Exam 1 ch1-4

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Based on your knowledge of basic geometric relationships, the actual surface area to volume ratio


What is the OH- concentration of a solution having a pH of 2?

1 x 10^-12

A pH of 4 is __________ times more __________ than a pH of 7.

1000; acidic

Figure 2-1 Use the figure below to answer the corresponding question(s). (picture of carbon) The atomic mass of the atom identified as A in Figure 2-1 is:


An atom has six protons and eight neutrons. Its atomic mass is __________ atomic mass units.


Identify the hydrogen ion concentration that represents the lowest pH from the following list:


In Figure 3-2, ionic bonds would form between the R groups of which amino acids?

2 and 4

The largest and most complex assembly of proteins in the eukaryotic cell, consisting of 30 different proteins, is the __________.

Nuclear pore

Which of the following statements concerning steroids is FALSE?

They are always detrimental to living organisms.

Which of the following statements concerning unsaturated fats is correct?

They are generally liquid at room temperature.

Which one of the following is a characteristic of asexual, as opposed to sexual, reproduction?

a cell splitting in half

The difference between a hexose and a pentose is that:

a hexose always has six carbons, but a pentose always has five carbons

It is advantageous for cells to be small because:

a small cell has a small volume relative to surface area, thereby increasing efficient transport

A hypothesis is:

a tentative explanation

The cis face of the Golgi complex is most directly involved in which of the following?

accepting vesicles from the ER

As a result of testing an experimental drip on a vertebrate cell, you notice that the cell cortex becomes more fluid, and although the cell remains strong, it loses its ability to move. Based on this evidence, you correctly conclude that the drug most directly affected:

actin filaments

When a small amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to a solution of Na2HPO4, the pH of the solution does not change markedly. The pH also does not change drastically when a small amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is added to this same solution. Based on these observations, the compound Na2HPO4 is:

acting as a buffer

A stalk of celery is placed in a solution of blue colored dye. After one hour, the leaves have blue fluid in their veins. Which property of water is being demonstrated?

adhesion and cohesion

This functional group is weakly basic because it can accept an H+ ion:


A salt is a compound in which the hydrogen ion of __________ is replaced by some other cation.

an acid

This characteristic of a molecule determines the ability of hydrogen bonds to form between it and hydrogen:

an atom with a partial negative charge

The difference between an electrically neutral atom and an ion is that:

an ion has an unequal number of protons and electrons, while an atom has an equal number

When tissues organize into functional structures they form:

an organ

Carbohydrate molecules:

are a source of energy

The cell theory states that all living organisms:

are composed of basic units called cells

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation of Burchell's zebras to their environment?

asexual reproduction

Which of the following is the most basic level of chemical organization?


One function of peroxisomes involves the process of:


The force necessary to cause microtubules of cilia and flagella to slide alongside one another is provided through the action of __________ proteins, which derive the energy to perform their work directly from __________ molecules.

dynein; ATP

Proteins with alpha-helical forms exhibit this property:


If we want to examine the effect of a fertilizer on the size of zucchini produced, we would need to establish both experimental and control groups. The experimental group has all the following: soil, fertilizer, water, sun, and zucchini seeds. The control group for this experiment would have all of the same components except:


You want to determine the location of a specific protein in a cell using a colored stain. Which of the following is the best technique for this purpose?

fluorescence microscopy

Information in living organisms can be transmitted by:

genes, hormones, neurotransmitters

The two molecules in the following figure represent:

geometric isomers

A carbohydrate energy storage molecule found in animal liver and muscle cells is:


In which of the following reactions must the equivalent of a water molecule be added in order to break a bond?

glycogen → glucose

Which of the following molecules is not grouped with the lipids?


A eukaryotic cell:

has a variety of membranous organelles

If you partially hydrogenate oleic acid, the resulting molecule most likely would:

have a double bond changed from cis to trans.

One strategy that allows larger cells to have an effective surface area to volume ratio is:

having thin, finger-like projections

The highly polarized nature of compounds containing carboxyl groups can be attributed to the presence of two:

highly electronegative oxygen atoms

If a particular protein were being produced in excess of the cell's needs, then __________ mechanisms intervene to stop production.


The process whereby water molecules surround ions during the process of dissolving is called:


The covalent bond between a hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom in water is formed when:

hydrogen and oxygen share an electron pair

Which characteristic of water molecules directly contributes to the remarkable "water walking" success of the aquatic insects pictured in the accompanying figure?

hydrogen bonds

Which of the following is responsible for the alpha-helical structure of proteins?

hydrogen bonds

The process illustrated in Figure 3-1 is called:


Any chemical interaction between atoms:

involves only valence electrons

Which characteristic of water makes the existence of pH possible?


Which component becomes oxidized in the following chemical reaction? 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2O3


A prokaryotic cell differs from a eukaryotic cell in that a prokaryotic cell:

is exemplified by bacteria

An atom becomes a cation if:

it loses one or more electron

Homeostasis in living organisms involves processes that:

maintain a constant internal environment

A covalent bond:

may be polar or nonpolar depending on the atoms involved.

Using the Linnaean system of nomenclature, corn is named Zea mays. In this name, the specific epithet is:


Radioisotopes are used in all of the following scientific applications except:

measuring the pH of the blood.

Which of the following is NOT a major theme of biology?

mechanisms of disease

You isolate a cellular structure and determine that it is composed of a-tubulin and b-tubulin. Based on this evidence, you correctly identify this structure as:


Which of the following is a key component of the cytoskeleton?


Which of the following is(are) composed of a gluelike polysaccharide called pectin and is located between the primary walls of adjacent plant cells?

middle lamella

Which of the following organelles plays an important role in apoptosis, or programmed cell death?


Which of the following functions would most likely be occurring in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in Figure 4-2?

molecular chaperone activity

Figure 2-2 represents:

molecular hydrogen

Which pair is mismatched?


Cilia and flagella are most directly involved in:


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living organisms?


The ultimate source of genetic variation within a population is:

mutations in DNA

Isotopes differ from each other with respect to the number of:

neutrons only

Covalently bonded atoms with similar electronegativities are:


The following amino acid would be characterized as __________ based on the chemical properties of its side chain.


This molecule transmits heredity information:

nucleic acid

Which pair matches the correct macromolecule with the bond that joins its subunits?

nucleic acid-phosphodiester linkage

When a nucleic acid undergoes hydrolysis, the resulting subunits are:


A single cell in a smoker's lung has become cancerous. It doubles its DNA and divides much faster than a normal lung cell. The most likely change that would have caused this condition took place in the:


The difference between the two atoms in Figure 2-1 is:

number of neutrons

The chemical behavior of an atom is determined by the:

number of valence electrons

Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than either the human eye or any light microscope because:

of the very short (nanometer) wavelengths of electrons

Chlorine has seven electrons in its valence shell. The number of electrons it must gain to complete its valence shell is:


One of the conclusions drawn from Darwin's theory of evolution is that:

organisms living today descended with modifications from previously existing forms

Molecular chaperones are proteins that mediate the folding process of:

other proteins

In a water molecule, because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, the shared electrons are more commonly found around the __________ nucleus more often than the __________ nucleus.

oxygen and hydrogen

All of the following types of chemical bonds are responsible for maintaining the tertiary structure of this polypeptide except:

peptide bonds

The type of connection between the atoms at the point labeled 1 in Figure 3-3 is:

phosphodiester linkage

The most abundant molecules in this structure are:


In the deductive approach to scientific thought processes, we begin with __________ and make __________ based on that information.

premises and conclusions

Which of the following represents the pattern of energy flow within an ecosystem?

producers, consumers, decomposers

If a toxin, such as a bacterial toxin, destroys ribosomes, what cellular activity will be affected first?

protein synthesis

You discover an organism that is eukaryotic, unicellular, and photosynthetic. Based on this evidence you correctly assign this organism to the:

protist group

If the differently shaded portions of this molecule represent different polypeptide chains, then this figure is representative of:

quaternary structure of a protein

Membrane-bounded organelles facilitate faster chemical reactions because:

reactants are within close proximity to each other

Which of the following has a pH closest to that of human blood?

sea water

Differential centrifugation is a process that:

separates components of the cell that have different densities

Which of the following is NOT a concept or term related to the flow of energy through living systems?

sexual reproduction

The type of bond illustrated in Figure 2-2 is:

single covalent bond

In the formation of common table salt, sodium and chlorine interact because:

sodium donates one electron to chlorine

It takes 1 calorie of heat to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius at sea level. This is referred to as the __________ of water.

specific heat

All of the following functions are performed by plant vacuoles EXCEPT

storage of nucleic acids

The formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water occurs in the portion of the chloroplast called the:


The representation H-O-H is known as:

structural formula

Reductionism refers to the method of investigating structures by:

studying the parts of the structures

One benefit of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that:

the interaction of the genes from both parents brings about genetic variation

A molecule of a saturated triacylglycerol contains:

the maximum number of hydrogen atoms in the fatty acid chains

Table salt dissolves easily in water because:

the partial positive charge of the hydrogens in the water molecule can associate with the negative charge of the chloride ion, and the partial negative charge of the oxygen of the water molecule can associate with the positive charge of the sodium atom.

The difference between a stable isotope and a radioisotope is that:

the radioisotope emits radiation

Which of the following illustrates hydrolysis?

the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids

The term sampling error refers to inaccuracies in an experiment due to:

the test being conducted on a very small population of test subjects

Amino acids are important biological buffers because:

their amino and carboxyl groups can accept and release protons (H+ ).

The chemical interactions of large organic molecules are largely determined by:

their functional groups

Monosaccharides are water soluble because:

they have a large number of polar hydroxyl groups

Which of the following is NOT true of lipids?

they have many oxygen-containing functional groups

The hydrolysis of triacylglycerol will yield:

three fatty acids and one glycerol

An individual flattened membrane within the chloroplast is called the:


Some white blood cells can engulf bacteria. The engulfed bacteria are encased in a vesicle formed from the plasma membrane. This vesicle fuses with a primary lysosome. The new combined vesicle is now called a secondary lysosome. The reason for forming a secondary lysosome is:

to mix the pathogens with strong hydrolytic enzymes and destroy them.

Figure 2-1 represents

two isotopes of the same element

ATP is important in living organisms because:

it can transfer some of its energy to other chemicals and thus serves as the primary energy currency of all cells.

Glucose dissolves in water because:

it has polar hydroxyl groups that interact with polar water molecules

The ratio of the size of the image seen with the microscope to the actual size of the object is called:


In living organisms, chemical reactions responsible for growth, repair, and nutrition are collectively referred to as:


The organelle featured in Figure 4-3:

plays a central role in energy metabolism

All of the members of the same species occupying the same area at the same time constitute:


Which of the following terms includes the fewest species of organisms?


In Darwin's theory of evolution, adaptation involves changes in:


If an organism is eukaryotic, then by definition it will:

possess a nucleus

Refer to Figure 4-2. The rough endoplasmic reticulum indicated by the arrow is responsible for:

protein synthesis

DNA most directly determines which __________ are made by a cell.


The accompanying figure is the product of a:

scanning electron microscope

Which covalent bond involves only 2 electrons:


Amyloplasts are organelles that store:



synthesize complex molecules from CO2, water, and energy.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum:

synthesizes lipids

Which of the following is NOT a term related to information transfer in living systems?


Figure 1-1 Use the figure to answer the corresponding question(s). Sequence B in Figure 1-1 represents:

the control group

Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic because:

the covalent bonds between hydrogen and carbon are nonpolar

Figure 1-1 Use the figure to answer the corresponding question(s). Sequence A in Figure 1-1 represents:

the experimental group

When a chemical reaction is at dynamic equilibrium:

the forward and reverse reactions are proceeding at equal rates

Which scientist first viewed living cells?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

To what group do I belong? I am neither prokaryotic nor photosynthetic, and I obtain nutrients by secreting digestive enzymes into my environment.


The scanning electron microscope differs from the transmission electron microscope in that the scanning electron microscope:

Gives a three dimensional image of the object being studied

Proteins made on ribosomes may be further modified within the:

Golgi complex

The __________ can be considered a sorting, processing and packaging center.

Golgi complex

Which component is the oxidizing agent in the following chemical reaction? 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2O3


Which of the following statements is true of proteins?

Proteins lose some or all of their normal activity if their three-dimensional structure is disrupted.

The primary difference between the amino acids commonly found in proteins is in their:

R or variable groups

Nucleoli contain chromosomal regions that specialize in making:


The molecular fragment represented in Figure 3-3 is:


Which of the following elements is NOT responsible for a significant portion of the mass of living organisms?


Which of the following descriptions or structures does NOT match the cell type?

Smallest cell are egg cells

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

The 2nd energy level contains a maximum of 10 electrons.

Which of the following statements concerning van der Waals interactions is FALSE:

They are very strong

Which of the following is NOT true of proteins?

They contain the code or the "recipe" for making other molecules that are important for life processes.

Which of the following statements concerning centrioles is FALSE?

They have a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules.

Similar orders are placed in the same class.


Which of the following statements is not correct?

Water heats up and cools down very quickly.

Biological growth involves an increase in:

both the number and size of cells

The molecular mass of C6H12O6 is 180 amu. 0.25 moles of this substance contain:


At what temperature is water most dense?


How many molecules are present in one mole of C6H12O6?

6.02 x 10^23 molecules

The organism in the accompanying figure can be classified as: (Bird on scale)

A bird

Identify the chemical(s) that act(s) as a buffer in human blood:


Which of the following statements about Figure 4-1 is true?

Figure B has a smaller surface area to volume ratio than Figure A.

Which of the following is not a property of carbon?

Carbon-to-carbon bonds are limited to single bonds.

All of the following are associated with the process of evolution but which of these statements best defines the overall process of evolution?

Changing of populations over time

A cellular structure found in plant but not animal cells is the:


In all organisms, hereditary information is encoded within __________ molecules.


Which of the following statements best summarizes the differences between RNA and DNA?

DNA comprises the genes, while RNA is a direct participant in the process of protein synthesis

Organisms that are sessile as adults:

Do not move from place to place

When you use deductive reasoning you draw conclusions from specific observations.


Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Integrins- receptors

Analysis of a certain polymer shows that it contains phosphate groups, ribose sugars, and pyrimidines. Based on this information, which of the following is the best description of this compound?

It is most likely ribonucleic acid

As you move one step higher in the hierarchical classification system, similar families of organisms are next grouped together in the same:


Which of the following is NOT true of hormones?

They are a type of gene

An amphipathic molecule has:

a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic portion.

The domain Eukarya includes all of the following EXCEPT:


Evidence that all living cells have a common origin is provided by:

basic similarities in cell structure and chemistry

A solution having a pH of 6 would:

be slightly acidic

The science of life is:


The structures in the micrograph are:

both cilia and flagella

An element is defined as a substance that:

cannot be broken into simpler substances by chemical reactions

Which of these terms is most inclusive?


Which of the following is produced via the process of cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide

A chemical reaction in which monomers become covalently linked and thus synthesizes polymers from their building blocks is called:


The main process that occurs at the site of the structures marked by arrows in Figure 4-3 is:

conversion of food molecules to ATP

A good hypothesis:


Evaporative cooling is a process whereby __________ moving __________ molecules vaporize, thus __________ large amounts of heat.

fast; water; removing

In a chemical reaction, the product is:

generally written on the right side and is the substance generated by the reaction

The cohesiveness between water molecules is due largely to:

hydrogen bonds

Which of the following stimuli most directly causes the Venus flytrap to catch an insect?


The number of electron pairs shared between carbon 2 and 3 in the accompanying figure is:


The structures indicated by the arrows in Figure 4-3 are:


Which of the following is NOT a cell covering or part of a cell covering?


If glycine and alanine undergo condensation, the new bond that is formed is between the:

carbon of the carboxyl group and the nitrogen of the amino group

You isolate a compound that is insoluble in water, has alternating single and double bonds, and has a bright orange color. You correctly conclude that this compound is a:


Which of the following is NOT a concept or term related to evolution?

cellular respiration

Which one of the following carbohydrates is the most structurally complex?


Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

centrosome-cell division

Which of the following structures would not be found in cells of a plant's roots?


The theory that chloroplasts and mitochondria had their evolutionary beginnings in eukaryotic cells as endosymbionts is supported by all of the following EXCEPT:

chloroplasts and mitochondria are completely autonomous within eukaryotic cells

DNA is associated with proteins, forming a complex called:


A glycoprotein destined for secretion from the cell would move through the Golgi complex in this sequence:

cis face to medial region to trans face

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