European History chapter 24

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What was the result of the Berlin Conference?

It set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers

What pattern did migration out of Europe often follow in the 19th century?

families and friends would coordinate their migration so that they would settle together in a new land

How did Ismail transform Egypt in the 19th century?

He promoted large irrigation networks for cotton production and export

What was Britain's decisive advantage in its war with China?

Britain had control of the seas

What was the principle by which the European powers established their claim to and African territory after the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885?

Effective occupation

What is "orientalism"?

a term used by modern scholars to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures

the United States between 1815 and 1932?

absorbed the largest overall number of European emigrants

Why did Japan open its shores to Western trade?

as a response to tU.S. military pressure

What was "nativism" in the 19th century?

beliefs and policies that gave preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants

How was the flow of goods directed around the globe in the 19th century?

by new communication systems, such as the telegraph, that could direct ships from port to port

(SA)What were neo-europes and why were they significant?

- colonies with significant populations of europeans - sources of cheap raw materials -outlet for population growth -investment opportunities

(SA)How did the radical English economist J.A. Hobson view inperialism?

- rush to colonize was due to surplus capital at home - imperial posessions didnt benefit the country as a whole - imperialism served to divert attention away from domestic economic issues

The typical European immigrant was...

a small farmer or rural craftsperson

What did the Western world hope to achieve through the global economic system?

the largest share of gains from trade, technology, and migration would flow to the West and its propertied classes

(SA)Who were the swallows?

-italians who moved between italy and argentina harvesting wheat -provides better living than standard worker

(SA)What was the Great Rebellion of 1857 and 1858?

-last traditional response to european imperialism -insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army -spread through north and central india -was eventually crushed

(SA)How did Asian migrants often come to work in Western -dominated lands?

-left home in respose to rural hardship - came as indentured servantsto plantaions and mines -replace slave labor

(SA)How did the Boers, or Afrikaners, seek to avoid the domination of the British?

-moved inland and declared independence - brought under British control as a "self-governing" colony -used numerical superiority to slowly gain political power

(SA)What was the basic idea of the "civilization mission"?

-phrase used to justify imperialism in Europe - europeans thought imperialism would raise standard of living - in time, these people could be ready for self-government

(SA)What happened during the 100 days of reform?

-series of western style reforms attempting to modernize - threatened Tzu Hsi's power so she sponsored a palace coup, imprisoned the emperor and rejected the reform movement

What happened in 1898 at Fashoda?

British and French troops encountered on another and set off a serious diplomatic crisis that only ended when the French backed bown

IN most European countries, how was emigration related to population growth in the late 19th century?

Emigration increased about 20 years after rapid growth in population, as land became scarce

the largest share of European foreign investment went to...

European states and North America

After 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until near the end of the century?

Europeans had obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations

How Muhammad Ali finance his modernization of Egyptian society?

He forced farmers to become tenants of large, private landowners who adopted commercial agriculture

How did the Union of South Africa function differently than any other territory in Africa?

It functioned as a largely "self-governing" colony

What medication proved to be effective in controlling malaria and allowing Europeans to venture into the mosquito-infested interior of Africa?


how did the building of railroads in Latin America, Asia, and Africa facilitate Western economic interests as opposed to regional economic interests?

Railroad lines connected resource-rich inland cities to seaports to facilitate Western trade, but did not link inland cities to each other

To what extent did the new imperialism result in economic gains and why?

The economic gains were limited because the new colonies were too poor to buy European goods and offered few immediately profitable investments

What was the primary factor that influenced whether European immigrants returned to their native lands?

The possibility of buying land in the home country

How did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India in the 19th century?

They worked to improve the lives of Indian women, moving them closer to Western standards through education and legislation

What new model for European expansion did Britain establish in Egypt?

a combination of military force, political domination, and an ideology of beneficial reform

What was the Boxer Rebellion?

a rebellion of traditionalist Chinese patriots who wished to expel all Westerners from China

Great Britain chose to seize land in Africa and Asia in the late 19th century because it...

feared the France and Germany would seal off their empires with high tariffs, causing it to lose future economic opportunities

how did Muhammad Ali reorganize the Egyptian army?

he drafted illiterate peasants and hired French and Italian army officers to train the recruits and their Turkish officers

The Meiji Restoration restored the Japanese emperor to power in 1867 and...

initiated a series of measures to reform Japan along modern lines

By 1890, how had Japan met hte challenge of Western expansion?

it selectively adopted those elements of Western society that were in keeping with Japanese tradition

What was china required to do in the treaty of Nanking that ended the first Opium War

open up four large cities to unlimited foreign trade with low tariffs

What did the British use to break China's self-imposed isolation?


How did the British obtain the opium that they smuggled into China?

opium was grown legally in British-occupied England

the Russian Marxist Vladimir Lenin asserted that imperialism...

signaled the coming decay and collapse of capitalist society

In the 19th century, what country dominated the 3,000 mile archipelago that is now Indonesia?

the Netherlands

What belief drove native opponents to European colonial rule?

the nationalist assertion that every people has a right to control their destiny

Rudyard Kipling's "white man's burden" referred to...

the white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, nonwhite races

How were governments able to use empires to ease social tensions and domestic political conflicts in the 19th century?

they encouraged the masses to savor foreign triumphs as examples of national glory and prestige

What did Heinrich von Treitschke believe was the significance of colonies?

they were essential to great nations

What was the goal of the new imperialism of the late 19th century?

to create large political empires

What was the all-important goal of the architects of the Meiji Restoration?

to meet the threat posed by outside powers

Why were Jewish immigrants in the 19th century unlikely to return to their native land?

violent antisemitism in Eastern Europe

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