est 201
Tom Gruber - How AI can enhance our memory, work, and social lives
-"Humanistic AI" (like SIRI) can make humans so much smarter by collaborating w/ us than outdoing us. We could remember every detail we ever saw. Every time AI get smarter, we do too.
Ashton Applewhite- Lets end ageism
-Advocates against ageism. Embrace not fear it. Many corporations are monetizing ageism (anti-aging skincare, pharmaceuticals).
Benefits of predictive analytics
-Money -Fame -Power
Adam Alter - Why our screens make us less happy
-Spending a lot of time looking at device screens is stealing from our lives. Our personal time that makes us individuals is being stolen by technology. There are no stopping cues with the internet, which prolongs time stolen. Life becomes more meaningful without phones.
Katherine Kuchenbecker- The Technology of Touch
-Utilizing haptics is helpful in various fields (dentistry, sports, photography, gaming etc). Making you feel sensations that aren't there.
Big data
-one of the most valuable assets in business -Kristian Hammond: big data is the means to evidence-based decision-making, by analyzing large quantities of information from a variety of sources, companies can make better decisions and, in turn, growin a more efficient way.
Goffman's Dramaturgy
A metaphorical technique which a person performs "idealized" self instead of real self, front stage vs back stage
Augmented analytic
AI can be used to augment human capabilities or automate them. use of machine learning to transform how analytics content is developed, consumed, and shared, rapidly advancing through mainstream adoption.
AI permeation
AI largely manifesting through machine learning algorithms, isn't just getting better. it isn't just getting more funding
Autonomous Things
Artificial intelligence is the increasingly providing the brains for autonomous things such as robots, drones, and autonomous vehicles, empowering them to more naturally interact with both their surroundings and with people
Trough of Disillusionment
Flaws and failures leads to some disappointment in the technology. Some producers are unsuccessful or drop their products. Continued investments other producers are contingent upon addressing problems successfully
Technology Trigger
In this stage, a technology is conceptualized. there may be prototypes but there are often no function products or market studies. The potential spurs media interest and sometimes proof-of-concept demonstrations. e.g. kickstarters
Two stages of predictive analytic data classfication
Learning stage and prediction stage
Plateau of Productivity
The technology becomes widely implemented; its place in the market and its applications are well-understood. Standards arise for evaluating technology providers.
Slope of Enlightenment
The technology's potential for further applications becomes more broadly understood and an increasing number of companies implement or test it in their environments. some producers create further generations of products. e.g. nanotech
Actor Network Theory
Where social life, whether it's human or nonhuman, interact with one another
importance of peer review
allows researchers to share ideas and to test and evaluate each other's work
recorded act
behavior will be different because recorded performances can be seen by different audience
Data overload
by now, every company in the world has realized the awesome power and commodification of consumer data, and in 2018, data collection is going to become an even higher priority
comes from "the space where individuals submit artifacts to each other"
comes from the "online spaces that actors behave with each other"
reason against openess
Digital Twin
digital representations of real-world entities or system. DTO are dynamic software model that relies on operational or other data to understand how an organization operationalizes its business model
societal culture vs education technology
education technologies constantly seek to dominate and homogenize societal culture, where as societal cultures seek to promotes a sense of nationalism and preserve their own norms and values
What is big data?
extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.
Gartner Hype Cycle
graphical representation of the life cycle stages a technology goes through from conception to maturity and widespread adoption
is a "policy" for how researchers to share data and their experiment to other's "openly". So researcher can verify/validate hypothesis and claims. -researcher chose to define openness by saying it is the opposite of hiding secrecy
Educational technology
is referred to as "study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources
The artifact
is the result of a past performance and lives on for others to view on their time
Societal culture
is the unwritten norms and expectations of how people behave in a specific society
white collar automation
is your job likely to be replaced by a machine? how certain are you of that answer? AI has been advancing enough to replace at least some white collar jobs for years, even back in 2013, we had algorithms that could write basic news articles, given sufficient inputs of data.
Online "friends"
normally aren't actual friends and are generally seen as a means to an end, or even as an obligation
Digital centralization
over the past decade, we've seen the debut of many different types of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart tvs, and dozens of other "smart" appliances. we've also come to rely on lots of individual apps in our daily lives. Including those for navigation to even changing the temperature of our house. e.g. google home
the actors
performs in real time an audience that monitors the actor/
AI-driven development
prediction is that 40% of new app development projects will include AI co-developers within their teams
Artifacs are
representations not performances
Social informatics
the contextual inquiry of technology in any social setting, including educational settings.
Prediction stage
the follows the learning stage consists of having the model predict new class labels or numerical values that classify data it has not seen before
aura concept
the reproductions of artwork will not have the same value as the original artwork
Open science movement
the sharing of resources and ideas and places emphasis on making these publicly and freely available for future use.
Peak of inflated Expectations
the technology is implemented, especially by early adopters, there is a lot of publicity about both successful and unsuccessful implementations.
5g preparation
though tech timelines rarely play out the way we think, it's possible that we could have a 5g network in place - with 5g phones - by the end of 2019
Learning stage
trains the classification model by running a designated set of past data though the classifer
Technology trend analysis
uses data about historical performance and extrapolates it to make an estimate of future capability of a technology
was used to understand how the educational technologies were used and being relative to societal cultures
The lowest common denominator slide
while making content for you intended audience is important. it's necessary to realize that they aren't the only ones viewing your content. As such you must cater to the needs of your intended audience as well as the general viewing public