Environmental Science Chapter 8 and 9

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The window of opportunity presented by the demographic dividend generally ends as A)economic pressures require more people to work. B)people live longer. C)rural populations increase. D)people start having larger families.


China's one-child policy was adopted because A)it was clear the nation could not live within the limit of its resources if the population continued to grow. B)the fertility rate was too low and the nation needed more people to populate vacant lands. C)there were too few jobs and too many people. D)contagious disease was rampant in the 1970s and fewer people meant less contagion.


How do the populations of the United States and India compare today? A)India has almost four times the population of the United States. B)The population density of the U.S. is greater than of India. C)Each country has about the same density of people per square mile. D)India has the same population size of the United States.


It is clear that for Haitian aid and remittances, A)remittances and aid have been growing at the same rate. B)the gap between aid and remittances has been growing. C)Haiti has undergone demographic transition. D)Haitians receive more support from remittance than from other nations.


Most recently, the official development assistance of the United States governmentA)has declined to levels below those a decade or more ago.B)combined with all US private philanthropy, was less than 1.0 % of GNI.C)is about the same as contributions from all private organizations in the United States.D)as a percent of GNI, is about the same as the country of Norway.


Immigrants who maintain ties to their native countries A)reflect a brain drain of their native economies. B)typically provide little support to their native countries, struggling instead to support themselves. C)often rely upon resources from their native homes just to survive. D)send much of their money home as remittances.


India's improvements in food production and health care have A)resulted in literacy rates above 80% for women. B)brought India the levels of development equal to most industrialized countries. C)resulted in most people employed in high-tech jobs in the cities. D)been offset by tremendous growth in population size.


It is clear that for Haitian aid and remittances, A)remittances and aid have been growing at the same rate. B)the gap between aid and remittances has been growing. C)Haiti has undergone demographic transition. D)Haitians receive more support from remittance than from other nations.


The region of Kerala in India demonstrates that improvements in health care and longevity are correlated with A)decreases in literacy rates. B)decreases in per capita income. C)increased reliance upon India's caste system. D)reductions in total fertility rates and a high literacy rate.


The total fertility rate was most significantly increased by the A)Industrial Revolution. B)Medical Revolution. C)Green Revolution. D)Neolithic Revolution.


A country that has undergone a full demographic transition has A)a lower birth rate, a lower death rate, and undergone industrialization. B)a lower birth rate and a higher death rate. C)a higher birth rate and a lower death rate. D)a higher birth rate and a lower death rate, and is about to undergo industrialization.


The World Bank's new direction addresses the intersection of which three concerns in sustainable development? A)medical, educational, and environmental factors B)economic, social, and environmental factors C)educational, economic, and health factors D)social, education, and health factors


A population that has been at or below replacement-level fertility for decades will A)exceed its carrying capacity. B)produce large numbers of emigrants. C)stop growing or decrease in size. D)increase in size.


A country with a declining fertility rate below 2.0 A)is increasingly common in highly developed nations. B)will have a population declining in size. C)will be graying. D)All of the above.


A declining dependency ratio A)permits temporarily decreased spending on education and old-age medical expenses. B)requires immediate and permanent increased spending on education and old-age medical expenses. C)requires increased spending on education but decreased costs associated with old-age medical expenses. D)requires permanently decreased spending on education but temporarily increased costsassociated with old-age medical expenses.


Although people living in the highest-density populations in urban areas generally live long, healthy lives, global overpopulation remains a problem because A)environmental impacts are not always experienced where resources are consumed. B)people in these regions have the highest fertility rates. C)the destruction of the ozone layer has affected agricultural output. D)the greatest environmental problems are concentrated in these high-density populations.


Countries that have completed the demographic transition typically have A)good use of technology and high per capita income. B)high per capita income and high rates of fertility. C)good use of technology but only basic medicine. D)high rates of fertility and widespread use of modern medicine.


Developing countries have increasingly become involved in the integrated global economy primarily due to A)increased use of technology. B)increased use of vaccinations. C)constructions of dams and irrigation canals. D)improvements in sewage and sanitation.


Examine the relationships between poverty, environmental degradation, and fertility. We would expect that increased industrialization and development would affect the poverty cycle by A)increasing the use of contraceptives. B)increasing the demand for food. C)decreasing the use of natural resources. D)increasing available resources permitting larger family sizes.


In South America, farmers engage in slash and burn of the rain forest to A)increase areas for farming. B)provide fuel for cooking and heating homes. C)provide wood for pulp to produce paper. D)support the logging industry.


In developing countries, pressure to increase agricultural productivity has resulted in A)conversion of forests into agricultural fields. B)more sustainable use of the land. C)reduced use of hybrid crops. D)increased yields.


In general, fertility rates A)decrease as per capita income increases. B)increase as per capita income increases. C)are unrelated to per capita income. D)decrease as per capita income decreases.


In general, which of the following would best help to reduce extreme poverty? A)programs specifically targeted to bring the poorest nations into the development process B)adoption of cultural programs that shift populations from rural to urban locations C)international efforts to promote economic growth in countries with the greatest poverty D)increased development of environmental protection in countries with the greatest poverty


Indonesia represents a nation in which A)women are now having smaller families because of economic and social service constraints. B)most people are subsistence farmers, poverty is widespread and both family size and child mortality are very high. C)there is a high level of affluence, and women marry late and have large families. D)there are excellent social services and employment opportunities for middle-income families.


Most developing countries A)have experienced or are in the initial phases the epidemiological transition but not the fertility transition. B)have experienced the fertility transition but not the epidemiological transition. C)have not yet begun to enter even the initial phase of the demographic transition. D)have just completed the demographic transition.


Name the two most recent of the revolutions affecting the global human population. A)Green Revolution and Environmental Revolution B)Medical Revolution and Neolithic Revolution C)Medical Revolution and Green Revolution D)Neolithic Revolution and Industrial Revolution


Thailand's prospects for addressing current environmental problems are A)more hopeful because of slower population growth. B)very good because much less land is needed for agriculture. C)worse because of the decline in population and decline in per capita income. D)very good because air and water pollution have declined along with population growth.


The Neolithic Revolution is most clearly seen in human culture today in our use of A)modern agriculture to raise food crops. B)rivers for navigation and water supplies. C)furs from trapped wild animals. D)natural wood products from national forests.


The amount of land and ocean needed to provide the resources for one person and absorb his/her wastes defines the A)environmental footprint. B)resource capacity. C)carbon footprint. D)demographic impression.


The epidemiological transition is largely a result of the A)Medical Revolution. B)Environmental Revolution. C)Green Revolution. D)Industrial Revolution.


The increased reliance upon raw materials from many parts of the world resulted from which revolution? A)Industrial Revolution B)Medical Revolution C)Green Revolution D)Environmental Revolution


The latest strategic theme of the World Bank is best summarized as A)development with environmental sustainability. B)investment where poverty is greatest and resources are plenty. C)technology to encourage economic development. D)plenty amidst poverty.


To enforce China's one-child policy, the government A)instituted an elaborate system of economic and social incentives and penalties. B)promoted voluntary compliance as a patriotic act. C)deported anyone who did not comply. D)pursued strict compliance in rural agricultural areas but not in urban areas.


Unlike developed countries, children in developing countries often die from A)common ailments such as diarrhea. B)accidents involving farm equipment and other agricultural activities. C)hunting accidents. D)snakebite or large predators such as crocodiles and tigers.


Unlike most species, human population ecology must also include consideration of the A)interactions of the global human population. B)impact of severe weather on human health and safety. C)impact of infectious disease on mortality. D)ability of humans to construct safe places to live.


What are the expected results of sending at least 50% of children in a developing country to secondary schools? A)healthier children, less poverty and decreased fertility B)increased fertility and larger families C)decreased reliance upon urban transportation D)population shifts from urban to rural communities


When people in developing countries cannot produce enough food to eat, they commonly A)move to cities. B)start poaching. C)start raising drug-related crops. D)begin raising large herds of cattle.


Which of the following are current limiting factors for future human population growth? A)pollution and land for agriculture B)oxygen levels in the atmosphere and availability of sodium chloride C)fossil fuels and carbon dioxide production D)availability of oxygen and water


Which of the following most illustrates environmental stewardship? A)riding your bike to work instead of driving B)using non-biodegradable pesticides on your garden C)paving a parking lot with blacktop outside of a dorm D)using only antibacterial soaps for washing dishes


Which problem today is primarily the result of the Industrial Revolution? A)extensive air and water pollution B)decline in quality of agricultural soil C)increased transmission of disease between people living in close proximity D)erosion from deforestation as more fuel wood is harvested


Which revolutions relied most heavily on fossil fuels? A)Green Revolution and Industrial Revolution B)Neolithic Revolution and Environmental Revolution C)Environmental Revolution and Medical Revolution D)Medical Revolution and Industrial Revolution


42)Compared to a person in a developed country, a person in a developing country is about eight times more likely to die from A)cancer. B)communicable diseases. C)injuries. D)cardiovascular disease.


A surprising new finding in the battle against AIDS reveals that HIV transmission in heterosexual relationships is reduced if A)a woman has already had two children. B)the male is circumcised. C)the woman is taking the pill for birth control. D)the male has had sex with a prostitute.


Abortion A)remains the most effective way for people in developed nations to limit family size. B)would be less common if family planning services were more available. C)is rarely performed in developing countries because of the lack of medical care. D)is encouraged by the United Nations as part of its policy on family planning.


According to demographer Joel Cohen, the human carrying capacity A)largely depends upon the availability of fresh water. B)depends upon a standard of living. C)can clearly be determined. D)can be calculated in the same way it is determined for other animal species.


As of 2012, China's A)population has doubled. B)fertility rate has declined from 4.5 to 1.5. C)solution to population growth has been endorsed strongly by the 1994 Cairo Conference. D)population has 400 million more people than it would have had without the one-childpolicy.


Better sanitation and nutrition generally resulted from the A)Industrial Revolution. B)Medical Revolution. C)Green Revolution. D)Environmental Revolution.


Both the IPAT and ImPACT formulas predict that the lowest environmental impact is expected inhuman populations living in A)Western Europe. B)Africa. C)North America. D)South America.


Burkina Faso represents a nation in which A)there is a strong middle class, allowing women to marry later, find employment and have small families. B)many women are illiterate, marry early and have large families, partly because the infant mortality rate is very high. C)medical facilities are excellent, and women are having fewer children because infant mortality has dropped dramatically. D)long life spans have produced a large elderly population, supported by good social service


Examine this figure. Which of the following events may have contributed the most to the decline in the United States fertility rates after 1970? A)the civil rights movement B)improved methods of family planning C)the lowering of the voting age to 18 years old in 1971 D)the Vietnam war


Globalization in developing countries A)can support subsistence farming by encouraging the importation of agricultural products. B)may threaten local attempts to market goods in developing nations. C)has most benefited the poorest people. D)tends to level the differences between the rich and poor.


In general, high poverty produces A)low fertility and greater environmental damage. B)high fertility and greater environmental damage. C)high fertility and less environmental damage. D)low fertility and less environmental damage.


Increased availability of contraceptives in very poor nations is unlikely to decrease family size because A)the increased use of industry and technology has already decreased family size. B)families depend upon children for labor and support when the parents become old. C)poor families are already small because parents cannot afford to feed and house more than one or two children. D)infant and childhood mortality rates are already keeping family size low.


Organizations in the United States that are opposed to abortion would most likely reduce the greatest number of abortions in the world by A)pressuring the US government to only support developing countries that have anti-abortion policies. B)helping to finance family planning clinics in developing countries. C)distributing brochures against abortion to women in the developing world. D)protesting financial support to developing countries.


The greatest human population increases over the next few decades is expected to occur in A)South America. B)Africa. C)North America. D)Western Europe.


To maintain steady total populations in future decades, most European countries will need to A)encourage emigration. B)accept more immigrants. C)decrease fertility rates. D)encourage the use of birth control.


Using the IPAT or ImPACT formula, which of the following would most likely reduce the environmental impact of a society? A)increased use of electricity and natural gas by most members of a society B)greater use of birth control by most members of a society C)construction of industrial plants by wealthy nations to draw on cheaper labor D)the discovery of large reserves of fossil fuels within a nation's borders


Which of the following is a uniquely human trait? A)communication between members of a species B)ability to regulate our reproduction C)storage of food during cold or dry periods D)long term parental care of offspring


Which of the following is an expected outcome of debt relief in developing nations? A)decreased reliance upon fossil fuels for heating and cooking B)increased spending on health and more children going to school C)increased access to public transportation in rural parts of the country D)increased use of technology by the poorest citizens


Which of the major revolutions was most associated with our increased ability to engage in modern warfare using guns and bombs? A)Medical Revolution B)Industrial Revolution C)Neolithic Revolution D)Green Revolution


Which revolution stimulated exponential growth of the human population? A)Industrial Revolution B)Medical Revolution C)Green Revolution D)Environmental Revolution


Within only the past few decades the global trend has been for people A)living in cities to raise most of their food. B)to move out of rural farming areas and into cities. C)living in large cities to move to smaller cities. D)living in large cities to recycle most of their waste.


China, Malaysia and Indonesia are examples of developing nations that have A)not yet entered the process of demographic transition. B)become fragile states. C)successfully entered the global market. D)been unable to escape the poverty-debt trap.


Citizens of the poorest countries may resent restrictions on carbon emissions imposed by wealthy countries because developed countries A)do not manage their water resources efficiently. B)have much higher fertility rates. C)have a greater impact on the environment. D)occupy a much larger percentage of the Earth.


Compared to countries still struggling to complete the demographic transition, countries that have gone through the demographic transition have A)higher growth in per capita income but lower growth in technology. B)lower growth in per capita income and technology. C)higher growth in per capita income and technology. D)higher growth in technology but lower growth in per capita income.


Countries caught in the poverty-population trap have experienced A)the benefits of the green revolution without experiencing a Neolithic revolution. B)an environmental revolution but not a medical revolution. C)the benefits of modern medicine but not the benefits of economic development. D)a fertility transition but not the benefits of modern medicine.


If a country experiences 6 births, 4 deaths, and 1 new immigrant every minute of a year, how will its population change in one year? A)the population will decline by about 100,000 people B)the fertility rate is still needed to determine population changes C)the population will increase by about 1.5 million people D)the population will remain steady


If you only had one million dollars to spend on a population of 10,000 people in a village in a developing country, which of the following would have the greatest impact on their health? A)take samples of the water and local foods to identify sources of toxins and carcinogens B)bring in large supplies of nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables C)creation of reliable source of clean water and proper sewage systems D)medical supplies to treat labor-related injuries


In general, as countries become more industrialized and developed, A)people marry at an earlier age. B)use of contraception decreases. C)support of the elderly increases. D)the cost of raising children decreases.


In this figure, the 2005 projection for U.S. population growth is significantly greater than projections made in 1989 because the 2005 projection includes A)higher rates of infant mortality and emigration. B)higher levels of immigration. C)higher fertility rates and higher levels of immigration. D)a higher fertility rate.


Over the past 25 years, South Korea has enjoyed three times the economic growth of Pakistan, primarily because of A)more sustainable environmental policies. B)greater efforts to combat malaria and other infectious disease. C)higher rates of school enrollment and literacy. D)greater government investment in technology and infrastructure.


Thailand has experienced a dramatic drop in fertility rate, increased per capita income and anincrease in life expectancy between 1960 and 2005. These are all signs that Thailand A)is in the grip of the poverty-population trap. B)probably has a low literacy rate among women. C)has undergone demographic transition. D)will see a surge in population growth.


The ability to feed the growing world population was addressed by the A)Industrial Revolution. B)Medical Revolution. C)Green Revolution. D)Environmental Revolution.


The rerouting of the Mississippi to increase the efficiency of movements of steamboats and barges was the result of the A)Green Revolution. B)Environmental Revolution. C)Industrial Revolution. D)Medical Revolution.


Which of the following affects the greatest number of people in the developing world? A)lack of primary schools for children B)no childhood immunization for measles C)inadequate sanitation D)water availability


Which of the following aspects of medicine would have the greatest impact if more widely practiced in a developing country? A)increased availability of cholesterol and blood pressure lowering drugs B)greater access to high-tech medical procedures C)improvements in nutrition and hygiene D)better access to cancer therapies and clinics


Which of the following gives the greatest increase to the economic progress of a developing country? A)teaching young women how to prepare more nutritious meals B)enrolling more men in trade schools C)increasing basic literacy rates of boys, girls and undereducated adults D)increasing scholarships to increase enrollments in engineering schools


Which of the following is an example of projects in line with Millennium Development Goals expected to help address poverty in undeveloped countries? A)Loans are made to farmers to purchase basic farm equipment such as tractors, plows, fertilizers and wagons and to hire extra workers. B)Banks in undeveloped countries make loans to open new restaurants, clothing stores, and shops. C)Elementary schools start serving meals to students from families with the lowest incomes. D)Schools are encouraged to charge fees to help support the purchase of, meals new books andbasic supplies.


Which of the following will slow the rate of global population increases? A)increasing life expectancy and reducing infant mortality B)increasing life expectancy C)delaying the age of first reproduction D)reducing infant mortality


Which one of the following best illustrates a situation most likely to reduce extreme poverty? A)Banks are provided with tax incentives to help people purchase a home. B)All members of the poorest families over the age of 10 are provided with jobs on farms, helping to provide food for all the impoverished members of their community. C)Children of the poorest families attend school without any cost, including school lunches. D)Farmers are encouraged to sell their land in an effort to create large farms that can bemanaged more efficiently.


You are a newly appointed advisor in a government project to help move a developing countryforward economically. With limited financial resources and staffing, which of the following would be your highest priority? A)shift the focus of agriculture to that which will produce the highest yields of nutritious foods B)build up the ports of the country to increase the ability to import and export products C)help the government promote family planning throughout the country D)create new businesses by partnering with developed nations


n general, as a country goes through the demographic transition, it experiences a A)rising dependency ratio that decreases the demographic dividend. B)falling dependency ratio that decreases the demographic dividend. C)falling dependency ratio that increases the demographic dividend. D)rising dependency ratio that increases the demographic dividend.


40)With billions of dollars already spent to fight AIDS and the need for much more money, which of the following represents the best strategy to fight AIDS in the world? A)create, manufacture, and distribute as widely as possible a new AIDS vaccine B)adopt policies to quarantine large populations of HIV infected people to prevent furtherspread of HIV C)produce generic versions of drugs known to be affective against HIV D)increase preventive measures to slow new infections, especially changes in sexual behavior


According to the UN Population Division and a significant 2004 paper reviewing 69 studies on world human population and carrying capacity, the world population of humans will exceed carrying capacity in about the year A)2100. B)2014. C)2050. D)2024.


Based upon the information presented in this figure, which of the following revolutions did not contribute to a sharp increase in human population? A)Industrial Revolution B)Medical Revolution C)Green Revolution D)Neolithic Revolution


Countries that have completed or nearly completed the demographic transition experienced A)a resource and technology transition that gave rise to the green revolution. B)a political and sociological transition that gave rise to increased rural lifestyles. C)the epidemiological transition and industrialization within the last decade. D)the epidemiological transition and industrialization over 100 years ago.


Examine the dependency ratio trends for the regions in this figure. The dependency ratio for high-income countries has risen because A)more people work to keep per capita incomes high. B)as per capita income rises, people marry at a younger age. C)as per capita income rises, family size increases. D)life-spans are longer following a demographic window.


Examine the map in this figure and identify which of the following regions represent the lowest combined levels of poverty? A)Central, southern, and northern Africa B)Asia Pacific and eastern Asia C)North and South America D)Southeast Asia and the Middle East


Farmers suffering severe poverty often barely produce enough crops to survive. These farmers A)often accumulate neighboring land, grow their farms, and rise out of poverty. B)work longer days and increase their family sizes until their farms become very profitable. C)typically convert their farms to forests, and sell lumber at much higher prices. D)exist in a downward spiral of degraded land and reduced productivity.


If the Millennium Development goal to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 is achieved, A)no continent will have more than 10,000 people still hungry. B)fertility rates will decline to those of most European nations. C)the rural population of the world will nearly double. D)almost a billion people will still live in extreme poverty.


In recent decades, as the wealth of the United States has increased, the quality of the environment in the United States has A)decreased, but the environmental quality in poorer countries has increased. B)decreased along with the decreased environmental quality in poorer countries. C)increased along with increased environmental quality in poorer countries. D)increased but at the expense of decreased environmental quality in poorer countries.


In recent years, the World Bank has A)cooperated with the United Nations to provide food and medical support to developing nations. B)stopped loaning money to countries that are unlikely to repay their loans. C)increasingly invested in projects that increase development at the expense of the poor. D)changed its mission to fighting poverty.


In the United States, legal immigration A)permits more people to enter the United States than the combination of immigrants entering all other nations. B)provides about 35% of U.S. population growth. C)favors skilled applicants, creating a brain drain in other countries. D)All of the above.


Large families in poor countries A)are common, due largely because of low infant and childhood mortality. B)is becoming more common as the use of modern agriculture increases. C)are rare, because having many children is expensive. D)are common, in part because more children means more labor.


Population growth and fertility rates are lowest in A)middle- and low-income countries. B)upper- and middle-income countries. C)lower-income countries. D)upper-income countries.


Projections for future population growth in a country include assumptions about A)migration and mortality. B)mortality, migration, and fertility. C)fertility and migration. D)mortality and fertility.


Small subsistence farms in developing nations A)have polluted rivers and streams and destroyed surrounding forests. B)can support the developing populations at up to ten times their current population size. C)have mostly depleted the natural environment making farming no longer possible. D)had a sustainable use of the environment when populations were small.


Sweden represents a nation in which A)women tend to marry early and have large families. B)the population is characterized mostly by large numbers of people under 25 and a much smaller elderly age group. C)women are poorly educated and usually cannot find employment. D)women tend to marry late, enter the workforce and have significant social and medical services​.


The Millennium Development Goals focus on A)international efforts to increase the economic development of the most impoverished countries. B)matters of health, reducing the spread of disease, and promoting diet and nutrition. C)the separate continents of the world, with each continent coordinating the efforts of its countries. D)ending extreme poverty and hunger all over the world.


The World Bank is A)the main provider of funds and supporting the economies of most developed nations of the world. B)a branch of the United Nations established in the 1970s to focus on environmental sustainability. C)a new collection of about 30 banks founded in 1990, and focused on investments in technology. D)the largest agency providing aid to developing countries.


The poor, interested in starting a small business in a developing country, are most helped by A)banks that provide large loans that permit the new business to establish a solid foundation. B)insurance brokers who reassure the bank that the new business does not pose a credit risk. C)the involvement of women in the new business, due to their reputation as good workers. D)the availability of microloans from a new kind of bank.


Which of the following countries has the lowest percentages of people struggling to afford adequate food, shelter, and clothing? A)China B)India C)Mexico D)Australia


Which of the following is a part of family-planning services? A)education to reduce the risks of sexually transmitted disease B)instruction on breast-feeding C)advice on the best timing of an additional pregnancy following a birth D)All of the above.


Which of the following is something the World Bank might do? A)construct dams paid for by revenues generated through the sale of electrical power B)construct highways and navigation canals for increased international commerce C)purchase mineral rights from developing countries D)lend money to governments of developing countries for a variety of projects


Which of the following represents the Millennium Development Goal that is least likely to be achieved? A)increased access to clean drinking water B)universal primary education C)decreased maternal childbirth deaths D)reduced child mortality


Which of the following will reduce global population growth in the world? A)changing the total global fertility rate to 3 B)encouraging women to reproduce earlier C)decreasing infant mortality in all countries of the world D)None of the above


Which revolution may have the greatest impact on the future quality of life for people on Earth? A)Industrial Revolution B)Medical Revolution C)Green Revolution D)Environmental Revolution


With its devastating impact on global health, AIDS A)in Swaziland is lower than most developed countries due to the increased reliance on condoms. B)in sub-Saharan Africa is primarily spread through homosexual contact. C)is most abundant in developed countries. D)deaths have declined due to increased funding from developed countries.


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