Evolution and Diveristy
Brown algae belong to which kingdom?
the primary organisms on Earth today are
The order in which chordates appeared on Earth is (1) fish, (2) ___, (3) ____, (4) ___, (5)
amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammals
the primary organisms on early Earth were
similar adaptations that result from convergent evolution
analogous structures
Earthworms and other segmented worms belong to phylum [ annelida / arthropoda ]
Anima with jointed appendages, hard exoskeletons, and segmented bodies are classified as ____
organisms that could make their own food using solar energy
With respect to the evolution of chordates, fish appeared [ before / after ] birds, and birds appeared [ before / after ] mammals
modern system of classification
binomial system
Cyanobacteria [ can / cannot ] photosynthesize
evolution that results in the production of similar traits and behaviors between two separate populations and/or species
convergent evolution
Having flower parts in multiples of four or five is a characteristic of [ monocots / dicots ]
process by which two populations of the same species end up having different behaviors and traits
divergent evolution
Protists [ do / do not ] have a nucleus
the members of an order do/do not have more in common than do the members of a class
Prokaryotes [ do / do not ] have a nucleus
do not
the members of a kingdom do/do not have more in common than do the members of an order
do not
a change in a population's gene pool
an organism's ability to contributed to the next generation's gene pool by producing surviving offspring
all the information that paleontologists have gathered and organized about past life
fossil record
all the genes of all the people in the whole population
gene pool
each person in the population has a distinct set of genes, different from all others
genetic variability
the phrase "____" refers to the fact that within any population of any species, genotypes vary
genetic variability
a population of animals, plants, or other organisms that are separated from exchanging genetic material with other organisms of the same species
geographic isolation
Conifers, such as pine trees, are classified as [ angiosperms / gymnosperms ]
the proposal that the first living organism was a heterotroph
heterotroph hypothesis
Mushrooms and yeast are ___
organisms that cannot synthesize their own food
structures common in species that share a common ancestor
homologous structures
genetic variability is/is not a property of all populations
genetic variability is/is not attributable to random mutation
genetic variability is/is not caused by a species' ability to adapt to existing environmental conditions
is not
Soft-bodied animals with hard external shells are classified as ___
Plants with parallel veins in their leaves and flower parts in multiples of 3 are classified as [ monocots / dicots ]
driving force of evolution
natural selection
Mosses and liverworts are examples of ____ plants
scientists classify organisms based on their evolutionary relationships
Amoebas and slime molds belong to which kingdom?
evolution always/sometimes results in the production of a new species
the formation of new species
largest group of organisms in which two individuals are capable of reproducing fertile offspring
fancy term given to the science of classification and naming
an anatomical feature that no longer seems to have a purpose in the current form of an organism of the given species
vestigial structures
according to the heterotroph hypothesis, ammonia was/was not a chief component of the atmosphere when life began
according to the heterotroph hypothesis, hydrogen was/was not a chief component of the atmosphere when life began
according to the heterotroph hypothesis, methane was/was not a chief component of the atmosphere when life began
according to the heterotroph hypothesis, oxygen was/was not a chief component of the atmosphere when life began
was not