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Characteristic of revolutions (Malcolm X - Message to the Grassroots)

a. no such thing as a nonviolent revolution b. bloody, hostile, knows no compromise, overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way

Manner of education of the Negro (Carter G. Woodson - The Mis-education of the Negro)

black and mixed schools Negroes are taught to admire the Hebrew, Greek, the Latin, and to despise the African

Reason(s) why African American catch hell (Malcolm X - Message to the Grassroots)

"You catch hell because you're a Black man. You catch hell, all of us catch hell, for the same reason"

W.E.B. Dubois (Angela Davis)

"black music is the most beautiful expression of human experience born this side of the seas...It remains as the singular spiritual heritage of the nation and the greatest gift of the Negro people"

Cornel West - W.E.B. Dubois: The Jamesian Organic Intellectual

1. Characterization of W.E.B. Dubois as The Jamesian Organic Intellectual 2. Traces the cause of W.E.B. Dubois which serves as a unique response to the crisis of American pragmatism in the 20th century. 3. Influenced by the teaching and writing of his Harvard professor William James as Dubois was developing his pragmatic philosophy.

Struggles of Pan African culture (Amiri Baraka)

1. Colonialism 2. Racial oppression 3. Neocolonialism 4. Capitalism 5. Imperialism

Maulana Karenga - The Million Man March / Day of Absence Mission Statement

1. Emphasize the priority need of Black men to stand up and assume a new and expanded responsibility. 2. Call to Black men to stand up and assume this new and expanded sense of responsibility is based on the realization that the strength and resourcefulness of the family and the liberation of the people. 3. Commitments include the following areas: Conscious, Concerned, Committed, Recognizing, Realizing, Reaffirming, Declare 4. Challenge to African American men (Themes) a. Atonement b. Reconciliation c. Responsibility 5. Day of absence - call for those who do not attend the Million Man March especially Black women to mobilize and organize the community in support of the Million Man March and its goals.

Anna Cooper - Womanhood: A Vital elements in the regeneration and progress of a race

1. Satisfaction in American institutions rests not on the fruition we now enjoy as women, but springs rather from the possibilities and promise that is inherent in the system, though as yet, perhaps far in the future... 2. Thomas Babington Macaulay - 1st Baron Macaulay, British historian and Whig politician 3. You may judge a nation's rank in the scale of civilization from the way they treat their women (Macaulay)

Weapon Walker selected to fight slavery (David Walker - Appeal to Coloured Citizens of the World)

History is the weapon

Awa Thiam - Black Sisters... Speak Out

1. The problems that beset Black women are manifold and is very different from that of white and yellow women. 2. Majority of European women do not lack essentials, whereas Black women are fighting for survival as much in the field of institutions as in the manner of her daily existence. 3. black women are fighting for survival as much in the field of institutions as in the manner of her daily existence

Seven core values (Maulana Karenga)

1. Umoja - (Unity) maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race 2. Kujichagulia - (Self-determination) To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves. 3. Ujima - (Collective work and responsibility) to build and maintain our community together and make out sisters and brothers problems our problems and to solve them together 4. Ujamaa - (Cooperative Economics) to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together 5. Nia - (Purpose) To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our communities to restore our people to their traditional greatness 6. Kuumba - (Creativity) To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. 7. Imani - (Faith) To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

7 Core Values (English)

1. Unity 2. Self-determination 3. Collective work and responsibility 4. Cooperative Economics 5. Purpose 6. Creativity 7. Faith

Pan African culture defined (Amiri Baraka)

African people, institutions, values and way of life, productive forces, material and spiritual reality mobilized on a worldwide basis to defeat colonialism, racial oppression, neocolonialism, capitalism and imperialism

Song and dance ( collective consciousness) (Angela Davis)

African-American women musicians would rely on the power of Nommo, which would permit them to incorporate in their music and to impart to others by means of their music a collective consciousness and a very specific communal yearning for freedom.

Temperance of militant of Negroes ( sense of religious commitment, physical danger to themselves, responsibility) (Martin Luther King Jr.)

America is fortunate that the strength and militancy of Negro Protest have been tempered by a sense of responsibility.

Where problem lies? (Malcolm X - Message to the Grassroots)

America's problem is us and we are her problem

Impact of colonialism and imperialism (Walter Rodney)

Europeans and Africans themselves in the colonial period lacked due regard for the unique features of African culture.

Conditioning responses to racism (Chinweizu)

Hunger for praise from the west (inferiority complex)

Kwanzaa (Maulana Karenga)

Kwanzaa was created to introduce and reinforce seven basic values of African culture which contribute to building family, community, and culture among African American people as well as Africans throughout the world.

Image projected on the Negro in books / curriculum (Carter G. Woodson - The Mis-education of the Negro)

Negro race is studied only as a problem or dismissed as of little consequence.

King's assertion whether or not Negroes going too fast (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Negroes are not going fast enough.

O.B.E. / M.B.E (Chinweizu)

OBE - Obedient boys for the empire MBE - Mute boys of the empire

Kwame Nkrumah - The need for union government for Africa

Presented for the establishment of an African Continental Government for the security of the whole African continent As the first sub-Saharan African country to become independent, Ghana, under Kwame Nkrumah, gave everything to see that other African countries achieve their independence Speech: "African Unity: The Need for new Champions"

Frederick Douglass - Fourth of July Oration

Speech given at Rochester, 1952 questioning why he and the African community he represents have to honor America's national independence ( July 4th) Speech: "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" "the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? or is it in the temple? It is neither." A day that reveals to him, more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty of which he is the constant victim

Views of White America (Martin Luther King Jr.)

The best course for the Negro happens to be the best course for whites as well and for the nation as a whole.

Revolutionary culture defined (Amiri Baraka)

The people, their way of life, their values and institutions consciously developed as a force for positive transformation

How we missed the mark? (Carter G. Woodson - The Mis-education of the Negro)

a. no efforts made after Civil War to educate blacks b. stuck in poverty for many years in the South

Impact on Negro and Whites (Carter G. Woodson - The Mis-education of the Negro)

Thought of inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him/her in almost every class he/she enters and in almost every book that is studied.

Role and response to Negro action (Paul Robeson - The Power of Negro Action)

a. "How long will we be oppressed?" Answer: "As long as we permit it" -Negro action can be decisive. b. Negroes have the power to end the terror and to win for themselves peace and security throughout the land. c. Recognition of this fact will bring new vigor, boldness, and determination in planning programs of action and new militancy in winning its goal

Are We Men? ( meaning)(David Walker - Appeal to Coloured Citizens of the World)

a. "Isn't God a God of justice to ALL his creatures"? b. "Are we men!!—I ask you, O my brethren! are we MEN? Did our creator make us to be slaves to dust and ashes like ourselves? Are not dying worms as well as we?

Anatole France (Martin Luther King Jr.)

a. "The law in its majestic equality forbids all men to sleep under benches"... "the rich as well as the poor" b. Despite new laws, little has changed; the Negro is still the poorest American walled in by color and poverty.

Message of spirit to Turner (Nat Turner - Narrative)

a. "seek ye the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you" b. When he ran away the Spirit told him to "return to his earthly master"

Caseley-Hayford (Walter Rodney)

a. Ghanaian scholar, African (Gold Coast) Nationalist b. "Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government"

Insurrection impact / outcome (Nat Turner - Narrative)

a. He got together with several other men and planned the insurrection. b. They murdered their master and his whole family, and basically the whole town c. "I sometimes got in sight in time to see the work of death completed, viewed the mangled bodies as they lay, in silent satisfaction, and immediately started in quest of other victims..." d. Eventually he was discovered and taken to prison

Sources of power of Negro action (Paul Robeson - The Power of Negro Action)

a. Numbers- 16 million blacks in the United States all spread out throughout the country and some concentrated in areas of "political and economic significance" b. Organization- i. "Negroes can and do band together and they have accomplished remarkable works through their collective efforts" ii. Many organizations have been established by Negroes; a great example is the N.A.A.C.P. iii. To exert fully our power of organization we must bring together, for united action, all of the many organizations which now encompass the masses of our people.

Components of revolutionary culture (Amiri Baraka)

a. People b. Way of Life c. Values d. Institutions

Four operations of African contact with Europe (Walter Rodney)

a. Reconstruction of the nature of development in African before the coming of Europeans b. Reconstruction of the nature of development which took place in Europe before expansion abroad c. Analysis of Africa's contribution to Europe's present "developed" state. d. Analysis of Europe's contribution to Africa's present "underdeveloped state"

Resolution responses to racism (Chinweizu)

a. Understand the historical origins of behavior inflicted by colonialism b. Challenge the imperialist propaganda and transform the educational system c. Denounce the western racism and support Negritude d. Eliminate African weakness and build for themselves a strength adequate for sovereign dignity in the contemporary world

Bandung Conference (Malcolm X - Message to the Grassroots)

a. Where representatives of Asian and African nations met to discuss their common enemy: The Europeans b. He said that just as the members of the conference put aside their differences, so Black Americans must put aside their differences and unite.

Sources of his appeal (David Walker - Appeal to Coloured Citizens of the World)

a. White people's desires are to keep blacks ignorant and wretched so that they'll continue to be beasts of burden b. It's ironic that the Spanish and other oppressors call for peace when they are "oppressing the Lord's people"

Black revolution vs. Negro revolution (Malcolm X - Message to the Grassroots)

a. black revolutions taking place in African also involved land and bloodshed b. negro revolution is only kind of nonviolent revolution; based on loving your enemy

Define Nguzo Saba (Maulana Karenga)

a. fundamental communitarian value system which serves as both central part of Kawaida philosophy and the core of the African Americana and Pan-African holiday of Kwanzaa b. Values were chosen with an appreciation for where we are now as a people and what challenges we face and must deal with successfully as a people. c. 7 chosen because of the cultural and spiritual significance of "7" in African culture

How he perceived his role / mission? (Nat Turner - Narrative)

a. he possessed a "superior judgement" b. He was doing what God wanted him to do

Impact of African American women (Angela Davis)

have had the most enduring impact on popular culture deep rooted in the ethnic musical traditions in African American community (forged originally in Africa and reshaped and honed by the conditions of slavery, reconstruction years and two world wars

Grandmother strong religious influence (Nat Turner - Narrative)

told him he was too intellectual to do slave work and that he had too much sense to be raised

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