Euro Unit IV

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Elizabeth I

Lent aid to Netherlands. Spain overthrew her. Queen of England.

prince of parma

Made Don juan the govenor General of Netherlands. Diplomat & soldier

louis XIII

Marie de medicis son. Inherits the throne after the assassination of Henry IV.

what were cardinal richilieus objectives And accomplishments

- A politique - State not church - Strengthened state economy by mercantilism - More trade - Found in many commercial companies on anglo-Dutch model

What conflicts occurred when the Portugal arrived in India

- Both wanted channels of travel/trade - Portugal came back in a war break out between Spain and Portugal - Cities were devastated and people dead

What developments begin to upset this settlement

- Calvinism spread into Germany - Falling apart with two wars

What were the result of Columbus is discovery of the Americans

- Europe minned for Mettals to bring back - Put Indians to work many Indians died because of work and chickenpox

Describe the nature of the Spanish Empire in America

- Europeans came over and brought diseases - Spanish government the Indians had to work a certain number of days while holding their own land Adopted Spanish-language and church

What happened to the Habsburgs land when Charles V abdicated

- Gave austria, Bohemia and hungry to brother Ferdinand - Everything else left to philip II - Divided now into the Australian and Spanish

Describe the changes in Europe's population in the early modern.

- Growth and all country - Countries like Antwerp, lisbon and Seville a lot because of oceans - Small towns remained about the same

Of what significance was Vasco de Gamas discovery of the sea route to the east

- India thought the coming of Portugal's world interpret their channels of travel/trade - Found India

What change in attitudes could be noted towards the leaving of interest

- Individual wild and getting money from himself

What role did the government play in economic growth

- Kings - rise of capitalism - Middle-class hold government office - peasants suffer from government taxes

Describe the make up and composition of the Holy Roman Empire. How had it changed by the 1600s

- Language less important than religion - Religion empire divided

what Impact of the 30 years war and the peace of Westphalia have on the Holy Roman Empire

- Made it weak - unUnited - Damaged

Explain the general nature and purpose of mercantilism citing examples of Marcantilist policies and regulations

- Mercantilism started when rulers needed more money - Building up a strong self-sufficient economy - Set the poor to work - Raise the export of finished goods and reduce the export of on process raw material (exports exceded imports) -discoraged begging/vagabondage -wanted strong economy -set the poor to work (english poor law of 1601) -supported local trade

What changes took place in education in the early modern.

- More educated Clergy - More lawyer - Grammar schools founded - More colleges started - More poor boys were educated

Describe the Netherlands revolt against Philip I I. How is it both religious and political

- Nobles from random providences came up with a league to check the Spanish influence of Netherlands (Catholic and Protestant) - Wanted Philip IIs not to do the Spanish Inquisition Netherlands -feared trouble it has of foreign court, providences crushed - Philip went with the pension anyway and people got mad

Describe the nature of the French religious/civil wars

- Not organize Protestants and Catholics fighting - Do not have a solid government

Three factors that contributed to the great economic readjustment in the 14th-century

- Opening of Ocean trade routes - Growing of population/demand and supply -Gradual inflation/goal of capitalism

To what extent where the wars of religion religious conflicts

- Protestant versus Catholic - Didn't have a main leader

How did England become involved in the conflict between Spain and the Netherlands. What impacted this have an England

- Queen Elizabeth of England rent aid to Netherlands secretly not wanting to start world of Spain - Spain defeats Netherlands and invades England - Overthrows Elizabeth

Explain Henry I V is solution to the religious issue

- Rejected Calvinism - Huguenots appealed and scared by this

What was the significance of Henry IVs reign in the development of the French monarchy

- Set foundations for future royalty - Let country gradually recover

Why did Philip II regard himself as a international figure as well as the king of Spain

- Ships leaving to ocean were Spanish kings - Really into religion so he thought of himself as a religious leader

Compare and contrast the empires created by Portugal and East and Spain in America

- Spain more willing to change and adapt language - Portugal fought for them to go away - Both were forced into slavery and work for them - Both ruined their culture in someway Spain in America by disease Portugal by war

What were the major events and issues that led to the 30 years war

- Spread of Calvinism - Germans falling apart - The 12 years truce - Spain in Dutch going to expire - German Civil War over Catholic/ protestant - German Civil War over constitutional issues

Why where the Huguenots seen as a threat

- Started to spread more people Protestant less catholic - That's in the powers of monarchy and idea of nationality established church

How did mercantilism relate to monarchies

- The rise in capitalism made more military - Because of mercantilism state to build new monarchies - Transition from town to national units of societal living

What important economic changes in the early modern centries does the term commercial revolution signify

- The rise of a capitalistic economy and that translation from the town center to a nation centered to a national economic system

Explain the origins nature and the facts of the putting out or domestic system

- The spinning, weaving and dying process began - Instead of using guid they went to the country to seek out new workers - Provided these country workers with looms - Gender difference in the woman did Spinning well men wove

How is the early modern economy different from the medieval economy

- Trade became more popular and heavily used - Now more quality and not specific for each person -created mercantilism

Describe the make up of the Netherlands during Philip II reign

- United under same ruler the Duke of Burgundy - 17 providences - Not United, Northern felt no Tie with each other or span - Each 17 providences were separate - Had same ruler had to send delegates

Describe the economic classes in Europe in the early modern period. How was it a class affected by the changing economy of Europe

- Urban elites - top governing towns get income from real property commerce leisure and working government - Middle-class - Merchants bakers shipowners law and medicine, land rent went up - Peasants - increased, do not have to pay lords a lot, gaining more property, begging a social burdens. ganing least of economic, left then worse

How did the voyages of the 15th and 16th centuries add to existing geographic knowledge

- Used more ocean travel, made europe the center - Used ocean to travel - Expanded their knowledge of the earth and the oceans

Describe the major differences between eastern and western Europe and the middle modern period

- Western commercial revolution and declining of money a advantage to middle class and peasants - Eastern Lords benefited from rising prices and grind market -West peasants worked a few days a week and got off a few days - Eastern peasants cannot leave without Lord's permission

Summarize the major provisions of the Treaty of Westphalia 1648

- granted each German state right to determine religion - going away of Holy Roman Empire - New constitution of Empire not territorial changes - Contact diplomat and make treaties with foreign power - No laws made by Empire - No taxes raised - No war declared or terms ratified without imperial Estates

What impacted the peace of Augsburg have on the Holy Roman Empire - In each state the government could choose religion of subjects - When leader died try to get leader is Luthern/Catholic

...- In each state the government could choose religion of subjects - When leader died try to get leader is Luthern/Catholic

1576 don juan

1/2 Brother of Philip II Hero of Spanish victory war

Reasons and motivations of the age of exploration 1450- 1650

A. Technological innovations: Improved compass, astrolabe (Longitude and latitude) better ships B. Political and economic Incentives: additional royalty revenue, demand for you routes for eastern good See. Religious incentives: Missionaries- new land to spread land mostly Catholic Deep. Personal incentives - money individual well


King of Holy Roman Empire

edict of restitution 1629

All church territory Secularized. Restoring to Catholic Church

Albert of Wallenstein

Amber Ferdinand V commanded him to raise another army

1629 peace of alais

Amendment of edict of nantes. -Took away Calvinists rights and ended the Huguenots Rebellion led by Duke of Rohan. - Presents kept religion but did not get political power -hugonots lost power


Between Germany and western countries

Describe the events/outcome of the four phrases of the 30 years war

Bohemian(1618-1625)- Spaniards fix the Rhineland. Buildup position against French and Dutch, Bohemia reconquered by a hash birds Ferdinand is king now - Danish (1625-1629) Where he invaded by Wallenstein - Swedish (1630-1635) Most modern army of time.won wars breitenfeld and Lulzen Swedish-French (1635-1648) International struggle in Germany. National resentment of invasion

defenestration of prague

Bohemian/czechs feared loss of Protestant liberties so they threw catholics out of windows

How did Henri IV coming to the French throne in 1589

Both Henry III and Henry of Guise were killed by one another

Council of troubles/council of blood

Created by duke alva To stop religous and political beliefs or standards -1567

Gustavus Adolphus

King of Sweden. Built most modern army. Lutheran


French speaking of Bohemia

Protestant union

Head of this is Frederick V. Brought aid to bohemians from the Protestant union

marie de medici

Her husband died. Left her in charge. People called the states general

To what extent had the French monarchy succeeded in imposing unity on the country

It did not succeed very well, they divided between groups, Priceton Catholic, so the states are self-government, not providing unity

henry II

Opposed the spread of calvinism. King of France. Killed in the tournament.

Battle of White Mountain

Overwhelming bohemians in battle


Palace that Philip II built himself


Politicians. to much on religon No war want 2 churches. (Catholic+Protestant) Wanted civil order

rouen and la rochelle

Protestant town

Frederick v

Protestant union head

mary queen of scots/Mary Stuart

Queen of France. Then queen of Scotland. Catholic killed her because she was next in line and Protestant

How would you characterize the general state of religious and political affairs in Europe in the early years of Phillips reign

Religion okay but not great still conflict between Catholics and Protestants Religion as well as Paula text we get worse through his reign

estates general

a counsel that represented the states of France

Peace of Prague 1635

Saxons made this piece, German Protestants concurring in the and withdrawing their support from the Swedes. - Isolated Swedes

1598 edict of nantes

Some discrimination against protestant. Granted nobles the right to hold Protestant services in home


Supreme law courts. Refuse to recognize a lot of land


System of sovereign states

union of utrecht

The 7northern providences formed this

st frqncis xavier

a jesuit. went places and baptized them

duke of norfolk

The one who led the uprising against Elizabeth I

Catherine de medici

The widow of Henry II. Governed france for her sons after husband died. -opposed calvinism -catholic - sparke the saint bartholomews day massacre (1572)

What is the deeper meaning of Paris is well worth the mass

This means that Henry will switch to Catholic views from Huguenot views

cardinal richelieu

Took over France for Louis XIII . Why did france to become absolute monarch. Wanted state not church


Where the Spanish naval victory was

duke of alva

a new firmer governor that was sent to Netherlands. Stop religous and political beliefs or standards. -created the councial of troubles 1567


a person living in a town. enjoring liberties (social class)

treaty of 1494

a treaty with spanish and portagal

The age of Exploration Portugal and Spain take the lead

a. 1492 - Columbus sailed the ocean B. 1494 Treaty of tordesillas- divide the world c 1498 - da Gama arrives in India D. 1521 - magellan circumnavigate the globe

Effects of the age of exploration

a. Influx of gold and silver to europe B. Spain & Portugal compete with veteran merchants C. Consumer goods/staple commodities more available in Europe lower prices D. Devasting impact on discovered people The. First established of commercial empires - the beginning of colonism/imperialism F. Knowledge of true size of world, connections between oceans G. Europe is reorientated towards the Atlantic h the black legend a brief account of the destruction of the Indies do to animosity see generously towards the Spanish (the hapsburg)

black legend

an account of the deatruction of indies, book writen cuz of jelosy and indians showed how bad spanish is

1609 twelve years truce

an agreement that the netherlands be partitoned the dutch. (truce between metherland and dutch)

guise family

catholic party came lead bu duke of guis and cardinal of lorraine. wante to gov. france

austrian and spanish habsburgs

charels V divided it into two branches cuz son and brother owned it now

armada catolica

crosses on sails and banners with holy virgin -the spanish armada - ships went into the cannels and where destroyed by the english pirates

statute of artificers of 1563

elizibeth regulqted admission to apprententicship and level of wages in various trades


england class of freeholders

university of lina

est. 1551 spanish-america. a form of euro school


fewer woman then men emigratd from spain. mixed white and indian desent


first german family bankers. fustian. lent money to hapsburgs which made the fuggers go bankrupt


first govener general of portuguese -establiahed trading stations -established the portageuse empire along the cost of the malibar cost and african coast

ursuline sisters

founded in italy. school for woman


french calvinists were called. Minority religion


henrey III was reigning king of france. killed by henrey of guise henrey of guise was catholic part cheif killed bu henrey III


high class, nobles

henry of bourbon/henry of navarre/henry IV

hugonot inherited thrown. converted to catholicism but issued protestant policies. issed edict of nantes

saint bartholomews day massacre (1572)

huguenots went to paris to celebrate haney navarres wedding - catholics killed leader hugonotes at night -lead to fighting in france -this fired up calvinists


indians had to work for an owner a certain numbwr of days a week. indians had own land too

boy kings

kids who are to younge to run kingdom. came after charles and lievey couldnt run empire so it fell

social structure

landed aristocracy, the peasentry, the miscellaneous middle class and urban poor


lead spanish exedition discovered philippine islands. proved earth is round


lending money at high interest rate. distinguashed between usury and legitimal return


lesser nobles. insiring to be churchman


lords where calld in north east germany

english poor law of 1601

make the poor work and stop begging

Empire Ferdinand

martias's successor Money from Pope

commercial capitalism

mass production of goods instead of spacific to each person typical form tell 1800

What type of economic system did Cardinal richelieu introducing France



money. amount of product needed

price revolution

more metals where minned and this would have caused inflation if it was not of the importing of goods from the east

feudal (postmedieval sense)

not noble only. But all groups with rights in the state

chartered trading companies

only people in the company can teade within that reigon that company is in

favorable balance of trade

other countries would pay debts in bullion


people who went to new land for personal reasons (wanted wealth)


person who knew where/how to sell product. manager (man)

william of orange/willian the silent

philip II's assistant or stadholder in the country of holland -issue letters to ship captins. telling to make war at sea -got leadership role in dutch -ruler of neatherlands

sea dogs


hereditary subjection

serfdom in germany (serfdom a ill sounding word)


silver deposita discovered in peru

siglo de oro

spain and the golden age (1550-1650) pictures and writing being produced

internal tariffs

taxes in the state on imported goods to make it the wealthiest economy in europe

commercialization of industry

the net effects of the developments of economic

da gama

vasco da gama an explorer who founded india

war of religon

war through out europe (mostly on german soil)

United providences of the Netherlands

when the union of utrecht got independence from king of spain called themselves this


where they learned. jesuites taught there


worked on land for a few days on nobles lan then got a few days off. in eastern europe

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