EP Euro Test 1

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Which European political figure would best represent the power and majesty shown by the Palace of Versailles? (Pic 17) -Loui XIV -William and Mary -Elizabeth I -Oliver Cromwell

1) Louis XIV

In which country did the Napoleonic policy of making everything French encounter the greatest difficulty? (pic 26) -Spain -Italy -Germany -Austria

1) Spain

Now I hear the cry from all sides: "Do not argue!" The officer says: "Do not argue--drill!" The tax collector: "Do not argue--pay!" the pastor: "Do not argue--believe!" Only one ruler in the world says: "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" We find restrictions on freedom everywhere. But which restriction is harmful to enlightenment? Which restriction is innocent, and which advances enlightenment? I reply: the public use of one's reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind. Using your knowledge and the above excerpt answer the following: A ruler who lived by the doctrine of "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" would most likely be a practitioner of - a Constitutional government - a monarchy - a republic - an Ottoman sultan

1) a constitutional government

Using your knowledge and the picture titled, "Illustration from 1540, The Emperor's Astronomy" is tied to what important development? (Pic 18) - new ideas in science - new ideas in religion -new ideas about government -new ideas about exploration

1) new ideas in science

Finally, the Great Artisan mandated that this creature who would recieve nothing proper to himself shall have joint possession of whatever nature had been given to any other creature. He made man a creature of indeterminate and indifferent nature, and said to him "Adam, accordint to your desires and judgment, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form you yourself choose. All other things have a limited and fixed nature. We have made you so that with free choice you may fashion yourself into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life and to you is granted the power to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine." "Oration on the Dignity of Man" Giovanni Pico de Mirandola, 15th Century Values that were important to Mirandola and others like him included? -secularism and individualism -nationalism and liberalism -alchemy and astrology -pantheism and atheism

1) secularism and individualism

The map below represents? (Pic 1) - the HRE during the Age of Religious Wars - state building in the 15th century - the development of constitutionalism - the development of absolutism

1) the HRE during the Age of Religious Wars

The event depicted that led to the below map was? (Pic 11) - the Thirty Years War - the Protestant Reformation - the English Civil War - the Columbian Exchange

1) the Thirty Years War

The event that most likely led to the establishment of the plantation economy like the one seen above was? (Pic 13) - the demographic catastrophe of indigenous peoples in the Americas - the Portuguese established a commercial network along the African coast - Protestant Reformation caused many Catholics to flee Europe - devlopment of absolutism in France caused many Protestants to flee France

1) the demographic catastrophe of indigenous peoples in the Americas

This painting is an example of? (Pic 3) - the human centured naturalism that developed during the Renaissance - the Baroque art that developed during the time of absolutism - the plain art of the Protestant Reformation - the art of the High Middle Ages

1) the human centered naturalism that developed during the Renaissance

Which of the economic principles was the most likely to have been the reason for the process seen on the map? (Pic 14) -serfdom -Mercantilism -Capitalism -Socialism

2) Mercantalism

This painting, "the Massacre at Vassey," resulted from tentions between the _________ French monarchy and the ___________ French nobility? (Pic 6) - Catholic, Lutheran - Anglican, Catholic - Catholic, Calvinist - Catholic, Jewish

3) Catholic, Calvinist

*Which of the following leaders would most likely support a church such as the one in the picture below? - HRE Charlse V - Elizabeth I - John Calvin - Philip II of Spain

3) John Calvin

In #6, de Gouge is referencing which erlier work of the Enlightenment? -Rousseau's Emile -Voltaire's Candide -Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws -Locke's Second Treatise of Government

3) MOntesquieu's Spirit of the Laws

Based on the map below and your knowledge which side emerged victorious in this conflict? (Pic 9) - the king - France - Parliament - the Spanish

3) Parliament

Which of the following countries was the least likely to have been involved in the process seen on the chart? (Pic 12) - Portugal - England - Poland - Spain

3) Poland

*Which of the following most likely benefitted from the division of Habsburg power seen on the map? (Pic 2) - Catholic rulers in other lands - Spanish Protestants - Protestant leaders such as John Calvin - the Holy Roman Emperor

3) Protestant leaders such as John Calvin

*The publication of this work, Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, in 1651 reflected which of the following trends of the mid-seventeenth century? (Pic 15) - increasing importance of religion as the dominant motive for political conflict and war - rejection of the notion of "divine right", meaning royal authority was derived from a Christian God - adoption of the premise that human nature was essentially selfish, not good - adoption of the premise that human nature was essentially good but, like Rousseu later, that human goodness was corrupted by society

3) adoption of the premise that human nature was essentially selfish, not good

*The man depicted, Descartes, in the titled, "Discourse on Method Rene Descartes," was best known for his contributions to? - the heliocentric theory - the geocentric theory - deductive reasoning - anatomy

3) deductive reasoning

*What irony accompanied the dissemination of Enlightenment thought during the eighteenth century? (Pic 22) - Even in the most literate areas, Enlightenment ideas rarely circulated among noble individuals - although Enlightenment centers were more commonly in the West, popular culture in Eastern Europe more often embraced the substance of "enlightened thought" - much of the wealth that supported and sustained the Enlightenment was derived from trade based at least in part on slavery - increased contact with the world beyond Europe did little to impact European understanding of non-European cultures

3) much of the wealth that supported and sustained the Enlightenment was derived from trade based at least in part on slavery

Based on the painting, "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip" Rembrandt van Jijn, 1632," and you knowledge answer the following: How does the painting reflect the place and time in which it was produced? (Pic 21) - it illustrates the inadequate knowledge of sanitation during surgical procedures - the work reflects the importance of religious belief and superstition in determining medical practice - the work represents new anatomical and medical discoveries - it illustrates how aristocracy dominated life and that only nobles were permitted to observe autopsies

3) the work represents new anatomical and medical discoveries

Using your knowledge and the Image titled,"Agricultural techniques from Diderot's Encyclopedia." Which statement about European women by the middle of the 18th century is supported by the image? -Women increasingly found work outside the houseold -Women increasingly became involved in the French government -Women were an integral part of a "family economy" -women with children were excluded from productive labor

3) women were an integral part of a "family economy"

Now I hear the cry from all sides: "Do not argue!" The officer says: "Do not argue--drill!" The tax collector: "Do not argue--pay!" the pastor: "Do not argue--believe!" Only one ruler in the world says: "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" We find restrictions on freedom everywhere. But which restriction is harmful to enlightenment? Which restriction is innocent, and which advances enlightenment? I reply: the public use of one's reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind. Using your knowledge and the above excerpt answer the following: Which country would you most likely find restrictions on freedom such as those being described in the passage? -England -Netherlands -Prussia -France

4) France

Based on the image and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen in the picture? (Pic 13) - a period of cooperation among European powers as they settled the New World - the domination of South America by England and France - the domination of North America by the Spanish and Portuguese - the competition for trade leading to conflicts and rivalries among European powers

4) The competition for trade leading to conflicts and rivalries among European powers

Which of the following might have resulted from the invention of the printing press? (Pic 1) - the development of Absolutism in Europe - the emergence of scientific socialism - the emergence of polytheism in Eastern Europe - the development of protestant religious groups

4) the development of protestant religious groups

Based on the map and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen on the map? - the development of absolutism in Europe - the domination of Europe by Protestants - the decline of France and the rise of the Holy Roman Empire - the failed efforts of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity across Europe

4) the failed efforts of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity across Europe

The Seven Years' War was important in the European balance of power because it (Pic 25) -reaffirmed France as the main power of Europe -allowed Great Britain to dominate Indea and France to dominate the interior of North America -was a result of the diplomatic "revolution" that aligned Great Britain with Prussia and France with Austria

4)was a result of the diplomatic "revolution" that aligned Great Britain with Prussia and France with Austria

This painting, "The Massacre at Vassey," depicted began which of the following? - The French Wars of Religion - The Protestant Reformation - The Renaissance - The Age of Exploration

1) The French Wars of Religion

Based on the painting, "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip" Rembrandt van Jijn, 1632," and you knowledge answer the following: *Other than the artist, what European is most relevant to the scene depicted in the painting? (Pic 21) - William Harvey - Rene Descartes - Isaac Newton - Voltaire

1) William Harvey

The event that most likely led to the process seen above was the? (Pic 14) - establishment of sugar plantations in the Americas - decline of mercantilism - Protestant Reformation - development of absolutism in France

1) establishment of sugar plantations in the Americas

The event that most likely led to the process seen below was the picture? (Pic 13) - exploration of overseas territories by the Europeans - rise of constitutionalism in the major powers of Europe - beginning of the Wars of Religion in Europe - development of absolutism in Russia

1) exploration of overseas territories by Europeans

What was meant in the passage by "feaudal regime"? -the organization of French society into three distinct classes with special rights and priviledges for the first two -the monopolizing of all land into the hands of an aristocratic elite with the remainder of the population reduced to serfdom and manual labor

1) the organization of French society into three distinct classes with special rights and privileges for the first two

The artist of this painting would most likely choose to dipict Marat this way to -show the importance of Marat as a martyr -demonstrate the need to restore traditional authority

1)show the importance of Marat as martyr

Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants (1525) Martin Luther In my preceding pamphlet I had no occasion to condemn the peasants, because they promised to yield to law and better instruction, as Christ also demands. But before I can turn around, they go out and appeal force, in spite of their promises, and rob and pillage and act like mad dogs... They practice mere devil's work, and it is the arch-devil himself who reigns at Muhlhausen, Thomas Munzer, indulging in nothing but robbery, murder, and bloodshed. Since those peasants allow themselves to be led astray and act differently from what they declared, I likewise must write differently concerning them; and first bring their sins before their eyes, as God commands. Which Protestant leader might well have disagreed with Luther on this issue? - Henry VIII - John Calvin - Peter II - Elizabeth I

2) John Calvin

Voltaire, "Poem on the Lisbon Disaster, or: An Examination of that Axiom 'All Is Well,' 1755 Oh, miserable mortals! Oh wretched earth! Oh, dreadful assembly of all mankind! Eternal sermon of useless sufferings! Deluded philosophers who cry, "all is well," Hasten, contemplate these frightful ruins, This wreck, these shreds, these wretched ashes of the dead; These women and children heaped on one another, These scattered members under broken marble; One-hundred thousand unfortunates devoured by the earth Who, bleeding, lacerated, and still alive, Buried under their roofs without aid in their anguish, End their sad days! *Other than Voltaire's poem, what Enlightenment Era publication would have been most likely to include an account of the event? -"Spirit of the Laws" -"Reflections on the Revolution in France" -"Emile" -"Encyclopedia"

4) "Encyclopedia"

Using your knowledge and the picture titled "Illustration from 1540, The Emperor's Astronomy," which of the following might have resulted from work done by those who refused to accept tradition? (Pic 18) - the development of alchemy and astrology - the geocentric view of the cosmos - the development of witchcraft - the heliocentric view of the cosmos

4) the heliocentric view of the cosmos

In what areas would women be most likely to participate in discussion of Enlightenment ideas or science? (Pic 22) - Louis XIV's Versailles - a Parisian salon - country estates in Poland - villages on the fringes of large towns

2) a Parisian salon

Using your knowledge of the picture titled, "Illustration from 1540, The Emperor's Astronomy,", which of the following would be against the development ideas that went against traditional teaching? (Pic 18) -Copernicus -Galileo -Ptolemy -Newton


What claim about the Seven Years' War is correct? (pic 25) - the war involved only Great Britain and France - the war was fought exclusively in Europe and Asia - Great Britain dominated the war on land while France dominated the war at sea -It was the greatest of the European wars of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries and thus could be classified as a "world war"

4) It was the greatest of the European wars of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries and thus could be classified as a "world war"

Using your knowledge and the Image titled,"Agricultural techniques from Diderot's Encyclopedia." Which of the following would have been most likely to argue against this concept of the importance of the land? -mercantilists -physiocrats -salons -Adam Smith

1) Mercantilists

*This architectural style, typically described as ornate and theatrical, is characteristic of (pic 16) -Baroque -Mannerism -High Renaissance -Romanticism

1) Baroque

The map below represents what important development in history? - English Civil War - French Wars of Religion - the Thirty Years War - the Columbian Exchange

1) English Civil War

*I, Catherine Zell, wife of the late Mathew Zell, wish you God's peace. Since I was ten I have been a student of the church. I have frequented the company of learned men, conversed with them about God. While other women decorated themselves, going to dances and giving themselves pleasure, I went to the houses of poor to care for the sick. Consider the Anabaptists, who are so persecuted. Must authorities be incited against them, they acknowledge the Lord in much the same way we do? Just because they cannot agree with us on lesser things, is this reason to persecute them? Governments may punish, but they should not govern belief. Mathew Zell would not have approved. *Which of the following best reflects the movement that led to this religious reform? - Lorenzo de' Medici - Erasmus - Machiavelli - Phillip II

1) Lorenzo de' Medici

Based on the painting, "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip" Rembrandt van Jijn, 1632," and you knowledge answer the following: As a work of art, in what way is the painting in contrast with the predominant Baroque style of the era? (Pic 21) - it is not a religiously themed work - it lacks the detail and depiction of light characteristic of Baroque - the dress of the individuals in the owrk is outside the Baroque time frame - Baroque works often celebrated the role of women and all the images in this work are male

1) it is not a religiously themed work

Cromwell Abolished the English Monarchy Whereas Charles Stuart is hereby declared to be justly condemned, and put to death, it is enacted, ordained, and declared, by this Parlament that all the people of England and Ireland are discharged of all fealty, homage, and allegiance ...And whereas it hath been found by experience that the office of a king in this nation and Ireland is unnecessary, burdensome, and dangerous to the liberty, safety, and public interest of the people; be it therefore enacted and ordained by this present Parliament that the office of a king in this nation shall not be exercised by any one single person; and that no one person shall have or hold the office, power, or authority of king... In which of the following European countries would you most likely find a similar viewpoint? -The Netherlands -France -Spain -Russia

1)The Netherlands

Of the following, where would discussion of Enlightenment-era ideas most likely be found? (Pic 22) -churches in Italy -coffeehouses and salons in France -country estates in Poland -villages on the fringes of large towns in England

2) coffeehouses and salons in France

Using your knowledge AND the Map titled, "Witchcraft Trials, 1550-1700, Answer the following Question: (Pic 23) Which statement best explains the disparity between the data for England and for Scotland? - England's greater wealth made prosecutions less likely there - Scotland was ravaged by religious warfare, while England had little internal conflict over religion - Radical Protestantism took root in Scotland while the more conservative Anglicanism was dominant in England - Henry VIII's creation of the Anglican Church appeased reform-minded Christians and reduced the number of Protestant sects

3) Radical Protestantism took root in Scotland while the more conservative Anglicanism was dominant in England

This artist, along with others of the time were able to work and paint due to the? (Pic 3) - guild regulations in place at the time - destruction of Constantinople and the need for new art - patronage of princes and other wealthy individuals -fact that they were all from wealthy families

3) patronage of princes and other wealthy individuals

What conclusion about science and the Enlightenment is best supported by the map and your knowledge of European history? (Pic 22) - Major urban areas were unimportant during the Enlightenment - national capital cities were the only places where scientific investigation flourished - the Enlightenment flourished mainly in Western Europe - although cities often housed universities, the advancement of science and Enlightened thought was actually more pronounced in the less urban areas of Europe

3) the Enlightenment flourished mainly in Western Europe

The event that likely responsible led to the map as seen was the? (Pic 2) - Protestant Reformation - Scientific Revolution - English Civil War - Catholic Reformation

1) Protestant Reformation

The invention of the printing press that led to the above picture aided in? (pic 1) - Spreading the Renaissance beyond Italy - Halting the rise of the Reformation - Beginning the artistic period known as mannerism - Expoloring overseas colonies

1) Spreading the Renaissance beyond Italy

Voltaire, "Poem on the Lisbon Disaster, or: An Examination of that Axiom 'All Is Well,' 1755 Oh, miserable mortals! Oh wretched earth! Oh, dreadful assembly of all mankind! Eternal sermon of useless sufferings! Deluded philosophers who cry, "all is well," Hasten, contemplate these frightful ruins, This wreck, these shreds, these wretched ashes of the dead; These women and children heaped on one another, These scattered members under broken marble; One-hundred thousand unfortunates devoured by the earth Who, bleeding, lacerated, and still alive, Buried under their roofs without aid in their anguish, End their sad days! Voltaire's reaction to this event has often been characterized as - deism - atheism - nihilism - anarchism

1) deism

One of the principle uses of this style of interior decoration, also evident in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, was to (Pic 16) - glorify military conquest - demonstrate the wealth and power of the state - glorify the Protestant Reformation - illustrate that the sun had replaced the Earth as center of the universe

2) demonstrate the wealth and power of the state

This invention greatly contributed to the growth of? (Pic 1) - The visual arts of the Renaissance - The Scholastic Movement - The growth of vernacular literature - The Catholic Reformation

3) The growth of vernacular literature

The losses reflected on the map below refer to? - Catholic losses during that time - the loss of Protestant princes during that time - the loss of German population during that time - the slaughter of Anabaptists during that time

3) the loss of German population during that time

Which of the following would be the most likely to agree with the spread of Huguenot holdings in France? (Pic 5) - Martin Luther - Louis XIV - Charles V - John Calvin

4) John Calvin

Based on your knowledge and the picture which of the following countries competed with Spain for control of the Carivvean and Brazil? (Pic 13) -Russia -Italy -Africa -Portugal

4) Portugal

*Based on the map above and your knowledge which of the following is the most correct statement? (Pic 5) - European monarchs were all in favor of the Protestant Reformation - European monarchs were all in favor of the Catholic Reformation - This led to a unique situation where religious pluralism was allowed - This led to a dramatic increase in religious toleration throughout Europe

3) This led to a unique situation where religious pluralism was allowed

Based on the map below and your knowledge which of the following best reflects the result of what is shown on the map? (Pic 11) - the development of strong national religions - the development of National Monarchies in Western Europe - the failure of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholicism throughout Europe - the rise of feudal states in Eastern Europe

3) the failure of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholicism throughout Europe

*Cromwell Abolished the English Monarchy Whereas Charles Stuart is hereby declared to be justly condemned, and put to death, it is enacted, ordained, and declared, by this Parlament that all the people of England and Ireland are discharged of all fealty, homage, and allegiance ...And whereas it hath been found by experience that the office of a king in this nation and Ireland is unnecessary, burdensome, and dangerous to the liberty, safety, and public interest of the people; be it therefore enacted and ordained by this present Parliament that the office of a king in this nation shall not be exercised by any one single person; and that no one person shall have or hold the office, power, or authority of king... *Which of the following religious leaders would have been the most likely to share the views that Cromwell held towards the monarchy? - Pope Paul IV - Henry VIII - Charles V - John Calvin

4) John Calvin

*Using your knowledge and the picture titled, "Novum Organium Francis Bacon," which of the following might have resulted from his work? (Pic 20) - the development of alchemy and astrology - the emergence of the humoral theory of the body and disease - the acceptance of the geocentric theory by church authorities - experimentation and the use of mathematics

4) experimentation and the use of mathmatics

How did the location of the palace reflect concerns of the French monarchy? (Pic 17) - it was situated near the coast as a physical representation of France's colonial empire - the palace was located in Paris, which was then recognized as the cultural capital of Europe - the palace was located at the geographic center of Europe, drawing on the representation of the "Sun King" whose rays touched all of France - its location was sufficiently distant from Paris to offer security from nobles who threatened Louis XIV during the Fronde

4) its location was sufficiently distant from Paris to offer security from nobles who threatened Louis XIV during the Fronde

Using your knowledge and the Image titled,"Agricultural techniques from Diderot's Encyclopedia." What is the best explanation from the image in Diderot's Encyclopedia? - the Encyclopedia emphasized that the life of French peasants was perfect - the importance of manual labor was a central reason for publication of the Encyclopedia - the Encyclopedia principally supported gender equality in pre-revolutionary France - the Encyclopedia strove to document innovations as well as publish articles by the philisophes

4) the Encyclopedia strove to document innovations as well as publish articles by the philisophes

Which of the following most likely resulted from the conflict shown on this map? (Pic 9) - the development of absolutism in England - the development of constitutional government in the Netherlands - the French Revolution - the development of constitutional government in England

4) the development of constitutional government in England

Cromwell Abolished the English Monarchy Whereas Charles Stuart is hereby declared to be justly condemned, and put to death, it is enacted, ordained, and declared, by this Parlament that all the people of England and Ireland are discharged of all fealty, homage, and allegiance ...And whereas it hath been found by experience that the office of a king in this nation and Ireland is unnecessary, burdensome, and dangerous to the liberty, safety, and public interest of the people; be it therefore enacted and ordained by this present Parliament that the office of a king in this nation shall not be exercised by any one single person; and that no one person shall have or hold the office, power, or authority of king... Opponents of the values that characterized the beliefs of Cromwell might well have supported what type of government? - Absolute monarchies - Constitutional governments - Theocracies - Democracies

1) absolute monarchies

The Edict of Nantes, 1598 We ordain that the Catholic religion shall be restored in all places and districts of our kingdom, so that it can be freely practiced there, without any disturbance or hindrance. We forbid all to disturb or cause annoyance to clerics in their celebrations, the receipt of tithes, and other rights and duties which belong to them... We also forbid those of the so-called Reformed religion to hold prayer meetings in the houses and dwellings of the above-said clerics... In order not to leave any cause for disputes between our subjects, we permit those of the so-called Reformed religion to dwell in the towns and districts of our kingdom, without being molested or constrained to do anything against their conscience. The passage above represents? - Allowing religious pluralism in order to maintain peace - State building in the 15th century - Civic Humanism in the 15th century - The development of absolutism

1) allowing religious pluralism in order to maintain peace

Using your knowledge and the picture titled, Discourse on Method Rene Descartes," Descartes himself is tied to what important development? (Pic 19) - development of the scientific method - development of protestant teachings - development of the Catholic Reformation - development of absolutism

1) development of the scientific method

I, Catherine Zell, wife of the late Mathew Zell, wish you God's peace. Since I was ten I have been a student of the church. I have frequented the company of learned men, conversed with them about God. While other women decorated themselves, going to dances and giving themselves pleasure, I went to the houses of poor to care for the sick. Consider the Anabaptists, who are so persecuted. Must authorities be incited against them, they acknowledge the Lord in much the same way we do? Just because they cannot agree with us on lesser things, is this reason to persecute them? Governments may punish, but they should not govern belief. Mathew Zell would not have approved. The passage above represents a conflict over? - differing views on the Protestant Reformation - differing views on the Renaissane.. - differing views on the Scientific Revolution - differing views on the development of nation-states

1) differing views on the Protestant Reformation

Additional paintings done by the same artist depicting events between 1789 and 1795 would most likely represent -further celebrations of successes and martyrs during the Revolution - demands for only peaceful protests to overturn monarchial repression

1) further celebrations of successes and martyrs during the Revoution

DIALOGUE: JULIUS LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN Persons Of the Dialogue: Pope Julius II, His Genius or Guardian Angel, and St. Peter Scene: Before the Gates of Heaven JULIUS: What's the trouble here? Won't the gates open? I believe the lock has been changed, or else it's jammed GENIUS: Better check to see if you've brought the right key. The one for the treasury won't open this door, you know. But why didn't you bring both keys? This is the key of power, not of knowledge. JULIUS: Why, Hell, this is the only one I've ever used! I've never seen what good the other one was when I've had this one. GENIUS: Me neither, certainly, except that meanwhile we're locked out. JULIUS: I'm losing my temper. I'm going to beat on the gate. Hey there! Somebody open this door instantly! What's the matter, nobody here? What's holding up the doorman? Asleep, I suppose; probably drunk GENIUS: [aside]This fellow judges everyone but himself. PETER: It's a good thing we've got a steel door. Otherwise, whoever this is would break down the gates. It must be some giant, or satrap, some sacker of cities. Immortal God! What sewage is this I smell! Well, I certainly won't open the door. I'll just peek out this little barred window and see what kind of monster this is. What do you want? Who are you? JULIUS: If you knew your business, you would greet me with all the heavenly choirs. PETER: Rather demanding, isn't he? But first tell me who you are. The passage above represents the empolyment of Renaissance learning in the service of? - religious reform - state building - civic humanism - absolutism

1) religious reform

Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum (1486) Dominicans Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger Oneiromancy (witchcraft) may be practiced in two ways. The first is when a person uses dreams so that he may dip into the occult with the help of the revelation of devils with whom he has entered into an open pact. The second is when a man uses dreams for knowing the future. Witches, when they do not wish to be bodily transferred, but desire to see what their fellow-witches are doing, it is their practice to lie down and these things are revealed to in images. And if they seek to know some secret, they learn it in dreams from the devil, by reason of an open pact entered into with him. Based on the document and your knowledge which of the following groups would be most likely to SUPPORT the views found in this document? - social and economic upheaval in Europe - the necessity of European exploration - continued debate over the role scholasticism - absolutism versus constitutionalism

1) social and economic upheaval in Europe

Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum (1486) Dominicans Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger Oneiromancy (witchcraft) may be practiced in two ways. The first is when a person uses dreams so that he may dip into the occult with the help of the revelation of devils with whom he has entered into an open pact. The second is when a man uses dreams for knowing the future. Witches, when they do not wish to be bodily transferred, but desire to see what their fellow-witches are doing, it is their practice to lie down and these things are revealed to in images. And if they seek to know some secret, they learn it in dreams from the devil, by reason of an open pact entered into with him. The passage above, when applied to the late 16th and early 17th centuries, represents a continued reflection of? - groups supporting constitutional governments - Catholic authorities - European explorers -those who supported the Scientific Revolution

1) social and economic upheaval in Europe

Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants (1525) Martin Luther In my preceding pamphlet I had no occasion to condemn the peasants, because they promised to yield to law and better instruction, as Christ also demands. But before I can turn around, they go out and appeal force, in spite of their promises, and rob and pillage and act like mad dogs... They practice mere devil's work, and it is the arch-devil himself who reigns at Muhlhausen, Thomas Munzer, indulging in nothing but robbery, murder, and bloodshed. Since those peasants allow themselves to be led astray and act differently from what they declared, I likewise must write differently concerning them; and first bring their sins before their eyes, as God commands. The passage above represents a conflict over? - the purpose of the Protestant Reformation - the purpose of the Renaissance - the purpose of the Scientific Revolution - the purpose of European exploration

1) the purpose of the Protestant Reformation

*The image is best represented by which statement? (Pic 15) - society is founded on a set of laws inherent to biblical scripture and tradition - government is a consequence of the desire by men for security in an insecure world - political authority of rulers is derived from a higher authority than the merely mortal - the social and political relationships among men and nations are governed only by village-level class understandings

2) Government is a consequence of the desire by men for security in an insecure world

And thereupon the said lords and Commons declare: That the pretended power of suspending laws without consent of parliament is illegal. That the raising or keeping of a standing army unless it be with consent of parliament, is illegal. That the election of members of parliament ought to be free. That the freedom of speech, and debates or proceedings in parliament, ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.... And that for redress of all grievance and for the amending, strengthening, and preserving of the laws, parliament ought to be held frequently. The English Bill of Rights, 1689 Although often seen as a political document, the Bill of Rights was produced by religious factors as well. Which statement most accurately addresses the religious aspects of this development? -England had long been troubled by open warfare between Protestants and Catholics - James II wanted to reestablish Catholicism replacing Anglicanism - the Catholic majority in England disliked the Protestant King - the King of England made an alliance with the strictly Protestant Phillip II

2) James II wanted to reestablish Catholicism replacing Anglicanism

Finally, the Great Artisan mandated that this creature who would recieve nothing proper to himself shall have joint possession of whatever nature had been given to any other creature. He made man a creature of indeterminate and indifferent nature, and said to him "Adam, accordint to your desires and judgment, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form you yourself choose. All other things have a limited and fixed nature. We have made you so that with free choice you may fashion yourself into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life and to you is granted the power to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine." "Oration on the Dignity of Man" Giovanni Pico de Mirandola, 15th Century The passage above represents the shift in European thinking from relying totally on the teachings of Scholasticism to what type of thinking? -deductive reasoning -Renaissance humanism -inductive reasioning -Protestant teachings

2) Renaissance humanism

And thereupon the said lords and Commons declare: That the pretended power of suspending laws without consent of parliament is illegal. That the raising or keeping of a standing army unless it be with consent of parliament, is illegal. That the election of members of parliament ought to be free. That the freedom of speech, and debates or proceedings in parliament, ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.... And that for redress of all grievance and for the amending, strengthening, and preserving of the laws, parliament ought to be held frequently. The English Bill of Rights, 1689 What development in England prior to 1689 was essential to the adoption of the Bill of Rights? - the trial and execution of James II - the English Civil War - the Wars of the Roses - the establishment of Parliament's dominance during the reign of Elizabeth I (1547-1603)

2) The English Civil War

Using your knowledge AND the Map titled, "Witchcraft Trials, 1550-1700, Answer the following Question: (Pic 23) Which generalization is best supported by your knowledge and the data on the map? - accusations of witchcraft were more commonly made against women than men - areas with Christian populations had greater numbers of trials than areas with Muslim populations - southern and eastern Europe saw more trials than did other parts of Europe - trials were more common in the more economically prosperous areas of Europe than in less wealthy areas

2) areas with Christian populations had greater numbers of trials than areas with Muslim populations

Using your knowledge and the picture titled "Illustration from 1540 "Illustration from 1540, The Emperor's Astronomy" which of the following was not that important in the development of ideas that went against traditional teaching (Pic 18) -observation -scholasticism -experimentation -mathematics

2) scholasticism

*Which of the following developments likely resulted from the map below? (Pic 7) - the Edict of Nantes allowing religious pluralism in France - states exploiting religious conflict to promote political and economic interests - conflict between the monarchy and nobility such as the French Wars of Religion - Efforts by monarchs such as Henry VIII to initiate religious reform

2) states exploiting relgious conflict to promote political and economic interests

DIALOGUE: JULIUS LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN Persons Of the Dialogue: Pope Julius II, His Genius or Guardian Angel, and St. Peter Scene: Before the Gates of Heaven JULIUS: What's the trouble here? Won't the gates open? I believe the lock has been changed, or else it's jammed GENIUS: Better check to see if you've brought the right key. The one for the treasury won't open this door, you know. But why didn't you bring both keys? This is the key of power, not of knowledge. JULIUS: Why, Hell, this is the only one I've ever used! I've never seen what good the other one was when I've had this one. GENIUS: Me neither, certainly, except that meanwhile we're locked out. JULIUS: I'm losing my temper. I'm going to beat on the gate. Hey there! Somebody open this door instantly! What's the matter, nobody here? What's holding up the doorman? Asleep, I suppose; probably drunk GENIUS: [aside]This fellow judges everyone but himself. PETER: It's a good thing we've got a steel door. Otherwise, whoever this is would break down the gates. It must be some giant, or satrap, some sacker of cities. Immortal God! What sewage is this I smell! Well, I certainly won't open the door. I'll just peek out this little barred window and see what kind of monster this is. What do you want? Who are you? JULIUS: If you knew your business, you would greet me with all the heavenly choirs. PETER: Rather demanding, isn't he? But first tell me who you are. Which of the following groups would be most likely to use the document to support their beliefs? - the Jesuit Order - the Anabaptists - Catholic bishops - Nicolo Machiavelli

2) the Anabaptists

Using your knowledge AND the Map titled, "Witchcraft Trials, 1550-1700, Answer the following Question: (Pic 23) Which of the following offers the most plausible explanation for the relative lack of prosecution in Russia? - the absolute power of the Czar demonstrated royal support for witchcraft - the failure of Protestantism to spread east reduced potential religious tensions often related to witchcraft accusations - the Russian Orthodox Church officially endorsed witchcraft, making "accusations" meaningless - Russians were more familiar with Islam, which regarded witchcraft as a paranormal power but not associated with the devil

2) the failure of Protestantism to spread east reduced potential religious tensions often related to witchcraft accusations

Using the chart and your knowledge which of the following groups would have been the most negatively affected by the process? (Pic 12) - serfs in Russia - Peninsulares and Creoles in Latin America - Indigenous peoples of Latin America - European Nobility

3) Indigenous people of Latin America

Voltaire, "Poem on the Lisbon Disaster, or: An Examination of that Axiom 'All Is Well,' 1755 Oh, miserable mortals! Oh wretched earth! Oh, dreadful assembly of all mankind! Eternal sermon of useless sufferings! Deluded philosophers who cry, "all is well," Hasten, contemplate these frightful ruins, This wreck, these shreds, these wretched ashes of the dead; These women and children heaped on one another, These scattered members under broken marble; One-hundred thousand unfortunates devoured by the earth Who, bleeding, lacerated, and still alive, Buried under their roofs without aid in their anguish, End their sad days! *Which Enlightenment-era thinker would have most likely expressed disagreement with Voltaire's poem? - Immanuel Kant - Denis Diderot - Jean-Jaques Rousseau - Baron de Montesquieu

3) Jean-Jaques Roussequ

*I, Catherine Zell, wife of the late Mathew Zell, wish you God's peace. Since I was ten I have been a student of the church. I have frequented the company of learned men, conversed with them about God. While other women decorated themselves, going to dances and giving themselves pleasure, I went to the houses of poor to care for the sick. Consider the Anabaptists, who are so persecuted. Must authorities be incited against them, they acknowledge the Lord in much the same way we do? Just because they cannot agree with us on lesser things, is this reason to persecute them? Governments may punish, but they should not govern belief. Mathew Zell would not have approved. *Which of the following leaders might have agreed with Catherine Zell's views on the issue? - Henry VIII - Charles V - John Calvin - Ignatius Loyala

3) John Calvin

*The Edict of Nantes, 1598 We ordain that the Catholic religion shall be restored in all places and districts of our kingdom, so that it can be freely practiced there, without any disturbance or hindrance. We forbid all to disturb or cause annoyance to clerics in their celebrations, the receipt of tithes, and other rights and duties which belong to them... We also forbid those of the so-called Reformed religion to hold prayer meetings in the houses and dwellings of the above-said clerics... In order not to leave any cause for disputes between our subjects, we permit those of the so-called Reformed religion to dwell in the towns and districts of our kingdom, without being molested or constrained to do anything against their conscience. *Based on the passage above and your knowledge which of the following is the most correct statement? - this was common in Europe at the time - this occurred more in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe - this occurred more in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe -This led to a dramatic increase in religious toleration throughout Europe

3) This occurred more in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe

Other than a royal residence, what other function did the palace serve? -meetings of the French Parlements were always there to limit the power of the king -the Estates-General convened there to limit the power of Louis XIV -leading nobles of France were required to reside there at least part of the year -it was frequently used as a staging area for "war games"

3) leading nobles of France were required to reside there at least part of the year

Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum (1486) Dominicans Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger Oneiromancy (witchcraft) may be practiced in two ways. The first is when a person uses dreams so that he may dip into the occult with the help of the revelation of devils with whom he has entered into an open pact. The second is when a man uses dreams for knowing the future. Witches, when they do not wish to be bodily transferred, but desire to see what their fellow-witches are doing, it is their practice to lie down and these things are revealed to in images. And if they seek to know some secret, they learn it in dreams from the devil, by reason of an open pact entered into with him. *Based on the passage above and your knowledge which of the following groups would have been MOST opposed to this interpretation? - Catholic authorities - national monarchies - lower class women - Protestant leaders

3) lower class women

Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants (1525) Martin Luther In my preceding pamphlet I had no occasion to condemn the peasants, because they promised to yield to law and better instruction, as Christ also demands. But before I can turn around, they go out and appeal force, in spite of their promises, and rob and pillage and act like mad dogs... They practice mere devil's work, and it is the arch-devil himself who reigns at Muhlhausen, Thomas Munzer, indulging in nothing but robbery, murder, and bloodshed. Since those peasants allow themselves to be led astray and act differently from what they declared, I likewise must write differently concerning them; and first bring their sins before their eyes, as God commands. Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the conflict that led to the production of the above document? - the refusal to accept protestant teachings - the belief that the Catholic Church was above all secular institutions - new interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice - the use of Jesuit teachings

3) new interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice

*DIALOGUE: JULIUS LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN Persons Of the Dialogue: Pope Julius II, His Genius or Guardian Angel, and St. Peter Scene: Before the Gates of Heaven JULIUS: What's the trouble here? Won't the gates open? I believe the lock has been changed, or else it's jammed GENIUS: Better check to see if you've brought the right key. The one for the treasury won't open this door, you know. But why didn't you bring both keys? This is the key of power, not of knowledge. JULIUS: Why, Hell, this is the only one I've ever used! I've never seen what good the other one was when I've had this one. GENIUS: Me neither, certainly, except that meanwhile we're locked out. JULIUS: I'm losing my temper. I'm going to beat on the gate. Hey there! Somebody open this door instantly! What's the matter, nobody here? What's holding up the doorman? Asleep, I suppose; probably drunk GENIUS: [aside]This fellow judges everyone but himself. PETER: It's a good thing we've got a steel door. Otherwise, whoever this is would break down the gates. It must be some giant, or satrap, some sacker of cities. Immortal God! What sewage is this I smell! Well, I certainly won't open the door. I'll just peek out this little barred window and see what kind of monster this is. What do you want? Who are you? JULIUS: If you knew your business, you would greet me with all the heavenly choirs. PETER: Rather demanding, isn't he? But first tell me who you are. *Based on the passage above and your knowledge, Christian Humanism led most directly to which of the following? - the Catholic Reformation - development of National Monarchies - the Protestant Reformation - the Thirty Years War

3) the Protestant Reformation

Finally, the Great Artisan mandated that this creature who would recieve nothing proper to himself shall have joint possession of whatever nature had been given to any other creature. He made man a creature of indeterminate and indifferent nature, and said to him "Adam, accordint to your desires and judgment, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form you yourself choose. All other things have a limited and fixed nature. We have made you so that with free choice you may fashion yourself into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life and to you is granted the power to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine." "Oration on the Dignity of Man" Giovanni Pico de Mirandola, 15th Century Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the production and documents such as the one above? - the practice of alchemy and witchcraft - the belief that the Catholic Church was above all secular institutions - the admiration of Greek and Roman ideals - the use of Scholasticism as the primary means of delivering instruction at the university level

3) the admiration of Greek and Roman ideals

Which of the following countries was the least likely to have been involved in the process seen on the map? (Pic 14) -Spain -England -Poland -France


*The Edict of Nantes, 1598 We ordain that the Catholic religion shall be restored in all places and districts of our kingdom, so that it can be freely practiced there, without any disturbance or hindrance. We forbid all to disturb or cause annoyance to clerics in their celebrations, the receipt of tithes, and other rights and duties which belong to them... We also forbid those of the so-called Reformed religion to hold prayer meetings in the houses and dwellings of the above-said clerics... In order not to leave any cause for disputes between our subjects, we permit those of the so-called Reformed religion to dwell in the towns and districts of our kingdom, without being molested or constrained to do anything against their conscience. *Which of the following, as a politique, would be most likely to agree with the views represented in the document? - Philip II - Henry VIII - John Calvin - Elizabeth I

4) Elizabeth I

Based on your knowledge and the map below, which of the following statements is true? - the French Wars of Religion was responsible for the losses shown on the map - the Columbian Exchange was partly responsible for the losses shown on the map - wars by monarchs to put down rebellions by feudal nobles contributed to the losses shown - European states exploiting conflicts to promote their own political and economic interests contributed to the losses shown

4) European states exploiting religious conflicts to promote their own political and economic interests contributed to the losses shown

And thereupon the said lords and Commons declare: That the pretended power of suspending laws without consent of parliament is illegal. That the raising or keeping of a standing army unless it be with consent of parliament, is illegal. That the election of members of parliament ought to be free. That the freedom of speech, and debates or proceedings in parliament, ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.... And that for redress of all grievance and for the amending, strengthening, and preserving of the laws, parliament ought to be held frequently. The English Bill of Rights, 1689 In what other seventeenth century European state existed a similar limitation on royal power? -France -Spain -Russia -The Netherlands

4) The Netherlands

Now I hear the cry from all sides: "Do not argue!" The officer says: "Do not argue--drill!" The tax collector: "Do not argue--pay!" the pastor: "Do not argue--believe!" Only one ruler in the world says: "Argue as much as you please, but obey!" We find restrictions on freedom everywhere. But which restriction is harmful to enlightenment? Which restriction is innocent, and which advances enlightenment? I reply: the public use of one's reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind. Using your knowledge and the above excerpt answer the following: What is the most likely source of the excerpt? - an astronomer - an absolutist monarch - a mercantalist - a philisophe

4) a philisophe

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