Ethich Chapter 7
Approaches to punishment
1. Deterrence Specific/General- argued that punishment Specific- change mind about breaking law General- make others think twice about breaking law 2. Rehabilitation 3. Retribution 4. Vengeance- not legitimate, based on emotions
Types of Justice
1. Distributive- how to distribute goods of society fairly 2. Forward looking- focuses on future consequences, Utilitarianism view 3. Backward looking- compensation for past wrongs 4. Criminal- "Lextalions" up held by law, law of retrubution, "an eye for an eye" 5. Restorative- therapeutic rehabilitation, punishment is inhumane 6. Retributive- criminal justice, let punishment fit crime
Definitions of Equality
1. Fundamental equality- people should be treated as equals by their government and their legal system 2. Social equality- people are equal in a social setting, right to vote 3. Equal treatments of equals- when someone has a disability they are unequal thus can receive extra help to become equal
Differences between retribution and vengeance
1. Retribution is based on logic, where as vengeance is emotional 2. Retribution is a public act where as vengeance is private 3. Retribution wants punishment to fit crime where as vengeance may be excessive
John Locke Natural Rights
Believed people do have natural rights against government: 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. Property
Film about genetic engineering, where you are a servant if you are normally conceived, Vincent wants to become a astronaunt but legally can't, so pays man to have his identity, boss is killed and eyelash at scene, left wondering if secret will be revealed
Human cloning
Reproductive cloning, where entire individual is cloned, but hard to do because personality will be different, scientists who clone are considered to be playing God
Origional Position
a principal of fair distribution, makes rules as if you don't know who you might be when they take affect
Negative rights
a right of noninterference, what ought not to be done to you
Ronald Dworkin
believed right's can't be traded for benefits, freedom of speech
Positive Rights
the right to receive, socialist view point, welfare