Ethnicity and Immigration Final review

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Which social caste is considered to be the elite? A) Brahmins B) Kshatriyas C) Vaishyas D) Sudras

A) Brahmins

Chinese immigrants utilized the minority group response of __________ when they formed Chinatowns. A) segregation B) expulsion C) xenophobia D) rebellionA

A) Segregation

The American Academy of Pediatrics claims that __________ is one of the influences that determines sexual orientation. A) genetics B) political affiliation C) peers D) religious affiliation

A) genetics

Interaction surveys of Americans and nonwestern newcomers in professional, managerial, or technical fields show__________. A) widespread social distance B) much less social distance than in past years C) extensive social distance for Africans but not Asians D) extensive social distance for all but the Arabs

A) widespread social distance

__________ constitute the largest non-Hispanic immigrant population from the Caribbean. A) Haitians B) Jamaicans C) Cubans D) Kenyans

B) Jamaicans

Which worldwide religion is second to Christianity in membership numbers? A) Buddhism B) Hinduism C) Islam D) Taoism

C) Islam

Hispanics are heavily underrepresented in __________. A) blue collar jobs B) manufacturing jobs C) managerial positions D) service occupations

C) Managerial positions

__________ is a social dysfunction that Asian immigrants experienced in the 18th and 19th century. A) Long-lasting economic prosperity B) High rates of intermarriage C) Negative legislation against Asian immigrants D) Affirmative action

C) Negative legislation against Asian immigrants

Changes in the U.S. economy affect Puerto Rico because __________. A) most of its labor force works on the mainland B) it is only a small island C) of its economic dependency on the United States D) the only industry in Puerto Rico is servicing cruise ships from the U.S.

C) Of its economic dependency on the Untied States

The number of religious groups in the United States today numbers __________. A) under 500 B) about 1,000 C) over 1,500 D) over 2,000

C) over 1,500

The measurable impact of the massive civil rights legislation was its __________. A) changing of people's attitudes B) creation of the welfare system C) provision of equal life opportunities for African Americans D) exclusion of Native Americans

C) provision of equal life opportunities for African Americans

Dominicans commonly co-exist in neighborhoods alongside those of the __________. A) Cubans B) Mexicans C) Nicaraguans D) Puerto Ricans

D) Puerto Ricans

__________ is identifiable as an example of "civil religion." A) "In God We Trust" B) Biblical literalism C) The separation of church and state D) The removal of prayer from schools

A) "In God We Trust"

Recent studies from Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, and Norway found the percentage of homosexuals to range from __________ percent of the population. A) 1 to 4 B) 5 to 8 C) 9 to 13 D) 14 to 17

A) 1 to 4

What percentage of elderly people aged 65 and older live in nursing homes? A) 4.2% B) 11.5% C) 21.3% D) 31.3%

A) 1%

What was the difference in the percentage of Americans who considered homosexuality an acceptable alternative lifestyle in 2013 compared to 1989? A) 25% B) 30% C) 13% D) 50%

A) 25%

How many religious groups in the United States have memberships exceeding one million? A) 29 B) 83 C) 513 D) 1245

A) 29

As of 2013, what percentage of legislators in the U.S. congress was Jewish? A) 5% B) 14% C) 23% D) 43%

A) 5%

__________ reduced Puerto Rican involvement in the Catholic Church on the mainland. A) A closed church hierarchy B) Inability to internalize a Catholic identity C) The appeal of Lutheran churches D) Spiritualism and superstition

A) A closed church hierarchy

If you were concerned about the Hispanic dropout rate, you would do well to focus on __________. A) age at the time of entry into the United States B) attendance C) size of family D) living in a two-parent household

A) Age at the time of entry into the United States

Which legislative effort prohibited any person who was ineligible for citizenship from owning land in California? A) Alien Landholding Law of 1913 B) Gentlemen's Agreement of 1908 C) Immigration Act of 1965 D) Simpson Bowles Act of 1910

A) Alien Landholding Law of 1913

How was sodomy generally viewed in Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance? A) As a sin B) As distasteful, but legal C) As an act of emotional intimacy D) As a declaration of love

A) As a sin

__________ have the highest educational attainment. A) Asian males B) Asian females C) White males D) White females

A) Asian males

Rastafarians believe themselves to be__________. A) black Israelites B) black Muslims C) black Arabs D) black Indians

A) Black Israelites

What is the largest U.S. denomination? A) Catholic B) Baptist C) Methodist D) Mormon

A) Catholic

The sanctuary movement that hid Salvadoran refugees from immigration officials involved __________. A) Catholic clergy and parishioners B) Cubans serving as a middleman minority C) Mexican smugglers D) the Underground Railroad

A) Catholic clergy and parishioners

Chicano power was promoted by __________. A) Cesar Chavez B) Martin Luther King, Jr. C) Jesse Jackson D) Manuel Noriega

A) Cesar Chavez

Which Asian immigrants first came to the United States during the California gold rush in the 1850s? A) Chinese B) Japanese C) Korean D) Filipinos

A) Chinese

The pottu or dot on the forehead for Hindus is similar to __________. A) Christians wearing a cross B) The nazi swastika C) The American flag D) a marriage ceremony

A) Christians wearing a cross

Why has public awareness of senior citizens increased in recent years? A) Demographic changes in the population composition B) Decreased group cohesiveness C) Political clout among younger Americans D) The increasing popularity of actors such as Betty White

A) Demographic changes in the population composition

__________ is/are identified in the text as an identifying symbol for Rastafarians. A) Dietary habits B) Smoking tobacco C) Using ebonics as a language D) Refusing to bathe

A) Dietary habits

Why did most Egyptians leave Egypt? A) Economics and educational reasons B) Political unrest C) Religious reasons D) Political and religious reasons

A) Economics and educational reasons

What strained relations between the "old" Jewish population and the "new" Jewish arrivals? A) Ethnic and nationalist prejudices B) Similarity in social class C) Religious homogeneity D) Differing family sizes

A) Ethnic and nationalist prejudices

In which of the following ways did Cubans respond to discrimination in Miami in the early 1980s? A) Forming an ethnic enclave B) Shunning local politics C) Immediate attempts to assimilate D) Moving in large numbers to Pensacola

A) Forming an ethnic enclave

The __________ perspective points to examples from the Amish and Hasidim to show that when minority groups are marginalized, they will simply become even more extreme and separatist. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) Functionalist

__________ theory explains ethnic discrimination as a social dysfunction. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Social interactionist D) Ecological

A) Functionalist ?????

__________ explains ethnic riots as a social dysfunction. A) Functionalist theory B) Conflict theory C) Social interactionist theory D) Ecological theory

A) Functionalist theory

__________ are routinely denied refugee status in the United States. A) Haitians B) Jamaicans C) Cubans D) Kenyans

A) Haitians

Which group had the highest percentage of seniors living in poverty in 2008? A) Hispanic married-couple families B) Non-Hispanic white married-couple families C) Male Hispanics living alone D) Female non-Hispanic whites living alone

A) Hispanic married-couple families

The largest concentration of Palestinian Americans is in __________. A) Illinois B) Texas C) Georgia D) Massachusetts

A) Illinois

It was not until the passage of the __________ that the Chinese were able to enter the United States under regular immigration regulations. A) Immigration Act of 1965 B) Burlingame Treaty of 1868 C) Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 D) Taft and Hartman Act of 1864

A) Immigration Act of 1965

How is age prejudice institutionalized in American society? A) In laws B) In interpersonal relations C) In religious beliefs D) In jokes

A) In laws

Chicano activists have incorporated the concept of __________ that was first applied to the black ghetto because it also helps to describe the Anglo takeover of Latin American lands and people for the last 150 years. A) internal colonialism B) race C) Hispanic identity D) ethnicity

A) Internal Colonialism

__________ is identified as a common societal reaction to the disabled, especially prior to the Americans with Disabilities Act. A) Job discrimination B) Media portrayals of disabled underachievers C) Stereotypes of the disabled as sexual perverts D) Fear of the disabled as carrying a communicable disease

A) Job discrimination

According to the conflict view, who benefits from sexual inequality? A) Men B) Women C) Children under 18 D) Minorities and immigrants

A) Men

__________ have the highest percentage of disabled respondents that are under the age of 15. A) Non-Hispanic whites B) Pacific Islanders C) Asian Americans D) Black Americans

A) Non-Hispanic whites

After various setbacks, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was passed and signed into law in __________. A) October 2009 by President Obama B) July 1998 by President Clinton C) December 2007 by President Bush D) March 1991 by President Bush

A) October 2009 by President Obama

__________was/were often a push factor for nonwestern immigrants. A) Overpopulation B) Job opportunities C) Rapid air travel D) Religious freedom

A) Overpopulation

The differences in the Japanese experience in Hawaii and on the mainland are best understood by recognizing __________. A) the differences in structural discrimination B) fear of the "perfidious" character C) mass evacuation of the Japanese D) the Japanese experience in internment camps

A) The differences in structural discrimination

__________ is particularly helpful in assessing the marginalization of the groups in this chapter. A) Understanding the duality of remoteness and nearness B) The ability to make sweeping judgments C) A lack of intersubjective understanding D) Racial profiling

A) Understanding the duality of remoteness and nearness

Which of the following was an action the federal government took against Mormons? A) Use of federal troops to install a non-Mormon governor B) Higher taxation rates C) Deportation D) Removal from political office

A) Use of federal troops to install a non-Mormon governor

Jeremy runs a nursing home. As such he is concerned about the health of the elderly and works to make sure they have a number of things to do during the day so they do not simply sit around all of the time. He believes in __________ theory. A) activity B) disengagement C) conflict D) interactionist

A) activity

In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan spread northward and __________. A) added Jews, Catholics, and foreigners to its list of targets B) focused on the urban blacks who had migrated from the South C) were ignored by almost everyone D) seized control of several state legislatures

A) added Jews, Catholics, and foreigners to its list of targets

German Jews were embarrassed by the __________ of the Sephardic Jews. A) appearance B) German language C) unorthodox religious practices D) cosmopolitanism

A) appearance

Today, many African Americans still lack __________. A) basic services and amenities B) educational opportunities C) legal rights D) political representation

A) basic services and amenities

African-born Americans tend to __________ than American-born African Americans. A) be better educated B) have lower income levels C) own their homes in lower numbers D) be more represented in popular media

A) be better educated

According to the intergroup contact hypothesis, if an employee made friends with a gay coworker, his attitude toward homosexuals in general would probably __________. A) become more positive B) not relate to his feelings for his friend C) cause the employee to also become gay D) become negative at an inverse rate to his positive feeling toward his friend

A) become more positive

Since the Immigration Act of 1965, Filipino immigration has __________. A) been quite high B) been severely restricted C) stayed the same D) resulted in strict segregation

A) been quite high

The interactionist view on the experiences of African Americans stresses that __________. A) beliefs about a people are culturally transmitted and reinforced by external conditions B) differences or alleged inferiority lead to class differentiation C) the opposition to integration efforts usually comes from a fear of how social roles and institutions will be altered D) slavery provided cheap labor in the South as a social function

A) beliefs about a people are culturally transmitted and reinforced by external conditions

Currently, the two most common stereotypes that Mexican Americans have had to combat involve __________. A) belonging to youth gangs and being undocumented aliens B) preferring enjoyment over working hard and material over intangible rewards C) being future-oriented and materialistic D) being unwilling to learn English and not caring about education

A) belonging to youth gangs and being undocumented aliens

Analysis of the age distribution of American blacks and whites shows __________. A) blacks have a larger percentage of young people B) whites have a larger percentage of young people C) a fairly even age distribution between the two races D) both blacks and whites are experiencing a new "baby boom"

A) blacks have a larger percentage of young people

Symbols of Amish group identity include their __________. A) clothing B) monotheistic beliefs C) specially styled jewelry D) knowledge of the Russian language

A) clothing

With regard to labor force participation by wives, we can say that __________. A) compared 30 years ago, more women with children under 18 participate in labor force B) the younger the children's ages are, the more women participate in labor force C) in general, white women show higher level of labor force participation than black women D) the vast majority of husbands view it as shameful to have their wives in the workforce

A) compared 30 years ago, more women with children under 18 participate in labor force

A __________ would stress the undercurrents of resentment and tension against the visible presence of nonwestern minorities and their successes. A) conflict theorist B) functionalist C) interactionist D) exchange theorist

A) conflict theorist

Sexual bias in schools __________. A) continues to exist B) has almost completely disappeared C) is the worst it has ever been in the history of the United States D) is not measurable

A) continues to exist

Bias-motivated hate crimes against Pacific Americans have __________. A) declined throughout the years B) increased significantly C) remained virtually non-existent D) remained at about the same moderate level

A) declined throughout the years

The Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 illustrate __________. A) dominant-group tolerance of violence against a minority B) an extreme form of minority-group defiance C) labor unrest in times of economic trouble D) the failure of government-mandated hiring programs

A) dominant-group tolerance of violence against a minority

Interactionists suggest we can overcome sexual biases and stereotypes through use of __________. A) educational institutions B) the government C) the democratic process D) religious institutions

A) educational institutions

Throughout much of the colonial period, U.S. Catholics__________. A) encountered discriminatory laws in all thirteen colonies B) faced no discriminatory laws since they were so few in number C) settled mostly in New England where people were more hospitable D) dominated Maryland which was their power base at the Constitutional Convention

A) encountered discriminatory laws in all thirteen colonies

The Immigration Act of 1965 __________. A) ensured both sexes equal opportunity to enter the United States B) restricted female Asian immigrants from entering the United States C) restricted Asian children from entering the United States D) allowed for unlimited Asian immigration to the United States

A) ensured both sexes equal opportunity to enter the United States

"Repatriation" and "Operation Wetback" are examples of __________ efforts. A) expulsion B) forced assimilation C) Americanization D) self-justification

A) expulsion

Many state labor laws__________. A) fail to protect women from economic exploitation B) protect women's employment opportunities C) restrict women's income potential D) bar women from higher education

A) fail to protect women from economic exploitation

The growing number of female-headed households living in poverty has led to the creation of the concept of __________. A) feminization of poverty B) discrimination C) unfair treatment of women D) prejudice

A) feminization of poverty

According to the functionalist view, less skilled non-Westerner newcomers __________. A) fill a population void in inner-city neighborhoods B) live in middle-class neighborhoods C) bring upheaval to neighborhoods D) like the openness of rural communities

A) fill a population void in inner-city neighborhoods

As a(n) __________ theorist, Marissa sees the massive population growth of Latin Americans as providing both a cultural identity in a new land and inciting antagonism among other ethnic groups in the United States. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist

Chad, who is a(n) __________ at heart, believes that sexual equality does not come just from economic or political rights, but a general situation of mutually agreed upon expectations and conditions between the sexes. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) behavioral theorist

A) functionalist

From a __________ perspective the strong rates of marriage and multigenerational families present in Chinatowns is a strong indicator of social stability and economic success. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist

Jordan, who is strong proponent of equal gender rights, points out that clear gender roles are still useful, but the specifics of these roles need to change over time to reflect a more equitable position and the realities of the economy and other social institutions. She is a(n) __________theorist. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) behavioral

A) functionalist

Martin, defending the institution of religion, argues that religion helps otherwise disparate groups of people to maintain common values and bonds. Martin's views are in line with __________ theory. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist

While Aaron does not condone slavery, as a(n) __________ theorist, he understands that it served a purpose by allowing the Southern states to develop an agricultural based economy. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) critical race

A) functionalist

While her parents decry the "exclusionary" nature of Chinatowns, Parker, a sociology major whose views are in line with the __________ perspective, points out that these areas serve a number of purposes that help create prosperity and social stability for everyone. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist

William sees sexual inequality as, quite simply, the exploitation of a minority group by a dominant group. He is a(n) __________. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) behavioral theorist

A) functionalist

Andrew understands that any immigrant group faces problems, but he is struck by the relative ease with which the groups in this chapter managed to integrate into U.S. society. As someone whose views align with the __________ perspective, he points to the high levels of education and professionalization that many of these immigrants brought with them as key factors in making this possible. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist ?????

Bill, a city planner, is working to promote his town as a place for immigrants because his urban and exurban neighborhoods need the stability. As a(n) __________, he knows that these groups will help prevent neighborhood decline and maintain racial balance. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) feminist

A) functionalist ?????

According to __________, North African and Middle Eastern immigrants have benefitted from immigration laws that ensure sufficient earning power in occupational preference or priority for those with a social support system already in place such as an extended family. A) functionalists B) conflict theorists C) interactionists D) feminists

A) functionalists

Freudian psychologists suggested that __________. A) gender differences affected behavior B) biological differences had no effect on behavior C) all sex role behavior was learned D) females were actually more aggressive than males

A) gender differences affected behavior

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is significant because __________. A) it was the first federal legislation against a particular race of immigrants B) it was the first restrictive bill passed over a presidential veto C) it was the first act to stop completely immigration from any one country D) its passage brought organized labor into opposition with the government

A) it was the first federal legislation against a particular race of immigrants

Many Japanese settled in rural areas instead of urban regions because __________. A) labor union hostility prevented their finding much work in the cities B) they came from an agrarian country and preferred farming C) they did not get along with the Chinese who lived in the cities D) they did not think cities were a good place to raise children

A) labor union hostility prevented their finding much work in the cities

Early Iranian immigrants who opted to stay in the United States permanently called themselves Persian Yankees or __________. A) mandegar B) belataklif C) cosmopolitans D) globalizers

A) mandegar

High levels of church involvement among Korean immigrants was the result of __________. A) marginalization B) religious beliefs C) middle class status D) stronger religious foundations

A) marginalization

The __________ had implications far beyond slavery as it produced a system which replicated social inferiority throughout generations. A) master-slave social system B) racial reparations C) creation of African American ethnic enclaves D) Jim Crow laws

A) master-slave social system

In __________, women are most equal with men in terms of degrees conferred. A) medicine B) dentistry C) law D) theology

A) medicine

The immigrant elderly are characterized by the fact that __________. A) most do not drive B) they have an expansive social network C) over 70% speak fluent English D) they have a high standard of living

A) most do not drive

Many of today's professional Arab immigrants do not fit past acculturation patterns because they__________. A) need not become Americanized to enjoy the lifestyle they want B) have a religion different from the three major faiths C) do not physically fit into the melting pot theory D) do not fit into theories about behavior in the western world

A) need not become Americanized to enjoy the lifestyle they want

The occupation of __________ helped speed up Syrian acculturation. A) peddling B) mechanic C) nursing D) teaching

A) peddling

The National Commission on Civil Disorders said a major cause of the 1960s riots was/were __________. A) police practices B) low unemployment C) the rise of affordable housing D) religious persecution

A) police practices

Dignidad refers to __________. A) reciprocal respect in human interaction B) formal rules of etiquette C) deference to those of high status D) laws against children disrespecting their parents

A) reciprocal respect in human interaction

In 1954, the landmark desegregation order covered __________. A) schools only B) transportation only C) any public establishment D) any form of segregation, including housing

A) schools only

Anti-Jewish stereotypes included characterizing Jews as __________. A) scoundrels B) athletes C) part of an open society D) accommodating

A) scoundrels

Critics attack the Bell Curve for its __________. A) selective use of data B) poorly trained scientists C) use of graduate students as analysts D) conflict of interest with regard to funding

A) selective use of data

According to the interactionist view, __________. A) skin color often triggers negative responses about busing, crime, housing, jobs, and poverty B) oppression of blacks is the result of American capitalists' exploitation C) the question of who benefits is the most significant issue in black-white relationships D) slavery provided cheap labor in the South as a social function

A) skin color often triggers negative responses about busing, crime, housing, jobs, and poverty

Wilson maintains that denial of upward mobility to the black poor results from __________. A) social class barriers that limit life chances B) racial discrimination C) cutbacks in government support programs D) job competition from Hispanic immigrants

A) social class barriers that limit life chances

Achieving economic success, but not public acceptance, is known as__________. A) social ostracism B) clannishness C) parasitic deference D) consciousness of kind

A) social ostracism

Often accompanying Jewish economic success was __________. A) social segregation B) structural assimilation C) return to their native land D) social acceptance

A) social segregation

Koreans have utilized __________ to successfully immigrate to the United States. A) sojourning B) return migration C) chain-migration D) segregation

A) sojourning

Women have the highest employment rate among __________. A) speech pathologists B) secretaries C) receptionists D) bookkeepers

A) speech pathologists

Most female technical and professional workers work as __________. A) speech-language pathologists B) registered nurses C) librarians D) social workers

A) speech-language pathologists

According to the functionalist view, changes in societal conditions and expectations require __________ if the dysfunctions are to be overcome. A) system adjustments B) social movement C) socialization D) revolution

A) system adjustments

With respect to the Asian American populations __________. A) the Chinese is the largest population B) the Filipino is the largest population C) Los Angeles has the largest Asian population D) San Francisco has the largest Asian populationA

A) the Chinese is the largest population

Many Iranians kept to themselves for fear of__________. A) the SAVAK B) religious persecution C) violence D) disease

A) the SAVAK

In the early twentieth century, the migration of southern blacks to the North was due mostly to __________. A) the existence of Jim Crow laws and poor economic conditions in the North B) better educational opportunities in the North C) more political freedom in the South D) religious persecution in the South

A) the existence of Jim Crow laws and poor economic conditions in the North

Lillian Rubin's study of second-generation U.S. women revealed __________. A) the importance of family of origin B) the importance of feminism in their lives C) their opposition to the feminist movement D) the lack of a second shift for these women

A) the importance of family of origin

The major criticism against using intelligence testing to compare the capabilities of races is __________. A) the presumption that genetic factors explain differences in scores B) the presumption that cultural factors explain differences in scores C) no significant or consistent differences in scores occur D) whites outnumber blacks, giving them an unfair advantage

A) the presumption that genetic factors explain differences in scores

Anti-Turkish sentiment in the United States prior to World War I was due primarily to__________. A) the suppression and massacre of Armenians B) the heroin traffic from Turkish poppy fields C) anti-American actions in Turkey D) Turkish support of the Russian pogroms

A) the suppression and massacre of Armenians

In 1847, Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake Valley resulted from __________. A) the threat of extermination or forced assimilation B) the lure of gold and silver discoveries C) the desire to live in a less settled region D) an avoidance response to the growing slavery issue

A) the threat of extermination or forced assimilation

The new black immigrants come from areas where __________. A) their race is the majority B) a bipartite color system prevails C) color is a primary factor in group life D) Africans are partially assimilated and socially restricted

A) their race is the majority

Opponents of slavery reparations argued that __________. A) unlike other reparation payments, no victims are alive today B) the statute of limitations has not expired C) identifying descendants of slaves is meaningless even with racial self-identification D) no real harm was done to the African slaves in the long run

A) unlike other reparation payments, no victims are alive today

The principle of "separate but equal" was __________. A) upheld by the Supreme Court in 1896 B) struck down by the Supreme Court in 1896 C) recommended by President Lincoln D) created by Congress in 1896 with passage of the Plessy-Ferguson Act

A) upheld by the Supreme Court in 1896

Syrian adjustment, acceptance, and upward mobility were fairly rapid because of their __________. A) wide dispersal which negated any significant opposition to their presence B) propensity to do low paying factory work C) lower class status which meant they were not seen as a threat D) religious values

A) wide dispersal which negated any significant opposition to their presence

In terms of median income, Arab men earn an average of __________ more than the national median for all males. A) $2500 B) $4500 C) $3000 D) $5000

B) $4500

Among all races, __________ percent older women were in poverty in 2011, compared to __________ percent of older men? A) 7.6; 4.6 B) 10.7; 6.2 C) 13.8; 14.2 D) 4.6; 15.3

B) 10.7; 6.2

According to the U.S. Census, how many Americans have a physical, mental, or emotional condition causing difficulty in learning, remembering, or concentrating? A) 9.3 million B) 15.2 million C) 21.2 million D) 6.8 million

B) 15.2 million

How long do most sojourners remain in the U.S.? A) 10 years B) 2 to 5 years C) 1 year D) 4 to 5 years

B) 2 to 5 years

What is the minimum total fertility rate to maintain population stability? A) 1.61 B) 2.1 C) 2.83 D) 3.4

B) 2.1

What was the total fertility rate in less developed countries in 2012? A) 1.61 B) 3.0 C) 3.63 D) 14.1

B) 3.0

According to a 2011 poll by ABC News and the Washington Post, what percentage of respondents considered mainstream Islam a peaceful religion? A) 9% B) 43% C) 72% D) 82%

B) 43%

How many legal South American immigrants entered the United States between 2000 and 2009? A) 2,249,421 B) 856,508 C) 576,831 D) 502,247

B) 856,508

La Raza Cosmica refers to __________. A) an annual competitive event among Hispanic people B) a common bond and great destiny for the Hispanic peoples C) a master-race concept asserting Hispanics are superior D) the emphasis upon nuclear, not extended, families

B) A common bond and great destiny for the Hispanic people

The Amish allow __________. A) conservative behavior from their teenagers B) adolescent rebelliousness prior to adult church membership C) their teenagers to date outgroup members D) educational achievement through high school only

B) Adolescent rebelliousness prior to adult church membership

What was the primary way in which homosexuals responded to homophobia in the 1950s? A) Media outreach B) Adopting a low profile C) Emigration from the United States D) Large-scale protests

B) Adopting a low profile

People of what status are likely to feel strain related to rapid growth in numbers of elderly Americans? A) The great grandchildren of the elderly B) Adult children of the elderly C) Aging parents D) Teenagers

B) Adult children of the elderly

In terms of income, which group has benefited most from all the civil rights actions? A) Black poor B) Black middle class C) Both the black poor and the black middle class D) Neither the black poor nor the black middle class

B) Black middle class

Which of the following presents the conflict view of ethnic competition for jobs? A) An influx of Chinese workers to the United States to expand the nationwide railroad system B) Blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn urging boycotts of Korean stores C) Korean picture brides and students migrating to the United States between 1907 and 1924 D) Black-Filipino animosity on the East Coast leading to the emigration of Filipinos

B) Blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn urging boycotts of Korean stores.

__________ theorists often find validity with the split-labor-market approach and point to the experiences of Syrian/Lebanese men in the United States as strikebreakers as further evidence to support that theory. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Interactionist D) Feminist

B) Conflict

__________ theorists viewed the terrible actions of 9/11 as a real threat to reducing prejudice because the already existing social distance of Arab Americans would make it easy to stereotype all of them as radical extremists. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Interactionist D) Feminist

B) Conflict

__________ theory explains ethnic conflict as economic exploitation of minority groups. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Social interactionist D) Ecological

B) Conflict

The split-labor-market theory belongs to __________. A) functionalist theory B) conflict theory C) social interactionist theory D) feminist theorists

B) Conflict theory

__________explains ethnic struggles as economic exploitation of minority groups. A) Functionalist theory B) Conflict theory C) Social interactionist theory D) Ecological theory

B) Conflict theory

The 1960s sit-ins and freedom rides are examples of which minority response pattern? A) Avoidance B) Defiance C) Deviance D) Self-justification

B) Defiance

__________ explains ethnic tensions from the conflict view. A) Employers needing inexpensive Asian labor, and reaping the profits B) Dominant groups using intergroup ethnic antagonisms to divide the working class to protect their own interests C) Cultural traditions and family cohesiveness being a positive function easing the adjustment of Asian immigrants into U.S. society D) The changing religious meanings and rituals that occur with assimilation

B) Dominant groups using intergroup ethnic antagonisms to divide the working class to protect their own interests

Women have which minority-group characteristics? A) Achieved status B) Easily identifiable C) They do not see themselves as a group D) Periods where they hold the majority of the political power

B) Easily identifiable

__________ brought an end to the forcible detention of the Japanese in 1945. A) Korematsu v. United States of America B) Endo v. United States of America C) The Japanese American Citizens League D) The Foreign Visitors Act

B) Endo v. United States of America

What primary motivation prompted the Mormons to move westward from New York? A) Economic opportunity B) Expulsion C) Overpopulation D) Railroad work

B) Expulsion

What is the main "hot button" issue that that triggers nativists' ire more than any other ethnic manifestation by Hispanics? A) Large families B) Extensive use of the Spanish language C) Catholicism D) Refusal to participate in 4th of July celebrations

B) Extensive use of the Spanish language

As a whole, the patterns for recent Hispanic immigrants can be said to be __________ those for other racial and ethnic groups. A) vastly different than B) extremely similar to C) harder than D) easier than

B) Extremely similar to

In Puerto Rico, as in all Latin American countries, an individual's identity, importance, and security depend on __________. A) migration patterns B) family membership C) religion D) occupation

B) Family Membership

One way the Gentlemen's Agreement improved the personal lives of U.S. Japanese was __________. A) the authorization of small business loans B) giving permission for wives to enter the United States C) the right to own land D) the liberalization of immigration regulations

B) Giving permission for wives to enter the United States

Chinatowns today are __________. A) declining in size, like many European ethnic communities B) growing larger than in earlier years C) primarily tourist attractions, not residential clusters D) being replaced by Hispanic communities

B) Growing larger than in earlier years

When did sex inequality become marked by disparities in economic contributions? A) Hunting-and-gathering societies B) Industrial societies C) Postindustrial societies D) Globalized societies

B) Industrial societies

In what way can we say that Hinduism is like most Western religions? A) It originated with a single founder. B) It reflects a diverse set of practices and philosophical concepts. C) It has a single system of morality. D) It has a specific theological system.

B) It reflects a diverse set of practices and philosophical concepts

__________is/are usually tied to the employment of older workers. A) Lower costs for health care plans B) Lower absenteeism C) Negative job attitudes D) Poor relationships with customers

B) Lower absenteeism

Most Palestinian Americans are __________. A) Buddhist B) Muslim C) Hindu D) Atheist

B) Muslim

What two metropolitan areas account for approximately half of all Israeli Jews living in the U.S.? A) San Antonio and El Paso B) New York City and Los Angeles C) Upper Marlboro and Chevy Chase D) Dallas and Austin

B) New York City and Los Angeles

__________ contributes to the high levels of deprivation for the rural elderly population. A) Lack of recreation options B) Poor heating and insulation C) High population density D) Lack of community

B) Poor heating and insulation

Native-born blacks __________. A) rarely face racial issues in their social acceptance B) raised in the Northeast tend to differ in lifestyles and interaction patterns compared to those from the South C) are pretty homogenous as a group D) are completely integrated into society

B) Raised in the Northeast tend to differ in lifestyle and interaction patterns compared to those from the South

__________ has/have typically considered homosexuality to be deviant. A) The young B) Religious teachings C) Greek philosophy D) Sociologists

B) Religious teachings

The Hmong __________. A) technically are Laotians B) society is patrilineal C) identify with a national identity D) have a lot of exposure to the modern world

B) Society is patrilineal

What happened in 1990 that led an 11-year-long exodus of Nicaraguan refugees to subside? A) The contra war began. B) The Sandinistra regime was voted out. C) Nicaraguan asylees were denied resident status. D) Immigration services denied entry to all Nicaraguan refugees.

B) The Sandinistra regime was voted out.

In the United States, machismo causes a culture class because it often involves __________. A) the stereotype of a woman as a sex object B) the belief in male dominance and female submissiveness C) less opportunity for males to display physical prowess D) the emphasis upon nuclear, not extended, families

B) The belief in male dominance and female submissivesness

Which is part of the Rastafarian behavior code? A) An emphasis on frequent cleaning to maintain dreadlocks B) Using only natural foods without chemical processing C) Drinking only natural milk, not liquor or soda D) Using "you" and "me" only when speaking to outgroup members

B) Using only natural foods without chemical processing

In what ways were Asian immigrants in the United States similar to the first European immigrants? A) They assimilated very quickly due to similarities in religious belief. B) When encountering hostile natives, they chose to settle in homogenous communities near their port of entry. C) Their success can be largely explained by gains in political representation. D) Although a statistical majority, they experienced minority social status.

B) When encountering hostile natives, they chose to settle in homogenous communities near their port of entry.

The functionalist view emphasizes that __________. A) traditionally, women performed the instrumental tasks B) assigning work tasks by sex created a smoothly functioning society C) distinct sex roles have never facilitated social stability D) the biological differences between males and females demands differing work from the sexes

B) assigning work tasks by sex created a smoothly functioning society

Men have the highest employment rate among __________. A) carpenters B) automobile mechanics C) airline pilots, navigators D) truck drivers

B) automobile mechanics

Iranian Americans experiencing mixed feelings about no longer living in the homeland call themselves __________. A) mandegar B) belataklif C) slyasi D) Now-Ruz

B) belataklif

Malik and his immediate family came to the United States a few years ago. They have managed to carve out a nice, middle class lifestyle that they could never have imagined for themselves in their home country. Over the course of letters and phone calls, they convince some of their friends and extended family to come as well. This is a pattern known as __________ migration. A) acquaintance B) chain C) legal D) gradual

B) chain

Mormons forbid __________. A) eating meat B) coffee or tea C) having sex D) women working

B) coffee or tea

Although she recognizes that slavery happened generations ago, Shilene cannot help but see the connection between the long term economic exploitation of labor and current inequalities. She is a(n) __________ theorist. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) critical race

B) conflict

Bob, a __________ theorist, thinks the Asian immigrant experience is simple, when U.S. employers needed cheap labor they opened the doors and downplayed tensions. When economic times turned bad, they divided the working class and let immigrant persecution go unchecked. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

B) conflict

David is not a religious person. He thinks dominant religions are simply tools of the powerful to keep other people from challenging the status quo. His views are in line with __________ theory. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

B) conflict

For __________ theorists, the disabled, gays and elderly are all marginalized groups that are exploited in various ways by the able bodied, young and straight population. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

B) conflict

From a __________ perspective, split-labor-market theory explains the experiences of several Asian groups very well as employers exploited the Asian willingness to work for very low wages. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

B) conflict

When trying to understand the Latin American experience in the United States, Raul continually stresses the dual pillars of residential segregation and economic inequality and exploitation. His views are in line with __________ theory. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

B) conflict

Janet argues that women are more expressive and instrumental because they are socialized to be that way from a very young age. She is a(n) __________. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) behavioral theorist

B) conflict theorist

Which theoretical perspective is most likely to point out that Latinos are persistently restricted to low-paying job opportunities? A) functionalism B) conflict theory C) interactionism D) feminist theory

B) conflict theory

The gradual and pervasive change in the values of people is known as __________. A) value shift B) cultural drift C) cultural differentiation D) value evolution

B) cultural drift

Mead's study of the Arapesh, Mundugamor, and Tchambuli found __________. A) evidence of consistent sex differences in behavior B) cultural variance in male-female role behavior C) greater male aggression in primitive societies D) less male aggression in primitive societies

B) cultural variance in male-female role behavior

Myrdal called the intensification of discrimination resulting from Jim Crow laws __________. A) exponential pathology B) cumulative causation C) behavioral rigidity D) societal racism

B) cumulative causation

Segregation for Blacks has __________ over the last 20 years. A) increased B) decreased C) remained the same D) been impossible to measure

B) decreased

According to conflict analysis, improvement of Hispanic status depends upon their __________. A) learning the English language B) developing political power C) benefiting from greater government jobs programs D) reduced immigration to stabilize their ethnic communities

B) developing political power

Some ethnophaulisms about the Chinese dealt with perceptions of them being __________. A) industrious B) dirty C) quiet D) violent

B) dirty

The push factors for Syrian immigrants included__________. A) low unemployment B) disease C) Chinese oppression D) job opportunities

B) disease

Muslims are concerned about __________ interfering with their ability to maintain the integrity of their way of life. A) work B) divorce C) television D) the government

B) divorce

Iranian immigration, which peaked in the 1980s, __________. A) more than doubled the number from the 1970s B) dropped in the 1990's before picking up again in the 2000s C) has been more or less steady since the 1950s D) is currently at record low levels

B) dropped in the 1990's before picking up again in the 2000s

The greatest conflict between Catholics and Protestants was on the subject of __________. A) tax exemption status B) education C) zoning variances for convents D) Sunday blue laws

B) education

The term "inscrutable" is __________. A) used almost exclusively to describe Hispanics, especially the Mexican and Puerto Rico immigrants B) exemplified by Asians who defy understanding due to their markedly non-Western physical appearance, language, belief systems, customs, stoicism, and observable behavior C) a way of explaining that diversity of Asian ethnic characteristics should be understood in terms of their own traditions D) a way of describing the lack of acculturation and assimilation of minority groups

B) exemplified by Asians who defy understanding due to their markedly non-Western physical appearance, language, belief systems, customs, stoicism, and observable behavior

Mormon values stress __________. A) religious exploration B) family togetherness C) economic independence D) independent thinking

B) family togetherness

Previously, many women of color who were legal scholars__________. A) opposed self-empowerment B) felt excluded by white feminist legal scholars C) emphasized their femininity over their cultural identity D) rejected feminism

B) felt excluded by white feminist legal scholars

By 2030, approximately one in __________ North Americans will be 65 years or older. A) four B) five C) two D) six

B) five

Most Egyptian Americans __________. A) live within well-defined urban ethnic communities when they first arrive B) have children who experience great difficulty adjusting to American culture C) do not marry outside their ethnic community D) live in Louisiana

B) have children who experience great difficulty adjusting to American culture

North Africans and Middle Eastern immigrants __________. A) come from a part of the world predominantly governed by Eastern thought B) have come since the 1965 Immigration Act C) have cultures that are as monolithic as their religious affiliation (Islam) D) have never voluntarily come to the United States

B) have come since the 1965 Immigration Act

With regard to ethnic inequality, the functionalist view suggests that __________. A) inequality exists in all societies because of distinct ethnic mentalities B) in a society, a value consensus develops about the functional importance in meeting the needs and priorities of society C) slavery offered the south an effective means of finding a consensus between whites and blacks D) ethnic differences are really just a struggle for class status and social position

B) in a society, a value consensus develops about the functional importance in meeting the needs and priorities of society

Since the mid-1960s, the number of elected black officials has __________. A) increased slightly B) increased dramatically C) decreased slightly D) decreased dramatically

B) increased dramatically

The Bell Curve says the best explanation of wealth, status, poverty, and social pathologies is __________. A) education B) intelligence C) occupation D) work ethic

B) intelligence

The term used for the gradual replacement in a neighborhood of one group by another is__________. A) block-busting B) invasion-succession C) migration D) gradated sequencing

B) invasion-succession

As a symbolic interactionist, Terrence is constantly stressing that sexual deviance and normality have to do with __________ theory as other people respond to particular sexual actions and identities. A) activity B) labeling C) social learning D) sexual scripts

B) labeling

An important component of adjustment, acceptance, and assimilation is__________. A) arranged marriages B) length of U.S. residence C) older age at immigration D) recent visits to the country of origin

B) length of U.S. residence

A common social center for working-class Palestinian Americans is the__________. A) neighborhood bar B) local coffeehouse C) corner grocery store D) parish church

B) local coffeehouse

Functionalists suggest gender-linked tasks became questioned after __________. A) the introduction of labor-saving domestic servants B) machines doing labor tasks requiring strength C) increase in immigration D) the increase in the infant mortality rate

B) machines doing labor tasks requiring strength

The greatest increase in working women has been among __________. A) young unmarried women B) married women with young children C) mothers of grown children D) widows

B) married women with young children

In explaining what her life as an immigrant is like to her U.S. friends, Shariz stresses the importance of the __________, which serves a religious purpose, an educational purpose, a social purpose and acts as a kind of social service agency. A) YMCA B) mosque C) Arab League D) community school

B) mosque

As male dominance continued over the generations, a sexist ideology evolved to justify the existing order as __________. A) illegitimate B) natural C) unstable D) structural

B) natural

Occupations overwhelmingly filled by women are often called __________ jobs. A) softie B) pink collar C) throwaway D) pedestal-protection

B) pink collar

The conflict perspective as applied to the groups in this chapter emphasizes __________. A) activity theory B) political lobbying for rights C) institutional structures and roles for marginalized groups D) structures of meaning making in daily life

B) political lobbying for rights

Jim Crow Laws __________. A) caused a massive migration of blacks to the southern states B) reflected southern states' embracing the notion of separate but equal upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson C) meant that segregation became the norm only in limited areas in the South D) were common in northern states in the form of poll tax laws

B) reflected southern states' embracing the notion of separate but equal upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson

A Hispanic student who does not look her teacher in the eye is very likely doing so because she __________. A) feels guilty B) respects her teacher C) disrespects her teacher D) has not been raised well by her parents

B) respects her teacher

African immigrants and black Americans __________. A) identify with each other because of the racial bond B) seldom interact because of the cultural differences C) are alike, since both are African Americans D) come into frequent conflict with one another

B) seldom interact because of the cultural differences

In Latin American countries, __________. A) racial prejudice is nonexistent B) social class, not race, is the primary basis for differential treatment C) a sharp racial line determines social standing D) racial prejudice is worse than in the United States

B) social class, not race, is the primary basis for differential treatment

Racism emerged as an ideology __________. A) after slavery began in the United States B) sometime in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries C) during the sectional rivalry in the early nineteenth century D) only in the twentieth century

B) sometime in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Employers often attempt to circumvent the ADEA by__________. A) openly advertising positions with age restrictions B) stating that workers are "over qualified" because of their experience C) requiring certain physical health standards of new employees D) demanding job skills that no old person could possibly possess

B) stating that workers are "over qualified" because of their experience

Generally, traditional Asian values emphasized __________. A) freedom of behavior B) strict control of aggressive or assertive impulses C) independent thought and behavior D) atheism

B) strict control of aggressive or assertive impulses

After the Gentlemen's Agreement Act of 1908 curtailed Japanese emigration, the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association recruited laborers from __________. A) China B) the Philippines C) Vietnam D) the continental United States

B) the Philippines

Phuc duc is __________. A) the belief in astrology as important in child-rearing practices B) the amount of good fortune accumulated over generations of conduct C) the belief in the ability to determine one's own fate D) another term for reincarnation

B) the amount of good fortune accumulated over generations of conduct

Blauner's "internal-colonialism" refers to __________. A) the rise in tenement housing B) the large number of African Americans trapped in ghettos C) racial pride D) a negative mindset found in Blacks

B) the large number of African Americans trapped in ghettos

Looking at the TV news about inner-city black adolescents' delinquency problems, John thinks that blacks are the cause of social problems in the US. This is an example of __________. A) overt racism B) the subtlety of racism C) institutional racism D) external prejudice

B) the subtlety of racism

Many changes occurred after the Industrial Revolution, including the fact that __________. A) machines dramatically increased men's advantage of greater strength for work tasks B) there were decreases in infant-mortality and in family size C) expectations about women's proper role stabilized D) a general consensus arose that women were not to be seen outside of the house

B) there were decreases in infant-mortality and in family size

The 1980s Miami riot __________. A) was black versus Asian B) was caused by black resentment against the Cuban community C) was about protesting the war in Vietnam D) lasted for 13 years

B) was caused by black resentment against the Cuban community

If educational levels are equal, it is true that __________. A) black women earn about the same as white women while working longer hours B) white women earn more than black women C) white women work longer hours than black women D) black women earn more than white women while working fewer hours

B) white women earn more than black women

Settlement patterning of recent Arab immigrants tends to be__________. A) in tight clusters in the inner city B) widespread and in loose clusters C) almost exclusively on the West Coast D) in rural and suburban areas

B) widespread and in loose clusters

Conflict theorists suggest sexual equality or inequality has usually rested heavily upon __________. A) the degree of industrialization in a society B) women's economic contributions to the society C) women achieving political power D) the willingness of men to allow equality

B) women's economic contributions to the society

Projections suggest that by 2030, the composition of the older population for Hispanics will be __________ percent. A) 72 B) 11 C) 10 D) 5

C) 10

What percentage of Arab Americans have a post graduate degree? A) 10% B) 15% C) 18% D) 20%

C) 18%

In 2009, approximately what percentage of immigrant seniors lived below the poverty line? A) 13% B) 70% C) 19% D) 25%

C) 19%

In what year did the Mormon church announce that blacks could become priests? A) 1948 B) 1969 C) 1978 D) 1990

C) 1978

In 1970, the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean was more than 285 million. What was the approximate population in 2012? A) 100 million B) 160 million C) 599 million D) 400 million

C) 599 million

In a 1994 study by a team of social researchers, __________ percent of males said they were attracted to others of the same gender. A) 1.3 B) 7.3 C) 6.2 D) 4.4

C) 6.2

By 2030, __________ percent of the elderly will be 75 or older. A) 46 B) 55 C) 65 D) 75

C) 65

__________ can be cited as a cause of the growing proportion of elderly people. A) Increasing birth rates B) Declining nutrition C) Advances in health care D) Social assistance in snowbelt states

C) Advances in health care

Who estimated in 1948 that 10% of Americans were homosexual? A) John Gagnon B) Lawrence Bowers C) Alfred Kinsey D) Robert T. Michael

C) Alfred Kinsey

The local and regional association that helps Palestinian immigrants adjust to life in the United States is called the__________. A) Chain Migration Association B) Arab Nation C) American Federation of Ramallah D) Nation of Islam

C) American Federation of Ramallah

For Asian and white Americans it is generally true that __________. A) Asian men are less educated than white men B) Asian women have the highest education of all races C) Asian poverty level is lower than that of the white population D) More Asian families own their home than white families

C) Asian poverty level is lower than that of the white population

__________ have the highest rate of female headed households. A) Asian families B) Hispanic families C) Black families D) White families

C) Black families

The conflict view on the experiences of African Americans stresses that __________. A) compared to the era of slavery, more recent economic exploitation of blacks may be even more obvious B) confining blacks to marginal positions preserved better-paying job opportunities for Hispanics C) Blauner's internal-colonialism theory is appropriate for understanding the racial oppression of blacks D) slavery creates a meaning system that develops among slaves to communicate with one another in the presence of the dominant group

C) Blauner's internal-colonialism theory is appropriate for understanding the racial oppression of blacks

Islam incorporates many beliefs and practices of__________. A) Buddhism and Hinduism B) Buddhism and Christianity C) Christianity and Judaism D) Christianity and Hinduism

C) Christianity and Judaism

The greatest number of South American immigrants came from __________. A) Argentina B) Chile C) Colombia D) Ecuador

C) Colombia

According to Figure 11.3, __________ appear to have the most prosperous economic status. A) Mexicans B) Puerto Ricans C) Cubans D) Central Americans

C) Cubans

What groups have low intermarriage rates with non-Hispanics? A) Central and South Americans B) Cubans and Mexicans C) Dominicans and Puerto Ricans D) Colombians and Peruvians

C) Dominicans and Puerto Ricans

Who suggested that male genitalia influenced boys to be questing, aggressive, and outward-thrusting and that female genitalia directed girls to be concerned with boundaries, limits and interiors? A) Friedan B) Hacker C) Erikson D) Myrdal

C) Erikson

__________ is/are least likely to have a favorable view of Islam. A) College students B) Seculars C) Evangelical Protestants D) People under 30 years old

C) Evangelical Protestants

Which state historically provided the most opportunity and protection for Asian immigrants? A) California B) Alaska C) Hawaii D) Oregon

C) Hawaii

__________ is the field of study that has the largest number of female bachelor's degree earners. A) Education B) Foreign languages C) Health professions D) Psychology

C) Health professions

__________ is a current pattern in Asian-American assimilation. A) Low family median income B) High rates of poverty C) High rates of racial intermarriage D) High residential segregation

C) High rates of racial intermarriage

__________ have the lowest educational attainment. A) Black males B) Asian females C) Hispanic males D) White males

C) Hispanic males

__________ had the biggest decrease in high school dropouts between 2000 and 2010. A) Whites B) African Americans C) Hispanics D) Asian Americans

C) Hispanics

Linda, as a(n) __________, stresses that Hispanics are not a monolithic group even though non-Hispanic Americans tend to view them and stereotype them that way. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

C) Interactionist

Many groups rely on religion to help them make sense of the world and to interpret both daily and cosmic level events. Jill stresses this meaning making function of religion because she is a(n) __________. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) feminist

C) Interactionist

__________ theory focuses on how European immigrants in the United States interpreted the actions of the Asian immigrants and translated these interpretations into action. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Interactionist D) Feminist

C) Interactionist

In seeking to explain the experiences of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants to the United States, Diadra, an immigrant from Syria, talks about how she gets along with everyone at work, but socially, she is not well integrated beyond her own compatriots. __________ stress that this increases opportunities for ethnic stereotypes and division to emerge. A) Functionalists B) Conflict theorists C) Interactionists D) Feminists

C) Interactionists

Which country had the highest fertility rate in 2012? A) The Czech Republic B) Japan C) Ireland D) The United States

C) Ireland

Which group has the lowest suicide rates? A) Older Whites B) Older Asian or Pacific Islanders C) Older Blacks D) Older Hispanics

C) Older Blacks

Which religious group has grown the most vigorously in recent years? A) Mormons B) Jehovah's Witnesses C) Pentecostal Assemblies of God D) Presbyterians

C) Pentecostal Assemblies of God

Through the __________, the United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba if necessary to protect U.S. interests. A) Know-Nothing Party B) Labor Unions C) Platt Amendment D) Peace Act Agreement

C) Platt Amendment

Minority women encounter prejudice and discrimination on what two fronts? A) Age and gender B) Beliefs and attitudes C) Race and gender D) Social class and gender

C) Race and gender

Cuban cultural values emphasize __________. A) living in order to work and achieve physical comfort B) directing hostility into physical violence C) readily displaying kindness and generosity D) being unwitty or disagreeable

C) Readily displaying kindness and generosity

In what ways do Jewish Israeli immigrants maintain their identity? A) Become naturalized U.S. citizens B) Marry U.S. citizens C) Remain active in Israeli organizations D) Live in mixed communities

C) Remain active in Israeli organizations

__________ was a major social problem affecting most Asian immigrants up through the 1940s. A) Alcoholism B) Suicide C) Shortage of women D) Nationalism

C) Shortage of women

__________ theory explains ethnic stereotypes as the dominant group's premature response to minority groups. A) Functionalist B) Conflict C) Social interactionist D) Ecological

C) Social interactionist

__________ explains ethnic stereotypes as the dominant group's premature response to minority groups. A) Functionalist theory B) Conflict theory C) Social interactionist theory D) Ecological theory

C) Social interactionist theory

__________ assimilation is much more likely for Arab Americans to the extent that they have lived in the U.S. for a long time, were younger at the age of immigration, and are Christian. A) Straight-line B) Segmented C) Structural D) Similar

C) Structural

Turkish emigration to the United States was low because__________. A) the United States was a Jewish country B) the traditional Turkish pattern of migration involved only small groups emigrating C) Turkish law barred any emigrant from ever returning D) very few states allowed their entry

C) Turkish law barred any emigrant from ever returning

Compared to most other Hispanic-American groups except for South Americans, Cubans have __________. A) lower educational attainment B) a higher unemployment rate C) a higher median family income D) worse cultural values

C) a higher median family income

The experiences of Iraqi immigrants in Detroit illustrates __________. A) a persistent subculture despite changes in the homeland B) changes in the homeland changing immigrant orientations C) a village-oriented community nestled in an urban region D) hostility against them because of the oil crisis

C) a village-oriented community nestled in an urban region

Hindus are __________. A) vegetarians B) polytheistic C) able to practice another religion simultaneously D) a minority religious group in every country where they are present

C) able to practice another religion simultaneously

Immigration legislation after 1965__________. A) effectively limited the number of immigrants from both Western and non-Western world B) were based on the restrictive national-origins quota system C) allowed more non-Western immigrants to gain approval to migrate D) has consistently restricted immigration for non-Christians

C) allowed more non-Western immigrants to gain approval to migrate

According to functional analysis, __________. A) the Hispanic community is unimportant in adjustment to U.S. life B) Cuban revitalization of neighborhoods has hurt other Hispanic groups C) allowing an underclass undermines personal rights and equal opportunities D) existence of a dual economy denies job opportunities to Hispanics

C) allowing an underclass undermines personal rights and equal opportunities

In the early twentieth century, U.S. policy toward Puerto Rico was __________. A) mostly to encourage economic investment B) simply exploitation C) an attempt at Americanization D) introduction of pluralism

C) an attempt at Americanization

The term "mommy track" refers to the __________. A) reality that most mothers also work at a paying job B) desire of most working women to become mothers C) choice working women make to put family ahead of career D) women who get pregnant within a couple of months of giving birth

C) choice working women make to put family ahead of career

According to the text, __________ might lead well-intentioned people to create uncomfortable situations for the disabled? A) noticing someone's disability B) ignoring someone's disability C) comments about noteworthy disabled individuals D) dismissing a person with a disability

C) comments about noteworthy disabled individuals

Television __________. A) helps overcome sex stereotyping B) significantly improved its realistic portrayal of women C) continues to promote traditional sex stereotypes D) has no pattern of promoting sex stereotyping

C) continues to promote traditional sex stereotypes

The term "glass ceiling" refers to __________. A) most women working in office buildings B) the shattering of past limits on women's salaries C) discrimination against female upward mobility D) affirmative action opening new careers for women

C) discrimination against female upward mobility

Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have exceptionally high rates of intermarriage with __________. A) other Hispanics B) non-Hispanics C) each other D) Blacks

C) each other

The conflict perspective would emphasize that __________. A) industrialists often used Syrian/Lebanese men to strengthen unions in the Northeast B) the Syrian/Lebanese offered factory owners a more expensive and more skilled labor alternative C) economic competition between two wage level groups generated ethnic antagonism and violence D) better-educated immigrants become functionally integrated fairly easily

C) economic competition between two wage level groups generated ethnic antagonism and violence

College educated African American women are more likely to benefit from the Feminist movement in __________. A) social identity B) ethnic experiences C) egalitarian marriage D) cultural identity

C) egalitarian marriage

Myths about Black racial inferiority __________. A) began with the ancient Egyptians B) originated in Africa to discourage the slave trade C) emerged as a rationalization for U.S. slavery D) were rejected by slave owners who knew Blacks worked hard

C) emerged as a rationalization for U.S. slavery

Black men are more likely than white men to be employed as __________. A) high school principals B) university professors C) food-service workers D) sanitation workers

C) food-service workers

Compared to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans __________. A) are less fluent in English B) have a higher number of high school dropouts C) have seen their poverty rates decline D) have a longer length of residence in the mainland United States

C) have seen their poverty rates decline

A common aspect of all Amish communities is their __________. A) beautiful country churches B) adaptability to modern life C) high degree of integration and harmony D) dependence on tourism

C) high degree of integration and harmony

Functionalists would say that__________. A) newcomers exacerbate the competition for scarce resources and set up class divisions B) the split-labor market theory explains the antagonism and violence early newcomers faced C) immigration laws ensure a support system in relative preference D) social integration follows workplace integration

C) immigration laws ensure a support system in relative preference

Sociologists Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales maintained that the efficient functioning of a society, indeed its very survival, depends on satisfying both __________ and __________ needs. A) functional; institutional B) expressive; instrumental C) instrumental; expressive D) institutional; functional

C) instrumental; expressive

In an essay for her sociology class, Ashley takes a __________ point of view and argues that the rough times that some Asian immigrants have had is partially due to the wide social distance between them and mainstream society which resulted in more opportunities for negative stereotypes to develop. A) functionalist B) conflict C) interactionist D) feminist

C) interactionist

According to Miller, Americans are leaving mainstream churches in droves to __________. A) join cults B) embrace atheism C) join nondenominational churches D) start their own religions

C) join nondenominational churches

Syrian-Lebanese assimilation is nearly complete because they now have __________, which is what Milton Gordon calls the last stage of assimilation. A) financial security B) upward mobility C) large-scale intermarriage D) representation in all jobs and professions

C) large-scale intermarriage

In fields of study in college today, we find__________. A) proportional representation of males and females in most areas B) females outnumbering males in the sciences C) males significantly outnumbering females in engineering and physical sciences D) females outnumbering males in computer and informational sciences

C) males significantly outnumbering females in engineering and physical sciences

Language may subconsciously encourage racial prejudgment __________. A) if people use nasty words B) because if you hear words, you believe them C) of the negative connotations of some D) of their frequent repetition

C) of the negative connotations of some

What is the third largest minority group in the United States? A) African Americans B) homosexuals C) people with disabilities D) the elderly

C) people with disabilities

Their __________ helps Palestinians living in the United States maintain their ethnic identity. A) language B) priests and churches C) political cause D) cultural institute program

C) political cause

A "push" factor spurring early Japanese migration was__________. A) religious persecution B) political unrest C) primogeniture D) famine

C) primogeniture

I and I is used among Rastafarians to __________. A) distinguish themselves from other religions B) denote who is inside and outside of the religion C) promote equality and oneness with everyone D) show respect for elders

C) promote equality and oneness with everyone

According to the functionalist view, the better educated, better skilled, and better connected immigrants__________. A) are typically welcomed immediately upon arriving into a new country B) are celebrated by their host countries C) quickly adjust D) actually have a harder time leaving their old country behind

C) quickly adjust

The traditional gender roles within immigrant minority subgroups deflect recent advances in__________. A) occupational mobility B) educational advances C) sexual equality D) political power

C) sexual equality

An emphasis on __________ is tied to America's youth-oriented culture. A) spiritual formation B) creativity C) sexuality D) prejudice

C) sexuality

Mexican Americans in Los Angeles and New Mexico compared to those living elsewhere, __________. A) are less likely to enter the mainstream of U.S. society B) exhibit a greater retention of their culture C) show a greater degree of assimilation D) live mostly in the poorest sections of the cities

C) show a greater degree of assimilation

In the Puerto Rican American communities, bodegas serve as __________. A) religious temples B) hair salons C) social gathering places D) a source of cultural pride

C) social gathering places

The black middle class __________. A) has earnings that are comparable to the white middle class B) has businesses that are more susceptible to failure because of government intervention C) still endures various forms of racism D) is increasingly returning to Africa

C) still endures various forms of racism

For recent ethnic tensions __________. A) conflict is usually more intense than toward previous waves of immigrants B) the majority of conflict is between recent immigrants C) the fear of further terrorist attacks and racial profiling add to underlying tension D) the extreme violence has slowed immigration to a trickle

C) the fear of further terrorist attacks and racial profiling add to underlying tension

The Medical Model in Figure 14.2 is associated with the idea that __________ is/are the problem. A) a lack of education B) prejudice C) the impairment D) the structures in society

C) the impairment

Variances in the Hispanic experience in the United States are due to __________. A) their heritage B) lacking a common language C) the regions in which they settled D) religious beliefs

C) the regions in which they settled

Medical expenses for the elderly are about __________ than those of middle-aged adults. A) six times greater B) two times greater C) three times greater D) ten times greater

C) three times greater

Controversies over abortion and school prayer __________. A) once again pit Protestants against Catholics B) are illustrations of civil religion C) unite people of many different faiths in a common cause D) threaten to create deep religious division in the country

C) unite people of many different faiths in a common cause

The term "second shift" refers to __________. A) women working at two different job locations B) women as a second source of family income C) working women also doing most household chores D) the use of domestic workers for childcare and household chores

C) working women also doing most household chores

How many Americans have a severe hearing difficulty? A) 2.5 million B) 56 million C) 1.7 million D) 1.1 million

D) 1.1 million

Congress gave women the right to vote in __________. A) 1789 B) 1865 C) 1890 D) 1919

D) 1919

About what proportion of elderly citizens depend on Social Security for over 50% of their income? A) 1/4 B) 1/3 C) 1/2 D) 2/3

D) 2/3

Approximately what percentage of people over the age of 65 experience significant mental impairment? A) 80% B) 10% C) 15% D) 20%

D) 20%

What was the difference between other ethnic groups and African immigrants in the U.S. during the years of slavery? A) Neither other ethnic groups nor African immigrants could re-create in miniature the society they left behind. B) The South made educating black slaves and other ethnic groups a criminal offense. C) Through hard work and perseverance, African immigrants were able to overcome nativist fears and prejudices. D) 200 years of master-slave relations shaped values and attitudes about whites and blacks that still linger today.

D) 200 years of master-slave relations shaped values and attitudes about whites and blacks that still linger today.

What percentage of blacks believe that major conflicts still exist between the races? A) 47% B) 35% C) 75% D) 53%

D) 53%

What percentage of Latino voters did Obama receive in 2012? A) 7% B) 20% C) 52% D) 71%

D) 71%

__________ have the highest percentage of disabled senior citizens. A) Non-Hispanic whites B) Pacific Islanders C) Asian Americans D) Black Americans

D) Black Americans

Which state was brought into the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the End of the Mexican-American War? A) Oregon B) Utah C) Colorado D) California

D) California

Who is associated with the Brown Berets? A) Cesar Chavez B) Rudolfo Gonzales C) Reies Lopes Tijerina D) David Sanchez

D) David Sanchez

Creationists' support for a literal interpretation of the Bible puts them in conflict with __________ theory. A) Feminist B) Conflict C) Gravity D) Evolutionary

D) Evolutionary

Early Korean immigrants were recruited by the __________. A) railroad companies B) U.S. school system C) petroleum industry leaders D) Hawaii Sugar Planters' Association

D) Hawaii Sugar Planter's Association

__________ have the highest rate of labor force participation. A) White men B) Black men C) American Indian men D) Hispanic men

D) Hispanic men

Amish citizens in __________ would be most likely to vote Republican. A) Indiana B) Ohio C) Pennsylvania D) Illinois

D) Illinois

A Hispanic male's felt responsibility to protect his family's honor might be identified by which term? A) Marianismo B) La Raza Cosmica C) Interdependencia D) Machismo

D) Machismo

__________ has the highest percentage of Hispanic residents. A) Chicago B) Houston C) San Diego D) Miami

D) Miami

Which country is predicted to have the lowest proportion of the population at age 60 or older by 2050? A) China B) India C) Mexico D) The Philippines

D) The Philippines

U.S. Catholics today are __________. A) less than ten percent of the total population B) declining in numbers, except for Hispanic immigrant additions C) more than 50 percent of the total population D) the largest single religious denomination in the United States

D) The largest single denomination in the United States

As their length of time in the country grows, Mexican immigrants close the earning gap with __________ but not with non-Hispanic whites. A) Native Americans B) Blacks C) Asians D) U.S. born Mexican Americans

D) U.S. born Mexican Americans

__________ is south of Bolivia. A) Venezuela B) Columbia C) El Salvador D) Uruguay

D) Uruguay

Santeria in the United States today is __________. A) exclusively followed by Hispanics B) a highly ethnocentric Cuban religion C) against any form of animal sacrifice D) a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, secret religion

D) a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, secret religion

Japanese-Americans' emphasis on conformity, aspiration, competitiveness, discipline, and self-control has resulted in __________. A) changes in Japanese family structure and husband-wife roles B) more rapid assimilation C) increased opportunities due to resettlement D) better school performance than other American students

D) better school performance than other American students

Gunnar Myrdhal noted the common experiences in early America of women and __________. A) immigrants B) children C) Native Americans D) blacks

D) blacks

Today's second-generation Iranian Americans are mostly__________. A) living in poverty B) born to working-class parents C) living in the southeastern United States D) born to middle-class professional parents

D) born to middle-class professional parents

U.S. Catholics and Protestants fundamentally differ on the issue of __________. A) abortion B) school prayer C) birth control D) clerical celibacy

D) clerical celibacy

Utah is among the top states in the country in__________. A) divorce rates B) illiteracy C) high school dropout rates D) college graduates

D) college graduates

Karl believes that racism is so interwoven into the fabric of U.S. society that our culture literally is sustained by a system of racism. Karl is a(n) __________. A) functionalist B) conflict theorist C) interactionist D) critical race theorist

D) critical race theorist

Mexican Americans may be described as __________. A) nonassimilable because of their proximity to Mexico B) confined almost exclusively to the American Southwest C) a single group of mostly impoverished workers D) diverse in values, socioeconomic status, and assimilation

D) diverse in values, socioeconomic status, and assimilation

The Kessler Foundation/National Organization on Disability national poll has consistently revealed that people with disabilities are more likely to __________. A) have health care B) attend religious services C) socialize D) drop out of high school

D) drop out of high school

Immigration from Africa __________. A) is virtually nonexistent B) is down to a small trickle C) has been steadily declining since European colonial rule ended D) has been significantly increasing in recent years

D) has been significantly increasing in recent years

Public concern about sexual harassment began__________. A) in the mid-1990s B) in the mid-1930s C) in the mid-1960s D) in the mid-1970s

D) in the mid-1970s

Cases of arson, assault, and murder of homosexuals __________ in the 1990s. A) decreased slightly B) decreased dramatically C) increased slightly D) increased dramatically

D) increased dramatically

Interactionists emphasize __________ as a way of understanding how gender inequality structures our world. A) male advantages in maintaining sexual inequality B) biological gender roles C) class differences D) internalized societal expectations

D) internalized societal expectations

A very recent example of deviance in the Chinese community is __________. A) gambling B) tongs C) brothels D) juvenile delinquency

D) juvenile delinquency

Women earn __________ men in almost every occupation. A) more than B) about the same as C) exactly the same as D) less than

D) less than

According to the conflict view, __________ illustrates the universal human problems of exploitation and oppression. A) the subordination of men B) sexual equality C) gender equality D) male dominance

D) male dominance

According to interactionist analysis, Anglos __________. A) have good awareness of Hispanic diversity because of television B) are highly receptive to Hispanic pluralism C) apply understandings of European immigrant patterns to the Hispanics D) often misinterpret Hispanic ethnicity and behavior

D) often misinterpret Hispanic ethnicity and behavior

Population movement since 1960 from inside to outside central cities __________. A) involved few African Americans B) reduced the percentage of African Americans living outside central cities C) kept the proportion of African Americans living outside central cities fairly constant D) resulted in most African Americans living outside central cities

D) resulted in most African Americans living outside central cities

Megan understands that the social world channels all of our activities, even our sexuality. She draws on the concept of __________ to explain the development of both homosexuality and heterosexuality. A) activity theory B) labeling theory C) social learning D) sexual scripts

D) sexual scripts

In order to strengthen the group by removing errant members and silencing ideas which do not conform, the Amish may __________ a member. A) convert B) baptize C) excommunicate D) shun

D) shun

According to the conflict view, __________. A) social status of blacks depends on the functionalist orientation of the society and the availability of qualified personnel B) inequality exists because people value certain occupational roles C) system corrections such as federal judicial and legislative action occur when there are social dysfunctions D) slavery is an obvious example of past economic exploitation of blacks

D) slavery is an obvious example of past economic exploitation of blacks

The fact that __________ contributed to the success of some first and many second-generation Jewish Americans. A) they brought to America skills useful in an industrial society B) male immigrants were not burdened with familial commitments C) they lacked seriousness of purpose D) they put an emphasis on real world experience over school learning

D) they put an emphasis on real world experience over school learning

The 1992 Los Angeles riot __________. A) was a black versus white riot like the 1965 Watts riot B) did not involve Latinos C) was a black versus white and Korean riot D) was a multiracial riot with various conflict combinations

D) was a multiracial riot with various conflict combinations

Immigration from Haiti will likely __________. A) continue for a long time B) be limited in number and duration C) surpass that from Mexico D) eliminate all problems related to poverty

a) continue for a long time

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