ESOL B 120

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Which of the following hypotheses used in the Natural Approach to learning language holds that people acquire language best from messages that are just slightly beyond their current competence? A. natural order hypothesis B. input hypothesis C. affective filter hypothesis D. monitor hypothesis

Correct answer: input hypothesis The input hypothesis says that people acquire language best from messages that are just slightly beyond their current competence. It also holds that acquisition takes place when conscious focus is on meaning and that comprehension precedes production.

Class activities can be done as a teacher to the whole group, student pairings, or student group work, among other configurations. These are called A. groupings B. interaction patterns C. divisible instructional patterns D. external patterns

Correct answer: interaction patterns In ESOL interaction patterns are the different ways that learners and teachers or learners and learners interact. Different interaction patterns are used for different kinds of activities.

In terms of vocabulary acquisition which of the following is NOT one of the processes of "knowing" a word? A. knowing the word's frequency of use B. knowing the word's spoken and written contexts of use C. knowing the word's patterns with words of related meaning D. knowing the word's syntactic, pragmatic and discoursal patterns

Correct answer: knowing the word's frequency of use There is a general measure of agreement that "knowing" a word involves knowing: its spoken and written contexts of use; its patterns with words of related meaning as well as with its collocational partners; and its syntactic, pragmatic and discoursal patterns. The frequency of use is not part of "knowing" a word.

When the conditions of test administration are poor it may result in which of the following assessment-related factors? A. lack of accountability B. increased motivation C. difficulty in the certification process D. measurement error

Correct answer: measurement error Assessments must be valid, practical and reliable. Measurement error is one of the reliability factors. It ascertains to what degree scores on tests or assessments are affected by variation caused by such things as the conditions of administration.

Which of the following types of syllabus focuses on the end of the learning process rather than the process itself? A. process syllabus B. task-based syllabus C. product-oriented syllabus D. accumulation syllabus

Correct answer: product-oriented syllabus A product-oriented syllabus focuses on the outcome of the learning process rather than the process itself. Grammatical, functional and lexical syllabi are product-oriented since they focus on grammatical, functional and lexical outcomes.

Conversation analysis is mainly, though not exclusively, linked to A. audiolinguistics B. syntactics C. linguistic relativit D. sociolinguistics

Correct answer: sociolinguistics Conversation analysis (CA) is mainly but not exclusively, associated with sociolinguistics and sociologists of language. Conversation analysts study local events in detail

The bilingual model in which the non-dominant language is neither valued nor used as a medium of instruction is called A. submersion B. transitional bilingualism C. heritage language program D. language exposure time model

Correct answer: submersion There are a whole range of bilingual education models. The submersion model of bilingual education is one in which the non-dominant language is neither valued nor used as a medium of instruction.

When Tanya speaks to others she often switches from her second language to her first language in the same discourse. What is this called? A. code-switching B. sociolinguistic marker C. diglossia D. interactive speech

Correct answer: code-switching When Tanya is talking to someone in her second language but resorts to using her first language at times, she is code-switching. Sometimes this is even done within the same sentence or utterance.

Which of the following assessment tasks would not be used for assessing speaking skills? A. interviewing the student B. listening to text read by the teacher C. participating in a small group D. discussion using role-play

Correct answer:listening to text read by the teacher Listening to text would not give the teacher an assessment of the student's speaking skills; it would only demonstrate how well the student can understand the spoken word. All of the other choices require the student to use his or her language skills which will give the teacher a better assessment of the student's speaking skills

A content teacher would use "Preview-View-Review" for which of the following? A. Rereading a story B. Repeating the incorrect answers C. Reading and rereading lesson plans D.Lesson in students L1


Reliability is concerned with deciding what degree to allow for a variation in scores. What is this called? A. Purpose B.Construct C. discrete Items D. Measurement error

Correct Answer: Measurement error Measurement error, since reliability is concerned with degree scores, involves the factors unrelated to ability, such as fatigue, guessing, conditions of administration, test instructions. These factors are taken into account when evaluators decide how many points these factors are given for a test to be invalid.

Which of the following is a type of "Rhetorical Pattern"? A. Compare and Contrast. B. sentence structure C. Methodology D. Synonyms

Correct Answer Compare and Contrast Comparison brings similar things together for examination to see how they are alike. Contrast is a form of comparison that emphasizes their differences. Comparing and contrasting are generally taken as more than writing strategies.

In a content class, which of the following places the most demands on an ELL student? A. Writing B. Reading C. Speaking D. Listening

Correct Answer Listening In a content classroom, the area that often gives EL students the most trouble is listening. Great demands are put on the student while trying to listen, then process what was heard, all while dealing with remembering what an English word means.

What does the term "Test reliability" mean? Choose from the following. A. Test is appropriate for the age level B. The test is consistent C. The test is accurate D. Test is about content area

Correct Answer The test is consistent Reliability is the overall consistency of a measure. An assessment is considered highly reliable if it produces similar results under consistent conditions.

Which of the following is not a way of classifying dialects? A. Ethnicity B. Geographic C. Morphemes D. Class

Correct Answer Morphemes When classifying dialects, morphemes, although taken into consideration are not a way of classification dialects. When classifying dialects form a social point of view, linguists use three major distinctions; geography, ethnicity, and class.

What is the definition of assessment? A. Collecting information B. Providing instruction C. Understanding students D. Teacher evaluations

Correct Answer: Collecting information Assessment is the variety of ways of collecting information on a learner's language ability or their achievement in learning about content areas or in the acquisition of skills. Assessment is an integral part of the educational experience. Both teachers and students need to be evaluated on a consistent basis.

What does the term "pull-out", mean according to ESL methods? A. A breathing technique B. ESL students taken out of regular classrooms. C. Method of pulling out vocabulary from students C. Students of ESL stay in regular classrooms

Correct Answer: ESL students taken out of regular classrooms. The "pull-out", method, means that an ESL student spends most of the day in regular classrooms. However they are taken out of their regular classrooms for one -two hours a day for ESL instruction. These ESL classes are usually smaller and offer more individual instruction.

Assessment testing is evaluated for many purposes. Which of the following is not one of the purposes? A. Selection B. Certifications C. Assessment D. Motivation

Correct Answer: Motivation There are many purposes for educational assessment creators to evaluate the results of the tests that have been and are being used. These people look for: selection, to make sure students can actually do the exams, certification, which provides people with a statement of the language ability for employment purposes

Which of the following is the term for the study of non-verbal communication achieved by movement of the body? A. chronemics B. paralanguage C. kinesics D. neuro-lingualism

Correct Answer:kinesics Kinesics is the study of non-verbal communication achieved by movement of the body. It includes gestures, eye movements and body movements. Learners in a multi-lingual group might compare the different meanings of gestures and facial expressions in their cultures.

Many large-scale standardized achievement and placement tests for English learners are norm-referenced. How might the outcomes of a norm-referenced assessment be unreliable due to bias? A. The scores of the population sample do not confirm that the test items measure specific criteria B. The scores of the original population sample do not go up after participation in an instructional program C. The population sample tested initially is not representative of the students being assessed D. The initial group of people tested demonstrates a high level of variability between members

Correct Answer: The population sample tested initially is not representative of the students being assessed Norm-referenced assessments measure student performance in comparison to the performance of similar students. In order for a norm-referenced test to produce reliable outcomes, the normative group must reflect the language, culture, and socioeconomic status of the test takers

You give a quiz at the end of the week. The students are given individual feedback. You group your students to be re-taught portions that they have not mastered. This demonstrates the use of a formative assessment. A summative assessment would be which of the following? A. The teacher circulates checking progress of worksheet completion. B. The teacher conducts student-teacher conferences. C. The teacher administers an end-of-the unit test. D. The students complete a worksheet as the lesson is presented.

Correct Answer: The teacher administers an end-of-the unit test. Formative assessments are conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities. The main goal is to monitor student learning. Formative assessment helps both students and teachers to improve the learning process while it is happening. Summative assessments generally occur at the end of a learning unit. The main goal of a summative assessment is to evaluate the student learning and compare it against the standards. Summative assessments can also help to evaluate the effectiveness of the program, curriculum, and its objectives.

When a child acquires an L2 after he or she attains competence in L1 to some extent it is called A. simultaneous bilingualism B. successive bilingualism C. transitional bilingualism D. semi-lingualism

Correct Answer: successive bilingualism There are a number of ways by which a child learns a second language. Successive bilingualism is the process of acquiring an L2 after competence in the L1 has been established to some extent by the time a child is about three years old.

Which of the following terms is used to describe the ability of a native speaker to rapidly and accurately listen to a wide range of sounds and hear them as a single phoneme in their mother tongue? A. categorical perception B. categorical speech C. communicative competence D. communicative complexity

Correct Answer: categorical perception In terms of comprehension of a language, the ability of native speakers to rapidly and accurately listen to a wide range of sounds and hear them as a single phoneme in their mother tongue is called categorical perception. Psycholinguists have shown that not only do adults perceive these sounds as clearly distinguishable, but it is found even in tiny babies.

It is important to know the places of articulation. Which scenario best describes how many different places of articulation are found in humans? A. A student tells the teacher that there are 18 places of articulation in humans. B. "There are 20 different places of articulation" is written on the board by the teacher. C. A teacher lectures the class telling them that there are 22 different areas of articulation. D. A student told another student that there are 24 places of articulation in humans.

Correct Answer: A student tells the teacher that there are 18 places of articulation in humans. Phonology is the study of different sound patterns that occur in languages. There are 18 places of articulation in humans. There are both passive and active places of articulation. Some include: exo-labial, endo-labial, dental, pre-palatal, uvular, and laminal.

In disciplinary interventions, which of the following is not a good step in preventing problems? A. Teacher walking around the room B. Confronting students in front of class C. Making eye contact and giving a look D. Having a clear and well known discipline procedure posted and discussed periodically

Correct Answer: Confronting students in front of class Confronting students in front of the class is a recipe for disaster. Most likely, the student will, out of a real behavior problem or because of peer pressure, either argue back or push the teacher into a corner of following through to the next level of punishment.

What would a lesson activity be like in a "Suggestopedia" classroom? A. Drills B. Tabula rasa C. Harmonization with music D. Grammar Drills

Correct Answer: Harmonization with music A typical activity in a "Suggestopedia" classroom would consist of a piece of music being played as the teacher reads the text in the targeted language, harmonizing with the music and maintaining a slow and rhythmic pace.

At the beginning of the science unit, Mrs. Pierdant selected several roots from a general list (astro, bio, geo, hydr, luna, photo, phys, terr) along with a representative word. She then had her students look for and make a list of words with those roots from various chapters in the science text. Next, she gave the students a list of prefixes and affixes and asked each team to generate 5 to 10 new words with their definitions. Students played various guess-the-meaning games with the new words. What do you think would occur as a result of this activity? A. Interest in science increased after these activities B. Acronyms were used to text or type using a computer C. Technology increased D. Sentences are still comprehensible

Correct Answer: Interest in science increased after these activities. This is an example of working with morphemes. Morphemes are the basic building blocks of meaning. Morphology is the study of the meaning of units in a language. Many words can be broken down into smaller segments - morphemes - that still retain meaning and can generate interest in a topic.

When using rhymes in a beginning ELL class, which of the following skills are students using? A.Vowels B. TPR C. Listening D. Reading

Correct Answer: Listening When using rhyming in an early to intermediate ELL class, students are using and enhancing their listening skills. The increased use of listening , in turn, helps ELL students to better pronounce, recognize and use the English language in their everyday speech.

What does the term "neutralized " mean in linguistics? A. Odor free B. Lost C. process syllable D. meta linguistic knowledge

Correct Answer: LostIn the field of Linguists, the term "neutralized" is used when speaking of phonological variation. Neutralization is the loss of a distinctive feature of one of a pair or phonemes that are otherwise differentiated on the basis of that feature, as the loss of voice as a distinctive feature between the -t- and -d- of ladder and latter.

A middle-school ELL student does equally well on independent activities and collaborative tasks, but when working in small groups with an individual-specific task, the student seems to falter and doesn't put forth much effort. What theory is most likely to account for this behavior? A. The student is intimidated by the students in the groups he or she is placed in for small group work B. The student is cognitively challenged by the specific tasks that the ESOL teacher tends to assign during non-collaborative group work C. The student comes from a culture that values loyalty and cooperation over competition D. The student prefers to work independently so that he or she doesn't have to deal with group members who tend to do all the work or who don't do their fair share of the work

Correct Answer: The student comes from a culture that values loyalty and cooperation over competition Many cultures promote group loyalty and cooperation over competition and the idea of winning. Some students may be reluctant to participate in activities that they perceive could cause their peers to 'lose' or be embarrassed or they may defer to others because of the others' perceived status. Recognizing these potential effects will help ensure that teachers create the best possible learning situations for a diverse student body.

When a teacher is developing a syllabus, which of the following would they not choose to consider? A. Type of syllabus B. Alternatives C. Students D. Weekends

Correct Answer: Weekends Weekends may be what a teacher and student look forward to, but it is certainly not a consideration when formulating a syllabus. The teacher would consider: Which type of syllabus is the most effective for what I am teaching? What can the students do? How will I know when the syllabus chosen is working or not?

Which of the following words contains a consonant blend? A. that B. church C .witch D. bread

Correct Answer: bread A blend is two or more consonants grouped together, each retaining a sound. The "b" and the "r" sound are retained in the word "bread." The other words contain digraphs (two or more consonants that are grouped together for a single consonant sound.)

Putting language items into a meaningful and real framework rather than treating them as isolated items for practice only is called A. contextualization B.phonemicscripting C. restructuring D. rescanning

Correct Answer: contextualization Contextualization is putting language items into a meaningful and real context rather than being treated as isolated items of language for language manipulation practice only. It gives real communicative value to the language that learners meet.

Content-based instruction suggests ELL students need an additional 5 - 7 years to pick up academic language (CALPS). During this time period, content area teachers should NOT ________________________________________. A. correct the ELL's oral language mistakes as it might make the ELL feel anxious about speaking. B.speak more slowly, enunciate carefully as it might make the ELL feel singled out. C. demonstrate new concepts using visuals and other materials to increase input as it might privilege visual over auditory learners. D. check frequently for comprehension by asking students to explain what was said to a classmate or back to the teacher as it might make students feel micro-managed

Correct Answer: correct the ELL's oral language mistakes as it might make the ELL feel anxious about speaking. When students are learning English, teaching mini-lessons on common oral language mistakes can help build speaking skills and strategies, but pointing out an individual learner's oral mistakes may impede fluency and embarrass the student. Speaking slowly and enunciating, demonstrating new concepts with a variety of materials and checking for comprehension are all evidenced-based strategies that help English language learners pick up academic language.

What is the term for the study of the range of knowledge necessary to use language appropriately and effectively? A. decreolization B. ethnography of communication C. critical theory D. lexicography

Correct Answer: ethnography of communication Ethnography of communication describes the task of the researcher who is concerned with the situations and uses, the patterns and functions, of speaking. It is the study of the range of knowledge necessary to use language appropriately and effectively.

You are a teacher who is responsible for creating the tests for all of your classes. It is important that you create good tests that accurately assess your student's knowledge, skills, and proficiency. A good test has three qualities. Which of the following is NOT one of those qualities? A. validity B. reliability C. practicality D. interpretation

Correct Answer: interpretation A test must test what it purports to test (valid), be dependable and consistent (reliable), and be applicable to the situation (practical). A test is valid if it measures what it claims to be measuring. A test is reliable if it yields predictably similar scores when it is taken again. A test may be valid and reliable but cost too much to administer either in time or in money.

Two ESOL students, Hans and Gabriel, have planned to meet after school at 4:00 to work on a class project. When Gabriel arrives at the meeting place at 4:40, Hans has been waiting and is angry. Hans is most likely from which kind of culture? A. polychronic B. TPR C. monochronic D. phonemic

Correct Answer: monochronic When Gabriel arrives at the meeting place at 4:40, Hans has been waiting and is angry. Hans is most likely from a monochronic culture. Monochronic cultures value punctuality

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act defines limited-English-proficient (LEP) students as students who fall into any of the following categories EXCEPT A. between the ages of 3 and 21 B. not a native American or Alaska native C. enrolled in an elementary or secondary school D. English proficiency is at a level that may deny him or her the ability to do well on state tests or to learn successfully in English-only classrooms.

Correct Answer: not a native American or Alaska native LEP students can be Native American or Alaska natives if they come from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on his or her level of English language proficiency.

I have already read the book. The verb in this sentence is what type? A. present B. past C. stage D. past participle

Correct Answer: past participle The verb "have" is telling us that an action has already occurred, as opposed to telling us an action is going to happen in the future, or an action is happening right now. Verb tense is very important for giving a reader or the listener the correct information. Different tenses apply to other parts of grammar as well; nouns, adverbs, and adjectives

Which of the following words contains a consonant digraph? A. stay B. died C. ship D. sip

Correct Answer:ship A digraph is when two or more consonants are grouped together for a single consonant sound. The "sh" in "ship" is a digraph. The two letters produce one sound

Half of your classroom is made up of second-language learners who vary greatly in their acquisition of a second language. In fact, most of your students are in the preproduction phase of a learners' progress. In preproduction - also known as the silent period, the learner is doing all of the following except: A. absorbing sounds and rhythms of the new language B. becoming attuned to the flow of the speech stream C. beginning to isolate specific words D. responding more freely

Correct Answer: responding more freely Half of your classroom are second-language learners who vary greatly in their acquisition of a second language. In fact, most of your students are in the preproduction phase of a learners' progress. In preproduction - also known as the silent period, the learner is absorbing sounds and rhythms of the new language, becoming attuned to the flow of the speech stream, and beginning to isolate specific words.

Sounds made by the letters n, l, and j in words are examples of which of the following? A. suffixes B. prefixes C. sonorants D. fricatives

Correct Answer: sonorants A sonorant is a sound that is not produced with a build-up of air pressure in the vocal tract; typically voiced. They are made up of nasal stops, liquids, glides, and vowels. A sonorant has more expressed energy than other consonants.. They include the sounds and letters ( n, j, y , l, r,

An ESL teacher is going over the multiple places of articulation. Which of the following is not a place of articulation? A. the pre-palatal .B. the uvular C. the clavicle. D. the laminal

Correct Answer: the clavicle. Phonology is the study of different sound patterns that occur in languages. There are 18 places of articulation in humans. There are both passive and active places of articulation. Some include: exo-labial, endo-labial, dental, pre-palatal, uvular, and laminal.

Listening skills involve two types of cognitive processing. They are ___________________________________. A. literal and lateral B. over and under C. top-down and bottom-up D. slowly and clearly

Correct Answer: top-down and bottom-up Top-down processing refers to a listener's global understanding of the message. Bottom-up processing involves the interpretation fo the message through analysis of the smaller components of the language, such as sounds and words.

A teacher who teaches using a cultural perspective must also do which of the following? A. Recognize differences B>Teach the values of America C. Understand student cultures D. All of the above.

Correct Answer:All of the above. A teacher needs to be culturally aware and apply it everyday. Teachers need to recognize difference and understand student cultures. In addition, teachers must also teach students American values such as: individual achievement, independence, and efficiency. This may seem odd, but the white middle class orientation of American schools is what the students are living in and they need to respect all values even though they may be different.

The "Advanced Language Proficiency Stage" is characterized by which of the following? A. Can understand and apply 3,000 words. B Bilingualism C. Can take five to seven years. D. Can ask simple questions.

Correct Answer:Can take five to seven years.The final Language acquisition stage is called the "Advanced Language Proficiency Stage". This stage usually takes from five to seven years to attain. Students can fully participate in all grade-level classes but may need minimal support. Students command the same grammar and vocabulary as most of their native speaking counterparts

In an advanced ELL class, which of the following would be the reason for teaching synonyms? A. Spelling B. Colorful writing C. GrammarIn an advanced ELL class, which of the following would be the reason for teaching synonyms? A. Spelling B. Colorful writing C. Grammar D. Morphology D. Morphology

Correct Answer:Colorful writingSynonyms are what make any writing more colorful and interesting. One way of teaching advanced ELL students to be more creative with their writing is to teach them what and how to use a synonym. A teacher would put a sentence on the board and have students exchange the underlined word with another descriptive word.

Which of the following is the first standardized test an ELL student will take? A. Spelling B. Psychological C. Citizenship D. English assessment

Correct Answer:English assessmentThe first test an ELL student will likely take is the English assessment exam, also known as an English placement exam. This type of test does not measure a student's content knowledge or skill sets. It is strictly used to determine the appropriate level of English skills the student has or does not have

Which of the following is a great way for a content teacher to help build an ELL student's confidence? A. Correcting the student's errors B. Asking the student questions C. Public speaking D. Having the student share personal stories

Correct Answer:Having the student share personal storiesIn a content class, having a student from another country can be an asset if done correctly. One way of increasing the ELL student's confidence is to have them share personal stories that relate to the unit that is being covered. For example, when covering immigration to the US., the ELL student may be willing to discuss their personal experiences of being an immigrant, the hardships, etc,. This can enhance understanding with all students of different peoples, and make the ELL student feel more appreciated and understood

What does the term washback mean? Reflection of teachers B. Discrete testing C. Impact on teaching D. Formation testing

Correct Answer:Impact on teaching. The term washback refers to the impact of assessment and testing on teaching and learning. This area is beginning to get more attention in the language literature department as are the areas of ethics and fairness.

The focus on language assessment has changed to reflect the students' ability to communicate. Which of the following types of test is now used for this purpose? A. Discrete Item tests B. Formative C. Test- retest D. Integrative tests

Correct Answer:Integrative testsIntegrative tests were the outcome of realizing that tests that focus on the details of language learners needed to include the ability of ELL students to communicate. The integrative tests use such techniques as clozes. In a cloze test, every certain number of words are left blank and students must fill them in the missing word. This gives evaluators a better understanding of a student's ability to communicate and understand communication in their L2.

Which of the following types of syllabuses would NOT focus on the building blocks of language? A. lexical . task-based C. functional D. grammatical

Correct Answer:task-based A syllabus is a document describing the contents of a language course. There are many types of syllabuses including grammatical, lexical and functional which focus on the building blocks of language and task-based and learner-centered, which focus on processes of communication and learning.

There are many creative ways for teachers to assess their students' proficiency skills in vocabulary. Teachers can observe beginning students' comprehension of word meanings through nonverbal gestures such as TPR and picture drawings. However, Mr. Harris has intermediate learners in his classroom. Which of the following would NOT be appropriate for assessing vocabulary competence for intermediate learners? A. semantic-feature analysis B. the list-group method C. multiple-choice questions D. Simon says

Correct Answer:Simon says For intermediate learners, Mr. Harris can use semantic feature analysis, the list-group method, and multiple choice questions. He can also use riddles, cloze tests, and sentence making to test students' recognition of word meanings. Teachers measure students' mastery of vocabulary through observation, anecdotal records, and charts.

You are an ESOL teacher using activities and lessons that involve the use of semi-authentic materials. Which of the following activities involves the use of semi-authentic materials? A. Students watch several television commercials and compare the products being advertised. . Students read a newspaper article and create a list of questions they would ask the reporter. C. Students watch an adapted version of "Taming of the Shrew" and discuss the plot and characters in the play. D. Students read a series of ad campaigns for local politicians and discuss which mayoral candidate they think would be best for the city.

Correct Answer:Students watch an adapted version of "Taming of the Shrew" and discuss the plot and characters in the play. The lesson calls for the use of adapted materials and therefore involves semi-authentic materials. These kinds of materials can be very useful when looking to close the gap between students' understanding of material and the reality of its use; thus, semi-authentic materials are most popular with lower level learners.

The teachers at Coreyville High School have set up a portfolio assessment system to help them assess the progress and the needs of all of their ESOL students. They have set out the goals and content of the program along with the range of products that will be included in the portfolio assessment. They have also established guidelines for administration and aligned the assessment to district and national standards. What have they neglected to do to make this assessment valid and reliable? A. They have not informed the administrative staff of their system. B. They have not informed the state board of their intent to use this system. C. They have not set up any rubrics for scoring the portfolios. D. They have not set up any complaint mechanism for students who wish to contest their scores.

Correct Answer:They have not set up any rubrics for scoring the portfolios. To successfully use an alternative assessment such as a portfolio assessment the teachers must know how these portfolios will be assessed. They must develop scoring rubrics and checklists and agree on the standards of performance to be attained.

A variety of approaches have been used to assign grades to English learners. Some schools that assign a traditional A-F grade scale in accordance with grade-level expectations do not lower performance standards for English learners in sheltered classes, although assignments are _______________________________________________________. A. adjusted to meet the students' language levels B. not adjusted to meet the student's language levels C. written in a mixture of two languages D. part of the schoolwide plan

Correct Answer:adjusted to meet the students' language levels A variety of approaches have been used to assign grades to English learners. Some schools that assign a traditional A-F grade scale in accordance with grade-level expectations do not lower performance standards for English learners in sheltered classes, although assignments are adjusted to meet the student's language levels.

Students may be excluded from taking an active part in their own schooling, and alienation and passive frustration may result. However, in addition to language barriers, _______________________________________may preclude some students from participating in ways that the mainstream culture rewards. A. cultural differences B. education C. parents D. siblings

Correct Answer:cultural differencesStudents may be excluded from taking an active part in their own schooling, and alienation and passive frustration may result. However, in addition to language barriers, cultural differences may preclude some students from participating in ways that the mainstream culture rewards. The limited role of students is disempowering.

Books and labels written in two or more languages, including English, are appropriate for use in bilingual or multilingual classes for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons? A. they validate students' home languages B. allows them to use their L1 knowledge C. introduces students' native culture to the classroom D. does not provide opportunities for all students in a class to be exposed to multiple ways of expressing thoughts and value systems

Correct Answer:does not provide opportunities for all students in a class to be exposed to multiple ways of expressing thoughts and value systemsActually, using books and labels written in two or more languages, including English, is appropriate for use in bilingual or multilingual classes and provides opportunities for all students in a class to be exposed to multiple ways of expressing thoughts and value systems. In classrooms where students have learned to read and write in their first language, labels and books in those languages provide access to information. Some books contain an entire text, written in two languages, and support the transfer of reading ability from the home language into English

How would the words in the following columns be characterized? tea - tee right - write there - their bare - bear A.synonyms B. antonyms C. allophones D. homophones

Correct Answer:homophones Homophones are words that have exactly the same sound but have different meanings. All of the words in the columns are homophones.

You, as the teacher, realize the importance of differentiated instruction in your classroom. Differentiated instruction involves first assessing students to get to know them in a variety of ways. Then which of the following must be diversified? A. human relations B. instructional components C. elective courses D. peacemaking program

Correct Answer:instructional componentsYou, as the teacher, realize the importance of differentiated instruction in your classroom. Differentiated instruction involves first assessing students to get to know them in a variety of ways. Then instructional components must be diversified. Differentiated instruction is an approach in which teachers assess students to determine how they differ on an array of characteristics and then modify instruction to honor that diversity.

Which is a way for a teacher to correctly model diversity acceptance to their ELL students? A. By showing a lack of respect for differences B.By not showing an equal value and interest in each student and their culture C. by showing a genuine appreciation for all the teacher can learn from students of a different culture. D. By using stereotyping

Correct AnswerBy showing a genuine appreciation for all the teacher can learn from students of a different culture.When a teacher shows a genuine interest in loving to learn about many cultures, the students can tell this and it creates a sense of safeness and acceptance of each other, because the teacher shows a genuine admiration and interest in learning and accepting others . This in turn makes students treat others the same way or they model the teachers behavior and thinking.

What is "First language Literacy?" Choose from the following: A. Complete comprehension of a speaker's primary language. B. Phonetic Environment C. Question Formation. D. Idioms

Correct AnswerComplete comprehension of a speakers primary language.English Language learners that are non-native speakers of English have a primary language. This primary language is their first language that they learned. Another term for it is L1. It is the language that is usually spoken at home and the student learned as an infant and toddler. The term "First Language Literacy", simply means the student is fluent in their primary language.

The Cognitive Theorist, Krashen, has two essential concepts to his theory. One is the Monitor Modal Theory. What is the other concept called? A. Monitor and Modal theory B. Placement C. Information Processing D. Terminology

Correct AnswerInformation ProcessingThe information processing theory considers memory. There are three types of memory: Short term memory (STM), long term memory, (LTM), and Sensory Registers. For a student to be able to learn a language successfully, the information needs to be broken into manageable chunks

A teacher asks the students, " Are there any questions?" This is not considered an effective strategy to assess students for what? A. Verbal skill B. Languageskill C. Assessment D. Understanding

Correct AnswerUnderstandingWhen asking if students understands something, it is never a good idea to leave it at that. Students may be embarrassed to say that they don't understand or to ask a question. A teacher should give the students an easy way out. For example, have students do a thumbs up or down to determine if they do or do not understand. Students could also have a piece of paper on their desks and teacher goes around the room looking for students that did not understand. All these methods save embarrassment and help to stop social pressures from interfering with learning.

Which of the following statements best describes the requirements for any type of assessment? A. The requirements for any assessment are that it should be valid, reliable and integrative. B. The requirements for any assessment are that it should be valid, discrete and reliable. C. The requirements for any assessment are that it should be valid, reliable and practical. D. The requirements for any assessment are that it should be reliable, practical and unitary.

Correct answer: The requirements for any assessment are that it should be valid, reliable and practical. The points to consider in designing a test or assessment are the validity of the test (does it assess only the abilities that it claims to assess?); the reliability of the test (is it consistent in testing the student's abilities?); and the practicality of the test (is it practical to administer?). These are the major requirements for designing an assessment

Which of the following is the most general term that encompasses all of the others? A. speech pathology B. applied linguistics C. language learning D. communication practices

Correct answer: applied linguistics Applied linguistics is a general term that covers many aspects of language acquisition and use. Applied linguists seek to provide practical applications of theory and research to solving problems in sub-disciplines such as speech pathology, language learning and communication practices, among others.

Which of the following terms would be used to describe the situation in which, at the same time the tongue positions itself for the initial /s/ of a word like "sweet," the lips are already puckering up to prepare for the /w/ which follows? A. articulation B. formulation C. co-articulation D. co-formulation

Correct answer: co-articulation Studies have shown that co-articulation is the norm rather than the exception. It happens when, for example, the tongue positions itself for the initial /s/ of a word like "sweet," the lips are already puckering up to prepare for the /w/ which follows.

Which of the following is a term for the study of similarities and differences in cultural norms for expressing and understanding messages? A. critical theory B. critical language awareness C. cross-cultural pragmatics D. consciousness-raising

Correct answer: cross-cultural pragmatics Cross-cultural pragmatics is the term used by researchers who study the similarities and differences in cultural norms for expressing and understanding messages. They study the parameters of intercultural speech situations, the strategies of politeness and power, and face systems, among many other differences.

When a teacher explains new vocabulary words by using visual aids, demonstrations or everyday objects what method is she using? A. indirect B. direct C. Suggestopedia D. Community Language Learning

Correct answer: direct The direct method of teaching was developed as an alternative to the Grammar-Translation method. It immerses the learner in the L2 expecting the learner to learn the L2 the same way as his or her L1.

Which of the following is the term used for a teacher's use of techniques and activities from a broad range of language teaching approaches? A. uniform B. standardized C. equal D. eclectic

Correct answer: eclectic There has been a move from teachers using one specific approach to teaching language. In this eclectic approach a teacher decides what methodology or approach to use depending on the aims of the lesson and the learners in the group

In terms of discourse, which of the following would not be a component of teacher-pupil interaction? A. moves B. exchanges C. formal tests D. transactions

Correct answer: formal tests Sinclair and Coulthard did a study on discourse that put forth a model for teacher-pupil interaction. It includes moves (a teacher question or a student answer), exchanges (initiation, response and follow-up moves), and transactions (larger units within a lesson that reflect the goal of transmitting key chunks of knowledge to the students). Formal tests are not a part of this model.

Mr. Quinn's tenth graders are reading the required play "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare. Since Mr. Quinn knows his students will have difficulty understanding the vocabulary and language structures in the play, he should plan to use which of the following to support their understanding? A. word collections and processing B. realia C. quiz on the storyline D. TPR

Hide Explanation Correct Answer:word collections and processingWord collections and processing will help his students with understanding the words in the play. Each day, the class reads a scene aloud and they list the unfamiliar words on a word collection chart. After they finish reading the day's scene, Mr. Quinn can lead them in a discussion in which they explore the meanings of the words on the word collection chart.

What is Krashen known for in the field of "Second Language Acquisition? A. Foreign language B. Quantitative tests C. Monitor model and Information processing D. Audio and video

Monitor model and Information processing Krashen is a Cognitive Theorist. Krashen's monitor model states that adults have two independent systems for developing a second language. One is subconscious acquisition and conscious learning. The monitor theory says that subconscious learning is more important than conscious learning and that conscious learning is used only as a monitor.

Which of the following is NOT a purpose for a listening assessment?. A. Assessing student's listening strengths and weaknesses at the beginning of a course B. Assessing student's mastery of a specific listening skill C. assessing student's progress towards listening standards at the end of a term or important time period D. Assessing students listening skills to determine if the student has hearing problems

The correct answer is: Assessing students listening skills to determine if the student has hearing problems. A hearing test is not the same thing as a listening assessment. If an ESOL teacher has concerns about an ELL's hearing, they should refer the student to someone who can test their hearing. The first step in choosing a listening assessment is to have a clear purpose in mind.

There are many recommended ways of adapting content in Content Based Instruction. Which of the following is NOT a category for adaptation in CBI? A. Giving directions B. Providing contextualization C. AssessmentsThere are many recommended ways of adapting content in Content Based Instruction. Which of the following is NOT a category for adaptation in CBI? A. Giving directions B. Providing contextualization C. Assessments D. Checking for understanding D. Checking for understanding

The correct answer is: Assessments. While teachers may offer a range of assessments to give ELL students options that suit their language ability, CBI does not include the adaptation/changing of assessments as strategy for making content more accessible. With CBI, ESOL and content-area teachers make adaptations for students.

You are a teacher who designed a science project in which your students have to conduct an experiment with a partner, research additional information, take notes, and then create a short video presentation about their experimental results. This is an example of Chamot and O'Malley's___________________. A. CALP B. CALLA C. BICS D. PRAC

The correct answer is: CALLA. Chamot and O'Malley sought to show that content learning (in this case, science) could be integrated with language learning. In this case, the student is using speaking and listening (for the experiment), reading (for research), writing (for notes and preparation of the video presentation), and speaking (for the video itself). CALP describes proficiency using language in an academic context. BICS is Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills. PRAC is Practicing, Receiving, and sending messages, Analyzing and reasoning, and Creating structure for input/output.

You are an ESOL teacher who knows that students are usually slower to gain cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) than they are to learn basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS). Why is that? A. Students are provided vocabulary words to study while they are learning BICS B. Students are not provided with any interpersonal context to assist them in developing CALP C. BICS relies on facial cues, which students are familiar with because of their first language D. CALP calls for a greater use of higher-order thinking skills because of a reduction in contextual cues

The correct answer is: CALP calls for a greater use of higher-order thinking skills because of a reduction in contextual cues. CALP has fewer contextual clues to aid students in interpreting meaning; therefore, it requires more analysis, synthesis, and evaluation than basic interpersonal communication skills. While BICS does involve facial cues, it also relies on context and prior learning for students to create new meaning for themselves.

You are an ESOL teacher who notices that a student, Ben, is struggling to understand the change in register when speaking with peers and teachers, and when approaching people he doesn't know to ask for information. In which of the following areas should you work with Ben? A. Phonemic awareness and phonology B Pragmatics and morphology C. Semantics and syntax D. English language variations

The correct answer is: English language variations. English language usage is characterized by the social situation of its users. Speakers often shift their language use to adapt to a particular social situation. This shift, or change in register, can depend on such sociolinguistic variables as the formality of a situation, the speaker's attitude towards the topic towards the listeners, and the relation of the speaker to others. Teaching ELLs explicitly about English language variations can help with aural comprehension and oral proficiency.

You are an ESOL teacher who has decided to use an end-of-unit assessment where prompts or tasks are open-ended and have no 'right answer.' Both the process and the final product are going to be assessed. What type of assessment is this? A. Performance based assessment B.Norm referenced assessment C. Criterion referenced assessment D. Observation based assessment

The correct answer is: Performance based assessment. You are an ESOL teacher who has decided to use an end-of-unit assessment where prompts or tasks are open-ended and have no 'right answer.' Both the process and the final product are going to be assessed. Performance assessments require students to put knowledge and skills in action to complete a task as they combine different elements of what they have learned to create something original

By modeling effective teaching practices and sharing resources both with colleagues and families, the ESOL teacher can help to maximize the learning opportunities available to all students. This statement is based on which of the following? A. Research and evidence-based best practices B. Wishful thinking - teachers simply don't have time C. ESSA requirements for Title I schools D. State mandated in at least 14 states

The correct answer is: Research and evidence-based practices. This is true, especially when communication is difficult because of language barriers. The ESOL teacher can bridge the gap to make a significant impact in bringing all stakeholders together to work towards supporting the academic, linguistic, and social/emotional development of the student.

The shift in the teaching of speaking skills has moved away from a focus on perfect accuracy towards a focus on fluency and communicative effectiveness. This has had an effect on the kinds of activities that ESOL instructors use to help English Language learners develop their speaking skills. Which of the following approaches was created before this shift occurred? A. The Grammar Translation Method B. The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) C. The Natural Approach D. TPR

The correct answer is: The Grammar Translation Method. The Grammar Translation Method was one of the first formal methods of language teaching and involved students memorizing long lists of vocabulary words without any requirement to speak in the L2 language. The other methods all incorporate fluency and communicative competence.

Assessment bias include qualities that provide advantages or disadvantages to a particular group of students - results in scores that vary significantly from group to group according to gender, race, primary language, or ethnicity. Which of the following BEST illustrates assessment bias in an essay writing item? A. The topic is to describe a favorite smell B. The topic is to describe a day at school C. The topic is friendship D. The topic is Halloween

The correct answer is: The topic is Halloween. Halloween is a holiday recognized in some cultures but not in others. In addition, some cultures choose not to celebrate some or all holidays. For these reasons, this assessment item could penalize some students because it conflicts with their values or background knowledge.

Adela, a Mexican American first-grade girl, arrived at school about 20 minutes late every day. Her teacher was at first irritated and gradually exasperated. In a parent conference, Adela's mother explained that braiding her daughters's hair each morning was an important time for the two of them to be together, even if it meant being slightly late to school. This family time presented which of the following issue? A. a value conflict with the school's time norm B. value system C. unfair privilege D. personal space

The correct answer is: a value conflict with the school's time norm. Adela, a Mexican American first-grade girl, arrived at school about 20 minutes late every day. Her teacher was at first irritated and gradually exasperated. In a parent conference, Adela's mother explained that braiding her daughters's hair each morning was an important time for the two of them to be together, even if it meant being slightly late to school. This family time presented a value conflict with the school's time norm.

Mr. Reed is using "reporting back" as a strategy to support his ELL students in bridging the gap between spoken and written language. This strategy can be used as a follow-up after _____________________________________. A. any active learning experience B. school C. TPR D. approximation behaviors related to ESOL standards

The correct answer is: any active learning experience. The students describe their experience using vocabulary that is connected with the experience, so that the rest of the class has a clear understanding of the materials and sequence of actions that were used. The students then write their reporting back summary to be included in the class daily news of their daily learning log.

Mrs. Carson is encouraging her students to make connections among their past experiences, the content currently being studied, and vocabulary that is new or being used in an unfamiliar way. Her students are introduced to new vocabulary and given an opportunity to discuss and use the vocabulary in context through role-playing. What would this entail? A. as you teach the lesson or read a book - either reading aloud or having the students read - stop when you encounter key vocabulary and discuss and act out the words B. using realia to discuss the lesson or book to motivate students to learn the new vocabulary words C. associate written symbols with realize and represent the story sequence with realia D. describe change and growth in real situations and real things

The correct answer is: as you teach the lesson or read a book - either reading aloud or having the students read - stop when you encounter key vocabulary and discuss and act out the words. Mrs. Carson can pronounce the words carefully and have the students practice pronouncing them, especially if the words contain sounds that might be difficult for them. Mrs. Carson makes sure to reread the page fluently after the vocabulary is explored.

As an ESOL teacher, in order for you to use scaffold writing and provide instruction in each of your student's zone of proximal development, students must ____________________________________________________. A. read their writing sample at the front of the class B. read from the author chair observed while they participate in writing activities C. work in groups

The correct answer is: be observed while they participate in writing activities. As an ESOL teacher, in order for you to use scaffold writing and provide instruction in each of your student's zone of proximal development, students must be observed while they participate in writing activities. Teacher observation and the use of anecdotal records and checklists are valuable in documenting your student's progress.

Manipulatives are concrete devices that students can move and handle to support their thinking and learning. Ms. Sutton is teaching vocabulary words to her students and is using manipulatives to accomplish this goal. Which of the following would NOT be manipulative to use when teaching vocabulary words? A. miniatures or wooden cutouts of objects B. colored blocks to teach colors, singular and plural forms C. attribute blocks to teach shapes, sizes, texture, and color D. beans for counters

The correct answer is: beans for counters. These would be a manipulative use for teaching mathematics. Suggested manipulative use would include miniatures or wooden cutouts of objects, colored blocks to teach colors, singular and plural forms, and attribute blocks to teach shapes, sizes, texture, and color. Dolls could also be used to teach body parts.

The main concern that teachers may have in developing word recognition skills in English is the students' tendency to be too good at transferring their word-unlocking strategies from Spanish to English. Since the techniques have served them well in Spanish, the students may become very successful at ________________________________. A. applying phonics B. calling words C. identifying sounds D. producing rhymes

The correct answer is: calling words. The main concern that teachers may have in developing word recognition skills in English is the students' tendency to be too good at transferring their word-unlocking strategies from Spanish to English. Since the techniques have served them well in Spanish, the students may become very successful at calling words. This apparent prosperity must be monitored thoughtfully to ensure that students are obtaining meaning from the English words they have recognized.

The main concern that teachers may have in developing word recognition skills in English is the students' tendency to be too good at transferring their word-unlocking strategies from Spanish to English. Since the techniques have served them well in Spanish, the students may become very successful at ________________________________. A. applying phonics________________________________. A. applying phonics B. calling words C. identifying sounds D. producing rhymes B. calling words C. identifying sounds D. producing rhymes

The correct answer is: calling words. The main concern that teachers may have in developing word recognition skills in English is the students' tendency to be too good at transferring their word-unlocking strategies from Spanish to English. Since the techniques have served them well in Spanish, the students may become very successful at calling words. This apparent prosperity must be monitored thoughtfully to ensure that students are obtaining meaning from the English words they have recognized.

Beginning in upper elementary school (grades 4-6), and through middle and high school years, students submit informational writing - questions at the end of textbook chapters, summaries of reading, write-ups of laboratory experiments, science reports, and so forth. Although this writing is collected and graded, teachers do not usually ________________________________________. A.gauge if a student understands the quality of oral response B. guide assignments before submission C. demand craft in writing, as they do with the essays and creative writing that may be assigned to English classes D. provide targeted feedback

The correct answer is: demand craft in writing, as they do with the essays and creative writing that may be assigned to English classes. Beginning in upper elementary school (grades 4-6), and through middle and high school years, students submit informational writing - questions at the end of textbook chapters, summaries of reading, write-ups of laboratory experiments, science reports, and so forth. Although this writing is collected and graded, teachers do not usually demand craft in writing, as they do with the essays and creative writing that may be assigned to English classes.

During a social studies discussion in an ESL classroom, a non-Muslim female student makes a comment saying that all Muslims discriminate against women. This upsets some of the Muslim students in the class. What would be the most appropriate way for the teacher to address the situation? A. punish the student who made the offensive comment by banning her from the class B. hold a moderated classroom discussion in which all students present information about the status of women in their culture C. privately apologize for the Muslim students after class D. change the topic and let the students work it out among themselves outside of class

The correct answer is: hold a moderated classroom discussion in which all students present information about the status of women in their culture. This would allow students to get factual information about the status of women in many cultures. This could also include discussion about Islamic cultures.

Mrs. Topps has ELLs in her classroom who are at the beginning level stage of English proficiency either have no word recognition at all or may possess a very limited amount of word recognition - spoken or written. Students at this level may do which of the following? A. make communication with others easy B.misuse words C. cannot develop word recognition D. not use dictionaries

The correct answer is: misuse words. Mrs. Topps has ELLs in her classroom who are at the beginning level stage of English proficiency either have no word recognition at all or may possess a very limited amount of word recognition - spoken or written. Students at this level may misuse words, making communicating with others difficult because of limited vocabulary. Mrs. Topps can use several strategies to help these learners develop word recognition at this level.

You are a teacher who is correcting a student's language. When doing this, you should ___________________________. A. carefully correct all mistakes B. consider the context of the error C. confirm the error by repeating D. repeat the student's message but correct it

The correct answer is: repeat the student's message but correct it. To carefully correct all mistakes a student makes would raise the affective filter and probably cause the student to hesitate before speaking. Considering the context of the error gives the teacher insight into the student's learning, but isn't a method of correction. To confirm the error by repeating it would suggest to the student that his or her utterance was correct and is not good practice. The best option is repeating the student's message, but correct it in a way that shows the student the correct form without embarrassing him or her.

Performance-based testing corresponds directly to what is taught in your classroom and can easily be incorporated into classroom routines and learning activities. Methods for assessing a performance can be divided into two main types that include which of the following? A. authentic and inauthentic methods B. standardized and less standardized methods B. competent and incompetent methods D. integrated and non-integrated methods

The correct answer is: standardized and less standardized methods. Performance-based testing corresponds directly to what is taught in your classroom and can easily be incorporated into classroom routines and learning activities. Methods for assessing a performance can be divided into two main types: standardized and less-standardized methods. Standardized methods includes tests, checklists, observations, rating scales, questionnaires, and structured interviews. Less standardized methods include student work samples, journals, games, debates, story retelling, anecdotal reports, and behavioral notes

You have a Speaker coming to your classroom. Before the talk, you discuss the topic of the upcoming talk by the guest speaker. Which of the following would NOT be a good idea after the talk? A. with the recording at a listening center, have students listen again and make note of ideas they want to share in the class follow-up activities B. a recording serves as a mediator when students have varying recollections of a particular point C. the students can listen carefully to the tape in order to reconcile their points of view D. the students can fill out comment cards about the speaker's ability to make a presentation

The correct answer is: the students can fill out comment cards about the speaker's ability to make a presentation. After the talk, with the recording at a listening center, have students listen again and make note of ideas they want to share in the class follow-up activities. A recording serves as a mediator when students have varying recollections of a particular point and the students can listen carefully to the tape in order to reconcile their points of view.

A major responsibility of the intercultural educator is to ensure that student's abilities are truly developed by instructional experiences. Many student's abilities are underestimated because _________________________________________. A. there are inefficient learning strategies B. t is impossible to teach learners everything they need to know in your class C. their second-language skills do not adequately convey their talents D. there is not enough encouragement to set their own learning objectives

The correct answer is: their second-language skills do not adequately convey their talents. A major responsibility of the intercultural educator is to ensure that student's abilities are truly developed by instructional experiences. Many student's abilities are underestimated because their second-language skills do not adequately convey their talents. Sometimes unfamiliarity with the students culture compounds the language barrier.

You are an ESOL teacher who is about to do a performance-based classroom assessment? Which of the following is the BEST example of this type of assessment? A. you give all students a test related to a geography unit B. you use a rating scale during a student report on whales C. you photograph students solving problems with manipulatives D. you assign a rubric-based grade to a student's expository essay

The correct answer is: you photograph students solving problems with manipulatives. This is an example of a performance-based classroom assessment. Photographs of students at work are performance-based assessments that provide concrete evidence of a student learning.

You are an ESOL teacher who is about to use visual scaffolding in your classroom with ELL students. You realize it is an extremely powerful tool for ELL students. Which of the following is NOT considered something that can be used in visual scaffolding? A. line drawings B. photographs C. maps C. vocabulary test

Vocabulary test. Line drawings, photographs, maps, and realia are not the only visuals that can be used in visual scaffolding. Video is another useful visual support. It is often possible to find brief video clips online so that students get a real-life, moving scaffold while a topic is discussed. Vacation video is a rich source of support and adds a powerful personal connection to the learning.

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