is affected by trash. Plastic trash flows to oceans. Winds and currents concentrate trash (Great Pacific Garbage Dump). 4 million tons in _______ square miles.


Water pollution standards differ with use between recreation and drinking supply. Defined by 3 characteristics. 1. Physical: turbidity, sediment 2. Chemical: industrial discharge, pharmaceuticals, personal care products. 3. _________________: bacteria pathogens


Water scarcity and dirty water is more acute in poor countries. Wealthy nations face water shortages. Estimated 50% increase in water use by ________. Conservation key aspect of sustainability.

Increasing green space. Using pervious pavement (Allows percolation) Green roofs: retain 75% rainfall.

What are some city solutions to too much water? 1. 2. 3.


When sea temperature goes up, ________________________ goes up.

2.5% fresh water in the total global water. Freshwater comes from groundwater (30.1%) and glaciers and ice caps (68.6%)

Where is most of earth's fresh water?


Wide array of management strategies. Actions taken to restore and maintain health and productivity (understory thinning, replanting)

CO2E Free

Windpower Advantages -No fuel, no pollution -Economic -Domestic -_____________________

impacts to wildlife

Windpower Disadvantages -Intermittent -Aesthetics -_____________________

double by 2020

Windpower Sources and production -Driven by the sun- -Kinetic energy from wind collected by wind turbines -Wind power just over 1% of global energy -Fastest growing renewable resource (24% per year) -In USA 3.5% of electricity production. -Projected to ____________________


Wood fiber is the primary ingredient in paper manufacturing. Each step impacts our environment. 1. Timber 2. 3. Mechanical or chemical pulping 4. Chemical Treatment 5. Product


Wood products: 3.4 billion cubic meters of wood harvested per year. _____% of wood consumption for fuel (Burned or made into charcoal.) 31% for building material (Housing, furniture, containers). 16% for paper (Uses smaller logs, produces water pollution)

1. Heart Attack 2. Stroke 3. Pneumonia

Worldwide causes of death 1. 2. 3.


________ million people live with water scarcity. More than 3 times that many lack access to clean water.


___________ consumption increases footprint.


___________ has the highest particle radius.


___________ has the smallest particle radius.


___________ is one of the most important diseases. Major issue in Africa (20% of children under 5 years old died from this).


____________ University students engineered a laptop that can be disassembled in two minutes and everything recycled.


____________ has the largest percent of emissions.


____________:uses natural decomposition. Yard trimmings & food waste 25% of municipal waste. Small-scale household _______________ can help shrink waste stream. Some cities divert food and yard waste to a large-scale _______________ facility. (Generates revenue as _______________ may be sold)

Measles and other infectious diseases

_____________ is a biological hazard


_______________ determines significant portion of ecological footprint.


________________:Crops and domesticated animals, the physical environment, and other organisms associated with them. Humans are less than 1% of total animal biomass, but, use more than 30% of terrestrial net primary production. Converted 1/3 of Earth's ice-free surface to agriculture. ________________________ Food Chain.

Food miles

________________:distance food travels before consumption. -Processing and Storage


_________________: Derived from sources that exist in limited quantities. (Fossil Fuels, Nuclear)

Radioactive waste

_________________: requires long-term monitoring.

cigarette smoking and other lifestyle choices

__________________ is a cultural hazard


__________________ is a physical hazard

Water footprint

__________________: Includes water for production, consumption, and waste.


___________________ : Sources that are not depleted when used or can be replenished quickly. (Solar, Wind, Wood)

air pollution

___________________ is a chemical hazard

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

___________________: Paper products, yard wastes, food scraps, plastic, metal, rubber, & cloth. Quantities and composition differ region to region and time. Large increase in per capita production in recent history. Each year, an average American generates 720kg (1,620 lbs) of ^________________.

Waste incineration

___________________: burned at high temperatures to reduce volume and weight. Volume only 5-6% of original waste. Facilities use filters & scrubbers to reduce emissions of pollutants. Some harness heat for electricity generation (Waste-to-energy facilities)


____________________ used to harvest natural gas from shale deposits. Refined to remove impurities (Water, sulfur, other gases) Converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG) for transport

Sanitary Landfills

_____________________: Designed to prevent contamination of groundwater & reduce odors & aesthetic problems. Lined with impervious clay & plastic (Leachate). Trash compacted and covered. When full, capped with clay. Methane produced: may be tapped as green energy.

Hazardous waste

_____________________: wastes that are flammable, corrosive, explosive, or toxic. EPA identifies 3 categories 1. Source-specific wastes 2. Nonspecific- source wastes 3. Discarded commercial chemical wastes


______________________: Disease only in humans. May be transmitted directly or indirectly by an intermediate animal called a vector


______________________: The removal of forest cover to an extent that allows alternative land uses. {replace forest with something else}

Consumptive Uses

______________________: water not returned to streams/aquifers. EX: irrigation, industrial use


_______________________: Disease shared by animals and humans.

Electronic Waste (e-waste)

_______________________: broken or obsolete electronics. (Contain many heavy and precious metals.) Recycling less than 20%. European Union and U.S. states have take-back regulations. (Manufactures must take back product at end of life cycle.

Biomedical Waste

__________________________: Produced in huge quantities by hospitals and medical facilities. (Solid waste, hazardous medical waste, radioactive waste) This is also waste that can spread infection/disease, or decompose and produce toxins or odors. Humans and animal body parts, tissues, blood, and used medical instruments.

Life-Cycle Assessment

___________________________: method to evaluate environmental impact of product through all stages of life cycle.

Organic Foods

___________________________: produced following standards for pesticide and fertilizer use.

Volatile Organic Compounds

_______________________________ makes up everything; carpet, paint, markers, paper products, photographs, fabrics, etc.


pH of rainfall is more acidic in NorthEast where plants are, drops to more basic in the SouthEast, and even more basic in the ____________________.

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