Exam 1

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There are roughy ______ neurons in the human brain.

100 billion

Which of the following statements about correlation coefficients is true?

A correlation of -0.81 shows a strong relationship between variables.

Dennis replicating mother's laundry question

Albert Bandura; observational learning

The famous Bobo doll research was conducted by _____ and showed the power of _____.

Albert Bandura; observational learning

____ is the capacity to selectively focus awareness on particular stimuli in your external environment or on your internal thoughts and sensations.


______ dominated American psychology for the first half of the twentieth century.


Tyrone and his coffee question

CS is smell and taste of coffee, and CR is alertness

After repeatedly pairing the sound of a bell with food being placed in a dog's mouth, the sound of the bell alone will make the dog salivate. The dog's salivation to the sound of the bell is called the:

Conditioned response (CR)

_____ is the most common sleep complaint among adults.


____ is a group of techniques that induce an altered state of focused attention and heightened awareness.


How are flashbulb memories different from ordinary memories?

People have a higher degree of confidence in the accuracy of flashbulb memories.

Which of the following statements about the properties of neurons is TRUE?

The size and shape of neurons varies a great deal, reflecting their specialized function.

Shortly after going to bed and as you are falling asleep, you experience the vividly realistic sensation that you are falling or tripping forward, which jolts you awake. This vivid sensation is a common example of:

a hypnagogic hallucination

A hypothesis is:

a tentative statement that describes the relationship between two or more variables

In general, critical thinking refers to the practice of:

actively questioning statements rather than blindly accepting them.

After turning out the light for the night, your head hits the pillow. Gradually, your muscles real and drowsiness occurs. This drowsy yet wakeful state is associated with ____ brain waves.


Psychologists use statistics to:

analyze the data collected and determine whether or not the results support the hypothesis.

According to Bandura, what four cognitive processes are necessary for imitation of observed behavior?

attention, memory, ability to perform the behavior, and motivation

Much of your sense of self is derived from memories of your unique life experiences. These particular kinds of memories are referred to as _____ memories.


As you are reading this question, you are awake and alert. This means that your brain is generating _____ brain waves.


Christopher did NOT develop a fear of telephones or his girlfriend. Which concept helps explain this fact?

biological preparedness

Which theory best explains color vision in humans?

both the opponent-process theory and the trichromatic theory

In the activation-syntheses model of dreaming, what is activated?

brainstem circuits at the base of the brain that arouse more sophisticated brain areas, such as visual and auditory centers.

Correlational research:

can reveal the degree to which two factors are related or co-vary in a systematic way.

Math test chess question

change of the math test scores are the dependent variable.

While taking his psychology quiz, Walter was keenly aware of this thoughts, sensations, memories, and different aspects of the surrounding environment. Collectively, this awareness is referred to as one's:


In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is:

deliberately manipulated by the researcher.

In an experiment, the factor that is observed and measured for change and is thought to be influenced by the independent variable is called the:

dependent variable.

The second step of the scientific method is to:

design a study and collect relevant data.

Whenever her cell phone vibrates, Akiko immediately retrieves her phone to see who is texting her.. The majority of the time she answers the text right away. The vibrating phone is a ______ for her response.

discriminative stimulus

Sleep researchers who study disruptions in the amount of sleep, including insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and narcolepsy, are interested in a broad category of sleep disorders called:


Focusing on the meaning of information is called:

elaborative rehearsal

Rather than simply repeating key terms and concepts, Jeremy focused on the meaning of the information in the chapter and tried to generate examples of concepts from his own experiences. Jeremy was using _____ to help encode information into his long-term memory.

elaborative rehearsal

Evidence that is the result of observation, measurement, and experimentation is referred to as ______ evidence.


The process of transforming information that enters and is retained by the memory system is called:


When thinking like a scientist, it is important to:

engage in critical thinking

The term _______ refers to the tendency to use your own culture as the standard for judging other cultures.


A correlational study is useful because it can:

examine how strongly two variables are related to one another.

Dr. Cruz quiz question with diminishing anxiety when quiz is stopped being given.


Cal works in a factory and is paid based upon his productivity. For every 100 widgets that Cal assembles, he receives $10. The owners of the factory are using a _____ schedule of reinforcement to pay Cal.


The purpose of using a double-blind study

guard against the possibility that the researcher will treat participants differently or communicate the behavior that is expected of the participants.

The three basic properties of color are:

hue, saturation, brightness

Dr. Harvey calculates a correlation coefficient of +0.68 between the amount of ice cream sales and the number of assaults committed during one summer. From this correlation coefficient, Dr. Harvey can conclude that:

ice cream sales and number of assaults are positively correlated.

Sleep restriction studies have shown that:

immune system functioning, concentration, vigilance, reaction time, memory skills, and ability to gauge risk were all diminished.

Positive reinforcement ____ the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated. Negative reinforcement ____ the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated.

increases; increases

If random factors alone were operating, was less than 1 chance in 100. The researchers used ____, and can conclude that the results are ______.

inferential statistics; statistically significant

The tendency to group objects that are close to one another as a single unit is called the:

law of proximity

Roy is having trouble passing his calculus course. No matter how hard he studies, he cannot seem to pass a calculus test. Eventually, Roy gives up and stops studying or even coming to calculus class. Roy's behavior can be explained as an example of:

learned helplessness

The receptor cells for vision are sensitive to what kind of stimulus?


Conner vividly remembers details from earlier in the day when he was mistakenly pulled over by a highway patrolman and briefly arrested for armed robbery. Conner's memory of this event is stored in his:

long-term memory

Dr. Rogan calculates a correlation coefficient of -0.72 between the amount of marijuana smoked and short term memory capacity. From this correlation coefficient, Dr. Rogan can conclude that:

marijuana consumption and short-term memory capacity are negatively correlated.

The ____ of dreaming emphasizes the continuity between waking and dreaming cognition.

neurocognitive model

Like a key in a lock, the shape of the _____ must fit the _____ to affect the postsynaptic neuron.

neurotransmitter; receptor site

Synaptic vesicles contain:


A correlation coefficient is a:

numerical indicator of the strength and direction of a relationship between two factors.

Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are ____ that tend to occur during _____.

parasomnias; stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep

One potential problem with surveys and questionnaires is that:

people may misrepresent their personal characteristics or lie in their responses.

If one were to examine a graph of the correlation between college GPA and the hours studied during a semester, what would be the most likely finding?

positive correlation

Although she had not made one in years, Evelyn carefully folded the paper to make a paper airplane for her grandson. Evelyn's ability to perform this task is an example of which type of long-term memory?

procedural memory

The chemical substances that people take to alter mood, thinking, sensation, or perception are called:

psychoactive drugs.

This multiple-choice test question is a good example of using _____ to test long-term memory.


Classical conditioning involves ______, while operate conditioning involves _____.

reflexive behaviors; voluntary behaviors.

When a psychological test yields very similar results from an individual regardless of when or where the test was taken, the test can be said to be:


During the short-answer essay part of the examination, Ethan was absolutely certain that he knew the definition of long-term potentiation, but he could not think of it. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for Ethan's inability to retrieve the information from his long-term memory?

retrieval cue failure

Your general knowledge of words, facts, names, definitions, and other assorted trivia reflects which type of long-term memory?

semantic memory

The stimulation of special receptors in your nose by airborne molecules of chlorine is an example of _____, and your interpretation of the stimulation is an example of _____.

sensation; perception

AS you are reading this question right now, you are consciously processing the meaning of the words in which stage of memory?

short-term memory

Which of the following is an example of parasomnia?

sleep-related eating disorder

Which of the following sleep problems tend to occur during the deep sleep state go stages 3 and 4 NREM?

sleepwalking and sleep terrors.

Which early school of psychology relied on a method called introspection?


Psychology is formally defined as the scientific:

study of behavior and mental processes

The specialized receptor cells for taste are found in the:

taste buds

The smallest possible stimulus that can be detected half the time, or the minimum level of stimulation that we can detect is called:

the absolute threshold.

Researchers at the United Family Therapy Center are conducting a study to determine how quickly symptoms of anxiety are reduced by different forms of psychotherapy. What is the dependent variable in this study?

the change in the symptoms of anxiety

The famous case of the man known as H.M. illustrates the important role played by ____ in the formation of new memories.

the hippocampus

Which of the following statements about long-term memory is FALSE?

the three components of long-term memory are the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and the central executive.

According to gate-control theory, psychological, situational, or social factors can affect the experience of pain because:

these factors can cause the brain to send signals down the spinal cord to either open or close the pain gates.

The process by which physical energy, such as light, is converted into a coded neural signal that can be transmitted to and interpreted by the brain is called:


How can you increase the length of time that you can hold information in your short-term memory?

using maintenance rehearsal by repeating the information

Instructor explains that there will be 10 surprise quizzes over the semester. The instructor is using a ____ schedule of reinforcement to encourage studying and class attendance.


Chronic, long-term use of marijuana is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

violent or aggressive outburst

Perceiving a picture activates areas of the ____, just as perceiving a sound activates areas of the ____.

visual cortex; right prefrontal cortex

If one were to examine a graph of the correlation between shoe size and college GPA, what would be the most likely finding?

zero correlation

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