Exam 1

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For drug addicts, the location in which a drug is frequently taken, for instance, a particular room, is likely to become a


A rat is given 20 exposures to a flashing light stimulus. Then, the flashing light is presented paired with food delivery. Compared to a rat that did not receive the initial 20 exposures, this rat took a long time to develop a CR to the light. The slower learning is due to the

CS-preexposure effect

From the perspective of a behavior analyst, drug "cravings" can be explained as:

a product of presenting the drug related CS without the drug US

Skinner argued that behavior is controlled by contingencies. A contingency is:

a specified relationship between behavior and reinforcement

When extinction is introduced in operant conditioning, the rate of behavior:

first increases then decreases

Maria is paid on Friday, every two weeks. This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

People who enjoy watching The Today Show, which airs every morning at the same time, are being reinforced on a ______ schedule.

fixed interval

Which of the following reinforcement schedules normally leads to almost no responding immediately after a reinforcement and then a gradual increase in responding as the time since reinforcement grows longer?

fixed interval

A hotel maid is allowed to take a 15-minute break every time he cleans four rooms. This is an example of a _____ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed ratio

A rat is placed in an Operant Chamber for 30 minutes and is reinforced for every other response during three 10-minute trials. The rat is responding on an _______ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed ratio

Every time Fido the dog whines, his owners give him a doggie treat to calm him down. As a result of his clueless owners, Fido has become a very whiney dog, illustrating the power of:

operant conditioning

Skinner proposed that the basic datum (measure) for operant analysis should be:


All else being equal, when comparing ratio and interval schedules of reinforcement:

ratio schedules produce a higher rate of response

Increasing the number of responses required in a ratio schedule of reinforcement too quickly often results in a stereotyped pattern of behavior that includes emotional responding and a failure to perform the required behavior. This pattern of behavior is referred to as:

ratio strain

Jill's boss stops by her desk periodically throughout the day to check her progress and ask questions. This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.

variable interval

A slot machine is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement.

variable ratio

In delay conditioning, the US is presented

while the CS is still present

Malcolm's two-year-old daughter throws a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants. Malcolm has decided to ignore his daughter whenever she has a tantrum. This is an example of:

. extinction

The specific way an individual chooses to turn on a light switch is an example of _____ of a response.

. topography

In positive reinforcement, a stimulus is ______ and as a result behavior _____.

. added; increases

Learning refers to

A. the acquisition of behavior B. the maintenance of behavior C. the change in behavior as a result of events

Frank tested the effect of posted signs on recycling behavior by: (1) observing how much waste was recycled in a normal week; (2) posting signs that encouraged recycling for a week; (3) removing the signs and observing for a final week. What type of research design would this be?

ABA reversal design

_____ are events, settings, and situations that come before operant behavior and increase its probability when present.

Discriminative stimuli

The "hard worker" gets relatively more rewards on the ______ schedules.


Sensitization is stimulus-specific.


The behavior of the subject is the independent variable.


Which of the following is NOT an example of operant conditioning?

Flinching slightly when the nurse tells you that they are about to give you a shot

In what way does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, the consequence arrives regardless of the animal's behavior, while in operant conditioning it only arrives once the animal has made a response.

What makes a single-subject design "single subject"?

Individuals' data are not averaged with other individuals' data

Andrew spends a lot of timing playing guitar and very little time studying. ______ suggest(s) that playing the guitar could be a reinforcer for studying.

The Premack principle

Which law governing reflexes asserts that as the intensity of the stimulus increases so does the strength of the responses?

The law of intensity

Which of the following is NOT a difference between Skinner and Watson?

The rejection of internal events as causes of behavior

Which of the following is an example of the procedure for demonstrating blocking?

Train subjects that a tone predicts food, then add a light to the tone CS

The occurrence of Christmas follows a fixed interval schedule in contrast to earthquakes which follow a variable interval schedule.


When discrimination is low, generalization is high.


Consider the following example: "Your phone won't allow you to make a call so you turn it off and then back on again. After this your phone allows you to make a call." Identify the operant in this example.

Turning the phone on and off

Zak is looking at a cumulative record pattern generated by a study his roommate is conducting. The pattern shows a high, steady slope with very few pauses. What type of reinforcement schedule is most likely being used in this study?

Variable ratio

In which of the following examples would you MOST likely see a steady rate of responding without any noticeable pauses?

a charitable organization receives a donation for every 10 or so phone calls it makes, on average

In second-order conditioning, _____ is paired with the neutral stimulus.

a conditioned stimulus

Researchers have suggested that many overdoses may be the result of:

a failure of tolerance due to the absence of the CS

According to the Premack principle, if a teenager would rather go shopping than clean her room:

allowing her to go shopping could be used as a reward for cleaning her room

Respondent conditioning occurs through the pairing of:

an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus

Behavior analysts recognize the importance of _____, but tend to focus more on _____.

biology; environment

The context of behavior can be defined as:

both the physiological and environmental conditions that surround a behavior

Most games of chance (gambling) in a casino are based on interval schedules. Selected Answer:


A reaction that usually resembles the unconditioned response, but is produced by a conditioned stimulus is a:

conditioned response

If food is presented every time a pigeon pecks a key then there is a ______ schedule of reinforcement.


A child is given a gold star every time she gets an "A" on a test. This is an example of:

continuous reinforcement

A bar-press response is reinforced when a cue light is on but not when it is off. In this case the discriminative stimulus (SD) is the

cue light being on

Spontaneous recovery following extinction does not occur in operant conditioning.


George is using a conditioning procedure where a light (the CS) is turned on for one second. 250 milliseconds before the light is turned off, a brief puff of air (US) is blown into the eye of his participants. This is an example of:

delay conditioning

Your new blender makes a noise somewhat similar to the sound of the can opener, but your smart cat doesn't even get up from the sofa when she hears it. She is exhibiting:


The major difference between reaction chains and fixed action patterns is:

each set of responses in a reaction chain requires an appropriate stimulus to set it off

The term "partial reinforcement effect" refers to the fact that intermittent reinforcement schedules

extinguish more slowly than continuous reinforcement schedules

After receiving a painful shot from a male nurse in a white uniform, 3-yr-old Miguel experiences fear of any man wearing a white uniform, including his uncle, a naval officer. Miguel's reaction best illustrates


Little Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat: the experimenters made a loud, scary noise each time the rat was put near Albert. Afterward, the experimenters realized that Albert was afraid of all white objects. This result is an example of:


Newborns turn their head in the direction of something that touches their cheek, often called the rooting response. This is an example of:

innate reflexes

The behavior of an organism:

is everything an organism does, including thinking and feeling

Which of the following is an example of a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement?

looking at your watch as the lunch time approaches

According to the law of effect, Thorndike s cats learned to escape the puzzle box because:

making the correct sequence of responses led to a desirable outcome

When two CSs are presented together and predict a US, subjects usually

mostly respond to one CS

Consider the following example: "Kendra stays out past curfew. As a result of her tardiness, her parents take away her privileges to go out for two weeks. In the future when Kendra goes out she makes sure to come home on time." This is an example of _______.

negative punishment

When your daughter uses a swear word, you take away her Xbox (video game console) for two days. This is an example of:

negative punishment

Consider the following example: "Joanne is very fair skinned. She used to get sunburned at the beach, but after trying sunscreen and avoiding the sunburn experience, she now always puts on sunscreen before she goes to the beach." This is best described as an example of ______.

negative reinforcement

Jack finally takes out the garbage in order to get his father to stop pestering him; it works and Jack starts taking out the garbage more often to avoid that pestering in the future. Jack's behavior is being influenced by

negative reinforcement

Drug addicts continue taking drugs in part to avoid the unpleasant effects of withdrawal. In this case, the behavior of taking drugs is being:

negatively reinforced

When considering a baby's babbling being reinforced by the parent so the child will ultimately be able to produce language, attempts at speech are _____ behavior.


Consider the following example: "Bob is running late for work so he drives faster than usual. As a result of his increased speed, Bob is pulled over by a police officer and gets yelled at by the officer. The next time Bob is running late for work he drives at the correct speed." This is best described as an example of _____.

positive punishment

When something desirable is presented upon the occurrence of a behavior, and as a result that behavior is strengthened, ______ has happened.

positive reinforcement

When your little sister got angry and threw a temper tantrum over the candy she wanted, your mother gave her the candy so that she would calm down. Unfortunately, your sister's temper tantrums have become more common. Your sister's temper tantrums have been:

positively reinforced

The process of providing consequences for a behavior that decrease the probability of that behavior is called:


Extinction of a CR involves:

repeated presentations of the CS without the US

Many people learn to fear the sound of a dentist's drill through:

respondent conditioning

Conditioned emotional responses (like increase in heart rate, perspiration, or a change in blood pressure) that happen automatically to a stimulus are examples of _____.


If you wanted to use shaping to train your new puppy to come when you call her name, you would call her name and then:

reward her first when she looks at you, then for turning towards you, and then for taking a few steps in your direction

Darren is trying to get his young son to eat his peas. At first, Darren praises him whenever he moves his fork near the peas; after the child does this reliably, Darren praises him only if he actually puts a pea on his fork; then Darren s praise is only given when the child puts a pea on his fork and moves the fork toward his mouth. Darren carries on this way until the child eats his peas. Darren is using _____ to get his son to eat his peas.


If you give a rat a treat for successive approximations of a complex behavior, until it finally starts doing that complex behavior, you are using:


A negative reinforcer is something:

taken away after a response that increases the probability of the response occurring

In a trace conditioning procedure

the US is not presented until after the CS is gone

A researcher examined the possibility that additional recess time would increase the number of math facts learned over a 1-month period. The procedure tested this hypothesis using a first-grade classroom with standard recess time and a first-grade classroom with extended recess time. In this study, the number of math facts learned would be considered:

the dependent variable

Analysis of behavior becomes experimental when it involves:

the manipulation of a condition to see how behavior is affected

The rate at which a response occurs before reinforcement is introduced is referred to as

the operant level or baselin

If a little boy can hear his mother moving around in the kitchen downstairs in the morning, he can be fairly certain that if he gets up now, he'll be rewarded with breakfast. The discriminative stimulus (SD) in this example is:

the sounds of the mother moving around

Spontaneous recovery refers to:

the tendency for a previously extinct CS-CR relation to reappear after a period has elapsed since the last presentation of the CS

Progressive-ratio (PR) schedules are frequently used to evaluate:

the value of a reinforcer, determined by the breakpoint

Blocking occurs when an added stimulus is redundant in terms of predicting the US.


In a backward conditioning procedure, the US comes before the CS.


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